129344437 PMP Preguntas de Examen


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  • 8/12/2019 129344437 PMP Preguntas de Examen


    PMP preguntas de Exmen

    PMP simplemente se refiere a Project Management Professional. Una gran cantidad depreparacin se requiere para ocupar el puesto. Si usted est entre los candidatos quedeseen convertirse en un profesional de la Gestin de Proyectos, una serie de

    preguntas de la muestra se dispone de pocos en el sitio. Esto le ayudar a evaluar suspuntos fuertes en el campo en particular.

    as preguntas que figuran en la pgina son las preguntas lo mejor PMP muestra!

    1. Si un administrador de proyecto requiere una reunin con el equipo delproyecto para revisar los conocimientos adquiridos en proyectos anteriores, dequ" manera es el equipo involucrado#

    o $dentificacin de %lcanceo $dentificacin de &iesgoso Estado del proyecto reunin de equipoo 'm(ito de aplicacin de identificacin

    2. % trav"s de qu" canal, una perfecta comunicacin puede tener lugar entre elmiem(ro del equipo del proyecto y el director de proyecto#

    o Mediante comunicacin escrita y oralo % trav"s de informe so(re la situacin diariao % trav"s de la cadena de mando formalo Mediante la actuali)acin de los informes diarios de estado

    3. Si un ugares Gerente de Proyecto de una orden de compra de un equipo,*cul de los siguientes representa#

    o $nversinen capitalo +lujo de efectivo-acia fuerao ompromisoo Gastos

    4. *ules son los principales procesosimplicados en la gestin de la integracindel proyecto#

    o /esarrollode un plan de proyecto, de iniciar un proyecto, y el controldel cam(io glo(al

    o /esarrollo de un plan de proyecto, la ejecucin del plan del proyecto, yel control de cam(io de alcance

    o /esarrollo de un plan de proyecto, la ejecucin del plan del proyecto, yel control del cam(io glo(al

    o /esarrollo de un plan de proyecto, control de cam(io general, y elcontrol de cam(io de alcance

    5. *ul de los siguientes no es esencial en la creacin de una gestin efectiva delos interesados#

    o 0portuna informacin de estadoo /efinicin de requisitos claroso informe de costos frecuenteso 'm(ito de aplicacin de control de cam(ios

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    6. *ul de los siguientes es ms eficiente en el manejo de proyectos complejosque involucran esfuer)os transversales#

    o Un %dministrador tradicionalo Una organi)acin funcional ms efica)o Principales gestores de proyectos

    o Una organi)acin funcional fuerte7. Se1ale las -erramientas que se utili)an como medio efica) en la planificacinde adquisiciones#

    o %nlisis de -acer o comprar, la seleccin del tipo de contratoy sistema

    de ponderacino %nlisis de -acer o comprar, la opinin de e2pertos y la seleccin del

    tipo de contratoo seleccin del tipo de contrato, conferenciaspor los oferentes y la

    opinin de e2pertoso El juicio de e2pertos, las auditor3as y conferencias por los licitadores

    8. *En qu" fase concreta -acer los promotores del proyecto tienen la mayor

    influencia en la calidad, alcance, tiempo y costo del proyecto#o +ase de ejecucino +ase de desarrolloo erca fase descendenteo oncepto de fase

    9. *ul de las siguientes -erramientas de administracin del proyecto no puedeser utili)ado por una gestin profesional de proyectos en la comparacin dedatos de valor acumulado de rendimiento#

    o planes de mitigacin del riesgoo planes de mitigacin del riesgoo Previsin final y las estimaciones de los costos de programacino 4"cnico m"tricas de rendimiento

    10.El propsito del proceso de descomposicin es la construccin de!o El tra(ajo de estructura de descomposicino ritical Pat- /iagrama M"todoo Prioridad de la redo %nlisis de varian)a

    11.*ul de las siguientes afirmaciones no es verdad#o 5ormas y reglamentos son o(ligatorios.o /e acuerdo con la norma $S0, las normas no son o(ligatorias, pero son

    los reglamentos.o

    5ormas a menudo comien)an como pautas que no son mandatory.6it-posterior adopcingenerali)ada, que puede convertirse en normas defacto.

    o 5ormas y reglamentos son influencias socioeconmicas de un proyecto.

