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備 付 外 国 雑 誌 論 題(続)


(Vol.46,  No.3-July,1971.)

   APerspective  of Accounting.  L.抽 アbert.

   The  Role  of  Liquid量ty  in Exchange  Valua-

     ti・n・R・R・Sterling&R.  E.Flaherty.

   User  Preference  Ordering  Value:AModel.

     A.R.  Abdel-khalik.

   Useful  Arbitary  Allocations(With  a                                  り

     Co㎜ent  on  the  N㎝trality  of Financial

     Accounting  Reports).ノ1.  L.  Thom¢ ∫.

   Predictive  Ability,  Market  Prices,  and

     Operating  Flows.  L.  R⑳sine.

   ・Opinion  15  vs. A  Comprehensive  Financial

     Reporting  Method  for Convertible  Debt.


   An  Empirical  Study  of  Differences  in

     Economic  Circumstances  as a  just五fica-

     tion  for Alternative  Inventory  Pric三ng

     Methods.  L.  G.  Chasteen.

   AStudy  of the Job  Satisfaction  of Academic

     Accountants.  C. G.Carpenter&R.  H.

     Strawり562・.一 ・●

   Conglomerate  Earnings  Per  Share:Real

     and  Transitory  Growth.  A.」 。 Curley.

   ACommentary  on  Vigano,s  Historical

     Development  of Ledger  Balancing  Pr㏄e-

     dures,  Adjustments  and  Financial  馳

     Statements  During  the  Fifteenth,

     Sixteenth,  and  Seventeenth  Centur至es.

     E.Peragalio. .  .

   Some  Evidence  on  Investor  Actions  and

     Accounting  Messages-Part  II.・2>:」.


   Readability:AMeasure  of the Performance

     of  the  Communication  of the Communi-

    cation  of  Financial  Reporting.  J. E.

    Smith&  ハ7. P。 Smith.


Verification  of  Management  Repre』enta-

  tions:AFirst  Step  Toward  lndependent

  'Audits  of Management.」.  C. Robertson

  &R.  1γ.Clar・ke.




(Bd.55,  Heft  1,1971.)

Wirtschaftswachstumund  Preisentwicklung-

   Anfordeiungen  der  Wirtschaftswissen-

   schaften  an die Preisstat五stik.  R。 Krengel.

Was  ist Menge,  was  ist  Preis?Probleme

   der  Deflationierung  von  Werten.  G.


  Ausge~vah]te  method量sche  and  praktische

   Probleme  des  zeitlichen  Preisvergleichs.


Aufgaben  and  Methoden  d(riiumlichen

   Preisvergleichs.  S.  Guckes.

  Aus  der Praxis  Verbraucherpreiserhebungen.


Die  Automation  in der  offentlichen

   Verwaltung  and  die  amtliche  Statistik.

   v7.  Ne〃 θ∬en.

Automat量sierte  Datenverarbeitung  in

   Wirtschaftsunternehmen  fur  statistische

   Zweeke.  R.  Herbold.

Zum  Aufbau  eines  statistischen  Datenbank-

   systems.  H.  Bartel∫.

Probleme  der  Dokumentation  and  Aus一'

、. wertung  mediz五nischer  Daten  fur  statis-

   tische  Zweeke.3.  Koller.

 Planung  geschichteter  Stichproben  bei

   Vorgabe  von  Gena廿igkeitsforderungen

   fur mehrere  Merkmale.  K,一A.Scha  ffer.

一(Bd .55,  Heft  2,1971.)

Signifikanz  des  Unterschieds  von

  Prozentsitzen.'W'.  Taubert.





Einige  Bemerkungen  zu den  Abschreibungen

  in den  Volkswirtschaftlichen

  Gesamtrechnungen.  B.  B.  Gemper.

Aus  der  Arbeit  der  amtlichen  Statistik.

  1).Schmidt〔 島 1レ痘●tarbeitei・η.       ・

Beeinflussung  des  Strukturwandels  in  der

  Industrie  durch  Zu-and  Abg…inge  von

  Betrieben.  五乙 σ. Hennガngsド&  V7.  ・

  Rθ ∫σ履 η9.


(Vol.61,  No,3Pし1-June  1971.)

OptimalTaxation  and Public  Production=II。

・ P.A.  Diamond&」.  A』 の'rrlees.

AShort-Term  Econometric  Model  of

  Textile  Industries。   R.  L,八 握.Z'θr.

Information  and  Frictional  Unemployment.


The  Efficient  Allocation  of  Subsidies  to

  College  Students  S.  A.正1bθ πα6ゐ.

Discrimination  by  Wait互ng  Time  in Merit

  Goods.  Z)_醗o乃oZ∫,  E.  Smolen∫ 為y&


Optimal  Mechanisms  for Income  Transfer.

  1~.乃 σ々 乃απ5θ7。.

The  Optima]Quantity  of  Money,  Bonds,

  Commodity  Inventories,  and  Capital.

  E.R.  Feige&M。  Pαrゐfπ.

AUtility  Theory  of Representative

  Government.  E.  T.  Haefele.

International  Trade  and  Capital  Mobility.

  E.ハ 辰4θz.

Peasants,  Pr㏄reation,  and  Pensions.  P.4L

  抽 乃er.

AModel  of  Soviet-Type  Economic

  Planning.  M,ハ4α πoτ尼.

Transactions  Costs  and  the  Demand  for

  Money.  T.  R.  Saving.

一(Vol.61,  No.3,.  Pt.2-June,1971.)

Supplement:Surveys  of Nat三 〇nal Economic

  Policy  Issues  and  Policy  Research.




(Vol.30,  No.3-July,1971.)                            唱

Conglomerate  Mergers,  Concentration  and

   Compet三tion.」.  R.  Felton,

Gandhi  and  the  Curse  of  Caste.  ハf. L.


Psycho-S㏄ialEconomics  of HumanEcology

   G.W.  Esty.・

Migration  and  Population  Change  in Eire..

   1~.E。(》 ・f∫∫.

Government  Sudsidy  to Higher  Education:

   Benefits,  Costs  and  Non-Economic  Value

   of  the  Policy.  A.」.1~obinson..

・Utopian  Economics  of  Sir Thomas  More .

   」.w.  Park,

The  Park  as  a  Determinant  of  Property

   Values.  W.  S.  Hendon.

 Progre∬ ごzπ4 Po70rを ゾ∫Continuing

   Challenge.  」. M.  Roberts.

Impact  of  Henry  George  on  British

   Economists,  II.  B.  Newton.

盈 ハTemoriam:Albert  Pleydell.,

   V.G.  Peterson.

Transactional  Approach  to  Economic

   Science.  K.3.7■ 乃ompson・        '

(沿nberra:City  Rising  in the  Wilderness,

   R.αRθ9召 π.



(Vol.76,  No.6-May,1971.)

Black  and  White  in the Consumer  Financia!

  System.3.  R.1五Jfz.                .

Race,  Maternal  Authority,  and  Adolescent

  Aspiration.  Z). B.  Kα"4θ ♂.

Ethnic  Relations  in  Israel.  Y.  Peres.

Intell㏄tual  Achievers:AStudy  of

  Eighteenth-Century  Scotland.'

  B.Bullough&V.  Bullough.





Jewish  Student  Attitudes  Toward  Inter-

  religious  and  Intra-Jewish  Marriage.


Some  Like  It Hot:S㏄ial  Participation

  and  Environmental  Use  as  Functions  of

  the  Season。   W.2協 匿chelson.

Another  Look  at  the  Burgess  Hypothesis:

  Time  as  an  Important  Variable.  L.」.


Retesting  the  Burgess  Zonal  Hypothesis:

The  Location  of  White-Collar  Workers.

  ノ1.M.  Guest.


         REVIEW      幽  .

(Vol.36,  No.3-June,1971.)

The  Changing  South;National  Incorpo-

  ration  of  a  Region.  」. C.ハ4σKfπ π姥ソ

  &L.B.  Bourque.

Homicide  and  a  Regional  Culture  of

  Violence.  R.  Z).  Gastil.

The  Causes  of  Racial  Disturbances:Tests

  of  an  Explanation.・S.  Spilerman.

The  Public  Perception  of  the  Watts  Riot

  as Social  Protest.  γ.泥 プfries,  R.正 五

  Turner&R.  T.  Morris,

Variation  in  County  Size:ATheory  of

  Segmental  Growth.  G,β.  Stephan。

Bureaucratic  Man:APortrait  and  an

  Interpretation.  」M. L.  Kohn.

Flow  of.Communications,  Expert  Qualifi-

  cations  and  Organizatiorユa]Authority

  Structures.  」. Brewer.

D㏄isions  and  Exchange.  B.  F.ハfθ2々 θ7.

Measurement  of  Relative  Variation:

  Sociological  Examples.」.  D..Martin

  &L.M,  Gray.



APersp㏄tive  for Strengthning  Scholarship

  in Statistics.  ハ、.」Bfrπろaum.

Rep。rt  of the  Evaluation  Co㎜ittee。n

  the  University  of  Chicago  Department

  of  Statistics.

Some  General  Results  on  Reduced  Mean

  Square  Eπor耳stimation.  B.」.ム 乙


ANNALS  of  The  American  Academy  ・

  of  Political  and  Social  Science


Before  Berkeley:Historical  Perspect五ves  on

  American  Student  Activism.  P.  G.

  Altbach&P.  Peterson.

The  Development  of  the  New  Left.

  J.P.0'Bプfθ π.

Student  Protest  and  University  Response.

  」.R.  Gus/field.

Campus  Characteristics  and  Campus  Unrest.

  K.Keniston&ハf.  Lerner..

The  Changing  Social  Base  of the American

  Student  Movement.  M.  Ma漉o∬&


Generational  Conflict  and  Intellectual

  Antinomianism.8.  N.  Eisenstadt.

Sources  of  Generational  Consciousness  and

  Conflict.  R.8.  Lauノ 珍r.

Stances  and  Substances.  」. R.  Seeley..

The  Revolution  as  a  Trip=Symbol  and  ・

  Paradox.  B.  G.  Myerhoプ ア.

The  High  School  as'a  Focus  of``Student

  Unrest".  E.  Z.  Frガedenうerg.・

Students-A  Marginal  Elite  in  Politics.

  F.A.  Pinner.

Sources  of  Student  Protest  in  France.

  R.、Boκ ゴoπ.

Student  Radicals  in Japan.・M.  Shimうon.

Student  Activism  in Mexico.11.  Liebman.

Student  Protest  in  Independent.  Black

  Africa.  W.」.  Hanna.

Sel㏄ted  References  on  Student  Protest,





The  Development  of  Federal  Assistance  to

  the  Humanities.  W.  B.  Edg〃 ∫on.

The  Beginning  of  the  New  American

  Revolution.  WP.  D.  Ruckelshau∫.

Thomas  Jefferson,  Won'tYou  Please  Come

  Home?  L.ム 乙(sutler.

Family  Systems  in  the  1970's:Analysis,

  Poliとies, and  Programs。   M.、B.3鉱 ∬man.

The  American  College:Some  Probl㎝s

  and  Choices.  1レf. Bre∬ler.

Whitney  Young's  Open  S㏄iety.  H:R.

  5伽5..                  '

Stabilization  of  Labor  Relations?

 'N.  W。Chamberlain.

Control  of  Inflation  and  Recession.

F.w.3・ ゐゴ∬.'

Reshaping  Our  Foreign  Policy,

  V7。 W。  LPosvor・.

                          ロ コ



(Bd.171,  Heft  3,  1971.)

Die  Wertlosigkeit  der  al'1gemeinen  Regeln

des  BGB己ber  die  sog.  Wahl駝huld

   (§§262-265BGB),  K.一H.  Ziegler.

Aufwendungsersatzanspruch  and  Schadens-

  ersatzpflicht  des  Geschaftsfuhrers  im

  Falle'berechtigter  and  unber㏄htigter

  Geschaftsfahrung  ohne  Auftrag.

  K.L,  Bat∫ch,

Zur  R㏄htsfigur  der  Verpflichtungs一,

e㎝achtigung.  F.  Pet〃5.



,  (Vol.9,  No.2-July,1971.)

The  Industrial  Relations  of Foreign  Owned"S

ubsidiaries  in  the  United  Kingdom.

  J.Gennard&M.  D.  Steuer.

The  Role  of  the  Employment  Service  in.

  Redeployment.  G.  L.  Reid.

Payment  by  Results  Systems:Some

  Indicators  of  Incidence  and  Relevance  to・

  Capital  Intensive  Opとrations.  R.  Bean

  &D.A.  Garside.

Company  Bargaining:乙Proble;ns  and

  Prosp㏄is.  K.  Hawkins.

Developing  Models  of Workplace  Industrial

  Relations,  5. R. Parker&バ グ.,石G Scott.

