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Digital Graphics File FormatsCameron Barnes

Raster GraphicsRaster graphics are digital images created or captured for example by

scanning in a photo as a set of samples of a given space. Raster are made up of bitmaps. Bitmaps are made up pixels the bitmap images have fixed resolution. It separates the image into millions of little squares and then records the colour that the part of the image should be. When getting a picture of the internet it becomes pixalated this is because its been compressed into less megapixels. Raster file are bigger then vector files. A raster file is usually difficult to modify without loss of information, although there are software tools that can convert a raster file into a vector file for refinement and changes.

Vector GraphicsVector graphics is the use of geometrical primitives such as points, lines,

curves, and shapes or polygons all of which are based on mathematical expressions to represent images in computer graphics. Vector graphics are based on vectors also called paths, which lead through locations called control points or nodes. Each of these points has a definite position on the x and y axes of the work plane and determines the direction of the path; further, each path may be assigned a stroke colour, shape, thickness, and fill. These properties don't increase the size of vector graphics files in a substantial manner, as all information resides in the document's structure, which describes solely how the vector should be drawn. Vector graphics can be magnified infinitely without loss of quality, while pixel-based graphics cannot.

Raster Graphics

JPEGStands For Joint photographic experts group

Used For/Example Jpeg are used for photographs and web formats.

Advantage high controlled degree of compression. The user independently selects the ratio quality/file size small file size format is compatible and it is displayed correctly in any browsers, text and graphics programs, on all computers, tablets and mobile devices suitable for full-colour realistic images with a lot of colour and contrast transitions picture quality is high with small degree of compression.

Disadvantage image may fall apart into individual squares pixel blocks when you squeeze it. This occurs because compression algorithm involves analysis of neighbouring pixels, due to this smooth colour transitions may become harsh or just disappear JPEG is less suitable for working with text or monochrome graphics with clear boundaries format does not support transparency and In case of drawing templates, logos, buttons it’s necessary every next step of compressing the image degrades its quality .

TIFFStands For Tagged Image file format

Used For/Example The ability to store image data in a lossless format. Desktop publishing

Advantage Uncompressed image retains maximum amount of image data from the camera. Can be compressed to reduce file sizes using mathematical algorithms such as ZIP or TAR without loss of image data Can also use loss compression such as JPG algorithms to reduce file size. Recognised format by most computers, cross compatible with both MAC and PC’s. Standard format for printing either at home or dedicated Photo lab. Can embed colour space profiles as well as ITPC Metadata

Disadvantage Large file sizes, around 20mb for a 10 megapixel image, so larger storages devices needed for long term archival use. Good specification computer needed to process and load images. Most website and online images galleries do not support tiff uploading. Slow speeds when transferring to online galleries that do support TIFF files

GIFStands For Graphics interchange format

Used For/Example Used for short digital animations, often on the internet.

Advantage There are several advantages to using animated GIFs and the first is that they have relatively small file sizes; this means that they can be used easily online as they can load quicker and still have a good quality. As well as small file sizes GIFs also support transparent backgrounds and therefore can help show a professional look to a website with an animation over a different background. Another advantage of GIFs is that can show something in a better way than would normally be possible as they can show emotions and movement which a still image may not be able to, this might also be helpful when creating tutorial animations. This also ties in with the fact that using GIF files can entice different, younger audiences as the children may be amused by these animations.

Disadvantage Although animated GIFs have advantages they also have their disadvantages as they only have a maximum colour palette of 256 colours so therefore can sometimes look of a poorer quality than other types of file or image. This can lead to the images having more ‘blocky’ colours and also looking slightly pixelated. Another disadvantage of using animated GIFs is that once the animation has been coded into the actual GIF file there is no way to go back and edit the image. This may lead to having to start all over again to make a minor adjustment to an image. Although these images have small file sizes and therefore should run smoothly online they are also dependant on internet connection and could lead to the site they are used on looking less professional.

BMPStands For Bitmap image file

Used For/Example The BMP format stores color data for each pixel in the image without any compression. For example, a 10x10 pixel BMP image will include color data for 100 pixels.

