06kxcm6001 - Arjun Sagar k


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  • 7/30/2019 06kxcm6001 - Arjun Sagar k


    A Study on Customer Retention at






    In partial fulfillment of the requirement

    Of award of MBA degree

    Submitted By

    Arjun sagar.K.

    (Reg No. 06KXCM6001)

    Under the guidance of

    Sri. Jeevananda.S.

    Master of Business Administration

    Bangalore University

    Surana College PG Centre

    Bangalore - 560060


  • 7/30/2019 06kxcm6001 - Arjun Sagar k


    A Study on Customer Retention at




    I hereby declare that the research work embodied in the dissertation entitled

    Customer Retention Strategy at AIRTEL, Bangalore, has been carried

    out by me under the guidance and supervision ofSri. Jeevananda.S,

    Surana p.g centre Bangalore

    I also declare that this dissertation has not been submitted to any

    University/Institution for the award of any Degree/Diploma.

    Place: Bangalore

    Date: (ARJUN SAGAR.K)


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    A Study on Customer Retention at



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    A Study on Customer Retention at



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    A Study on Customer Retention at



    I am happy to express my deep sense of gratitude to Dr.V.Prabhudev(Director, Surana p.g centre, Bangalore), andMr. Jagadeesh. R.S(Assistant

    Sales Manager, Airtel) for their encouragement, guidance and many valuable

    ideas imparted to me for my project.

    I extend my sincere thanks to Mr. Jeevananda.S (Internal Guide,

    Surana p.g centre, Bangalore) for providing me all the information required

    and the guidance through out the project without which this project would

    not have been possible.

    I have gained a lot of knowledge, both theoretical and practical,

    throughout the course of carrying out this project; I also learnt a lot about the

    intricacies of the actual business world.

    With special regards I would also like to sincerely thank all my

    lecturers and friends for their help in completing my project successfully.

    Place: Bangalore

    Date: (ARJUN SAGAR.K)


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    A Study on Customer Retention at



    Chapters Title Page no

    Chapter-1 Introduction 1-13

    Background of the study.

    Components of life time value of customer:

    Integrated Customer RelationshipManagement

    Current scenario of customer retention.

    Stratifies For Retaining Customer

    Chapter-2 Research Methodology 14-17

    Statement of the problem.

    Scope of the study:

    Objectives of the study

    Research Design:

    Sampling Technique.

    Actual collection of data.

    Limitation of the study.

    Chapter-3 Review of literature 18-28

    Purpose of review.

    Methodology of literature review.Conclusions from literature review.


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    A Study on Customer Retention at


    Chapter-4 Company profile 29-46


    Key strengths & Future plans

    Vision , mission

    Bharthi valuesAirtel Advertising

    Chapter-5 Data analysis and inferences 47-71

    Chapter-6 Summary of findings, suggestion &conclusion 72-79

    Bibliography 80

    Annexure 81-84


    Table. No. Table depicting Page. No.

    1 Table showing data based on age. 47

    2Table showing data based on rating of call quality.

    483 Table showing data based on rating of the network


    4 Table showing data based on concern of call dropping 50

    5 Table showing data based on ability to call at the firstattempt


    6 Table showing data based on the calls made to thecustomer care help line in the last one-month.


    7 . Table showing data based on finding the InteractiveVoice Response System (IVRS) user friendly



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    A Study on Customer Retention at


    8 Table showing data based on finding the executivesfriendly with a helpful attitude


    9 Table showing data based on rating the ability to giveinformation about various rate/plans/schemes/offers


    10 Table showing data based on the registration ofquery/complaint in the last one month


    11 Table showing data based on the rating the ability to listenand understand the query/concern


    12 Table showing data based on answering mode of thequery/concern satisfactorily


    13 Table showing data based on getting a follow up call toresolve the query/concerns


    14 Table showing data based on communication about thelaunch of new rates plans/schemes/offers in time


    15 Table showing data based on communication about the

    procedure/mode to upgrade the rate plans/schemes/offers


    16 Table showing data based on finding theAIRTELadvertisement relevant and easy to understand


    17 Table showing data based on receiving the monthly billswell in advance before the due date


    18 Table showing data based on finding the payment reminderthrough SMS/calls useful:


    19 Table showing data based on finding the bills error free 65

    20 Table showing data based on rating of the AIRTELservices.


    21Table showing data based on rating of the AIRTEL overallservices 67

    22 Table showing data based on the activation/cancellation ofoffers/services like roaming STD/ISD etc taking placewithin the time committed


    23 Table showing data based on the plan changes taking placewithin the time committed


    24 Table showing data based on rating the time taken forservice restoration in case of barring/suspension


    25 Classification of the data based on preference betweenprepaid and postpaid cellular service of AIRTEL


    List of chart


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    A Study on Customer Retention at


    Chart. No. Chart depicting Page. No.

    1 Chart showing Airtel user based on age group. 47

    2 Chart showing Rating of call quality 48

    3 Chart showing Rating of the network coverage 49

    4 Chart showing concern of call dropping 50

    5 Chart showing ability to call at the first attempt 51

    6 Chart showing call made to customer care in the last onemonth.


    7 Chart showing user friendliness of the Interactive VoiceResponse System (IVRS).


    8 . Chart showing ability to information about various plans 54

    9 Chart showing ability to information about various valueadded services


    10 Chart showing registration of query/concern in the last onemonth


    11 Chart showing ability to listen and resolve the query. 57

    12 Chart showing answering the query/concern satisfactorily 58

    13 Chart showing follow up of call to resolve thequery/concern


    14 Chart showing communication about the launch of new

    plans /schemes


    15 Chart showing communication about the procedure toupgrade the new plans


    16 Chart showing finding the AIRTEL advertisement relevant 62

    17 Chart showing receiving the bill on time 63

    18 Chart showing finding the payment reminder throughSMS/calls useful.


    19 Chart showing finding the bills error free 65

    20 Chart showing rating of the AIRTEL Services 66


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    A Study on Customer Retention at


    21 Chart showing rating of the overall AIRTEL Services 67

    22 Chart showing Activation/Cancellation of services 68

    23 Chart showing plan changes taking place within the timecommitted


    24 Chart showing rating of the time taken for service



    25 Chart showing preference between Prepaid and Postpaid. 71

    Executive Summary


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    A Study on Customer Retention at


    Topic: Customer retention strategy at Airtel

    Customer retention is the key business issue. Effective churnmanagement allows the company to stay ahead of its competitors,

    increases profitability and improves investor confidence.

    There are no simple solutions; must adopt aggressive strategies

    which cut across the customer lifecycle and underpin all business

    processes. Customer Retention is not given the attention due to it, by

    most firms. It has been found that customer retention has more impacton profits than market share, economies of scale and other variables

    that are considered to provide competitive to a firm.

    In fact, it has been found that companies, which reduce

    customer defections by 5 per cent, could boost profits from 25 per cent

    to 85 per cent.

    The whole gamut of Customer Relation Management strategies

    center around the basic idea of RETENTION so as to get the mass out

    of their existing or potential customers.


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    Background of the study.

    The premise of the telecommunications business is simple- there is no billing, no

    revenue and hence, no profit, with the usual threat of survival. In the highly competitiveand growing Indian market, Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited Group Company is the leading

    wireless access, data solutions, and long distance services provider. it has well

    understood that the only way it can sustain and grow is by being price competitive, with

    services that meet customer expectations for quality and continuous availability.

