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MBBtia* N. y . / n n m s B A Y , U O V B M B E B 28, isss. i®-<;-

Tip Medina Begfetet,.

p#09 IfirBpWn's Btoolf, Main St .

•TO 8TOS0R1BEKS. . iliJ'ItxniBTBais furnished to subscribers within

. ttul county of prtenna for 81.50 per year i r I -AID I N JllvAXoR. OthlrKlse $3.00.' Oataltk) of the Caiisljr, $ ( . 6 0 IXV4HHM.Y In advance. The Pub-lauer prepays aU-uqatago,

IjlUeswIauinslo discontinue thelrsufucrlptlon tc* tliQ Itxai^TKu must pay up all arrearaaea to date. p a w i will continue to, be watlejl regularly from-

"IWa oaiee to; all »uliacrlbers< unless, arrangement* rtrallterabotm {umloualy mia for drjomthmlas the MmestiKtiiiraUiiu of »u"mri»Uon.

Siibicribers hot receiving'tlielr paper' regularly. Bboula promptly .notify tlio, Pifhltshcr byliiajlorin perton of each, omliatqn, that the caujo may t>e «pe(iiilly»acertataea, ,

s TO HONOJtUStK ASTMITIB*!}?. " a'litKtquwsinelrcolatot -wnr largely aiaou* tUa

bwlittaVsua »niV(«TOa» p< uriemia county arid the i rrouhiiingteTritory, ana thaa.offers tq adver-mien ntat-cJ&M Iiulucesierus. Qut rate* are ronton-

'• aDle,«sWIUiuii^by the acnedole bile*, _ *>-*"*"- -Jti(r»tflei»"'6wl|il^a^i»*li»*a» allows » :

change of tlaalrjiuwtneniouM every throe month*, fire«rte*ar««, :<.

H|iccial rates at tell jcr cent off from ichcjalo Ttrictiwllttegivcnto those donig a> largeantounr ol»iliertl«lB_R ' 7 \

ill advertSaeroinU wilt becentlnueahnUl orut «tof|ndunle»aotl((mUocontracteAfor> "


TIH* .

1 aipiro. . .—.. iSUMB . . . . . . 14 Ouluien..... « 0» imo~^, .


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•nt*, t mo. 8 nto* o men I y««x

- - .Aiqnaraja-ww-liicri, hi Ifitiuth nf a rnuuaiu.—,. ltjal notlcMJatltsal raw*. Jtarrlaso. and death

oolltw fno. All obituary o r eulorjUtlearticiw, nroteorpwtry,

ten wvwpey line, JA TIuiloeM cant* « ftve Unci J5,«o Vir'jcMf-MdisJi

»Jillli.iujUlmH!,M|i«yrar. . M\adwrtblBtflathaformerrcadlnsintter,lmn t « ( t pet H»e f«r «t»i Insertion-Malt additional to-»ertl«a.««c«ntaJ(rUiie. . t

.TO.COSTRH?l'TOItS. CommtTOleattoni upon any awl. alt tonics arises!

Inttiot toUeltpd, lie brief as po»»U>l«. Always •Willi propfr BISK* plainly.

All wnismnleatlou* mast h «ejKnwinl«lbyOM Mil HMM of ttm utoor, not >r mbjlMtlon but «4 • sulntnlyof KoftlMUi. fiu«r»rt*» eoninumlea-u«nt*«rw«l«*|loiroi»U(!i»tlon-wh»t«»er»

TtoPshaahMr Mill not tw rwooalMo (or optafew «nlt|taMKO; by ecntrtbuWM.

totawfot rtstuiuwl to wiltew only vhen »«om-S«»W by ?.* B«cVii«qr ataapa,

X) «a:Jtot.t««lton* aUoHM waeh (Ma o»e« no jatjiuait %Vete«ilty aljtb-t.

T(ITI1KI>UBW0» to apjK*»a ta tie HnuatiR or Aostut»l,18S»i

mt t«l eomatmUitd to tepeal t Anyone In »»*»**; »!e«et»tto«dlMniof ne>«a»tio«liloiln|!t>r«maH 'slolHaoMceainJnot wall tor mn»!>«\r towns* •MwoUftwIt. TBewmotMcnottialiiallplMsa at we awl the »»n» lliuc. wt«»Mt>dlD>t the t»cl Oullie cw yqtat »i» the d l j « t « a tjuaday •«»»» la ««»»<»ot«m«illi»f«« blw«» up ito«tiT«t toi n Am ot jwptaltentit.

1 "COWSBfil'lKCAiltSSCAPJEaOATS, « t trety M I edtot oy pwyloiu o»n!moti,,jib«th«r KwipaMf A4«rtl»Sojt Awwjfi tjjattt Mallttee Ca i«m, «nr parti'le laJlildaH, jtmUaist \ o » awlucnof yon an hucby noUsed, thit psnteutt t o loand tat»lrM*i aibKlptis war prtnt for tsay, «ad »ai t w tsm. All not «UU»it t o pay art (mraMt nllM tot atfttrtlilne » | « * la the oiionins or t a n pilMtamawrebyimitioBeUw tffrsla troia «ca«r; Ittalh* r«M!«ii« rrtlli Iona-i«t»i!*»l ejnuaet*. of w&Uoelerklo.l M JtM^pltm to bo p;»trt ou t\:« U t U W M l o b a d t u

.THIS PAPEP««-ituc«

B o w e l .JtT Snwirpapitt AdtMtWiMt floie«a tl» 8p>—--

ba tS|uUk four II l a

mtttal!telLT,£,iH.aE iraitiMUiSil Median «* follows S

notso W»ST rutensia Tdtta*. t« l * »

lias **

aolw-UKT. M t i . x. &» •« l;«-t*. X. Sill »

IthtSiu*. Way SM^nt. I ts i " ism "




littler V u mtunttoa ghea to toteUons. 4*f __ . .

S i K* MtKiNS,

ATOJttKSXT AK& COHNSSkOR iff t A W . atodIna««> x .

CHItisawi «raW«ni»-Ttitni «oor WMt of Bfttt Hoots . W t w 8t« M«M«. ».»<

Special Offlce Ilbftra, l?Mtn.« i , x.ti .8 f. K. WcJihoiJecArfiiionlcatlMi.anaiilsW tall* a*

IbiOlHo!- ^

Ornta^erl "JUln St., afccotnl aoot, over Kcrsbnrs"« UlolWngolijtn.

H llrneE tronrni** to 10, a. m., S to * and t ti»9, p. n', Kisjni Call« a t HraHencA-on Cross St. « -

f\ J , tUND, M. D., PnYSltUlSt A.SD SCttOBON.

