MECHANICAL engineer ⦅⦅ZZ⦅Z in M]M g セ … __ MECHANICAL engineer ⦅⦅ZZ⦅Z in M]M g セ...


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I cNセ N N M QG イ・@ 1'195 I ot I I

.._ _ __ MECHANICAL engineer ⦅⦅ZZ⦅Z in M]M g セ MセMNNNNN@





Whicb of the following are dte inversions of double slider cranl mechani$m? I Oldham coupling. 2. Whitworth quick return moabanism. 3. Beam 」ョァャョセ@ mechanism, セ M .Eilliptic trammel meclutui$ru. Select tho c<>rrect answer from tho codes given below CQdes a. 1 and 2 b. 1 nnd 4 c I 2and 3 d 2.Jand4 Which one oF the foll owing is a higher pair? a, Belt and pulley b. T uming pair c. Screw pair d. Sliding pair The mechanism shown in tl1e given figure represents

• ...._ '

--,·-· a. Han's mechanism b Toggle mechanism c. Watt' s mechanism d Beam Engine. meohanrsm A point on a connecting link (excluding eud points) of a double slider crank mechRnism traces a a. straight li ne path b bypelbolio path c, parabolic path d. elli ptical paV. In the four bar mechanism shown In thO!. given figure, Jinks 2 anil 4 have equal lengths. Tlte poi Ill P ott tJ1e coo pier 3 will generate aiM




" a. Ellipse b, parabola c. approxlmarcly straight line d. cirole Deep groove ball beiogs are used ror a. heavy Utrustload only b. small angular displacement of shafis c. radial load at high speed d combined thrust aod radial loads at

higb speed The sensitivity dh/dN of a given Porter Governor, where is the height of the pin poiot A li·om the sleeve and N ls rl1e c.p.m.. is pro.foaional to


a. N1

b NJ I

c, /'P

I d. N'

Balancing of a rigid rotor can be achieved by appropriately placing balancing weights in a. a single pl;ute b. two planes c, Lllree pl'anes d. four plane$ A machine DlOWlted on a single roil has a period of free vibration ofT If tile spoiog ls CUi into four equal parts and placed in parall el and the machine h




mounted n them. then the period of free lllbration of the new system will boccmc a. 16 'f b. 4 ·r c. '1"14 d. 1'/ 16

I(} WbJcli UIIC or the following pal<:> is 」セ^ イ イ・」 ャャ ケ@ ma!thed'l a, Coulomb .Enefl!y Principle b r。 Nケャ・ゥセ ィ L@ Oynamic &wilib rium c. D'Aiemben, Damping Force d. Fourier, , .. .. , , Frequency domain

anai)•sis I I Whining speed of a shafl coincides with

l11e llltlllral frequency -of hs a. longitudinal Y1bratfon b. Lransverse vibration c. lorsfonal vibration d. cou(lled bending torsional vibration

12. There at·e six gears A. D. C. D. E. and J7 iJt

a compmmd Lrain. Tlte numbers nf teeth i 11

the geaf!i are; 20, 60, 3(), 80, '25 and 75 respectively The ratio of the anglllar speec;ls of 1}1e 1hiven (fol to tho. driver (A) of the drh•e is a. 1/24 b 1/8 c, ijfl5 <I- 12

13. A fixed gear bavlng I 00 leell l meshes wlUt another gear having 25 teeth, the centre lines or both the gears being joined by '"' ann -<<> :Is to ibnn an epicyclic gear train. The number of rotations made by lbe $mal1er 11ear for one rotalion of the arm is il. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d ()

14 A truss of span 9 m is loaded as sbown in lite given figure. fhe number of two-force イュZセュ「・イウ@ carrying zero force Is

C D E 'F

9 kN J2kN セNSPS ュ M YュMMM^H@

a one b. two c, lhri!l>


l u( i セ@

d. four 15 II system of Forces acting on a lamina is

sbowu iu the given lig111 セ N@ TI1e resullAnt of the forc.e system will t!teelAO at ION 10 N

i セ@ l·Om__, <)---20N


A c 8 0

ャセ@_____ _.

iエMM \Gセ@ ..... t0'5r.>->l UQ.N

a. "' b. B c. c d. D

I G A roller Of weight W is roll eel over the w()(ldcu block shown io lite given l1gw·e The pull F required to just cause the saki ュッエAッZZ[ョッZZゥウセ MMMセ@

a. W/2 b. w G. -b IV d. 2W

17. Ill the given Jigure, two 「ッ、 ゥ ・セ@ of ma!;Ses mt and m; are セッョョ」」エ・、@ ny a light ine>ctensible striog passing over a smoodt pulle)' Mass m1 lies on a smooth Mrizoutal piSJJe wィセオ@ mass m 1 moves downwards, the セ」エZ・ ャ・ャャャエゥ oゥャ@ of lhe two bodies is equal lo



m1g m I s1

m1 +-mr

GB A セ@ ュ ゥセ|LBj@m, - nr'!







d "'•8 tn / ,; 1111- m:

A ball is projected verticall y upward with a certain velocity. II takes 40 seconds for its オーキFイセ@ journey 11u< thne Ulken rpr hs downw&rd joumey Is a.. 10 5

b 20s c. 30s d 40 5

Maloh List I w1th LiSt U and select the correct am;wer usio11 tbe codes given below セ。・@ Hsts. Ust L A 'rwu p<ltll ll el forces actln,g uo a body.

movh•g w1th uniform velocity B A moving panicle C Two coplanar parallel forces e(lu;t) in

magnitude and opposhe in direction acting on a body

D Two unequal forces acting on a body Lfstll I. Kinetic energy 2. Couple J. 1n eqaili bri um 4 Cause acceleration Codes

a. b c. d.

