1ª série EM - Questões para a RECUPERAÇÃO FINAL RF 2017...


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1ª série EM - Questões para a RECUPERAÇÃO FINAL – RF 2017 – INGLÊS The Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda Triangle is an area in the Atlantic Ocean bounded roughly at its points by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. Legend has it that many ships and planes have mysteriously vanished in this area. But there are some skeptics who argue that the facts do not support the legend. The number of wrecks in this area is not extraordinary, given its size, location and the amount of traffic it receives. Many of the ships and planes that have been identified as having disappeared mysteriously in the Bermuda Triangle were not even in that area. The real mystery, they argue, is how the Bermuda Triangle became a mystery at all. Adaptado de www.skeptic.com/bermuda.html

a) Indique um dos fatos invocados por alguns céticos para negar que haja algo de misterioso nos acontecimentos associados ao Triângulo das Bermudas. b) Segundo esses céticos, qual é o verdadeiro enigma envolvendo o Triângulo das Bermudas? 02. O que a mulher no cartaz acima não consegue entender?

03. O texto da imagem acima faz referência a uma tarefa doméstica, que tarefa é essa e o que possibilita que ela seja ligada ao estresse?


We're losing the war against obesity in the US. It's sad, but true. Our kids are growing up overweight and malnourished from a diet of processed foods, and today's children will be the first generation ever to live shorter lives than their parents. It's time for change. It’s time we switch to fresh food and home cooking. It's time for a Food Revolution. a) Quais são, segundo o texto, as consequências da atual dieta das crianças norte-americanas? b) No que consiste a revolução alimentar proposta por James Oliver? 05. Crystal Ball Come see your life in my crystal glass – - Twenty-five cents is all you pay Let me look into your past – Here’s what you had for lunch today: Tuna salad and mashed potatoes, Collard greens pea soup and apple juice, Chocolate milk and lemon mousse. You admit I’ve got told it all? Well, I know it, I confess, Not by looking, in my ball, But just by looking at your dress.

A curiosidade a respeito do futuro pode exercer um fascínio peculiar sobre algumas pessoas, a ponto de colocá-las em situações inusitadas. Na letra da música Crystal Ball, essa situação fica evidente quando é revelado à pessoa que ela: a) recebeu uma boa notícia. b) ganhou um colar de pedras. c) se sujou durante o almoço. d) comprou vestidos novos. e) encontrou uma moeda. 06. Going to university seems to reduce the risk of dying from coronary heart disease. An American study that involved 10 000 patients from around the world has found that people who leave school before the age of 16 are five times more likely to suffer a heart attack and die than university graduates.

Em relação às pesquisas, a utilização da expressão university graduates evidencia a intenção de informar que: a) as doenças do coração atacam dez mil pacientes. b) as doenças do coração ocorrem na faixa dos dezesseis anos. c) as pesquisas sobre doenças são divulgadas no meio acadêmico. d) jovens americanos são alertados dos riscos de doenças do coração. e) maior nível de estudo reduz riscos de ataques do coração. Christmas Christmas which is celebrated on December 25th is an important Christian holiday. The origin of the word "Christmas" comes from "Christ" and the "Holy.Mass" . It is believed that the day commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ although a lot of people doubt that the Day corresponds to the actual date of his birth. In spite of its Christian origin, Christmas is also celebrated by a lot of non Christian countries and the celebration includes a lot of non religious customs. People exchange gifts and greeting cards. Homes are decorated with Christmas trees, light and garlands. Dinners are planned with special food and all the families gather to have a lot of fun. A central imaginary figure in Christmas is Father Christmas, also called Santa Claus. He is believed to fly on his sleigh bringing gifts for children. Christmas is also an opportunity for economic growth. It has become an important period for business activity. Shops make a lot of profit and a lot of countries realized this economic impact. Source: Wikipedia

Answer the following questions in ENGLISH 07. What is the origin of the word “Christmas”? 08. In what kind of countries is “Christmas” celebrated? 09. Why “Cristmas” is also considered an opportunity for economic grwth? Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is celebrated in the USA and Canada. In The USA, it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November every year. The Canadians celebrate it on the second Monday in October. It is associated with giving thanks to God. In the beginning people expressed gratitude for the harvest they reaped. It used to be a religious holiday but now it has become a secular celebration. The most important part of the celebration is the dinner which includes the customary turkey served with cranberry sauce, and pumpkin. A lot of business goes on during this holiday. For example, restaurants take advantage of the holiday to sell turkey dinners Families and friends usually get together for a large meal or dinner during Thanksgiving and have a lot of fun. That's why, the Thanksgiving holiday

weekend is considered one of the busiest travel periods of the year. Students are given a four-day or five-day weekend vacation. Thanksgiving is also a paid holiday for most workers. Answer the following questions in ENGLISH: 10. What is Thanksgiving associated? 11. Is Thanksgiving considered a religious holiday nowadays?