Olliee and re»Idonce-*irt: roor *«} of ffait HoaW, *.«nler S tn^ Medina, N. V.

Orncr a r t * l)*r AW» NiBirr—SiKtlat Office aoute.'S'* *,\analM,

atnd fcfio KI SMVr.». ?yl

-rpimivx: r- sirErr, a .» . - ^ Oonter o t .rraspect and Eagle Stasia.

0PF16E llOtftta. . Iollo'c!ocfc,.».m. 2tn"1o"tlock,p-iri.

t toSo'a<K*,p.m.. 3yl Eelrnhone Connection

r \ i t . \ •. rmnslciM? Asb sljnosos.

tirrioTs AT- ItEdiDnsrcis, ; East 'Center Street ItfTolephonio Connection.. 46m6

1 I t lB t i B01VEH, » . » , »

«lij opened llcntal nootaa In fuller's lllock, west ilile of olnlu street, iltilin», A t . All workhon-CBlly dono atfm!r|irlcos I'nlcolnln plate's fl spec-lolti1, Ootne and ieo mo bptpro yon engage your "work, ^ ^ ^ ^ . 2

. • T t A i l * aXOBSEi

O^Uictly fit«t-class in all Ita appointments.

a K "HOPKINS, -• - - Proprietor

'Free bos fbr.tiotol Gnosis. Good Wiery

t L F I I E O K f i l t l l V

*.»XNT.B1I AND PAPBtt-lUJiOEW. , flastemWed from FhrkAvenoe to UaUmrlnoSt,

'onlveen j*arfe Avuniie nod t'eiiier St. Tie Is pro p«(M to. do nil Writ In hll Una with neatness ana ilipntch. . T — tl

t -SJncccBsot t o J. it* 4',Hs< Good; Fotind * foHabb

Citutiatitcs. tJflki! a t ,pi:i53cnt At luililenco lienr Atailomj. OrttTi .eft at the atoro of C. M. Top-i(T, Bent's-lllocfc.wilt refceiwprotapt attonll"'*


L O A B D . To.jUi.whoarcHiili«rIiigfrom the crrora-an* In-

(llEtrettona (ft jfOHth nervoaS wea1me*9, carty d6r cfty,lo88t»f iiistli66dy&c.ri;wIU'Bend^iiirecipe that Mil! cucfe yoii* i i tEE OF OHARG^J. This .groat iyncdywas aiBOOyetetL'.\tp& missionary lnSoit ir Amerldn. SenHa solf-aildrwRcct flttVolope th- trifl, Bifc'JdfcwL4r V.-txiixXtStatidtl 1). JVeto Tofk' Citfr • „ • / . - . '•* JTQrt. •



NEW AM) SEOO^IANJDlOHGOlG BOOKS Always on liiind. Bknk and Pass looks of every

Description. • * » .

Everytldng • at -Bottoni Prices at' 5Sk®fl3aotl3L'vnt3lo3Pe;'':

-• i Q"2idtftt5ii3aB"di>rBgs ever allcswrd* in ouTr"siorqv



"lais ins: m m Miy.-CUE)- cm


lit 11V IL\MII.rOS JAY,

so iloator Uwocketl flio osliea oft ltis fligar, .glimeed jugrctftillj nt this lew a*D»s.0t iiflire loiihiiuiii^ m lua gUlaS.and lialt tos6 (torn lua olimif,

"X-supiJOoe ft oanbaut, nuts tft.w;u%", ta Baia, pteting t\t*tU<j qnntaf(H&elQtiK HVavotho piwtlo, ."Yott^ttowtliloia1

adage, 'Burly tef-iiod nutt 9t\c ,i9')vta.ev atake^ a, inauhwUhy,'?!;<!„ altijpviglvi

"fellfi' "^0,'*t Miove-my cateonlod frienaKtitJl;-ItU 8V6f fWt.liaWU to a llotflu p t BpWfclitlg

fesliioncil.mU pf tobacco.' tltiokctl at tUw olook myspll, I<WI-(K1^

wife, unythiiifj tlirt gooa on tiot; Tfto ltauil»wBto fast btjcoiaiug soaiftbja jm'J '<T«t¥i«9 t^s«lh«i; a* Iqyew atMiadsi the palo gliunaeaci tho moon,

JOjpifl lier Bootiity \ury mnoli, oeptfowllj-t}»o lu^ca unci onvesaos alio bnd boatoifeil upaulnpi, Uowisto urntf a -\\ ettlth>-Ht»rJ ntoompjialiotl youujj ladyofNew Toik tluuug tho ooiauig winter, anil lie hopetl BUC H oiild imd fl smtalilo lito com-psaioit auiong tbo mini boiuia of Iho •oonatiy.

'.'Ihat. letter hrofc<» liopiteAi:t, f)|u» M»«n«l baiicfttliit-ivas. sppJetontlorjilm*-4^18 bBnoaft-'-tlto too Ao.«oc lays of a t •nali -tlay mm, Hor paseuta gtuwlett lies; •srith tonilor qavoj l»nt ftjaw Jtviiil, To" Hboiit«!itro»ti#toK)U80 front lior dopp

, _ t l ^B^air pad forget lito-falaaiwatKcaoliptv m\H- olftr =«#«SiY5^5lni loptiga.oiiryifwtb-itofta

? Who yonng Konlleatcm—Iter 'foroiei j(ttita-.W!*o Jwlqus.itt Uor troatniiSnfe, IM4 Tow«54 veagoanoo on 'fto sqouw]t*iL v]io .])Wl «o, trtacd-wltUliorpuro'nlltits-

loinoon. , ^^.^0A''i»taA.ttt«^8lVta^»Jxtl^*a

tmriooaiblo etiokoo steiipfitl outifrora b«r hitld a lUtlo nloava afc lha jog of the Uraci>ieeo, Wowwl gravely ie tw twijlvo times, and wiUt a nMlottioua voiao told tjlTUloJionis,, . -*

J Htopi'Bd to tlte Joe 'box awl 4*o# ltrqrfliJtar*etir«»biiigaouth«tnnotltwbotUoi tlewy awl rasciwiU%. 'JOio dootpr w* eawoH lit* sent, DeJtly 'Owning tbo corlt, I Ollert liia Wasting g lw. atui o«»' nally roiaaek?!}, IU It I was totally uniii' tcw»t«l!

