Business quiz


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Venustraphobia / Caligynephobia is the fear of what ?

Fear of beautiful women

Think different is the slogan of which company ?

World’s largest university by enrollment ?

Indira Gandhi national Open university


All Day I Dream About Sports

Simply clever is the slogan of which automobile company ?

World’s oldest Aircraft carrier ?

Recently in which city India’s 1st multi sports museum was inaugurated ?


After Apple , Google , Microsoft which is the most valuable brand around the world ?

Black forest is in which country ?


Inida’s first experimental remote sensing satellite. Carried TV and microwave cameras ?

Bhaskara Sega-1 (7-6-1979)

Which was observed on 29th January to spread awarness about eradicating polio ?

National Immunization day

Who launched the whatsapp helpline to address grievances of Army personnel ?

Army chief Gen.Bipin Rawat

Peugeot maker PSA agrees to acquire which European brand ?