    The whole gamut of Customer Relation Management strategies center around the

    basic idea of RETENTION so as to get the mass out of their existing or potential

    customers. Retention rate is a very good indicator of repeat buying behavior and is a

    fairly good indicator of future behavior. Retention rate is a good indicator - not of loyalty

    but of the lack of it; in other words, a low retention rate can signal that the customers are

    not loyal, but a high retention rate does not necessarily indicate a strong loyalty.

    Improving customer retention rate leads to significant increase in profits; profitability is

    determined by three factors:

    Industry retention rate:

    First an assessment of average industry retention rate is required; the lower the

    industry retention rates, the lower the leverage effect on profits. Current industry

    retention rates have a direct impact on long-term customer value. When retention rates

    are 50% or below, the average customer stays with the firm for two years or less. If a

    firm improves its retention rates from 50% to 55%, the average retention increases to 2.2

    years from 2.0 years. In contrast, if average retention rates in an industry are relatively

    high, in the order of 75% or greater, then an increase of 5% in customer retention has a

    far greater impact. The key to estimating average retention rates is to examine switching

    cost in the industry. It is recognized that in industries with low average retention rates

    individual firms may, through inventive strategies and service excellence programs,

    improve their retention rates to significantly higher levels than the industry average.


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    A Study on Customer Retention at


    Segmentation issues:

    Basic segmentation issues need to be addressed to determine if viable segment

    exist and can be identified; otherwise there may be more profitable avenues for the firm

    to pursue. _Attracting and keeping the highest-value customers is the corner stone of a

    successful marketing program_. Underlying this statement is the necessary condition that

    the market can be segmented and that identifiable segments vary in customer value. The

    direct way to test this necessary condition is to apply volume segmentation to the market.

    When high, medium, low and non-user segment exists and can be identified; the potential

    rewards from focusing customer retention programs on the high users can be substantial.

    Retention improvement for this segment could lead to significant increase in profits .An

    insightful approach is one that combines volume segmentation and margins by customer


    Benefit segmentation is another approach, which may assist in determining the

    viability of retention strategies. In particular, the firm is seeking to identify and measure

    segments that value benefits beyond economy (i.e., the price sensitive segment). Benefits

    such as reliability, responsiveness, confidence, and security offer the firm the opportunity

    to establish a relationship with a particular segment. Customer seeking economies do not.

    Components of life time value of customer:The firm needs to assess its ability to calculate the long-term value of a customer

    or segments; in many case the necessary information may not available. Long-term

    customer value (LTV) is based on the concept of customers as sources or streams of

    profitable revenue, resulting from both their own increasingly knowledgeable usage and

    the patronage of others whom they recommend their service supplier. The revenue curve

    is determined by the degree to which each of the components-customer acquisition cost,

    base profit, profits from increased purchases and higher balances, reduced operating cost,

    profit from referrals, and profit from prices premium-contribute to profits over time.

    LTV is likely to be significant when the following characteristics are present:


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    A Study on Customer Retention at


    1. High marketing expenses to obtain a new customer.

    2. High administration cost to enter the customer into the firms system.

    3. Relatively low servicing costs.

    4. Reasonable margins on sales

    5. High sales volume per customer.

    6. High word of mouth.

    The presence of the above factors will enhance the LTV of customers. The

    individual firms needs to assess the degree to which these factors are present in

    determining the potential of increasing profits through customer retention.

    Customers of today are becoming smarter, more price conscious more demanding, that

    led the customer to churn. We can categories the customers based on churn-frequency:

    The habitual churner: who likes to change suppliers frequently? The benefits of


    Exploring the Value of Customer Retention

    Customer retention is not only a cost effective and profitable strategy, but in

    today's business world it is necessary. This is especially true when we remember that

    80% of our sales come from 20% of your customer and clients. With these statistics we

    need to address the question: why most marketing and sales campaigns are designed for

    the new customers.

    Sophisticated technology and database equipment have made it possible for

    specialized firms to make attempts towards customer retention through database

    marketing programs. Establishing a detailed client database will allow these companies to


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    A Study on Customer Retention at


    keep track of personal information and individual preferences of all their customers.

    This enables them to provide better service and value. Just like the corner grocery

    store owner keeps information on 200 customers in his head, the large superstore can

    now keep track of 20,000 customers through its customer database. With effective

    implementation of customer databases, companies will be able to re-establish contact

    with customers, and will be able to work successfully towards increasing customer

    retention, repeat sales, and customer referrals.

    Churn: the loss of customers and the resulting loss in revenue for service

    providers to achieve the objectives of the database and customer retention programs, the

    entire campaign should be designed and carried out with the customer in mind. The

    exercise will only be effective if the customer recognizes and associates some value with

    being part of our database.

    When Do Prospects Become Customers?

    As the focus of our program shifts from acquisition to retention, the goals become

    those of establishing loyalty, advancing the relationship and building a sense of

    community, participation and affinity. As with prospecting, however, the data strategy

    should also help determine whether customers do or do not meet the

    Companys criteria for retention.

    We need to look for factors that will feed back into the acquisition cycle to

    reduce marketing costs, increase success rates or both. We also need to look for trends in

    the length of customer relationships and determine if steps can be taken to avert the loss

    of customers at critical points along theway. Even a small improvement in retention can

    result in a significant rise in profitability and our overall ROI. Since all organizations

    continually update customer data, reviewing and analyzing the data will identify

    opportunities where up selling, cross- selling and service sales can be increased.


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    The development of the data strategy as it relates to retention issues should

    address suchquestions as:

    What characterizes our best customers, and what keeps them loyal?

    How do the information and service needs of new customers differ from those of

    established customers?

    Is it necessary to keep all prospect information once a customer relationship is


    What changes does the organization need to make as the relationship goes along?

    How many service calls did customers place?

    Why does one group or class of customers respond to opportunities when another

    does not?

    Choice of a CRM Platform


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    A Study on Customer Retention at


    A companys choice of a CRM solution will affect its ability to collect, analyze

    and use the data. A balanced CRM solution should offer thefunctionality the organization

    needs and provide the agility to help users address changing demands in the marketplace.

    The ideal CRM solution should be timely in that it is quick to install and deploy, and it

    should be cost-effective from its initial deployment through its long- term use.

    All information about a particular customer should be in one database (not

    separate databases for marketing, sales or support), and everyone in the organization

    should be looking at the same data. Universal access to information by all departments

    makes it possible to present a unified face to each customer.

    In addition, the CRM solution should be customizable to reflect the unique

    business outlook and preferences of the organization using it. It should be readily

    reconfigurable to record new types of information or to discontinue collecting

    information that is no longer relevant or is not useful. In short, it should be adaptable to

    new requirements as the needs of the organization evolve.

    Todays Internet technology enables companies to use customized relationshipmanagement services hosted by application service providers (ASPs). An Internet-based

    solution can make it easy for prospects and customers to use self-service tools and

    information request forms via the Web. The CRM solutions offered by the best ASPs

    include management and administrative tools to monitor application usage and provide

    expected levels of service.

    Developing an effective data strategy for the CRM process is a way to develop the

    information you need to better run your company. Ultimately, it comes down to deciding

    whom we intend to pursue as prospects and retain as customers. The CRM solution

    should provide us with the tools and flexibility to support that quest on an ongoing basis.

    Intelligent analysis of data can indicate whether a companys activities are in line


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    with its goals for customer acquisition and retention. It can be crucial to both the speed

    and the quality of the companys response, and it can influence the future direction of the

    product and service offerings.

    Most importantly, a well-developed data strategy and its effective use

    in concert with the

    CRM system will allow us to be selective in the types of customers with

    whom we choose to deal.

