ΟΑΚ H TDGF.NATT()KAΤ.LAll()R. - TUC...1) Πλήρες βιογραφικό σημεΙωμα 2)...


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Ρ.Ο. 80Χ 2008ο_ι R~ge, ΤΝ 37831-6141

Phone: (865) 574-6205F_~ (865) 574.9407

lntemet datskospg@oml.gov


13 Φεβρουαρίου, 2013



KNOXVILLE, ΤΝ 37923 ΗΠΑΚΙΝ. ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΟ: 6973-448377,6973-305557


ΘΕΜΑΥποβάλλω και ζητώ να γίνει δεκτή η αίτηση υποψηφιότητας μου για την θέση τουΠρύτανη του Πολυτεχνείου Κρήτης.

Κατά την παρούσα περίοδο είμαι προϊστάμενος! διευθυντής ομάδας συστημάτωννανοτεχνολογίας! νανοεπιστήμης και δομών στο Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Είμαιεπίσης Καθηγητής στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Tennessee, Knoxνille και επισκέπτηςκαθηγητής στο Πανεπιστήμιο Marquette, Wisconsin.

Επί τα τελευταία 25 χρόνια διεξάγω σημαντική επιστημονική έρευνα και ανάπτυξη καιέχω διεθύνει πολλά επιστημονικά προγράμματα στο Oak Rίdge National Laboratory καιστο Πανεπιστήμιο του Tennessee, Knoxνille. Έχω δημιουργήσει και στην συνέχειαυλοποιήσει με επιτυχία πρωτότυπες και πρωτοποριακές ιδέες και μου έχει δοθεί ηευκαιρία να συμμετέχω σε πολυάριθμα και σημαντικά επιστημονικά προγράμματα.Κάποια απο αυτά ήταν χρηματοδοτούμενα απο το Υπουργείο Ενέργειας, ΗΠΑ και ταυπόλοιπα επιστημονικά προγράμματα από άλλους οργανισμούς.

Επίσης, τα τελευταία 25 χρόνια η επιστημονική μου έρευνα στο Πανεπιστήμιο τουTennessee και στο Oak Ridge National Laboratory περιλαμβάνει τόσο τους τομείς τηςθεμελιώδης αλλά και της εφαρμοσμένης έρευνας και ανάπτυξης. Και συγκεκριμένα:

• Υπερυδρόφοβες επιφάνειες.• Επιφάνειες με κβαντικά πηγάδια και γραφένιο.• Νανοδομημένες επιφάνειες για την αυξημένη αλληλεπΙδραση τους μεταξύ

ατόμων, μορίων και ηλεκτρονίων.• Μίκρο- επιφάνειες για την αύξηση της αλληλεπίδρασης με υπέρυθρα φωτόνια.• Νανοδόμηση επιφανειών. .• Μικρο και Νανο-μηχανικά συστήματα με τεράστια επιφάνεια σε σχέση με τον

όγκο τους.

Πιστεύω ότι βρίσκομσι σε αυτό το κρΙσιμο σημείο της καριέρας μου όπου μπορώ ναπροσφέρω σημαντικά ωφέλη στο "ΠολυτεχνεΙο Κρήτης» και οι γνώσεις και εμπεrρίεςμου να έχουν αξιόλογο αντίκτυπο στην ανάπτυξη τόσο της εκπαΙδευσης οσο και τηςεπιστήμης και τεχνολογΙας. Σκοπός μου είναι να εμπνεύσω και να προσφέρω όραμαστο ΠολυτεχνεΙο Κρήτης ούτως ώστε να παρέχει άριστη εκπαΙδευση στους φοιτητές,αλλά και να διεξάγει έρευνα και ερευνητικά προγράμματα που θα ωφελήσουν τηνκοινωνία.

Ως Πρύτανης στο "Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης» σκοπεύω να συνεργαστώ με το ΠρυτανικόΣυμβούλιο, τη Σύγκλητο, τους φοιτητές και όλους τους εργαζομένους στο Ιδρυμα,ούτως ώστε μαζί να αποφέρουμε σημαντΙΚά οφέλη στην επιστήμη κσι να ωφελήσουμετην κοlνωνlα στο σύνολο της.

Αυτή η ιδέα είναι συναρπαστική για μένα και γεμάτη προκλήσεις. Ανυπομονώ να έρθωσε επαφή και να ανταλλάξω ιδέες με καθηγητές, φοιτητές και προσωπικό στο ίδρυμακαι σε άλλα εκπαιδευτικά και ερευνητικά ιδρύματα.

Επισυνάmονται τα:1) Πλήρες βιογραφικό σημεΙωμα2) Αντίγραφο του διαβατηρίου

Με εκτΙμηση,

Dr. Panagiotis DatskosDistinguished Scientist and Group LeaderNanoSystems and StrucΙUres GroupOak Ridge National Laboratory



Παναγιώτης Δάτσκος του Γεωργίου

Προσωπικά στοιχείa:Όνομα πατρός:Ημερομηνία γέννησης:Τόπος γέννησης:Υπηκοότητα:Οικογενειακή κατάσταση:

Γεώργιος08/08/1961Βερδικούσσα ΛαρίσσηςΕλληνική/ΑμερικανικήΈγγαμος με τρία τέκνα

Διεύθυνση:Oak Ridge Nationa! LaboratoryΙ Bethel Valley Rd.Building 5700, Room Α-221, MS-6054Oak Ridge, ΤΝ 37831-6054Τηλ: +1(865) 574-6205Fax: + Ι(865) 574-9407Email: datskospg@oml.gov


Τωρινή θέση:2007-σήμερα

2012 - σήμερα2010- σήμερα


Προιστάμενος! Διευθυντής ερευνητικής ομάδας στο Oak Ridge NationalLaboratory του Υπουργείου Ενέργειας των ΗΠΑ σε συστήματανανοτεχνολογίας!νανοεπιστήμης και νανο-δομώνΔιακεκριμένος Ερευνητής, Oak Ridge National LaboratoryΚαθηγητής, Κέντρο Bredesen Επιστημονικής Ερευνας & Εκπαίδευσης(CIRE), Πανεπιστήμιο του Tennessee, KnoxvilleΕπισκέπτης Καθηγητής, Πανεπιστήμιο του Marquette, Wisconsin

Επαγγελματική Εμπειρία:2004-2011 Ανώτατος Ερευνητής, Oak Ridge Nationa1 Laboratory2004-20 ΙΟ Ερευνητής-καθηγητής, Πανεπιστήμιο του Tennessee1999-2004 Ερευνητής-Αναπληρωτής καθηγητής, Πανεπιστήμιο του Tennessee1997-2004 Ερευνητής Α' βαθμίδας, Oak Ridge National Laboratory1994-1999 Ερευνητής - Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, Πανεπιστήμιο του Tennessee1989-1994 Μεταδιδακτορικός Ερευνητής συνεργάτης, Πανεπιστήμιο του Tennessee1985-1988 Βοηθός ερευνητής, Oak Ridge National LabοratοrΥ/Πανεπιστήμιο του


Εξουσιοδότηση προσπέλασης σε απόρρητες πληροφορίες: Q (Υπουργείο Ενέργειας, ΗΠΑ)

ΕκπαίδευσηlΜόρφωση:1988 Ph.D. στην Επιστήμη της Φυσικής, Πανεπιστήμιο του Tennessee, Κnoxville, Tennessee1983 Β. S. στην Επιστήμη της Φυσικής, Πανεmστήμιο IωαWΊνων, Ιωάwινα, Ελλάδα

Σύνοψη Επαγγελματικής Εμπειρίας:Ο Δρ. Δάτσκος είναι ένας διακεκριμένος ερευνητής και υπεύθυνος ομάδας συστημάτωννανοτεχνολογίας/ νανοεπιστήμης και δομών στο Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Είναι επίσηςκαθηγητής στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Tennessee, Κnoxville και επίκουρος καθηγητής στοΠανεπιστήμιο Marquette, Wisconsin. Κατά την διάρκεια της επαγγελματικής του σταδιορδομίαςστο ORNL έχει ηγηθεί πολλών R&D προγραμμάτων καλύπτοντας ένα ευρή φάσμα έρευνας καιτεχνολογίας στην νανοκατασκευή, στα νανουλικά, συστήματα MEMS και στουςμίκρο-ανιχνευτές στο ORNL, εμπειρία στην οποία συμπεριλαμβάνονται προηγούμενα καιτωρινά προγράμματα της DARPA. Κατέχει περισσότερα από 25 χρόνια εμπειρία στηνεπιστημονική έρευνα και ανάπτυξη η οποία εμπεριέχει την φυσική των μίκρο- καινάνο-μηχανικών συστημάτων (MEMSINEMS), μικρομηχανική φυσικών και χημικώναισθητήρων, την μεταφορά ηλεκτρονίων στην αέρια και υγρή φάση και ιονισμό αερίων καιυγρών. Τα τωρινά του ερευνητικά ενδιαφέροντα εστιάζουν στην νανοκατασκευή και μελέτηεmφανειών, MEMS και NEMS και περιλαμβάνουν την ανάπτυξη φυσικών και χημικών MEMS!NEMS αισθητήρων χρησιμοποιώντας μίκρο-προβολιακούς, μικρο-θερμιδομετρική,φασματοσκόπια και μη-ψυχόμενους MEMS IR ανιχνευτές. Έχει επιδείξει αρχηγικές ικανότητεςκαι έχει διευθύνει διάφορες διεπιστημονικές ερευνητικές ομάδες αποτελούμενες από τεχνικόπροσωπικό, μεταδιδακτορικούς συναδέλφους, μεταπτυχιακούς και προπτυχιακούς φοιτητές.Κατέχει πλήρως την ικανότητα να διαχειρίζεται και να διευθύνει προγράμματα έρευνας πουδιεξάγονται από ομάδες του Oak Ridge National Laboratory καθώς και άλλων ερευνητικώνοργανισμών και πανεπιστημίων. Του έχει απονεμηθεί το βραβείο Discover (2000) και έχειτιμηθεί επτά φορές με το βραβείο R&D Ι00 που απονέμεται στις Ι00 καλύτερες τεχνολογίες τηςχρονιάς. Έχουν εκδοθεί πάνω από 86 βιβλιογραφίες του, κατέχει πάνω από 90 συνεδριακέςεργασίες και παρουσιάσεις, 12 κατοχυρωμένες ευρεσιτεχνίες και περισσότερες από 6ευρεσιτεχνίες σε εκκρεμότητα.

Ειδικότητα:Έρευνα:• Ηγείται ερευνητικής ομάδας στο Oak Ridge National Laboratory που ασχολείται με τηφυσική νανοδόμησης επιφανειών για μικρο-αισθητήρες, υπερ-υδρόφοβες επιφάνειες καιφωτονικούς κρυστάλλους. Έχει ερευνήσει την φυσική αιωρούμενων επιφανειών μεκβαντικά πηγάδια και νανοδομημένες επιφάνειες για την αύξηση της αλληλεπίδρασηςμεταξύ των επιφανειών, ατόμων, μορίων και ηλεκτρονίων και μίκρο-επιφάνειες για τηνβελτιστοποίηση της αλληλεπίδρασης των υπέρυθρων φωτονίων. Μελέτησε τη φυσικήμίκρο-μηχανικών (MEMS) και νάνο-μηχανικών (NEMS) συστημάτων, την νανοδόμησηεπιφανειών, και MEMSINEMS που έχουν τεράστια επιφάνεια σε αναλογία όγκου. Τηντελευταία δεκαετία έχει διεξάγει σημαντική έρευνα στον τομέα των νανοδομημένωνυλικών, μικρο-ηλεκτρο-μηχανικών συστημάτων (MEMS) και νανο-ηλεκτρο-μηχανικώνσυστημάτων (NEMS) η οποία έχει οδηγήσει σε πολλαπλές εφευρέσεις, δημοσιεύσεις καιεπιτεύξεις μεγάλης κλίμακας , οι οποίες σταδιακά οδήγησαν στην ανάπτυξη νέωνπροσεγγίσεων αναφορικά με την διάταξη, δομή και υλοποίηση συσκευών και αισθητήρωνMEMS!NEMS.

• Κατέχει εμπειρία ως επικεφαλής ερευνητής σε πολλά ερευνητικά προγράμματα στα οποίαεπέδειξε ουσιώδη διοικητική ικανότητα αλλά και την απαιτούμενη αποφασιστικότητα


ώστε να εξασφαλίσει τα επιδιωκόμΕνα αποτελέσματα καθώς και ένα παραγωγικόερευνητικό περιβάλλον.

Διδασκαλία:• Κατέχει δεκαπενταετή διδακτική εμπειρία τόσο σε επίπεδο προπτυχιακου οσο και σεεπίπεδο μεταπτυχιακού στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Tennessee. Παράλληλα έχει διδάξει σανεπισκέπτης καθηγητής σε διάφορα Πανεπιστημιακά ιδρύματα των ΗΠΑ και έχεισυμμΕτάσχει σε πολλές επιτροπές κρίσεις διδακτορικών διατριβών.

Ηγετική ικανότητα:• 'Εχει επιδείξει δυναμική διοικητική ικανότητα καθώς και αφοσίωση στο ομαδικό πνεύμασυνεργασίας. Έχει διευθύνει πολυάριθμες ερευνητικές ομάδες και μΕ διάφοραεπιστημονικά αντικείμενα στο Oak Ridge National Laboratory καθώς και άλλα ερευνητικάπρογράμματα που διεξάγονται για το Υπουργείο Ενέργειας των ΗΠΑ, και για άλλουςιδωτικούς φορείς.

Ανάπτυξη Προγραμμάτων:• Κατέχει την ικανότητα ανάπτυξης και διαχείρισης ερευνητικών προγραμμάτων μΕομάδεςαπό το Oak Ridge National Laboratory και από άλλους ερευνητικούς οργανισμούς καιπανεπιστήμια. Την τελευταία δεκαετία διευθύνει ερευνητικά προγράμματα, τα οποίαεπιχορηγούνται μΕ οικονομικούς πόρους που προέρχονται από ομοσπονδιακούςοργανισμούς και φορείς (Υπουργείου Ενέργειας των ΗΠΑ, Υπουργείου Αμύνης των ΗΠΑ,και του οργανισμού DARP Α των ΗΠΑ).

Διοίκηση (επανάληψη με ηγετική ικανότητα πιο πάνω):• Κατέχει σημαντική εμπειρία στην διοίκηση προσωπικού και στην ικανότητααποτελεσματικής επικοινωνίας σε γραπτό και προφορικό λόγο. Τα τελευταία δέκαχρόνια έχει κατά καιρούς διευθύνει διάφορες ομάδες ερευνών, αποτελούμενες απόερευνητικό και τεχνικό προσωmκό, μΕταδιδακτορικούς συναδέλφους, μεταπτυχιακούς καιπροπτυχιακούς φοιτητές καθώς και προσωπικό υποστήριξης της διοίκησης.

Δημοσιεύματα:Συγγραφή ατομικών αλλά και ομαδικών εργασιών, οι οποίες ξεπερνούν τις 170 δημοσιεύσεις: εξαυτών οι δημοσιευμένες εργασίες! κεφάλαια υπερβαίνουν τις ογδόντα έξι (86) και οισυνεδριακές παρουσιάσεις ξεπερνούν τις ενενήντα (90).

Ευρεσιτεχνίες:Έχει δώδεκα (12) κατοχυρωμένες ευρεσιτεχνίες στις ΗΠΑ και τουλάχιστον αλλες έξι (6) σεεκκρεμότητα κατοχύρωσης.

