˘ˇ - · PDF file5/07/2015 · • A baptized Catholic, who has not received...


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Page 2

A Message from our Pastor

Page 3

Readings for the Week Weekly Mass Intentions New Project

Calendar of Events

Page 4


Dominican Laity

John Paul II Classic


Page 5

Plate Collection We want to hear from you

Page 6 Spanish

Mensaje de Nuestro Párroco

Page 7 Spanish

Lecturas de la semana

Posada y Misericordia

Tu opinión es importante

Horario para Liturgia Dominical

Taller de Apologética

Radio Católica

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The Our Father in Lucas “One of his disciples said to him,

"Lord, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples."�

He said to them, "When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your name,” Luke 11

Since ancient times, the Israelites prayed through prayer, hymns and songs to communicate with God. But after all, words were made by man. There is another prayer that is no longer human composition, but a gift from God. Luke tells us that Jesus was in prayer when a disciple asked: Lord, teach us to pray. Then He gives them the Our Father. Luke's version is more concise than Matthew’s. Matthew’s version is written for the Jews, people accustomed to prayer. Instead, the other is directed to beginners, who hardly reach out to the Lord. Christ reveals the formula to directly access the calling of Heaven. It reveals the secret to enter the fortress. He gives us the keys to heaven. It is worth making an inventory of the many Our Fathers that we recited in life. Such as: Those in childhood, with modest words, but spoken with great faith and a simple innocence. The Lord's Prayer recited in solitude and anguish. The Our Father surrounded by family, or those before meals and our liturgical celebrations. Those we have prayed on the threshold of pain, but with hope after a sin. Those bound to do penance, after the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The Our Fathers during Thanksgiving or just for joy when we saw the sunrise over the horizon. Looking back, writes Heidegger, is the true philosophy. Making an analogy out of this philosopher's phrase brings us back to the root of our prayer. We follow the path from the formula, sometimes repetitive, to true prayer. We return from our word and we will find ourselves with Our Father who is in Heaven. Our confident, constant and persistent prayer is purifying and enriching our lives through the Holy Spirit. Even the person corrupted by ambition, power or pleasure can find kindness, love and forgiveness in the prayer Christ taught us through the Gospel of Luke: Father,

Hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come.

Give us each day our daily bread

and forgive us our sins

for we ourselves forgive everyone in debt to us,

and do not subject us to the final test.

Have a nice weekend!

Fr. Andrés Arango

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A message from our Pastor

Mass Intentions

Tuesday, July 26 8:00am For the Parish

Wednesday, July 27 8:00am For the Parish

Thursday, July 28 8:00 am For the Parish

Friday, July 29 8:00 am For the Parish

Saturday, July 30 5:00pm Stephen Ramella †

Sunday, July 31 8:00am For the Parish 10:00am Frances Aguirre † 12:00pm For the Parish

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Sunday: Gn 18:20-32/Ps 138:1-3, 6-8/Col 2:12-14/Lk 11:1-13�

Monday: 2 Cor 4:7-15/Ps 126:1-6/Mt 20:20-28�

Tuesday: Jer 14:17-22/Ps 79:8-11, 13/Mt 13:36-43�

Wednesday: Jer 15:10, 16-21/Ps 59:2-4, 10-11, 17-18/Mt 13:44-46�

Thursday: Jer 18:1-6/Ps 146:1-6/Mt 13:47-53�

Friday: Jer 26:1-9/Ps 69:5, 8-10, 14/Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42�

Saturday: Jer 26:11-16, 24/Ps 69:15-16, 30-31, 33-34/Mt 14:1-12�

Next Sunday: Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23/Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17/Col 3:1-5, 9-

11/Lk 12:13-21�

Calendar of Events this Week

Monday, July 25 6:00pm Taller de Apologetica (Gordon Hall)

Tuesday, July 26 6:00pm Taller de Apologetica (Gordon Hall) 7:00pm SVdP Meeting (Convent Dining Room)

Wednesday, July 27 6:00pm Choir Christmas in July (Pastoral Center) 7:00pm K of C Meeting (Youth Room) Thursday, July 28 5:00pm Legion of Mary (Convent Dining Room) 6:00pm Pray in Shape-Ora en Forma (Gordon Hall) 6:00pm Spanish Choir Rehearsal (Church) Friday, July 29 6:30pm Grupo de Oración (Church, & Cafetería)

Saturday, July 30 11:00am Burmese Youth Group (Convent Youth Room)

Sunday, July 31 11:00am African Choir Rehearsal (Convent Dinning Room) 1:30pm Evangelizdores de la Palabra (Gordon Hall)

We really enjoy seeing everyone who comes to St. Gregory feeling welcome in the house of the Lord. For this reason we are renovating and modernizing our main reception area.