The  Eff㏄t  of  Changes  in'Quits  and  Hires・

 '6n  the  Lengt1卜of-Service  Composition

  of  Employed  Workers。 γ.8如 ∫肋.

Oc(:upational  Mobility  and  Worker  Perfor-

  mance,  F.  Live∫ey.


(Vol.45,  No.2-Summer,1971.)

Family  and  Bureaucracy  on  German  Indus-

  trial  Management,1850」1914:Siemens、

  in Comparative  Perspective.」.  Kocka.

Commercial  Association  in Thirteenth-

  Century  Lucca.  T.  W.  Blomqui∫ オ.'

American  Wholesale  Hardware  Trade

  Ass㏄iations,1870-1900.  W.  H.  Becker..  ,

A'Black  Entrepreneur  in Antebellum   ,

  Louisiana.  D.0.  Whitten.


(Vol.39,  No.2-Mar.,1971.)

Generalization  of  the  Stolper_Samuelson

  Theorem.  y.  Uekawa.

The  Production  Coefficient  Matrix  and  the

  Stolper-Samuelson  Condition.  K.Inada.

The  Finite  Sampling  Distribution  of Least

  Squares  Estimators  with  Stochastic

  Regressors.  L.乙.  Wegge.

Conditional  Exp㏄ted  Utility。`R.  D.乙uce


The.Theory  of  Representative  Majority

  Decision.  P.  C.・Fishburn.





  Money  Supply  and  Economic  Growth.

    F.乃 加1腐 乃∫.

 層Some  Basic  Problems  on  Excess  Demand

    Functions.  R.  Hotaka,

  The  Output  Limit  Function  in General  and

    Convex  Programming  and  the  Theory

    of  Production.  S,  N.  A∫ 露α'.

  The'Use  of  Variance  Components  Models.

    in  Pool互ng  Cross  Section  and  Time

    Series・1)ata.  G.3.ハf乙44αZα.

  Further.Evidence.on  the  Estimation  of

    Dynamic  Economic  Relations  from  a'   Ti

me  Series  of  Cross  Sections.


  ANote  on  Error  Components  Models,

    ハ4'. Nerlove.

(Vol.39,  No.3一=May,1971.)

   Equilibrium  with  Transaction  Costs.

    F。F.乙  Hahn.                      '

   Limit  Pricing  and  Uncertain  Entry..

    ,M.正Kamien&1V:L.  Schwartz.

   The  Use  of Undersized  Samples  in the Esti-

    mation  of SimultaneousEquation  Systems

・    P.A.  V.  B.  Swamy&」.  Holmes.

   Estimating  a Structural  Equation  in'a Large,

    Syst㎝ ・W・ ρ.Fisher&TV.」.  Wadycki

   AConvergent  Pareto-Satisfactory  Non-

    Tatonnement  Adjustment・Process  for  a

    Class  of.Unselfish  Exchange  Environ-

    ments.」.0.  L「edyard.

   Regression  with  Non-Gaussian  Stable

    Disturbances;Some  Sampling  Results.

    R.Blattう       Terg&  . Sargent.

、Shiftable  Versus  Non-Shiftable  Capital:

・  ASynthesis.ハf.  L.  Weitzman.

   Best  Linear  Minimum  Bias・Estmation  in

    Linear  Regression.  P.&流 δπノ診Z4.

  Discrete  Approximations  to Continuous

    Time  Distributed  Lags  in Econometrics,9


  Congestion  Interdependence  and  Urban

    Transit  Fares.  R。 Sher〃zan.

Identification  in  a・Parametric  Models.

  T。J.  Rothenberg.

The  Continuous  Representation  of a Social

  Preferとnce  Ordering..」.5.・'Kθ 薩 ソ.  ロ

Social  Welfare  Function  and  Social

  Indifference  Surfaces.  1(. Inada.

Solow  Prices  and  the DualStability  Paradox

  in the  Leotnief  Dynamic  System.

E.Zaghini.    『


(Vol.23,  N.4,1970.ン

Das  Gefalle  des  Verbra亡chstandards  in der

  Weltwirtschaft.  W.  G..肋 プfmann.

恥ture  Development  of  East-West  Trade.

  R.  エ>otel。

The  Economics  and  Life  of Michal  Kalecki



nazi・n  ale>.・ 五.

The  Export  Sector,

Development,  and  th

Process.in  Latin

M.・ ハ勉 ηzα」α々 '∫.

G.Fθ ゴ膨Z.

Economica  Inter-


Stages  of  Economic'



一(Vol .24,  N.1,1971.).

Inflation  as an  Instrument  of  Economic

  Development:.As  An  Appraisal.  P.  C.

  五廊 θπ∫∫伽.

Natura  e ruolo  del  tasso  d,interesse』nella

  teorica  neoclassica  dopo  il dibattito  sul

 .ritorno  delle  tecniche. ・1レf。 Arcelli.

Sui  criteri  di  co㎜isurazione  delle  riserve

  monetarie.8.  Beretta.

The  lohnsonian  Savings  Function  and  the

  Rate  of  Inflation.  B.  C.  Cohen.

On  the  Similarity  of Wages,  Sales,  and

  Investment  Among  the  Industries  of  the

  E.E.  C.  Nat童ons:AStatistical  Note.


ANote  on  the  Disguised  Unemployment







A.Note  on  Some  Negl㏄ted  Facets  of  U.

  S.Capital  Controls.  πろP.  G7α η副&

  c。 エレfaurice.

Exports  of Jute  Manufactures  from  Indis-

  An  Alternative  Hypothesis。..P.8.



(Vol.47,  No.3L-July,1971.)

Internal  Organization,  Firm  Integration,

  and  Locational  Change=The  Northem

  Ireland  Linen  Complex,1954-1964.

  G.P.  F.  Steed.

Imports  Versus  Local  Production=.  A  Case

  Study  from  the Nigerian  Cement  Industry.

  五,'M.1海 ツ.、 ・          "

The  L㏄ation  of United  States  Manufactur一 ・

  ing Subsidiaries  in Canada,  D.M.  Ray.

Optimal  Transportation  Patterns  of  Coal

  in  the  Great  Lakes  Region.  L.  King,

  E.Ca∫etti,」.04Zα2叱 」&K。5θ 駕 ρZθ・

Industrial  Diversity  in  Urban  Areas:

  Alternative  Measures  and  Inte㎜etr(ト 「

  politan  Comparisons.  R.  W..8a配,

  R.Firestine&D.  Phares.

Some  Aspects  of  the  D㏄ision  Making

  Behavior  of Business  Organizations.

,  P.  Z)∫o距θπ.

Natural  Hazard  in Human  Ecological

  Perspective:Hypotheses  and  Models.

   R.W.  Kates.                  '



The  Tawney  Tradition.  J. D.Chambers.'Th

e・Commerce  of the Dubrovnik  Republic,

  1500」 一1700.   」F「. Vレ「..()¢r診θr.

The  Change  of  Gover㎜ent  and  the``Loss

  of the  City",1710-1711.  B.  WP.1五 ♂ム

Cotton  Exports  and  Indian  Agriculture,

  1861-1870.  1).Harnettソ.

The  North  American  Beef  and  Cattle  Trade

  、with  Great  Britain,187(}一1914,  R.


, The  Lumber  Trade  and  the Panama  Canal,

  1921-1940.  A.E.  Rockwell.



'(Vol.81,  No.322-June,1971.)

The  Prices  and  Incomes  Board  and  Private

  S㏄for  Prices:ASurvey.」,  F.


Profit .Maximisation  and'the  Threat  of

  New  Entry・F・(〒 ・Pyatt・

Uniqueness  of  the  Internal  Rate  of Return:


  J.F.砿 露9ゐ'.

The  Monopolies  Co㎜ission:ACritique

  of  Dr.  Rowley.  五.  Sutherland.

Consistent  Expectations,  Distributed.Lags

  and  the  Quantity  Theory.  A.  A.


Effective'Rates  of  Prot㏄tion  for  United

  Kingdom  Production.  77,5.  Barker&


The  Relative  Efficacy  of Monetary  Policy

  in Sel㏄ted  Industrial  and  Less-developed


Turkeゾs  First  Five-Year  Development

  .Plan:An  Assessment..M.」.  Fry.

ARe-interpretation  of Turgot'sThとory  of

  Capital  and  Interest.  」P.Z).Groenewegen・

Exports  and  the  Propensity  to Save  in L.

  D.C.  s.  J.  K.乙ee.、


   (Vol.47,  No.118-June,'1971.)

Recent  Developments  in the  Theory  of

 ・Externality  and  the  Pigovian  Solution.

  y.K.  N9.


」 謄


Bougainville  Copper  and  the  Economic

  Development  of  Papua-New  Gu…nea.


The  IMF  Special.Drawing  Rights  and  the

  Currency  Par-Value  System.  M. l


Wages,  Productivity,  and  the  Guidelines。

  C.E.  Ferguson.

Furthei  Evidence  on.the  Size  and  Growth

  of Firms.  C.」.∠ 毎∫labie.

Towards  a Theory  of  Public  Output'in

  Metropolitan  Areas.  M.  Beck

The  Usefulness  of the Average-Productivity・

Wage  Adjustment  Rule.」.D.Pitchford.


(Vol.38,  No.150-May,1971.)

Lessons'of  Twenty  Years  of  Planning  in

  Developing  Countries。   5.  Well∫5z.

Leverage  and  the  Cost  of  Capital:Some

  Tests  Using  British  Data.'M.


Economic  History  as  Theory.  P.  T.

  Bauer.         ・

The  Determination  of  the  Treasury  Bill           コ

  Tender  Rate.  B.  Griffiths.

ANote  on  the  Elasticity  of Derived

  Demand  in the  N-Factor  Case.  W.  E.


On  Allocative  Efficiency,  X-Efficiency  and

  the  Measurement  of  Welfare  Loss.

  M.A.  Crew&c.  K.  Rowley.・

一(Vol .38,  No.151-Aug.,1971.)

The  Roles  of  Money  in  an  Economy  and

  the  Optimum  Quantity  of  Money.


Eff㏄tive  Tariff  Prot㏄tion  in a Simple

  General  Equilibrium  Model.  W.  Mayer.

Say's  Conception  of  the  Role  of  the

  Entrepreneur.  G.  Koolman.

On  the  Derivation  of  the・Production

  Possibil…ty  Curve.  」. R.ルfezワ 伽.

Medical  Care  and  the  Economics  of

  Giving.  A.  J.(弛4y8r..,

Wages,  Prices  and  Incomes  Policies:Some

  Comments.  K.  F.  Wa〃 ゴ∫,

On  the  Relative.Stability・and  Optimality

  of  Consumption  in Aggregative  Growth

Models:ACo㎜ent.」,  C.乙 襯


On  the  Relative  Stability  and  Optimality

  of  Consumption  in Aggregative  Growth

  Models:Reply,」,  K.  Sengupta.

Sultan  Schedule  and  Philips  Curve:An

  Historical  Note.  E.42π'4-Hozouろ

  D.T.  Dick&R。  L. Lu`ier.


(Jg.26,  Heft  6,  1971.)

Der  XXIV.  Parteitag'der  Kommunistischen  の                                               ヒ

幽Partei  der Sowjetunion-ein  Ereignis  von

  weltgeschichtlicher  Bedeu加ng.  H.砒 θπ.

Sozial童stischer  Wettbewerb-uns  allen'2um

  Nutzen!.H.  Warnke.

Kaderarbeit-Bestandteil  der  politischen

  Fiihrungst琶tigkeit  unserer  Partei.、  F.

  1匠 露〃er.

Sicherung  des  Friedens  verlangt  Starkung

  der  sozialistischen  Militamacht.  H:


Der  22.  Juni  1941  and  seine  Lehren.


Zuverlass量ge  Volkskontrolle_Prinz量p

  sozialistischer  Staats-and  Wirtschafts-

  fiihrung.  1i1. Mα 揮うθ3.

Entwicklungsprobleme  unserer  Landwirts-

  chaft.  」B.1(iesler.

Kunst,  Kultur  and  Lebensweise  in unserem

  sozialist五schen  deutschen  Nationalstaat

  (Gedanken"ber  die  Kulturdiskussion

  zum  VIII.  Parteitag).  A,ム 伽oh.

Die  Wirksamkeit  des sozialistischen  R㏄his

  erh6hen.  K.  Sorgenicht&T.  Riemann.




  Klassenmassige  Bildung  and  Erziehung  der

    Studenten  im  marxistisch-len量nistischen.

    Grundlagenstudium.  H:Nemann&

    G.Vogel.・         '

  Der  Imperialismus  der BRD.0.'Re∫ π肋ld.

  Reformstrategie  im  Dienst  des  Monopol一

,    kapitals.  H.  Kolう2.

一(Jg .26,  耳eft  7/8,  1971.)

Fur  die  Interessen.  der  Arbeiterklasse  and

aller  Werktatigen!ハf.  Banascha々.