    &espuesta! Un

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    12.Qu tipo de liderazgo es el ms adecuado para optimizar elrendimiento del equipo en los proyectos?

    o lidera)go demcrata.o lidera)go participativo.o %utocratic leaders-iplidera)go autocrtico.

    o 7enevolente autoridad de lidera)go

    &espuesta! 7

    13.Dnde est el nodo de resultados(resultados que aparece en unt!pico diagrama de "s#i$a%a o espina de pescado?

    o omien)o de la pgina.o Parte inferior.o ado derec-o.o entro.


    14.&n equipo de gestin del proyecto #a su'contratado el tra'ao a unaempresa de ser)icios* El proceso de garantizar que el ser)icio de lacompa+!a cumple con los requisitos de rendimiento de este contratose

    llamao %dministracin de ontratos.o %dquisicin del Personal.o iquidacindel contrato.o 5egociacin del contrato

    &espuesta! Un

    15.Qu son las soluciones en gestin de proyectos?o Soluciones provisionales son esencialmente los mismos que retra(ajo.o Soluciones provisionales son estrategias alternativas.o Soluciones provisionales son respuestas imprevistas a los riesgos

    emergentes que fueron identificados previamente o aceptado.o Soluciones provisionales son actividades que se reali)an de acuerdo a

    los planes de contingencia aplica(les


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    16.,ules son los #ec#os consumados?o Una cena francesa despu"s de una reunin inicial.o prestaciones inalcan)a(les.o o(jetivos cumplida.o as decisiones tomadas anteriormente, que limitan las opciones para la

    toma de decisiones.

    &espuesta! d

    17.Durante la eecucin de un proyecto que se realiza para un cliente enun - . M (-iempo y Material 'ase de contratar un nue)o gerente de

    proyectos se #ace cargo de la tarea*

    8l descu(re que dos miem(ros asignados al proyecto -an denunciado el tiemposin reali)ar ninguna investigacin 9or:.Upon ms, se determina que estoocurri porque no -a(3a asignaciones de proyectos ms disponi(les para estos

    clientes personas.El no tiene conocimiento de estos -ec-os.

    *;u" de(e -acer el director del proyecto#

    o 4rate de encontrar un tra(ajo productivo para los miem(ros delpersonal en el proyecto y se dejan en el equipo.

    o o mejor es -acer clientes not-ing.4-e no se dar cuenta el pro(lemade todos modos.

    o 4rate de encontrar a una persona responsa(lede la so(reasignacinque se puede -acer responsa(le.

    o 4ome las dos personas fuera del equipo inmediatamente y solicite la

    devolucin del e2ceso de gastos para el cliente.

    &espuesta! d

    18.En las siguientes /ec#as de inicio de red lgica diagrama se de/inen dela ma+ana0 las /ec#as de /in son por la noc#e*

    Si las tareas estn programadas para comen)ar en la fec-a de comien)otemprano, lo que es verdad#

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    o %ctividad 7 tiene un free float de

  • 8/12/2019 129344437 PMP Preguntas de Examen


    21.&n gerente de proyecto realiza el anlisis del )alor acumulado y

    encuentra los siguientes )alores4

    E>! !

  • 8/12/2019 129344437 PMP Preguntas de Examen


    24.&n equipo de gestin del proyecto es e)aluar las causas que podr!ancontri'uir a un rendimiento satis/actorio y de calidad* ,ul de lassiguientes a/irmaciones no es )erdad?

    A. variacin normal proceso es atri(ui(le a causas aleatorias.B. ausas especiales son ms fciles de predecir y controlar que las causas

    aleatorias.C. causas especiales son eventos inusuales.D. Un proceso puede ser optimi)ado para limitar el anc-o de (anda de las

    variaciones de(idas a causas aleatorias.

    &espuesta! 7

    25.Est realizando una auditor!a de gestin de proyectos en su empresa yencontrar que la mayor!a de los planes del proyecto no son

    consistentes ni actualizada al d!a*

    *ul de las siguientes afirmaciones no es verdad#

    A. os proyectos no de(en ser ejecutados sin un plan vlido, el proyectode actuali)acin y de tra(ajo.

    B. El plan del proyecto es secundario, porque slo los resultados queimportan.

    C. Un gran esfuer)o se requiere para desarrollar y actuali)ar un plan deproyecto, pero los (eneficios son menos presin en todas las partesinteresadas y un producto resultante que se cumplan los requisitos.