A I )

3 3

B 3 2 j


c 4 I 2

D 2 II 4 2

A spring of stiffoess I 000 N/m is stretched initi ally by JO em tiom the unre.l'ollned position 'rhe キッ イセ@ required 1.0 stretch it 1/y another 10 em Is a. S Nm b 7 Nm c IONm d 15 Nm II truck weigbins 150 kN and travelin1f at 2 m/sce impactS wi th a buJTe.r spring which C<lll tpres$es l25 CJ]l per 10 kN, 'lire maximum compresstQn ofthespring is

|ウZ[[Z L セlLZMQ@a 20.00 em b. 22.&5 CJ]l





C. 27 66 Clll

d. JOOfl em

J u ( i セ@

In an axis-symmetric plane strain problem. let u be セ Q」N@ radial displacemenr at 1 'J'Ilco the strai n componen ts s. s, .. rn• are given by

11 ('u ;;=,I a. e, セ WM N ・ LN]@ fJr .f"'= t'rfiO

fl 1 II b e, セ M N@ M N[Z セセ@ - - ,r,,,-0

?r ,.

u Cu c. e. =- .sf\=- ... ?,. • .:. U r ,-,.

i'll "'' r"u d. s, セ@ Fr ,c. = {lO. r"' = Fri'm

Match List I wi th If and select the correct answer using tbe codes give.o below the ャゥウャセ [@

l。Nセエ@ I セ@ Rigid-l' eriecdy plasric B. Elasuc-Pcrfe.etly plastic C Rigid-Strain, hardening D. linearly clastic E Listll

Codes; A

8. 3 b. l c. J d. I


c 4 2


D 2 4 4

2 The independent elastic constants for a homogenous and Isotropic Ollllt'rial 。イセ@a E, G, K, v b. E,G, K c. E. G. v d. E, G Whith one of the follo"ong materials is highly elastic? a. Rubber







b, Brass c Steel d Glass In a homogenous, ismropic elastic marl'rial the modulus ol' elasticity e: In teyms of G and K is equal to

G+3K a. 9 Kr.

J(,4 K b.




9 K(;

r. f Y< 9 KG

K ; 31]

A beam AB uf leng1h 2 L havong a coucentrrued load P at io.s mid-span is hinge-supponed at its two ends A and B ッセ@ two identical cantilevers -as shown in the given figure. The correct value of t·· :o-r··. i

l K lセlセl@a zero h 1,1, I'L c. PL cl 2PL r:or the loaded beam shown 1, th" correct $hear force diagram ゥセ@

At=L Br 21 (4)



ldl i rn shafts of same length ""d material lll'e joined 1i series. If the mrio of lheir diamcturs Js 2, tloen lhe o:atio ()f thllir angles uflwist 1vill be • 2




.1 u( 14 b. 4 c. 8 d. I (i Tbtal strain energy stored iu a silupl) suppuo1ed beam ut' spSJo • L' tmd t1ex.ural rigidity ' E'I' subjected m a concentrated load ·>V' at the cemre i:; equal to

W'L' a. 40F.J

b. w'r! 601i7 W'J!

c. 96((/

d キ セ イ G@

24(1111 A colurno of length · r is fixed at its both ends The equi valent len&>1h of the セッ ャ オュョ@

is a. 21 b, 0 5 / c. '1. / d. r /1 セ ッ ャ ゥ、@ circular shaft ゥセ@ subjected to a mluc.imum !iheariug s1tess of 1.-IU MPa. The oTOagni(Ude of エセ・@ fru!;>:imunt normal Stress developed in the shaft is a, 140 MPn b. 80 MPa c. 70 Ml'a d, VPmpセ@The shear セエイ・ウウ M 。A@ a point in a shaft subjected to a torque is a. dtrectly proponional to the polar

セ ュッュ・ョエ@ l'lf inertia and to エャエセ@ dlsUUlce ofthe point from the a.'Cis

b directly proportion to the ltppli ed torque and inversely proportion to the polar moment of inertia

c. dirc.-dly proportional to the applied torque IUld polar mom"nt oriucrtia

d. inversely proportion to t.he applied rorque and the polar moment of inertia

A solid thick cylinder is subjected to ao external hydrosuotic pressure p The state of stress in the marerlal of tile cylinder ls repre.;ented as

w -Q-p

(b) -9-p







{c) I

(d) -' p -o:p -An upen-coiled helical sprlllg of mean

diameter D, number of coils N and wrre diameter d is subjected to an axlal three P The wire of the spring is subjected to a. dit-ect shear unly b combined sMat and bending, ani y c combined sbc;u'. bending and twisting tl. combined shear and twlsting only Mutch List 1 witJJ Us! U u.nd select the C<>rrec\ answer Ul>i n,g 1he code.s gtven below the lists' 'List I (Property) i\ . Tensile streng1h B. Impact strength C .Bending strength D Fatiguestnmgth List 0 Ht・セエ ャ ョァ@ Machine) I. Rotating Bending Machine 2 Three-Point Loading Machine J , Universal Testing Machine 4, lzod t・ウエ ャ ョァm。セィ ゥ ョ・@


a. b. c. d

A 4 3 2 J

B 3 1 I 4

c 1


D I セ@

3 t

Thrust Ioree will increase with the ゥ ョ」イ・。セ・@il l

a. side cutting edge angle b_ loot noseiadius c rakeangle d. end cutting. edge angle lo an onho&ollal cuu1ng, the depth of eut is halved :1nd the feed rate ゥ セ@ doubled, If the chip rhickness rario is オョ。ヲヲセ」エ・、@ with the changed etllring conditions, the actual chip l.hiclwess wi II be a doubled b. halved c. アセ。、イオーャ」、@

d, unchanged In a slngle po1nt turn ing operadon wtch a cemented carbide and steel combinatio•1 haviog a Taylor exponent. of ().25_ if llle

S u( I .I cqtring speed is halved, then the tool life will btc(Jnte セM hall' b. two ti mes c, eigltllimes d, sixteen time!>

40 Slze ッヲセ@ sltapcrls giv•n by a. stroke length b. motor power c. wcigl\l of the machlne d. lllble size

41. A drill blt of 20 mm 、ゥ。ュセエ・イ@ rotating at SOO rpm wi th a feed rate of 0 2. m mfrevolution is used to dn II a through-hole in a t-4S plate of 20 mnt Utickoess. tィセ@ 、セーエャエ@ of cut i tt tbl;, 、イゥャャゥッセ@ operatiuu ls a. I ()() mm b. 20mm c. IOmm d. 0,2 ntnl