12. Why Thanksgiving holyday considered one of the busiest travel period of the year?

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve, also called Old Year's Night, is celebrated on December 31st, the final day of the year. It is celebrated all over the world with parties and social gathering with usually a lot of fireworks and noise. In the United States of America, New York is the place where this celebration is associated with. People gather in the Times Square just before midnight in the last minute of the countdown to see the "ball dropping". The celebration is also associated with parties in other parts of the world. In France, for instance, the celebration is called le Réveillon. Special food is prepared accompanied with champagne. People also go to the Eiffel Tower in Paris to see fireworks display. In Japan, people traditionally clean their home. Buddhist temple bells are rung 108 times at midnight. In Brazil, the beach of Copacabana is considered by many to be the place of the most beautiful fireworks show in the world. On New Year's Eve, people commit themselves with resolutions. These are made to reform a habit and should go into effect and remain until fulfillment. Source: Wikipedia Answer the following questions in ENGLISH: 13. How New Year’s Eve is celebrated all over the world? 14. How New Year’s Eve is celebrated in other parts of the world except New York? 15. What generally people do on New Year’s Eve? 16. Os personagens do cartoon ao lado parecem felizes ou tristes? Justifique sua resposta. Responda à questão em PORTUGUÊS.

17. A mulher que aparece no quadrinho ao lado comete um erro gramatical ao se expressar. Qual foi o erro e qual seria a forma correta? Responda em PORTUGUÊS. 18.

AUTOMOBILES The world has changed a lot since the last decades of the 19th century: with the invention of the automobile, places have become closer and man has traveled farther. In the 20th century, automobiles brought deep changes in the cities. Cars crowded the streets and took the place of the old carriages. The 50’s and the 60’s represented the greatest days of the automobile. But an oil crisis occurred during the 70’s. Gasoline became more expensive. Large automobile companies worried about it and began to work on the “car of the future”.

Cars in the future will be more economical, lighter, and smaller than they are today. They will use different forms of energy: electric, solar, and many others. These new forms of energy will cause less pollution than gasoline and will be cheaper. Answer the following questions in ENGLISH: a) When was the automobile invented? b) What do the automobile companies do after the oil crisis? c) What kind of energy are cars going to use in the future? 19. GARBAGE PICKER Normally I keep my retainer in during lunch, but one day I removed it – and accidentally threw it in the trash. I had to dig through two giant garbage cans while my classmates watched, and the cafeteria monitor berated me for being so irresponsible. It was embarrassing, and I smelled like stale food all day. Answer the following questions in ENGLISH: a) What did she have to do to get back her retainer? b) Did anyone see what happened to her? Why? c) How was she during the Day? 20. UPDATE – ASPIRIN DESTROYS CANCER CELLS. Aspirin has a growing reputation as a miracle drug. Half a tablet a day is known to prevent a heart attack. A new study has amazed doctors by showing that it can actually slow the growth of bowel cancer cells – and even destroy them. The Cancer Research Campaign is so impressed, it is developing aspirin or an aspirin-like compound as an eventual cure for bowel cancer.

Responda a questão em PORTUGUÊS. O que se sabe sobre o fato de tomar meia aspirina por dia? 21. CASH FLOW PROBLEM “ Honey, you have to tell me how we are spending our Money,” said the wife to her husband. “ I should know about these things.” “ Fine,” said the husband. “We´re spending 25 percent on rent, 20 percent on the kids, 30 percent on food, 15 percent on clothes, and 40 percent on the cars.” “ But, honey, that´s 130 percent.” “ I know. That´s the problem.”

Responda a questão em PORTUGUÊS. Segundo o texto qual o problema do casal?