    D. a mala planificacin es una de las principales ra)ones de los e2cesosde costes y tiempo.

    &espuesta! 7

    26.,ul es la aceptacin acti)a de los riesgos?A. a creacin de reservas de contingencia en tiempo y dinero.B. /esarrollar un plan para minimi)ar el impacto potencial.C. /esarrollar un plan para reducir al m3nimo la pro(a(ilidad.D. Bacer que los recursos adicionales disponi(les

    &espuesta! Un

    27.9os costos del proyecto son ms de presupuesto cuandoA. $PC

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    28.,ul de las siguientes a/irmaciones no es )erdad?A. Slo aquellos que se dan cuenta que las diferencias culturales son un

    recurso a ser utili)ado plenamente so(revivir.B. Bay un terreno comFn para las personasde diferentes culturas en las

    que pueden interactuar sin conflictos sin solucin.

    C. as diferencias culturales siempre ser un o(stculo a superar.D. a cultura es una palancafundamental para la ventaja competitiva.


    29.Qu es una auditor!a de calidad?A. Una reunin del equipo dedicado a medir y los e2menes.B. Una inspeccin de calidad (asada en los resultados del tra(ajo.C. Una revisin estructurada de las actividades de gestin de la calidad.D. Una reunin con el cliente para identificar los requisitos de calidad.


    30.&sted est asignado como el director del proyecto en un proyecto conun calendario agresi)o* Durante una reciente reunin de su equipo sequearon de la alta presin aplicada y las muc#as #oras de tiempo de

    exceso de tra'ao*

    *ul es la solucin preferida para manejar el pro(lema#

    A. 4rate de o(tener un presupuesto adicional y el tiempo.B. Mejorar la comunicacin del equipo y la disponi(ilidad de datos de alta

    calidad so(re los riesgos. Utilice esta informacin para que pueda tomardecisiones (ien fundadas antes.

    C. El pro(lema puede estar en el ritmo de los clientes del proyectoinquietante. Mantenerlo en la distancia del equipo.

    D. %plicar una v3a rpida para acortar la duracin del proyecto sin tra(ajoadicional.

    &espuesta! Un

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    31.:cti)ity ; #as a duration o/ 67 days0 :cti)ity 6 o/ ;7 days0 :cti)ity < o/

    = days and :cti)ity > o/ days* @#at is t#e minimum total duration

    'et%een t#e Milestones : and A?

    %. H days

    7. I days. J days/. K@ days

    %ns9er! 7

    32.@#ic# o/ t#e /ollo%ing statements is true concerning Bcope De/inition?A. 4-e %ctivityist is a principle output used for resource allocation and is

    an input to net9or:diagramming.7. 4-e Scope Statement is a principle output containing a narrative

    description of project 9or: and delivera(les.

    . 4-e Project -arter is a principle output and aut-ori)es t-e project./. 4-e 6or: 7rea:do9n Structure is a principle output and s-ould (e

    (ro:en do9n to a level 9-ic- allo9s sufficient accuracy in planning.

    %ns9er! /

    33.:ll t#e /ollo%ing statements regarding 5%#istle'lo%ing5 are true

    except%. $t is t-e term used to define an employeeLs decision to disclose

    information on unet-ical, immoral or illegal actions at 9or: to an

    aut-ority figure.7. %n employee s-ould al9ays discuss t-e matter 9it- people e2ternal tot-e company (efore follo9ing t-e c-ain of command and discuss it9it- t-e immediate superior.

    . 4-e consequences of 9-istle(lo9ing are often e2treme and includepossi(le (eing (randed as -aving (ad judgment, firing, civil action andimprisonment.

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    D. arefully considered 9-istle(lo9ing can lead to t-e end of unet-ical(usiness practices.

    %ns9er! 7

    34.@#ic# o/ t#e /ollo%ing statements is not true?%. %ttri(ute sampling is t-e process of assessing 9-et-er results conformto specifications or not.

    7. Prevention means :eeping errors out of t-e processC. >aria(les sampling means t-at t-e result is classifiedinto one of t-e

    categories! accepta(le accepta(le after re9or: rejected./. $nspection means :eeping errors out of t-e -ands of t-e customer.


    35.@#y s#ould assumptions 'e documented?

    %. %ssumptions mig-t prove to (e 9rong. Nno9ing 9-ic- assumptions 9ereincorrect allo9s (aseline adjustments in case of project crisis.

    7. %ssumption analysis is a valua(le tool and tec-nique of &is:$dentification.

    . %ssumptions limit t-e project management teamOs options for decisionma:ing.