-t2 Match ャNゥセ@ I with l.is1 II 。ョセ@ select the correct answer using the codes given below l.he lists: List I (Material/pan) A_ Ductile irou B. Mall eable iron C Rall steel joi ttts D. White cast iro.n List II (Technigues) '1 . Inoculation 2. Chilled 3. Annealing 4. Thermil welding 5. lsothennnl nnnealing Codes:

A B C D 8; 1 3 セ@ 2 b. 5 J 2 c, セ@ 1 q 5 d . I セ@ 2 3

-tJ lu bi3Uki og O!)eratiol't l.he cleu;mce provided is a. 5()% on pUnch and 50% on die b. l} n die c. on ptm•h d tnt di.e or punch depending upon

designer's choice -!4. Consider the toll owing states of stress

1. Compessr mess in flanse. 2 Tensile stress in the w111l J. Tensile stress in the boMom pan




During dr3wlng openuion. the !<\AI¢< of stress in L-up wpuld incluCie 11. I nnd 2 b. J ond 3 .... 2 :md 3 d. L. 2 •nd 3

45, lb<> li tllowing uperaH<ms :ore perfunned while j^イセー イゥ ョ Aエ@ the 「ゥャャ・エ セ@ for c;o<IJ'lJl;ion process 1. Alkaliue eleo•ung. l . ャ^ィ ッセ ーィ。エ ・@ oooting, 3. Pitkling. -1. lオ「イゥ」Zセエゥョ ァ@ witlt イ・[Lセ u カ・@ soap. ·ntc: cu'''""LNcquencc nfthcsc tll'ct.<tionM is ... 3, 1. -1. 2 h. 1.3. 2. -1 c.. Q N SN セ NR@

cL 3. 1.2.-1 -lC.. Which one of the foUowing techniques it

w: cd for determinin g allo\Vilm: cs in limo study'/ n. AIX.'<:]ll;lnce samplinl! b. lゥ ョ 」Z セイ@ rcgrcS!I-lQn c. Pcrformrute" o•Ming d. \Vorb nmpling

47 Match LtSt I with List Ll and select the correct answef using lhe codes given below the lists: List! (lndustri nl 11robhnn) 1\. Facwry lnyout .nov¢mcnl of キセセイォ 」イX@

B. Facto!') layout rnC)vement <tfmnteriols C. Workplace laycml 0 , Grmg wol'k list U (ApJ>ropriate tcclloiqu-'.) I. Multipl e activity ーイッ 」セ ウ@ cbiitl 2. String 、 ゥQャ セュ@

J. Fnm.s -l. Tw o-hauded llro=s cbatt 5. FI0\1 diugram Cudll8.

i\ B C D a. I 4 2 セ@

b. 2 5 セ@ I c, 4 J 2 3 d. 1 5 セ@ 2

48. From tl1e point of rnotiun economy it b prel'er3hl" to move n. bOth h:onds in the セ、 ャエャ 」@ dlrectio1n b. oight hand fir st and then the ャ セ^ ョ@ hand c.. ッ ョャ セ ᄋ@ 11uc bi1nd at • lime cL both bnnds in oppo, ite directions

49. fGイ\ ッ 、オ 」uセョ@ co•t p"r unit can be rcdhc<;d by

j ().





6 ul IJ •· ptoduoing more witl1 incrco•ed input$ b. produ.,ing more wlrh 1he .. me inputs c, eliminnting idle ume d .. n1iu.imizing te!lour1&.W wash.: Moloh Lijt I wiih L i!)l IT and .1elei.:l the com:ct オョウ キセ NNM us1ns tl•c qo 、 セ@ giv"1! helow the ll >ts:" Lht r A. Sllll isli c B. MTM C. Slop Watch 0 , m セョ@ Machine Chan E. Slllnillml 'fim.: Li<L II L Pcrlormon.:eR•ting 2. M otion Study 3. Work Measuremml 4. \Vrork Samrling Codes:


b c, d.

B 3 2 • ·'

c 3

u 2 2 I 2

E 1 1 2 I

l11o varioblc coot per unit ••soci•tcd with automated ass!:lnhly line (VA ), «!Uular manuracturing l VBJ und j ob •hop Q Q ュ、オ」ャャオョH vセI N キッャャ@ 「」 N セ オ 」 ィ@ that. •· VA VH• Vc b. vセ Zッ@ V.., Ve "· Va \io " VA d. v イセ va M vb@

'J'() avoid ・ N セエᄁウヲ\ ゥ カッ@ multiplicallom uf fnciliti., the l.ryout pru(errcd is • · product lll yout b. group lnyoDI c. <l>lic loyoul d. process layout For moving ュオエ ャャャゥ jセ@ iu •·urying paths, IJH> molerial ィセョ、ャゥョ ァ@ ..quip.ncnl エNャエセエ@ is nQI suitihle 1• a.. cram: b. conVc)'Or

" ' truck d. hand trolley Which of lho follow ing cluraotm-isli;:s on! more •mp<rrtanl in tbe equiptnent selected for nus.s pruduetion sbops?

l. " "''' notpul 2.. Low 1r10ting M セ@3 I ,oil lnhQur .:ost. 4. Ver.;alitity.







