새로운 컨셉의 언어학습이 지금 ... - Rosetta Korea


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- 19개 분야 531개 상황별 비즈니스 영어 제품소개서 -

새로운 컨셉의 언어학습이 지금 시작됩니다!


What more? 산업, 직무에 따른 18개 목표의 Business English!!

사용환경이 다른 Business English에 각기 대응될 수 있는 250시간 분량의 학습주제!!

글로벌 환경에서의 직무능력 훈련과 고급영어학습이 결합된 글로벌 직무역량개발 과정입니다.

# 학습범위

Basic User Independent User Proficient User

A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2

[ CEFR : Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ]

Advanced English for Business 언어수준에 따른 학습범위


광범위한 주제에 관한 토론이 가능하고 부하직원을 논리적으로 설득하고 타인의 주장에 반박할 수 있다.

C2(Native Level)

언어의 전영역에 걸쳐 원어민과 같이 자유롭게 의사소통 및 토론이 가능하다.


은행구좌를 여는 등, 일상생활에서 필수적으로 요구되는 상황에서 자신의 희망, 목적, 의도 등을 표현할 수 있다.

B2(Upper Intermediate)

일상생활과 연관된 다양한 주제에 대해서 자신의 생각을 명확하게 표현할 수 있으며 일부 주제는 장단점을 논하고 토론을 할 수 있다.


자기 소개 및 상대방의 신상정보 파악을 위한 간단한 질문과 답을 구사할 수 있다.


일상생활에서 자주(반복) 사용되는 간단한 표현을 이해하고 구사할 수 있다.

What else? Mobile(Smart Phone)을 통해 언제, 어디서나!!

각자의 비즈니스 상황(학습 필요 주제)에 맞춰 모바일로 언제든 학습할 수 있습니다.

확장된 쓰기와 말하기 과제를 수행하고 48시간 내에 1:1Feedback을 받을 수 있습니다.

# 이용방법

메뉴 > 학습목표와 주제

학습자의 직무와 수준을 고려한 학습목표 선택

1) 학습목표 중 우선시되는 학습주제 선택 학습

2) 인터넷 환경에서 미리 다운로드 가능

3) 학습목표 추가 선택 : 전체18개 학습목표

메뉴 > 메시지

학습자가 수행한 확장된 쓰기, 말하기 Feedback

1) 원어민 코치의 1:1Feedback자료 확인

2) 과제 제출 상태 및 상태 정보 제공

3) 구체적 개선(추가 학습)방안을 제시

메뉴 > 설정

1) 정보확인 : 계정정보, 레벨정보

2) 음성인식 정확도를 위한 성별 선택

3) 로그아웃(기기변경)

*** 레벨변경을 위해서는 PC접속이 필요합니다.

*** 최초 이용 시에는 e-Mail안내에 따라 PC에서 계정을 설정을 완료해야 합니다.

Advanced English for Business Mobile APP 이용안내 _ 주요메뉴 소개

학습목표선택 메뉴


Advanced English for Business Mobile APP 이용안내 _ 주요메뉴 소개

Advanced English for Business Mobile APP 이용안내 _ 소개 어휘 용법

학습 > 소개

1) 해당 주제의 가상 상황에 대한 동영상(5분) 시청

2) 학습활동에서 배우게 될 어휘와 용법 적용 상황을

이해함으로써 학습에 대한 몰입을 유도

학습 > 어휘

1) 이미지, 텍스트, 원어민 음성 번역 없는 이해

2) 해당 어휘의 실제 적용 문장을 복수로 제시

3) 학습자의 습득 여부를 체크함으로써 반복학습

학습 > 용법

1) 원어민 음성으로 용법이 적용된 문장 듣기 훈련

2) 해당 용법에 대한 확장 정보 설명(영문)

3) 특정 상황의 용법 우선순위 설명

학습 > 용법 연습

1) 이전 학습활동을 통해 습득 상태 점검

2) 이해 여부를 통해 반복학습

3) 다양한 형태의 문제풀이 방식(흥미도 유발)

