文職及專業服務業----第四十一期 – 文職人員的工作健身操



文職及專業服務業----第四十一期 – 文職人員的工作健身操

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第 35 期


第 35 期


Sedentary and Professional Services

Safety and Health Bulletin




2013 年 11 月 • NOVEMBER 2013


Sedentary workers have to sit in the office for a long time. Those who need to use display screen equipment at work may even have to maintain the same posture for a prolonged period of time. With insufficient stretching and physical exercise, repetitive upper limb movements can, in the long run, cause such health problems as muscular injury, cervical disorder, and lumbar and back pain, impacting directly or indirectly on work efficiency and personal health. Therefore, sedentary workers are recommended not only to take regular breaks at work, but are also advised to do fitness exercises during work intervals to help relieve muscle strain and prevent musculoskeletal problems. This issue of Safety and Health Bulletin will introduce the benefits of stretching exercises and recommend some easy but useful fitness exercises suitable for sedentary workers before work or during break, which aims to help relieve mental stress and prevent musculoskeletal disorders.

文職人員的工作健身操Fitness Exercise for Sedentary Workers






健 身操的好處 Benefits of fitness exercise










The purpose of performing fitness exercises is to

stretch the muscles and improve body’s flexibility. Joint

flexibility will directly affect our daily activities, work or

exercise performance. Lack of joint flexibility will directly

or indirectly lead to degenerative change resulting in

osteoarthritis, spinal deformation or back pain and other

diseases and symptoms.





1. 增加日常生活、工作或運動的


2. 增加關節結構中血液及養份的


3. 增加關節滑液的質量

4. 增加神經與肌肉的協調

5. 減少肌肉僵硬的症狀

6. 減少腰背痛的毛病 7. 放鬆神經肌肉,減低精神壓力

8. 增加生活樂趣,積極面對人生

Therefore, joint flexibility can be improved if regular fitness

exercise is maintained. The benefits of fitness exercises

are listed as follows:

1. Enhance daily life, work or exercise ability and reduce the chance of injury during exercise

2. Increase blood and nutrient supply for the joint structure3. Increase the quality of synovial fluid around the joints4. Enhance neuromuscular coordination of body movement5. To reduce the symptoms of muscle stiffness6. Reduce back pain problems7. Promote neuromuscular relaxation and reduce mental

stress8. Make life more fun and face life with positive attitude

健 身操的基本步驟 Basic guidelines of fitness exercise





Before performing fitness exercises, you must clearly

understand the following basic principles and guidelines

of stretching exercises, which help to promote effective

workout and prevent musculoskeletal disorders.

1. 應穿著舒適及較鬆身的服飾

2. 應該選用靜態的伸展運動,




1. Put on comfortable and loose fitting clothing.

2. Perform static stretching exercises to ensure safe

and effective way to improve joint flexibility, and avoid

bouncing when performing stretching exercises.

3. 每星期最好針對身體不同的



作分別重複 3 至 4 次。留意



4. 伸展身體部位時,當肌肉感




3. Perform fitness exercises 3 times or more per week

with emphasis on different body parts. Repeat 3 to 4

times for each side of individual body parts. Attention

should be made to bilateral sides of the joints to

balance the stretching exercises.

4. When stretch the body parts, you will feel a slight

pulling force around. Try to maintain a few seconds for

the stretch. Keep breathing smoothly in the process.

有獎問答遊戲 Quiz:第 40 期文職系安全及健康通訊 Issue no.40 - Sedentary Workers Safety and Health Bulletin答案 Answer︰1. C 2. A 3. A 得獎者 Winners︰Pang Sui Kiu, Wong Kam Lan, Chu Pui Yan, Mui King Wah, Check Lai Fan

恭喜以上各得獎者,得獎者將獲專函通知領獎事宜。Congratulations to the above winners, winners will be notified separately in writing.


的 健 身 操, 文 職 人 員 可 參 考





Some simple and easy fitness exercises are introduced

below for Sedentary workers. The exercises are good

to relieve muscle strain at neck, shoulder and hands.

Sedentary workers can perform the exercises during

the work breaks in offices and also in the leisure time. It

helps to reduce fatigue and prevention musculoskeletal


頸部運動 Exercises for the neck

• 手臂自然下垂於兩側 Keep the arms relaxed at your

side.• 頭部輕輕往前傾,伸展後頸 Bend your head forward slightly to

stretch the neck.• 停頓5秒 Hold for 5 seconds.