Select the con'ecl answer usmg Lhe codes gi vcn below C<X(es a,Jand3 b. :! lllld 3 c. 3 Slld 4 d. 2and4 Wh1ch one of the followmg charts gaves Simultaneously, mfonnallon about the prOj,'Tess of work and machme loadmg? a Process chart b.. Machine load t\bart c Man-machine chan d G1lnrt dmrt Which one of the foJiowang pairs IS net correc1ly mstcbed1 a sptr l セ・@ .. ______ JaUllessoaUjobs b EDD Rule . lawness

tmmuniZCUlon o Johnson's RulcO .. two machine

sequencing d FIFO Rule , . faTmi:ss to all jobs The nel work done for the closed cycJe shown m the given pressure-volume diagram_ tS

P ッセセ N セ R セセTセセVMlセ 。MMM

volume mJ

a 600 kN;n b. 700kN-m c 900kN·m d IOOOkN-m l'be followmJl are examples of some inleoslw and exte11sive propenics; L Presslll'l! 2 Temperature .3 Volume 4 Velocity 5 . Hl.cctoc cbalge 6 Maglloltzatlon 7. V ISCOslty

8 Potenunl energy. vNセオ」 「@ ooe oJ the foUowing sets gives the 」セ^イイ・」 ャ@ comh•na11ons of intonsi,>e ttnd ・Nセ・ョウエカ・ーイッー・イエゥ・ウ_@

Intensive El'tcnsivc





'? ot H a. 1.2.3. 4 5.6. 7.8 b. I, 1. 5, 7 2. 4, 6, 8 c. 1, 2.. 4, 1 3, s. G. ·s d. 2, 3T 6, 8 I, 4, :5, I A new temperature scale ua degrees 'N is to be dellnNl The boiling and freezing pOtnt$ on this scale nre 400"!'1 and I 00"1\ respectwely What w11l be the readmg on new scale corresponding to 60"C? a. 120"N b I SO" N c. no• N d 2so• N If M heat eugane gtves uu OUlJlUl of 3 kW when I he '"Pill IS I 0,000 J/s , then the lhennal efficiency of the engine will be a 20% b 30% c. 70% d 76 7% A hem engme 1s supphed with 250 kJ/s of beat at a co1.1Siam fiXed temperature of 227"(' rhe heal is イ・ェエセエセ、@ Ul 27"C The cycle 1s reversible. tf d1e umaunl of heal !'ejected is a 2731d fs b 200 kJfs c. ISO kJ/s d. 150 kJ/s Winch one of the lollmvlll£, I'V -T diagrams con·ecl.l>• rep•·esents iJ1at of an

: "' セ ᄋ@ .. 1 "--


(bl P\1 セ@







(d) PI/

T 1n the temperatw·ercuU'Opy diagrnru of a vapour shown in rhe given figure. the them10dynnmic process showo by the dotted line A8 reJ.lresents

,_ TS 1 I MセMr; B I/


a. hyperbolic expansion b free expansion c constant volume ・クー。ョNセゥッョ@d polytrophic セクー。ョウ ゥ ッョ@

The loss of available energy associated with the transfer of I uOO kJ of beat t'rt'Jm a \!Utl$lunb tempcrallJrC syS\er1l at 6QI) K tu another ttl· 400 K when tlte envir<'ltnt<mtal Lemperamre is 300 K is a J lio.67 kJ b. 250 kJ c. 500'kl d. 750kJ Wbicb one of the followin!!, pairs best expresses a relationshi11 similar to tl)at expressed in the pair 'pressure-volume tor a dtermodynamlc system undeq!oing o pr!)cess? a.. .EnthalJ)y-entropy b Pressure- enthalpy c;. Pressure - temperature d. Temperature-l'ntropy In a reversible cycle, Lbe source teprperature is 22rc and the sink temperature is 27•(' Tire maximum available work for a heat input of 100 k.i 'Vill be a. 100 kJ IJ 60kJ c_ 40 kJ d 88 kJ Consider th" foll owing セ エ 。 エ ・ュ・ ョ ゥs@

regardirm superlteating in Rartklne Cycles I. It reduces the specific steam

con.swupUon .




lso( l" 2. lt increases the dryness traction or

steam at lite exltaust fot the. same value of condenser presStJrc

3 It reduces the cycle efficiency Of these statemcnLq tt, I <tnd Z are correct b 1 and 3 Ut'\!. correct c. I and ::! are 」ッイイ・セゥ@d. I 2 and 3 are correct 0 68, A superheat Rankine Cycle is shown i D the given TS diagram Staning I rom the feed jump. the fluid llo\v up 10 the boilet· セクゥエ@ is reprusrote.d by smt.-.tlne.



a ABCD b_ BCD£ c. ABDEFA d ABCDE The correct sequence of vapour compresSion (VC), vapOtlf absorption (VA) and セエ・。ュ@ ejector (SE) refrigemtion cycles in lncreasiJtg order of the C,O.P is a. VC. VA.SE b VA, SE, Vt c, SE, VC'. VA d. SE, VA, VC Match List 1 whb Ust I[ and select the correct answer osing the codes given below the 1\sts; List r ·"'- l'wo conStant Volumes unrl twel


B Two cotJstant pressures セョ。@ two ndiabatics

C l'wo constanJ voluwes aud two ゥウッエャ セョョ。ャウ@

0 , fwo constant pressures and lwo iso!hennals

ListD I fNイゥ」ウウqセ@

2 Sterl ing J Joule 4 Otto. 5. Codes.

A B a 3 4

c D I








b, J 4 I 2 c 4 3 I 2

d 4 3 2 I A nuclear reactor is ウセゥ、@ to be "criti cal" 1vheu IJJe neuJrou pQpulation in the react(lr core is a, ra·pidly エ ョ ッエ・。セゥョァ@ leading to the point

of' ex1Jlosion b decreasiog from th.especified value c. constant d. reduced to zero Consider the 1'oll owtng statements regardiug !he features of a Breeder reactor l It produces more fuel than it consumes 2. It converts fenile fuel into fisslle fuel . J It requires liquld sodium melal as

moderator, 4 It reqwres highly curlthecl fuel or

the-se ウ ャ セエ・ュ・ッゥウ@

a. ., 2 and 3 are correct b I, 2 a11d セ@ arc corret.-t c. I 3 and 4 are correct d :!. 3 and 4 are correc1 Which one of the foiiQiving indicates the correct order l tJ tbe p11th of tl ue ァセウ Q@

a. Super-heater, economi.?.er, air prc-he.atcr. precipitator

b. Super-heater, CC(>Oomizer, precipitatot·, air pre-heater

c.. Supcr-hi.'ater, preclpi tator. economizer, air pre-heater

d. Super-heater, air pre-heater. cconomlwr, pr<-cipitator

Match List l with List 11 and select the currecL answer using the codes giveJl below tlie lists List I (Name of Steam Turbine) t\. De Laval Turbine B Curtis Turbine (' Parsons Turbine List 11 (tYJIC ol'Turbine) I Velocit)' compounded impulse turbine 2 Reaction turbine J Sitnple impulse tUrbine Codes

A B c a I J l b l I セ@

c. 3 I 2 d. 3 2 l Tbe given fi gure represents pressure and vclod[y variauou for a





!I uf 11

セpエオN セ BM

t [\_v...- o...,.