*** 문제풀이 형태

• 원어민 음성 듣고 보기에서 답 찾기

• 부분 구성된 문장을 완성하기

• 유사한 선택지에서 답변 선택하기

Advanced English for Business Mobile APP 이용안내 _ 용법 연습

학습 > 소리 내어 읽기

1) 로제타스톤의 음성인식기술적용 학습활동

2) 주제와 관련된 문장을 3가지 활동으로 참여

3) 읽기 듣기 말하기 피드백 말하기

*** 음성인식기술을 활용한 학습활동

1) 읽기 : 정독하여 의미를 이해하는 과정

2) 듣기 : 원어민 음성을 반복적으로 듣기 훈련

3) 말하기 : 준비된 상태에서 원어민의 유창한

발음과 속도를 개선하는 훈련

4) 피드백 : 시스템에서 교정을 위한 피드백 제공

5) 말하기 : 반복 훈련으로 연상된 내용을

전달하는 고급 말하기 훈련

*** 즉각적 피드백

1) 학습자의 읽기 진행상황을 보여줌으로써

성인의 읽기 활동에 흥미를 제공합니다.

2) 원활한 속도와 발음에 교정이 필요할 경우

시스템이 학습활동을 자동으로 중단시키고

학습자의 개선점을 안내합니다.

3) 개선점을 반영하여 반복 읽기훈련함으로써

유창하게 말할 수 있습니다.

Advanced English for Business Mobile APP 이용안내 _ 소리 내어 읽기

학습 > 확장된 쓰기(1:1 Feedback)

1) 주제에 따라 “확장된 쓰기” 또는 “말하기"가 주제

별 과제로 출제됨.

2) 출제된 확장된 쓰기 또는 말하기에 대한 과제를

작성(또는 녹음) 후 제출하면 48시간 내

원어민으로 부터 첨삭이 제공됨.

학습 > 테스트

1) 30분 분량의 전체 학습과정(소개, 어휘, 용법,

읽기, 과제)을 통해서 습득정도를 점검

2) 다양한 문제풀이 방식을 적용한 흥미로운 활동

3) 용법 연습보다 더 많은 문제풀이가 진행됨

*** 문제풀이 활동(방법) 소개

1) 원어민 음성 듣고 적절한 답변선택하기

2) 부분으로 제시된 문장을 완성하기

3) 제시된 문장에 적절한 용법 적용시키기

4) 문장완성을 위한 공란에 답변쓰기

*** 테스트 결과에 대한 의미 및 활용

1) 80점 미만 득점 시 재 학습을 권장함.

2) 오답 문항 안내 효율적 재 학습안내

Advanced English for Business Mobile APP 이용안내 _ 확장된 쓰기(말하기) 테스트

Mobile APP 핵심 활동 : 확장된 쓰기(말하기) _ 주제 별 1:1 과제수행

학습 주제에 따라 쓰기 또는 말하기 중 1가지 활동이 배치됩니다.

48시간 내 원어민 영어 전문가의 feedback

Mobile APP 핵심 활동 : 확장된 쓰기(말하기) _ 원어민 영어 전문가의 1:1 feedback

최정현 팀장 / ☎ 02)2006-8714 / 010-2723-5859 / jhchoi@rosettakorea.com

19개 학습목표 531개 학습주제

Learning Goal Lesson level B1 Lesson level B2 Lesson level C1

Topic(192) Topic(194) Topic(145)