Unsere  Gewerkschaften-Schulen'der

. Wirtschaftsfiihrung'and  des Sozialismus.'

」.Tδ ρル7.

Sozialistische  Rationalisierung  mit  den

  Menschen-fur  die Men…;then.  H:Mδ う'5.

Kollektive  Arbeitsbesprechung-Merkmal'.

  sozialistischen  Leitens.  H,  Grosse.

Aufgaben  der  Berufsbildung  bとi der

  Gestaltung  der  entwickelten  sozialisti_

  schen  Gesellschaft.  α 一H.  Jan∫on&.

  v7.一z:). Kei〃z.

Anschaulichkeit  and  Wirksamkeit.  unserer

  Politisch-ldeologischen  Arbeit.'K.


Karl  Liebknecht-revolutionarer  Volksheld,

  Todfeind  des  deutschen  Imperialismus.

  A.ノ1う π5σ11.                    ご

Sprache  and  Argumentation  Karl  Liebkne-

  chts  K.  Dゴetel.

Die  Hauptaufgabe  des  Funfjahrplans  and                

  das  Kulturelle  Profil  der'Arbeiterklasse.


Zur  Kulturkonzeption  des  Imperiali・smus

  der  BRD.・D.  Ulle&K.  Zierma箆 箆.

Aggressionspolitik  der  USA  Vertieft

  Wirtschaftskrise.  E.  Liidemann.

Zur  Ideologischen  Strategie・des  Imperiali-

  smus.  G.  A.  Arうatow.


(Bd.30,  Heft  1,1971.)

  Die drei Finanzwissenschaften.  F。 K,M:ann.

「Wohlfahrtsδkonomik  und  Theorie  der

   Staatswirtschaft.'8.  Katterle.

  The  Theory  of Tax  Incidence  with  Imper-

   fect Factor  Mobility.'σ.  E.ハlcLure,み.'

  Die  finanzpolitische  Entwickl岨g  in      コ コ

   Osterreich  1966-1970.  D.  Bδ ∫.

  Princ三ples  of  Taxation.  K.  E。 Poole.

  Bemerkungen  zum  Subventionsbericht.

   K.一H.Hansmeyer.・・   '                        ロ ロ

  Ansatze  z町  Okonomik  der  Kommuni-

   kationsprozesse.  σ..G  a.fgen.

  The  Audit  of  Governments.          '

   R.Szawlow∫ ∫々.


(Vol」61,  No.3-July,1971.)

The  Management  of International  Common

  Property  Resources.  W'.  M.  Ro∬.

AGeographical  Systems  Analysis  of  the

Water  Supply  Networks  of the New  York

  Metropolitan  Region.  M.  R. Greenberg,

  G,W.  Carey,L.  Z∂bler&R.  M.  Hordon.

Irrigation  and  Salt  Problems  in Renmark,

  South  Australia.  C.  K  V.  Eうer'.

The  Chinese  Monsoon.  Jen-hu  Chang.

Dredge-Tailing  Agriculture  on  the  Rio

  Nechi,  Coloml)is.  R.」.  S1漉 ηzoη&

  乙.B.P観 ρ∫.

Food-Deficit  Areas  of Nigeria.  R. K.Udo.

The  Antiquity  of  Dairying量n  Asia  and

  Afr量ca.  F.」.5f〃zoδ η5.         .・


        REVIEW       ・      、

'(Vol.9,  No.1,1971.)

. Prosperity  Goods  in  the  Growth  Process.

  wp.  G.  Ho.ffmann.

Magic  Polygons  in Economic  Policy.  A

  Theoretical  Analysis  of  Conflicts  of

  Economic  Targets.  A.  E.'0κ.




On  the Relationships  between  the Economic

  Targets  in the  Federal  Republ三C  Of

  Germany,1951-1969.  P, Baumgarten

  &W.J.  M露cゐz.

一(Vol .9,  No.2,1971.)

Monetary  Aspects  of  a Stabilization  Policy

   Geared  to  Growth.  A.  Wδ π.

一Marx  as  a Growth  Theorist.  W.  Krelle.



(Anno  30,  N.1/2,1971.)

Livio  Livi:L,uomo,  Il Dt》cente,  Lo

  Scienziato.  G.  Galeotti.

Genesi  Convergenti・del  Calcolo  Finanziario

  Pubblico.  E.4'Albergo.

Un  Ripens虹mento  Sull'algebrizzazione

  Lineare'D¢lla  Teoria  Dell'equilibrio

  Economico  Generale.  G.  Palomba.

Polit三ca  dei Redditi  e Politica  di Sviluppo.

  M.D'Antonio.'    、

Sul  Tasso  di「Frutto  Degl'investimenti  ed.

  in Particolare  Sul  Calcolo  del  Tasso

  Negativo.』G.  Candela.

  r   8

一(Anno  30, N.3/4,1971.).

Aspetti  e Cause  Della  Mortality  da  Bron-

  chite  Cronica  in  Italia..  G.  Chia∬ino


Sul  Prodotto  di un  Numero  Aleatorio  di

  Variabili  Ca.suali  e  Una  Generalizza-

  zione.  E.(フastagnoli.

Per  Una  Storia  dei Prezzi  in Terra  di Bari

  nel  XVI  e XVII  Secolo.  L.  Palumうo.

Sulla  Probabilita  Bayesiana.  A.、M.


Caratteristiche  Demografiche  dei  Comuni

  Pugliesi  per  Classi  di  Popolazione  e

  Grado  di UrbanitA.0.  Papa.

Ricerche'di  Cinematica  Storica.  II Movi-

  mento  dei  Prezzi  e Delle  Altre.Quantita

  Economiche  S㏄ondo  la Teor量a  Delle

  Fluttuazioni  Economiche  di  Clement

  Juglar.  G.  P87π5c∫ πα, 5.  Pα7z'2τ',

  G.Pa∬adore,ノ1.  Rudich,  E.  Brambi〃 α

  &  C.Giannini。


(Vol.49,  No,5-Sept./Oct.,1971.)

Utopians  in the  Marketplace.  R.  Bri∫ σoθ.

Who  Wants  Corporate  Democracy~D.W.

  E厩 π9。

The  President  StandsAlone.且B、  Hen∫ 乃el.

Program  Budgeting  Works  in  Nonprofit

  Institutions.  1~. K.ハ4:αCZθ061.

Accelerating  Obsolescence  of  Older'Engi-

  neers.  G.W.  Dalton&P.  H.  Thompson・

Price  Stability  and  Full  Employment

  Too?  G.  L.  Bach.

Hot  to  Cope  With"Unreasonable  Com「

  pensation,,  Claims.  R.8.  Holzman.

Tight-Money  Financing.

  R.F.  Vandell&R.  M.  Pennell.

Make  TF  Serve  Corporate.Planning. .

  P.H.  Thur∫ton.

Ed㏄tic  Approach  to Organizational

  De》elopment.  E.  F.  Huse&M.  Bee九

Compensation  Cafeteria  for Top  Executives.

  G.  W.」Hセ πθηぬo%∫θ.

Next  Big  Indusiry;,Environmnetal

  Improvement.  J.'β.()uinn・

New  Windows  on  the  World.  T.  H.



(Vol.84,  No.7-May,1971.)

Megasubsidia士les:The  Effec{of  Co=porate

,  Structure  on  Corporate  Control.  ルf. A.

   彫 ∫enberg.







Effects  of  Kinds  of  Question  and  Atmos-

  phere  of  Interrogation  on  Accuracy  and

  Completeness  of  Testimony.

  」.Marshall,  K.  H.ハfαrg廊&5.

  05融 吻.      ・

         o    ,

一(Vol .84,  No,8-June,1971)

Control  of Advertising  in the United  States

  and  Germany=Volkswagen  Has  a Better

  Ides.  W.8.  Gri〃zθ5.

The  Continuing  Debate  Over  Mathematics

  in  the  Law  of Evidence:'

  AComment  on"Trial  by  Mathematics".

  M.0.Finkelstein&W.'B.  Fairley.

  AFurther  Critique  of  Mathematical                                                            、

  Proof.  L.  H.  Tribe.


(Vol.30,  No.2-Su㎜er,.1971.)

Subculture,  Social  Reform  and  the`℃ulture

  of  Poverty".'V7.  B.  Miller.

, Patterns  of Value  Change  During  Economic

  Development;.An  Empirical  Study.

  」. Turner.

Industrialization,  Personality  and  Social

  Mobility  in, Brazil.  B.  C.  Ro∫en.

Powerlessness  and  the  Adaptive  Responses

  of'Disadvantaged  Blacks:APilot  Study.

  S.N.  Dubey.

Institutional  Changes  and  Development  of

  the  Fishing  lndustry'in  A  Japanese

Island  Co㎜unity.  K.  H-K.伽9.

Migration  A㏄ulturationand  Social  Mobility

  Among  the Untouchable  Gold  Miners  in

  South  lndia:ACase  Study.・G.  N.                               

  Ramu.                      "

Peasants,  Revolution,  and  Drinking:

  Interethnic  Drinking  Patterns  in Two

  Bolivian  Com㎜nities.  D。 B.  Heath.

The  Soclal  Uses  of Alcoholic  Beverages  in

  aPeruvian  Co㎞unity.  P. L. Doughty.

The.  Rhythms  of  Drinking  in a  Peruvian

  Coastal  Mestizo  Community.五.  R.


Errata  to  Some  Intergenerational  Compar-

  isons  in Two  Ethnic  Com㎜1nities  in圏Is

rael,  Vol.30,  Noユ.

  R.」.Siinon&M.  Gurevitch.


      R肌ATIONS  REVIEW      `


Measures  of  U,  S.  Strike  Activity.

  」.WF.  Skeels.

Discharge-Reinstatement:What  Happens

  Thereafter.  T.」.ハlcD〃Mott&

  T.H.1>乙 脚ゐα2π5.

Obstacles  to  the  Introduction  of  Efficient

  Money  Incentives  in a Hungarian

  Factory. 'L.、 磁thy&C.ハ4毳 々6.

Employing  the Training-Program  Enrollee:

  An  Analysis  of Employer  Personnel

  Records.  D.  H.・Greenberg.

African  Provident  Funds.γ.  Gerdes.

Labor's  Share  by  Sector  and  Industry,

  1948-1965.F.  A.αo∫e&D.  E.



(Vol.28,  No.4-July/Aug.,1971.)


RefI㏄tions  on  Computers  and'Auditing  in

  the  1970s.  H.  Wei∬.

Operational  Auditing:You,  Too,  Can  be

  aConsultant.  W'. J.  Har〃zeyer.      '

InternalAudit  Scheduling-AMathematical'

  Model.  D.E.  Wilson&R.  D.Ranson.

Creativity:An  Inheritance  or a Discipline?

  R.』B.  Ranson.

What  Management  Expects  of the Auditor.

  K.W.  Bahler.







(Vol.103,  No.5-May,1971.)

Recent.  Trends  in  Collective  Bargdining  m

  Australia.  D.  Yerbury{&  J. E.  Issac.

Agrarian  Reform・and  Employment:P(ド

  tential  and  Problems.  M.」.  Sternberg.

The  Settlement  of  Labour  Disputes  in.

  Mexico.    ,

The  Education-Occdpation  Matrix:An

  Indian  Case  Study.  3.  Merret彦.

  一(Vol.103,  No.6-June,1971.)

  Postscript  to``lndustrialism  and  Industrial

   Man,'..  C.  K〃7,」.  T.  Dunlop,

   F.H.  Harうison&c.  A.1吻2∬.

・Equal  pay  in  the  United  States .  M.  M。


' On・Measuring  the  Social  Opportunity

   Cost  of  Labour.  ∠4・. C.  Harberger.    。

一(Vol .104.  Nos.ユ/2-July/Aug.,1971.)

Agrarian  Reform,  Production  and  Employ-

   ment  in Taiwan.  A.  Y,  C.  Koo.、

The  Wood  County  Project.  G.N.  Wright,

   K.W'.  Reagles'&K.  R.  Thomas.

Benefit-Cost  Analysis  for  Employment

   Creation.   0.  ハ4iθ1~7πθ'.

Subcontract三ng,  IndustrialismIon  and

   Employment  Creation.8.  Watanaう2.

The  Settlement  of  Labour  Disputes  in


ASystematic  Approach  to  Personnel

  'Selection.  W卿. T.  G.  Bates.                  コ

Recent  Trends  in Collective  Bargaining  in

  Belgium.  R.  Blanpain.           臣

・一(Vol.'104,  No.3-Sept.,1971.)

Family  Planning  in Industry:The  Japanese

  Experience.  7.  Kato&T.  Takaha∫hi.

. Africa's  Labour  Force,196〔 ト80.

  E.D2π だ.

Out-of」School  Education  and  Training  for

  Primary-School  Leavers  in Rural  Kenya:

  AProposal.  W,  Elkan.  ・`

Mastering  the  Future.」'.  Jobl'π,8」.