セ@ \lo セセjIj⦅⦅@1-- ·r ._

M ᄋセ@ I

a. reae1ion type rurbi ne b velocity Compounded impulse turbine c. Pressure velochy compounded impulse.

turbine d. pressure compounded impulse turbine In a reaction turbine, the enthalpy drop in the ヲゥNセャGャャ@ blade 1·ing js 50 kJ per kg aud llte ・ セエィ 。ャーケ@ drop in the moving, blnde dng is 2-:> .kJ per セ ァ L@ The degree of reaci1on 11f I he turbine is a. 66. 7"/o b. 50.0% c. 33.3%. d 1:)(1%

Match List l \\lith List n aud select ll te correc.L auswer usmg Lll.e CIJdes givetJ beiOWihC ャャセl\c@l: ist r (Variable are:J device.•)

A. セ ョ・イ・。ウ・ウ@' .::::::::::-B. -> Pri ncreoses

__./"' ---c, -> Pr dw-cas<S

d N セ@ c!ecn:asl:s ---lゥセ ャ@ II (Name of device) I. Surcrsanic nozzlH 2. Supersonic di ffuscr 3 Rayleigh .flow device 4, Subsonic nt\zzll' 5 S\lhso>tlc diffuser Codes:

A ll C 0 a, 5 1 4 2 b. 5 4 3 1 a 2 4 I 3 IL 5 1 4 1 Symmetrical blading is used in a turbine when ゥエセ@ dcb'l'ec of teneri on is •. 10% b. 50% c. 75% d 100% The charat:terislics of a pump -nre as ·shown in U1e given ligure. Based. on this figure,







tn.1rch List I with LisL 11 and choose the COI'I'ect answer using rbc codes given betov. the lists.


1 Ust I A, Curve P B. CurveQ C Cur\'e R Ustll L Discharge versus bead 2. Head versus discharge J . Power versus discharge 4 Efficiency versus discharge Codes.

A B C a, 2 4 J b 3 2 (l 4 3 d -1 3 I If tl1e mllXJmum temperatut•c is Tl and mmin 1u1u ICmperar: urc is 'fh Lben du! optimum pressure ra1io in a gas turbine is QJVCO by . •. ··.=(i r b t =( r, )'h

r 7j

r, セ@ [1, J• セG G@.1, . _,,

d. r セ H ANQN IM,. 7;

Cooling tower in a steam power セQ 。エ ゥッョ@ is a device for a. eondensing the steam into water b. cooling the e'{laust gases coming out

of the boiler e I educing WC temperature of

suporhea\lld s1cau1 d イ セ、オッゥ ョ ァ@ 」ィセ@ (emperacure of cooling

water used co coodeuscr A reversible engine has ideal thermal efl-iaiency of 30'/a. When it is used as a refrigerating machine 1vilh all other




JIJ ur 14 conditions unchanged. the coefficlem of performance will he a. JJJ b. 3.00 c. 2J3 d. 1.33 Wbicb of iャ ャセ@ l'ollowlug are the reasons for the volumel'!ic efficiency of reciprocating compressor being less than IQOo/o'l I . Deviations from isentropic process. 2 Pressure drop across the カセ j カ・ウ N@

J, Superheating in compressor 4. Cl.earauce volume S. Deviations from i sothennal process. () Leakages, Select the correct ans,ver from the codes given bel ow Codes. a. I. 2. 3 aud 5 b. 2. 3.4 and 5 c. 1.4, 51Uld 6 d. 2. J, 4 and 6 The presence or air iu acondenset a. increase 1 he pressttre f n the condenser

and decreases the condensing coeffi cient

b. decreases the pt-essure in the condenser but increases tbe condensing coefficient

c. increases the pressure io the condense• 8> well as tlte cnudcosing 」\セ・ゥtゥ」ャ・ ョ エ@

d decreases the pressure in the condenser a,s well as lhe condensing coefticienr

Match l with List n and select the correct answer using the codes given below Ute ャャセエウ Z@

List I (Material} A Glass wool B aイョョキエエゥセ@

C G. I. sheet D Pol yurethanc List 11 (l'urposc/ajlplicallon) I. Cold Storage 2 Domestic r」ヲイゥァ」セ。エッイウ@J . Insulation ·1. Ducting Codes.

A B C 0 a. J 4 .2 b 2 3 4 c 3• 4 2 d. J I 2 4





セX N@


Two セエイ」セュ@ of moil!! afr '1' セョ、@ ·2· mt..: together to give: nnoth<r $tream of Ul\$nturatcd alr '3'. I..Ct 'm' denote the rule uf Willi QQQセU@ O.ow of moist air. •m. · denote the 111tc of mas• ll ow (•f nsoodated 11 ater Va(X)ur. '«'' denote tho !<pocitic humidity nJlll' t ' tl1e ャ・ューセイ。エオイ・@ 0( セ@

strcslll. Tbctt ' l.<' tha lCtuJ"'ftllurc ョヲエエ」エセュ@-3' will be

.._ ( m1 m .. ) エ[ Q セ@ ( B セ@ m_._ )fV.-f Aョセ M ュ@ )<Cl;

b (m,-111,,)1 - (m, -111,.,)1,

(m -m,.,) c. w,L, t- ru11.,.