Βραβεία:Του έχουν απονεμηθεί πολλά βραβεία για το ερευνητικό του έργο. Εξ αυτών τα σημαντικότεραείναι τα εξής:1985 Βραβείο επιστημονικής Συμμαχίας (Πανεπιστήμιο του Tennessee, Knoxville)1986 Βραβείο επιστημονικής Συμμαχίας (Πανεπιστήμιο του Tennessee, Knoxville)1987 Βραβείο επιστημονικής Συμμαχίας (Πανεπιστήμιο του Tennessee, Knoxville)1988 Βραβείο επιστημονικής Συμμαχίας (Πανεπιστήμιο του Tennessee, Knoxville)1996 Βραβείο R&D 100 (περιοδικό R&D)1998 Βραβείο R&D 100 (περιοδικό R&D)1999 Βραβείο R&D 100 (περιοδικό R&D)



2000 Βραβείο Ανακάλυψης (περιοδικό Discover)2000 Εφευρέτης της χρονιάς (UT-Battelle)2000 Βραβείο Τεχνικών Επιτευγμάτων (UT-Battelle)2003 Βραβείο R&D 100 (περιοδικό R&D)2010 Βραβείο R&D 100 (περιοδικό R&D)2011 Βραβείο R&D 100 (περιοδικό R&D)2012 Βραβείο R&D 100 (περιοδικό R&D)

Δραστηριότητες:Μέλος της Συντακτικής Επιτροπής του περιοδικού Sensors & TransducersΜέλος της Συντακτικής Επιτροπής του περιοδικού Open App1ied PhysicsΜέλος της Συντακτικής Επιτροπής του περιοδικού Review of Scientific InstrumentsΜέλος της Συντακτικής Επιτροπής του περιοδικού Sensor LettersΜέλος της Συντακτικής Επιτροπής του περιοδικού Microelectronic EngineeringΜέλος της Συντακτικής Επιτροπής του περιοδικού Dataset Papers ίη Optics

Υπεύθυνος αξιολόγησης εργασιών για διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά:Physics D, App!ied PhysicsApplied Physics LettersReview of Scientific InstrumentsJoumal of Micromechanics and Micro engineeringMeasurement Science and Techno1ogyΙΕΕΕ Transactions οη U1trasonics, FeποeΙectrίcs, and Frequency ControlIEEE/OSA Joumal of Light wave TechnologyOptica! EngineeringOpen Applied Physics Jouma1Nature

Μέλος κριτικών επιτροπών ερευνητικών προτάσεων:Υπουργείο Ενέργειας (DOE), ΗΠΑΥπουργείο Άμυνας (DOD), ΗΠΑΕθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών (NSF), ΗΠΑ

Ερευνητικό Υπόβαθρο:Το μεγαλύτερο μέρος απο το ερευνητικό έργο έχει διεξαχθεί και ολοκληρωθεί στο Oak RidgeNationa1 Laboratory και στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Tennessee, KnoxviIle:

• Μεμβράνες με πάχος ενός μόνο ατόμου: Δημιούργησε νέες μεθόδους για την ανάπτυξηφύλλων γραφενίου και διερεύνησε την ηλεκτρική και θερμική αγωγιμότητα.

• Νανοδομημένα υλικά με χαμηλή επιφανειακή ενέργεια: Ανέπτυξε νέες τάξειςνανοδομημένων υλικών με χαρακτηριστικά και ιδιότητες που περιλομβάνουνυπερ-υδροφοβική συμπεριφορά, αντι-πάγωση, αντι-διάβρωση, και προστασία απομικροοργανισμούς.

• Φυσική αιωρούμενων επιφανειών με κβαντικά πηγάδια και νανοδόμηση επιφανειών:Ερεύνησε και ανέπτυξε εφαρμογές σε αιωρούμενες επιφάνειες με κβαντικά πηγάδια καινανοδομημένες επιφάνειες για την αύξηση της αλληλεπίδρασης μεταξύ των επιφανειών,ατόμων, μορίων και ηλεκτρονίων καθώς και μίκρο-επιφάνειες για την βελτιστοποίησητης αλληλεπίδρασης των υπέρυθρων φωτονίων.


• Μίκρο-ηλεκτρο-μηχανικά συστήματα (MEMS) και νάνο-ηλεκτρο-μηχανικάσυστημάτων (NEMS) για εφαρμογές στην νάνο-ηλεκτρονική, μικρο-φωτονκή και σεαισθητήρες: Ερεύνησε και ανέπτυξε συστήματα MEMS και NEMS με εφαρμογές σευψηλής ταχύτητας νάνο-ηλεκτρονικών τρανζίστορ (με μικρό αριθμό ηλεκτρονίων),αιωρούμενου ς φωτονικούς κρυστάλλους, και σε φυσικούς και χημικούς αισθητήρες.

• Μίκρο-πρόβολους για φυσικούς και χημικούς αισθητήρες: Ερεύνησε και εφάρμοσετην χρήση μίκρο-προβόλων για χημικούς αισθητήρες και την ανίχνευση των υπεριώδων,ορατών, και υπέρυθρων φωτονίων. Μελέτησε και προήγαγε την αλληλεπίδραση τωνμίκρο-μηχανικών δομών με υπέρυθρα φωτόνια και ανέπτυξε μίκρο-προβολικούςθερμικούς ανιχνευτές. Μελέτησε και εφάρμοσε την ηλεκτρονική πίεση πουπροκαλείται απο φωτόνια σε ημιαγωγούς και κβαντικές επιφάνειες. Ερεύνησε τηναλληλεπιδραση μορίων και ατόμων με μίκρο-μηχανικές θερμικές επιφάνεις και ανέπτυξεκαινοτό μες χημικές προσεγγίσεις.

• Μικροσκόπια με tunneling φωτονίων: Μελέτησε και εξέλιξε μικροσκόπια μεtunneling φωτονίων (PSTM) για απεικόνιση μικρών ιογενών σωματιδίων (όπως Τ4βακτηριοφάγους ιούς).

• Πολύ-φωτονικές διαδικασίες σε συμπυκνωμένη ύλη: Μελέτησε τους μηχανισμούςκαι την δυναμική του ιονισμού μέσω πολύ-φωτονικών διαδικασιών με λέιζερ καθώς καιτην διαδικασία διέγερσης σε συμπυκνωμένη ύλη που προκαλεται από την χρήση λέιζερ.Ανέπτυξε μια τεχνική για τον προσδιορισμό του ιονισμού μορίων σε συμπυκνωμένη ύληχρησιμοποιώντας πολύ-φωτονικό ιονισμό. Σχεδίασε και κατασκεύασε συσκευές γιατην μελέτη με χρήση λέιζερ του ιονισμού και φθορισμού στοιχείων σε υψηλήθερμοκρασία, υψηλή πίεση και υψηλά ηλεκτρικά πεδία.

• «Γρήγορα» μείγματα αερίων για χρήση σε ανιχνευτές σωματίδιων: Ανακάλυψε καιβελτίωσε διμερή και τριμερή μείγματα αερίων τα οποία βελτιστοποίησαν την λειτουργίαανίχνευσης, ταυτοποίησης και εντοπισμού ραδιοενεργών σωματιδίων. Η σύνθεσηαυτών των αέριων μειγμάτων βασιζόταν στην γνώση των βασικών ιδιοτήτων κίνησης καιδιασκόρπισης ηλεκτρονίων σε αέρια. Ανακάλυψε νέα διηλεκτρικά αέρια βασιζόμενοςστη βελτιστοποίηση των ηλεκτρονίων και πυκνότητας ιόντων, και της ενέργειά τους σεαυτά τα αέρια. Ερεύνησε το ρόλο της προσκόλλησης ηλεκτρονίων στην επιλογήδιηλεκτρικών μέσων και τα εφάρμοσε σε ανιχνευτές σωματίδιων. Διερεύνησε επίσηςτο ρόλο της διασκόρπισης ηλεκτρονίων με χαμηλές ενέργειες όσον αφορά την επιλογήτων φερόντων αερίων για γρήγορα μείγματα για εφαρμογή σε ανιχνευτές ραδιενεργώνσωματιδίων.

• Φώτο-απόσπαση από αρνητικά ιόντα: Αναπτύξε τεχνικές για να διερευνήσει τηνδιαδικασία της φώτο-απόσπασης από αρνητικά ιόντα καθώς και την δυναμική καιενεργετική εξάρτηση της διαδικασίας από την ενέργεια των φωτονίων. Μέτρησε τηνφώτο-απόσπαση ως συνάρτηση της ενέργειας των φωτονίων για το εξα-φθόρο-βενζόλιο(C6F6) σε φέρων αέριο του τέτρα-μεθύλιο-σιλάνιου [Si(CHι)4] για εφαρμογή σεδιηλεκτρικά μέσα.

• Απόσπαση ηλεκτονίων από αρνητικά ιόντα: Ανέπτυξε νέες τεχνικές για τη μελέτητης δυναμικής και την εξάρτηση από τη θερμοκρασία και την πυκνότητα των φερόντωναερίων κατά την διαδικασία απόσπασης ηλεκτρονίων. Μελέτησε την απόσπασηηλεκτρονίων από τα ανιόντα εξα-φθόρο-βενζόλιο (C6F6), κύκλο-εξα-φθόρο-βουτένιο(C-C4F6) και εξα-φθοριούχο θείο (SF6) μέσα σε αέριο του Ν2 ως συνάρτηση τηςθερμοκρασίας και της πυκνότητας αερίων για εφαρμογή σε διηλεκτρικά μέσα.


• Σμήνη ηλεκτρονίων και κίνηση ηλεκτρονίων σε υψηλές πιέσεις: Διερεύνησε καιεφάρμοσε τον μηχανισμό προσκόλλησης και κινησης ηλεκτρονίων σε αέρια ωςσυνάρτηση της πίεσης. Μελέτησε την επίδραση της φυσικής κατάστασης (πυκνότητακαι θερμοκρασία) φερόντων αερίων για την κίνηση ηλεκτρονίων και δημιουργίααρνητικών ιόντων. Διενέργησε αναλύσεις σμήνων ηλεκτρονίων για να καθορίσει τηδυναμική μεταφορά και την ενεργό διατομή προσκολήσεως ηλεκτρονίων σε άτομα ημόρια.

Επιτεύγματα:• Βραβείο R&D 100 για μη-γραμμικούς ταλαντωτές MEMS. Το 2010 τιμήθηκε με

βραβείο R&D 100 για την μελέτη και δημιουργία μη.γραμμικών ταλαντωτώνχρησιμοποιώντας μίκρο-προβόλους MEMS.

• Νάνο-μηχανική μεταφορά ηλεκτρονίων. Το 2009 εφηύρε ένα σύστημα που βασίζεταιστη μεταφορά ηλεκτρονίων σε αιωρούμενες νάνο-επιφάνειες. Αυτό είναι το μηχανικόανάλογο του φαινομένου Aharonov-Bohm.

• Μίκρο. και νάνο-μηχανικά γυροσκόπια. Το 2009 εφηύρε γυροσκόπια NEMS πουμπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν σε συσκευές GPS ή αδρανειακές μονάδες πλοηγήσεις.

• Βραβείο R&D 100 για την οπτική μέτρηση μεγάλων συστοιχίων σύνθετωνμίκρο-προβόλων MEMS. Το 2003 τιμήθηκε με βραβείο R&D Ι00 για την δημιουργίαμίας μη.ψυχόμενης υπέρυθρης κάμερας βασιζόμενη σε σύνθετους μίκρο.προβόλους μεοπτική μέτρηση.

• Ανεπτύξε τεχνικές για να μετρήσει εξαιρετικά μικρές μάζες χρησιμοποιώνταςMEMS. Το 2003 χρησιμοποίησε σύνθετους μίκρο.προβόλους και μέτρησε με επιτυχίααλλαγές στη μάζα μέχρι κάτω από 10-15 γραμμάρια.

• Ανιχνευτής εκρηκτικών με χρήση μίκρο-προβόλων. Το 2000 του απενεμήθηβραβείο Ανακάλυψης (Discover magazine) για την ανάπτυξη ενός μίκρο-μηχανικούανιχνευτή ΤΝΤ.

• Βραβείο R&D 100 για μη-ψυχόμενο κβαντικό ανιχνευτή για υπέρυθρα φωτόνια.Το 1999 τιμήθηκε με βραβείο R&D 100 για την ανάπτυξη ενός μίκρο.μηχανικούανιχνευτή με χρήση κβαντικών πηγαδιών MEMS.

• Νέα κατηγορία μίκρο-θερμικής φασματοσκοπίας και χημικών ανιχνευτών. Το1998 ήταν αποδέκτης βραβείου R&D 100 για την ανάπτυξη ενός μίκρο-θερμικούφασματόμετρου βασιζόμενο σε μίκρο.προβολικούς θερμικούς ανιχνευτές.

• Βραβείο R&D 100 για καινοτόμους χημικούς αισθητήρες. Το 1996 τιμήθηκε μεβραβείο R&D 100 για ένα ανιχνευτή υδραργύρου βασιζόμενο σε μίκρο-προβόλους.

• Βραβείο R&D 100 για μη-ψυχόμενους θερμικούς ανιχνευτές. Το 1996 τιμήθηκε μεβραβείο R&D 100 για ένα αισθητήρα θερμοκρασίας χρησημοποιώνταςμίκρο.προβόλους.

• Μετρήσεις ιονισμού μορίων συμπυκνωμένη ύλη. Ανέπτυξε νέες πειραματικέςτεχνικές για τη μέτρηση του ιονισμού μορίων μέσα σε συμπυκνωμένη ύλη.

• Ανέπτυξε νέες πειραματικές τεχνικές για τη μελέτη της απόσπασης ηλεκτρονίων απόαρνητικά ιόντα σε αέρια. Μελέτησε και εφάρμοσε την απόσπαση ηλεκτρονίων από ταανιόντα εξα.φθόρο.βενζόλιο (C6F6), κύκλο.εξα.φθόρο.βουτένιο (c-C4F6) καιεξα-φθοριούχο θείο (SF6).


• Ανέπτυξε νέες πειραματικές μεθόδους για τη μέτρηση ενεργής διατομής τηςφώτο-απόσπασης από αρνητικα ιοντα σε αέρια. Μέτρησε την φώτο-απόσπαση ωςσυνάρτηση της ενέργειας των φωτονίων για το εξα-φθόρο-βενζόλιο (C6F6) σε φέρωναέριο του τέτρα-μεθύλιο-σιλάνιου [Si(CHι)4].

Ευρεσιτεχνίες:1. "Chemical Detection Using Calorimetric Spectroscopy," U.S. Patent: 5,923,421 (1999).2. "UncooIed Infrared Photon Detector and MultίcoIor Infrared Detection Using

Micro-Opto-Mechanical Sensors," U.S. Patent: 5,977,544 (1999).3. "Non-contact Passive Temperature Measuring System and Method of Operation Using

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U.S. Patent: 6,901,802 (2005).11. "Detection of Electromagnetic Radiation Using Micromechanical Multiple Quantum Wells

Structures" U.S. Patent: 7,244,959 (2007).12. 'ΈΙectrοnJΗοΙe Transport-Based NEMS Gyro and Devices Using the Same" U.S. Patent:

7,552,636 (2009).13. "MEMS Based Pyroelectric Thermal Energy Harνester", κατατέθηκε στο USPTO.14. "PuIsed Photothermal Phase Transformation Control for Titanium Oxide Structures And

Reversible Bandgap Shift for Solar Absorption" κατατέθηκε στο USPTO.15. "Nano-MechanicaI Electric and Electromagnetic FieId Sensor" κατατέθηκε στο USPTo.16. "Nonlinear Nanomechanical Oscillators For UItrasensitive Inertial Detection," (U.S. Patent

Application: 20120206594).17. 'Ήίgh Quality Large Scale Single and Multilayer Graphene Production by Chemical Vapor

Deposition," (U.S ..Patent Application: 13/734,823).18. "Rapid Response Microsensor for Hydrogen Detection Using Responsive Nanostructured

Films," κατατέθηκε στο USPTo.

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4. Ρ. G. Datskos L.G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, "Temperature-Enhanced ElectronAttachment (ο CH3C!", Chem. Phys. Lett. 168,324 (1990).


5. L. G. Christophorou, Ρ. G. Datskos, and J. G. Carter, "Gases of PossibIe lnterest Ιο SCCΜυοη Detectors," Nucl. /nstr. Meth. Phys. Res. Α 309, 160 (1991).

6. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, 'Έffect of Vibrational Excitation οηEIectron Transport ίη Gases," Chem. Phys. Le/l. 186, Ι Ι (1991).

7. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, ''Ionization Coefficients ίη SelectedGas Mixtures ofInterest ιο Particle Detectors," J. Αρρl. Phys. 71, Ι (1992).

8. L. G. Christophorou, Ρ. G. Datskos, and J. G. Carter, "Effect of Temperature οη theDissociative and Nondissociative Electron Attachment to Freons," Ber. der Bunsenges. Phys.Chem. 3, 96 (1992).

9. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, "Temperature EnhancedAutodetachment from c-C4F/," Chem Phys. Le/l. 195,329 (1992).

10. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, "Effect of Temperature οη theAttachment ofSlow (# Ι eV) Electrons ιο CHjBr," J. Chem Phys. 97,9031 (Ι 992).

Ι Ι. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, "Temperature-Enhanced ElectronDetachment from C6F6-Negative Ions," J. Chem Phys. 98, 7875 (1993).

12. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, "Temperature Dependence of ElectronAttachment and Detachment ίη SF6and C-C4F6,"J. Chem Phys. 99, 8607 (1993).

13. L. G. Christophorou, Ρ. G. Datskos, and J. G. Carter, "Response ιο 'Comment οηTemperature-enhanced electron detachment &om C6F6-negative ions' [J. Chem. Phys. 100,6981 (1994)]", J. Chem. Phys. 100,6983 (1994).

14. L. G. Christophorou, Ρ. G. Datskos, and Η. Faidas, "Photodetachment ίη the Gaseous,Liquid and Solid States ofMatter," J. Chem. Phys. 101,6728 (1994).

]5. L. G. Christophorou, L. Α. Pinnaduwage, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "EJectron Attachment ιοExcited Molecules," ίη "Linking the Gaseous and Condensed Phases of Matter: The SlowEIectrons and Its lηteractίoηs," L. G. Christophorou, Ε. IlIenberger, and W. F. Schmidt (Eds.)(PIenum Press, New York, 1994).

16. Ρ. G. Datskos, J. G. Carter, and L. G. Christophorou, "Photodetachment of SF6-," Chem.Phys. Le/l. 239,38 (1995).