22. Cartoons favorecem o aprendizado da Língua Inglesa de uma

maneira prática e divertida. No cartoon ao lado qual a justificativa que a garota dá ao pai para entregar o cartão de dia dos pais a mãe? TAN TATTOOS Forget about the pain of a real tattoo, says Noboyuki Shimooka of Osaka in Japan. Why not let the sun do the job instead? Anyone who fancies a tattoo that will soon fade dons a special swimsuit which has a small patterned windows cut out of the fabric. The sun shines through, leaving a pattern on the skin. To prevent sunburn, the window areas can be blocked off with fabric that could be secured using a fastening material such as Velcro. Alternatively, the inventor suggests that sunbathers could place intricately designed stickers on their bodies. Peeling them off would reveal an untanned pattern. ( New Scientist ) 23. Qual a novidade anunciada no artigo acima?

24. Quais são as duas formas sugeridas para se obter a novidade em questão? SOLAR PLANE FLIES FOR SEVEN DAYS A UK unmanned solar-powered plane called Zephyr has flown continuously for seven days, and is still in the air. (Adapted from BBC NEWS) Answer the question in ENGLISH: 25.Who was in the plane? A imagem a seguir é uma paródia de textos publicitários. Nela, faz-se, de forma irônica críticas a aspectos da vida moderna enquanto se anuncia um produto. Leia e responda as questões que se seguem em PORTUGUÊS: 26. Em que tipo de embalagem o “produto anunciado” é oferecido? 27. Explicite duas das críticas feitas pela paródia. ECONOMICS AND SOFTWARE PIRACY If software were less expensive, would people pirate less? Research conducted to answer this question suggests that many people pirate programs regardless of their price tag. The economic factor provides the pirate with a means to justify his or her actions, but it isn´t a real motivator. A common justification for this kind of behavior is that software companies are enormous and make billions of dollars; making one single unauthorized copy of the software wouldn´t hurt them. Baseando-se no texto, de respostas em PORTUGUÊS: 28. Segundo o texto, o que o resultado da pesquisa relacionada à pirataria de software sugere? 29. Por que, de acordo com o texto, as pessoas acham que é moralmente justificável piratear programas de computadores produzidos por grandes empresas? 30. Copy the sentence that shows that Valentine´s Day is not the same around the world. Superstitions: Friday 13th - unlucky for you? Are you superstitious? Do you believe in good luck and bad luck? And, if so, how do you go about avoiding bad and promoting good luck? One person in four in Britain is, apparently, superstitious, and they'll do everything from hanging horseshoes over their fireplace to crossing their fingers, touching wood and absolutely never walking under a ladder. And they're careful about cats. Black cats are supposed to be the familiars of witches or warlocks, so if one is following you it's definitely bad luck - a witch is after you!. On the other hand, if one crosses your path and continues then it's good luck because it hasn't noticed you. However, in some places the beliefs are different - so it pays to know where your black cat comes from! ANSWER IN PORTUGUESE: 31. Qual a porcentagem de Britânicos supersticiosos? 32. Cite ao menos três superstições mencionadas no texto. The Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda Triangle is an area in the Atlantic Ocean bounded roughly at its points by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. Legend has it that many ships and planes have mysteriously vanished in this area. But there are some skeptics who argue that the facts do not support the legend. The number of wrecks in this area is not extraordinary, given its

size, location and the amount of traffic it receives. Many of the ships and planes that have been identified as having disappeared mysteriously in the Bermuda Triangle were not even in that area. The real mystery, they argue, is how the Bermuda Triangle became a mystery at all. Adaptado de www.skeptic.com/bermuda.html a) Indique um dos fatos invocados por alguns céticos para negar que haja algo de misterioso nos acontecimentos associados ao Triângulo das Bermudas. b) Segundo esses céticos, qual é o verdadeiro enigma envolvendo o Triângulo das Bermudas? 33. O que a mulher no cartaz abaixo não consegue entender?

34. O texto da imagem acima faz referência a uma tarefa doméstica, que tarefa é essa e o que possibilita que ela seja ligada ao estresse?