U.. Bセᆱ jLi@ .. 1 m .. ッ セl@m1ro1

fn CQ<Jl and dciwmidif)• • セャイGエZZャ ui@ Qf1 111<)1$1 ,IU', it tnUilt be passed ovct l!tc coil ut a tom per 。ュ セ@u. which 1 i betweon tb" dry hoilb ;om) "'"'

hulb tcmporaturo CJf Ote incomi.op atrc•m

b. whicb lies botwccn lhe wot bulb ond dew poim ll:mper;olnre orlhe incoming slream

ll.. 11 hicit js lower than tho d<l\1 point lempcruturo of lho ineomfng strt."llm

d of odiabatic ••luration of incoming stream

Cunsider the ft) llowing セ エ。エ・ッョ\ZBョエ セ N@

I. Dew puint i> re.'!cbed by i!QOiin& セ{イ。エ@セッャャヲャ。 ョ ャ@ moisture cont,'lll

2, Wet both temperatun: ch:on&"" b) addition of moostnr<' ul 」ッ ョセ エ。ョャ@

<:nthalpy. 3. .For <>lumtod air. lhc dry bulb

temperature, wet bulb temperature and dew (l(ltnt ao•c O•c-<>me.

セ N@ DchuntidlfiCDtion of uir Is >chiwed b heating .

t l flhele statement. :1 I Zセョ、@ 3 are:co b. I nud 2 。 セ@ e<)n'cct c. 3 and -1 arc "Qrh:ct d. 3 illoo u is cOD'cct

Wluch one of lhe following stntemeniS セセ@correct? n, Tite sensible beat gain JS due to the

dilr<tCue<: iu bumidlty

llull4 b. Tiot: la!enl !teat gnin Is due to the

tempcrnture difference. between the trcsh air und the a it iro splice

.:. Tioe heat ァセゥョ@ through Ute wuU$ of 、セj\^iND@ <:Ql'l)•lng conditioned air through nnconditioneu A\ー。セ^・@ in the butlding セ、 エ ャセ@ tc1thc •..:nSiblc hc11t gnin

d. Mnximum ll••l gain to 3 building pc.,urs \hrougll wall•

!>O. for air-conditioning tho operation theatre in a hospital, the percentage of outsiJ.e air in セB@ :Ur l<uppliod ,. a. zero b. 20 c. so d. l(ld

9 1. The vertical fa•"" ou a subont:l'god セ エ|jG|Gッ、@surface is ettunl to \he a, force o.n the ''ertic:ol projection nf the

L'Uf\•ed セ オエヲ。 NZ・@

b. force on tl1e horizontal projection of tbe>CUI'VCd SUJUCC

e. weight of I he liquid venicall I' obove the c:uf\'ed surface ·

d. product oJf the pressure at. I he centroid and エィセ@ • ren tlf the curved <urfoce

92 c カッセ^ゥ、 セ イ@ the following • tllteoncnt• regnrdiqg セ@ plane •reo >wbmerged m a liquul: I. The tu\41 for"" 'L< ll lc pnodu"t (If

i<pccili c weight 11f the Uquid, the area snd the depth of it' ce111roid.

2. l'he total force is the product of the are. anJ uエ セ@ pr.,;t.urc: 。 エ ャセ@ ""ntroid.

or tltcso slalcnlcnts a-. 1 alo ne is 」ッ セ・ エ@

b. 2 alone ill corn:<:t c. br>lh I and 2 are fall;c d. both I and 2 nre corwct;

93. A vtttical dock gale 2.mcter wid.: ,..,main.\. m poRifitm duo to horizontal force afwalcr on Dnc side. 'rhe sate weigh.• 800 kg nnd jusl starts セ ャ ゥ、ゥオァ@ down when the depth of water up to UJc botto111 of tltc g•Lc 、・エZイ セ ZャAャ エ[s@ Lo 4 m.otwos, J'hen U1e c.oefli .cienl of fricti on l!etween dock gote •nd dock wall " ill b • • . 0.5 b. 0.2 c, tJ.1)5

d. 0.02









Tlte preswre gauge reading ba ml'tet of water column shown in セエエG@ given figure will be

セ@ I Il l"" -;: 1. w... r

The bUt>}'ant force noting <In a flonting body passes through the a. metacentre ofthe body b. cemre of gravity of lhe body c. centroid of volume of the body d. cemroid of' the displaced volume Which ona of the foll owing sers of conditions clearly applies to an ideaJ flu id1 !1- Viscous aod oompressible· b, Non-viscous and incompressible c. Non-viscous and compressible d Viscous :and incompressible lu b Newtonian llui<l , laminar flo\\ between two l)arallel plntes, dte rntio (1) between the ウ ィ ・。イウセ@ and rate or shear strain is given by

d' u セ@ p t.fy'

(lu b p <(I

(till JJ c. II-t.Q•

d セエセZ イ@l'ipe I brnnch to three pi pes as shoW11 in the given figure. The 。イ・ョセ^@ and correspondiug velocities al'e as givl'n in the foll owing table,

p;,., l, 2. l . 4,

so 10 V, tO 10 LS 20 10






llu t 14

The value uF V, in om per second \IIlli be セ G@ "15 b. 20 c, ](I

d. 35 Tile energy IQss between sections (1) and (2) oftbe pipl' sbown in the given figure is


' ' l • . "• . オNZセMウセセ@ l

• - w ... " .;.,. Pz• 3.4 セaョ|Z@v, ... ッ N 。 Z ュセL@ 1

' a. I 276l1!-m b. 1,00 kg-m c 0-724 セァNM ュ@

d. O, IS kg-m Fat· lluw tluough a hot1tonUJl ーゥーセ\L@ Ute pt·essure gradient dp/dx in the now dj recdon is a. -v('

b I c. zero d -ve In a pipe flow, the head lost due to fiiction Is 6m If 1he power transmil1ed through tJte pipe has to be tJ1e maximum, tben !he total head at lite ittlet or the pi11e will have tO be maintained al a. ,16 m b. 30m c. 24m d. 18m The lower critical Reynolds number for a pipe tlow is a. different for different fla il s b. the Reyoolds number at wblcb the