]7. L. G. Christophorou, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Effect of Temperature οη the Formation andAutodestruction ofParent Anions," /nt. J. Mass Spectr. /on Proc. 149/150,59 (1995).

]8. L. Α. Pinnaduwage and Ρ. G. Datskos, 'Ά Novel Technique for Real Time Monitoring ofElectron Attachment Ιο Laser Excited Molecules: Measurements οη ArF-Excimer-LaserΙπadίated Nitric Oxide," J. Chem. Phys. 104,8382 (1996).

19. Ε. Α. Wachter, Τ. G. Thundat, Ρ. G. Datskos, Ρ. Ι. Oden, S. L. Sharp, and R. J. Waπnack,"Remote Optical Detection Using Microcantίlevers," Rev. Sci. /nstr. 67, 3434 (1996).

20. Ρ. G. Datskos, Ρ. Ι. Oden, Τ. G. Thundat, Ε. Α. Wachter, R. J. Warmack, and S. R. Hunter,"Remote Infrared Radiation Detection Using Piezoresistive Microcantilevers," Αρρl. Phys.Le/l. 69, 2986 (1996).

21. Ρ. Ι. Oden, Ρ. G. Datskos, Τ. Thundat, and R. J. Warmack, "Uncooled Theπnal ImagingUsing July 24, 2006dea Piezoresistive Microcantilever," Αρρl. Phys. Le/l. 69,3277 (1996).

22. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. Α. Pinnaduwage, and John F. Kielkopf, "Photophysica! and ElectronAttachment Properties of ArF-Excimer-Laser Iπadiated Η2," Phys. Rev. Α 55, 413] (1997).

23. L. Α. Pinnaduwage and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Electron Attachment to Excited States of Silane:Implications for Plasma Processing Discharges," J. Αρρl. Phys. 81, 7715 (1997).

24. Ρ. G. Datskos, C. Tav, Ι. Sauers, and L. Α. Pinnaduwage, "Electron Attachment toVibrationally Excited Trichlorotrifluoroethane (I,],2-C2C1jFj)," J. Phys. D: Αρρl. Phys. 30,2596 (1997).


25. L. Α. Pinnaduwage, Ρ. G. Datskos, and C. Tav, 'ΈΙectrοη Attachment to Photofragmentsand Rydberg States ίη Laser-Ιπadiated CCH2," J. Αρρl. Phys. 84,3442 (1998).

26. Ρ. G. Datskos, S. Rajic, and Ι. Datskou, 'ΆPhoto-induced and Thermal Stress ίη SiliconMicrocantilevers," Αρρl. Phys. Lett. 73,2319 (1998).

27. C. Tav, Ρ. G. Datskos, and L. Α. Pinnaduwage, 'Έlectrοη Attachment ιο ΒΟΓοηTrichloride,"J. Αρρl. Phys. 84, 5805 (1998).

28. Ρ. G. Datskos, and Ι. Sauers, "Detection of 2-mercaptoethanol Using Microcantίlevers,"Sensors and Actuators Β 61, 75 (2000).

29. Ρ. G. Datskos, S. Rajic and Ι. Datskou, "Detection of Infrared Photons Using the ElectronicStress ϊη Metal-Semiconductor Cantilever Interfaces," Ultramicroscopy 82, 49 (2000).

30. J. Headrick, Μ. Sepaniak, S. Alexandratos, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Chelating ScintillationFibers for Measurements of 137CS,"Anal. Chem., 72, 1994 (2000).

31. Τ. Betts, C. Tipple, Μ. Sepaniak, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Selectivity of Chemlcal SensorsBased οη Micro-Cantilevers Coated with Polymeric Films," Anal. Chim. Acta, 422, 89(2000).

32. Β. C. Fagan, C. Α. TippIe, Ζ. Xue, Μ. J. Sepaniak, Ρ. G. Datskos, "Modification ofMicro-Cantilever Sensors with Sol-Gels to Enhance Performance and ImmobilizeChemically Selective Phases," Talanta, 53, 599 (2000).

33. Μ. J. Sepaniak, Ν. ν. Lavrik, C. Α. Tipple, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Hyhrid NanostructuredMicrocantilevers for Enhanced Chemimechanical Transduction and SERS", Micro Total

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Transduction at Nanostructured Interfaces," Chemical Physlcs Letters, 336,371 (2001).36. Ν. ν. Lavrik, C.A. Tipple, P.G. Datskos, M.J. Sepaniak, "GoId Nano-Structures for

Transduction of Biomolecular Interactions ίπιο Micrometer Seale Movement," BiomedicalMicrodevices, 3, 35 (200 Ι).

37. Ρ. G. Datskos, and Μ. Sepaniak, C.A. Tipple, and Ν. Lavrik, "Photomechanical Chemical"Microsensors," Sensors and Actuators Β, 76, 393 (2001).

38. Ρ. G. Datskos, S. Rajic, L.R. Senesac, Ι. Datskou, M.S. Sepaniak, Ν. Lavrik, and C.A.Tipple, "Chemical Detection Based οη Adsorption-Induced and Photo-Induced Stresses ίπMEMS Devices," Journal ofVacuum Science and Technology Β, 19, 1173 (2001).

39. Ρ. G. Datskos, and T.G. Thundat "Nanocantilever Signal Transduction Using ElectronTransfer," Journal ofNanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2, 369 (2002).

40. C. Α. Tipple, Ν.ν. Lavrik, Μ. Culha, J. Headrick, P.G. Datskos, and M.J. Sepaniak"Nanostructured Microcantilevers With Funetionalized CycIodextrin Receptor PhasesSelf-AssembIed MonoIayers and Vapor Deposited Films," Analytical Chemistry, 74, 3118(2002).

41. J. L. Corbeίl, Ν. ν. Lavrik, S. Rajic, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Self-Leveling UncooledMicrocantilever Theπnal Detector," Applied Physlcs Letters, 81, 1306 (2002).


42. G. Muralidharan, D. Μ. Nicholson, S. Rajic, Τ. Μ. Daniels-Race, Η. Ιί, Τ. G. Thundat, andΡ. G. Datskos, "Αη Atomic Force Microscope-Based Investigation of Vertical TransportThrough GaAs/GaAlAslInAIAs/GaAs Step-Barrier Heterostructures" Ultramicroscopy, 91,133 (2002).

43. Μ. J. Sepaniak, Ρ. G. Datskos, Ν. V. Lavrik, and C. Α. Tipple, "MicrocantileverTransducers: Α New Approach ίη Sensor Technology," Analytical Chemistry,74, 568Α (2002).

44. Ε. Τ. Arakawa, L. V. Lavrik, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Detectlon of Anthrax Simulants UsingMicrocalorimetric Spectroscopy: Bacillus Subtίlis and Bacillus Cereus Spores," AppliedOptics, 42, 1757 (2003).

45. Ν. V. Lavrik and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Femtogram Mass Detection Using PhotothermallyActuated Nanomechanical Resonators," Applied Physics Letters, 82, 2697 (2003).

46. Ρ. Dutta, C. Α. Tipple, Ν. V. Lavrik, Ρ. G. Datskos, Ο. Hofstetler, and Μ. J. Sepaniak,''Enantioselective Sensors Based οη Antibody-Mediated Nanomechanics," AnalyticalChemistry, 75, 2342 (2003).

47. Ε. Τ. Arakawa, L. V. Lavrik, S. Rajic, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Detection and Differentiation ofBiologicaI Species Using Microcalorimetric Spectroscopy," Ultramicroscopy, 97, 459(2003).

48. J. Headrick, Μ. J. Sepaniak, L. V. Lavrik, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "EnhancingChemi-Mechanical Transduction of Microcantilever Chemical Sensors by SurfaceModification," Ultramicroscopy, 97, 417 (2003).

49. L. R. Senesac, J. L. Corbeil, S. Rajic, Ν. V. Lavrik, and Ρ. G. Datskos, 'ΊR lmaging UsingUncooled Cantilever Sensors," Ultramicroscopy, 97,451 (2003).

50. S. Rajic, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Feasibility of Tunable Micromechanical Photonic CrystalDevices," Ultramicroscopy, 97, 473 (2003).

51. Ρ. G. Datskos and Ν. V. Lavrik, "Figure of Merit - Thermal Detectors," ίη Encyclopedia ο/Optical Engineering, edited by R. Driggers (Marcel Dekker, New York, 2003), ρ. 349.

52. L. V. Lavrik, Μ. J. Sepaniak, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Detection ofExplosive Compounds UsingMicrocantilevers with Nanoporous Coating," Sensor Letters, 1,25 (2003).

53. Ρ. G. Datskos, Ν. V. Lavrik, and Τ. Thundat, "Micro and Nanocantilever Sensors",Encyclopedia ο/ Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Ed. Η. S. Nalwa, American ScientificPublίshers (2004).

54. Ρ. G. Datskos, Ν. V. Lavrik and S. Rajic, "Performance of Microcantilever ThermalDetectors," Review o/Scientίjic Instruments, 75, 1134 (2004).

55. Ν. V. Lavrik, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Nanomechanics Weighs In," Physics World 17, 19(2004).

56. S. Goedeke, S. AlIison, Ρ. G. Datskos, ''Non-Contact Cuπeηt Measurement withCobalt-Coated Microcantilevers," Sensor and Actuators Α, 112,32 (2004).

57. Ν. V. Lavrik, M.J. Sepaniak, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Cantilever Transducers as a Platform forChemical and Biological Sensors," Review o/Scientίjic Instruments, 75, 2229 (2004).

58. Ρ. G. Datskos, Ν. V. Lavrik, and Μ. J. Sepaniak, "Micromechanical Sensors," ίη NanoscaleScience and Engineering, edited by Μ. Οί Ventra, S. Evoy, and J.R. Heflin (KluwerAcademic Publishers, New York, 2004).

59. Ρ. G. Datskos, Ν. V. Lavrik, and Μ. J. Sepaniak, "Chemical and Biological Sensors Basedοη Microcantilevers", ίn Smart Sensors and MEMS, edited by Μ. Τ. Gomes and S. Υ.Yurish (Springer-Verlag, New York, 2004).


60. Ρ. G. Datskos, and Ν. V. Lavrik, "Uncooled Infrared MEMS Detectors", ίη Smart Sensorsand MEMS, edited by Μ. Τ. Gomes and S. Υ. Yurish (Springer-Verlag, New York, 2004).

61. Ρ. Dutta, L. R. Senesac, Ν. V. Lavrik, Ρ. G. Datskos and Μ. J. Sepaniak, "ResponseSignatures for Nanostructured, Optically-Probed, Functionalized Microcantilever SensingΑπaΥS," Sensor Letters, 2, Ι (2004).

62. Ν. V. Lavrik, Μ. J. Sepaniak, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Microsensors, Macrosensitivity," ΟΕMagazine, ρ.22, February 2005.

63. Ν. V. Lavrik, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Nano-mechanical structures feel the chill," Physics Wor/d,7 (2005).

64. Ρ. Dutta, Ρ. Chapman, Ρ. G. Datskos, and Μ. J. Sepaniak, "Characterization ofLigand-Functionalized Microcantilevers for MetaI Ιοη Sensing," Ana/ytica/ Chemistry 77,660 Ι (2005).

65. Ρ. Dutta, J. Sanseverino, Ρ. G. Datskos, and Μ. J. Sepaniak, "Nanostructured Cantilevers asNanomechanical Immunosensors for Cytokine Detection," NanoBiotechn%gy, 1, 237(2005). >

66. L. R. Senesac, Ρ. Dutta, Μ. J. Sepaniak, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Analyte Species andConcentration Identifίcation Using Differentially-Functionalized Microcantilever ΑπaΥSand Artifίcial Neural Networks", Ana/ytica Chimica Acta, 558, 94 (2006).

67. D. Grbovic, Ν. V. Lavrik, Ρ. G. Datskos, D. Forrai, Ε. NeIson, J. Devitt, and Β. McIntyre,"Uncooled Infrared Imaging Using Bimateria! Mircocantilever ΑπaΥS," App/ied PhysicsLetters, 89, 073 Ι 18 (2006).

68. Ρ. J. Chapman, Ρ. Dutta, Ρ. G. Datskos, G. L. Devault, and Μ. J. Sepaniak, "FacileHyphenation of Gas Chromatography and a Microcantilever ΑπaΥ Sensor for EnhancedSelectivity," Ana/ytica/ Chemistry, 79, 364 (2007).

69. R. Archibald, Ρ. G. Datskos, G. Devault, V. Lamberti, Ν. Lavrik, D. Noid, Μ. Sepaniak, andΡ. Dutta, '']ndependent Component Analysis of Nanomechanical Responses of CantileverΑπaΥS," Ana/ytica Chimica Acta, 584, 101(2007).

70. Pampa Dutta, Kasey ΗίΙΙ, Ρ. G. Datskos and Michael J. Sepaniak, "Development of aNanomechanical Biosensor for Analysis of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals," Lab on aChip, 7, 1184 (2007).

71. Ρ. J. Chapman, Ζ. Long, Ρ. G. Datskos, R. Archibald, and Μ. J. Sepaniak, "DifferentiallyLigand-Functionalized Microcantilever Arrays for Metal Ιοη Identifίcation and Sensing,"Ana/ytica/ Chemistry, 79, 7062 (2007).

72. Ε. Chung, Ν. Lavrik, Ρ. Datskos, J. McFarlane, S. Dai, and C. Tsouris, "MicrocantileverSensors with Chemically Selective Coatings of l0nίc Liquids," AIChE Journal, 53, 2726(2007).

73. S. Singamaneni, Μ. C. LeMieux, Η. Ρ. Lang, Ch. Gerber, Υ. Larn, S. Zauscher,Ρ. G. Datskos, Ν. V. Lavrik, R. R. Naik, Τ. J. Bunning, V. V. Tsukruk, "Bimaterialmicrocantilevers as a hybrid sensing platfoπn," Advanced Materia/s, 20, 1-29 (2008).

74. Μ. J. Wenzel, F. Josse, S. Μ. Heinrich, Ε. Yaz, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Sorption-Induced StaticBending of Microcantilevers Coated with Viscoelastic Material", Journa/ ο/ App/iedPhysics, 103,064913 (2008).

75. D. Grbovic, Ν. V. Lavrik, S. Rajic, and Ρ. G. Datskos, 'ΆrraΥS of Si02 Substrate-FreeMicromechanical Uncooled ΤΗΖ and Infrared Detectors," Journa/ ο/ App/ied Physics, 104,054508 (2008).


76. J. Ε. Hardy, Β. J. Warmack, Ν. Lavrik, Ρ. G. Datskos, C. L. Britton Jr. "Sensor Science ForNational Security," in Sensors /or Environment, Health and Security, edited byMarie-Isabelle Baraton (Sringer Science, ch. 3 Ι, ρ. 461 - 478, 2009).

77. J. Patton, S. R. Hunter, Μ. J. Sepaniak, Ρ. G. Datskos, D. Β. Smith, "Rapid ResponseMicrosensor for Hydrogen Detection using Nanostructured Palladium Films," Sensors andActuators: Α Physical, 163,464 (2010).

78. Ι. Vlassiouk, S. Smirnov, Ι. Ivanov, Ρ. Fulvio, S. Dai, Η. Meyer, Μ. Chi, D. Hensley,Ρ. Datskos and Ν. Lavrik, 'Έlectrίcal and thermal conductivity of low temperature CVDgraphene: the effect of disorder," Journal ο/ Nanotechnology, 22, 275716 (201 Ι).

79. Ι. Vlassiouk, Μ. Regmi, Ρ. Fulvio, S. Dai, P.G. Datskos, G. Eres, S. Smirnov. "Role ofHydrogen ίη CVD Growth ofLarge Single Crystal Graphene," ACS Nano, 5, 6069 (2011).

80. D. Grbovic, Ν. V. Lavrik, S. Rajic, S. R. Hunter, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "NanomechanicaIinfrared Detectors," Encyclopedia ο/ Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Ed. Η. S. Nalwa,American Scientific Publishers, vol. 18, ρ. 85 (2011).

81. Ρ. G. Datskos and Ν. V. Lavrik, "Nanomechanical OsciIlators for Electric andElectromagnetic Field Detection," Applied Physics Lelters, 100, 103108-1 (2012).

82. P.G. Datskos, N.V. Lavrik, S.R. Hunter, S. Rajic, and D. Grbovic, "IR Imaging UsingΑπaΥSofSi02 Micromechanical," Optics Letters, 37, 3966 (2012).

83. J. F. Patton, Ν. V. Lavrik, D. C. Joy, S. R. Hunter, Ρ. G. Datskos, D. Β. Smith, and Μ. J.Sepaniak, "Characterization of Hydrogen Responsive Nanoporous Palladium FilmsSynthesized via Spontaneous Galvanic Displacement Reaction," Nanotechnology, 23,465403 (2012).

84. Ι. Vlassiouk, Ρ. Fulvio, Η. Meyer, Ν. Lavrik, S. Dai, Ρ. Datskos, S. Smirnov, "Large scaleatmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition of graphene," Carbon, 54, 58 (2013).