    Integrated Customer Relationship Management

    The development of the Customer Relationship Management

    (CRM) marketing practice has made more and more people realize the

    importance of strong customer relationship in building sustainable

    competitive advantages in their market competitions and in generating

    sustainable profits in the long run.

    However, the currently popular CRM marketing practice often

    produces disappointing outcomes. Surveys after surveys, a surprisingly

    high rate of failure have been reported for CRM practices. The failure

    rate of CRM systems ranges from 50% to over 80%. The major CRM

    system developers received much lower customer satisfaction scores

    than companies in other industries did. The more popular this

    marketing practice gets, the more people realize that the current CRM

    practice hardly manages customer relationship.

    Integrated Customer Relationship Management (ICRM) is the

    latest marketing strategy developed to meet the challenges raised

    from daily marketing consulting services, as the existing marketing

    theories and practices fail to solve the problems companies have in

    their efforts to build strong customer relationship.


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    A Study on Customer Retention at


    Integrated Customer Relationship Management (ICRM) provides

    a theoretical framework to define and to construct customer

    relationship under market competitions. ICRM also provides a practical

    guideline for the practice of effective Competitive Customer

    Relationship Management.

    The business philosophy behind ICRM is to put customer needs in

    the center of marketing practices and integrates all major marketing

    functions (including database marketing) into the Customer

    Relationship Management process. The ultimate goal of the ICRM

    practice is to help companies achieve sustainable competitive

    advantages through strong customer relationship.

    Current scenario of customer retention.

    In the cellular sector, churn rates in the region of 30% are not

    unusual, but a fewCompanies have managed to achieve rates of around 15%. Churn

    management products are profiled and a model shows the typical cost

    reductions available from a churn management programme.

    No single measure will effectively combat churn. An approach is

    required which focuses effort on each business area, most valuable

    customers, and maximizing return on investment is required.

    Key strategies include:


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    A Study on Customer Retention at


    Incentives and tariff bundles which target the most profitable


    Loyalty schemes which are appropriate to the value of the business


    Acquisition strategies which attract the right type of customer,

    reducing fraud and bad debt.

    Proactive customer service.

    Customer retention solutions combine award-winning data

    warehousing and analytics, consulting services, and industry-specific

    data architectures to offer:

    Accurate reporting on who is leaving your company.

    Insights into the major factors influencing the decision to leave.

    Industry-leading accuracy for predicting which customers are likely to

    churn in the near future.

    Proactive, rules-based analysis of account behavior.

    An accurate early-warning alert system.

    Flexible and scalable technology that can keep up with the

    company's growth .


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    A Study on Customer Retention at


    Benefits Of Customer Retention

    Customer retention affects both revenues and costs in the

    equation of profitability:

    Profit =Revenue Cost

    Revenues are enhanced due to increased sales and costs are lowered

    due to lesser generation and marketing costs of such revenues.

    Scholars have outlined six economic benefits of customer


    a) Saving on customer acquisition or replacement costs,

    b) A guarantee of base profits as existing customers are likely to

    a minimum spend per period,

    c) Growth in per customer revenue over time,

    d) A reduction in relative operating costs as firms can spread the

    cost over many more customers and over a longer period,

    e) Free of charge referrals of new customers from existing

    customers, and

    f) Price premiums as current customers usually do not wait for

    promotions or price reduction before they make their purchases

    Certain non-economic benefits from customer retention are:

    increased customer trust, commitment and cooperation.


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    A Study on Customer Retention at


    Stratifies For Retaining Customer

    In service marketing, customer retention has been

    conceptualized as resulting from customer perceptions of services

    quality and customer satisfaction. Scholars have advocated four steps

    as essential to retain customers:

    a) Define the market structure,

    b) Segment the customer base and determine segment value,

    c) Identify the segments service needs, and

    d) Implement a segmented service strategy.

    Seven Tips to CRM Success

    1. Define your business objectives and goals against which results can

    be measured

    2. Given each CRM product, focus on three dimensions: People,

    processes and technology.

    3. Establish systematic approach to product management includingteam development, IT, marketing, services, sales management as well

    as software.


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    A Study on Customer Retention at


    4. Clearly identify corporate and customer needs. research the

    requirements and behavior of customers and guideposts to an

    effective delivery of services.

    5. Manage organizational change effectively. the human factor is

    imperative to a projects success.

    6. Invest in training-more essential than any piece of software.

    7. Focus on proactive selling, relationship building so as to effectively

    up sell and cross-sell.

    Goals of CRM

    To provide better customer service.

    To make call centers more efficient.

    To cross sell products more effectively.

    To help sales staff close deals faster.

    To simplify marketing and sales processes.

    To discover new customers.

    To increase customer revenues


    What are the keys to successful CRM implementation?

    Break CRM project down into manageable pieces by setting up

    pilot programs and short-term milestones. Pilot project should

    incorporate all the necessary departments and groups that get

    projects rolling quickly and should be small and flexible enough

    to allow make changes during implementation.

    CRM plans should include a scalable architecture framework.


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    A Study on Customer Retention at


    The system should be flexible and expandable according to

    data it might collect in future.

    What data is collected and stored should be measured

    carefully. The impulse will be to

    Grab and then store EVERY piece of data, but there is often no

    reason to store data. Storing useless data is waste of time and


    Recognize the individuality of customers and respond

    appropriately. A CRM system

    should, for example, have built-in pricing flexibility.

    What causes CRM projects to fail?

    Lack of an interactive communication among everyone in the

    customer relationship chain can lead to technology being implemented

    without proper support or buy-in from users. For example, if the sales

    force is not completely sold on the systems benefits, they may not

    input the kind of demographic data that is essential to the programs

    success. One Fortune 500 company is on its fourth try at CRM

    implementation, primarily because its sale force resisted all the

    previous efforts to share customer data.

    ... A Few Thoughts worth Remembering About Customer


    "A customer service program must hold everyone in the organization



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    "The way we treat our employees is directly related to how they in turn

    treat customers."

    (Joe Sperry, Consultant to the telecommunications industry)

    "In cellular, 1% churn can be translated into roughly $500,000 in


    "...96% of customer churn is lost with no feedback to provider."

    "...A company has to determine its customer's definition of quality

    service and then measure its performance against those expectations."

    "One bad-mouthing customer can cost you 10 new customers." (Larry

    Harris, President, Crico Communications paging company)


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    Statement of the problem.

    How can a service firm evaluate when retention strategies pay-



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    How does a service firm identify right strategies to retain

    customers rather than acquiring the new customers?

    This is more expensive as the saying goes that It is five times more

    profitable to spend your marketing dollars to retain the customers that

    you have than to use the dollars to beat the bushes for new

    customers?" most people would agree with this statement.

    Scope of the study:

    For many firms improving customer retention rates can lead to

    significant increase in profitability; 5% increase in retention can

    increase profitability from 25% to over 85%. the more customers the

    firm can retain over time, the more likely the firm will achieve greater

    profitability and growth. recognizing the benefits of customer

    retention, many firms are investing substantial resources in

    relationship management programs to improve profitability.

    Customer retention is not only a cost effective and profitable

    strategy, but in today's business world it is indispensable. this is

    especially true when we remember that 80% of our sales come from

    20% of our customer and clients.


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    Objectives of the study

    To examine the current customer retention strategies being

    deployed by AIRTEL.

    To identify the faults/deficiencies in the existing customer

    Retention Strategies.

    To understand the importance of the components of Life Time

    Value of Customers.

