港大同學會小學 HKUGA Primary School 28 May 2007 Gloria & Patrick



We are at the “tipping point”. Are you ready for change? a new way of understanding why change so often happens as quickly and as unexpectedly as it does

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HKUGA Primary School 28 May 2007 Gloria & Patrick Our world at Exponential Change or Linear Change or No Change ? We are at the tipping point. Are you ready for change? a new way of understanding why change so often happens as quickly and as unexpectedly as it does Doubling time: 12 months Ian Jukes & Ted McClain (2006) Source: Ian Jukes & Ted McClain (2006) Bandwidth will have gone. WiFi is everywhere. George Gilder It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. CHARLES DARWIN CHARLES DARWIN HKUGA Primary School Video clip 1 Video clip 2 Discussion 1.How do the students obtain information ? 2.How do they communicate with their friends? 3.How do they present themselves? 4. How do we respond to their needs? (Talking Chips) They (the children) live in an incredibly fast-moving world significantly different than the one we grew up in . These digital natives are born into digital technology. Conversely, their teachers (and all older adults) are digital immigrants. Marc Prensky (2005) Adpot and Adapt HKUGA Primary School E-Learning 1.0 HKUGA Primary School E-Learning 2.0 Content delivery and consumption by students, which is driven by needs of institution rather than students. ommunication ollaboration reativity Traditional teaching Cooperative learning Teacher-as-facilitator model Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Teachers self evaluation How? Why? What if? Pair discussion Stephen Heppell (2006) Latest education changes Discovery 1 School, NZ HKUGA Primary School Jigsaw Reading Bloom s Taxonomy Vygotsky s scaffolding Neuroplasticity Eric Jensen s brain-based learning How do these theories echo tomorrow s education? HKUGA Primary School Using technology for learning learning through technology Host --- initiates discussion Participants ---- participate in discussion and move around to share ideas from the discussion HKUGA Primary School Round 1 Question 1: How are we succeeding in preparing staff, students and parents for the future? Question 2: How are we failing? Recap the main ideas of Round 1 for Q1 and Q2. HKUGA Primary School Round 2 Invite new guests to link and connect ideas coming from their previous table conversations. Listening and building on contributions. Then start on Q3. Question 3: What are the most significant challenges that we need to overcome in order to get it right regarding developing information literacy in schools? HKUGA Primary School Round 3 Host recap the main ideas of the last table session, for Q1,2 and 3. Invite new guests to link and connect ideas coming from their previous table conversation. Listening and building on contributions. HKUGA Primary School Key concerns - Technological integration - Pedagogical methods, such as engaging the - Creative thinkers - Right and wrong ways to learn - Learning environment - Bearers of responsibility - Role of teacher