The rectory was built in the 1940’s making the design feel intimate, but small. Today with the growth of St. Gregory’s Community it is time to renovate!

We are remodeling the bathroom in order to be compliant with the ADA regulations for the handicap.

Also we are expanding the waiting area and the conference room for a more open and welcoming space!

This involves planning, designing, materials and labor.

If this is something in which you would like to contribute with a donation, please come to the Parish office or see Fr. Andres after Mass.

With your help it can be possible.

God bless your generosity!

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Join EWTN on a historic journey to Poland to celebrate the Lord's mercy with Pope Francis and thousands of young adults! The coverage, July 25-31, includes on-location broadcasts of the events plus interviews with Catholic youth and religious men and women from around the world. You can find EWTN on your TV, radio, computer, and mobile device. For more information, go to www.ewtn.com.

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• Anne Linter

• Eva Lacey

• Felicia A. Agbobli

• Marshall Baron

• Sister Una Murphy

• Marie Marin

• Patricia Lerma ��������������������� ����

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An Invitation to Adults

(18 years of more)

Are you? . . .

• A baptized Catholic, who has not received First Communion and/or Confirmation.

• A person baptized in another Christian denomination interested in becoming Catholic.

• A non baptized person with no religious background, who is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith.

Where are you on your faith journey? Is God calling you to full initiation through Baptism, Confirmation or Eucharist?

Come join us for a Journey of Faith through the RCIA Program (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). Complete the RCIA Registration Form next Sunday June 26 after Mass. Look for the table at the back of the church for more information, or call Deacon Angel at 602-266-7118 ext 3.

R.C.I.A. is a journey of faith leading to sacraments and empowering men and women to lives of service, charity, and justice as witnesses to the reign of God.

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If you are contemplating a way to consecrate your-self to God

Consider the Dominican Laity Through our four pillars of






We dedicate our lives to seek the TRUTH

And in serving the Church and humanity.

Formation starts September 10, 2016 Please Contact Dennis Cook (602) 938-2727 (Please list Dominican Laity as the “subject”)

John Paul II Classic

Come support the 2nd Annual John Paul II Classic

The Church Fathers verses The Phoenix Sons in a basketball game of priests against seminarians

When: August 3rd at 6:00pm Where: Xavier College Preparatory Price: $5.00

Tickets and more information can be found on the Diocese of Phoenix’s website: dphx.org

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Regular Collection��..��..�.$ 9,511.01

Building Fund�������.....$ 1,817.88

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%�������������-.�//������� ������������������������������������ St. Gregory’s will no longer provide the weekly

Misselettes previously found in the pews.

This is to encourage us to listen and absorb the readings.

However, for those who would like to follow along, there is a book of weekend readings available in the gift shop for $5.00.

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Do you think that St. Gregory’s should have a Parish Directory?

In the past we had a Directory that came out about every 10 years or so, in the Directory there were Photos of the Church and School Staff as well as Pictures of Families and Individual members of the Parish. Addresses and phone numbers were also listed.

If this is something that you would like to see again we want to know about it.

You can tear this out and put it in the collection basket or you can also call the parish at 602-264-4488 and give your answer.



Plate Collection


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St. Gregory Parish Pilgrimage

12 Days, 11 Nights


July 17-28, 2017

Spiritual Guide:

Fr. Andres Arango For more information please visit the Parish Office

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El Padrenuestro en Lucas “Uno de sus discípulos le dijo: Señor, enséñanos a orar.

El les dijo: Cuando oren digan:

Padre, santificado sea tu nombre” Lucas, 11. Desde tiempos remotos, los israelitas oraban con plegarias, himnos y canciones para comunicarse con Dios. Pero al fin y al cabo, palabras fabricadas por el hombre. Pero existe otra súplica que ya no es composición humana, sino regalo de Dios. Nos cuenta San Lucas que estando Jesús en oración, un discípulo le ruega: Señor, enséñanos a orar. Entonces El les entrega el Padrenuestro. La versión de San Lucas es más resumida que la de San Mateo. Este escribe para los judíos, gente acostumbrada a la oración. En cambio, aquel se dirige a principiantes, que apenas se atreven a invocar al Señor. Allí Cristo nos revela la fórmula para dar curso directo a nuestras llamadas al Cielo. Nos cuenta el secreto para conquistar la fortaleza. Nos entrega las llaves del cielo.