"Dwitor, is.U«!» «o uoraanco ooimc«t-tslwilUtttia beautiful sbect, ot water-— y»i» tr-jgedy to Clird%lli6 Ut> dk <iniclto» tho ljfett of tHts jwlso M>d tlrivo Oull owo awttyr

Xiljgtilfng a fresh ci34e, ho rcplial: "Did I c*t» *cll ymt about 'TltoOhoat

ottltoSttwaKse? Ko? 'Well, itiswortlt yrfaliiltf»»«'Jiris*Wtl'to bo alxioliltoly tnie,

"Putty ijMm »jf<*NfcttB«yitt> lovt'lifatfiWIu *!'« «on«t«y» tall and li*« 8owo wt ft yuntig f*wn; ht*goUlen\?ave» of Ititir iMtatHl fciuir at Ultie, innocent OJA«, tw i««sa m tlm tlaiuty will mirrored

Over IO1000 bc*tlIeN.old by us, and every bottle Guaran­teed to Give Entire Satisfaction or money refunded. The best m the world for your troublesome cough. Try it,' .35 and 50 cents per Bottle.

* ? 3 * m D lw'f^,,T™X',*^,TM"**l"**'!'"1|l!*"p"tC

TocTtryUiaiWal. 'We Mllmfrn ticket* and it»rlp«s money lhan a&y *eaot» f io \Ye«l«ro Now "Surk, Try n».

Buffalo Ticket'Scalpers against JAMES Bros,, R.R. Ticket Agents, Medina. JAMES BROS. Trium­phant. .

.«, J1115"!!,10 ' M l i l J l I » l "'• H ' ° nnitewigrcd, boiifjbtotir New Otlcaa* Itntntn' *rit*et* t>tJmcut'it l l t# . . Medina. Alter looking throsjgu ttm a t j of Uuffib mi oliowliMti wet foitbd llimat w«».f,W do far tie«*r ly bttjicg from ll«m than flora »iiy ether h«gtit», noil wro wimld atlviini r-tl tisosti Kt-iw to do bkonfto) -Chan. If. Ho»J*y, B, JO. Htlilreapfr, Edwant Hnnl .n.Edwml ff. B,tvu«r» F.,MMM>D P«)er, AI1W0tJaffi*a, lloflfb, Geo. ILtllsy, Mrs. C3«. IWtey,Bljihr BBIIAJ. • Do uot fait i* ttj ns. 3&MW BROS.


• X T>TT ntHaTKr-tl . xSXJu JL KJXS S

TAILOR is now proj»ai'DiI toe tho fait traGu

wilh. anew stock of

CLOTHS — A U J > —


KoomgoverLnntkxucr'B store.

ft Lots! MESS fi?ail - Call aiitt see for yonrsclves.

j jliil!)Ksl by Iter iwrettt*, nuO was allow. wkMVery stlvaatago tltnt ivcaltlt could brlngV

•"JilH&fcg'l at« nortliera tetiool, ntul utter BiatJtfetJon weelviug all the nil* Yft»t«gt« of » Cttltuwd and wll»«<l Itome, *lj»ir»a»*pte8tKittjt^trfiIis twntbetu girt el diet ttaja. AltboligU au ^eknowt-*ilg«lIxIIc,ftstdttabjecttotllft flattery a::»1 mkiaSJan ct Ibo young geuUcmea of tl« iid£^tb«lio<*l, wlto were Jt^EJU-icgsnt>J<«t«, *li» yet retoaiuctl U«H-«l«s!o niict f tey frci.', raid twetaed to tlaO iter gw»teat pfsaSHretoibo yomaintlo ts«CMe« arcttatl Iter, Ute tirclom g«lIoi> ot lietf wslilto tewa, «oO tho eoqtieftMt dancing oilttif littffl twit, Suttrriftct-btiiw »li3 imnfA «pead wjtoat tlttrlwanUfol y>t«;r,«t(Escli»«a idly floating tlirougk,*, l*nd of d«siK»*, «t «th«M frittuntog Iter OraaiM^witlt twantiftil flower*, crwatoli-ing Ihft Hiflitig forms ofairangtjiirila W«b, wbaeo Jyu«» waebliug towUy rfvalieabsarowt.

"fflw t*gt«st £ t i% wncaliipptsliier-, ftfid ttiststasitoten&bnt waall ItaVo dt«dtosai?al4«rfitMilttrB». Xoidlpro-j»««U of «.*ttti*so »A(S turoftf *d(af fctf.uttUer Wally «a«*«lto fa refnsat tialiittfssttosSititl ijik«s oitenso. Attlte

lying, 33[o would hayo beer< torn, ltoib iVontlimb; *

"As timaprogreBBed^ermindBooni,-od to give vroy, and often in tlw tomler tvrfligbtiho wonTd nteal away from the .family tod go to that little grovo you ae* Micro to tllo right, I'liia had lioan l)ie& favorite tryuting plaoo, and tbionglt that she bod boon «6en to walk »wif tly, wirt^-bw>b(mtl» and uttering low, ntonntag j>otiud»4tk«tBvwouniled.dovo,

]'One bright, beautiful laorutllgSii eatly JSfovotabKttiiitsiiiioioodtohnVQlHB-, «owo ealWyytttKnitd, and ordered onto ot tho liegrott* t« «addlo lie* ItoiM, a» eha dtHdro.1 ta visit »aa ot tho uctgMwcs. Hit fatUisr nuM he* if alio tlM not want «ouio otto to BMoiapany her, biitBita tlrdittctl the kind oiRar and rodo a*y.

"Her bocss cjtn^liotna at noon, tklex-letia, ileckoO with faun and tretnliliog with terror. A. «KUulihig pwly ww a t onco organfetid antl atartett 'oiitijtSiu-ngonteed tftthor lmulhig it, wMlonomo ot tho kisdly women \ri«Vto comfort UUe frantia mutliof,

"Abont flvft wilea from boniotU«>y fonuiUiorrAuiderAtalLoak two, jiraao upon tho gronnd, bur body criicBy

timaet*bfclilap«sikl,Ithri-w»itboutl9- J«fJi» toatb. .Ihawnovcracenitisoy-

Infants and Children. ' "OMtorlalssoicclIdiiptodtoeklldrcnthat I Ctator ln cures Colic. Consllpntton,

lilSo.Oi£ord6t^Brt»iljTi, K . T . J WitSout Injurious medication.

, ,. T m CScrrioa COMPACT, 182' pcatoh Street. ST. T.