(Vol.23,  No.2,1971.)

Data-processing  and  the Use  of the  Results

  of  S㏄iological  Surveys.  1~.、Bo露40π.

The  Processing  of'Ethnographic  Data.

  J.  (知 ∫∫eniei・.

Archaeology  and  Computers:New

  Perspectives.  J.一C.  Gardゴ π・

The  Use  of  Computer  Simulat三 〇n Techni-

  ques  in S㏄iology。 」.一P. Gr動z:y・

The  Use  of Computers  in  Experimental

  Psychology.  jD..L6ρ ∫πθ・

The  Computer  and  the Analys玉s  of Myths.


The  Literature  of .the  Social  Sciences:A

  Survey  of  Citation  Studies...R.瓦


Problems  of  Indexing  and  Classification  in

  the  Social  Sciences.'D.」.'Foskett.

AComparison  of Scientific  Co㎜unication

  Behaviour  of  S㏄ial  an(1  Physical

  Scientists.  W.  Z). Garvey,  Nan乙in&

  C.E.1>診 」∫on.

Information  Needs  of  S㏄ial  Scientists  and・

Ways  of  Meeding  Them.  A.  L.    り

  Goldろerg.   .            、

From  Automatic  Documentation  to the Data

  Bank.」.一P.  Trystram.

                                コ                ロ  



'     (田.185,Heft.5,1971.)

コ コ

Okonomie  der  Freiziet.  W.  Mei∬ner.


コ ロ

Uberstunden  in der  Freizeitkultur?

  Mikrookonomisches  Arbeitsangebot  bei

  Lohn-and  Arbeitszeitvariationen.      '

  K,G,  Zinn.

An  Empirical  Reexamination  of  the

  Permanent  Income  Hypothesis:ATime

  Series  Study  of West  Germany.


Planung  von  Stichprobenstatistiken  mit

  Hilfe  elektronischer  Rechenanlagen.

  K.rA。  sご 層 茄r&・M.  Konopicky.

一(Bd .185,  Heft  6,1971.)

Die  t忌chechoslowaki蕊he  Wirtschaft  in den

  sechziger  Jahren.  Das  Schicksal  einer

  Wirtschaftsreform.」.  Kosta&J.  S護伽 α.

Zum  Problem  preispolitischer  Steuerung  der

  landwirtschaftlichen  Produktion  in der

  DDR.  D.(弛 ∬el&J.  Thieme.

Zur'Bayes-Analysis.  E.正felten.                                    '


(Vol.131,  No.6-June,1971.).                      o

Performance  and . Operational,Auditing.

E,H.M・ 鵬 〃 ・

Cost  Cutting  in a Declining  Economy.


Displacement  of  Auditors  When  Clients

  Go  Public・ ℃ ・G・(海rρ θπ∫θr{昼R・H


Robinson-Patman  Act  Cost  Justifications

  and  CPAs.  M..N.  Mervin.

一(VoL132, No.1-July,1971,)


EDP  Audit  Impl㎝entation  with  General

  Purpose  Software.  G.  F.  Reid&J・ 五 ・,

  ・Demcak.   .                  `

Independence  and  MAS-Opinions  of  Fi-

  nancial  Statement  Users.  P.  L. Titard。

ACPA's  Opinion  on  Management

.Performance.  T.  G.  Secoy.

The  Changing  Content  of  the'¢PA

  Examination.  H:8.  Hendrickson.

一(Vol .132,  No.2-Aug.11971。)

The  Computer,  the  A㏄ountant  and  the

  Next  Decade.  F.  Kau.fman.'

The  CPA  in the  World  of  Psychology.

  D.T。  DeCoster.

Medicare:Accounting  Methods  and  S㏄ial

  Goals.'W.  E.  Sago・

Inseparability  and  the  Valuation  of

  Convertible  Bonds.  M.  J.  Stephens.



(Vol.44,  No.3-July,1971.)

AFormal  Model  of  the  Economy.

  A.B.  Laffer&R.  D.  Ranson.

An  Analysis  of  the  1968-69  Economic

  Forecasts.」.」.  EπzJθr&H.0.  Stekler.

Revisions  of  Reported  Quarterly  Earnings.

.G.  E.  Newell. I

Publication  Waiting  Line.  E訊O'Brien.

Information  and  Capital  Markets.  E.  F.

  翫 脚&A.・ 、B. Laffer、

The  Relationship  of  Characteristics  of  the

  Review  Process  to the  Success  of  the

  "Management  by  Objectives"Approach.

、s.  J.  Carroll,」 ナ.&H.  L.  Tosi.

The  Expected  Cost  Hypothesis  and  the .

  Selection  of  an  Optimal  Deductible  for

  a・Given  Insurance  Policy.  C.  H.".'

  Lα πzθπα膨r.

The  Predictive  Significance  of  Five-Point

 .Chart  Pattems.  R.  A.  Levy.

On  Optimal  Myopic  Portfolio  Policies,

 .with  and  without  Serial  Correlation'of

  Yields.」!V.  H:Hakan∬on.






(Vol.31,  No.2-June,1971.)

ASelf-Generating  Model  of  Long-Swings

  for the  American  Economy,1860-1940.

  w.W.ハlcCormick&C.  M.  Franks.

The  Duke  of  Newcastle  and  the  Finacing

  of the…ieven  Years'War.  R.  Brow痂9.

The  Increasing  Poverty  of the  Samurai層1n

・Tokugawa  Japan,1600-1868.


Earnings  of  American  Civil  Engineers,

  1820-1859.  1レf.∠4Z47fご み.

Race,  Skills,  and  Earnings:American

  Immigrants  in 1909.  R.猛995.

Keynes  on  the  Sources  of  Economic

  Growth.  V.  J.  Tara∫ α'o.



(Vol.9,  No.2-June,1971.)

Understanding  the'Marxian  Notion  of

  Exploitation:ASummary  of  the  S(ト

  Called  Transformation  Problem  Between

  Marxian  Values  and  Competitive  Prices.

  P.A.  Samuelson.                ・

Foreign  Economic  Aid  in the International・

  Encyclopedia  o∫ 伽Social  Sciences:

  AReview  Article.」.  Horvath.

Soviet  Views  on Keynes:AReview  Article

  Surveying  the  Literature.  」. M.  Letiche。


    (Vol.26,  No.3-June,1971.)


Valuation  and  the  Cost  of  Capital  for,

  Regulated  Industries.  E.ノ.  El如n&


Price  and  Interest  Rate  Exp㏄tations  and

  the  Demand  for  Money  in  Canada.

  L.B。  Sm∫ ∫ん&」 。 w.  L  T佐 π4θ7・.

ANote  on  Financing  Mergers  with  Con-

  vertible  Preferred  St㏄k..C.  R.52うrθ6ぬ θr.

The  Demand  for  Mortgage  Loans  and  the

  Concomitant  Demand  for  Home  Loan

  Bank  Advances  by  Savings  and  Loan

  Ass㏄iations.  T.  F.ハf∂rri∬ey.

An  Evaluation  of the'CompetitivとEffec't

  of  FHLB  Open  Market  Operations  on

  Savings  Inflows  of  Savings  and  Loan

  Associations.  」. K。  Kwon(巳  1~.1レf.


The  Demand  for New  York  State  Mutual

  Savings  Bank  Deposits:1960-1969.

  .N. B.ルfurphy.

Disintermediation  Through  Policy  Loans

  at Life  Insurance  Companies.  F.  H.


ANote  on  the Behavior  of Expected  Price!

  Earnings  Ratios  Over  Time.  A.  A

  .Ro腕 σ乃2々{豊M.  C.  Bogue.

On  the Theory  of Financial  Intermediation.


The  Negative  Precautionary  Demand  for

  Money  Reconsidered.8.  C.. Stevens.

Two-Period  Portfolio  Selection  and

  Investors  Discount.Rates.・H.  Levy&


' Some  Portfolio  Adjustment  Theorems、for

  the  Use  of  Non-Negativity  Constraints

  on Security  Holdings.  M.  W.  Jones一 石ee.

JOURNAL  OF、  MARKETING                        ,          y

(Vol.35,  No.3-July,1971.)

Social  Marketing:An  Approach  to Planned

  S㏄ia]Changes.  P. Kotler&G.Zaltman.

Marketing's  Application  to Fund  Raising.

  w.Aルfindak&H.  M.  Bybee.

Health  Service  Marketing:.A  Suggested

  Model.  G.  Zaltman&正Vertin∫ky.

一30了 一


    Marketing  and  Population  Problems.

     」.σ.Farley&H.」.  Leavitt.

    R(℃ycling  Solid  Wa忌tes:AChannels-of一` 

,  distribution  Problem.  W', G.  Zikmund

     &  W.」.Stanton,

    Comparing'the  Cost  of  Food  to Blacks  and

    'to  Whites.  Z). E.  Sexton,み.

    Consumer  Prot㏄tion  Via  Self-regulation.

     乙.L。  Ste,・π.

   'S㏄ietal  Adaptation:ANew  Challenge  for

     Marketing.  L,  P.  Feld㎜ π.      

    Incorporatiロg  Ecology  into  Marketing

     Strategy:The  Case  of  Air  Pollution.

     KH:Ka∬ αガ 伽. '・

    Marketing  Science  in  the Age  of Aquarius.




(Vol.79,  No.3-May/June,1971.)

    ATheory  of Foreign  Exchange  Speculation

   '  under  Alternative  Systems.  8.  R.

      Canterbery.  '

    Distortions  in Factor  Markets  and  the

      General  EquilibriumModel  of Production.

      1~. v7.  Jones.

    The  Interdependence  Between  Income  and

      Education.  G.8.  Tolley&E,  Olson.

    An  Application  of  the  Shephard  Duality

      Theor㎝=AGeneralized  Leontief

      Production  Function.  Wp.  E.  Z)iewert.

    Efficiency,  Distribution,  and  the.Role  of

      Gover㎜ent  in  a Market,  Economy.・


    Costs  and  Benefits  of  Medical  Research:

      ACase  Study  of  Poliomyelitis.

      B.A.  Weisbrod.

    Differential  Capital  Charges  and  Resource

      Allocation  in、Soviet  Industry.


    Oskar  Lange's  Theory  of  S㏄ialist

・     Planning.  P.  C.  Roberts.

Uncertainty,  Entrepreneurship,  and

  Sharecropping  in  India.

  C.H:Hanumantha  Rao.

Price  Trends,  Economic  Growth,  and  the

  Canadian  Balance  of  Trade:AThree-

  Country  Model.  R.  A.  Sedjo.

Effect  on  Prices  of Japan,sEntry  into World

Co㎜erce  After  1858.」.  R.  Huber,

What  Went  Wrong~R.翫 π〃.

Preferences,  Separability,  and  the  Patinkin

  Model.  C.〃oyd.

The  Relationship  Between  Permanent

  Income  and  Measured  Variables.

  M.v.  Arak&A.  Spiro.

American  Inventiveness,1870-1920.

  R.紐995.                            『

r(Vol.79,  No.4-July/Aug.,1971.)

Evaluation  of Life and  Limb:ATheoretical

  Approach.  E.」.ハ 盃●5勉π.

AStudy  of  the  Effects  of Competition  in

  the  Tax-exempt  Bond  Market.

  R.  Kessel.

Short-Term  Capital  Movements  of  the

  United  Kingdom,1963-1967.

  Z.Hod,ノ ¢ra.

Using  a Probabilistic  Frontier  Production

  Function  toMeasure  TechnicalEfficiency.

 一C.P.  Timmer.

Interprovincial  Migration  in  Canada  as  a

  Human℃apital  Decision.(;.「Laう θア 〔島

  R.X.  Cha∫9.

Ranks'Demand  for Excess  Reserves.

  P.ム.Frost.          ,

Assessing  the  Dynamic  Efficiency  of

  Automatic  Stabilizers.  」, Helliwell&


Government  Revenue  from  Inflation.


The  Response  of  Prices  and  Income  to

  Monetary  Policy:An  Analysis  Based

  Upon  a Differential  Phillips  Curve.

  D.WP.  Peterson,  E.  M.'Lerner&.

  E.J.  Lu∫ ゐ.




   Reversals  of Assumptions  and  Implications.

    L。 Z)θ1】Lle∫St.

   Pro(iuctive  Efficiency  in the  Steam-Electric

    Generating  Industry.  TV,  Z), Seitz.

   Resource  All㏄ation  in TraditionalAgricul-

    ture:Republican  China,1937-1940.

    s・R・Dittrich&R.  H.  Myers.

  The  Effect  of Minimum  Wages  on Teenage

    Unemployment  Rates.  T.  G.  M:oore.

  Some  Sul)stitution  Effects  in the  L㏄ation'   D

ecision  of a Firm.  W'.0.C.  Wright。


        INSURANCE        、

(Vol.38,  No,2-June,1971.)