    D. $n case of sc-edule or (udget overruns, t-e documentationofassumptions supports a clear assignment of responsi(ility.

    %ns9er! 7

    36.:ll t#e /ollo%ing statements are true except%. $t is a2iomatic of t-e quality management discipline t-at t-e (enefits

    out9eig- t-e costs.7. ;uality s-ould (e tested and inspected into 9or: results on a regular

    (ase.. 4-e primary cost of meeting quality requirements is t-e e2pense

    associated 9it- project quality management activities./. 4-e primary (enefit of meeting quality requirements is less re9or:,

    9-ic- means -ig-er productivity, lo9er costs, and increased sta:e-oldersatisfaction.

    %ns9er! 7

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    41.@#ic# o/ t#e /ollo%ing are not cost o/ quality?%. Prevention costs.7. +ailure costs.. 4ransportation costs./. %ppraisal costs.

    %ns9er! c

    >6*@#at is a trigger in proect ris$ management?

    %. %n e2pected situation causing an unidentified ris: event to occur.7. % 9arning sign t-at an identified ris: event mig-t -ave occurred.. %n une2pected situation causing an identified ris: event to occur./. %n une2pected situation causing an unidentified ris: event to occur.

    %ns9er! (

    43.:ccording to t#e proect plan0 a contractor is sc#eduled to deli)er someso/t%arecomponents at t#e end o/ t#e day* : regular payment is due to

    'e made to t#is contractor tomorro%*

    -#e proect team recei)ed a note t#is morning in/orming t#em t#at t#e

    so/t%are deli)ery %ill 'e delayed 'y 6 %ee$s*

    -#is morning0 t#e proect team recei)ed a note t#at t#e so/t%are %ill 'e

    delayed 'y 6 %ee$s*

    3o% s#ould t#e proect management team react?

    %. 4-e project management team s-ould delay payment for @ 9ee:s.7. 4-e project management team must immediately find a different

    contractor.. 4-e project management team s-ould conduct a meeting 9it- t-e

    contractor to resolve t-e delivery issues (efore ma:ing t-e payment./. 4-e project management team s-ould ma:e t-e payment and

    resc-edule t-e project plan.


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    >>*"n a so/t%are company a large num'er o/ simultaneously per/ormed

    proects utilize t#e same groups o/ #uman and ot#er resources*

    @#at is t#e term commonly used /or t#is situation?

    %. oncurrent engineering.7. &esource overallocation.. &esource pooling.

    /. Program management

    %ns9er! c

    45.@#at does t#e acronym 2:M commonly stand/or in proect

    management?%. &esponsi(ility %ssignment Matri2.7. &emotely %pplied Measurements.. &is: %9are Management./. &andomly %ccessi(le Material.

    %ns9er! %

    46.@#at is not #andled as a constraint in proect management?%. a9s and regulations.7. imits of aut-ori)ation.. 4eam preferences./. P-ysical constraints.


    47.: precontract agreement t#at esta'lis#es t#e intent o/ a party to 'uyproducts or ser)icesis called a

    %. Seller initial response.7. Seller immediate response.. etter of intent./. etter of credit.


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    48.@#at s#ould not 'e part o/ a ris$ management plan?%. &oles and responsi(ilities for -andling ris:s.7. 4iming of ris: management activities.. 4-e managerial approac- to9ards ris:./. $ndividual ris:s

    %ns9er! /

    49.: proect managerper/orms Earned alue :nalysis and /inds t#e

    /ollo%ing results4

    E4 6=70777F P4 6770777F :, 6C=0777

    A:, is =770777*

    @#at is rig#t?

    %. E% K==,===7. E% AA=,===. 74 K==,===/. E4 IA,===.

    %ns9er! 7

    50.-#e construction o/ a residential #ome %ill cost a certain amount per

    square/oot o/ li)ing space* -#is is an example o/ %#at type o/


    %. %nalogous estimating.7. 7ottomup estimating.. 4opdo9n estimating./. Parametric modeling.

    %ns9er! /

    51.@#ic# o/ t#e /ollo%ing s#ould not 'e reason /or Gre'aseliningH in a

    proect?%. Scope c-anges.7. ost variances.. Major sc-edule c-anges.D. 5e9 information indicating t-at t-e (asis for t-e original project cost

    estimates 9as incorrec

    %ns9er! 7

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    52.@#en a c#ange control systemIs pro)ision /or c#anges %it#out /ormal

    re)ie% in case o/ emergency is 'eing utilized%. -anges can (e simply applied 9it-out furt-er managerial activities if

    t-ey -elp solving t-e pro(lem.7. -anges must still (e documented and captured so t-at t-ey do not

    cause pro(lems later in t-e project.. % ne9 c-ange control (oard 7Q s-ould (e esta(lis-ed./. 4-e project (aseline must (e c-anged as 9ell.

