绿色圃中小学教育网 Unit 3 Is This Your Skirt? ( PEP 小学英语四年级下册)...


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Unit 3 Is This Your Skirt?( PEP小学英语四年级下册)


绿色圃中小学教育网 http://www.lspjy.com


Let’s chant

Shirt, shirt, I like the red shirt.T-shirt, T-shirt, I like the yellow T-shirt.Skirt, skirt, I like the green skirt.Sweater ,sweater, I like the white sweater.Dress, dress , I like the blue dress.Jacket , jacket, I like the brown jacket.


What’s this?It’s a red T-shirt.

What colour is it?

It’s red.

Look at the picture ,and write down the answer.


What is she wearing?She is wearing _____

with ________.

white T-shirt

brown skirt


I like the I like the with with thethe

white shirtwhite shirtred skirt.red skirt.


A: What colour is it?B: It’ s… A: What’s this/that?B: It’s a …A: I like the …


绿色圃中小学教育网 http://www.lspjy.com


Alice: Blue.

Mom: It’s my T-shirt.

Mike: Whose is it?

Mike: Is this your skirt, Alice?

Mike: Is that your T-shirt, Dad?

Dad: Where is my T-shirt? Alice: Yes, it is. Thank you.

Dad: No, it isn’t.

Mike: Whose is this?

Mom: It’s your baby brother’s.

Mike: What colour is it?

Alice: Where is my skirt?


Key point:1 、 Where is …. ?2 、 Is this ….? Is that…..? 3 、 Yes, it is./No,..4 、 What color is it?5 、 It’s white/…..6 、 Is it old / new?

Let’sLet’s chatchat


Mike: Hi, dog, Is this your gray T-shirt?   Dog: No, it isn’t. My T-shirt is brown.Mike: Whose is this? Mom: This is your baby brother’s. Mike: I like its color. Can you buy me a new gray jacket?Mom: Ok, I will give you a new gray jacket for your birthday present.Mike: Thanks, mom.Dog: Oh, I want a present too.Mom: Well, then ,what do you like, doggy?Dog: I like a white sweater.

This is your baby brother’s

Whose is this?

I can ask:I can answer:


A : Is this your hat?B : Yes, it is my green hat.A : Is that your raincoat?B : No, this is my mother’s raincoat.A : Whose dress is that?B : That is my mother's dress. Her dress is beautiful, isn't it?A: yes, it is. Is that your skirt?B : No, it isn't. It's my sister’s skirt. Her skirt is brown and my skirt is blue.A : Um, look at these socks. Let me guess. They must be your brother's socks.B: You are right.


Alice: Lily, is this your skirt?Lily: What color is it?Alice: See, it’s purple. It is the same as mine.Lily: No, it isn’t .My skirt is the green one.Alice: Oh, then whose skirt is this blue one?Lily: I think it is Lucy’s. Alice: No , Lucy’s skirt is yellow. Her pants are blue.Lily: Is this skirt Amy’s?Alice: No, it isn’t. Amy’s shorts are blue.Lily: Oh, I know. It’s Jenny’s blue skirt. Her mother gave it to her last week.Alice: Yes, it’s a birthday present to Jenny. It’s really nice.


Key point:1 、 Where is …. ?2 、 Is this ….? Is that…..? 3 、 Yes, it is./No,..4 、 What color is it?5 、 It’s white/…..6 、 Is it old / new?7 、 Whose …is this?8 、 It’s ….



1 、 Make a dialogue by yourself.2 、 Design the clothes you like.


Thank you!

绿色圃中小学教育网 http://www.lspjy.com