Read for Professional Purposes

What Makes a Great Boss? A Rule of Thumb The Oversold Open Office

A Question of Location Cultural Considerations Deciding How to Grow

New Options for Business Travel Apple’s Rise to Fame Working Across Teams

Changing Times for Cities Understanding a Service Contract Skills for Every Job

Advertising That Knows You Making Decisions that Matter Report to Investors

Don't Try This at Work A Family Name New Frontiers in Customer Service

Preparing for a Job Interview Directing from a Distance Global Challenges

The Man Behind McDonald's Cover Letters That Open Doors Work Hard, Sleep Hard

Playing for Success Howard Schultz: Coffee's Main Man The Mighty Headhunter

Flexible Work Arrangements Considering a Company Relocation Struggling to Sell

A Challenging Expansion Social Media Marketing Concerns Powerful Mentors

Dealing with Stress at Work New Farmers' Market Location Give Parents a Break

The Cost of Social Networking The Financial Effects of the Flu Announcing Success

Job Perks Evaluating Your Performance Advertising Among Friends

Garden Redesign Considering Company Culture Success without University

More Money: Will it Help? Improving Job-Safety Awareness An Invitation to Advancement

Confusing Humor Slows Business Surprising Buying Habits A Healthy Dilemma

Time to Pay Reporting on a Conference Project Estimation

The Human Cost of Technology Offsites: Dull to Dynamic Official Vacation Policy

A New Direction Travel Advice from HR Business Financing Options

A Pricing Decision Voting on Trade

Lease Agreement

Interact in the Pharmaceutical Industry The Bottle Side Effects Prescriptions

The Cold Antibiotics Responsibilities

Participate in the Telecom Industry Sales Installations Dealing with an Angry Customer

Working Together Network Problems Reporting

Build English Skills for Emergency Services Managing Crowds Interviewing Witnesses Organizing First Responders

Comforting People Explaining Local Laws Writing an Incident Report

Communicate Clearly in the Medical Field Doing a Basic Procedure Helping a Patient Treating a Patient

People Doing their Part Medical Abbreviations Encouraging a Patient

Communicate in the Oil and Gas Industry Oil and Gas Basics Innovations Technical Presentations

Health and Safety Detailing Your Experience Project Planning

Communicate Successfully in the IT Industry IT Support Developing Software Managing Data

Networking Information Security The Software Life Cycle

Speak with Pilots and Airline Mechanics Preflight Finding the Problem Completing New Tasks

Daily Schedule Reporting on Finished Work Identifying Problems

Talk about Safety in Manufacturing Understanding Safety Guidelines Responding to an Emergency Rights and Responsibilities

Protecting and Reporting Noticing a Safety Risk Doing a Risk Assessment

19개 학습목표 531개 학습주제

Learning Goal Lesson level B1 Lesson level B2 Lesson level C1

Topic(192) Topic(194) Topic(145)

Succeed on Phone and Conference Calls

Being Polite on the Phone, Part I A Voice Mail Greeting, Part I Difficult Phone Calls, Part I

Being Polite on the Phone, Part II A Voice Mail Greeting, Part II Difficult Phone Calls, Part II

Starting a Call, Part I Using Cell Phones for Work, Part I Evaluating Actions, Part I

Starting a Call, Part II Using Cell Phones for Work, Part II Evaluating Actions, Part II

Taking a Message Returning a Call, Part I Phone Etiquette, Part I

Asking for Help, Part I Returning a Call, Part II Phone Etiquette, Part II

Asking for Help, Part II Getting to the Point, Part I Interrupting, Part I

Getting More Information, Part I Getting to the Point, Part II Interrupting, Part II

Getting More Information, Part II Disagreeing Politely, Part I Video Calls, Part I

Preparing to Call Someone, Part I Disagreeing Politely, Part II Video Calls, Part II

Preparing to Call Someone, Part II Making Sure, Part I

Leaving a Voicemail Making Sure, Part II

Ending a Call, Part I

Ending a Call, Part II

Webinars, Part I

Webinars, Part II

Develop Customer Service Skills

Having a Customer Service Mindset, Part I Talking to an Angry Customer, Part I Going "Off Script," Part I

Having a Customer Service Mindset, Part II Talking to an Angry Customer, Part II Going "Off Script," Part II