    To understand the intricacies of Customer Relationship


    Research Design:

    This study employs systematic, objective and quantitative Research techniques using a

    well-structured questionnaire. Customer Retention Strategies have been studied

    extensively in the mobile service industry. the research investigation is restricted to the

    existing/potential customers of AIRTEL in the Bangalore Metropolitan Area. the primary

    data was collected using a well structured questionnaire. the descriptions also involve

    cross analysis of respondents from different consumer segments entailing age, preference,

    and usage as variable parameters.

    Separate tables were furnished under specific headings, these were analyzed with

    the help of descriptive analysis and percentage, and the data was analyzed and

    interpreted. Detailed charts are developed showing the data obtained from the

    respondents; the data collected from the respondents were organized, processed and

    tabulated to depict the results.

    Since our research investigation is highly qualitative in nature, the research data

    has not been subjected to rigorous quantitative treatment. it is our belief and conviction

    that the qualitative analysis is as useful as quantitative analysis in drawing significant

    inferences and making projections.


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    A Study on Customer Retention at


    Sampling Technique.

    Since the population for the study is quite large and since the study is limited by

    the constraints of resources and time, complete enumeration of the population by census

    method was not possible. hence, the project used random sampling technique.

    Respondents were mostly selected from the youth segments, who were the major

    respondents of the survey. the advantage of this technique is that it is both economical

    and reasonably reliable.

    Sample size.

    The sample size comprises 100 respondents. the sample size of 100 respondents is

    considered by us to make reasonable projection in the study of this kind.

    Sample description.The sample description includes customers of Airtel in both prepaid and postpaid

    sections. the youth segment was taken as the respondents because they are more prone to

    switch to different service providers and usually they are the trendsetters. hence it is our

    strong belief if we could develop strategies to retain them, its easier to retain the other

    segments too.

    Instrumentation technique.

    Structured questionnaire.

    Observation technique.


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    Actual collection of data.

    Data has been collected from various sources, there is a combination of both

    primary and secondary data that has been used in this research. a well administered

    questionnaire has formed the main profitable source of the primary data collection. this

    enabled us to capture a first hand insight into the actual findings of the research.

    Published articles relating to customer retention in the mobile service industry and

    also papers submitted by renowned people have formed the source of secondary data.

    Articles have been sourced from magazines and journals dealing with current issues in

    mobile service industry. Internet has been a major secondary source for the extraction of

    the experts opinion.

    Limitation of the study.

    This study was restricted to the city of existing customers of

    AIRTEL in Bangalore

    Metropolitan Area and therefore the results of this study can not

    be generalized.

    Due to the time constrain, an extensive research could not be

    undertaken, therefore the sample size was restricted to 100

    respondents only.


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    Analysis of the data obtained from the questionnaire was done

    on the assumption that the respondents gave the correct

    information to the best of their knowledge.

    Preferences and responses of customers could change over a

    period of time necessitating periodical surveys.




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    Purpose of review.

    The purpose of literature review is to explore the historical and

    current scenarios of the customer retention rate in the mobile service

    industry and general industry as a whole to retain customer.

    Over and above, the purpose of the literature review is to

    understand in totality the foundation of the research problem. The

    abstracts in the following pages are some of the key literature

    reviewed in this project:

    SAS Powers Churn Management At Bharati Cellular

    Using Enterprise Miner software and OLAP technologies, Bharti

    built models that predict the customer propensity to churn and provide

    information to drive product strategy. Every time a customer calls to

    complain about network congestion, Anil Nayar knows that he/she's

    only a drop call away from switching over to a rival cellular services

    provider. that's a big reason why Anil Nayar, President (Mobility),

    Bharti Tele-Ventures doesn't wait for complaints before starting to



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    Instead, Nayar and his team pick up the truck load of data that

    they maintain on their 7.37 lakh subscribers, crunch it to find out who's

    most likely to dump Bharti's AirTel in favor of a rival operator. that

    done, the next step is to figure out how to keep these potential

    'churners' from leaving.

    But does churn management work? Sure, says Nayar, pointing

    out that prior to its implementation, the churn ratio at Bharti touched a

    peak of 3 percent, but now it's a little over 2 percent. Still, that's not

    really the point Nayar wants to make. Says he: If we hadn't done

    anything about it, the rate could have gone beyond 3 percent.

    considering that the average cost of customer acquisition in the mobile

    business is as high as INR 3000, retention directly impacts the bottom


    Bharti cottoned on to churn management way back in November

    1999, when in one of its quality meetings it was noticed that the

    single-biggest factor in opportunity cost (or nonconformance in

    telecom-speak) was churn. immediately, the company set about

    pulling in all the data it had on it's customers. the idea was to melddiscreet bits of data into an intelligent whole, why customer

    retention is important and its benefits of to the company something

    that would betray the churner. was it poor service, network

    congestion, or ill suited tariff plans that the customer was most

    complaining about? If the probability of churn could be predicted

    accurately, then not only could glitches in service be fixed, but the

    bottom line could be improved.

    As Bharti started dialoguing and looking for ways and means to

    make sense of customer data, it led to American data mining major

    SAS' churn management solution. Its software tools allow the user

    to sift through enormous quantities of data that the business generates


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    to find hidden trends and patterns that will help in customer retention.

    Explains Gourish Hosangady, CEO & Managing Director, SAS

    India, the online application enables a company to build a 360

    degree view of its customers, and create customer specific strategies

    for greater loyalty.

    Customer retention, however, is only one part of churn

    management. it also makes the overall organization much more

    effective by identifying potential problems and opportunities.

    Bharti was able to optimize its coverage by studying customer

    complaints and usage behavior. In another busy commercial market, it

    was prompted to set up extra powerful transmitters because an

    analysis of the complaints revealed that there were more users

    operating out of basement offices.

    The end result of such analysis is that it allows Bharti to manage its

    network investment much more effectively.

    So how do the churns tools work? It starts with a search

    database, where information is stored in a structured manner. Data

    mining software pulls together all the raw data in whatever forms it is

    held into one system and combs through it using artificial intelligence

    techniques or complex mathematical models. the SAS data mining

    techniques predict a customer's likelihood of cancellation or switchover

    by scoring them on a scale of 0 to 1. if a customer scores 0.73 it

    means there's a 73 percent chance of his/her churning. Ergo, the lower

    the score, the more contented the customer. Once you know the

    scores, it is easy to figure out which customers (like defaulters) to let



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    Bharti did not stop at churner identification. It went a step ahead

    and used the data warehousing tool to launch new products. For

    example, when statistics showed that a number of pre-paid subscribers

    in Delhi were not locals, but business visitors who subscribed to AirTel

    back in their hometowns, Bharti launched regional roaming for pre-

    paid subscribers. Says Nayar, Data is a powerful resource, and it is up

    to you to find business insights in it.

    'Telcos Have To Minimise Customer Churn'

    It's a fiercely competitive market, and for mature entrants in any

    sector whether it is telecom, banking, insurance or retailing

    retaining profitable customers is now the number one business plan.

    SAS, a leader in business intelligence tools, provides operational

    and analytical CRM (customer relationship management) solutions for

    companies such as Citibank, Stan Chart, Orange, Good lass Nerolac

    and BPL. these help in gathering data at the various multi-channel

    customer contact points and in planning, targeting, acting and learningfrom the data generated. Recently, SAS implemented its customer

    retention solutions at AirTel to reduce a big problem telecom carriers

    are facing today churn. That means losing customers to another


    Gourish Hosangady, managing director and CEO, SAS India,

    explains how IT solutions can help tackle churn, the common

    denominator in the worlds liberalised telecommunications industry,

    which is now hitting India too.