• 手臂自然下垂於兩側 Keep the arms relaxed at your

side.• 頭向一側扭轉,扭向另一側 Turn the head to one side and hold

for 5 seconds• 每側各停5秒 Repeat for the other side.

• 手臂自然下垂於兩側 Keep the arms relaxed at your

side.• 頭向左右來回擺動 Swing the head to the left and hold

for 5 seconds.• 每側各停5秒 Repeat for the other side.

肩膊運動 Exercises for the shoulders

上肢運動 Exercises for the upper limbs

肩及上背運動 Exercises for the shoulders and the upper back

• 向上提起雙肩,然後慢慢向後轉動,重複10次

Raise the shoulders and rotate backward slowly. Repeat 10 times.

• 雙手十指交握,向上直伸,掌心反轉向上撑

Cross fingers and lift both arms up, flip the palms upwards and stretch the upper limbs.

• 停頓10-15秒 Hold for 10-15 seconds.• 然後放鬆肩膀 Then relax the shoulders.• 進行時記得深呼吸 Breathe deeply during the exercise.

• 先坐下,十指交握於後腦,手肘向外平伸,上半身保持平直

Sit upright, hold your hands behind your head and stretch your elbows outwards.

• 兩邊肩胛骨向內擠壓,讓上背部及肩胛骨感受到壓力

Force the scapulas inwards and feel the pressure at the upper back and the scapulas.

• 停頓5秒後放鬆 Hold for 5 seconds and relax.

手部運動 Exercises for the hands

手指盡量張開,停頓10秒;然後放鬆Stretch the fingers and hold for 10 seconds, then relax.

雙手向前平伸,手掌向下,手腕慢慢向上屈曲。停頓10秒。然後慢慢向下屈曲,停頓10秒Lift your arms to chest level with the palms facing downwards. Slowly turn the wrists upwards and hold for 10 seconds. Slowly turn the wrists downwards and hold for 10 seconds.


職安熱線 OSH Hotline : 2739 9000

文職及專業服務業安全及健康委員會委員名單(2013-16)Sedentary and Professional Services Safety and Health Committee Membership List(2013-16)


鄧家坤先生 Mr TANG Ka Kwan 香港洋務工會Hong Kong Union of Chinese Workers in Western Style Employment

副主席 Vice-Chairman

郭昶先生 Mr KWOK Chong 香港地產代理專業協會Society of Hong Kong Real Estate Agents Ltd

委員 Members

李綺華女士Ms LEE Yee Wa, Fiona 公務員事務局Civil Service Bureau

李志明先生Mr LI Chi Ming, David 香港人力資源管理學會Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management

柯嘉倫博士Dr OR Ka Lun 香港人類工效學學會The Hong Kong Ergonomics Society

李慧芬女士Ms LEE Wai Fun, Stella 香港中華廠商聯合會The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong

李賢勝先生Mr LEE Yin Shing, Leslie 香港中華總商會The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce

徐繼堯先生Mr TSUI Kai Yiu 香港文職人員總會Hong Kong Clerical Employees General Union

王吉顯先生Mr WONG Kit Hin 香港文職及專業人員總會Hong Kong Clerical and Professional Employees General Union

謝順禮先生Mr TSE Shun Lai, Calvin 香港地產代理商總會Hong Kong Real Estate Agencies General Association

張偉良博士Dr CHEUNG Wai Leung 香港保險業總工會Hong Kong Insurance Practitioners General Union

丘振雄先生Mr YAU Chun Hung, Jonathan 香港保險業聯會The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers

何靜君女士Ms HO Ching Kwan, Tammy 香港華商銀行公會有限公司The Chinese Banks’ Association Ltd

黃浩然先生Mr Lawrence WONG 香港僱主聯合會Employers’ Federation of Hong Kong

鄭永生先生Mr Vincent CHANG 香港銀行華員會Chinese Bankers Club, Hong Kong

殷宜孝先生Mr YAN Yee Hau 香港銀行業僱員協會Hong Kong Banking Employees Association

王舜義先生Mr WONG Shun Yee, Albert 香港總商會The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

梁偉明先生Mr LEUNG Wai Ming 高級公務員評議會(職方)Senior Civil Service Council (Staff Side)

蔡輝先生Mr CHOI Fai 勞工處Labour Department

職安局已委任 2013-16 年屆度行業委員會的主席和委員,期望文職及專業服務業安全及健康委員會在主席及委員的領導及積極參與下,業界的職安健水平將續有提昇。 The OSHC has appointed the Chairman and the members for committee 2013 -16. With the leadership and active participation of the Chairman and the members of the Sedentary and Professional Services Safety and Health Committee, the industry's OSH standard is expected to be enhanced.