Greeting the Customer, Part I The Right Tone, Part I Handling a Customer, Part I

Greeting the Customer, Part II The Right Tone, Part II Handling a Customer, Part II

Identifying the Concern, Part I Understanding the Problem, Part I Identifying Customer Needs, Part I

Identifying the Concern, Part II Understanding the Problem, Part II Identifying Customer Needs, Part II

Listening for Details, Part I Finding the Best Solution, Part I Describing Products, Part I

Listening for Details, Part II Finding the Best Solution, Part II Describing Products, Part II

Asking for Clarification, Part I Helping the Customer, Part I Writing to Customers, Part I

Asking for Clarification, Part II Helping the Customer, Part II Writing to Customers, Part II

Making Suggestions, Part I Transferring the Customer, Part I

Making Suggestions, Part II Transferring the Customer, Part II

Closing A Conversation, Part I Following Up, Part I

Closing A Conversation, Part II Following Up, Part II

Practicing Conversations, Part I Putting it all Together, Part I

Practicing Conversations, Part II Putting it all Together, Part II

19개 학습목표 531개 학습주제

Learning Goal Lesson level B1 Lesson level B2 Lesson level C1

Topic(192) Topic(194) Topic(145)

Arrange Travel and Receive Visitors

Making Airline Reservations, Part I Entertaining a Guest, Part I Arranging Hotels for Events, Part I

Making Airline Reservations, Part II Entertaining a Guest, Part II Arranging Hotels for Events, Part II

Making Hotel Reservations, Part I Entertaining a Guest, Part III Managing a Large Event, Part I

Making Hotel Reservations, Part II Suggesting Activities, Part I Managing a Large Event, Part II

Getting to the Plane, Part I Suggesting Activities, Part II Cross Cultural Communication, Part I

Getting to the Plane, Part II Meeting at the Office, Part I Cross Cultural Communication, Part II

Changing Your Flight, Part I Meeting at the Office, Part II Adapting to Local Culture, Part I

Changing Your Flight, Part II Meeting at a Restaurant, Part I Adapting to Local Culture, Part II

Handling Travel Problems, Part I Meeting at a Restaurant, Part II Dealing with the Unexpected, Part I

Handling Travel Problems, Part II Sharing Social Stories Dealing with the Unexpected, Part II

Transportation Ending a Conversation, Part I

Tipping Customs Ending a Conversation, Part II

Staying in a Hotel, Part I Organizing Large Events, Part I

Staying in a Hotel, Part II Organizing Large Events, Part II

Getting There, Part I

Getting There, Part II

Improve Business Communication Skills

Starting a Conversation, Part I Starting a Conversation, Part I Summarizing, Part I

Starting a Conversation, Part II Starting a Conversation, Part II Summarizing, Part II

Checking for Understanding, Part I Describing Experiences, Part I Persuading Others, Part I

Checking for Understanding, Part II Describing Experiences, Part II Persuading Others, Part II

Responding Appropriately, Part I Expressing Emotions, Part I Building Relationships, Part I

Responding Appropriately, Part II Expressing Emotions, Part II Building Relationships, Part II

Interrupting, Part I Expressing Interest, Part I Negotiating, Part I

Interrupting, Part II Expressing Interest, Part II Negotiating, Part II

A Sensitive Topic, Part I, Describing Hopes, Part I Teamwork, Part I

A Sensitive Topic, Part II Describing Hopes, Part II Teamwork, Part II

Continuing a Conversation, Part I Describing Plans, Part I Communication Styles, Part I

Continuing a Conversation, Part II Describing Plans, Part II Communication Styles, Part II

Expressing Agreement, Part I Cause and Effect, Part I

Expressing Agreement, Part II Cause and Effect, Part II

Ending a Conversation, Part I Analyzing and Evaluating, Part I

Ending a Conversation, Part II Analyzing and Evaluating, Part II

19개 학습목표 531개 학습주제

Learning Goal Lesson level B1 Lesson level B2 Lesson level C1

Topic(192) Topic(194) Topic(145)