SPKCIAL DEVICE for planting com t o t tho CWrp. , FER^TEDIZEB ATTACHMENT^

'UiienaHtlcd. a n d is warrantwl to autributo acca*, .tatelr. ovcmy»pd easily any commercial fertulzeB "D&tt'light and lastly handled. Construction

JlnttrlnUnnd lOTH

SULKY AHTD^FtOATma HARROWS, OOJ VThcnoli"*imOWSftroa^apM.fotiiB6pn'aIltu^^^ •of soil, and a r o tho,bc«t «ulwrfen* Jmowij, No *-inWi«an afford to bo-wliaoiitQiio. AWplptira*

Vcn t*or trtM boforo-»ott emont . ;BROAD0AST • ' sondforueioMpUVepampMQUto ^^^^^mk-llii^& CO.,Owe^yT.i6ga(jotuityiHir.

' • ' • ' - « '-' ' • • • > ' " • • ' ' ' " ' ' • " ' " / • ! . ' . ' •• ' ' '

yeara oltf, fa tho frtngteyeftiaobte wotannliowl, lififrttltaigtli alio mot her fitte,

"iienteatml BfKlstjMt Iviug^ et tho tiuited Statesattny,etUuodovyUiterate apond thtt stuitBscr; -witk'aotao of hi* tritmtla. He was r. uptendM-loaWng younjfeliaw—Jtaoo* ltira weU^Bbottfe sis fixslin ittight, alaewy, »rid Well pro-potUoaed, with ]et black eyw and bair, ft long docpiag taoiisfeehe, oonrlly an i polished fc<mx.ira*ttl la otber conutriw, t o was well edertklod to hupito it wo-ja»h'»lotc HdEoontecamaJtifesKcli's eotaUtttt oomraEiort, X rjetfeet nfler, a. kivcr of wng, poetry and llowrere, their tasks seeaKsi all itt oomraoa, and but on« rcgldt iotsld W W . tFlio Wholij Ittstrt cf tiys yemtg gitl went outtt»Ulin>oiitl benccforibs lia beeatuo sole niastel: of bei innioat tiiLTtslit* tbnng» haadaotna, a brilliaatt roan of trie world, bo fascinated. licr aa tltai saako ehartns tho bint; rani U£» ercdcilftiti ts«iag; of the liightist ot-tier, bollt pstvnts ssmHctl uptm hit atiifc.

"Ike yvrttttg max of the ueighborboaa. nssaspltti tbesitnatt ja tritbttnolSoulhem oJdTalry, ar.d gave hiia an open field. TbeibitsHSSi(£p ntd li>$iib$ la Sfiss IfelX forbade Hicitt to throw nay obaUtolea.fai tho way at her nsyjnuess. So fie conpld enjoyed a. jietfuct ndyarnm of joy. I t was a fojls'Ttusidiio^toWever^fttid^oon there wvs to i«i a rudo awakening. Under his. pleiisant and magnetic eiterior4 the yonng officerpbiid a nattiro ns eallolis and cruel M tho nrch fiend ltiniself. !Tho brief, bright, happy anmmer was soon over, and he propoaed to lako his ds-partitta to his distautyost of duty. The lovers parted with Many voWa and pro testations of love, pitfe and holy on bes part, but fiiUe on bis.

•After bia departure, light and happy of heart Ss any bird that Bang in the grovea near by,abo Went about her daily pastimes. There was tt bright color m her fair young cbceis,_anl the happy light of tasting love shone in her eyes. Life had o newer -meaning for her now, and with an eager trust she waited for the loving letters he had promised so faithfully to Wjite. Ihoy, never came. Day after day she waited, nop&fnl and patient, ttntil her very soul grew aiek tritb feitf. Day after idtiy the color faded from her face, and th,e sweet, true- eyes gceft dim. Her step about the house grow listless, the musio.of her. yoiee was Btfll.

"At length, setting aside all thoughts of maidenly modesty, she Wrote-ib her recreant lover. In reply sbS ieccived as cruel and dnatardly a leitetaa the pen of man ever indited. I t stated tbatthe •writer waft-very sorry she had. mistaken, his intentionaj that he donsidored the Whole thing a mere flirtation J hehadott-

erujhcfl, her fjoldeu hairdabbitslwiUt blood, b « nwctit btrtq eye* fMat taking on tho «.l«ulow» of Ocath. festuietly Htt fftthw gtitluttwt her fu lib wmis, Kcr inlnil "«•«» entirely wsttorod.

" 'Do von know me, dnrllagf ho tusk­ed, while the others gathered roniiil.

" Tie*, AesxiwrKi,*abo rerdlcd; '1 am happy, now) I Km going tip liasr*,' liointtegtoUwalty.

And then, ia a low, plaintive, ncstwo mtdib!* voice, *ho sang;

«•> aamnr then, Jtan' ntttaerraiild aorcaow, Ian, 'laajefatt

JA tnolinil »• tfce leu! "Then tit bhjferat aceen ta »bo toM tl*cm

how her bridle liftSJsbroken, her IICKWO ran^awayi and ho* »ho waa tliKWn agnlnsta tee, whoso atutSj- drank -was nsado eserad by htlr blood,

"Xcaderl^hctpttro young bOuy.-»ra« borne bac3c ta tho house oi man and tallied ttntttr the great tre« alio loved ao weil

"TUcy ««y Ut;\t Iter ghMfbattntalbwd parts, and tlmteitettoninoenlightnishtai pntlira have a«r* Iter steadw flgotre, clothed in siwibss "white, paaaingairKtly through tho grove, mortning«tuid wrisig'



The Nb\oinbov"nml|iboioJ thatoxooi-lout publication, "MngarfneaEAniouoafi History," ooutitina an able and tutotesfc-uig pupae (illubtiated) pn the "Histotw Jfuiaofl" pf thq Qteac oii'YnlJ.oy. from thp soliolavly pou,o£M¥, I'rpdOi'iet&.Mftthott; ot Albany, f rem wluoh n u t k e eoplW] estfttetsi-'aa belftwf - , .

