中國書法 zhōng guó shū fă



中國書法 zhōng guó shū fă. Chinese Calligraphy. What is 書法 ?. Literally means the method of writing The rules of writing & discipline Art!. Brush 毛筆 Ink 墨汁 Paper 紙 Inkstone 硯. Materials & Tools. Main Styles of Chinese Calligraphy. Seal script 篆書 zhuàn shū. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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中國書法 zhōng guó shū fă

Chinese Calligraphy

What is 書法 ?

Literally means the method of writing

The rules of writing & discipline Art!

Materials & Tools Brush 毛筆 Ink 墨汁 Paper 紙 Inkstone 硯

Seal script

篆書zhuàn shū

Main Styles of Chinese Calligraphy

Clerical script

隸書lì shū

Main Styles of Chinese Calligraphy

Regular script

楷書kăi shū

Main Styles of Chinese Calligraphy

Semi-cursive script

行書xíng shū

Main Styles of Chinese Calligraphy

Cursive script

草書căo shū

Main Styles of Chinese Calligraphy

The Basic Strokes