    How bad is the problem of churn, and why is the telecomindustry more vulnerable than the other sectors?


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    Customer acquisition and retention has been a concern for all

    industries, but more so for the highly liberalized telecom sector. The

    entry of the fourth cellular operator has fiercely increased competition

    in this industry and so it is imperative to understand the reasons for

    churn and to contain them. In India, the month on month churn is

    estimated at 3.5%.

    Churn costs European and US telcos close to $4 billion each year.

    The annual churn rates globally of 25% to 30%. Carriers at the upper

    end of this spectrum get no return on investment on new subscribers

    because it takes typically three years to pay back the cost of replacing

    each lost customer with a new one.

    In your experience, what are the commonest reasons for

    customers to switch from one service provider to another?

    Some of the common driving factors for churn are poor performance,

    poor customer care, rate plans and handset issues. Weve for instance

    found that contact centers can drive away customers to a rival serviceprovider if a customer has to wait long before his problem is looked


    Globally, handset issues have made a difference too for instance, a

    Telco not being able to provide GSM or CDMA service. Regarding

    churn, something interesting thats been noticed is that its much

    higher in the case of pre -paid services, with a churn rate of 8:1, than

    in post-paid service where the rate is 3:1.

    The idea of pre-paid cards is that the customer will mature to

    become a post-paid one and so it pays to retain him too. After all, its


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    five times more expensive to acquire a new customer than to retain an

    existing one.

    What are the best ways to prevent these high rates of

    customer churn?

    Effective customer service could be a deterrent to churn.

    Branding and service differentiators also help in taking customers

    away from competitors. All this wouldnt be difficult if you have proper

    operational and analytical CRM tools in place that would help segment

    and analyses customer behavior and predict their propensity to churn.

    In a rapidly changing telecom market, it is necessary to

    proactively strategize and service customers so as to retain the high

    value ones. Analytical customer retention solutions would help identify

    the high-, mid- and low-value customers and the valuable ones who

    are most likely to cancel services, and their reasons for doing so. They

    would also help in better campaign targeting and a more focused


    In the case of a client such as Sprint, what kind of demands

    would a company thats a global leader in the telecom industry

    have and how would CRM solutions help?

    Our solutions give Sprint a central repository that makes things

    easy for its marketers. The multidimensional data base (MDDB) thatSprint has, let internal sales and marketing groups research customer

    information from their desktops via the Sprint intranet.


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    Cellular Operators Turn To Software To Check Churn *

    Indians may not change their mobile handsets too often, but

    when it comes to cellular service providers, churn rates here are one of

    the highest in the world --- 5-6 per cent per month, which largely

    occurs in the pre-paid segment.

    With the going slated to get tougher as fourth operators swinginto action, existing players have started harnessing software tools to

    enable better churn predictions. The reasons for churn differ with each

    market. Airtel, the Bharti groups cellular service, found dropped calls

    and wrong tariff plans to be the chief culprits in Delhi. BPL Mobile in

    Mumbai makes a distinction between voluntary churn, for reasons like

    change of city or loss of handsets, and involuntary churn, prompted by

    issues like large unsettled bills where the customer becomes


    India being an emerging market has higher churn rates as

    compared to developed markets like Australia and Hong Kong,

    according to research firm Gartner. Says Gartner analyst Kobita Desai,

    Developed markets like Australia and Hong Kong have a monthly

    churn rate of 3 per cent, which usually occurs in the post-paid

    segment. India, being an emerging market, is driven by the pre-paid


    Airtel has been one of the earliest adopters of software to control

    churn in the Indian market. the company implemented SAS Institutes


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    customer retention solution a year ago in Delhi and plans to do the

    same for Mumbai, when it launches services. BPL Mobile (Mumbai)

    president and COO Deepak Verma said the company is in talks with

    both SAS and computer associates to adopt a similar solution. its rival

    Orange is also expected to follow suit.

    While software solutions predicting churn are suddenly popular

    with Indian companies now, they have been in use for about five years

    in Europe and the US, said SAS India CEO and managing director

    Gourish Hosangady. BPL currently uses an in-house software package

    to predict churn. With volumes increasing, we need a more

    specialized package which will build in more parameters to monitor

    customer behavior. it will also help us to target the right customers

    when we acquire subscribers, since this would have an impact on long-

    term retention. Retention costs are at least five time lower than new

    acquisitions, says BPLs Verma.

    BPL puts the annual industry churn rate at 48 per cent in the pre-

    paid segment and 30 per cent in the post-paid segment. BPLs case forgetting focused on churn solutions seems logical in the light of Airtels

    imminent entry in the Mumbai market. In Delhi, Airtel has implemented

    the SAS solution only in the post-paid segment, but plans to extend it

    to the pre-paid segment as well, according to Mohit Deora, chief

    marketing officer, Airtel (Delhi).An example of how the solution helps

    is with respect to tariffs plans. We were able to realign tariff plans best

    suited to customers and rationalize their billing cycles, said Deora

    * Times news network [Thursday, July 18, 2002 7:58:43 am]

    Customer Retention: Integrating Lifetime Value into Marketing

    Strategies. *


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    Everyone wants to retain their existing customers. few

    companies, however, are implementing positive strategies aimed at

    retention. Most companies are organized for acquisition.

    Their advertising and sales programs are designed to find and

    promote their products and services to new customers. the companies

    are organized on a product or brand basis, not on a customer segment

    basis. while they all have customer service departments, and most

    have a customer service toll free number, they lack an integrated

    marketing strategy that is directed at retention, and that defines

    retention as the measurement of success. in this article, we will

    explore the meaning of a retention strategy, showing how it can be set

    up, and how lifetime value can be used to measure it.

    You have often heard it said that "It is five times more profitable

    to spend your marketing dollars to retain the customers that you have

    than to use the dollars to beat the bushes for new customers." most

    people would agree with this statement, even though they have no

    way of proving it. Indeed, the majority of large American and Canadian

    firms today are experimenting with database marketing programs

    aimed, in large part, at retention. most of these companies are not yet

    sure whether their experiments will be successful. a significant number

    of the programs will fail and ultimately be scrapped. how do such

    programs work? Lets look at the theory. I like to go back to the old

    corner grocer. Prior to 1950, most groceries in the US and Canada weresold in small grocery stores. The proprietor would meet you at the

    door. he knew you by name. He knew your preferences. He would put

    things aside for you. he built his business through recognizing his

    customers and doing favors for them. Customers were loyal to these

    stores because of the recognition and personal attention they received.


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    these small stores have been virtually wiped out through the advent of

    supermarkets. Supermarkets have a much wider variety of goods.

    The average grocery store had 800 SKUs on their shelves.

    Supermarkets today have 30,000 SKUs. Mass marketing took over.

    Prices came down. variety increased. food purchases fell from 31% of

    the average family budget in 1950 to about 10% today; yet the food

    we buy with that 10% is better in quality and quantity to what we

    bought with 31% in 1950. We have all gained.

    At the same time, we have lost something valuable. Companies

    today have tens of thousands in some cases millions-- of customers.

    we do not know who they are. We cannot recognize them and talk to

    them as the old corner grocers did. Loyalty has disappeared.

    Customers are loyal until tomorrows newspaper, when they see a

    coupon for something at another store and whoosh, they are gone.

    what is true of grocery stores is also true of department stores, drug

    stores, hardware stores, office supply stores, banks, movie theatres

    virtually every sales organization today.