!fhe ^oiioaee was not-adiraomlt^alloy, tooxplore. Qharlovoixfin 1721, gtvvoA m(iiute- desoriptipii, which is, ooviieoHo thia day. The'folkw0W of Gonorlil, Sulttvauworointtracted'by ftio tertfflty of (ho soil, by the Btiporior ipiaHljet! tho oak, hickory, nshvaiid other timber,; by ttte luxnriauce $ (ho grass, by this huliafl-pinuted orcliaisla, »»A by Uia VWjety of game. Tlio. ftwb«vettl8,r* wjij); eauiaj aftiwjvaril know tlmt »U«J1I a g«,tdim: spot Was tiaolosa if the products emili imtbeoarriod to market, ^horowew niiuterotta aottlemonts te tho east, In ijiiW loric, and to UiOBimtb.iuyemiayl vmiuia, that wero waning for the laok Dl a (elliug: place. A study of tbo watoi' courses showed the bolter fortune ot tho Qoiienoo valley, •whioh led to lake Oil-tarto,whel qo,,pori4tuge^s") iigt)teohvoJ• gooth) toOlwcgo.iMidlhouoealeng \Voi)il Oreek and tlw Mohawk to the Huttau Or .the 4eitee« Kiver utif«l*t be oUoacli (or the eastern part of the tract; or, still further, tho upper watore of th«8u»tl«o* liimna inigltt bo taken as a means ot wiebuig Mnrylnnd-nwl Virginia—ajwrt-nga of only twelve wilw to the Selinji. kill giving nceew to I'liiladelplim. 'i'liiw tlw white man adopted fet the avcuiiw of trade tho very routes f hat w'ere follow, odby thejriniueis on their earlier or-rands ot blobd and eonqHeatt Ami as tliofta wnttor-rjotirseti hreiigtttaueee-iHto tlitrtuwage, «o rdso ttwy hyonabtawotw to the white num. In the one esse Ilia topography of this scotion -was lafgely vtstpousiblfl for warlike cventtj in.tlio other eaa;i the tHvrae.toppgrstphyeonaotv iid mid forwarded tho art* tlmt made for peace and eiviiisttion, Willi tnielt graml tosulUt thit is indeed a liappy valley, by Hie ttida ot which tlw fabled one of ltiia. aebut becxmiea iusigtiilleant.'

Tho yettw that follawtsl the close of the llerohitiott were roeuwiablo for.tlie ittttgglo iictwcca How York and afns«» ^ottctUfoclliMo woatern lauds, while ftora tho Caaadifttt border Governor Sitaeoo leaked ii|wn tho peace, ns A intra trnee, nndaiivficii tlie 8eticca« to ronow their nlh'giaiK'O itt tho Britiah crown. Tbo Indiani ree.-tlled Uieb-y triuniplotat MiaWrtk and Cfictty Valleys but tlia tcrriblo semirgina by Sullivan kept tlicm froai giving tnoro Own a left-handed aid toKfagamMidOswcge.wUieblhaJlritljh jtitl occupied. In the tneatttime JfaMa-clitucttd tesigned to $m 5*ork nil noli* tfcsU itttisiUeliott west of the eiglily-

idmiliafoiw on tho Pennsylvania, Sileit? but she nserved—and 'sold tr*

Oliver I'lielps and D.-iu:ol Oorliaie, Wttoea of her own soil—tlw prc-cm[iliye tigf tts«j far as tha Indians were coucom-ci.

tHte> ItitllaiMiUo was aeon partt.tlly ox-tingnisltcd throHgh the effurts ot tlies ]kpv.S.-tmttclKirWaniljbtit2kra«saeh««alt»


self, and I have no partifdity- forsptratH, Is tlifctra any wine left in that botito y

Where was a, mhtin my eyea—it felglit hatebeott tho eigor Bniok;a—nsl ropMcd kindly, hut thinly J

"No, doctor, thero is not, stud it Is now half-vfitatouc." • 1'hetluetoriwott after retired to his own room.

I lit another efgarattdtoeien; i«tt by the open window. I could not uleep; roatless, ilnd moved entotmy tisimlcam-ielsm by Use doctor's story, I involunta­rily glanced toward tho grove, Sux-ely soEietliing "was miwiqg therfe ^3»te teM a gleam of white through tlia stroying Vala cf tho trees. Jfy heart nlmoat srbod atitt. Could it bo possablo lliat d& .parted Spirits Were allowed a t auolt tin-canny tionrs to revisit tho seasno of t&cir Borrows and distress? At any wbffl i would imnesngate. llastily throning on my coat, I stole down the steps and out of the door.

It tras-ai beautiful night; Itionlr -tvas soft with the Lilfsttar and giory of stam­mer. The beatiUfal river rippled nltsiig, tho moonlight sleeping on ifcs bosom like a babe upon its mother's breast A. soft breeze faintly stirred the trees, lnt£ all bird or insect life was still. TJirwogh thoignovo tho ghastly shadow wait still flitting. Softly creaping near I ontered its Sombre depths.

I went back te tho house much -chs-gualed. In tlte mflrning tha doetot came to my room for his morning cocktail- I bailed him With derisivo tones :

"Doctor,l'veseen your famous ghost," "What Was it J'* bo asked. "Why oTdBroWrt's white mulo.1; r re-

Ijlicd.-—Philadelphia Times,

A Belgian has invented a caffta to effeotaallyprevofittbopossibalitytifbeing buried ftltve. The pressure oftlio partli thrown upon tbo collln Ubei-ate^ ft sort of stiletto, wbioh is'so placed that on being disengaged il pierces the heart of the oc­cupant.

Another esse of petrifaction of htrxnon remains hos been louud intbooaseof Mrs. St "SV. Taylor of Iionisvillo, Ky., who died- six years ago. Tho casket iu which she was buried was recently taken up for removal to a jtew camoterj, -when the body was found to bo completely petrified^ tho fefltnresrcmaining tho same as at the time of death.

— " — ; • •

"" Mrs. Dr. AValton's t'orlodlcal Tea. Mother Walton boB prescribed this

medicine for a great many years in her private pniotioe. I t ' has proved or* nn-failing" BpOOiBo in the treatment of tbo many disorders to wnioh the fomiile con­stitution is subject. " It is a auto euro for tfiomeuthly troubles that so many women -altubr. Alailed on reooipt ,df price, ;60d.- For sale by B, Q. Ittayoj &. 00. Kozier -Mbdioine Co., Pcop'(,: Oioyela'ndi 0 . /

lopotl inpidly. Tlialjegialiilui(>n3ip3.i$n'« eU tn\is(ov a fona of ytinn, 'alto-wed aliona to bold Mil proTjoii\nudg[ftYO t>rb,ile^oa toViiguiuniB rmdTKuylawiors: wlto lirough-t tbeh slave,. A Slate r««l wits mionod. item Fott Sclmjlgr < B t l # t o GoiiOMVtMid miothor from lime GtSijO-, BOO> liwoss tho Alloghnaj MoimtaiiaS'to =t2ue> lij'Ooroing- Owolr.. Jfajilt,-was Itseatcfl vvlM95ti.thia.road ofMSesConhp tou -Greok,

rTb.ttftSpoi;t»tQO»Hi\davrxsw lioef, salt, ipoxk.ltowatid'ivlilalieiy. 'I'koaDoaoQjc 'jwmtJMMo. taskeu dowwtb.eai«i)if«li.t«uia. i«, *'ii?k«." T!bo tdhrttariM 0ttlta.8iu-tjtie iiiuft—jthoOoiihoeton.tlioOh tsttwif, wncj tlio fliu*ishio.-werti Mincil 3>y tlw Xnaaimi,' "A. Ug « tho mte,,:*o*' "A-Soa|ii in tlto Wote," ^raflllioa htwit ithat tlnae obaltuotiona' woW; started tiovvkwattt b y tho Bottler*. 'uniliH»g flw or t JHo'h"rr«¥ito» leagesofiliii"**rillal"