ャ セュゥョ。Nイ@ flow chnnges to (\lrbulent flow c. more tJtan 2000 d. the leasl Reynolds uumbcr ever

o セ{。 ゥョ・、@ fOr lantinar Oow Assertion (A) The meeh&nism セィッキョ@ In the given figure bas イョア「ゥャゥ セ@

Reason (R) A llle<Jhanism is mobile When itlius a セゥョァ ャ セ、・ァイ・・@ ヲイ・セ、ッュ@




u Doth A セョ、@ R nre IJ\ltr セョ、@ R u Ute Cllrrect eX1llanati<m of A

b, Both A ᄋセ、@ R are true l:luJ R セ@ not > iAjLャャGャG」o i i[NGHェセ ャᄋョャャ ッョ@ r, r A

.:. A is true bul R I,; fabc d. A is fills• hut R ゥセ@ lntB

1().1, aFセ・イエゥoョ@ (.-\); A t1ywhcel i$ all•ched 141 d punehing ーイッセウ@ so [セ ウ@ tu redtoc.e its speed flu ctuation•. r・Zセウッョ@ (R)i The Oywhcc:l alores energy when'" spe.ed in .:.-eases .o. Roth A >nd R nrc: tme anti R is Lh.:

con·ett <XI> lana lion IJf A b .Doth A :ouJ R on: ttue but R ゥ セ@ «t>t o

correct ・ゥ\jIiセ ョョエゥ Hッ ョ@ of A 1!. A istnte セオエ@ R セ@ (aloe d. A is fob.: but R is true

1(15. As!.crtion (A): 'The outomntic ll'•lli c con\iol i.• nn Op<.'11·1oop system, Reasoo (Rl: The ii•Jollt l$ ゥ ョセ・ー・ュャ・ョエ@ (of

the outpuL n. Butlt A aull R arc tme ami R is the

セoョ Q エ」エ@ e.spl:uwliun oi"-A h. Bolb A and R ore true bul R セセ@ not セ@

セエゥョG」」ャ@ el<Jllanati<m of A セ M A is true but Ris l'•lse d. A i> ヲ ッャウセ@ hut R is tru.;

106. A..scrtimo (A): thucs Jlte ncigiiJ. ッ ヲセ@hody is treaced 1• negllgiblo: whil" .:aleulaliog total fol1les aQting on iL ReMon (R): Thehutly i> \\eighties.\. n. Bulb A セ ョ、@ R セイ・@ tru,. セョ、@ R ;, lbe

C4:>rrect explnnntlon of b. Both A >nd R nre 1rue but R i• nrot •

セイイ・・エ@ ・クカャョセ エゥ オセ@ or A 1!. A i.!l truc but RiB f-a lie d, A is.fiolJ<e bul R is true

107. As.•ertion (1-\) : An onoreasc in d"Jlth ofctn sbortens the tool life. Reasmt (R): r ョ」イ・ZQウセ@ in dqllh Qf cvt ァゥカ・セ\@rise w relalivcl) •mnU inore:u;e in 1001 lc:mperamrc. u, Both ;.\ and R tn;oe and I{ " !he

C<Jn'Cct "·':PI alll!1j on o I' 1\ h. Butb A and R are b オ セ@ bur R is nm セ@

con-ect CXJ>Ianation of A 0:. A is true bu! R ;, false d. !\is ヲ。 ャ セ・「オ ャ@ R i• true

108. A•sertJou (!\)! A pattern is made ex3o:.Uy simi!Jlr to lit e ーセイエ@ to 「セ@ CML r」ィセャッョ@ (R): Pullem ゥ セ@ U! e<l t</ onok" tho mllHid c:l\ity f<>r pouring in ュ セ ャエ・ョ@ mo:t;ol lor casting.

13 uf IJ a. Bolh 1\ and R lite true nnd R ill tfte

セゥャイイ・エャ@ explanation of A b. Both A and R arc: true but R ゥセ@ nr>t a

OOt'r.:<lt C)(pluuntion Qf A e. A is lruct but R o< false d. A is false but セ@ is true

I ll<J. Ass.:ninn I A); In lli_gh •pe<d ウエセ・ャウN@

aUoyiog elements lutlgst.:n. clttumluno iUld vunodiwu nro nddcd to make suil<oblu to work at higher cuuiol£ Rpeo:ds Lhon tool ウエ・・ャセ@ !II low alloy セj・NM ャ ウ L@

Rea•on flU : YnnaJium adds tv ll 1e JILOp<rly u( red hordocSS lOud tUO!(\IlL'tl umJ chromium add lo loi&h we:or n."Sisun= a. HoUt A nod R are lJUe And R iS- the

el)m:ct <:);plaMtion uf A b. UoU1 1\ and R are u·uc bul R ゥセ@ owl a

\Aoイイ・セャ@ explonation Of A セ N@ セ セ@ i• lrue but R ゥセ@ fall<: d. A is ャ セQヲウ・@ but R is tru"

110. Assertion (A); If neuuool Oame is used in OX)'•acctylone welding, bot.b ックケセッッ@ md acetylene セケャゥョ、・ョ[@ of 10me c;opadty will he en1p1ied ollhe same lime, Reason (R). Neult'31 flame u•es et1ual illl10UOL5 bf oxygen ood 3Ct.'tylene. 11. Doth A rutd R ore h'IN und R Is the

cQrrect ・セャッョ。エゥッョ@ of A h. BoUJ A and R are true but R ;, nnl •

oom:d ・IHー ャセjャエャエ ゥッョ@ nf A e. 4 is ttuo but R is fllhc d. A IS fa be bul R is true

II I Assertion (A): In a mul!isided an!Qmat, the luo tel is inde><.o:<J lo engage C3ch u( t!Je outlin_g tools moun led on it. Reason fU): 1"um:L os a noullopla tool holder so !hot the machining can be conltnue.d willt <:•clt tool witlooultlte 11ee<l lu change Lite> tool. •- Bot11 A rutd R 4N lfl" ' ond R is the