85. Μ. Ε. Morales-Rodriguez, L. R. Senesac, S. Rajic, N.V. Lavrik and P.G. Datskos, "InfraredMicrocalorimetrIc Spectroscopy Using Quantum Cascade Lasers," Optics Lelters, 38, 507(2013).

86. Ι. V!assiouk, Ρ. Fulvio, Η. Meyer, Ν. Lavrik, S. Dai, Ρ. G. Datskos and S. Smirnov, "Questfor Perfection ίη Atmospheric Pressure ChemIcal Vapor Deposition of Graphene: FromCatalyst Pretreatment to industria! Large Scale Synthesis," ACS Nano (in press).

87. G. Polizos, Κ. Winter, M.J. Lance, Β. Armstrong, J. Simpson, S. Hunter, Ρ. Datskos,"Scalable Superhydrophobic Coatings Based οη FluorInated Diatoms, Materials Lelters,(submItted).

ΣυνέδρισJ Παρουσιάσεις:1. Ρ. G. Datskos and L. G. Christophorou, "Effect ofTemperature οη the Electron Attachment

to n-C4FlO," 39th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Madison, Wisconsin,October-1986.

2. Ρ. G. Datskos and L. G. Christophorou, "Effect of Temperature οη the NondissociativeElectron Attachment to n-C4Flo, n-C6Fl4 and C-C4F6,"40th Annual Gaseous ElectronicsConference, Atlanta, Georgia, October 1987.

3. S. R. Hunter, L. G. Christophorou, J. G. Carter, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "New Concepts forHigh Current Self-Sustained Diffuse Discharge Closing Switches," Proceedings of theSixth ΙΕΕΕ International Pulsed Power Conference, 1987.


4. L. G. Christophorou, and Ρ. G. Datskos, 'Έffect of Temperature οη NondissociativeElectron Attachment to Molecules," Proceedings of the Fifth lntemational Swarm Seminar,1988.

5. L. G. Christophorou, S. R. Hunter, L. Α. Pinnaduwage, Ρ. G. Datskos, and J. G. Carter,'Έlectrοη Attachment Properties of Excited Dielectric-Gas Molecules and their PossibleUse for Pulsed Power Switching," Proceedings of the 9th lntemational Conference οη GasDischarges and Their Applications, 1988.

6. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, "Temperature Dependence of theYertical-Onset-Dissociative Electron Attachment Ιο CH)Cl," 42nd Annual GaseousElectronics Conference, San Francisco, California, October 1989.

7. L. G. Christophorou, L. Α. Pinnaduwage, and Ρ. G. Datskos, ''Interaction ofSlow Electronswith Excited Molecules," abstract published ίη Radiation Research (presented at theRadiation Research Society Meeting, April 7-12, 1990).

8. L. G. Christophorou, Ρ. G. Datskos, and J. G. Carter, "Gases for an SCC Muon Detector,"Proceedings of the Symposium οη Detector and Development for Superconducting SuperCollider, 1990.

9. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, 'Έffect of Temperature οη theDissociative Electron Attachment to CH)Cl and C2H5Cl," ίη Gaseous Dielectrics ΥΙ, L. G.Christophorou and Ι. Sauers (Eds.) Plenum Press, 1991).

10. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and L. G. Carter, 'Έffectίve l0ηizatίon Coefficients,Electron Drift Yelocities and Limiting Electric Fields for Gas Mixtures of lnterest toParticle Detectors," Proceedings of the Conference οη Electrical lηsuΙatioη and DielectricPhenomena, Oct. 20-24, 1991.

11. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, 'Έffect of Temperature οη theDissociative Electron Attachment to CH)Cl and C2H5Cl," ίη Gaseous Dielectrics ΥΙ, editedby L. G. Christophorou and Ι. Sauers (Plenum 1991).

12. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, "Temperature-EnhancedAutodetachment From Long-Lived Negative lons Of Gaseous Dielectric," Proceedings ofthe 10th lntemational Conference οη Gas Discharges and Their Applications, Swansea,U. Κ. Sept. 13-18, 1992.

13. Ρ. G. Datskos and L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, "Yariation with Temperature ofthe Dissociative Electron Attachment Ιο CH)Br," 45nd Annual Gaseous ElectronicsConference, Boston, Massachusetts, October 1992.

14. Ρ. G. Datskos and L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, 'Έffect of Temperature οη theAutodetachment of C6F6"" 45nd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Boston,Massachusetts, October 1992.

15. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, 'Έffect of Temperature οη theElectron Attachment and Detachment Properties of c-C4F6," ίη Gaseous Dielectrics ΥΠ, L.G. Christophorou and R. D. James (Eds.) (Plenum Press, 1994).

16. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, ''Attachment of Low-EnergyElectrons Ιο 'ΉοΙ" SF6Molecules," ίη Gaseous Dielectrics ΥΠ, L. G. Christophorou and R.D. James (Eds.) (Plenum Press, 1994). .

17. Ρ. G. Datskos, Ι Sauers, J. ΗΟΥ, and L. G..Pinnaduwage, 'Έlectrοη Attachment to S20FlO,"48th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Berkeley, Califomia, October 1995.

18. Τ. Thundat, Ρ.1. Oden, P.G. Datskos, G.Y. Chen, and R. J. Warmack, "MicrocantileverSensors," The 16th Werner Brandt Workshop οη Charged Particle Penetration Phenomena,Oak Ridge Tennessee, Jan. 7-9, 1996.


19. Ρ. 1. Oden, Ε. Α. Wachter, Ρ. G. Datskos, Τ. Τhundat, and R. J. Warmack, ''Optical and1nfrared Detection Using Microcantilevers," ίη 1nfrared Teehnology and Applieations ΧΧΠ,SPIE, 2744, 345-354 (1996).

20. S. Rajic, Β.Μ. Evans ΠΙ, P.G. Datskos, Ρ.1. Oden, Τ. Τhundat, and C.M. Egert,"Piezoresistive Microcantilever Optimization for Uncooled Infrared Detection Τechnology,"ίη 1nfrared Spaeeborne Remote Sensing /V, SPIE, 2817, 179-186 (1996).

21. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. Α.. Pinnaduwage, and J. F. Kielkopf, "Photophysical and ElectronAttachment Properties of ArF-Excimer-Laser Irradiated Η2," Bull. Amer. Phys. Soe. 41,1313 (1996).

22. Ρ. 1. Oden, Ρ. G. Datskos, Τ. Τhundat, Ε. Α. Wachter, and R. J. Warmack, ''InfraredImaging Using Microcantilevers," Τhe American Society of Mechanical EngineersSymposium οη Microscale Τhermal Phenomena ίη Electronic Systems (MEMS), Υοl. 59,Atlanta, Georgia, American Society ofMechanical Engineers, 67-75 (1996).

23. Ρ. G. Datskos, S. Rajic, 1. Datskou, and C. Μ. Egert, ''Infrared MicrocalorlmetrlcSpectroscopy Using Uncooled Τherma! Detectors," 1nfrared 1maging ΠΙ. SP1Ε 3118,280-287 (1997).

24. Ρ. G. Datskos, S.G. Demos, and S. Rajic, "Miniature Uncooled Infrared Sensitive Detectorsfor ίη- Υίνο Biomedical Applications," Biomedieal Sensing and 1magίng Teehnologies,SPIE 3253, 94-100 (1998).

25. Ρ. G. Datskos, S. Rajic, C. Μ. Egert, and 1. Datskou, "Novel Micro-CalorimetrlcSpectroscopy Τechnique for Mine Detection," 3rd Intemational Symposium οη Τechnologyand Mine Problems, Monterey Califomia, Apr. 6-9 1998.

26. Ρ. G. Datskos, S. Rajic, 1. Datskou, and C. Μ. Egert, "Nove! Photon Detection Based οη

Electronically-Induced Stress ίη Silicon," 1R Deteetors and Foeal Plane Arrays V, SPIE,3379, 173-181 (1998).

27. L.A. Pinnaduwage, P.G. Datskos, W.X. Ding, and D.L. McCorkle, "Enhanced ElectronAttachment to Highly-Excited States of Mo!ecules: Implications for Plasma ProcessingDischarges," procedings ofthe 1998 Intemational Congress οη Plasma Physics.

28. Ρ. G. Datskos, and S. Rajic, "Uncooled IR Detection Using MEMS Microstructures," 1998Meeting 0/ the IRIS Speeialty Groups on Materials and Deteetors, NISΤ, Boulder Co!orado,10-13 August 1998.

29. R.A. Zuhr, J.D. Budai, P.G. Datskos, Α. Meldrum, Κ.Α. Τhomas, R.J. Warmack, C.W.White, L.C. Feldman, Μ. Strobel, and K-H.Heinig, "Nanostructured Arrays Formed byFinely Focused Ιοη Beams," Opties o/Semiconduetor Dots VII: Dot Arrays, APS (1999).

30. R.A. Zuhr, J.D. Budai, P.G. Datskos, C.M. Egert, Α. Meldrum, Κ.Α. Τhomas, C.W. White,L.C. Feldman, Μ. Strobel, Κ-Η. Heinig, "Nanostructured arrays formed by finely focusedίοη beams," Mater. Res. Soe. Symp. Proe. 536, 251-256 (1999).

31. Datskou, S. Rajic, P.G. Datskos, "Novel Magnetic and Chemical Microsensors for In-situ,Real-time, and Unattended Use," Unattended Ground Sensor Teehnologies andApplieations, SP1E, 3713, 85 (1999).

32. P.G. Datskos, S. Rajic, C.M. Egert, and 1. Datskou, "Detection of 1nfrared Photons Usingthe Electronic Stress ίη Metal-Semiconductor Interfaces," ίη 1nfrared Teehnology andApplieations XXV, SP1E, 3698, 151-160 (1999).

33. P.G. Datskos, "Chemical Detection Based οη Adsorption-Induced and Photo-InducedStresses ίη MEMS Devices," ίη Deteetion and Remediation Teehnologίes /or Mines andMinelike Targets /V, SPIE, 3710, 344-355 (1999).


34. S. Rajic, Ρ.Ο. Datskos, Ι. Datskou, and Τ.Α. Marlar, "Ultra-Responsive Thermal Sensorsfor the Detection of Exp!osives Using Calorimetric Spectroscopy (CalSpec )," ίη Deteetionand Remediatίon Teehnologies for Mines and Minelike Targets IV, SP/E, 3710, 356-36/(1999).

35. 1. Datskou, S. Rajic and Ρ. Ο. Datskos "Νονε! Magnetic and Chemica! Micro Sensors for/n-situ, .Real-time, and Unattended Use," ίη Unattended Ground Sensor Teehnologies andApplieations, SP/E, 3713, 85-93 (/999).

36. Ρ.Ο. Datskos, S. Rajic and Ι. Datskou, "Detection ofPhotons Using the Electronic Stress ίηMetal-Semiconductor /nterfaces ίη MEMS devices," Scanning Probe Microscopy,Cantilever Sensors and Nanostructures, Seattle, Washington, May /999.

37. Ρ.Ο. Datskos, ''Optical Readout of MEMS," /999 Meeting of /R/S Specialty Oroups οηMaterials and Detectors, Μ/Τ Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, ΜΑ, August 16 - 19, 1999.(Invited paper).

38. Ρ. Ο. Datskos, and Μ. J. Sepaniak, "Detection of Analytes Using Adsorption-induced andPhoto-induced Stress ίη Semiconductor Microstructures," Division of Nuclear Chemistry &Technology, 218th ACS National Meeting, August 22-26, 1999 New Orleans, Louisiana.

39. Μ. J. Sepaniak, Τ. Oibson, J. Headrick. C. ΤίρρΙε and Ρ. Ο. Datskos, "Strategies to/mmobilize ChemicalIy Selective Reagent .Phases to Enhance Microsensor Performance,"Division of Nuclear Chemistry & Technology, 218th ACS National Meeting, August 22-26,/999 New Orleans, Louisiana.

40. Β.Μ. Evans ΠΙ, Ρ.Ο. Datskos, S. Rajic and 1. Datskou, ''Optimization of MicromachinedPhoton Devices," ίη Gradient Index, Miniature, and Dίjfractive Optical Systems, SPIE,3778, 62-70 (1999).

41. Β.Μ. Evans ΠΙ, D.W. Schonberger, and Ρ.Ο. Datskos, "Finite Element Modeling ofMicromachined MEMS Photon Devices," Miniaturized Systems with Micro-Optics andMEMS, SP/E, 3878, 253-260 (1999).

42. S. Rajic, Ρ.Ο. Datskos, and Ι. Datskou, "Novel Fabrication and Simple Hybridization ofExotic Material MEMS," ίη Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology,SP/E, 3874,188-194 (/999).

43. Ρ. Ο. Datskos, "Micromechanical Uncooled Photon Detectors," ίη Photodetector Materialsand Devices V, SP/E, 3948, 80-93 (2000) (Invited paper).

44. S. Rajic and Ρ.Ο. Datskos, "MEMS based CalorImetric Spectroscopy for ChemicalDetection," NanoSpace 2000, Houston, ΤΧ, January 23-28, 2000.

45. Ρ.Ο. Datskos, S. Rajic, L.R. Senesac, D.D. Earl, Β.Μ. Evans, J.L. Corbei!, and Ι. Datskou,''Optical Readout of Uncooled Thermal Detectors," Infrared Technology and ApplicationsXXVI, SP/E, 4130, /85-197 (2000).

46. Ρ.Ο. Datskos, S. Rajic, J. L. Corbeil, L. R. Senesac, and Ι. Datskou, "SemiconductorDevices Based οη Micromechanical Quantum WelI and Quantum Barrier Structures,"Eighth Foresight Conference οη Mo!ecular Nanotechnology, at the Hyatt Hotel, ΟηεBethesda Metro, Bethesda, Mary!and 20814, November 3-5, 2000.

47. L. R. Senesac, R.H. Farahi, J.L. Corbeil, D.D. Earl, S. Rajic, Ρ.Ο. Datskos, "Fabrication of/ntegrated Diffractive Micro-optics for MEMS App!ications," Optical Manufacturing andTesting IV, SP/E, 4451, 295-305 (2001).

48. Ι. Datskou, S. Rajic, Ρ.0. Datskos, "Νονεl Magnetic, Acoustic, and Chemical Microsensorsfor /n-situ, Real-time, and Unattended Use," Enabling Technologies for Law Enforcementand Security, SP/E, 4232, 377-384 (2001).


49. Ν. Υ. Lavrik, C. Α. Tipple, Μ. J. Sepaniak, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Sensing and ActuatingFunctionality of Hybrid MEMS Combining Enhanced Chemi-mechanical Transductionwith Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy," Microjluidics αnd BioMEMS, SPIE, 4560,152-161 (2001). '

50. S. Rajic, P.G. Datskos, ''Integrated and Simultaneous Multiparameter Sensing for TacticalApplications," ίη Unαttended Ground Sensor Technologies, SPIE, 4393, 143-152 (2001).

51. S. Goedeke, S. W. Allison, R.H. Farahi, S. Rajic, P.G. Datskos, "Dual-Fiber OpticMicrocantilever Proximity Sensor," Engineering Thin Films with lon Beαms, NαnoscαleDiαgnostics, and Molecular Manufacturing, SPIE, 4468, 161-170 (200 ι).

52. S. Rajic, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Multiparameter 1ntegrated Sensor Development InvoJvingAltemate Materials," ίη Device and Process Technologies for MEMS and Microelectronics11,SPIE, 4592, 235-243 (2001).

53. G. Muralidharan, Α. Wig, L. Α. Pinnaduwage, D. L. Hedden, Ρ. G. Datskos, Τ. Thundat, R.Τ. Lareau, "ChemicaJ Sensors Based Οη Resistive Microcantilevers," Chemical andBiological Sensors, Materials and Devices, Molecularly Imprinted Materials, Sensors andOther Devices, MRS Proceedings Υοι. 723 (2002).

54. J.C. Corbeil, L.R. Senesac, L.V. Lavrik, S. Rajic and P.G. Datskos, "Thermo-MechanicalOptimization of Uncooled Infrared Microcantilever Detectors," Scanning ProbeMicroscopy, Sensors and Nanostructures, Las Yegas, 26-29 May 2002.

55. L.R. Senesac, P.G. Datskos, and S. Rajic, ''IR Imaging Using Uncooled Cantilever Sensors,"Scanning Probe Microscopy, Sensors and Nanostructures, Las Yegas, 26 -29 May 2002.

56. Ε.Τ. Arakawa, L.v. Lavrik, and P.G. Datskos, "Detection of Bacteria Using BiosensorsBased οη Microcalorimetric Spectroscopy," Scanning Probe Microscopy, Sensors andNanostructures, Las Yegas, 26-29 May 2002.

57. S. Rajic, and P.G. Datskos, "Tunable Micromechanical Photonic Crystal Devices,"Scanning Probe Microscopy, Sensors and Nanostructures, Las Yegas, 26-29 May 2002.