35. WHY WE NEED A FOOD REVOLUTION By James Oliver We're losing the war against obesity in the US. It's sad, but true. Our kids are growing up overweight and malnourished from a diet of processed foods, and today's children will be the first generation ever to live shorter lives than their parents. It's time for change. It’s time we switch to fresh food and home cooking. It's time for a Food Revolution. a) Quais são, segundo o texto, as consequências da atual dieta das crianças norte-americanas? b) No que consiste a revolução alimentar proposta por James Oliver? 36. O pai faz uma pergunta ao aluno. Qual a pergunta e qual a resposta obtida? Responda em PORTUGUÊS.

37. Indianapolis chosen as guinea pig to test new cigarette

A leading tobacco company claims to have developed a new cigarette with less toxins, and it is testing on the people of greater Indianapolis. But we all know toxins are poisons. POISONS. And a little poison won’t leave you any less dead.

O texto faz, ao mesmo tempo, uma denúncia e um alerta. Responda em PORTUGUÊS. a) Qual é o alerta? b) Qual é a denúncia? 38.

a) Cite os conselhos irônicos que o primeiro pôster dá aos adolescentes que se sentem incomodados pelos pais. b) Explique as duas leituras possíveis do segundo pôster. 39. Home is where the heart is

The heart of psychosocial care is to be found in the home and it is here that the main trust of external efforts to improve the wellbeing of vulnerable children must be directed. The best way to support the wellbeing of young children affected by HIV/AIDS is to strengthen and reinforce the circles of care that surround children. Some children — especially those living outside families, on the streets or institutions, with chronically ill caregivers, and orphans — are more vulnerable and especially require psychosocial care and support. However, this social support needs to be provided in family settings, with the same characteristics of commitment, stability, and individualized affectionate care.

The primary aim of all psychosocial support programmes should be an encouraging and enabling family support, including foster care, and placing and maintaining young children in stable and affectionate family environments. Only secondarily should direct services be provided to affected children.

RICHTER, L.; FOSTER, G.; SHERR, L. Where the heart is: meeting the psychosocial needs of Young children in the context of HIV/AIDS.

Ao tratar dos problemas psicossociais dos portadores do vírus HIV/AIDS, o texto argumenta que : a) as crianças em ambiente familiar enfrentam melhor a doença. b) o suporte das instituições traz mais benefícios que o familiar. c) as famílias dos portadores do HIV aprendem umas com as outras. d) a recuperação dos portadores do vírus HIV exige internamento. e) o tratamento dos pacientes depende de financiamento externo. 40. Scared fit

My body was telling me things I did not want to hear. In February 2010, my doctor confirmed what my body was telling me. My not feeling well was a result of years of neglecting my body and diet. At 62, I had developed high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and my cholesterol was going through the roof. At 4’ 10” and weighing 227 pounds, the problem was in the mirror looking back at me. My doctor said, “lose weight, start eating healthy, and start exercising if you want to live to a ripe old age”. Needless to say, I was scared I wouldn’t see my grandkids and great-grandkids grow up.

PAZ, A. Disponível em: www.healthandfitnessmag.com. Acesso em: 28 fev. 2012.

No texto Scared fit, que relata a experiência de Amanda de la Paz relacionada aos cuidados com a saúde, a palavra scared faz referência ao seu medo de a) emagrecer mais que o necessário. b) encarar exercícios físicos pesados. c) enfrentar sua aparência no espelho. d) sofrer as consequências de seu descuido. e) enfrentar uma dieta com restrição de doces.

Orientações: 1. A avaliação de RECUPERAÇÃO FINAL será composta por 10 questões, retiradas desta lista de 40 questões. Não haverá necessidade de realização de trabalho complementar. 2. A média necessária para aprovação nas Avaliações de RECUPERAÇÃO FINAL será 5,0 (cinco) pontos. 3. O aluno que NÃO atingir a média necessária nas Avaliações de RECUPERAÇÃO FINAL será encaminhado para a realização das Avaliações de EXAME FINAL. 4. Os resultados da RECUPERAÇÃO FINAL serão divulgados no dia 22 de dezembro, a partir das 15h; assim como, os dias e horários das avaliações de EXAME FINAL. 5. O calendário abaixo poderá sofrer alterações por razões técnicas ou pedagógicas.

Calendário RECUPERAÇÃO FINAL 1ªs e 2ªs séries - EM - 2017

18/dez 2ª feira

19/dez 3ª feira

20/dez 4ª feira

21/dez 5ª feira

22/dez 6ª feira

9h 9h 9h 9h 9h