The  Family  Assistance  Plan  as a Solution

  to  the  Welfare  Crisis.  G..E.  Rの'伽.

Economies  of  Scale  in the  Property  and

  Liabil三ty  Insurance  Industry.

  」.D.  Hammond,  E.  R.ルfelander&

  .N. Shilling.

Savings  Bコnk  Life  Insurance  Pr三ces  and

  Market  Shares.」.  M.  Belth.

Optimal  Insurance.  A.  E,  Hofflander,

  E。.Renshaw&  V∵Renshavり.

Professionalism:Its  Presence  and  Absence

  in  the  Insurance  Industry.    」P. P.


Why  Black  Families  Own  Less'Life

  Insurance.  8.  R。 」紐Z'2:.

Characteristics  of  Life  Insurers  Entering

  the  Mutual  Fund  Industry.

  」.A.  Gentry&C.  M.  Linke.

Stop  Loss  Reinsurance-A  New  Look。

  B.D.  Evans&G.  Rich〃dson.

The  Cost  of Capital  of Insurance  Companies.

  」.」 。乙aunie.

・Critical  Evaluation  of  FAIR  Plans.

  G.K.  Bθrπ5漉 π.

The  Mixed  Class;Motivation  and

  Measurement.  R.  E.  Jo乃nson.

ACase  Study  in'Municipal  Risk

  Management.  E.」.  Vaughan.


●         -



(Series  A:・Vol.134,  Pt.1,1971.)

The  Statistician  and  the  Manager:The

  Address  of the President.  B. Benjamin.

Repeated  Significance  Tests  on  Accumulat-

  ing  Data  When  the  Null  Hypothesis  is

  not  True。   C.  K.  McPher∫on&

  P.`ル 〃z伽92. .           I

Models  in Applied  Probability.」.Gani.

Censuses  of  Production  in the  United

  Kingdom  1924-1958:an  Attempt  at

  Reconciliation.  E.  Pri〃zorac.

Seasonal  Var三ations  in Regression  Analysis.

 ・K.F.  Walli∫&」.  JP. Thomas.

Entropy  and  Other  Measures  of

  Conc合ntration.  P.  E.  Hart。

一(Series  B:Vol .33,  No.1,1971.)

Spline  Transformations:Three  New        ・

   Diagnostic  Aids  for  the  Statistical  Data-

   Analyst.  Z,.1. Boneva,  D.G.Kenda〃&

   ■8診 θル ηoη.

On  the  Asymptotic  Properties  of  the

   Maximum-Likelihood  Estimate  Obtained,

   from  Dependent  Observations.      ,

・  y.Bar-Shalom.

' Comparison  of  Sequential  Bioassays  in

   Small  Samples.  M.  Davis,

Spatial  Variability  and  the  Theory  of

  Sampling  in Random  Fibrous  Networks.

   C。 T。 」,Z)odson.

Posterior  Precision  for  Non-Normal

  Distributions.  H,  M'。 Finucan.

Error  Analysis  by  Replaced  Samples.

  J,A.  Hartigan.

Goodness  of Fit of a Discriminant  Function

  from  the  Vector'Space  of  Dummy      、

  Var三ables.  K.  M.  Kshirsagar.

Some  Results  on the  Sampling  Distribution

  of  the  Mulヒiple  Correlation'Coefficient.

  Yoong∫in  Lee.                        唱


卜 .


Block  Designs  and  Missing  Data.

.S. C.  Pearce、 島 」. N∴R.」 珍.ffers.

On  a Statistic'for  Rank  Analysis  of

  Variance.  E.  Per伽.    ・

Distribution  of  Residual  Autocorrelations

  in the  Regression  Model  with

  Autoregressive-Mov三ng  Average  Errors.


ADisguised  Wishart  Variable  and  a Related

  Theorem,  W.  y.  Tan&1.  Guttman.

Some  Tests  of  Independence  for  Stationary

  Multivariate  Time  Series.  G:1砺 乃ba.


(Vol,24,  Fasc.2,1971.)

Interactions  Among  Iabor,  Goods,  and

  Money  Markets,5。  Enke.

Analyse  Monetarer  Hypothesen  des Sachver-

  St…ind三genrates  zur  Begutachtung  der

  gesamtwirtschaftlichen  Entwicklung.

  K.Brunner&M.  J,  M.  Neumann.

Some  Optimal  Aspects  in a  Two  Class

  Growth  Model  with  a Differentiated

  Interest  Rate.  P.  Balestra&


The  Two-Sector  Growth  M(>del  with  a

  Fixed-Coefficient  Technology.


Politiques  anti-pollution  optimales  en

  Presence  d'incertitude.  5.一C.  Kol〃z.

Maximum  Output  or  Maximum  Welfare?

  More  on  the  Off-Peak  Pricing  Problem.

  w.翫 々r超y.


(Vol.22,  No.5-May,1971.)

ALook  at  the  Equal  Pay  Act  in Practice。


The  Unionization  of Union  Organizers  and

  International  Representatives.

  K。F.  Treckel.

The  Federal  Labor  Law  Status  of the Health

  Care  Delivery  Industry.  D.D.Pointer.

The  Changing  Role  of  the  Injunction  in

,  the  Public  Sector.  P.  D.  Staudohar.

The  NLRB-lmplementer  of  the  National

   Labor  Policy  or  Vice'Versa?


一(Vol .22,  No.6-June,1971.),

The  Hard-Hats,  the  Davis-Bacon  Act  an(I

  Nixon's  Incomes  Policy.  D.  Lθ 窃 π50π.

Toward  Defining  and  Abolishing  the  Bona

  Fide  Occupational  Qualification  Based

  on  Class  Status.  」, M.  Shaman.

The  T三meliness  Question三n  Bringing  Suit

  Under  Title  VII  of  the  Civil  Rights

  Act.   8. 」. (フabot.

In  the  Matter  of  the  Dispute  Betw㏄n  the

- State  of  New  York  and  Council  82,


Postal  Reform:Fact  or  Fiction?

  8.1~.  Wolk.


(Vol.53,  No.1-July,1971.)

Inventory  Management  Program.

  C.」.Slaybaug乃.     '

Inventory  Costs  and  the  Property  Tax.

  」.王 孟Davi∫.  .

Limitations  in  Developing  Top-Level

  Executives.  0.乙,  Go/finet,

The  Computer: .ACost-Benefit  Analysis.

  P.A.  Jones.

Accounting  Controls  for Professional  Service

  Eirms.  T.  E.ハfθ 」αη9.             塾

Variance  Analysis  in Profit  Planning.

  R.(hJα ∫.

The  Change  to Direct  Costing  in a M山1-

  Product  Company.・H:H:Flock.

Evaluating  the  Cost  in a  Lease  Proposal.

  C.D.  Mann.

Reducing  the  Cost  of  Cost  Control

  J.C.  Stallman.



一(▽of .53,  No.2-Aug.,1971.)  ◎

Investment  Decision-Making  in a

  Multinational  Enterprise.

  」.c.  Chambers(島3.  K..翫 正読 ゴ`々.

Syste由sPlanning  forPerfornance  Evaluation

  M.且Raiborn.         '  ・

Post-Auditing  the Capital  Investment  Decト

  sion.(フ 。F.Hicks,,ル.&乙.乙.50乃 痂4ち み.

In  Search  of  Money.'8.∠4.  A〃 脚 ㌶.

Accounting  for  the  Not-For-Profit

  Organizations.  M.  E..Strecker・.'

Cost  Accounting  and  Control  for  Mining

  Companies.  E.」.  Duプik.

Developing  the Selling  Price.  G.13.(sutler.

New  Products  and  Their  Related  Costs.



(Vol.17,  No.10-June,1971.)

Compensation  of School  District  Personnel.

  」.E.  Bruno.

Process  Analysis  Model  of the  U.  S. Steel

  Industry.  C.  S.  Tsao&R.  H.  Day.

Application  of  Linear  Programming  to a

  Controversy  on  Air  Pollution  Control.

  R.E.  Kohn.

Problem  Solving  with  Ordinal  Measure-

  ment.石.  M。  Bartee.    ∫

ACommunication  Model  of  Dialectical

 'Inquiring  Systems-a  Strategy  for Strategic

  Planning.1.1.  Mitroff.

Behavioral  Externalities  in Decentralized

  Organizations.  7マ. 研z。1~ueプ7∫.

Information  Systems  and  Public  Planning.

  1.R.  Hoos.

ASuggested  Behavioral  Approach  to

 'Cost-Benefit  Analys三s.  L一. Spier.

AProbability  Model  for  the  Remission

  Rate  of.Discharged  Psychiatric  Patients.

  P..D.  Fox.&H.  C.  Kraemer.


一(Vol .17,  No.11-July,1971.)


Towards  a System  of  Systems  Concepts.


AStudy  of Lexicographic  Expected  Utility.

  P.C.  Fishburn.

Optimal  Management  of  a Research  and

  Development  Project.  R.  E.乙uca∫,」 六

〇nQuadratic  Programming.  B.σ.  Eaves,

Finding  the  K  Shortest  Loopless  Paths  in

  aNetwork。 」。 y.  Yen.

AStatistical  Theory  for  PERT  in Which

  Completion  Times  of  Activities  Are

  Inter-Dependent.  L.」.  Ringer.

Production  Smoothing  with  Stochastic

  Demand  II;Infinite  Horizon  Case.

  M.J.  Sobel.

Constructing  Sets  of  Uniformly  Tighter

  Linear  Approximations  for a Chance

  Constraint.  Y.'8ゆ ρ惹Zδ・

Equipment  Replacement  under  Uncertainty。

  R.A.  Meyer,  Jr.

An  Algorithm  for  Separable  Nonconvex

  Programming王)oblems  II:Nonconvex

  Constraints.  ・R. M。  Soland.         、

一(Vol .17,  No。12-Aug.,1971.)

ALanguage  for  Organization:Part  l,

  Part,11.  H.1.  Anso∬&   1~. G.

  Brandenburg.        ・

S三mulation  Rese.量rch量n  Interchangeable

  Part  Manufacturing.」4.  R,. P4f&

  K.L.  McRobert∫.

On  the Nature  of the Cost-Benefit  Schedule、        ノ

  C。R.  Jones.

Optimal  Bluffing  Strategies  in Poker.


AComment  on``Probability  of  Survival

  as an  Investment  Cr三terion'l  by  Fred

  Hanssmann.  D.  J.乙aug〃 膨ππ.

Probabilistic  Forecasting  for  Contractors.

  H:E.Kf伽 」∬&z).  E.  Robison.


An  Implicit  Enumeration  Algorithm  for the

  Machine  Sequencing  Problem.

  M.Florian,  P.  Trepant.&G・1励 ハfαぬoπ・

AHeuristic  Programming  Solution  to a

  Nonlinear  Cutting  Stock  Problem.

  R..W.  Hae∬ler.                ,

An  Algorithm  for Optimal  Project  Schedul-

  ing  under  Multiple  Resource  Constraints,

  E.1y.  Z)avis&G.ε.  Heidorn.

Utility  Theory.  Applied  to  MuItivarlable

  System  Effectiveness  Evaluation.

  E.Turban&M.  L.  Metersky.

Letter  so  the  Editor.  W'.  Beranek.

The  New-Trier  Stochastic  Model  of  Brand

  Choice(Errata).  Z)。 A.  Aaker.


(Vol.94,  No.4-Apr.,1971.)

  Two  Measures  of  Purchasing  Power

    Contrasted.  P.ハf.  Schwaう:

  The  Working  Conditions  Survey.

    入乙 Ω 。Hg77雌&R.  P.(~uinn・

・Discontented  Blue-collar  Workers.

    H.L.  Sheppard・

  Regulation  of  Private  Pension  Plans  in

    Europe.  F.  M,  Kleiler・       .

  The  FMCS  and  Arbitration=Problems  and

    Prospects.  V7.」.  Kilberg.

  Productivity  in the  Petroleum  Pipelines

    Industry.  C.5.  jFθ乃4.

  Pension  Formula  Summarization.

    A.Stra∬ 〃.

  Salaries  in the  Banking  industry.

    H.W.  Jack.

  How  Union  Leaders  View  Job  Training

    Programs.」.  E.  Drotning'&,


一 一一(Vol .94,  No.5-May,1971.)

Changes  in  Productivity  and  Unit  Labor            ロ

  Costs.   5,  Herman  &  L.  Fulco,

Differences  in Hourly  Earnings  Between

  Men  and  Women.  V.  R.  Fuchs.

Wage  Differences  in Manufac加ring.

  w∴R.'Bailey&A.  E.  Schwenk・

Comparing  Union  and  Nonunion  Wages  in'

  Manufacturing。   S.乙.  Mason.

Determining  the  Effects  of Quality  Change

  on  the  CPI.  J・E・ 丁擁 ρZθκ。

Employment'of  High  School  Gradutes  and

  Dropouts.  A.ハf.  Young.