58. Ι.Υ. Lavrik, and P.G. Datskos, "Polymeric and Macrocyclic materials ίη Microantileversfor Thermal and Chemical Sensors," Scanning Probe Microscopy, Sensors andNanostructures, Las Yegas, 26-29 May 2002.

59. M.J. Sepaniak, J. Headrlck, Ι.Υ. Lavrik, and P.G. Datskos, ''Enhancing Chemi-MechanicalTransduction of Microcantilever Chemical Sensors by Surface Modification," ScanningProbe Microscopy, Sensors and Nanostructures, Las Yegas, 26-29 May 2002.

60. P.G. Datskos, "PhysicaI and Chemical Sensors Based οη Micro-cantilevers andNano-cantilevers," ΝΑΤΟ Advanced Study Institute (ASI) "Smart Sensors and MEMS",Povoa De Yarzim, Novotel Yermar, Portugal, 8 - 19 September 2003. (lnvited paper)

61. Panos Datskos, S. Rajic, L.R. Senesac, Ν.Υ. Lavrik and M.J. Sepaniak, "NanomechanicalChemical Sensors Based οη Functionalized MEMS aπaΥS," 1st Workshop οηNanomechanical Sensors, Madrid, Spain 15th- 16thNovember, 2004. (lnvited paper)

62. Ρ. G. Datskos, "Nanomechanical Mass Sensors," Department of Engineering Biophysicsand Electronics, University ofGenoa, Italy (November 17,2004). (seminar)

63. Ρ. G. Datskos, Μ. Sepaniak, Ν. Lavrik, "From Micro-Mechanics ιο Nanoscale Sensors," ίηNanofabrication: Technologies, Devices, and Applications, SPIE (2004). (invited paper)

64. P.G. Datskos, S. Rajic and Ν.Υ. Lavrik, "Performance of Uncooled MicrocantileverThermal Detectors," ίη MOEMS Display and 1maging Systems 111,SPIE, 5721, 136-150(2005). (invited paper)


65. P.G. Datskos, ''Nanomechanical Chemical Sensors Based οη Functionalized MEMS arrays,"Colloquium Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering, Marquette University(2005).

66. M.J. Sepaniak, Ρ. Dutta, L.R. Senesac, Ν.ν. Lavrik, and P.G. Datskos, "ResponseSignatures for Nanostructured, Optically-Probed, Functionalized Microcantilever SensingΑπaΥS," The Pittsburgh Conference on Ana/ytica/ Chemistry and App/ied Spectroscopy,Orlando, FL, February 27 - March 4, 2005.

67. Ρ. G. Datskos, "Cantilever ΑπaΥS as a .Platform for Chemical and Biological Sensors,"American PhysicaI Society, APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, March 21-25, (2005).(invited paper)

68. Μ. J. Sepaniak, Ρ. Dutta, P.J. Chapman, P.G. Datskos, L.R. Senesac, Ο. Hofstetter,''Approaches to Achieving Selectivity ίη Chemi-Bio-Senslng Using Nano-Structured,Functionalized Microcantilevers," The 57th Southeast/61 st Southwest RegionaI MeetingMemphis, ΤΝ (November 1 - 4, 2005).

69. Ν. ν. Lavrik, D. Grbovic, S. Rajic, Ρ. G. Datskos, D. Forrai, Ε. Nelson, J. Devitt, Β.McIntyre, "Uncooled Infrared 1maging Using Bimateria! Microcantilever Arrays,"Proceedings of SPIE Infrared Techn%gy and Applications ΧΧΧΙΙ, SP1E, 6206, 62061Κ-1- 62061Κ-8 (2006).

70. Ρ. G. Datskos, "Cantilever Arrays as a Platforrn for Chemical and BioIogicaI Sensors,"MEMS Technology and Biomedical App!ications, Gordon Research Conferences,Connecticut College, New London, CT, June 25-30, 2006.

71. Ρ. G. Datskos, Ν.. Lavrik, Μ. J. Sepaniak,P. Dutta, and Ρ. J. Chapman, "TheNanomechanical Chemical Sensors Based οη Functionalized MEMS Arrays,"UnmannedΙUnattended Sensors and Sensor Networks ΠΙ, Proceedings of SPIE νοl. 6394(2006).

72. S. Rajic, W. R. Lawrence, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Progress οη Integrated MultiparameterMEMS Sensor," Unmanned/Unattended Sensors and Sensor Networks ΠΙ, Proceedings ofSPIE νοl. 6394 (2006).

73. Ν. ν. Lavrik, R. Archibald, D. Grbovic, S. Rajic, andP. G. Datskos, "Uncooled MEMS IRImagers with Optica! Readout and Image Processing," ίη Infrared Technology andApplications ΧΧΧΙΙΙ, SPIE, 6542, 65421Ε-Ι - 65421Ε-8 (2007).

74. Ρ. G. Datskos, "Cantilever Arrays as a Platform for Chemica! and Physical Sensors,"Department of Chemistry, University ofTennessee (August 2007). (seminar)

75. Ρ. G. Datskos, "MEMS and NEMS Technologies for Sensor App!ications," Security andDefense Symposium, SPIE Orlando, March 19, 2008 (invited paper).

76. P.G. Datskos, Ν.ν. Lavrik, Μ J. Sepaniak, "Cantilever Arrays as a Platform For ChemicalAnd Physical Sensors," 34th intemational conference οη Micro-and Nano-Engineering.Micro-and Nano-Engineering, Athens, Greece Sep. 15-18, 2008. (invited paper)

77. D. Grbovic, S. Rajic, Ν. ν. Lavrik, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Progress with MEMS based UGS(IRfΓHz)," ίη Unattended Ground, Sea, and Air Sensor Technologies and Applications Χ,SPIE, 6963, 696317-1-696317-11 (2008).

78. P.G. Datskos, "Physical and Chemical Sensing Based οη Micro- and Nanotechnologies,"SPIE Orlando, April 13-16, 2009. (keynote presentation)

79. Ρ. G. Datskos, ''Nano/Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (NEMSIMEMS): Cantilevers,"Physics Dept., University ofCrete, Greece, (April28 2010). (colloqnium)


80. S. R. Hunter, J. R. Patton, Μ. J. Sepaniak, P.G. Datskos, and D. Β. Smith, "DistributedOptical Microsensors for Hydrogen Leak Detection and Related Applications,"Proceedings ofSPIE, 7693, 769307-1 (2010).

81. P.G. Datskos, "Future Trends ίη MEMS and NEMS," SPIE Orlando, April 4-9, 2010.(invited paper)

82. P.G. Datskos and Ν.ν. Lavrik, "Nonlinear Resonators for Ultrasensitive Mass Detection,"SPIE Newsroom, June (2010).

83. P.G. Datskos, S. Rajic, Ν. Lavrik, "Nano/Micro-Electro-Mechanica! Systems(NEMS/MEMS): Cantilevers," Ocean Optics ΧΧ, Anchorage ΑΙ 2010. (invited paper)

84. P.G. Datskos, Ν.ν. Lavrik, J. Tobin, and L.T. BowIand, "Detection of ElectromagneticWaves Using MEMS Antennas," Proceedings of SPIE UnαIIended Ground, Seα, αnd AirSensor Technologies and Applicαtions ΧΙΠ, SPIE, 8046, 804601-1 (20 11).

85. Μ. Ε. Morales-Rodriguez, L. R. Senesac, Τ. Thundat, Μ. Κ. Rafailov and Ρ. G. Datskos,"Standoff imaging of chemicals using IR spectroscopy," Proceedings of SPIE Micro- andNαnotechnology Sensors, Systems, αnd Applicatίons ΠΙ, SPIE, 8031, 80312D-I (2011).(invited paper)

86. S. R. Hunter, Ν. V. Laνrik, Τ. Bannuru, S. Mostafa, S. Rajic and Ρ. G. Datskos,"Development of MEMS based pyroelectric thermal energy harνesters," 8035, 80350ν-1(2011).

87. P.G. Datskos, "Comer-cube retroreflector chemical sensors based οη MEMS," SPIE,Conference 8388, SPIE Baltimore, MD Apri123-27 (2012).

88. Scott R. Hunter, Nickolay V. Lavrik, SaIwa Mostafa, Slo Rajic and Panos G. Datskos,"Review of Pyroelectric ThermaI Energy Harνesting and New MEMS Based ResonantEnergy Conversion Techniques," Proceedings of SPIE Energy Harvesting αnd Storαge:Mαterials, Devices, αnd Applicαtions Π, SPIE, νοl. 8377, 8770D (2012).

89. S. Rajic and Ρ. Datskos "Small arms mini-fire control system: fiber-optic barrel deflectionsensor," SPIE, SPIE Baltimore, MD Apri! 23-27 (2012).

90. P.G. Datskos, "Nanocantilevers Technology", 4th Intemational, Conference SmartMaterials, Structures and Systems Montecatini Terme, Tuscany, Italy, June 10 -14 (2012).

91. Datskos, Ρ., Ν. Lavrik, J. Tobin, Ι.Τ. Bowland, "Using micro-electro-mechanical systems(MEMS) as small antennas," Future of Instrumentation International Workshop ΙΕΕΕ,978-1-4673-2482, Ι (2012).


CURRICULUM ΥΙΤΑΕPanagiotis George Datskos

Oak Ridge National Laboratory1Bethel VaIley Rd.BIdg. 5700,RJnA-221,~S-6054Oak Ridge, ΤΝ 37831-6054Tel: (865) 574-6205Fax: (865) 574-9407Email: datskospg@oml.gov

Current Position:2007 - present Group Leader, Nanosystems and Structures Group, Oak Ridge Nat'l Lab2012 - present Distinguished Scientist, Oak Ridge Nationa! Laboratory2010 - present Professor, Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate

Education (CIRE), University ofTennessee2004 - present Adjunct Professor, ~arquette University

Experience:2004 - 20112004 -20101999 - 20041997 - 20041994 - 19991989 - 19941985-1988

Senior Scientist, Oak Ridge National LaboratoryResearch Professor, University ofTennesseeResearch Associate Professor, University ofTennesseeResearch Scientist, Oak Ridge National LaboratoryResearch Assistant Professor, University ofTennesseePostdoctoral Research Associate, University of TennesseeResearch Assistant, Oak Ridge National Laboratory/ University of Tennessee

Security CΙearance: Q (U.S. ΟοΕ)

Education:1988 Ph.D. in Physics, University ofTennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee1983 Β. S. ίη Physics, University ofJoannina, Ioannina, Greece

Summary of Experience:Dr. Pαnos Dαtskos is a distinguished scientist and the group leader of the NanoSystems andStructures Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He is also a Professor at the University ofTennessee and an Adjunct Professor at ~arquette University. During his tenure at ORNL he ledR&D programs covering a broad range of science and technologies ίη nanomanufacturing,nanomaterials, ~E~S and micro sensors at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, including prior andcuπeηt DARPΑ programs. He has over 25 years experience ίη scientific research anddevelopment that involve the physics of nanomaterials, micro and nanomechanical(~~SINE~S) systems, micro-mechanical physical and chemical sensors, the physics ofelectron transport and ionization ϊη gases and liquids. His current research interests focus οηnanostructured surfaces, ~~S and NE~S and involve the development of physical andchemical ~~SINE~S sensors using microcantilevers, microcalorimetric spectroscopy, anduncooled ~E~S infrared (lR) detectors. He has demonstrated leadership strengths and has ledmulti-disciplinary research teams, and managed research teams consisting of senior and junior

technical staff, postdoctoral fellows, graduate and undergraduate students. He has demonstratedthe ability to develop and manage research programs with teams from ORNL and other researchorganizations and universities. He has received a 2000 Discover award, and seven coveted R&D100 Awards, which is given to the 100 best technologies of the year. He has 86 open literaturepublications, and 90 conference proceedings and presentations, 12 issued patents and 6 pendingpatents.

Publications:Authored or co-authored over 170 publications: Journals/Book chapters > 86; ConferenceProceedingslPresentations> 90

U.S. Patents:Twe!ve issued U.S. and six pending patents applications

Awards:1985 Science Alliance Award (UTK)1986 Science Alliance Award (UTK)1987 Science AIliance Award (UTK)1988 Science AIliance Award (UTK)1996 R&D 100 Award (R&D magazine)1998 R&D 100 Award (R&D magazine)1999 R&D 100 Award (R&D magazine)2000 Discover Award (Discover Magazine)2000 lnventor of the year (υΤ-Battelle)2000 Technical Accomplίshment Award (UT-BatteIle)2003 R&D 100 Award (R&D magazine)2010 R&D 100 Award (R&D magazine)201 Ι R&D 100 Award (R&D magazine)2012 R&D 100 Award (R&D magazine)

Activities:Member ofEditorial Board of Sensors & Transducers JournalMember of Editorial Board of Open Applίed Physics Journa!Member ofEditorial Board ofReview of Scientific InstrumentsMember ofthe Editorial Board ofMicroelectronic EngineeringMember ofthe Editorial Board ofDataset Papers ίη Optics

Reviewer for Peer Reviewed Journals:Journal ofPhysics D, Applied PhysicsApplίed Physics LettersReview of Scientific lnstrumentsJournal of Micromechanics and MicroengineeringMeasurement Science and TechnologyΙΕΕΕ Transactions οη Ultrasonics, Feποelectrίcs, and Frequency Contro!IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave TechnologyOptical EngineeringOpen Applied Physics Journal


NatureReseareh Baekground:The research work has been carried out at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University ofTennessee:

• Atomic Thiekness Membranes: Developed new methods to grow graphene layers andinvestigated the dependence of electrical and thermal conductivity οη defectconcentration.

• Nanostruetured Materials with Low Surfaee Energy: Developed new classes ofnanostructured materials with characteristics and properties that includesuperhydrophobic behavior, anti-icing, anti-corrosion, and anti-fouling.

• Miero-Eleetro-Meehanieal Systems (MEMS and Nano-Eleetro-Mechanieal Systems(NEMS) for nano-eleetronie and sensing applications: Investigated and developedMEMS and NEMS with applίcations Ιο high-speed nano-electronic single-electrontransistors, and physical and chemical sensors.

• Mieroeantίlevers for Physical and Chemieal Sensing: Investigated the use ofmicrocantilevers for chemical sensing and detection of infrared, visible and ultravioletradiation. Studied the interaction of inITared photons with micromechanical structuresand developed microcantilever thermal detectors. Studied the photo-induced (electronicstress ίπ semiconductor cantilevers, and quantum well cantilevers. Investigated theadsorption of molecules οπ the surface of micromechanical thermal and developed novelchemical detection approaches.

• Photon Seanning Tunneling Microseopy: Developed a photon scanning tunnelingmicroscope (PSTM) ΙΟ image small viral particles (such as Τ4 Bacteriophages).

• Multiphoton Proeesses ίn Dense Media: Studied the mechanisms and energetics oflaser induced multiphoton ionization and excitation processes ίπ dense gases. Developeda technique for the determination ofthe ionization threshold ofmolecules ίπ dense media,using multiphoton ionization. Designed and built laser ionization and fluorescence celIsfor high temperature, high pressure, and high electric fields.

• Fast Gas Mixtures for Gas-Filled Particle Deteetors: Improved binary and temary gasmixtures were discovered which optimized counter operation for particle detection,identification and localization. The composition of these gas mixtures was based οπknowledge of their basic electron scattering properties. Identified and tailored new gasdielectrics by optimization of the electron and ίοη densities and their energies ίπ thesegases. Investigated the role of electron attachment ίη the choice of unitary gas dielectricsor electronegative components ίπ dielectric gas mixtures, and also investigated the role ofelectron scattering at low energies ίπ the choice of buffer gases for such mixtures

• Photodetaehment of Negative Ions: Developed techniques to investigate the energetics,dynamics and dependence οη photon energy of photodetachment processes. Measuredthe photodetachment cross section as a function of photon energy for hexafluorobenzene(C6F6) ίπ a buffer gas oftetramethylsilane [Si(CIL)4].

• Eleetron Detaehment from Negative Ions: Developed a new technique ιο study theenergetics, dynamics and dependence οη temperature and gas number density of electrondetachment processes. Studied the electron detachment from hexafluorobenzene (C6F6),hexafluorobutene (c-C4F6) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) anions ίή a buffer gas ofN2 as afunction oftemperature and gas number density.

• High Pressure Eleetron Swarm and Eleetron Drift Studies: Iηvestigated the electroη


attachment mechanism ίη gases from the low Ιο the high-pressure regime. Studied theeffect ofthe nature and state (density and temperature) ofthe medium οη electron motionand negative ϊοη formation ίη gases. Performed computer analyses of electron swarmand electron drift data Ιο determine the momentum-transfer and electron attachmentcross-sections ίη gases.

Accomplίshments:• R&D 100 Award [οτ nonlinear MEMS oscillators. lη 2010 he received an R&D 100

Award [οτ the study and development of nonlinear oscillators using state-of-the artMEMS cantilevers.

• Micro and nanomechanical gyroscopes. lη 2009 he invented a NEMS gyroscope that canbe used ίn GPS devices οτ inertial navigations units.