« t j MllltlriR ' J i ^ ' . f e ^ 1 1 * . * * 1 *$W or-'vliio'gor' therodli, " "*•"*- - T " * . -

.'Iiero is. nJSomesia in tlionTtstljat mako for jjenoo even, room Haw. in (lie jiwwcas of "wiu*.' The- Seneoiw r^tttruod itt. stwiggliutg groups to ' ilml tbo •wklto. aett te in jilneo ot thc»_aoMler, Wloy liml willed therivor—»ot nflevitsa turlnt-le»( \vnlor», but after CiliiHuVhttiyo— ""iliollftiulitHl Volley",*tora whioli tlioy htwl ton d*ivon~-a vtdley Hint broadotw "all tlia way* to tho north-wonl, Thovvlllta staatrliml tliseovoi'edtltisijimlettsjiotof aHtivliiUlttta, eoiiatantly cnrlcktl t>y Hie: bseeaMiiB down ot the Itaealono l»Blan»d pjrotcotwl feent cxlteaMs* of leiitptrratiittt t»3» Hie hilt* mnl'tho lalsc* HcilKrtniid 13i(itiiM Stforrh thitdly jnovaitvd IIJWU Pttst) Jneketj Sivmer'a Urulliwg. Com-IvSaliler, BXJJI Mite Beartl to o» . » o with UiOotliM Selu'cas Io tlw »W:s *(W. Eatly fn tfcua n«j«liftlii>tt» lied feckct Iie--caino very angry and dfelnrwl tito eonn. . «il.|lto cort-rw lie. Tl»«n fl'hotuai* Jltir-' rfaimulo ttsoofilliilomttey, 'i'lieSacliomit •wt'to (ho rwlewi btit.tho WMtltarattR-iilis-lar|ii ef ttoo-laiid,} »ndlliew«meii(i» tlae nwlhieura ot t|i» toft!*,) mijjlttile-tmnao tlw iSaclicmsror se t iwMo theif ml-atagi,' Vpcsroiiiwnf i>ree»oiila tttruedlho *c«ik>. 'PflsaowcB'tt UrutUer ilcclaoed'lhe eawiioiMlwa oijco mor« alive, vlallo ho wwlntcil «»iW a reservation i"«r Jtnry jr*inIsou, »tliA White Woman," "ritiaivas (*llo\rod, £oj!*tlii!F wtU* wsetvatitiiia at C"i|i5Wngiw,'iaHieitdei», mill irfsttw ulher i^iii'ai. A. Imcu t'itt waa oM«i>£«l wt tt enunolt hrsttiici Mid hero, 4 tost, tlw J&MC.M disposed of sdt tlielt rciaalnlug tctritory JCur $199,(M0. Bolsrsft a aura tSBt.lhh -svag Iwyoad tlio liitadt tifllto Sen&wa' tsswlliraiitte. Xhty inansgcil to jStiisp the idea, however, wlion a, keg was tilled witSt ailvor, o«d It wast t«dd hnw «aany atwslt kega w«uM to fiitol, and fault jiuusy hoHtsrit vruiild lake to tlntw

ihtho^Ioasinh; nndrldqnothedioyotli'Sfe . . One can. telly appreciate fliiai^ia- ' '• ilia-UoaboeU'totlw spot,** 'Atpy ' . ,

ritto, til biindai.«et;BQ wiflioiilly Tjenl, the*".' seenq oannftt.biitstaiid>foE;l'fch.e-iill-pOr— /'. Vadlijg-ayiaphoUy of poaoo," '' s.Bcer* [ tidxiv the- VillagOi flVe westbauifeotttie*., ftonojiae ritajft Jn pn« gr(\tlu*l'8ioiiiso* y>nature, and; fertile uplands, d<jtteu.i*lft» •- ' a. •viljiige hose tind tUero, uiita itate'ptsat tbo Horizon Siloon raaea mvavs-. | %ujy. tttoh!of lend is. onitXvatedj evxeji;.to;th«s, hill iopaj, and frfni thososlopesi sflweH tta fronithej lowlandB,. oome the gftiiot . ' and the atoek that jiloko the yalloysQ fantujis, * » * - ^ _

Horfttio Seymour sayss **q;ho mats ' wb.oJiiuelivod flftyyoaniintjia "intorloar of tlw Bt'atft of IJ^Tork has »eon moras obaneos-in theiidvivueomoat oC «otee»« tmdiu»oetsi'imgrovei»o'ntth«in a oltl'Man of Great Britain wonldhw^awnimaj. haaTl ?od~ftvohlu^drodyOluw.,»• A M * -espeeiolly true of the Qonciaen Ystllojr, wbioh, wider thoTondof the iW«dsWgdlaavt tho jieroys, t)i« KtehiigH «ud olliaa;-piotiow families, hasboeoma » ahlulajg oxai)ipl« of-tho,American dootfini)• at self'dovelopniout, In thia lBJ»tancoii.a»i. titror*likopravidohqo~holpee»:tlio«owbi«o helilod and made tho moutol tiomnclvcaB,

Gallaa In "Winter1.

SlldW, l?tio (wyment was Hat ing!) , lull in tfock ot the United Hlatct kuk.

wt» prevailed nj>pn to tt*s back the ter­ritory lying west of theGfeneseoriwr, "Hm GsfflBeC'CmiHlry" tvw tiieHMfoith lltmntled by "the pM-ompt(prt linb\i>n the enst, mid oil the went, by a linotm utag throi^h the "Big lilltu" nt the-Jiibottott ef tlte GiiuiUHsraStt With tins Qeneaee, tttttil, atthesotttli, tt met tlttt border of Pennsylvania, A t the tiottht the line met Braddock's Bay, after fol­lowing the Genesee at a distance of twelve mites. This tract was originally In tho Comity of Tryon,or SlonlBoinory, III tho Slate of Xew x'ork. At the jm»-onttimoit contpriscs alt tho coiintlc* known ns Ontario, Steuben and l'ntes: tho greater part of Monroe and Iaving:-atons one-half of Wnyno and the eastern totvus of Allegany.