Purchasing  Power  of Workers  in the Soviet

  Union.  石.砺 ぬ..

Growth  of  Benefits  in a Cohort  of Pension

  Plans.  H.  E.  Davis.            '

一(Vol .94,  No.6-June,1971'.)

Analysis  of Occupユtional  Wage  Differences.

  A.Sackley'&T.  w.  Gavett.

Earnings  and  Family  Income.

  R.ムStein〔 島 」.ム 乙Hedges.

Compensation  Per  Man-Hour  and  Take一   ,

  Home  Pay.」.  Alterman.

AComment  on  the  Findings.  P.  Henle.

Comparing  Total  and  State-lnsured・

  Unemployment,  G..P.  Green.

ATable  of  Expected  Working  Life  for

  Men,1968。   H。  N.  Fuller如 π.

. Technology  and  Manpower  in Nonelectrical

  Machianery.  L.  T。0'Carro〃.

Union  Merger  Pace  Quickens.  L。 M.


NLRB  Petitions  That  are dismissed  or

  Withdrawn.」.  Kri∫lov.

Prices  in the  First  Quarter,1971.

  」.G.  Thomas.

Wages  in Men's  and  Boys'Suit  and  Coat

   Manufacture.  M.」 。 Tighe.

一(Vol .94,  No.7-July,1971.)

Young  Workers  and  Their  Earnings.

  v,c。  Perre〃 α.

Construction  Manpower  Needs  by  1980.

  w.F,  Hahn,                  .

Children  of  Women  in  the  Labor  Force.

  E.W:ald〃tan&K.  R.  Gover.


The  Labor  Market"Twist',,1964-69.

  D.F.  John∫ton.

Incidence  of Private  Retirement  Plans.

  E:'.Beier.    圏

Layoff  and  Recall  Provisions  in Major

  Agreements.  W.  L'. Tillery.

Wages  and  Tips  in Restaurants  and  Hotels.


Do  Defense  Engineers  Have  Special  Re-

  employment  Problems?  B.(フ.  Eaton.

一(Vol.94,  No.8-Aug.,1971,)


  Unit'Labor  Costs  in ll Countries.


  Employment  of  School-age  Youth..


  State  and  Local  Government  Spending  in

    1975.   77,F.1ア1¢ 〃zing,  Jr.

  Overtime  Hours  and  Premium  Pay.


  Job  Training  Programs  in  Urban  Poverty

    Areas.'R.  V.  Mckay.

  International  Longshoremen's  and

    Warehousemen's  Union  Convention.

.   ノ1.Belman.                 -

  Wages  in  Paperboard  Container  and  Box

    Plants,  5.ハJason.


(Vol.23,  No.2-June,1971,)

Bolivia  Between  Revolutions.」.  Petras,

    (Vol.23,  No.3-July/Aug.,1971.)

  Nationalism&Capitalism  in P㎝:AStudy

.  in Neo-lmperi31ism.  A.  Quijano.


(Vol.24,  No.1-Mar.,1971.)

The  Distribution  of  Costs  and  Benefits  in  ,

  an  Urban  Public  School  System.

  w.エ 〉:'Grubb。

Cost  VersusPerformance  Subsidies  as Tools'

  of  Intergover㎜ent  Finance.

  1レf.C.  Md〔;'wire.

The  1971  Depreciation  Revision:Measures

  of Effectiveness.  E.ルf.  Sunley,」 甲.

Taxes,  Depreciation,  and  Capital  Waste.

  M.G.  Kelly.'  一          1

The  Property  Tax  Assessment  Review・

  Process:ACause  for Regressive  Property

  Taxation?  M.  H.  Ro∬.

・Effects  of  Property  Tax  on  Operating  and

  Investment  Decisions  of Rental  Property

  Owners.  J.  H.1)eSalvo。

Intertemporal  Changes  in Real  Federal  ,

  Income  Tax  Rates,1954-70.

  C。 ∬.Goetz&  W.  E.  Weろer,

Grants-in-Aid:Some  Further  Answers,'

,  T.0,Brien.

Corporate  Taxes  and  the  United  States

  Balance  of  Trade.  M.  Z).  Weinrobe.

The  Oregon  Tax  Substitution  Referendum;

  The  Prediction  of  Vot三ng  Behavior.

  R.』L.Lucier。        ,

On``E)cploitation".  P.  G.  Brown.   .'


  v7,'」B..~ 〉診θ22ζzπ.        、

Optimality.in  Local  Debt  Limitation:

Co㎜ent.」.  H:1面 磁

  w.z写.  Mitchell.

ACo㎜ent  on  Optimality  in Loacl  Debt

  Limitation.」.,  R..Aronson。

Optimality  in Local  Debt  Limitation:

  Reply.  R.  E。 Wagner.

Political  Fragmentation  and  Inequality  in.・

  the Milwaukee  SMSA:ACom皿ent  and

  Some  Further  Evidence.  B. B.ハ4麗 γ74y。




The  Accounting  Principles  Boa■d  Revisited.

  M。Mooπ 加.

A㏄ounting  for Capital  Stock  Distributions.

  H.C.  P螂 鳶θ7。.





. Achieving  Cost-Accounting  Standards.


Academic  Preparation  for  a CPA-An

  Alternative  to  AICPA.  P.  E.  Fe∬.・

    (Vol.41,  No.6-June,1971.)

.Accountants'Responsibility  for  Unaudited

  Statements-A  Recent  Case.  κ. Saxe.

Accounting  for  Pension  Costs-An

  Illustrative  Ca'se.  WP.  E.  Seago.

Incompatible  Occupations'for  CPAs-An

  Inquiry  into  Compliance.8.  E.  Loeb:

Current  Thoughts  About  the LegalLiability

  of  the  CPA.  D.8.  Bab.

Important  Federal  Income  Tax  Decisions

  of  1970.  ノq」. Oberノ 診∫∫.

(Vol.41,  No.7-July,1971.)

    Is Responsibility  Accounting丘responsible~


    'The  1969  Tax  Reform  Act  and  Brother-

      S三ster Corporations.  L.  Gans.

    』The  Debatable  Role  and  Status  of  APB

  ・  ``Statements,,.  R.」.  Freeman,

    The  1969  Tax  Reform  Act-Taxpayer

      Revolt  or  Practitioner's  Nightmare..・     L

.」 。()lenick.

    The  Need  foてUnifotm  Cost  Accounting.

      Standards  for  Government  Contracts.



(Vol.23,  No.2-July,1971.)

・Conflicts  between  Output  and  Employment

  Objectives  in Developing  Countries.

  F」Stewart〔&P.  Streeten.

Imported  Inputsunder  Variable  Proportions.


Factor.Market  Imperfections  and  Gains  from

  Trade.  B.  Batra&P.  K.  Pa伽naik.・

,The  Nature  of the  Commodity``Health

   Care"and  Its Efficient  Allocation.

   A.」.(海 砂2r.

Wage  Differentials  in  the  Japanese  Manu-

   facturing  Sector,  3.1f:Paine.

The  Distribution  of Wealth  and'the

   Individual  Life-cycle.  A.  B..A漉 伽50π.

Price  Response  of Marketed  Surplus  of

   Foodgrains.  P, Bardhan&K.  Bardhan,

Promoting  Industrial  Investment  in Develop一                                        ダ

   ing  Countries:Traditional  Financing

   Methods  vs. Industrial  Leasing.

   G.c.  Maniatis.                      ロ

Regional  Multiplier  Effects  in  the  U.  K:.:

   AComment.  M.  A.  Greig.                                  1


(Vol.26,  No.1,1971.)

Wagner's"Law"of  Expanding  State

  Activity.  R.  M.  Bird.

Long  Swings  in the  Role  of  Government:

  An  Analysis  of  Wars  and  Government

Expenditures  in  Western  Europe  Since

  the  Eleventh  Century.  R.  W'. Crowley.

Wagne?s  Law。f  Public  Expenditure':Do

  Recent  Cross-Section  Studies  Confirm三t~


The  Growth  of Public  Expenditures  in    ・

  Selected  Developing  Nations:Six

  Caribbean  Countries  1940-65.

、1.J。  Go/fmen&D.」.  Mahar.

Cyclical  Growth  of  Public  Expenditure..

  W.  V7=  1瓢0ハ4;ahon.



(Vol.85,  No.3-A亡g.11971.)

Economics  of Athenian  Drama.

  W.J.  Baumol.

Economic  Growth  and  International  Trade.

  」.γ αη2ゐ.




 :Sources  of  Growth  in  Less  Developed

   Countries.5.  Robin∫on.

  Equality  in  Pロblic  Expenditure.


An  Analysis  of  Revenue  Sharing.

・ 'D .F.  Brad∫brdr&W.  E,0α オθ∫.

' The  Effect  of  Uncertainty  on  Resource・

   All㏄ation.  7▼.」.  Rothenberg&


 .1,inear  Profit-Sharing  Incentives.


  Nonconstant  Returns  to Scale  and  Technical

   Change.  」. Conlisk.

The  Se三gniorage  Gains  of an  International

   Currency.  B.」.  Cohe箆.


(Vol.38(2),  No.114-Apr.,,1971.)'

.A  Tdtonnement  Process  for Public  Goods.

  」.H:z)reze&D.  de  la V.  Poussin.

Differential  Taxation,  Public  Goods  and

  Economic  Efficiency.」.  E.5"gJ∫ 薦6診

  P・Dasgup彦 α.

An  Exploration  in the  Theory  of Optimum

  Income  Taxation.  J.ノ1.ハ 必'rrlees.    '

Capital  Taxes,  the Redistribution  of Wealth

  ai】d Ind三vidualSavings.  ∠生. B.ノ1'濃iゴπ∫on.

The  Dynamic  Effects  of  Fiscal  Policy  in

.an  Economy  with  Foresight.  R . E. Hall.

' 4n  the Theory  of Foreign  Exchange  Reserve



G.C.  Arc乃fうald&

一一 ・(Vol .38(3),  No.115-July,1971.)

An  Investment  Planning  Process  for  an

  Economy  with  Increasing  Returns,,八 広 ノloki.

. Planning;Prices  and.  Increasing  Returns.

  G.M.  Heal.'T

ransitivity  of  Social  Decisions  Under

  Some  More  General  Group  Decision  Rules

  Than  Majority  Voting.

  R.ム 乙Batr・a&P.  K.  Pattanaik.


Choice  Fロnctions  an(I Revealed  Preference.

  A.K.5θ π.

Uzawa's  Preference  Axioms.  E.  Gordon.

Present  Values  Playing.the  Role、  of

  EfficiencyPrices  in the One-Good  Giowth

  Model.  Z). Ca∬&M.  E.  Yaari.

The  Structure  of  the  Asset  Portfolios  of

  Households.  R. S.Uhler&J,  G.  Cragg。

The  Structure  of .the Cost  of Capital  Under

  Uncertainty.  A∴B卯'α.

AMaximum・Sustainable  Growth  Rate  for

  British  Industrial  Outputs.  T.8。Barker.

       REVIEW  OF  THE



(Vol.39,  No。2,1971.)

L'essai  th6rapeutique:ethique  individuelle

  ou  6th玉que  collective~   」. Lellouch{島


Ranking  the  Players  in a  Round  Robin

  Tournament.  H.  A.  David.

The  Comparison  of Proporions:AReview

  of Significance  Tests,  Confidence  Intervals

  and  Adjustments  for  Stratification'.

  '」.J.  Gart.

Some  Generalized  Markov  Chain  Occupancy

  Processes  and  Their  Application.to

  Hospital  Admission  Systems.

  」.F.、  Bithe〃.      '

AReview  of Models  for Population  Change.

  M・c・Sheps・        ・'

AReview  of Stochastic  Linear

  Programming.  J.  K.  Sengupta.      ・

   REVUE  D'皿ISTOIREノ                             ド


(Vol.49,  No.1,1971.)

Etudes  statistiques  sur  le  commerce

  c6r6alier  de  la France  m6rid1onale  au

  XVIIIθs三 さcle.1.  G.  Fr禽 んε.




     1                       ρ

L,Arlh6e  de  I'Ancieh  R6gim陀:la  Milice

  provinciale  dans  la subd61egation  de Saint一 ・

  Gaudens  en  1780,1781,1782  et 1787.


Saint一Simon  en 1812-1813.ノ1。  Thuillier.

Charles  Noiret  et  1'enquete  de 1848  sur  la

  profession  de  tisserand.1G.  Gπ6ガ/:



(Vol.18,  No.2,1970.)

The.Balance  of  Polish  Sea  Trade  with  the

West,1565-1646.丑.1瞼f2α 々..

The  Paraffin  Factory  at Mandal:AStudy

  三nBusiness  Enterprise.  W・Vamplew.

The  Settlement  Preferences  of Scandinavian

  Emigrants  to  the  United  States,1850-

  1960. ・R.1ζ.Vedder&L.E.(ヲ ζzZJατσαッ.