職 安健訓練課程推介 OSH Training Course

文職人員的工作健身操工作坊Workshop on Fitness Exercise for Sedentary (SESW)


1. 介紹文職人員常見的骨骼肌肉毛病

2. 骨骼肌肉毛病的病因、病徵、病狀及處理

3. 預防及舒緩骨骼肌肉不適的工作健身操

4. 工作健身操實習

索取更多有關職安健課程資料,請致電 2311

3322 或 3106 2000 與本局訓練中心聯絡。


1. Common health problems on musculoskeletal disorders for Sedentary

2. Causes, symptoms and treatments 3. Preventive measures and introduction of fitness

exercise4. Practical session on fitness exercise

For further information, please contact our OSH Training Centre at 2311 3322 or 3106 2000.

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Rules for Participation1. Hong Kong citizens aged 15 or above are welcome to participate, each participant may only enter once.2. Winner will be disqualified if their name is not identical to that appeared on the HK Identity Card.3. Participant will get the chance to win a prize of supermarket voucher valued at HK$150.4. The employees and direct family members of the organising body are not eligible to enter.5. The decision of the organising body regarding the prize results is final, winners will be notified separately in writing.6. The organising body reserves the right to make changes to any matters related to the activities and will not provide further notice.7. In the event of any dispute, all final decisions are to be made by the organising body.8. Welcome to photocopy the form

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2. To keep you informed of Council’s activities, the Council would like to use your personal data, including your name, telephone number and correspondence and email addresses, to update you in relation to our training courses, events and other OSH related information. Your personal data may also be used for our research and statistical purposes.

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填妥後請將表格傳真至 2739 9779 職業安全健康局 Please fax the form to Occupational Safety and Health Council (Fax No. : 2739 9779)

Occupational Safety & Health Council

文 職 及 專 業 服 務 業 安 全 及 健 康 委 員 會Sedentary and Professional Services Safety and Health Committee



Quiz2013 年 11 月 • NOVEMBER 2013

� 2013 Occupational Safety & Health Council 職業安全健康局 11/2013(1)

1 文職人員長期在辦公室工作間坐著工作,又長時間維持同一工作姿勢,會容易導致甚麼健康毛病?

Sedentary workers need to sit in the office and work in sustained posture for a prolonged period of time. What kind of health problems are they vulnerable to have?

A. 上肢重複性的筋肌勞損、頸椎問題 Muscular injuries and cervical problems caused by repetitive upper limb movements

B. 肩膊、腰背不適 Shoulder and lumbar disorders C. 以上全部皆是 All of the above

2 以下那項描述不屬於進行伸展運動的主要目的? Which of the following is not the purpose of stretching exercises? A. 幫助舒緩肌肉骨骼不適 Helping to relieve muscle strain B. 幫助舒緩精神狀況 Helping to relieve stress C. 幫助增高 Helping to gain height

3 進行伸展運動可改善身體的柔軟度,還有甚麼好處? Apart from improving body’s flexibility when performing stretching exercises,

any other benefits? A. 減低運動時受傷的機會 Reducing the chance of injury during exercise B. 放鬆神經肌肉,減低精神壓力 Promoting neuromuscular relaxation and reducing

mental stress C. 以上全部皆是 All of the above

請圈出正確答案及填妥下列表格,郵寄或傳真回 2739 9779 本局總辦事處,信封面請註明「文職及專業服務業安全健康通訊問答遊戲」。截止日期:2014年2月17日。Please circle the correct answers and fill in the following form and send it or by fax 2739 9779 to the Council. Please write “Sedentary and Professional Services Safety and Health Bulletin Prize Quiz” on the envelope. Closing date: 17/2/2014.

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必須與香港身份證姓名相同As appeared on HK Identity Card

香港身份證號碼Identity Card No.

只須填寫首四個號碼,例如:A123XXX(X)HK Identity Card No. (First 4 digits),i.e.: A123XXX(X)

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