Still further diillmdties nroseinthe way of settling: tho conatry. In MS? there wore formed twa corporntluns, known as "Tie Now York Oeneseelniid Company" and the "Niagara 'Galeae© Land Ckimpany." These coriieratioHs were soon found te bo not only triemlly to each other, but also under tho In* fiaeiieo of Brant, Batter, and other teeatt enemies of the United States, who wiiro dwellers nt Niagara. All of ttto land i o the Genesee tract, and to tho west ot i t as far as Niagara, had already been leas­ed of the six nations by these compaon- tor 998 years, when tho treaty of ForS 8binwixwasniruleinl78S. mie'leescM,** as they wore called, fonght this trenly-They also fought thoKielpa and Gorliorja purchase until tho propricters agroeil ta a eonjprouiiso,-in tho moat) time Oolotiel Timothy Pickering, at' Tioga Toirit (Athens, Pennsylvania), for tho first titno purauaded Ecil Jacket to allow thai six nations to donl-directly witb"!i'he Thirteon J?ires," iuatead of tbd singles: StateofifewSork' The same process was afterward repented- a t Itlmira,' and in 1794, nt'Oaintnanigna, in the preaoncjs of Genemtlsrael Ohapiu and fifly-ol(rht Sachems, among whom were Henthlek, Pish-Oarrior, Bed Jacket, Oornplmiler and Saiitlsome Irnko, III all of tiioso treaties the BIX nations worrjUiloW to piuc-fc with their lands, and the Senecas took sides with the lessees, -In fact, there was no absolute safety for settlers, an«i no snrrenderihg of thoir territory by the Indians, until after the treaty at "Big Treo" <Goneseo)," in 1797.

Phelps and Grorham unloutled mdst of their purcbaHe upon Eober,t Morris, tbe financier of the Eovolntion, and ^Pllplpa departed to look after the "Wcalorri Beservo" in Ohio. Morris oociuired a3-ditionol' lands fo the Wreatward, Iu a hasty solo ho- unforlUnntely guaritntoecl tho consent- of tho Indians, andtlioirx-ability to keep his promise led tohlaond

Ami ilit-ro emio tt ruoro aotloiw diflieiilty ~l« pnscat hVtlio laatnu iiiiisil tlw tie* •elMlng at a ilWdeadt MliEdlyilWas sMprengntottlhalit-witaillio aaraoi tlihts «»s |ihiilitra tfi» lueaey-aomctiMM Ilia <fw\\ woitU be. ainall, and stttttotlmes farse. F a r yoam atietiranl, -wlseiiirtet atottfa cwtao le thia xcgtoti, tlte first «pwtfon sof thoHcnecasitMiti; regnhl to *Iio qnsXity of the ewe at S t* United Slates box*. PoorSeaewal Iho8IOO,« OOO was twit a drop in. tlia hitefcet, as the iralne la rwcbeinsd to-day. Our sympathy mliat goottt fiiTjioraxf Jciiil.ioii, uraml-ann of tho "WliKo 'WaMmiil"wlio', at tlte »i«motaUJe eonneil ttfe (Hon Iria, aaids

<%«luem I out f,itlt.e« know not the •value ot ijaesa huida, ami pnjrted with -tlieinhi^a trilto, Thtsuw(i of* flie white xttnit i«wfe«}leil over tttelf Ignorance and aimpltcltsr'. XNWgvet that on* fathers 8hilddhavogt¥fiKtvw»y their coimtry, «efobyr)ae«,-aiulteft*Mia ort* jittacnt uliile. They Knew i>oWlm valiio of the sell, and littlo imagined llint tho white jieopIoweHild cover UtnliliHk aSxJliiokly as tho trees from ocean |o oecati.'

BoveraJl yenni BctofK tlio p©a£ tfgii flic hroihera James eood Wlllfctna 'Wftda--wotlh bad ntrived a t tlio "-Big Tree" •villago Erom Bilthata, la Coameollotit, 1'bcy cacac at the r«ioest of thoir uncle, Colonel .Jeremiah "SfadsworUt. «f liart* f ohl, OiHaneelloiit, who had oat inloreat in Iho Ktc-Ipa and Gforliani jfttrotiase, thia hhtxteh of -tho faintly ttoseonded Item the William Ty'twdsivortli wlto fame «ver froai England, its 161)3, and aetded inifatttord. Among tho othtar descen-tkits of "Willinra Wa&Worth -were Oap< tnlitjan»es Wndawttrib^ICbKirJer Oak iante, atad General Kaliiel Wa«jtsfforth, who foiuaded Hie Hrtrtlotil Aihenmnm.' Ia tho sstmo ship that litought ^illiahj, eiraio also Obristonher Wntlavt'ortli, who settled in Duxhury, aiasaaihnstttts, and' lived tor ago uoratioUQientSMeaSteiidiBh, tvhoso antograph, as jctatloaef thoponco, may be aeon on tho title-etced of the Wadawov-tb form, presetted in the Jtoniorial Hall at Plymouth, Others of OhrialppJiue Wadswoitli'a descoiiilants atotohes found in aiaiiie. Of the two hrothors. who-settlt'd in tlie Genesee eoimlty iu 17fl0, Williain, the younger, ivns thet stnrlly farmer ivliorri tbo baok-woodnitten. Called. "Old Hi' "o*"Goueral Bill," beenliao he shared i n all their

s Sports. Ho aoi-ved -in tho war ef 1812 -with credit, and died ill 1838, leaving his largo estate to the elder brother, James. With audi anadditioii loijls o w i oxten-slve properly, James IVaits-worth was tlio most wealthy proprietor in Western,

/Saw'Yotrk. It Was Jossiblte for hiin to drive to^Bookester, ttvoiity-fi-vo miles dlatiiuij- adong one banlt of the river, and return on, iho other—all1 o a ' lite own estate, This good farlitiio-he ever hdld; n«,a trust for the prorBOliiitftjf education, ami the jdoyolbpmoat of egriettltilrt.

*'» * Gomseo is oiily fivomilos. froin Mount Morris ns tlie.jited Biesj tint if tho coursa by foe river Is takotl it is twonty-seven inrfe3. On 'iheaiT rich, plaina cattle may b o Boon osfru). oyo ontt reaohi "'WTEt'Olievoi' T look oat upon fltii8.sooho,-" Bays n rosidenfcofthe

i a a debtor's prison, But in spito.of jvlllago,. -"my taind'fmiy:ieap.ontls'lathe disaster.te-individnols.the ooulitry.dfive- jiyinoBfeaiiiaof idtepaBtOral- syttjhony

Tliero la never any trenblosin JIMIMK eall» bttwspnis duriug wiilior jKOYJded. « jicjson only oommonoea riglifc.