• R&D 100 Award [οτ optical readout for large aπaΥS of bimaterial MEMS cantilevers. lη2003 he received an R&D 100 award [οτ the development of an uncooled infrared camerawith optical readout based οη bimaterial cantilevers.

• Developed techniques Ιο measure extremely small masses using MEMS. Ιn 2003 hesuccessfully measured femtogram mass changes using bimaterial microcantilevers.

• Explosive detection using microcantilevers. Ιη 2000 he was the recipient a DiscoverAward [οτ the development of a micromechanical ΤΝΤ detector.

• R&D 100 Award [οτ uncooled infrared quantum detector based οη MEMS. lη 1999 hereceived an R&D 100 Award for the development of a micromechanica! quantumdetector.

• New class of photomechanical chemical detectors based οη microcantilever thermaldetectors and microcalorimetric spectroscopy. Ιn 1998 he was recipient of an R&D 100Award for the development of a microcalorimetric spectrometer.

• R&D 100 Award [οτ novel chemical sensors based οη microcantilevers. Ιη 1996 hereceived an R&D 100 Award [οτ a microcantilever mercury vapor detector.

• R&D 100 Award [οτ microcantilever thermal detectors [οτ uncooled IR imaging andtemperature sensing. lη 1996 he received an R&D 100 award [οτ a microcantilevertemperature sensor.

• Ionization measurements of molecules ίη dense media. Developed new experimentaltechniques for the measurement ofthe ionization threshold ofmolecules ίη dense media.

• Development of new experimental techniques [οτ study of electron detachment fromnegative ions ϊη gases.

• Development of new experimental techniques [οτ the measurement of photodetachmentcross-sections uom negative ions ίη gaseous media.

Patents:Ι. "Chemical Detection Using Calorimetric Spectroscopy," U.S. Patent: 5,923,421 (1999).2. "Uncooled lnfrared Photon Detector and Multicolor lnfrared Deteciion Using Micro-Opto-

Mechanical Sensors," U.S. Patent: 5,977,544 (1999).3. "Non-contact Passive Temperature Measuring System and Method of Operation Using

Micro-Mechanical Sensors," U.S. Patent: 6,050,722 (2000).4. "Method Using Photo-induced and Thermal Bending of MEMS Sensors" U.S. Patent:

6,312,959 (200 Ι).5. "Photo-induced Micro-Mechanical Optical Switch," U.S. Patent: 6,385,363 (2002).


6. ''Apparatus and Method for Detecting Electromagnetic Radiation Using ElectronPhotoemission ίη a Micromechanical Sensor," U.S. Patent: 6,444,972 (2002).

7. ''Integrated Optical Interrogation ofMicro-Structures," U.S. Patent: 6,525,307 (2003).8. ''Acoustic Sensors Using Microstructures Tunable with Energy Other than Acoustic Energy,"

U.S. Patent: 6,651,504 (2003).9. "Response Microcantilever Thermal Detector," U.S. Patent: 6,805,839 (2004).10. ''Acoustic Sensors Using Microstructures Tunable with Energy Other than Acoustic Energy"

U.S. Patent: 6,901,802 (2005).11. "Detection of Electromagnetic Radiation Using Micromechanical Multiple Quantum Wells

Structures" U.S. Patent: 7,244,959 (2007).12. 'ΈΙectrοη!Ηοle Transport-Based NEMS Gyro and Devices Using the Same" U.S. Patent:

7,552,636 (2009).13. "MEMS Based Pyroelectric Thermal Energy Harνester," (U.S. Patent Application:

20120056504).14. "Pulsed Photothermal Phase Transformation Control For Tίtanium Oxide Structures And

Reversible Bandgap Shift For Solar Absorption," (U.S. Patent Application: 20120073640).15. "Naηo-Mechanical Electric and Electromagηetic Field Sensor," (U.S. Patent Applίcation:

20120206609).16. "Nonlίnear Nanomechanical Oscillators For Ultrasensitive lnertial Detection," (U.S. Patent

Applίcation: 20120206594).17. 'Ήίgh Quality Large Scale Single and Multilayer Graphene Production by Chemical Vapor

Deposition," (U.S. Patent Application: 13/734,823).18. "Rapid Response Microsensor for Hydrogen Detection Using Responsive Nanostructured

Films," (pending).

Publications / Journals:Ι. Ρ. G. Datskos and L. G. Christophorou, "Variation of the Electron Attachment Ιο n-C4Fιo

with Temperature," 1. Chem. Phys. 86, 1982 (1987).2. Ρ. G. Datskos and L. G. Christophorou, "Variation with Temperature of the Electron

Attachment 10 S02F2," 1. Chem. Phys. 90,2626 (1988).3. Η. Faidas, L. G. Christophorou, Ρ. G. Datskos and D. L. McCorkle, "The l0ηίzatίoη

Threshold ofN,N,N"N!- Tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine ίη Dense Fluid Ethane; Effects ofFluid Density and Temperature," 1. Chem. Phys. 90, 6619-6626 (1989).

4. Ρ. G. Datskos L.G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, "Temperature-Enhanced ElectronAttachment to CH]Cl", Chem. Phys. Le//. 168, 324 (1990).

5. L. G. Christophorou, Ρ. G. Datskos, and J. G. Carter, "Gases of Possible lnterest ιο SCCMuon Detectors," Nucl. Ins/r. Me/h. Phys. Res. Α 309, 160 (1991).

6. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, 'Έffect of Vibrational Excitation οηElectron Transport ίη Gases," Chem. Phys. Lel/. 186, II (199\).

7. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, "lonization Coefficients ίη SelectedGas Mixtures ofInterest to Particle Detectors," 1. Αρρl. Phys. 71, 1 (1992).

8. L. G. Christophorou, Ρ. G. Datskos, and J. G. Carter, 'Έffect of Temperature οη theDissociative and Nondissociative Electron Attaehment to Freons," Ber. der Bunsenges. Phys.Chem. 3, 96 (1992).

9. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, "Temperature EnhaneedAutodetaehment from e-C4F6-'," Chem Phys. Lel/. 195, 329 (1992).


10. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, 'Έffect of Temperature οη theAttachment of Slow (# Ι eV) Electrons to CH]Br," J. Chem Phys. 97, 9031 (1992).

11. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, "Temperature-Enhanced ElectronDetachment from C6F6'Negative l0ηs," J. Chem Phys. 98,7875 (1993).

12. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, "Temperature Dependence ofElectronAttachment and Detachment ίη SF6and C-C4F6,"J. Chem Phys. 99, 8607 (1993).

13. L. G. Christophorou, Ρ. G. Datskos, and J. G. Carter, "Response to 'Comment οηTemperature-enhanced electron detachment from C6F6'negative ions' [J. Chem. Phys. 100,6981 (1994)]", J. Chem. Phys. 100,6983 (1994).

14. L. G. Christophorou, Ρ. G. Datskos, and Η. Faidas, "Photodetachment ίη the Gaseous,Liquid and Solid States ofMatter," J. Chem. Phys. 101, 6728 (1994).

15. L. G. Christophorou, L. Α. Pinnaduwage, and Ρ. G. Datskos, 'ΈΙectrοη Attachment toExcited Molecules," ίη "Linking the Gaseous and Condensed Phases of Matter: The SlowElectrons and lts lnteractions," L. G. Christophorou, Ε. Illenberger, and W. F. Schmidt (Eds.)(Plenum Press, New York, 1994).

16. Ρ. G. Datskos, J. G. Carter, and L. G. Christophorou, "Photodetachment of SF6"," Chem.Phys. Lett. 239,38 (1995).

17. L. G. Christophorou, and Ρ. G. Datskos, 'Έffect of Temperature οη the Formation andAutodestruction ofParent Anions," Int. J. Mαss Spectr. Ion Proc. 149/150,59 (1995).

18. L. Α. Pinnaduwage and Ρ. G. Datskos, 'Ά Novel Technique for Real Time Monitoring ofElectron Attachment to Laser Exclted Molecules: Measurements οη ArF-Excimer-Laserluadiated Nitric Oxide," J. Chem. Phys. 104,8382 (1996).

19. Ε. Α. Wachter, Τ. G. Thundat, Ρ. G. Datskos, Ρ. 1. Oden, S. L. Sharp, and R. J. Waπnack,"Remote Optical Detection Using Microcantilevers," Reν. Scί. Instr. 67,3434 (1996).

20. Ρ. G. Datskos, Ρ. Ι. Oden, Τ. G. Thundat, Ε. Α. Wachter, R. J. Waπnack, and S. R. Hunter,"Remote Infrared Radiation Detection UsingPiezoresistive Microcantilevers," Αρρl. Phys.Lett. 69, 2986 (1996).

21. Ρ. Ι. Oden, Ρ. G. Datskos, Τ. Thundat, and R. J. Warmack, "Uncooled Theπna! ImagingUsing July 24, 2006dea Piezoreslstive Microcantilever," Αρρl. Phys. Lett. 69, 3277 (1996).

22. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. Α. Pinnaduwage, and John F. Kielkopf, "Photophysical and ElectronAttachment Properties of ArF-Excimer-Laser luadiated Η2," Phys. Reν. Α 55, 4131 (1997).

23. L. Α. Pinnaduwage and Ρ. G. Datskos, 'ΈΙectrοη Attachment to Excited States of Silane:implications for Plasma Processing Discharges," J. Αρρl. Phys. 81, 7715 (1997).

24. Ρ. G. Datskos, C. Tav, 1. Sauers, and L. Α. Pinnaduwage, 'Έlectrοη Attachment toVibrationally Excited Trichlorotrifluoroethane (I,1,2-C2CI]F])," J. Phys. D: Αρρl. Phys. 30,2596 (1997).

25. L. Α. Pinnaduwage, Ρ. G. Datskos, and C. Tav, 'ΈΙectrοη Attachment toPhotofragmentsand Rydberg States ίη Laser-Iuadiated CCI2F2," J. Αρρl. Phys. 84,3442 (1998).

26. Ρ. G. Datskos, S. Rajic, and 1. Datskou, "Photo-induced and Thermal Stress ίη SiliconMicrocantilevers," Αρρl. Phys. Lett. 73, 2319 (1998).

27. C. Tav, Ρ. G. Datskos, and L. Α. Pinnaduwage, 'ΈΙectrοη Attachment ιο ΒΟΓοηTrichJoride,"J. Αρρl. Phys. 84,5805 (1998).

28. Ρ. G. Datskos, and Ι. Sauers, "Detection of 2-mercaptoethanol Using Microcantilevers,"Sensors αnd Actuαtors Β 61, 75 (2000).

29. Ρ. G. Datskos, S. Rajic and 1.Datskou, "Detection of Infrared Photons Using the ElectronicStress ίη Metal-Semlconductor Cantilever lηterfaces," UZtrαmicroscopy 82, 49 (2000).


30. J. Headrick, Μ. Sepaniak, S. Alexandratos, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Chelating ScintillationFibers for Measurements of 137CS,"Anal. Chem., 72, ]994 (2000).

3]. Τ. Betts, C. Tipple, Μ. Sepaniak, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Selectivity of Chemical SensorsBased οη Micro-Cantj]evers Coated with Polymeric Films," Anal. Chim. Ac/a, 422, 89(2000).

32. Β. C. Fagan, C. Α. Tipp]e, Ζ. Xue, Μ. J. Sepaniak, Ρ. G. Datskos, "Modification ofMicro-Cantilever Sensors with Sol-Gels to Enhance Performance and ]mmobilize ChemicallySelective Phases," Ta/an/a, 53, 599 (2000).

33. Μ. J. Sepaniak, Ν. V. Lavrik, C. Α. Tίpple, and Ρ. G. Datskos, ''Hybrid NanostructuredMicrocantilevers for Enhanced Chemimechanical Transduction and SERS", Micro Tota/

Ana/ysis Systems, J.M Ramsey and Α. van den Berg, Eds, Kluwer AcademIe

Publίshers, London, 450-452 (2001).34. Ρ. G. Datskos, S. Rajic, L. R. Senesac and 1. Datskou, "Fabrication of Quantum Well

Microcantilever Photon Detectors," U//ramicroscopy, 86, ]9] (2001).35. Ν. Lavrik, C. Tipple, Ρ. Datskos, and Μ. Sepaniak, ''Enhanced Chemi-Mechanical

Transduction at Nanostructured lnterfaces," Chemica/ Physics Le//ers, 336, 37] (200 ι).36. Ν. V. Lavrik, C.A. Tipple, P.G. Datskos, M.J. Sepaniak, "Gold Nano-Structures for

Transduction of Biomolecular Interactions ίηΙο Micrometer Seale Movement," BiomedicalMicrodevices, 3, 35 (200]).

37. Ρ. G. Datskos, and Μ. Sepaniak, C.A. Tipple, and Ν. Lavrik, "Photomechanical Chemical"Microsensors," Sensors and Ac/ua/ors Β, 76, 393 (2001).

38. Ρ. G. Datskos, S. Rajic, L.R. Senesac, 1. Datskou, M.S. Sepaniak, Ν. Lavrik, and C.A.Tipple, "Chemical Detection Based οη Adsorption-]nduced and Photo-Induced Stresses ίηMEMS Devices," Journa/ ofVacuum Science and Techn%gy Β, 19, ]] 73 (200]).

39. Ρ. G. Datskos, and T.G. Thundat "Nanocantilever Signal Transduction Using ElectronTransfer," Journa/ ofNanoscience and Nano/echn%gy, 2, 369 (2002).

40. C. Α. Tipple, N.v. Lavrik, Μ. Culha, J. Headrick, P.G. Datskos, and M.J. Sepaniak"Nanostructured Microcantilevers With Functionalίzed Cyclodextrin Receptor Phases Self-Assembled Monolayers and Vapor Deposited Films," Ana/y/ica/ Chemis/ry, 74, 31] 8 (2002).

4]. J. L. Corbeil, Ν. V. Lavrik, S. Rajic, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Self-Leveling UncooledMicrocantilever Thermal Detector," App/ied Physics Le//ers, 81, 1306 (2002).

42. G. Muralίdharan, D. Μ. Nicholson, S. Rajic, Τ. Μ. Daniels-Race, Η. Li, Τ. G. Thundat, andΡ. G. Datskos, "Αη Atomic Force Microscope-Based Investigation of Vertical TransportThrough GaAsiGaAlAslInAIAs/GaAs Step-Barrier Heterostructures" U//ramicroscopy, 91,133 (2002).

43. Μ. J. Sepaniak, Ρ. G. Datskos, Ν. V. Lavrik, and C. Α. Tipple, "MicrocantileverTransducers: Α New Approach ίη Sensor Technology," Ana/y/ica/ Chemistry,74, 568Α (2002).

44. Ε. Τ. Arakawa, L. V. Lavrik, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Detection of Anthrax Simulants UsingMicrocalorimetric Spectroscopy: Bacillus Sub/ilis and Bacillus Cereus Spores," App/iedOp/ics, 42, ]757 (2003).

45. Ν. V. Lavrik and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Femtogram Mass Detection Using PhotothermallyActuated Nanomechanical Resonators," App/ied Physics Le//ers, 82, 2697 (2003).


46. Ρ. Dutta, C. Α. Τipple, Ν. V. Lavrik, Ρ. G. Datskos, Ο. Hofstetter, and Μ. J. Sepaniak,''Enantioselective Sensors Based οη Antibody-Mediated Nanomechanics," Ana/y/ica/Chemis/ry, 75, 2342 (2003).

47. Ε. Τ. Arakawa, L. V. Lavrik, S. Rajic, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Detection and Differentiation ofBiological Species Using Microcalorimetric Spectroscopy," U//ramicroscopy, 97, 459(2003).

48. J. Headrick, Μ. J. Sepaniak, L. V. Lavrik, and Ρ. G. Datskos, ''Enhancing Chemi-Mechanical Τransduction of Microcantilever Chemical Sensors by Surface Modification,"U//ramicroscopy, 97, 417 (2003).

49. L. R. Senesac, J. L. Corbeil, S. Rajic, Ν. V. Lavrik, and Ρ. G. Datskos, 'ΊR 1maging UsingUncooIed Cantilever Sensors," U//ramicroscopy, 97,451 (2003).

50. S. Rajic, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Feasibility of Τunable Micromechanical Photonic CrystalDevices," U/tramicroscopy, 97, 473 (2003).

51. Ρ. G. Datskos and Ν. V. Lavrik, "Figure of Merit - Τhermal Detectors," ίη Encyc/opedia ofOptica/ Engineering, edited by R. Driggers (Marcel Dekker, New York, 2003), ρ. 349.

52. L. ν. Lavrik, Μ. J. Sepaniak, and Ρ. G. Datskos, ''Detection ofExplosive Compounds UsingMicrocantilevers with Nanoporous Coating," Sensor Letters, 1, 25 (2003).

53. Ρ. G. Datskos, Ν. ν. Lavrik, and Τ. Τhundat, "Micro and Nanocantilever Sensors",Encyc/opedia of Nanosclence and Nano/echn%gy, Ed. Η. S. Nalwa, American ScientificPublishers (2004).

54. Ρ. G. Datskos, Ν. ν. Lavrik and S. Rajic, "Performance of Microcantilever ΤhermalDetectors," Review ofScientίfic Instruments, 75, 1134 (2004).