Nrrect ・セーャョョエエエゥッョ@ of A h. Bolh A. and R. art: lr\IC bul R is onl •

.mrroct cIHー ャセュャゥ オョ@ <If A .:. ._\ ゥ セ@ truu but R ゥセ@ f•hc d. . \ .is false bur R il true

112. Assertion (A): 'l'he open cy-cle ii^Gセ@ turbines are prefen:ed over dosed cyole when tl 1l0

セIMGセ@ is :u.r... ltcnson (R): Titc e>q>anJion of combustion products can セQャMNZ@ place up lo atmospheric pr'essure.. a. Both A ond R :u'l: tlll 0 and R IS UJe

l'Om:ct ""J'Iauntlon o-f A




b. Both A .'tnd R are true but R is QOI セ@ctJrrecl e>lplnnotlon of A

c. A is true but R i$ エ。ャセNZ@0. A is false but R i& It u"

113. Allstrtiou (A): In Mnllioo• c:hort for • tciiJll.. the constant pressure Unes are Rlr:t.ighl lines 1n wet region, Reason rR); 1'he slope of toustant pt'CSsur< lini:s in wet region is e<junllb T. n, Both A lltld R on: true. and R lセ@ the

com:ct ・[セ[Qャャャャエャ。エQPョ@ of A h. Both A and R ftre true hut R is ntol a

correct BMセjャャャャャAoャゥッョ@ •lf A セ N@ A is true but R i!l ヲッエUセ@d A is fal;e but R is lrne

114 aウセ・イエゥッョ@ (A): Temperature nnd pressure an:: su!Iici<lll 10 li.x, the slllte or ll ィセ ッ ᆳ

ph3se system. Rea•on (R): 1\vo indcplllld•'Tll nnd ゥョエ・ョセゥカ・@ ーュー・イエャ・^セ@ are required to be known lo <lefine Uoe stale ol' 3 Jlut< substano<>. n. Both A and R arc: tJUc and R it tho

c.on·act ""l'lnnotion ot' A h. ,Bnl)o >. and R •n: true hut R i• nc1t •

ctJo-e;,t CNill an•lion uf A セ N@ l \ is touc but Rill fulk e d. A is fulse but R i.; lrne

liS ASsenlon (A): In n convergent-diver&"''' 1101.7J.,_ one" sortie 」ッョセゥャゥッ ョウ@ ore .,;t•blisbcd ot the l.llJ'oaL •uv lUl\Ount of reduction of pressure al the ... セゥエ@ 'viii not b« etre<:tivc In 1ncrt135ong the ilow ruta Reason. (R): 'Cbe t'educliun of upsu·ealn pressure:. caused by l.lus dopll<lioo of ャNャッセ^@reservoir compensates- for the acceler:.tion nfflow due to lowenng of l:mck ーイ・セウオイ・ N@

o. .!3oth A >lid R ore tnoe and R is the con·cct explnuution of A

b, Botl1 \ 4nd R セイ」@ ll uu but R t. nut • correct explnnot1on of A

1:, A \s true bul R i• (lol•e d. A セ@ ャGオャ セ」@ but R i; ttllb

116. Au"J'tion (A): Tbc ·st<:aru disclllltga through • nozzle con be inc...,.,•ed only after the pressure al throat 。ャエャゥョセ@ • valu4 Cl(lllll w critll!ill pr.:55ure Reason (R): A milxUnUIU disc.hargu ,,. ohtama-d 011 thu critical pressure イセエ ゥッNN@

o. Both .,\ and R arc true and R is the con·ect<:>qllorllltion oi'A

h. J)otb \ uud R ッイセ^@ true but R t< not • con'Ccl c:<ploDllllon of A

ll nl lJ c. .'\ i• true but R セセ@ ヲNャウ セ@

d. .-\ i> r.,tse but R is true 117 As<ertioo (A): b・セッウッョ@ hailer ゥセ@ much

ligtu.-t Umn ulUoo· boilers. Re>Mlo (R): bッゥャセイ@ pressure miscd to Ute critical P""'"W'" in Benson boiler pmnits domy セキ。 ケキゥ ャィ@ セ エ ・。ュ@ (separating) dnnns. a. Both A and R arb lrue and R is tire.

cot:=t s:.'<plonltli on o1 A b. Uoll1 1\ and R arc true but R 19 not a

correct explnnarfon ol A e.. A is true but R ゥセ@ l':olse d. A i> fioiNc セゥャャ@ R is true

118. Asscttinn (A): On エィセ@ psycbomotric elm'!, omn.stanl en tho lpy tines and cqn<lonl wet bulb tines セイ・@ t11e セ。@ me Reasbn (R): Foo the 83UI< w.:t bulb t.:mpo:roluro. Ute moisture ooni<!Ul remain.< co n.slanl a. Both A and R are tme nnd I< is the

"orrect expl>nntioo o.r A b. Uotl1 t\ and R arc true but R '" not •

correct e.xp.lnnation of 1\. C, A is true blll R ., ral<e d. A is I'Alsc but R ゥ セ@ true

119 Assl:rlioo (A): 'J'u reduce. Uoe rolling motion of • •hip, tho met ・ \ュャャGゥ セ@ height should he liJ'V l<o.1son (R.): Oecrease in mel centric height i:uco eas''S tb< イゥAA「ャオッセZ@ <;Ouplc. a. Both A and R ore ltuc and R Is Jbo

COIT\lCl ""]l lnnntion or A b Bolh 1\ •ml R true but R ;. not a

correc1 "''plnnutio11 11r A セ M A os true bui R os false oL ;\ is fallic but R セ@ lrue

120. In flo•v over lmmorscd bodl.,., Assmion (A); dmg can he ereated wilhon\ lift. Reason (R): lifl etlilDOL be ・ イ・Zセ@ ted wlill oul dng. u, Both A ""'I R nn: true セョ、@ R a the

wm:uL セャゥャイイョャゥqョ@ or A b. Both A and R urc: true hut R ゥセ@ 1101 a

com:cl<>.'qllanntion oi' A c. A i• true bul R is ヲャ セ」@

d. , \ kfal<e hu1 セ@ i.J trne