(Jg.91,  Heft  2,1971.)

Das  Dilemma  der  Marktabgrenzung  in der

  Preistheorie.  H.  Winter∫to∫ π.

Anglomanie.and  Anglophobie  wahrend  der

  Industriellen  Revolution  in Deutschland.

  K.w.  Hardach.     '\

Der  Einfluss  der Wirtschaftspolitik  auf  die

Entwicklung  der  japanischen  Wirtschaft

  1950  bis  1970.   M。  S。 Browne.

,一(Jg.91,  Heft  3,1971.)

Kulturelle  Hemmnisse  wirtschaftlicher

  Entwicklung.  H.」.  Harlo∬.

Zinsfreiheit  als Problem  der  deutschen                            り

  Wirtschaftspolitik  zwischen.1857  and

  1871.  F.Blai`乃.     .    l

Ein  Satz  iiber die  Tendenz  zur

,Monoproduktion.  H.  H.  Weber.

一(J9 .91,  Heft  4,1971.)

Zu  den  UrSachen  der chronischen  deutschen,

  EXPQrtαberschasse.  左 ∠L4の σ乃7.,

Staat  and  Notenbank.  Probleme  ihrer

  wirtschaftspolitischen  Kooperat三 〇n.    '・

  D.Tiegel.        ・


(Vol.35,  No.2-Su㎜er,1971.)

ACase  H三story  of  U.  S. Subversion=

  Guatemala,1954.  M.  Go㎡on.

Is There  a Marxian  Ethic?The  Fact-Value

  Dist…nction.  .B.  Ollman.    .

Positive  Economics,  Comparative  Advantage

  and  Underdeveolpment.  F.3.  Weaver.

Aspects  of  the  Scottsboro  Campaign.

  H.T.五 加r復y,み.

William  English  Walling  and  the  Search

  for  an  American  Socialist  Theory.

  」.Stuart.          画



(Vol.38,  No.1一'July,1971.)

Spanish  Mercantilism:AHardy  Perennial.

  R.S.8而 飴.    り

Role  of  Non-Chicago  Economists  in  the

  Evolution  of  the  Quantity  Theory  in

  America  1930-1950.  T.  M.  Humphrey.,

Advertising  and  Market  Concentration.

  D,F。  Greer.

Wage-Price  Guidelines  and  the  Rate  of.

Wage  Changes  in U.  S.  Manufacturing.

  1951-66,  3.5.  Vレ'allack.

AConspicuous  Production  Theory  of

  Hospital  Behavior.ハlaw  Lin  Lee.

Location  Models  in the Context  of a Regional

  Economic  System.  B.  R.ハfiller&

  R.A.  King.






Tax  Payments  and  El㏄tr三c  Ut三lity  Prices.

  P.C.  Mann&J.ムMike∫ell.


(Vol.23,  No.1-July,1971,)

Informat互on  and  Incentives  in Planning

  Soviet  Investment  Projects.    '

  M.R.  Jack∫on.

Issues  in Soviet  Energy  Policy  and  Conflicts

  Over  Fuel  Cost§in  RegionalDevelopment.


Soviet  Imports  of  Primary  Products:A

 ・Case-Study  of  C◎coa.  P.  Hanson.

The  German  Independent  Socialists  at the

  S㏄and  Comintern  Congress..

  D.L.  Morrill.

Ma7x,s  Classification  of Economic  Systems

  and  the Soviet  Economy.'1).0.  Roberts.

SOWJETWISSENSCHAFT                                        '

(Jg.1971,  Heft  6,1971.)

50Jahre  Wirtschaftsplanung  1n der UdSSR.

  五.'」2ノ 肋o脚.

Fragen  des  wissenschaftlich-technischen

  Fortschritts.  A.  Rumゴ απ29卿.・

Die  volkswirtschaftliche  Bedeutung  der

  Einsparung  von'Roh-and  Brennstoffen.


Die  Intensivierung  der'Landwirtschaft  in

  den  europ議ischen  RGW-L蓋ndern.

M.Buch&」.  Schin加 抑.

Die  Autoritat  des  Leiters...A.  Perse乃'π.

Integration  and  Desintegration三n  der

Wirtschaft,des  Kapitalismus  der

  Gegenwartメ1.  Ted.二So々olow,

Zur  Frage  deゴSozialen  Strategie  der    '

  Entwicklungsl註rider.  5し77π 砂 αηo甑

・ 一(Jg .1971,  Heft  7,1971.)

Wissenschaft  and  technischer  Fortschritt

  im  neuen  sowjetischen  Funfjahrplan.

  1。A勾.伽 伽,'

Intensivierung  der  Produktion  undδkono-

mische  Integration'der  RGW-Under.

  K.ハ 苑 融 醜'.

Integration  and  Desintegration  in der

Wirtscha(t  des  Kapitalismus  der

  Gegenwart/2.  Te三ll  1. Sokolow.

Die``Dialektik  der'Natur"and  die Dialektik

  des``Kapitals,,  B.  G.  K篇5溜zo脚.

Zur  Konzeption  der  sozialistischen

  Pers6nlichkeit.  G.乙 。8〃zirnow.

Philosoph玉sche  Forschungen  and  Publika-

  tionen・in  der  UdSSR/1.  Tell.

Ergebnisse  der Geschichtswissenschaft  in der

  UdSSR(1966  bis  1970).

  A.0.Tschubarj.an.                                                          唱

一(Jg .1971,  Heft  8,1971.)

Die  Volkswirtschaftsplanung  and  die

  Theorie  der sozialistischen  Reproduktion.

  五=.Gorbunow.                                                       り  

Wirtschaftsrecht  and  Okonomie.

・ WP.乙 ⑫'eω ・

Der  UmweItschutz  als'wichtige  internatio-

  nale  Aufgabe.  B.  Ganブuse競 ∫π. '  .

Zu  einigen  Problemen  der  sozialpsycholo-

  gischen  Forschung.  .A. W㌦Pε'70τ σ5 ξ々.

Soziale  and  psychologische  Aspekte  der

  Untersuchung  der  Tiitigkeit  des

Wissenschaftlers.  D.  M.  G膿 ●schiani,

  3.R.  Mikulinski&M.'G.  Jaroschewski.

Der  Einfluss  der  mathematischen  Statistik

  and  der Kybernetik  auf die Methodologie.

  wissenschaftlicher  Forsehung㎝,

  W.wp.  Nalimow.

一(Jg .1971,  Heft  9,1971.)

Die  Vervollko㎜'nung  der  Investitionspla-

  nung  als eine  Volkswirtschaftliche

  Hauptaufgabe.'W'.ゐ5{卿 脚.




,Lebensstandard  und  Dienstleistungssphare.


Neue  Erscheinungen'des  Grundwiderspruchs

   des  Kapitalismus,」.  Schi∫chkow.

Wissenschaftlich-technische  Revolution  and

   Probleme  der  Wissensとhaft.


SOZIALER  FORTSCHRITT                  し      白

(Jg.20,  Heft  5/6,  1971.)

CDU-Parteitag  anders  als  sein  Ruf.    '

  wp.  Vo9'.

Trotz  Neuregelung  bleibt  im  Besoldungs-

  recht  noch  manches  zu tun.∠4.  H躍4θ π.

Sozialokonomische  Probleme  eines  Staat-

  lichen  Gesundheitsdienstes-Das  Beispiel

  Grossbritannien.  G.ハ 海πう砺 θr.                              

Wenn  beide  Elternteile  berufstatig  sind,1St

  die  Frage  der  Arbeitsbefreiung.  zur

  Betreuung  des  Kranken  Kindes  jetzt

  dringlich  zu  regeln.  M.  Kuhn.

Verm6gensbegriffe  und  Vermδgensverteil-

  ung.  1ヨ. Lieプmann-Keil,  H.」Bayer  &

  P.一H.  Ruhr・.

Forderung  der  Riickkehr.von  Frauen  in das

  Erwerbs里eben.・ ワ7. Hoppe.

一(Jg .20,  Heft  7,1971.)

Das  Rentenniveau  im  Brutto-and

  Nettovergleich.  P.  Ro∫enberg.

Steigerung  des  Sozialhaushalts  1971  in

  Grenzen.  W.  Krα ηρθ・

Die  Illusion  einer``sozialpolitischen

  Wunderwaffe"一Fin  Diskussionsbeitrag.                      コ コ

  zu  aktuellen  Uberlegungen  in der

  gesetzlichen  Rentenversicherung.


Probleme.bei  der Schatzung  des zukiinftigen

  Arbeitskraftebedarfs..  R.  Z6」ppernick.

Beseitigung  baulicher  and  technischer

  Hindernisse  f〔it Behinderte.  V7.  Becker.

一(Jg .20,  Heft  8,1971.)

Umrisse  einer  rationalen  Familienpolitik.

  M.Wingen.'   .  ,

Untersuchungen  zum  Familienlastenaus-

  gleich.  R・Zeppernick・       '

Zur  Reform  des  Schwerbeschadigtenrechts   

  eine  Antwort.  R.  Weber.

Agrarproduzent  oder  Iandschaftspfleger?


、Tarifautonomie  and  Soziale  Gerechtigkeit.


Einschr巨nkung  der  Tarifautonomie  nicht

  sinnvoll;  J.  Bret∫chneideプ.         9


      (Bd.10,  Heft  2,1971。)

                  コロ コ

Offentliche  and  private  Freiheit.  Zur  Au駅

  .legung  des  Grundrechts・der  Meinungs-

  fre…heit.  H.  H.  Klein.

Amnestie-Ein  auferlegtes  Vergessen.


Die  Staatslehre  Adam  Contzens.  Ein  Beitrag

,  zur  Erforschung  des  alteren  deutschen

  Staatsdenkens.  E.一A.  Seils.,

Der  Denkansatz  der  Staatsphilosophie  bei

  Rousseau  and  Hegel..  F.  Miller.


       FUR  SOMAレUND


(Bd。58,  Heft.2,1971。)

Die  Sozialstruktur  der  Geheimratskollegien「   in den  siiddeutscheロ  protestantischen、




      (Bd.106,】 ヨ【eft 2,  1971。)

An  Analysis-of  the  Role  of  International

  Capital  Markets  in Providing  Funds  to

  Developing  Countries.             '

  R.2>.Cooper&E.  M・Truman.



.A  Quantitative  Appraisal  of  National

   Economic  Policy-The  Case  of Japan….

   T.Watanabe&T.  Uchida.

'. Handel…;chaffende  and  handelumlenkende

   Wirkungen  der  EWG  bei  der  deutschen

   Einfuhr  unter  besonderer  Ber置cksichtigu㎎

   der  EFTA  Lander.  T.  Tewes.

:Der  Zusammenhang  zwischen  Produktion… ト

   struktur  and  Entwicklungsniveau.  Versuch

   e三ner  Strukturprognose  fur  d三e  west-

   deutsche  Wirtschaft.σ.  Fels,  K.一W.

   Schatz&F.  Wolter.           '

.Das'Verhaltnis  von  Preis  and  Planung  als'

   Lenkungsinstrumente  in  einer'zentral-

   geleiteten  Volkswirtschaft.  0.σ 厩6.

Heckscher-Ohlin  and  Harrod  on  the  Law

   of  Comparative  Costs.  瓦・M∫ παうθ.


     (Vol.9,  No.2-June,1971。)

Valiability  of  the  Lag  in  the  Effect  of

  Monetary  Policy,1919-1965.

  C.  Warburton..

Monopoly  and  Monopolistic  Competition

  in the  Internatiorユal  Transportation

  Industry.  乙. H。0プ ン:∫oθr.

Gold  as  a Commodity:Forecasts  of  Use

  in  1975.  C.ハf'oゐ αZo1)oπJo5&


The  Determinants  of Co㎜ercial  Construc-

  tion・J.  C.  Hambor(%  ).ハfo79魏.

' The  Inefficiency  of  Transfers  in  Kind二

  The  Case  of Housing  Assistance.

  H・ 」・Aa∫on&G。  M..".  Furstenburg.

. Price  Expectations  and  Changes  in  Income.

  V7.  E.  Gibson.           ・       '

' The  Impact  of  the  Overtime  Premium  on

  Employment  and Hours  in U.  S. Industry.

  R.G.  Ehrenberg.

. Ability  and  the  Returns  on  Graduate

  Education.  R.  H。 We∬4。

・ On  a Neglected  Aspect  of  the  Theory  ofg

  Risk  Aversion.  D.  L.、 翫 π50π&

  c.F。 ハlenezes.

Pricing  Seasonal  Recreation  Services.


An  Analysis  of Work.and  Other  Constraints

  on  Choices  of Activities:Comment.

  Yew-Kwang入 ㎏.

                       コ リ

DIE  WIRTSCHAFTSPRUFUN(}1                                                  、

(Jg.24,  Nr.11,1971.)