55. Ν. V. Lavrik, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Nanomechanics Weighs In," Physics Wor/d 17,19 (2004).56. S. Goedeke, S. AlIison, Ρ. G. Datskos, "Non-Contact Cuπent Measurement with Cobalt-

Coated Microcantilevers," Sensor and Ac/ua/ors Α, 112, 32 (2004).57. Ν. V. Lavrik, M.J. Sepaniak, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Cantilever Τransducers as a Platform for

Chemical and Biological Sensors," Review ofScien/ίfic Ins/ruments, 75, 2229 (2004).58. Ρ. G. Datskos, Ν. V. Lavrik, and Μ. J. Sepaniak, "Micromechanical Sensors," in Nanosca/e

Science and Engineering, edited by Μ. Οί Ventra, S. ΕνΟΥ, and J.R. Heflin (KluwerAcademic Publίshers, New York, 2004).

59. Ρ. G. Datskos, Ν. V. Lavrik, and Μ. J. Sepaniak, "Chemical and Biological Sensors Basedοη Microcantilevers", ίη Smar/ Sensors and MEMS, edited by Μ. Τ. Gomes and S. Υ.Yurish (Springer-Verlag, New York, 2004).

60. Ρ. G. Datskos, and Ν. V. Lavrik, "Uncooled 1nfrared MEMS Detectors", ίη Smar/ Sensorsand MEMS, edited by Μ. Τ. Gomes and S. Υ. Yurish (Springer-VerIag, New York, 2004).

61. Ρ. Dutta, L. R. Senesac, Ν. V. Lavrik, Ρ. G. Datskos and Μ. J. Sepaniak, "ResponseSignatures for Nanostructured, OpticalIy-Probed,Functionalίzed Microcantilever SensingΑπaΥS," Sensor Letters, 2, 1 (2004).

62. Ν. ν. Lavrik, Μ. J. Sepaniak, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Microsensors, Macrosensitivity," ΟΕMagazine, ρ.22, February 2005.

63. Ν. V. Lavrik, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Nano-mechanical structures feeI the chilI," Physics Wor/d,7 (2005).

64. Ρ. Dutta, Ρ. Chapman, Ρ. G. Datskos, and Μ. J. Sepaniak, "Characterization of Ligand-Functionalίzed Microcantilevers for Metal lοη Sensing," Ana/y/ica/ Chemis/ry 77, 6601(2005).


65. Ρ. Dutta, J. Sanseνerino, Ρ. G. Datskos, and Μ. J. Sepaniak, "Nanostructured Cantilevers asNanomechanical Immunosensors for Cytokine Detection," NanoBiotechnology, 1, 237(2005).

66. L. R. Senesac, Ρ. Dutta, Μ. J. Sepaniak, and Ρ. G. Datskos, ''Analyte Species andConcentration Identification Using Differentially-Functionalίzed Microcantileνer ΑπaΥSand Artificial Neural Networks", Analytica Chimica Acta, 558,94 (2006).

67. D. Grboνic, Ν. V. Laνrik, Ρ. G. Datskos, D. Forrai, Ε. Nelson, J. Deνitt, and Β. Mclntyre,"Uncooled Infrared Imaging Using BimateriaI Mircocantilever ΑπaΥS," Applied PhysicsLetters, 89, 073118 (2006).

68. Ρ. J. Chapman, Ρ. Dutta, Ρ. G. Datskos, G. L. Devault, and Μ. J. Sepaniak, "FacileHyphenation of Gas Chromatography and a Microcantileνer ΑπaΥ Sensor for EnhancedSelectivity," Analytical Chemistry, 79, 364 (2007).

69. R. Archibald, Ρ. G. Datskos, G. Devault, V. Lamberti, Ν. Lavrik, D. Noid, Μ. Sepaniak, andΡ. Dutta, "Independent Component Analysis of Nanomechanical Responses of CantileνerΑπaΥS," Analytica Chimica Acta, 584, 101(2007).

70. Pampa Dutta, Kasey ΗίΙΙ, Ρ. G. Datskos and Michael J. Sepaniak, "Development of aNanomechanical Biosensor for Analysis of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals," Lab on αChip, 7, 1184 (2007).

71. Ρ. J. Chaprnan, Ζ. Long, Ρ. G. Datskos, R. Archibald, and Μ. J. Sepaniak, "DifferentiallyLigand-Functionalized Microcantileνer ΑπaΥS for Metal Ιοη Identification and Sensing,"Analytical Chemistry, 79,7062 (2007).

72. Ε. Chung, Ν. Lavrik, Ρ. Datskos, J. McFarlane, S. Dai, and C. Tsouris, "MicrocantileνerSensors with Chernically Selective Coatings of l0ηίc Liquids," AIChE Joumal, 53, 2726(2007).

73. S. Singamaneni, Μ. C. LeMieux, Η. Ρ. Lang, Ch. Gerber, Υ. Lam, S. Zauscher,Ρ. G. Datskos, Ν. V. Lavrik, R. R. Naik, Τ. J. Bunning, V. V. Tsukruk, "Birnaterlalrnicrocantilevers as a hybrid sensing platform," Advanced Materials, 20, 1-29 (2008).

74. Μ. J. Wenzel, F. Josse, S. Μ. Heinrich, Ε. Yaz, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Sorption-Induced StaticBending of Microcantileνers Coated with Viscoelastic Material", Journal ο/ AppliedPhysics, 103, 064913 (2008).

75. D. Grboνic, Ν. V. Lavrik, S. Rajic, and Ρ. G. Datskos, 'ΆrraΥS of Si02 Substrate-FreeMicromechanical Uncooled ΤΗΖ and lnfrared Detectors," Journa/ ο/ Applied Physics, 104,054508 (2008).

76. J. Ε. Hardy, Β. J. Warrnack, Ν. Lavrik, Ρ. G. Datskos, C. L. Britton Jr. "Sensor Science ForNational Security," ίη Sensors /or Environment, Health and Security, edited by Marie-Isabelle Baraton (Sringer Science, ch. 31, ρ. 461 - 478, 2009).

77. J. Patton, S. R. Hunter, Μ. J. Sepaniak, Ρ. G. Datskos, D. Β. Smith, "Rapid ResponseMicrosensor for Hydrogen Detection using Nanostructured Palladiurn Filrns," Sensors andActuators: Α Physical, 163,464 (2010).

78. Ι. Vlassiouk, S. Srnimov, Ι. Ivanov, Ρ. Fulνio, S. Dai, Η. Meyer, Μ. Chi, D. Hensley,P.Datskos and Ν. Lavrik, 'ΈΙectrίcaΙ and therrnal conductivity of low temperature CVDgraphene: the effect of disorder," Nanotechnology, 22, 275716 (2011).

79. Ι. Vlassiouk, Μ. Regmi, Ρ. Fulνio, S. Dai, P.G. Datskos, G. Eres, S. Srnirnoν. "Role ofHydrogen ίη CVD Growth ofLarge Single Crystal Graphene," ACS Nano, 5, 6069 (2011).

80. D. Grbovic, Ν. V. Laνrik, S. Rajic, S. R. Hunter, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "NanomechanicalInfrared Detectors," Encyclopedia ο/ Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Ed. Η. S. Nalwa,American Scientific Publishers, νοl. 18, ρ. 85 (20 11).


81. Ρ. G. Datskos and Ν. V. Lavrik, "Nanomechanical Oscillators for Electric andElectromagnetic Field Detection," Applied Physics Lelters, 100, 103108-1 (2012).

82. P.G. Datskos, N.V. Lavrik, S.R. Hunter, S. Rajic, and D. Grbovic, ''lR Imaging UsingΑπaΥS ofSi02 Micromechanical," Optics Letters, 37, 3966 (2012).

83. J. F. Patton, Ν. V. Lavrik, D. C. Joy, S. R. Hunter, Ρ. G. Datskos, D. Β. Smith, and Μ. J.Sepaniak, "Characterization af Hydrogen Responsive Nanoporous Palladium FilmsSynthesized via Spontaneous Galvanic Displacement Reaction," Nanotechnology, 23,465403 (2012).

84. Ι. Vlassiouk, Ρ. Fulvia, Η. Meyer, Ν. Lavrik, S. Dai, Ρ. Datskos, S. Smirnov, "Large scaleatmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition af graphene," Carbon, 54, 58 (2013).

85. Μ. Ε. Morales-Rodriguez, L. R. Senesac, S. Rajic, Ν.ν. Lavrik and P.G. Datskos, ''lnfraredMicrocalorimetric Spectroscopy Using Quantum Cascade Lasers," Optics Lelters, 38, 507(2013).

86. Ι. Vlassiouk, Ρ. Fulvio, Η. Meyer, Ν. Lavrik, S. Dai, Ρ. G. Datskos and S. Smimov, "Questfor Perfection ίη Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition af Graphene: FromCatalyst Pretreatment to lηdustrίal Large Scale Synthesis," ACS Nano (ίη press).

87. G. Polizos, Κ. Winter, M.J. Lance, Β. Aπnstrong, J. Simpson, S. Hunter, Ρ. Datskos,"Scalable Superhydrophobic Coatings Based ση Fluorinated Diatoms, Materials Lelters,(submitted).

Conference Proceedings / Presentations:1. Ρ. G. Datskos and L. G. Christophorou, 'oεffect afTemperature ση the Electron Attachment

Ισ n-C.F ]Ο," 39th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Madison, Wisconsin,October-1986.

2. Ρ. G. Datskos and L. G. Christophorou, 'oεffect af Temperature ση the NondissociativeElectron Attachment Ισ n-C.F 10, n-C6F Ι. and c-C.F6," 40th Annua\ Gaseous ElectronicsConference, Atlanta, Georgia, Octaber 1987.

3. S. R. Hunter, L. G. Christophorou, J. G. Carter, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "New Concepts forHigh Current Se\f-Sustained Diffuse Discharge Closing Switches," Proceedings af theSixth ΙΕΕΕ Intemational Pulsed Power Conference, 1987.

4. L. G. Christophorou, and Ρ. G. Datskos, 'oεffect af Temperature ση NondissociativeElectron Attachment Ισ Malecules," Proceedings afthe Fifth Intemational Swarm Seminar,1988.

5. L. G. Christophorou, S. R. Hunter, L. Α. Pinnaduwage, Ρ. G. Datskos, and J. G. Carter,'oεlectron Attachment Properties af Excited Dielectric-Gas Malecules and their PossibleUse for Pu\sed Power Switching," Proceedings af the 9thlntemational Conference ση GasDischarges and Their Applications, 1988.

6. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, "Temperature Dependence af theVertical-Onset-Dissociative Electron Attachment to CH3Cl," 42nd Annua\ GaseousElectronics Conference, San Francisco, California, Octaber 1989.

7. L. G. Christophorou, L. Α. Pinnaduwage, and Ρ. G. Datskos, ''lnteraction af Slow Electronswith Exclted Malecules," abstract published ίη Radiation Research (presented at theRadiation Research Society Meeting, Aprίl 7-12,1990).

8. L. G. Christophorou, Ρ. G. Datskos, and J. G. Carter, "Gases for an SCC Muon Detector,"Proceedings af the Symposium ση Detector and Development for Superconducting SuperCallider, 1990.


9. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, 'Έffect of Temperature οη theDissociatiνe Electron Attachment Ιο CH)CI and C2HsCl," ίη Gaseous Dielectrics νι, L. G.Christophorou and Ι. Sauers (Eds.) Plenum Press, 1991).

10. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and L. G. Carter, 'Έffectίνe lonization Coefficients,Electron Drift Yelocities and Limiting Electric Fields for Gas Mixtures of lnterest ΙοParticle Detectors," Proceedings of the Conference οη Electrical lηsulatίoη and DielectricPhenomena, Oct. 20-24, 1991.

11. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, 'Έffect of Temperature οη theDissociatiνe Electron Attachment Ιο CH]Cl and C2HsCl," ίη Gaseous Dielectrics νι, editedby L. G. Christophorou and Ι. Sauers (Plenum 1991).

12. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, "Temperature-EnhancedAutodetachment From Long-Liνed Negatiνe lons Of Gaseous Dielectric," Proceedings ofthe 10th lntemational Conference οη Gas Discharges and Their Applications, Swansea,U. Κ. Sept. 13-18,1992.

13. Ρ. G. Datskos and L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, ''Variation with Temperature ofthe Dissociatiνe Electron Attachment Ιο CH]Br," 45nd Annual Gaseous ElectronicsConference, Boston, Massachusetts, October 1992.

14. Ρ. G. Datskos and L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, 'Έffect of Temperature οη theAutodetachment of C6F6'," 45nd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Boston,Massachusetts, October 1992.

15. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, 'Έffect of Temperature οη theElectron Attachment and Detachment Properties of c-C4F6," ίη Gaseous Dielectrics νπ, L.G. Christophorou and R. D. James (Eds.) (Plenum Press, 1994).

16. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. G. Christophorou, and J. G. Carter, ''Attachment of Low-EnergyElectrons Ιο 'ΉοΙ" SF6MolecuIes," ίη Gaseous Dielectrics νπ, L. G. Christophorou and R.D. James (Eds.) (PIenum Press, 1994).

17. Ρ. G. Datskos, Ι Sauers, J. ΗΟΥ,and L. G. Pinnaduwage, 'ΈΙectrοη Attachment Ιο S20FIO,"48th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Berkeley, Califomia, October 1995.

18. Τ. Thundat, Ρ.1. Oden, P.G. Datskos, G.Y. Chen, and R. J. Warmack, "MicrocantileνerSensors," The 16th Wemer Brandt Workshop οη Charged Particle Penetration Phenomena,Oak Ridge Tennessee, Jan. 7-9, 1996.

19. Ρ. Ι. Oden, Ε. Α. Wachter, Ρ. G. Datskos, Τ. Thundat, and R. J. Warmack, ''Optica! andlηfrared Detection Using Microcantileνers," ίη Infrared Technology and Applications ΧΧΠ,SPIE, 2744, 345-354 (1996).

20. S. Rajic, Β.Μ. Eνans πι, P.G. Datskos, Ρ.1. Oden, Τ. Thundat, and C.M. Egert,"Piezoresistiνe Microcantileνer Optimization for Uncooled Infrared Detection Technology,"ίη Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing IV, SPIE, 2817, 179-186 (1996).

21. Ρ. G. Datskos, L. Α. Pinnaduwage, and J. F. Kielkopf, "Photophysical and ElectronAttachment Properties of ArF-Excimer-Laser lπadίated Η2," Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 41,1313 (1996).

22. Ρ. Ι. Oden, Ρ. G. Datskos, Τ. Thundat, Ε. Α. Wachter, and R. J. Warmack, ''1nfraredImaging Using Microcantileνers," The American Society of Mechanical EngineersSymposium οη Microscale Thermal Phenomena ίη Electronic Systems (MEMS), νοι. 59,AtIanta, Georgia, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 67-75 (1996).

23. Ρ. G. Datskos, S. Rajic, 1. Datskou, and C. Μ. Egert, ''1nfrared MicrocalorimetricSpectroscopy Using Uncooled Thermal Detectors," Infrared Imaging Π!, SPIE 3118,280-287 (1997).


24. Ρ. G. Datskos, S.G. Demos, and S. Rajic, "Miniature Uncooled lnfrared Sensitive Detectorsfor ίη-Υίνο Biomedical Applications," BiomedicaI Sensing and Imaging Technologies,SPIE 3253, 94-!ΟΟ (1998).

25. Ρ. G. Datskos, S. Rajic, C. Μ. Egert, and Ι. Datskou, "Novel Micro-CalorimetricSpectroscopy Technique for Mine Detection," 3rd lntemational Symposium οη Technologyand Mine Problems, Monterey Califomia, Apr. 6-9 1998.

26. Ρ. G. Datskos, S. Rajic, Ι. Datskou, and C. Μ. Egert, "Novel Photon Detection Based οηElectronically-Induced Stress ίη Silicon," IR Detectors and FocaI Plane Arrays V, SPIE,3379, 173-Ι81 (1998).

27. L.A. Pinnaduwage, P.G. Datskos, W.x. Ding, and D.L. McCorkle, 'Έηhaηced ElectronAttachment Ιο Highly-Excited States of Molecules: Implications for Plasma ProcessingDischarges," procedings ofthe 1998 lntemational Congress οη Plasma Physics.

28. Ρ. G. Datskos, and S. Rajic, "Uncooled IR Detection Using MEMS Microstructures," 1998Meeting ofthe IRIS Specialty Groups on MateriaIs and Detectors, NIST, Boulder Colorado,!Ο-Ι3 August 1998.

29. R.A. Zuhr, J.D. Budai, P.G. Datskos, Α. Meldrum, Κ.Α. Thomas, R.J. Warmack, C.W.White, L.C. Feldman, Μ. Strobel, and K.-H.Heinig, "Nanostructured ΑπaΥS Formed byFinely Focused lοη Beams," Optics of Semiconductor Dots VII: Dot Arrays, APS (1999).