    What has begun to change this picture has been the advent of

    computers. In the years, computers have become so sophisticated and

    powerful, and their prices have become so inexpensive, that it is

    possible to keep in a computer today the kind of information that the

    old corner grocer kept in his head, and to use that information to

    recognize and do favors for our customers. by setting up a customer

    database, and using it to start a dialog with their customers, some

    companies have been able to reestablish contact with their customers

    designed to build loyalty, referrals and repeat sales. Retention building

    is possible.


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    There is one key principle at work here, however. database

    marketing only works to build retention if the customer benefits from

    the retention strategies. It works if the customer says to herself, "Im

    glad that Im on that database, because" The company running the

    database has to complete the sentence by designing and running

    programs that capture the loyalty of their customers. if the customer

    does not see some value to herself in the database activities, she will

    chuck out your newsletters unread. She will ignore your


    She will leave your gold cards in her top bureau drawer. for the

    database program to be successful, the marketer must design the

    program from the customers point of view. if you can come up with a

    strategy that makes customers happy, then they will reward you with

    something that you want, but which costs them next to nothing:

    loyalty. What are these strategies?

    Membership cards and membership programs Welcome and thank you communications

    Satisfaction surveys, followed up by phone calls and letters

    Beefed up customer service, empowered to solve problems

    Enhanced technical support with follow up satisfaction calls

    Frequent buyer programs which permit customers to build up equity

    Event driven communications that are meaningful to the customers


    Databases that keep track of customers purchases, preferences,

    complements and complaints, which are used to carry out loyalty

    building services and dialogs.


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    Integrated marketing programs where the advertising, direct

    communications, customer service, database marketing and sales

    programs are all orchestrated together and designed to build loyalty.

    Segmentation of the customer base by lifetime value groups, and

    different marketing programs designed for each segment. Article by:

    Arthur Middleton Hughes

    Methodology of literature review.

    Methodology of literature review encompasses different facets of

    information sources concerning customer retention. It started withsearch in the Management Magazines, Text Books, and lots of other

    Marketing Text and Journals.

    Information on customer retention strategies were mostly

    available on the web sites, lots of articles and presentation on the web

    sites were analyzed and used in the research for better understanding

    of the topic. (A list of website has been provided in the Annexure)

    Conclusions from literature review.

    After an extensive literature review, the study has revealed the

    following conclusions:

    Everyone wants to retain their existing customers; it is five times

    more profitable to spend the marketing dollars to retain the

    customers than to use the dollars to beat the bushes for new



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    SAS' churn management solution. It is software tools that

    allow the user to shift through enormous quantities of data that

    the business generates to find hidden trends and patterns that

    will help in customer retention.

    The online application enables a company to build a 360-degree

    view of its customers, and create customer specific strategies for

    greater loyalty.

    The SAS data mining techniques predict a customer's likelihood

    of cancellation or switchover by scoring them on a scale of 0 to


    It is necessary to proactively strategize and service customers so

    as to retain the high value ones.


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    Bharati Tele-Ventures Ltd. (BTVL)

    The premise of the telecommunications business is simple- there is no billing, no

    revenue and hence, no profit, with the usual threat of survival. In the highly competitive

    and growing Indian market, Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited Group Company is the leading

    wireless access, data solutions, and long distance services provider. it has well

    understood that the only way it can sustain and grow is by being price competitive, with

    services that meet customer expectations for quality and continuous availability.

    Bharti Tele-Ventures Ltd (BVTL) was incorporated on July 7, 1995 as a public

    limited company. BTVL is a leading private sector provider of telecommunications

    services. By the end of April 2004, it had an aggregate of 7.6 million customers, out of

    which over 7 million were mobile customers. Among the 23 circles in India, the company

    offers mobile services in sixteen, it also provides fixed line services in 5 circles.

    The company complements its mobile and fixed-line services with national and

    international long distance service. it has a submarine cable landing station at Chennai,

    which connects the submarine cables between Chennai and Singapore. By leveraging its

    nation-wide fibre optic backbone, last mile connectivity in fixed line and mobile circles,

    VSATs, ISP and international bandwidth access through the gateways and landing

    stations, the company provides reliable end to end data and enterprise services including

    VSAT and internet services to the corporate customers.


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    Business is conducted through its subsidiaries. the company holds 99.7% in

    Bharti Cellular Limited mobile circles except the circles of Punjab, AP, Karnataka, where

    it holds 100%.

    It even holds 100% in Bharti Infotel Limited which operates in fixed line, long

    distance and group data services. Finally, Bharti Aquanet Ltd. holds 51% and also owns

    landing station in Chennai. base. this has made Bharti the largest GSM mobile service

    provider in the country

    Fixed-Line: Bharti was the first private sector operator to provide fixed-line services in

    India. Currently they provide fixed-line services in the circles of Madhya Pradesh,

    Chattisgarh, Haryana, Delhi, Karnataka, and TamilNadu. the circles have high

    telecommunications revenue potential especially for carrying data traffic.

    Long-distance, group data and enterprise services: Long distance and enterprise

    services gets enormous support from the submarine cable landing station at Chennai. this

    also facilitates the company to offer best value to the customers. the company matches

    the mobile and fixed-line services with national and international long distance services

    and provides these services across India.

    Mobile footprint

    The company believes that the demand for mobile services in India will continue

    to grow rapidly as a result of the following factors:

    Lower tariffs and handset prices over time.

    Constant growth in the category of Pre-paid customers


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    Continued development of Indias economy leading to greater economic growth.

    Greater variety and usage of value added services.

    Strategies of the Company

    Capture maximum telecommunications revenue potential with minimum

    geographical coverage.

    Position itself to tap Data transmission opportunities and offer advanced mobile

    Data services.

    Focus on satisfying and retaining customers by ensuring high level of customer


    Leverage strengths of its strategic and financial partners

    Emphasizes on Human Resource Development to achieve operation efficiencies.

    Focus on Telecommunication to enable the company to better anticipate industry

    trends and capitalize on new telecommunications related business opportunities.

    Human Resources


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    It has been ranked as the 14th best employer amongst the top 25 companies in

    India. It is also the only company whose HR Department has received a special award for

    aligning People Systems to business need.

    Their strong beliefs that people are the key differentiators and make the biggest

    difference for a successful business has encouraged and made them to create an

    organization powered by unique structure, systems and leadership style.

    The company nurtures an environment where people are respected and their

    uniqueness is valued. This has resulted in a vibrant, productive, people oriented and

    progressive workplace.

    Their business and people philosophy is guided with a framework of strong values

    and has resulted in differentiating them as an employer of choice in todays market place.

    Formal job description documents are issued to all the employees clearly

    mentioning key results area. They believe that an individual can be effective only when

    he/she knows what is expected of him/her.

    This has helped the company in setting goals, communicating to each of the

    employees about the expectations from them and also in establishing role clarity.

    Key Strengths

    Bharti Tele-Ventures have created strong brand name recognition and a reputation

    for offering high quality services to its customers. Not only does it have a quality

    management team with a vision and proven execution skills, it also has strong

    relationships with international strategic and financial investors. Some of them are:

    Sins Tel, Warburg Pincus, International Finance Corporation, Asian Infrastructure

    Fund Group and New York Life Insurance.

    Future Plans

    The company is considering the proposal of pumping in Rs.2,000 cr in

    the current fiscal, out of which around 65% of the investment is

    expected in the mobility business and the balance in fixed-line

    services. The company has also plans to list on the NASDAQ in 2005-5,


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    which is likely to be another trigger. In terms of top line revenue,

    mobile telephony services are expected to fetch about 60% and the

    rest is expected to come from fixed-line services. The company is also

    planning to acquire companies in East Asia, West Asia and Africa. It

    also intends to raise Rs.3, 000cr through a planned overseas listing.

