The second great awakening is referring to what type of movement?


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The second great awakening is referring to what type of movement?

Religious Movement

Describe Andrew Jackson’s background and reputation

Born poorIrish Immigrant parentsOrphaned by age 13Short temperCharismatic

Why did voter participation increase between 1824 and 1828?

Property qualifications were removed

More white men allowed to vote

William Henry Harrison was a part of which political party?

The Whigs

How did the Cherokee’s feel about the culture of white Americans?

They began to imitate the culture Owning slaves Race-based labor regimes

What does manifest destiny mean?

Territorial expansion to the Pacific Coast

What area dispute is the slogan “fifty-four forty or fight” referring to?

The border between Oregon and British Canada

Why did Texas revolt against Mexico?

They were resisting the Mexican government’s efforts to centralize their authority

Who were the “Forty-Niners?”

People that participated in the California gold rush

Describe the parts of the Compromise of 1850

A stronger Fugitive Slave ActAdmission of California as a free

stateOutlawing the slave trade in D.C.

Who was the senator from Illinois that proposed the plan to open Kansas to popular sovereignty?

Stephen Douglas

How did people in the North feel about the Fugitive Slave Act?

Against it- it gave the South too much power, symbol of injustice

When founded the Republican’s were committed to what?

Stopping slavery from expanding to new territories

What was the outcome of the Dred Scott Decision?

Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional

Blacks are not citizensSlaves are a protected property


How did abolitionists feel about the Constitution?

Sinful compromiseOut to be ignoredEvil

What was popular sovereignty?

The idea that people of a territory could vote to decide if they wanted slavery in their state

Which state was the first to secede?

South Carolina

What are the 3 parts of the Anaconda plan used by the North?

1.establish a blockade to block Southern ports.

2. Control the Mississippi River to split the South in two.

Capture the Confederate capital at Richmond.

Describe Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan

Required southern states to ratify the 13th amendment

Prevented high-ranking Confederates and wealthy landowners from becoming voting citizens

Required the states to swear an oath of Allegiance in order to rejoin the Union.

Who supported the Freedmen’s Bureau?

(Congress, President Johnson, or Both)


What did the Freedmen’s Bureau do?

Assisted black with clothing, food, education, and health care

What was the result of the impeachment of Andrew Johnson?

Put on trial, found not guilty by one vote.

Which court cases decided that “separate but equal” facilities was constitutional?

Plessey vs. Ferguson