It is supposed that tho ciilUa. boa hectu rcsitfd daring the past (Wat «uonth» hy l>«ing left dry in tbo pot, It Ifc Itw orjt it hug net, turn It out ef the jpot militant •off tho top if there ww any grsdn leavaaa, CI on all Mte dirt front lliobulbamlatber fereakiugorfaliof tho aitoll ^bnlW thtat ndliRre to the side, gel seme, goal dirt from tlio chip yard U i)o«lbl« and tepwt ttto b«H» iu a clean pet, «noiiott»ao tego—for rthulh nis inohea i n olrou»». 1tjronca two a six inch pot, u»« eno latftwt- • orsniiiller wwonllng to «is»s, HHOho . ]M>t about three fourths lull, i*«t thohnKba ta and Ihtiah fllllng, yroasing; tho whedo dowit lwrtl so as to leavo is bmlf iiiolt et. tspiieo ou top for holding water,

I am careful |o nwno Uio «KX«otlli»» ct Urn pet foe tiio 'reason that Shore will **» no lihxwniH until after the ^xitUc*aw pletely filled with .roobi, One fprnl wsuwn why pooplo dene* hnvomewo e;ill:i bli»m» la the UM iJ l>ot* tee l«r-go for ttm bttlbs, which trios tlio impoitfJbla' tokot filling ft large polwM* wotsfco* foto It can cheek its grofrtlt ami loan, fl.iwor Imds, tliu*prs»ciilInKtliohoBai»e. vrffe, who» has earefnlly )inr*ed to'iitaflit all winter iue;tiie|««i.onoItaciugW»»ard' cd with Moasoms, tlio end *f taeUa«ot ••nothing but lean*," "ACtor jwllfcog, 0i«o tt thorough wetting stud aeltuwsy until tho growth cornmenccaa, ihett co*r« tho* top of iho pot with maw te rcUiin tnois'.uro and sot in »aiinny -wiiuliWig ro water every morning and aprinklo Ulift li-avei of the plant to keep a£C tha dour, and it wilt tie In btuoia by Ohti»hi»in, then e:in-fully rawoilmmoaw every two Weeks and »pre&tlonthol«apjr»ef|ltt»3itt olwut out> tulil(s[HK)ijfnI rvf cipul imuln «jf phiMphatesnud bone ilea*-, wliloh asaaa, be oh!aitit.Ht of the florist.

Tills Itcopst tlio noil rich and Mre* id* Ijetltng.

It Is a mistake to keep coHttpIanl* •if* tfng fit a fian of wntof, It inJnrM tlia roota IXMhtc* lioing tiiistghayf ooyoring tlw top ot tho pet> wilh mewi prenorye* tho mbititiuo, nnd nllmvs tttanxil*sto gtow townttlit the nnrfaoc, tjfcais ntlllitiSuK tdl ot tlte sell and rtllowiug fjt iaaach. jsunlllor t»ot being ttsed.

llitrmah, ever which KSag TueefeaW reigns, and ngninsfc which Jr2ogtuiiI "hta decided to send * military oxpcdlt£onr lies between India ami Chin*, lia tcacti-tory is d B iillles long by 120 mile* wider ofwu area, otlM.ttWstniaK* wilea, tHitt TJUca JXcrotS SSJS iS ppSrSrleii^upfeav oiiirasbt and nil, naubers co t mora t i a n threS'ii^lions. ThoBnrmeBepropiarartt MongoflSstsjteek, and those oeottpyafcreiil:. 5»,0i» s^uafemile* of tho country's jatto*, nnd number frouxouo-tlilra. to otlo-lalf otlhoiMJiiulalion.^Joreis no hor«di-fary Bristocrney. "Miftlteg to iitecaatff rider and is chosen ain&»g the bScod reynL 1Ut6obriW*s fattier viahrpcii the throne M J833, and the sea, on liiccsjeed--iug hfm. in 18(8, ttndertoofe to aUflosla-iu-bition among his royal' .fel«2iora'.hy %gtoSg> ting them to fleath..rfwo*ferothe»,b»ow'-ever,- escaped, and arc living in laedia. It is supposed Theebaw lifts put liis aeons to death ; at any > ate his Kwing ohtfarort. aro all daughters,' Thorowenuoa of? the King are raised by Many kinds ot tsesos,. anil mostly by extortion. Holuess ore taxedj polls are taxed}, also ngt'c'uteural produefs, fnlit trees, sugar--paini,tob<iaMoo tvndi salt, teak forests, fisheries, aatad in short,. everything -that tat used Or has functions ot usefulness. The'eereutry hiis no coent, its clmiind of coinrtaeroo boiilg the Irawnddy rivor, Thia'lrlv«r is of great importance to ireae, ami Gfcroafc Jlritftra-would, Bays thoLtMadon Kwics-, iiir that, oceouut alono "tegjird tho oettab-lishmonl; of auotber Eumpieaii illlluHenca in lipper Bttrmnh with dismay."

A Vorr Nnrre'w BKcnpa, • "Ics, I had a very nerxoW ciosajo,"

Haiti a prominent cttizon to a fricnil. " I Was eouHuoif to toy bed fo» a year .attd my friends gave? me tip tor a' ociiaotinrH life's gravis uutli I began nsing-Keimp'B Balsain for tlie throaty and liiejjr and -"loro I am, Bound and hearty," Jons will. ilinl it for slle by James Bros. Erice SOc, auu ^1.00.

Envy is an aoknoWledgmOnt oE the" fortune of ptbers.

Piles I l ' llcsl! a^ilcalll ww ^r-—-~- -'

Sure daro for blind, bicBo% and itohing pildSi Oneiiox iraSOniti 'the' worab ease of 2& years' stamlieg. No One need enfter five .Minutes after oslng William's Indino Ella Qietwent, I*ab--sorbs tnmors, allays itchingfa'pESi as'

H,»J bBOl'ioS. glvoa instant roli«fi J»p«!fed 'onlif for piles, itching at thfi private parts, nothing else. .Sold by drogs^W and mailed tin reoeipt of. ptloor ffl.' JTrazier jaediome'CJe,, Prop?g,;Olwaa*and,;

10. "For ealo^yEi Gs Th»y«r i'Oc?,, '-.•.

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• j ^ - ^ i - s ^ j a ! ^ ^ ^^•mr^^tAas^k^^iSsem^ i i .'iliTt'^-rtriir^