    Following its recent acquisition of Hexacom in Rajasthan, the Bharti

    Group firm is considering the acquisition of one more company in the

    country by the end of this financial year.


    Airtel comes to us from Bharti Cellular Limited - a part of the

    biggest private integrated telecom conglomerate, Bharti Enterprises.

    Bharti provides a range of telecom services, which include Cellular,

    Basic, Internet and recently introduced National Long Distance. Bharti

    also manufactures and exports telephone terminals and cordless

    phones. Apart from being the largest manufacturer of telephone

    instruments in India, it is also the first company to export its products

    to the USA.

    Bharti Enterprises has been at the forefront of technology and

    has revolutionizedTelecommunications with its world class products and services.

    Established in 1976, Bharti has been a pioneering force in the telecom

    sector with many firsts and innovations to its credit. Bharti has many

    joint ventures with world leaders like Singtel (Singapore Telecom);


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    Warburg Pincus, USA; Telia, Sweden; Asian infrastructure find,

    Mauritius; International Finance Corporation, USA and New York Life

    International, USA.

    Bharti is the leading cellular service provider, with a footprint in 15

    states covering all four metros and more than 7 million satisfied


    Airtel's the leading mobile service provider is now present across 135

    towns in Karnataka and is available over 58 showrooms and 13000

    outlets .To help serve the customer better Airtel Karnataka has three

    offices, one each in Bangalore (Bangalore Zone), Hubli (North

    Karnataka) & Mangalore (South Karnataka).


    T o make mobile communications a way of life and be the customers'

    first choice.


    To meet the mobile communication needs of customers through:

    Error- free service delivery


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    Innovative products and services

    Cost efficiency

    Unified Messaging Solutions



    Generate and implement entrepreneurial and innovative ideas, which

    will continuously create new growth engines.

    Customer First

    Committed to delivering service beyond the expectations of the

    customer. The quality of customer responsiveness clearly differentiates

    us from others.

    Performance Culture

    Benchmark the processes and performance against world-class

    standards. Distinguishing between performers and non-performers andby valuing achievement at the individual as well as the team level. A

    culture of inclusiveness where feedback, learning and ideas are

    actively encouraged, sought and acted upon.

    Valuing Partnership

    Committed to building exemplary relationship with the partners,

    which stand on the principles of mutual trust and mutual growth.

    Valuing People


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    Nurture an environment where people are respected and their

    uniqueness is valued. Belief that people are the key differentiators.

    Responsible Corporate Citizenship

    Committed to making a positive and proactive contribution to the

    community. as a responsible corporate citizen the company will

    contribute to and abide by environmental and legal norms.

    Ethical Practices

    Uphold the highest ethical standards in all internal and external

    relationship. The company will not allow misuse or misrepresentation

    of any kind.


    Consecutively for four years 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000, AirTel has

    been voted as the Best Cellular Service in the country and won the

    coveted Techies award.

    The Asia Pacific Award for the Most Innovative HR practices-2000

    The Golden Peacock National Training Award for excellence in

    Training practices-2000

    The Golden Peacock National Quality Award-2001

    Airtel & Visual Identity


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    For a brand to be successful, it must build enduring relationships

    with its different audiences. Integral to this relationship is the visual

    image of the brand the consumer carries in his/her mind. The Airtel

    brand image is created through the consistent application of a

    carefully developed visual identity, which helps Airtel distinguish itself

    in a cluttered market. Airtel's visual identity helps create instant brand

    recall and strengthens the relationships that its audiences have with it.

    The Airtel visual identity has different elements that work

    together to create a strong and consistent identity for the brand. The

    most important of these are:

    The Airtel Logo


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    The Airtel logo is a strong, contemporary and confident symbol

    for a brand that is always ahead of the rest. It is a specially drawn

    wood mark.

    The Airtel Image style

    It incorporates two solid, red rectangular forms whose counter form

    creates an open doorway.

    The Airtel Typographical style

    The title case lettering with its capital 'A' was deliberately chosen

    to reinforce the brand's leadership position. The red dot on the

    letterform 'I' cues Airtel's focus on innovation. The words 'Express

    Yourself' are wreintt in Humanist 777 BTtypeface, very much part of

    the brand identity.

    The Airtel Color Palette

    The lettering is grey so that the pure black of Airtel is visually


    Airtel Advertising

    The relationship between advertising and visual identity is a

    complex one and must be understood clearly. Campaigns are born in

    response to market trends, to competitor activity, to new product

    launches. Unlike visual identity, advertising must be constantly

    reinvented to engage target audiences and garner mind share. yet,

    applications in this area entail large budgets and are surely the most


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    visible of all brand identity channels. they present extremely powerful

    opportunities to reinforce Airtels visual identity and therefore can be

    equally dangerous if they misuse or dilute it. remember that the way

    an ad looks does not constitute Airtels visual identity.

    The brand's visual identity is made up of the logo, the

    typographical style, the color palette and the image style.


    Airtel Prepaid

    Airtel Prepaid, the Ready Cellular Card from Airtel comes from

    Bharti Enterprises, India's leading integrated telecom service provider.

    Going mobile with Airtel Prepaid is a new way of life.

    With a host of great features, also simple to use, Airtel Prepaid

    makes everything that are dreamt and believed, possible

    Aisi azadi aur kahaan?

    Airtel Prepaid, the Ready Cellular Card from Airtel comes to you

    from Bharti Enterprises, India's leading integrated telecom service



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    Freedom Of Speech Redefined.

    Going mobile with Airtel Prepaid is a new way of life. Some of the

    many advantages that a customer will enjoy with Airtel Pre-paid.

    Total Cost Control

    Enjoy the liberty of total cost control with Airtel Pre-paid! Re-

    charge as much as the customer feels the need to! This is called a

    complete freedom!

    No Rentals

    Buy an Airtel prepaid card without having to pay any rentals!

    No deposits

    The Airtel prepaid card comes without having to pay heafty


    STD/ISDfacility till the last rupee

    Now experience complete freedom like never before with Airtel!

    The STD/ISD facility allows the customer to make long distance calls in

    India and Overseas from the cellular phone!

    Instant Balance Inquiry


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    Check the talk-time instantly by calling the toll-free number!

    60-second pulse

    Airtel provides the customer with a 60-second pulse rate!

    Freedom for the customer to experience like never before!

    Instant Recharge

    The customer can avail themselves of instant recharge on the

    pre-paid card with just a few simple steps!

    24-hour recharge facility

    With the round-the-clock recharge facility, the customer

    recharges Airtel prepaid card anytime, anywhere!

    Caller Line Identification

    Call Line Identification gives the customer the power to know thephone number of the calling party even before they answer the call,

    thus giving them the choice to either reject or take the call. It provides

    the added advantage of saving the incoming number directly in the

    Handset Phone Book, so that the next time the customer want to call

    the same person, they do not need to retype his/her number, simply

    they can use the phone book.

    Call Divert, Call Hold and Call Wait

    The customer can avail themselves of special services like call

    waiting, call hold and call divert all with their Airtel prepaid card!

    Short Messaging Service (SMS)


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    With Airtels Short Messaging Service (SMS), the customer can

    send messages and jokes to their friends and colleagues, anytime


    SMS based Information Services

    With Airtel's SMS based information services, the customer can

    get upto-the-minute cricket scores, order flowers as well as send

    couriers or check their daily horoscope!