    %ns9er! 7

    53.@#ic# o/ t#e /ollo%ing is generally not regarded to 'e a moti)ator

    according to Jrederic$ 3erz'erg?%. 6or:ing conditions and interpersonal relations.7. &esponsi(ility for enlarged tas:.. $nterest in t-e tas:.

    /. &ecognition for ac-ievement.

    %ns9er! %

    54.,ompanies and institutions commonly #ire leaders %it#%. % strong position in negotiating.7. E2perience in tric:ing (usiness partners.. $ntegrity and e2pertise./. % strong lin: to local traditions.


    55.Kou are t#e proect manager and #a)e contracted %it# a ser)ice

    pro)ider to de)elop a complicated so/t%aresolution -#is so/t%are is

    necessary to control t#e mac#inery equipment %#ic# your proect team

    %ill de)elop* "t is a lumpsum contract %it# additional incenti)es /or

    meeting prede/ined sc#edule targets* -#e paymentsc#edule and

    incenti)es are as /ollo%s4

    ;78 %it# order

    678 a/ter su'mission o/ prototype (L =8 i/ deli)ered one %ee$


    =78 a/ter product deli)ery (L = 8 i/ deli)ered one %ee$ early

    678 a/ter /inal product acceptance (L = 8 i/ deli)ered one %ee$


    Kesterday t#e company su'mitted t#e prototype to your proect team*

    -#is %as 6 %ee$s a/ter t#e sc#eduled deli)ery date and < %ee$s a/ter

    t#e date necessary to quali/y /or t#e incenti)e payment*

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    -#is morning0 t#e manager o/ t#e contractor approac#ed you to as$ /or

    c#anges to t#e payment sc#edule* -#ey /ound t#at t#eir initial %or$

    and costs %ere muc# #ig#er t#an originally expected and t#ey no%

    %is# to increase t#e second payment to

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    =*Kou are a mem'er o/ your companyNs proect o//ice* -#e company is

    running many concurrent proectsF most o/ t#em s#are a resource pool*

    &nderstanding #o% resources are utilized across proects is seen as

    'eing essential to cost e//ecti)eness and pro/ita'ility*

    Kou recently recei)ed an inquiry to assess t#e 'ene/its o/ using proect

    management so/t%are to manage t#e companyNs proect port/olio*

    @#ic# o/ t#e /ollo%ing is true?

    M. Project management soft9are -as t-e capa(ility to -elp organi)eresource pools.

    N. Project management soft9are 9ill dramatically simplify t-e tas: ofleveling resources across projects 9it- different project management

    teams.O. Supporting project portfolio managementis not t-e project officeOs

    (usiness.P. Evaluating project management soft9are is not t-e project officeOs


    %ns9er! %

    59.@#at are BM:2- o'ecti)es?

    ;. 0(jectives specified 9it- far more detail t-an necessary for a successful

    project.&. Easily ac-ieva(le o(jectives.S. 0(jectives t-at s-ould (e ac-ieved in order to attain formal recognition.4. 0(jectives t-at -ave specific, measura(le, assigna(le, realistic and time

    related specifications.

    %ns9er! /

    7*Kou #a)e 'een assigned to a ne% proect and #a)e /inis#ed t#e scope

    statement* Kou and your team are no% going to create a @or$

    Area$do%n Btructure* Kou are spending a lot o/ time discussing #o% to

    create a completely decomposed @or$ Area$do%n Btructure*

    @#ic# o/ t#e /ollo%ing is not rele)ant to t#is discussion?

    U. Statuscompletion is measura(le.>. 4imecost is easily estimated.6. Startend events are clearly defined.

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    T. &esource availa(ility can (e relia(ly foreseen.

    %ns9er! /

    61.: proect managerper/orms Earned alue :nalysis and /inds t#e

    /ollo%ing results4

    :,4 66707770 P4 6=707770 E4 6670777*

    %. > =.7. > =,===.. > =,===./. > aria(le cost7. /irect costC. +i2ed cost/. 4ransient cost

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    %ns9er! %

    80.@#ic# o/ t#e /ollo%ing is t#e correct /ormula /or calculating present

    )alueo/ a 'usiness or organization?

    5ote! & $nterest rate, n time periods

    %. Present >alue +uture >aluealue +uture >aluealue alue alue

    %ns9er! %

    81.: narrati)e description o/ products or ser)ices to 'e supplied under

    contract is called4

    %. t-e project plan.7. a statement of 9or:.. an e2ception report./. Pareto analysis.