Valdría la pena hacer un inventario de los innumerables Padrenuestros que hemos recitado en la vida. Veamos algunos: Aquellos de la infancia, con palabras cambiadas, pero que respiraban una fe enorme y una simplicidad inocente. El Padrenuestro recitado en soledad y angustia. Los Padrenuestros en familia, o aquellos antes de las comidas; y los Padrenuestros de nuestras celebraciones litúrgicas. Aquel que hemos desgranado con dolor, pero con esperanza después de alguna falta. Los que hemos enlazado para cumplir penitencia, después del Sacramento de la reconciliación. Los Padrenuestros de acción de gracias o simplemente de alegría, cuando vimos abrirse el horizonte. Volver atrás, escribe Heidegger, es la verdadera filosofía. Haciendo una analogía de la frase de este filosofo, volvamos a la raíz de nuestra plegaria. Recorramos el camino desde la fórmula a veces repetitiva, hasta la verdadera oración. Regresemos desde nuestra palabrería y nos encontraremos con nuestro Padre Nuestro que está en el Cielo. Nuestra oración confiada, constante y perseverante va purificando y enriqueciendo nuestra vida con la obra del Espíritu Santo. Incluso la persona más corrupta por la ambición, el poder o el placer puede encontrar bondad, amor y perdón en la oración que Cristo nos enseñó a través del evangelio de Lucas: Padre,

Santificado sea tu nombre

Venga tu Reino

Danos cada día nuestro pan

Perdona nuestros pecados

No nos dejes caer en tentación.�

Que tengan buen fin de Semana

Andrés Arango Administrador Parroquial

Mensaje de nuestro Párroco

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Domingo: Gn 18, 20-32/Sal 138, 1-3. 6-8/Col 2, 12-14/Lc 11, 1-13�

Lunes: 2 Cor 4, 7-15/Sal 126, 1-6/Mt 20, 20-28�

Martes: Jr 14, 17-22/Sal 79, 8-11. 13/Mt 13, 36-43�

Miércoles: Jr 15, 10. 16-21/Sal 59, 2-4. 10-11. 17-18/Mt 13, 44-46�

Jueves: Jr 18, 1-6/Sal 146, 1-6/Mt 13, 47-53�

Viernes: Jr 26, 1-9/Sal 69, 5. 8-10. 14/Jn 11, 19-27 o Lc 10, 38-42�

Sábado: Jr 26, 11-16. 24/Sal 69, 15-16. 30-31. 33-34/Mt 14, 1-12�

Domingo siguiente: Ecl 1, 2; 2, 21-23/Sal 90, 3-6. 12-14. 17/Col 3, 1-5. 9-11/Lc 12, 13-21��


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Horario para Liturgia Dominical

JULIO 2016 �



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La parroquia de San Gregorio va a comenzar una nueva tradición anual: tendremos un boletín especial anual para honrar nuestro santo patrón.

Estamos buscando fotos, imágenes, historias, memorias favoritas, testimonios, oraciones e historias humorísticas sobre la parroquia y la escuela.

Si Ud. o algún conocido tiene algo que les gustaría compartir con nosotros, favor de comunicarse con Pete Kneip en el 602.266.8004, antes del próximo 30 de Junio.


¿Piensa Ud. que San Gregorio debe tener un Directorio Parroquial?

En el pasado, publicamos un Directorio más o menos cada 10 años. En el directorio, se publican fotos de la iglesia, del personal de la iglesia y de la escuela, además de fotos de los miembros y de familias de la Parroquia. También se publicaron direcciones/domicilios y números de teléfono.

Si este Directorio es algo que le gustaría tener otra vez, queremos saberlo. Si quiere un nuevo Directorio parroquial para la parroquia de San Gregorio,

Puede cortar este articulo y depositarlo en la colecta, o también puede llamar a la parroquia en el 602-264-4488 para darnos su opinión.






Lunes y Martes 25 y 26 de Julio, 2016 6:00pm

Gordon Hall Presentado por: Padre Octavio Díaz