The birds of Taiwan (6) 台灣的鳥類 (6)


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of Taiwan (6)Muller's Barbet Feeding Kids台灣的鳥類 (6)五色鳥育雛

All photos taken by攝影:神奇 Jack

The photos copyright belongs to original author照片版權歸屬於原作者


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The English name of bird is Muller's Barbet, body length 20 cm, big head , thick mouth and the feather brightly colored. There are five colors between head and neck, blue, red, yellow, black, green, so that called "Muller's Barbet" or "Five colors birds."

五色鳥英文名 Muller's Barbet ,體長 20 公分,頭大嘴粗,全身色彩鮮豔,頭頸間有藍、紅、黃、黑、綠五種顏色,故稱「五色鳥」。

The birds breeding from March to August every year, first of all, will select the appropriate trees or dead wood pecking holes for the nest, generally builded nest need about 5 to 10 days, male and female birds will peck hole alternately !

五色鳥在每年 3~8 月繁殖,會先選擇適合的樹木或枯木啄洞築巢,一般啄洞築巢大約 5~10 天,公母鳥會接力啄洞!

Muller's Barbet 五色鳥

Pecking hole for build nest. 啄洞築巢

Male and female birds pecking hole alternately 公鳥母鳥輪流接替啄洞

Laying 3 to 4 eggs each time, male and female birds take turns incubate the eggs, the time need about two weeks.每次產蛋 3~4 枚,由公鳥母鳥輪流孵蛋,大約需要兩星期的時間。

Hey! it's my turn to incubate the eggs.嘿!輪到我孵蛋了。

Take out of the egg shell, confirmed the baby birds have hatched. 叼出蛋殼,證實鳥寶寶已經孵出了。

It's busy to catch insects feeding babies.忙碌抓取昆蟲餵食幼鳥

Wow! one baby died. 哇!一隻幼鳥夭折

Feeding the baby birds 餵食小鳥

Throw away the garbage 拋棄垃圾

Lovely baby birds 可愛的小鳥

Baby bird have grown up 小鳥已經長大了

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changcy0326 Music : Meditation from Thais - Zamfir