Telemarketing is Dead - Leading Results and Impole



Telemarketing for leads just isn't cost effective, but there are really effective ways to use the telephone.

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Telemarke(ng  is  Dead  Long  Live  the  Telephone  

Dan  Kraus,  Leading  Results  Pat  Lysak,  Impole  Corpora(on    

Business Development issues our clients are facing

Challenge 1: No Focus On Differentiation •  Company WOW is indistinct •  Sales & Marketing talk about generic features &

benefits •  Deals are won/lost on price

Challenge 2: Lack of Repeatable Process •  No Process for nurturing early-stage prospects •  No Process for creating repeatable, sustainable

customer delight •  No Process for creating additional current-

customer sales

Challenge 3: Ideal Customer is Anyone.. •  No clarity and focus to messaging •  No consistent feedback loops •  No referabilty

Challenge 4: No Systematic Approach for Finding New Customers •  No content repurposing •  Website underperforms •  “Hope” for referrals •  Traditional Marketing programs underperform •  Inbound Marketing Lead are “bad”

Challenge 5: No Calendar

•  Marketing activity of the month is the plan

•  No consistent way of getting the message out

•  No consistent value-based follow up

The Big Problem

Business Growth is unpredictable and inconsistent

Its not your Tactics…

…Its the lack of Strategy

When  you  explain  to  people  what  you're  trying  to  do,  as  opposed  to  just  making  demands  or  delega(ng  tasks,  you  can  build  instant  trust,  even  if  it's  just  for  that  short  (me  you're  on  the  phone.  

       -­‐  Simon  Sinek    


Ø GeJng  the  right  coordinates  for  the  target  Ø ALrac(ng  ALen(on  Ø Moving  Prospects  through  the  Buying  Process  Ø The  Ecsta(c  Sales  Team  Ø The  Delighted  Customer  

Who  is  Impole  

•  Sales  enablement  organiza(on  focused  on  developing  account  intelligence  

•  Both  primary  &  secondary  research  •  For  over  30  years  on  behalf  of  both  Fortune  500  companies  

and  start  ups  •  Operate  on  a  global  basis,  HQ  in  Waltham,  MA  •  Use  the  phone  as  the  medium  •  Proven  processes  to  mesh  the  solu(on,  the  message  and  the  

market  •  Drive  the  front  end  to  the  sales  process.  We  are  a  tool!  

Leading  Results  

•  Marke(ng  services  agency  –  coaching,  consul(ng  and  doing    »  Outsourced  BizDev  Strategy  &  Execu(on  »  1:1  Coaching  &  Consul(ng,  Group  Coaching  »  Frac(onal  VP  Marke(ng  Services  »  Bite  Sized  Business  Development  

•  Hubspot  Gold  Partner  •  Authorized  Duct  Tape  Marke(ng  Consultants  •  Headquartered  in  CharloLe,  NC  •  Clients  through  14  (me  zones  •  We  help  you  stop  was(ng  money  on  marke(ng  that  doesn’t  

get  results  

Leading  Results  Core  Mantra  

•  Don't  talk  about  the  products  you  sell;  talk  about  the  problems  you  solve.      

•  Then  talk  about  the  remarkably  different  way  that  I  will  experience  working  with  you  as  you  solve  those  problems.    

•  Be  sure  you  tell  me  what  I  get;  NOT  what  you  do.    Because  I  don't  have  (me  to  figure  out  if  what  I  need  is  what  you  do.    

The  Face  of  Lead  Genera(on  has  Changed  

What  are  the  right  target  coordinates?  

You  Need:  •  Ideal  customer  profile  (business  type)  •  Buyer  personas  •  Insights  to  share  

Figuring  Out  Your  Ideal  Client  

Anyone? Anyone? Any…one?

Ideal  Customer  (aka:  target  market)  

•  What  it  should  not  be:  »  Anyone  with  money  »  Anyone  in  a  certain  city  or  town  »  Anyone  that  wants  to  buy  x  »  Anyone….  

What  is  an  ideal  target?    