Die  Belastung  brasil三aninischer  Tochter-

  geseIlschafteロdeutscher  Unternehmen  mit

  brasilianischen  Steuern  and  betrieblichen

  sozialen  Lasten.   1レf. Horn.

Die  Bilanzierung  unentgeltclih  envorbener

Wirtschftsgiiter  nach  Handels-and

  Steuerrecht(2  Tell)。 σ. E〃enberger.・

一(Jg .24,  Nr.12/13,1971.)


Neue  Richtlinien  fur  die  Depotpriifung.

  E・'8ρ ∫θ訪&D・.Krumb・・

Unternehmensrechnungen  in Hochschulen.

  H.Bol∫ θ72ゐδ泥9ノ・。

Praxisder  internen  Konzernrechnungslegung.

  11;  V7諺。ebノ・0ご々.

Das  Wettbewerbsverbot  in bUrgerlichr

  rechthcher.and  steuerlicher  Sicht.


Zur  Einfiihrung  des  Begriffs  einer  eigen-

  standigen  Steuerbilanz.  W.  Gail.

Die  steuerliche  Problematik  der  Bildung

  von  Ruckstellungen  fur Instandhaltungs-

  kosten  durch  den  Vermieter.  H:KJδ πε.

一(Jg.24,  Nr.14,1971.)

Neue  Richtlinien  fur  die  Depotpr鉦ung.

  E・Spieth&D.  Krumb.

Die  Steuerreform-Vorschlage  der  Buロdes-

  regierung』and  der Eberhar(i」Kommlssion.・                                  コ ロ

  Eine  vergleichende  Ubersicht  zum

  geltenden  Steuerrecht.  A.  J. Packeniu∫.

Trends  in  der, Datenverarbeitung  auf  der

  Hannover-Messe  1971.  ,



一(Js .24,  Nr.15,'1971.)

Bericht  fiber die  Fachtagung  des  Instituts

  der'Wirtschaftspriifer  1971  in Diisseldorf.

  K.Stolberg.          ・

Rackstellungen  fur Verluste  aus  schweben一                                                  げ

  den  Gesch盗ften.  K.一H.  For∫ter.

Die  Partnerschaft-Eine  neue  Gesellschafts-

  form  fur  Freiberufler.  M.  Thiimmel.

一(Jg.24,  Nr.16,1971.)'

'Die  Abrechnungstechnik  in  der  Lebens-

  riickversicherung.  」. 」恥 κう6cj吃.

Der、neue  Industriekontenrahmen(IKR)

  Stellungnahme  zu  der  Veroffentlichung

 .des  Betriebswirtschaftlichen  Ausschusses

  de忌Bundesverbandes  der  Deutschen

  Industrie.  R.  Steinbock  &  K.  Steinle.

Aus  der  neueren  Rechtsprechung  des

  Bundesarbeitsgerichts.  G.  Jaerisch.

一(Jg .24,  Nr.17,1971.)

Zur  Auslegung  der  Grunds琶tze  ordnungs一

  m琶ssiger  Buchf遣hrung  beim  Einsatz

  elektronischer  Datenverarbeitungsanlagen

  im  Rechnu㎎swesen(Stand  Anfang  1971)

  Arbeitsergebnis  des  Fachausschusses  fur

  moderne  Abrechnungssysteme(FAMA).

Leasing  id Belgien.  下弓ろ80hoZ'f∬ek・

Vorausbezahlte  Versicherungsbeitr蓋ge  bei

  der  Einkommensteuer.  F.  Oswald.


                                    ロ コ



(Jg.41,  Nr.5,1971.)

Zur  Dynamik  des'technischen  Fortschritts.

  G.Mensch.              9

Zur  Problematik  der  Nutzenbewertung  von

  Informationen.」,  Wild.

Ziele  and  Methoden  der  dynamischen

  Investitionsrechnung.  σ. Peters.

一(Jg .41,  Nr.6,1971。)

Das  Rechnungswesen  als  Subsystem  der

  Unternehmung.  F.  Ho.がi〃3α ππ.      、

Ermittlung  desEinflusses  der Veriinderungen:

 .der  L6hne,  der  Preise  der  Einsatzgiiter

  and  der Produktivitat  auf  die Kosten  der

  Erzeugnisse.  1孟  Bδ 翫5.

Investitinosrechnung  and  Rechnungswesen..

  E.1乃5泥rう ζzoん」

一(Jg ,41,  Nr.7,1971.)            '

Der  entscheidungsorientierte  Ansatz  der

  Betriebswirtschaftslehre.  E。 油 ∫nen.

Probleme  der  Angebot'spolitik  der  Betriebe・

  des  offentlichen  Personennahverkehrs.


Losung  des  Transportproblems  Unter

  Ber芭cksichtigung  zweier  Ziele-Transport-

  Zwei-Ziel-Prarogmm.  H.  G.  Bartels.

                   モ    ロ コ




(Jg.23,  Heft'5/6,1971.)

Zur  wissenschaftsprogrammatischen  and

  forschungsstrategischen  Orientierung  der


Heuristische  Entscheidungsstrategien  der

  Unternehmungsfiihrung.  E.  Frθ5θ.

Die  Berichterstattung馳Deutscher  Aktien-

  gesellschaften茸ber  die  Bewertungs-and

  Abschreibungsmethoden  gem.§'160  Abs.

  2.AktG..  K.η.  W:ysocki,  R.  Ko∫ ノセr.

  G.G7・0∬,  W.」 ~諺9θ2'〔島 正五 Ha∬.

Entwicklungslinien  der  Bilan乞analyse.


Gewinnermittlung  and  steuerliche

  Gerecht量gkeit.  D.  Schneider.



Konsumverhalten  and  kognitives  Gleich-

  gewicht-verhaltensor1entierte  Grundlagen

  der  Absatzprognose.  ワ7, Kroeber-Riel,

Das  Assoziatlonspfoblem  im  Marketing-

  ein  lerntheoretischer  Ansatz.


一(Jg .23,  Heft  7,  1971.)

D…eObjektivierung  von  Schatzungen.


Der  Einfluss  der  Abschreibungsverfahrens

  auf  die  Kapazitatsveranderung  im

  Zeitablauf  beim  Marx-Engel号rEff6kt.

  R.Buchner&J.  Weinreicゐ.

Preisfindung  fur  Beteiligungen  mit

  Verbundeffekt.  F.  Eisen.形hr.

一(Jg .23,  Heft  8,1971.)

                            ・        噛

Grundproblem  der  Kδrperschaftsteuer-and

  Gewerbesteurreform.  G.  Wδhθ.

ZurReform  der Gewinnermittlung-Proble㎞e

  der  neuen  Steuerbilanz.  R.  Thiel.

Zur  Kritik  der  Gewinnbesteuerung  von

  Unternehmen  mit  Auslandsbesitz.


Auswirkungen  der  Gewinnsteur士eform  auf湾

  die  Unternehmensfinanzierung.

  vレ「. 11診f箆∫2θzθr.

Gewinnbesteuerung  and  Unternehmense卜

  haltung.  D.  Schneider.

                                コ コ



、(Bd.127,  Heft  2,1971,)

Keynessche  and  neoklassische  Verteilungs-

  theorie  in statischer'and  dynamischer

  Analyse.ハf.  Bolle.  ・

Induzierter  technischer  Fortschritt.1

  M.Bア απZ融&V.  Menschow.

The  Obiective  Function  in Program  Budget-

  ing. Some  Basic  Outl三nes.  WF. B. Stolber.

The  P町e  Theory  of  Public  Expenditure:

Welfare  Levels  as Feasibility  Conditions.


Zum  Problem  der  Aktivitatsanalyse.


Optimales  Wachstum  and  Aussenhandel  in・

  neoklassischen  Modellen.  K.  Keipath.

McKenzie's  Theorem  on  Efficiency  in

  International  Trade.  M.  Faber.  "

Zur  Abgrenzung  von  wirtschaftlichen

  Regionen.  H.  Todt.

Zur Frage  der Bewertung  von  wirtschaftspol-

  itischen  Zielkombinationen.  W'.」 励 漉e..

Grundfragen  der  Konzentrationspolitik.


Modelle  des  Kauferverhaltens  and  ihr

  Aussagewert  fur  das  Marketing.

  且 」砿 θ茄r∫.

一(Bd.127,  Heft  3,1971.)

Eine  Hypothese  zur Erklarung  des anomalen

  Nachfrageverhaltens.  D.  Eckel.  .

Eine  andere  graphische  Methode  zur

  Erklarung  der  Nachfragereaktion  bei

  konkurrierenden  Giitern.  W.  Kδ 乃Jer.

Einige  Bemerkungen  zum  Giffen-Paradox.

K・H.Henning∫ ・    』

Die  Notwendigkeit  einer  empirischen

  Theorie  der Diskontierung  in der Kosten-


  G.Kirsch&B.  R露rπ1り.

ANote'on  Public  Expenditures  and

  Budget  Deficits.  G.  Lehnert.

Hick's  Bargaining  Theory  as a Positive  and

  as a Normati》e  Model  of  Wage

  Determination,  E.  Saraydar.

W㏄hselkursanderungen  beiunvollstandigem

Wettbewerb.  H.  Brii痂9.

Discriminant  Analysis  and  Classif三cation

  Procedures.  R.五.  Eisenbeis.

ANote  on the Form  of Quasi-Engel  Curves.

  H.Bonus.          ,

Politische  Entscheidung  als Sozialwahl.

  H.Hoe?。nke.    ・



(m.127,Heft  4,1971.)

Zur  langfristigen  Entwicklung  der  Lohns-

  tuckk・sten.  W.  G.  H・ffmann.

The  Role  of  Exchange  Rates三n  the

  Adjustment'of  International  Payments。

  」,3.H.  Hunter.

Zur  Zielproblematik  in den  Jahresgutachten

  des Sachverstandigenrats  zur正 弛gutachtung

  der  gesamtwirtschaftlichen  Entwicklung.


Changes量n  Concentration  in  American

  Manufacturing  Industries.  D.  R.


Umfang  and  Struktur  geburtenregelnder

  Massnahmen.  R.  Feuerstack.

Die  Aufstiegsphase  Japans-e三n  Beispiel  fur

  interventionistische  Entwicklungspolitik.

  K.G.  Zinn.・                          コ ロ

Die  theoretische  Okonomik  als  indibidua-

  lanytische  Handlungstheorie.  H.  Koch..

Sparquote  der'Arbeiter  and  funktionale

  Einkommensverteilung-Ein  Kommentar.                                                噛

  M.Neumann.                          ぞ

Bemerkungen  zu M.  Neumanns  Kommentar..

  」.Kromphardt.    !

                                コ ロ



(Bd.60,  Heft  2,1971.)

Gottschalk  Remlinckrade.  Seine  Taten  and

  Untaten  and  die乞lteste  Versicherungs-

  police  vom  Jahre(1531).  W.  Ebel.・

Absatz  undAbsatzpolitik  des Versicherungs-

  unternehmens.・D.  Farny.

Finanzsorgen-Finanzproblenie  der  Sozial-

  versicherungstr…iger.  K.  Jahn.

ゐrKrise  des  medizinischen  Sach一

 ・verst議ndigenbeweises.  H.  Lei疏oプ ア

Das巨rztliche  Gutachten  in der hochstrich-

  terhchen  Rechtsprechuhg.  T.  Sanders.

R㏄htsprobleme  der「amerikanischen

  Versicherungsvermittler  im  Zeitalter  des

  Massengesch巨fts.  W.  p.fenn∫g∫,orf.一

Verfassungsprobleme  zur輔hrungsum-

  stellungs-and  kriegsfolgenr㏄htlichen  '

  Behandlung  der  Zusatzversorgungskassen

  desδffentlichen  Di6nstes.  E.&乃midt一


Die  norwegischen  Warenversicherungs-

  bedingungen  von  1967.  K.、 ∫. Selmer.

  ZEITSCHRIFT  FむR                      コ ロ


(Bd.31,  Heft  1/2,1971.)

Economic  Asp㏄is  of  Information.

  L.M.  Toma∫ini。

Numerische  Funktionen  in der Praferenzen-

  and  Entscheidungstheorie.  0.0∫)ガ 薦.

Decentralized  Optimization  of  Linear  Eco-

  nomic  Systems  with  Minimum  Infor-

  mation  Exchange  of  the  Sul)systems.

  3.'&:配 θ∫6h2r.    ,

From  One-Dimensional  to Multidimensional

  Economics:``Paradigm,,  Lost.'H:Abele.

Patents  and  Externalities.  G.  Prosi.

Immaterielle  and  materielle  Faktoren  der

  Entwicklung.  石1. M〃2π ゴ07ノ 珍r 6を


Theoretische  Grundlagen  der  monetaren

  Stabilisierungspolitik.  Z).  Z)uwendag.

Towards  a General  Theory  of  Property