    Voice Mail service

    Voice Mail lets the customer receive messages even when their

    handset is switched off or when they are outside the coverage area.

    They can listen to their messages whenever they feel like, from

    anywhere in the world. Voice Mail can store up to 75 messages, with

    each message of two-minute duration.

    Airtel Postpaid

    Airtel welcomes the customers to a vibrant world of unlimited

    opportunities. More exciting, innovative yet simple new ways to

    communicate, just when they want to, not just through words but

    ideas, emotions and feelings; to give them the unlimited freedom to

    reach out their special people in your special way.

    Experience complete freedom

    The Airtel Post-paid customer can enjoy the following facilities -

    Easy Billing

    The luxury of viewing details of their last 3 billing cycles and the

    convenience of paying their Airtel bill online!


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    Call Divert, Call Hold and Call Wait

    Special services like call waiting, call hold and call divert all

    with the Airtel

    Postpaid connection!

    Short Messaging Service (SMS)

    With Airtel's Short Messaging Service (SMS), the customer sends

    unlimited messages and jokes to their friends and colleagues, anytime


    Caller Identification

    Call Identification gives the customer the power to know the

    phone number of the calling party even before they answer the call,

    thus giving them the choice to either reject or take the call. it provides

    the added advantage of saving the incoming number directly in theHandset Phone Book.

    Voice Mail

    Voice Mail lets the customer receive messages even when their

    handset is switched off or when they are outside the coverage area.

    They can listen to their messages whenever they feel like, from

    anywhere in the world. Voice Mail can store up to 75 messages, with

    each message of two-minute duration.

    STD/ISD Facility

    The STD/ISD facility allows the customer to make long distance

    calls in India and Overseas from their cellular phone!


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    Roaming (National and International)

    Airtel's Roaming service allows you to use your mobile phone to

    make or receive calls from almost anywhere in India and abroad! Enjoyroaming within the country as well as across international destinations!

    Airtel MTV Card

    The best offers and the coolest of bargains on the hippest stuff

    on the market, download the hippest tunes from the hottest new tracks

    and dress up your phone with the latest wallpapers, ring tones, picture

    messages, screensavers and backgrounds! All this and loads more!

    Only with the MTV Airtel SIM!

    Airtel Roaming gives the customer two great options:


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    Airtel National

    The customers can enjoy roaming in India across 42 partners networks and over

    750 cities.

    Airtel International

    The customer can roam across international destinations, in nearly 119 countries

    including USA, Canada, and UK etc. with 284 partner networks.

    Long Distance

    The National Long-Distance facility allows the customers to make long distance

    calls in India and Overseas from their cellular phone. This service is applicable to both

    Postpaid and Prepaid customers


    E a s y C h a r g e

    Recharge as and when customers like! New Airtel Prepaid brings to the nation a

    never before 'Azadi'. Giving every Indian the right to be unconditionally, completely

    free! Free to never run out of words, explore every opportunity, reach out to anyone,

    anywhere and express themselves. the customers can discover the world of New Airtel

    Prepaid; discover freedom like never before!

    Other Value added services with Airtel

    To subscribe for this service the customers can simply fill in the online AirTel

    form. Once the form has been processed they will be contacted at the earliest to complete

    the remaining formalities. if the customer wish they could walk up to any of the AirTel

    showrooms across their city to apply for a connection and get activated instantly by


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    paying in cash/ credit card.

    Airtel Positioning-Repositioning

    From _Touch Tomorrow_ top _ Live Every Moment_

    In late 2002, Bharti Cellular Ltd. (Bharti), Indias largest cellular telephone

    company released a television Commercial (TVC), which despite using the oft-repeated

    celebrity endorsement route

    was unusual in terms of its

    celebrity selection. Instead of

    using the usual movie

    stars/sports celebrities, it

    chose one of the countrys

    most successful musiccomposers, AR Rahman to

    promote its brand.

    The campaign

    attracted considerable media attention because this was the first time Rahman had agreed


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    to do a television commercial and also because, Rahman had been paid Rs.10 mn for the

    campaign, a sum usually unheard of, for celebrity endorsers in India. The campaign

    received brickbats as well as bouquets in the media, both for the selection of Rahman and

    the TVCs execution. However, Bharti claimed to have scored an ace in terms of getting

    Rahman to compose five exclusive Symphonies downloadable as rind tones for Airtel


    The TVC was a part of the brand repositioning and restructuring efforts for Airtel,

    as part of which, Bharti changed the brands tagline in early-2002 from touch tomorrow to

    live every moment. thee company also decided to undertake a compressive brand-

    building program and choose the slogan unlimited Freedom for the same. commenting on

    these changes, company source said, Airtels brand identity and campaign will now have a

    new younger and international look and feel that builds on the earlier positioning.

    Bhartis massive media expenditure plans were no surprise, considering the fact

    that it was the largest cellular telecom company in the country reaching over 600million

    people in 16(out of 29) states in India. the company posted revenue of Rs.8.48 billion and

    a net loss of Rs.1 billion in the financial year 2000-01. the Airtel brand (and the prepaid

    card services brand, Magic) and top-of the mind recall amongst cellular phone users and

    enjoyed a leadership position in most markets. Industry observers attributed it to Bhartis

    strong brand and positioning strategies.


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    Repositioning Airtel _ Once again!

    Owing to consistent marketing efforts, the Airtel and Touch Tomorrow Campaign

    became very popular. therefore Bhartis decision to withdraw this campaign (Touch

    Tomorrow) in 2002 came as a surprise to many. the new campaign was accompanied by a

    change in the logo as well.

    The data behind the new logo was to give Airtel a younger look. the logo

    symbolizes innovation, energy and friendliness.

    As a part of its restructuring and repositioning exercise, Bharti unveiled new

    brand Architecture. the proposed two-tiered architecture has categories under two head

    wired and wireless. all the wireless products were placed under the Airtel brand, which

    also included tango, free net and magic. according to company sources, the objective of

    this new architecture was to establish Bharti as a global telecom company.

    The company reportedly allocated Rs.1 for media coverage and other brand

    building activities. Commenting on the new brand identity of Airtel, a Bharti

    spokesperson said, Airtels brand identity and campaign will now have a new younger and

    international look and feel that builds on the earlier position of _Touch Tomorrow_

    injected with renewed energy and heightened optimism.


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    Quantative Data With Inferences And Observations

    The quantitative data have been reinforced with our observations through personal

    enquiry notes and inferences have been derived accordingly.


    Showing prepaid and postpaid customers based on age:

    Source: primary data

    Interpretation: more no. of users is in prepaid between the age group of 22-27 the

    average the total percentage of both prepaid and postpaid is 50%.


    Prepaid and postpaid customers based on age











    prepaid postpaid total percentage




    Source: Table no. 1

    Inference: Maximum no. ofAIRTEL service user are in the age group of 22-27 and


    Age Prepaid Postpaid Total Percentage

    18-22 24 15 39 39%

    22-27 26 24 50 50%28-35 5 6 11 11%

    TOTAL 55 45 100 100%

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    majority of them uses prepaid services. Also retention rare is high in this age group.


    Showing prepaid and postpaid customers based on rating of the call quality:

    Category Prepaid Postpaid Total Percentage

    Excellent 18 15 33 33%Very good 11 13 24 24%Good 20 14 34 34%Average 5 2 7 7%Poor 1 1 2 2%Total 55 45 100 100%

    Source: primary data

    Interpretation: 34% of both prepaid and postpaid customers rate the call quality as good