Lead, Communicate, and Listen in Meetings

Types of Meetings, Part I Being Polite in Meetings, Part I Running Meetings, Part I

Types of Meetings, Part II Being Polite in Meetings, Part II Running Meetings, Part II

Important People, Part I Running Meetings, Part I Bringing it Together, Part I

Important People, Part II Running Meetings, Part II Bringing It Together, Part II

Following a Meeting, Part I Starting Meetings, Part I Working through Problems, Part I

Following a Meeting, Part II Starting Meetings, Part II Working through Problems, Part II

Having Successful Meetings, Part I Managing Meetings, Part I Contributing in Meetings, Part I

Having Successful Meetings, Part II Managing Meetings, Part II Contributing in Meetings, Part II

Polite Behavior, Part I Strategic Planning Meetings, Part I Giving Feedback, Part I

Polite Behavior, Part II Strategic Planning Meetings, Part II Giving Feedback, Part II

Stating your Opinions, Part I Decision-Making Meetings, Part I Taking Notes, Part I

Stating your Opinions, Part II Decision-Making Meetings, Part II Taking Notes, Part II

One-on-One Meetings, Part I Status-Update Meetings, Part I

One-on-One Meetings, Part II Status-Update Meetings, Part II

Informal Business Meetings, Part I Evaluative Meetings, Part I

Informal Business Meetings, Part II Evaluative Meetings, Part II

Understand and Give Presentations

Following a Presentation, Part I Audience and Task, Part I Coordinating and Collaborating, Part I

Following a Presentation, Part II Audience and Task, Part II Coordinating and Collaborating, Part II

Asking Questions, Part I Preparing a Presentation, Part I Expert Presenters, Part I

Asking Questions, Part II Preparing a Presentation, Part II Expert Presenters, Part II

A Persuasive Presentation, Part I Using Visual Aids, Part I Looking the Part, Part I

A Persuasive Presentation, Part II Using Visual Aids, Part II Looking the Part, Part II

A Training Presentation, Part I Introducing Your Topic, Part I Securing Funding, Part I

A Training Presentation, Part II Introducing Your Topic, Part II Securing Funding, Part II

Attending a Workshop, Part I Being Interrupted, Part I Knowing your Audience, Part I

Attending a Workshop, Part II Being Interrupted, Part II Knowing your Audience, Part II

An Interactive Presentation, Part I An Interesting Presentation, Part I Reframing Problems, Part I

An Interactive Presentation, Part II An Interesting Presentation, Part II Reframing Problems, Part II

Following Instructions, Part I Closing a Presentation, Part I

Following Instructions, Part II Closing a Presentation, Part II

Social Expectations, Part I Taking Questions, Part I

Social Expectations, Part II Taking Questions, Part II

19개 학습목표 531개 학습주제

Learning Goal Lesson level B1 Lesson level B2 Lesson level C1

Topic(192) Topic(194) Topic(145)

Write and Understand Reports

Reading Closely, Part I Organizing a Report, Part I Presenting a Report, Part I

Reading Closely, Part II Organizing a Report, Part II Presenting a Report, Part II

An Action Plan, Part I Formatting a Report, Part I Evaluating Reports, Part I

An Action Plan, Part II Formatting a Report, Part II Evaluating Reports, Part II

Evaluating Information, Part I Looking at the Language, Part I Proposals, Part I

Evaluating Information, Part II Looking at the Language, Part II Proposals, Part II

Writing a Memo, Part I Writing the Introduction, Part I Status Update, Part I

Writing a Memo, Part II Writing the Introduction, Part II Status Update, Part II

Visuals, Part I Writing the Main Body, Part I Recommendation Reports, Part I

Visuals, Part II Writing the Main Body, Part II Recommendation Reports, Part II

Comparing Things, Part I Writing the End, Part I

Comparing Things, Part II Writing the End, Part II

Recognizing Pros and Cons, Part I Writing the Other Parts, Part I

Recognizing Pros and Cons, Part II Writing the Other Parts, Part II

Recommending, Part I Revising, Part I

Recommending, Part II Revising, Part II

Write Effective E-mail and Business Letters

The Letter and Envelope, Part I E-mails and Letters, Part I Netiquette, Part I

The Letter and Envelope, Part II E-mails and Letters, Part II Netiquette, Part II