Advantage Bitmap files may be easily created from existing pixel data stored in an array in memory. Retrieving pixel data stored in a bitmap file may often be accomplished by using a set of coordinates that allows the data to be conceptualized as a grid. Pixel values may be modified individually or as large groups by altering a palette if present. Bitmap files may translate well to dot format output devices such as CRTs and printers.

Disadvantage They can be very large, particularly if the image contains a large number of colours. Data compression can shrink the size of pixel data, but the data must be expanded before it can be used, and this can slow down the reading and rendering process considerably. Also, the more complex a bitmap image, large number of colours and minute detail, the less efficient the compression process will be. They typically do not scale very well. Shrinking an image by decimation, throwing away pixels can change the image in an unacceptable manner, as can expanding the image through pixel replication. Because of this, bitmap files must usually be printed at the resolution in which they were originally stored.

Vector Graphics

PSDStands For Photoshop document

Used For/Example It is used for image manipulation. For an example of what it is used for would be a front cover design or images for a magazine.

Advantage A format created by Adobe for Photoshop use, it contains all the original image data as well as any layers, adjustments and full image history. Ideal for use when processing images as a user can save the file and then go back to it at a later date.

Disadvantage Generally only recognised by Photoshop software and certain other image manipulation software. File sizes generally get really big.

AIStands For Adobe illustrated art

Used For/Example It is drawing program which is vector based. An example of this would be logos creation.

Advantage It allows you more flexibility with customizing the workspace. It comes with a user interface that allows custom viewing and enables space saving.Illustrator gives more control over text and its formatting with options like paragraph composing and Open Type fonts Using illustrator increases productivity as it allows for in-panel editing and use of multiple art boards at a time. As it is a vector based program it allows the creation of graphics that are scalable to any extent without losing resolution, with crisp and sharp lines that are perfect for print. Illustrator files are comparatively small in size so allow easy sharing, mailing and use.

Disadvantage Since it is a design software some amount of skill or training is require to master it. A good idea is to check out the numerous tutorials that are available by adobe itself or spend some time with the tools this program is loaded with to master it.To create photo realistic drawing the user must have oodles of patience and a keen eye for detail.

FLAStands For Flash file

Used For/Example It is used to create animations and games.

Advantage Can produce high quality files with a small file size. Can include sound and video. The Flash player is installed on a higher percentage of end user computers than any other video format.

Disadvantage You may have to convert files into a flash file. They are not as easy to preview. Other formats are faster than flash for an example would be windows media file.

WMFStands For Windows Metafile

Used For/Example It is used for logos and an example of that would be a company logo.

Advantage Can be scaled big or small as vectors have no loss in definition. Large, simply structured images require less memory than bitmaps for display and make optimal use of the resolution of the output device. A metafile can contain Select Palette statements, allowing custom palettes to be displayed in applications such as Microsoft Word.

Disadvantage Metafiles-within-metafiles are tricky to execute. Bitmaps used as components of metafiles will suffer all the disadvantages of resized bitmaps when the metafile which contains these bitmaps is resized. Few applications support direct editing of metafiles. Probably the most common are CorelDraw and Microsoft Draw.

File Format Capture and Optimising

CompressionDefinition A definition of compression is the way in

which file sizes are reduced by reducing the amount of information that is saved.

Advantage You don't lose any of the information and the output is an exact copy of the input. The files become smaller so you use up less space. Lees disk space, faster reading and writing. Faster file transfers. Variable dynamic range and byte order independent. Lower the compression the higher the quality.

Disadvantage Images become more pixalated as they are compressed as they save smaller amounts of colour squares each time. Added complication. Effects or errors in transmission. Slower for sophisticated methods. Need to compress all previous data. Higher the compression the lower the quality.

Example of compression

Low compression (high quality) High compression (low quality)

Method Scanner

An image scanner is able to scan and capture text, imagery and objects and then turn them

into a digital image, the most common scanners are flatbeds, this involves the object

or document being placed on a horizontal glass surface whilst a bright light illuminates the surface and subsequently the object on

the scanner is then converted to a digital image that can be seen and edited via the

connected computer.