30. R.A. Zuhr, J.D. Budai, P.G. Datskos, C.M. Egert, Α. Meldrum, ΚΑ. Thomas, C.W. White,L.C. Feldman, Μ. Strobel, Κ-Η. Heinig, "Nanostructured aπaΥS formed by finely focusedίοη beams," Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 536, 25 Ι-256 (1999).

31. Datskou, S. Rajic, P.G. Datskos, "Novel Magnetic and ChemicaI Microsensors for lη-sίtu,Real-time, and Unattended Use," Unattended Ground Sensor Technologies andApplications, SPIE, 3713, 85 (1999).

32. P.G. Datskos, S. Rajic, C.M. Egert, and Ι. Datskou, ''Detection of lnfrared Photons Usingthe Electronic Stress ίη Metal-Semiconductor lηterfaces," ίη Infrared Technology andApplications ΧΧΥ, SPIE, 3698, Ι5 Ι -Ι60 (1999).

33. P.G. Datskos, "Chemical Detection Based οη Adsorption-Induced and Photo-InducedStresses ίη MEMS Devices," ίη Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines andMinelike Targets IV, SPIE, 3710, 344-355 (1999).

34. S. Rajic, P.G. Datskos, Ι. Datskou, and τ'Α. Marlar, "Ultra-Responsive Thermal Sensorsfor the Detection of Explosives Using Calorimetric Spectroscopy (CaISpec)," ίη Detectionand Remediatίon Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets IV, SPIE, 3710, 356-361(1999).

35. 1. Datskou, S. Rajic and Ρ. G. Datskos "Novel Magnetic and Chemical Micro Sensors forIn-situ, Real-time, and Unattended Use," ίη Unattended Ground Sensor Technologies andApplications, SPIE, 3713, 85-93 (1999).

36. P.G. Datskos, S. Rajic and Ι. Datskou, "Detection ofPhotons Using the Electronic Stress ίηMetal-Semiconductor lnterfaces ίη MEMS devices," Scanning Probe Microscopy,Cantilever Sensors and Nanostructures, Seattle, Washington, May 1999.

37. P.G. Datskos, ''Optical Readout of MEMS," 1999 Meeting of IRIS Specialty Groups οηMaterials and Detectors, ΜΙΤ Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, ΜΑ, August 16 - 19, 1999.(Invited paper).

38. Ρ. G. Datskos, and Μ. J. Sepaniak, ''Detection of Analytes Using Adsorption-induced andPhoto-induced Stress ίη Semiconductor Microstructures," Division of Nuclear Chemistry &Technology, 218th ACS National Meeting, August 22-26, 1999 New Orleans, Louisiana.


39. Μ. J. Sepaniak, Τ. Gibson, J. Headrick. C. Tipple and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Strategies toImmobilize Chemically Selective Reagent Phases to Enhance Microsensor Performance,"Division ofNucleαr Chemistry & Technology, 218th ACS National Meeting, August 22-26,1999 New Orleans, Louisiana.

40. Β.Μ. Evans ΠΙ, P.G. Datskos, S. Rajic and Ι. Datskou, "Optimization of MicromachinedPhoton Devices," ίη Grαdient Index, Miniαture, αnd Diffrαctive Opticαl Systems, SPIE,3778, 62-70 (1999).

41. Β.Μ. Evans ΠΙ, D.W. Schonberger, and P.G. Datskos, "Finite Element Modeling ofMicromachined MEMS Photon Devices," Miniαturized Systems with Micro-Optics αndMEMS, SPIE, 3878, 253-260 (1999).

42. S. Rajic, P.G. Datskos, and Ι. Datskou, "Novel Fabrication and Simple Hybridization ofExotic Material MEMS," ίη Micromαchining αnd Microfαbricαtion Process Technology,SPIE,3874, 188-194 (1999).

43. Ρ. G. Datskos, "Micromechanical Uncooled Photon Detectors," ίη Photodetector Mαteriαlsαnd Devices V, SPIE, 3948, 80-93 (2000) (Invited paper).

44. S. Rajic and Ρ.G. Datskos, "MEMS based Calorimetric Spectroscopy [οι ChemicalDetection," NαnoSpαce 2000, Houston, ΤΧ, January 23-28, 2000.

45. P.G. Datskos, S. Rajic, L.R. Senesac, D.D. Earl, Β.Μ. Evans, J.L. Corbeil, and Ι. Datskou,''Optical Readout of Uncooled Therma! Detectors," Infrαred Technology αnd ApplicαtionsXXVI, SPIE, 4130, 185-197 (2000).

46. P.G. Datskos, S. Rajic, J. L. Corbeil, L. R. Senesac, and Ι. Datskou, "SemiconductorDevices Based οη Micromechanical Quantum WeIl and Quantum Βaπίer Structures,"Eighth Foresight Conference οη Mo!ecular Nanotechno!ogy, at the Hyatt Hotel, OneBethesda Metro, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, November 3-5, 2000.

47. L. R. Senesac, R.H. Farahi, J.L. Corbeil, D.D. Earl, S. Rajic, P.G. Datskos, "Fabrication oflntegrated Diffractive Micro-optics [οι MEMS Applications," Opticαl Mαnufαcturing αndTesting IV, SPIE, 4451, 295-305 (2001).

48. Ι. Datskou, S. Rajic, P.G. Datskos, "Novel Magnetic, Acoustic, and Chemical Microsensorsfor In-situ, Real-time, and Unattended Use," Enαbling Technologies for Lmv Enforcementαnd Security, SPIE, 4232, 377-384 (2001).

49. Ν. V. Lavrik, C. Α. Tipple, Μ. J. Sepaniak, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Sensing and ActuatingFunctionality of Hybrid MEMS Combining Enhanced Chemi-mechanical Transductionwith Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy," Microjluidics αnd BioMEMS, SPIE, 4560,152-161 (2001).

50. S. Rajic, P.G. Datskos, ''Integrated and Simultaneous Multiparameter Sensing for TacticalApplications," ίη Unαttended Ground Sensor Technologies, SPIE, 4393, Ι43- Ι52 (200 ι).

51. S. Goedeke, S. W. Allison, R.H. Farahi, S. Rajic, P.G. Datskos, "Dual-Fiber OpticMicrocantίlever Proximity Sensor," Engineering Thin Films with Ion Beαms, NαnoscαleDiαgnostics, αnd Moleculαr Mαnufαcturing, SPIE, 4468, Ι6 Ι- Ι70 (200 ι).

52. S. Rajic, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Multiparameter lntegrated Sensor Development lηνolvίηgAlternate Materia!s," ίη Device αnd Process Technologiesfor MEMS αnd MicroelectronicsΙΙ, SPIE, 4592, 235-243 (200 ι).

53. G. MuraIίdharan, Α. Wig, L. Α. Pinnaduwage, D. L. Hedden, Ρ. G. Datskos, Τ. Thundat, R.Τ. Lareau, "Chemical Sensors Based Οη Resistive Microcantilevers," Chemical andBiologica! Sensors, Materials and Devices, Molecularly Imprinted Materials, Sensors andOther Devices, MRS Proceedings Υοl. 723 (2002).


54. J.C. Corbeil, L.R. Senesac, Ι.ν. Lavrik, S. Rajic and P.G. Datskos, "Thermo-MechanicalOptimization of Uncooled lnfrared Microcantilever Detectors," Scanning ProbeMicroscopy, Sensors and Nanostructures, Las Vegas, 26-29 May 2002.

55. L.R. Senesac, P.G. Datskos, and S. Rajic, "IR Imaging Using Uncooled Cantilever Sensors,"Scanning Probe Mieroscopy, Sensors and Nanostructures, Las Vegas, 26 -29 May 2002.

56. Ε.Τ. Arakawa, Ι.ν. Lavrik, and P.G. Datskos, "Detection of Bacteria Using BiosensorsBased οη Microcalorimetric Spectroscopy," Scanning Probe Microscopy, Sensors andNanostruetures, Las Vegas, 26-29May 2002.

57. S. Rajic, and P.G. Datskos, "TunabIe Micromechanical Photonic Crystal Devices,"Scanning Probe Microscopy, Sensors and Nanostructures, Las Vegas, 26-29 May 2002.

58. Ι.ν. Lavrik, and P.G. Datskos, "Polymeric and Macrocyclic materials ίη Microantίleversfor Thermal and Chemical Sensors," Scanning Probe Mieroscopy, Sensors andNanostructures, Las Vegas, 26-29 May 2002.

59. M.J. Sepaniak, J. Headrick, Ι.ν. Lavrik, and P.G. Datskos, "Enhancing Chemi-MechanicalTransduction of Microcantilever Chemical Sensors by Surface Modification," ScanningProbe Microscopy, Sensors and Nanostructures, Las Vegas, 26-29 May 2002.

60. P.G. Datskos, "Physical and Chemical Sensors Based οη Micro-cantilevers and Nano-cantilevers," ΝΑ ΤΟ Advanced Study lnstitute (ASI) "Smart Sensors and MEMS", PovoaDe Varzim, Novotel Vermar, Portugal, 8 - 19 September 2003. (Invited paper)

61. Panos Datskos, S. Rajic, L.R. Senesac, N.V. Lavrik and M.J. Sepaniak, "NanomechanicaIChemical Sensors Based οη Functionalized MEMS arrays," 1st Workshop οηNanomechanical Sensors, Madrid, Spain 15th - 16thNovember, 2004. (Invited paper)

62. Ρ. G. Datskos, "Nanomechanical Mass Sensors," Department of Engineering Biophysicsand Electronics, University ofGenoa, Italy (November 17,2004). (seminar)

63. Ρ. G. Datskos, Μ. Sepaniak, Ν. Lavrik, "From Micro-Mechanics to Nanoscale Sensors," ίηNanofabrieation: Technologies, Devices, and Applieations, SPIE (2004). (invited paper)

64. P.G. Datskos, S. Rajic and N.V. Lavrik, "Performance of Uncooled MicrocantileverThermal Detectors," ίη MOEMS Display and Imaging Systems ΠΙ, SPIE, 5721, 136-150(2005). (invited paper)

65. P.G. Datskos, "Nanomechanical Chemical Sensors Based οη Functionalized MEMS arrays,"ColIoquium Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering, Marquette University(2005).

66. M.J. Sepaniak, Ρ. Dutta, L.R. Senesac, Ν.ν. Lavrik, and P.G. Datskos, "ResponseSignatures for Nanostructured, OpticalIy-Probed, Functionalίzed Microcantilever SensingArrays," The Pittsburgh Conferenee on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy,Orlando, FL, February 27 - March 4, 2005.

67. Ρ. G. Datskos, "Cantilever Arrays as a Platform for Chemical and Biological Sensors,"American Physical Society, APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, March 21-25, (2005).(invited paper)

68. Μ. J. Sepaniak, Ρ. Dutta, P.J. Chapman, P.G. Datskos, L.R. Senesac, Ο. Hofstetter,''Approaches to Achieving Selectivity ίη Chemi-Bio-Sensing Using Nano-Structured,Functionalίzed Microcantίlevers," The 57th Southeast/61st Southwest Regional MeetingMemphis, ΤΝ (November Ι - 4, 2005).

69. Ν. V. Lavrik, D. Grbovic, S. Rajic, Ρ. G. Datskos, D. Forrai, Ε. Nelson, J. Devitt, Β.Mclntyre, "Uncooled InιTared Imaging Using Bimaterial Microcantilever Arrays,"Proceedings of SPIE Infrared Technology and Applieations ΧΧΧΠ, SPIE, 6206, 62061 Κ-Ι- 62061Κ-8 (2006).


70. Ρ. G. Datskos, "Cantilever ΑπaΥS as a Platform for Chemica! and Biologica! Sensors,"MEMS Technology and Biomedical Applications, Gordon Research Conferences,Connecticut College, New London, CT, June 25-30, 2006.

71. Ρ. G. Datskos, Ν. Lavrik, Μ. J. Sepaniak, Ρ. Dutta, and Ρ. J. Chapman, "TheNanomechanical Chemical Sensors Based οη Functionalized MEMS ΑπaΥS,"Unmanned!Unattended Sensors and Sensor Networks ΠΙ, Proceedings of SPIE Υοl. 6394(2006).

72. S. Rajic, W. R. Lawrence, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Progress οη lntegrated MultiparameterMEMS Sensor," Unmanned/Unattended Sensors and Sensor Networks ΠΙ, Proceedings ofSPIE Υοl. 6394 (2006).

73. Ν. V. Lavrik, R. Archibald, D. Grbovic, S. Rajic, and Ρ. G. Datskos, "Uncooled MEMS IRImagers with Optical Readout and Image Processing," ίη Infrared Techn%gy andApp/ications ΧΧΧΠΙ, SPIE, 6542, 65421Ε-Ι - 65421Ε-8 (2007).

74. Ρ. G. Datskos, "Cantilever Arrays as a Platform for Chemical and Physical Sensors,"Department ofChemistry, University ofTennessee (August 2007). (seminar)

75. Ρ. G. Datskos, "MEMS and NEMS Technologies for Sensor Applications," Security andDefense Symposium, SPIE Orlando, March 19,2008 (invited paper).

76. P.G. Datskos, N.V. Lavrik, Μ J. Sepaniak, "Cantilever ΑπaΥS as a Platform For ChemicalAnd Physical Sensors," 34th intemational conference οη Micro-and Nano-Engineering.Micro-and Nano-Engineering, Athens, Greece Sep. 15-Ι8, 2008. (invited paper)

77. D. Grbovic, S. Rajic, Ν. V. Lavrik, and .Ρ.G. Datskos, "Progress with MEMS based UGS(lRlTHz)," ίη Unattended Ground, Sea, and Air Sensor Technologies and Applications χ;SPIE, 6963, 696317- Ι -6963 Ι7- Ι Ι (2008).

78. P.G. Datskos, "PhysicaI and Chemical Sensing Based οη Micro- and Nanotechnologies,"SPIE Orlando, April 13-16,2009. (keynote presentation)

79. Ρ. G. Datskos, "NanolMicro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (NEMSIMEMS): Cantilevers,"Physics Dept., University ofCrete, Greece, (April28 2010). (colloquium)

80. S. R. Hunter, J. R. Patton, Μ. J. Sepaniak, P.G. Datskos, and D. Β. Smith, "DistributedOptical Microsensors for Hydrogen leak Detection and Related Applications,"Proceedings ofSPIE, 7693, 769307-1 (2010).

81. P.G. Datskos, "Future Trends ίη MEMS and NEMS," SPIE Orlando, April 4-9, 2010.(invited paper)

82. P.G. Datskos and N.V. Lavrik, "Nonlinear Resonators for Ultrasensitive Mass Detection,"SPIE Newsroom, June (2010).

83. P.G. Datskos, S. Rajic, Ν. Lavrik, "NanolMicro-Electro-Mechanical Systems(NEMS/MEMS): Cantilevers," Ocean Optics ΧΧ, Anchorage ΑΙ 2010. (invited paper)

84. P.G. Datskos, N.V. Lavrik, J. Tobin, and Ι.Τ. Bowland, "Detection of ElectromagneticWaves Using MEMS Antennas," Proceedings of SPIE Unattended Ground, Sea, and AirSensor Technologies and Applications ΧΙΠ, SPIE, 8046, 804601-1 (20 11).

85. Μ. Ε. Morales-Rodriguez, Ι. R. Senesac, Τ. Thundat, Μ. Κ. Rafailov and Ρ. G. Datskos,"Standoff imaging of chemicals using IR spectroscopy," Proceedings of SPIE Micro- andNanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications ΠΙ, SPIE, 8031, 80312D-I (2011).(invited paper)

86. S. R. Hunter, Ν. V. Lavrik, Τ. Bannuru, S. Mostafa, S. Rajic and Ρ. G. Datskos,"Development of MEMS based pyroelectric theπnal energy harvesters," 8035, 80350V-I(2011).


87. P.G. Datskos, "Corner-cube retroreflector chemica! sensors based οη MEMS," SPIE,Conference 8388, SPIE Baltimore, MD Apri123-27 (2012).

88. Scott R. Hunter, Nickolay V. Lavrik, Salwa Mostafa, Slo Rajic and Panos G. Datskos,"Review of Pyroelectric Thermal Energy Harvesting and New MEMS Based ResonantEnergy Conversion Techniques," Proceedings of SPIE Energy Harvesting and Storage:Materials, Devices, and Applications Π, SPIE, Υοι. 8377, 8770D (2012).

89. S. Rajis and Ρ. Datskos "Small arms mini-fire control system: fiber-optic bauel deflectionsensor," SPIE, SPIE Baltimore, MD Apri123-27 (2012).

90. P.G. Datskos, "Nanocantilevers Technology", 4th lntemational, Conference SmartMaterials, Structures and Systems Montecatini Terme, Tuscany, Ita!y, June 10 -14 (2012).

91. Datskos, Ρ., Ν. Lavrik, J. Tobin, Ι.Τ. Bowland, "Using micro-electro-mechanical systems(MEMS) as small antennas," Future of lnstrumentation lntemationa! Workshop ΙΕΕΕ, 978-1-4673-2482, 1 (2012).