Sending Letters, Part I Starting Strong, Part I Organizing Your Message, Part I

Sending Letters, Part II Starting Strong, Part II Organizing Your Message, Part II

Expressing Yourself, Part I Formatting and Closing Well, Part I Making Announcements, Part I

Expressing Yourself, Part II Formatting and Closing Well, Part II Making Announcements, Part II

Being Clear, Part I Forwarding with Care When Not to E-mail, Part I

Being Clear, Part II Writing Short E-mails, Part I When Not to E-mail, Part II

Looking at the Language, Part I Writing Short E-mails, Part II Typical Letters, Part I

Looking at the Language, Part II Spelling and Word Choice, Part I Typical Letters, Part II

Knowing When to Email, Part I Spelling and Word Choice, Part II

Knowing When to Email, Part II Understanding Attachments

E-mail Etiquette, Part I Online Conversations, Part I

E-mail Etiquette, Part II Online Conversations, Part II

19개 학습목표 531개 학습주제

Learning Goal Lesson level B1 Lesson level B2 Lesson level C1

Topic(192) Topic(194) Topic(145)

Manage and Lead Teams

Management Styles, Part I Project Needs, Part I Strategic Planning, Part I

Management Styles, Part II Project Needs, Part II Strategic Planning, Part II

Hiring People, Part I Creating a Budget, Part I Meetings and Reports, Part I

Hiring People, Part II Creating a Budget, Part II Meetings and Reports, Part II

Organizing People, Part I Planning Projects, Part I Project Management, Part I

Organizing People, Part II Planning Projects, Part II Project Management, Part II

Team Building, Part I Handling Time Lines, Part I Budgeting, Part I

Team Building, Part II Handling Time Lines, Part II Budgeting, Part II

Expectations, Part I Assigning Tasks, Part I Setting Clear Objectives, Part I

Expectations, Part II Assigning Tasks, Part II Setting Clear Objectives, Part II

Cultural Differences, Part I Monitoring Projects, Part I Building collaborative teams, Part I

Cultural Differences, Part II Monitoring Projects, Part II Building collaborative teams, Part II

Giving Feedback, Part I Analyzing Results, Part I

Giving Feedback, Part II Analyzing Results, Part II

Dealing with Problems, Part I Delivering the Project, Part I

Dealing with Problems, Part II Delivering the Project, Part II

Manage Your Career

The Ideal Workplace, Part I Interview Preparation, Part I Organizational Charts, Part I

The Ideal Workplace, Part II Interview Preparation, Part II Organizational Charts, Part II

Skills and Interests, Part I What to Ask in an Interview, Part I Professional Aspirations, Part I

Skills and Interests, Part II What to Ask in an Interview, Part II Professional Aspirations, Part II

Work History, Part I Interview, Part I Résumés, Part I

Work History, Part II Interview, Part II Résumés, Part II

Résumés, Part I Interview Follow Up, Part I Cover Letters, Part I

Résumés, Part II Interview Follow Up, Part II Cover Letters, Part II

Job Searching, Part I Second Interview, Part I Interviewing, Part I

Job Searching, Part II Second Interview, Part II Interviewing, Part II

Job Fairs, Part I Human Resources, Part I

Job Fairs, Part II Human Resources, Part II

Application & Cover Letter, Part I First Day on the Job, Part I

Application & Cover Letter, Part II First Day on the Job, Part II

Accepting an Interview, Part I Work Schedule, Part I

Accepting an Interview, Part II Work Schedule, Part II

Preparing for an Interview, Part I

Preparing for an Interview, Part II