You can digitise physical images

Method CameraDigital Cameras like scanners are capable of

image capture, except a digital camera is more transportable making them the preferable

choice, this is also down to the fact that a Digital Camera is able to capture images of everyday life compared to the Scanner which requires invariably a flat document. Digital Cameras capture the image and then immediately

present the image on the camera, the majority of modern cameras allow you to edit or filter

images that have been stored.

Takes pictures

Method Graphics Tablet

A graphics tablet is a device that you plug into the computer which enables the user to hand draw images as easy as drawing them on paper. it can also be used to trace images from paper, as long as the paper is strapped to the tablet. This is different to the other two because with a graphics tablet it's you personally creating something and being transferred to the PC, instead of doing most of the work for you. An example of using a scanner is when using a program like photo shop, if you're good at drawing then you would use a graphics tablet to draw what you wanted on to the program.

A piece if technology that allows you to control the mouse like a pen allowing for enhanced movements.

OptimisingWhy would you optimise? In computer science, program optimization or

software optimization is the process of modifying a software system to make some aspect of it work more efficiently or use fewer resources. In general, a computer program may be optimized so that it executes more rapidly, or is capable of operating with less memory storage or other resources, or draw less power.

How can you optimise? You can optimise by using a fast enough processor. Max out your RAM. Use a fast and large hard disk. You could use solid state disks which allows you to launch faster.

Advantage to optimising pictures uploaded to the internet are optimised to ensure easy viewing on the internet. Normally have a large size file that are not optimised. Optimise for web by changing image size in Photoshop. Reducing the resolution, the amount of pixels within the image.

Disadvantage to optimising the larger the file size the longer it takes to download. Image should not be more than 500 pixels wide. Reduce the image size and reduce the bit depth. Bit depth to the amount of bits used regarding the colour of the individual parts.


File SizeWhat could affect a Working Scale (Photoshop) document file size?

The more colour that is used the bigger the working scale. The amount of pixels would effect the image. The bigger the image the bigger the document size.

How could you reduce the file size of a Working Scale document without

affecting quality?

You could open the image you want to resize in photo shop. Then do file and then automate and select perfect resize. This will open the image in Perfect Size application. You can choose a preset from the left hand menu or enter your own size in Document Size. After entering the document size, you need to go to File Apply to save your changes and apply them to the file in Photoshop. Now you can export this file by saving it as a web image. Use a vector image as this can be used and re sized without any loss in quality.

What is an advantage of scaling up images before exporting?

You can see more detail within the picture that you are exporting. You get to see the image at a full scale before exporting it. Scaling up the picture allows you to get every aspect of the image.

What is a disadvantage of scaling up images before exporting?

It affects the all pixels that don't have important visual content. Due to the size of the file you might not be able to send the image. The lower the quality of the image.

How could you reduce the file size of a Working Scale document without affecting


File Naming ConventionsWhat naming conventions could you use when creating your video game assets?

Use a period to separate the base file name from the extension in the name of a directory or file. No white space. Do not end a file or directory name with a space or a period. For long file name use hyphenAny other character that the target file system does not allow.

Why is it a good idea to accurately name your assets?

It is a good idea to accurately name your assets so when you need to find them in the future you know what you are looking for. It makes it easier to find the file as you have named it. If you don't give the asset a accurate name you may have to go through all of your files to find it again. If you name it inaccurately you accidently delete it as you didn't know what the file was about.

Asset ManagementWhy would you use folders when storing

your assets?You would use folders to store the files within the folders. You can title the folders the broad title of all the work you want storing. Using folders makes it easier to find your documents. It keeps it all in one place so when carry out a search you are looking inside only one folder. It allows you to send and share your folders with friends or work colleagues if they are looking for information that you have. You can also email your folders to people if they are important.

What folders would you create and what would you save within them

I would create folders to store data that I need to get to without having to search. I would name them a title of which is relevant to the subject of the documents. I would make folders for different types of work. Like if I have work related stuff that would go into one folder and create a another one for home stuff.