•   Values you •  Align with the company vision

•  Profitable •  Not just money

•  Refers •  To other ideal


Personas Buyer personas are fictional representations of our ideal customer. They come from a composite of research and experience and remind us of the unique human element of our ideal customer audience


Essentials of a Good Persona •  It is NOT a title •  It is not made up: research + experience •  “They” have a personality •  It evolves over time

Customer  Needs  &  Problems  

Company  Exper(se,  Insights  &  Value  

Marke(ng  &                    Sales  Focused  


Insights  to  Share  

Build  a  Good  List  

Why? •  Develop critical account knowledge •  Increase sales rep productivity •  Accelerate sales process

“Nearly 60% of a typical purchasing decision—researching solutions, ranking options, setting requirements, benchmarking, pricing, and so on [happen]—before even having a conversation with a supplier.”

Build  a  List  

•  Building  a  Suspect  List  is  more  than  email  addresses  

Build  a  Good  List  

Iden(fy  best  prospects  •  Your list needs new data – requiring insights from inside

the accounts to learn if they match your criteria

»  Use  the  Phone  for  Research  •  Technology  environment  •  Sa(sfac(on  with  current  solu(ons    • Where  are  they  in  the  buy  cycle  •  Psychographics  

ALrac(ng  ALen(on  

Key  Elements  for  Success  

Measure,    review  &  op(mize    

Unrecognized  need    

Recognized  need  Informa8on  gathering  

Decision  to  pursue  a  solu(on    Due  diligence  &  consider  op8ons  

Decision  to  solve  or  not  solve  Implement  &  learn  to  use  

Support  access  

Buyers Journey

Move  Prospects  down  the  path  

•  Qualify  Stage  •  Nurture  

»  Email    »  Phone    »  Social    

Move  Prospects  down  the  path  

•  What  do  you  do  when  the  prospect  is  a  great  fit  but  they  are  not  responding  to  email  or  social  media?  »  Direct  interac8on  required  

•  Iden(fy  the  personas  to  nurture  •  Fully  understand  their  needs  •  Educate  them  about  how  you  solve  their  problem  

Move  Prospects  down  the  path  

Nurture  Accounts  –    

•  In the best B2B sales process, the sales person is NOT looking for “BANT” anymore. It is no longer a solutions sell- it is an insight sell.

•  Start interacting! What problem do you solve for the prospect?

Move  Prospects  down  the  path  

Marke(ng  Nurtures                                                                                                                    Sales  wants  to  prospect  un(l                                  receive  well    un(l  ready  for                                                                                                                                        qualified  leads    sales  team  …                                                                                                                                              by  their                                                                                                                                                                                                defini(on.  

Move  Prospects  down  the  path  

Definition of MQL •  Meets criteria determined by your company

definition of lead process •  Contact has:

•  Downloaded white paper •  Inquired for further information •  Indicated interest in sales contact

Move  Prospects  down  the  path  

•  Definition of SQL •  Develop specific criteria •  Understand each account:

• Environment • Current solution • Drivers for new solutions • Buy cycle, readiness to engage

•  Requires direct contact with account

Move  Prospects  down  the  path  

Marke(ng  Nurtures                                                                                                                    Sales  wants  to  prospect  un(l                                  receive  well    un(l  ready  for                                                                                                                                        qualified  leads    sales  team  …                                                                                                                                              by  their                                                                                                                                                                                                defini(on.  

Move  prospects  down  a  path  

Star sales people evaluate prospects according to criteria different from those used by other reps, Target agile organizations in a state of flux rather than ones with a clear understanding of their needs.

What  happens  when  Sales  gets  SQLs?  

•  Makes  them  happy!  J  •  They  follow  up  •  Marke(ng  team  is  a  heroJ  

Closed  Customer  

•  Customer  Sa(sfac(on  Measurement/Mgmt  »  Telephone  surveys  &  Follow  up  »  Net  Promoter  »  Follow  up  to  each  interac(on  

Measure,    review  &  op(mize    

Unrecognized  need    

Recognized  need  

Informa(on  gathering  

Decision  to  pursue  a  solu(on    

Due  diligence  &  consider  op(ons  

Decision  to  solve  or  not  solve  

Purchase,  Implement,  ac(vate  

Support/Help  access  


rs J



Inbound  Marke(ng/SEO  

Phone  Follow  Up  

Nurture  Marke(ng  

Phone  Follow  Up  


Phone  Follow  Up  

Consul(ng  /  Services  

Final  Offer  

If  you’d  like  to  improve  your  business  development  process….    

No  Obliga8on  30  Minute  Review  of  Your  Overall  Sales  and  Marke8ng  Process  &  


Email  us:  

 Dan  Kraus        Pat  Lysak