    %ns9er! 7

    82.:n example o/ scope )eri/icationis4A. revie9ing t-e performance of an installed soft9aremodule.7. managing c-anges to t-e project sc-edule.. decomposing t-e 67S to a 9or: pac:age level.

    /. performing a (enefitcost analysis to determine if 9e s-ould proceed9it- t-e project.

    %ns9er! %

    83.@#ic# o/ t#e /ollo%ing is not an example o/ a source o/ scope c#ange?A. a variation in governmentregulations.B. failure to include a required feature in t-e design of a telecommunication

    system.. a need to engage in (ottomup cost estimating./. introducing tec-nology t-at 9as not availa(le 9-en scope 9as originally



    84.-#e su'di)ision o/ maor proect deli)era'les0 as identi/ied in t#e scope

    statement0 into smaller0 more managea'le components is called4%. parametric estimation.

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    7. scope definition.. feasi(ility analysis./. (enefitcost analysis.

    %ns9er! 7

    85.-#e process o/ esta'lis#ing clear and ac#ie)a'le o'ecti)es0 measuring

    t#eir ac#ie)ement0 and adusting per/ormance in accordance %it# t#e

    results o/ t#e measurement is called4%. strategic planning.7. alternative o(jectives inventory.. management (y o(jectives./. contingency planning.


    86.,on/iguration management is4%. used to ensure t-at t-e description of t-e project product is correct and

    complete.7. t-e creation of t-e 9or: (rea:do9n structure.. t-e set of procedures developed to assure t-at project design criteria are

    met.D. a mec-anismto trac: (udget and sc-edule variances.

    %ns9er! %

    87.: /undamental tenet o/ modern quality management #olds t#at quality

    is most li$ely to 'e ac#ie)ed 'y4%. planning it into t-e project.7. developing careful mec-anisms to inspect for quality.. striving to do t-e (est jo( possi(le./. conducting quality circle activities.

    %ns9er! %

    88.Kour most recent proect status report contains t#e /ollo%ing

    in/ormation4 A,@P R

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    89.9earning cur)e t#eory emp#asizes t#at in producing many goods4%. cost decreases as production rates increase.7. average unit cost decreases as more units are produced.

    C. materials(ecome c-eaper 9-en t-ey are purc-ased in (ul:./. la(orers (ecome more productive (ecause of tec-nological advances.

    %ns9er! 7

    90.2earranging resources so t#at constant resource le)els are maintained

    is called4%. floating.7. leveling.. restructuring./. cras-ing.

    %ns9er! 7

    91.-#e is a timep#ased 'udget t#at %ill 'e used to measure

    and monitorcost per/ormance in t#e proect*%. 9or: (rea:do9n structureB. project sc-edule. cost (aseline/. cost (udget


    92.-o trans/er most o/ t#e cost ris$ to t#e contractor0 t#e client may use a

    contract*%. cost plus a9ard fee7. cost plus incentive fee. cost plus fi2ed fee/. fi2ed price

    %ns9er! /

    93.:n appropriate sequence /or ris$ management acti)ities is4A. ris: identification, ris: quantification, and ris: response development and

    control.7. ris: identification, ris: assessment, and ris: planning.. ris: identification, ris: mitigation, and ris: management./. ris: identification, ris: elimination, and ris: mitigation.

    %ns9er! %

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    94.-#eory S #olds t#at4%. quality improvements lie in t-e -ands of quality circles.7. profits are tied to meeting sc-edule deadlines.

    . a(senteeism is tied to poor 9or:ing conditions./. 9or:ers are in-erently unmotivated and need strong guidance.

    %ns9er! /

    95.:ll o/ t#e /ollo%ing are c#aracteristics o/ parametric estimating except4%. -istorical information.7. quantifia(le.. scala(le./. activity lists.

    %ns9er! /

    96."nputs to cost 'udgeting include all o/ t#e /ollo%ing except4%. cost (aseline7. cost estimate. 9or: (rea:do9n structure/. project sc-edule

    %ns9er! %

    97."nputs used during scope planning include all o/ t#e /ollo%ing except4

    %. constraints.7. project c-arter.. (udgetcost analysis./. product description.


    98.,ost control outputs include all o/ t#e /ollo%ing except4%. estimate at completion.7. (udget updates.C. revised cost estimates./. cost (aseline.

    %ns9er! /

    99.2is$ identi/ication outputs include t#e /ollo%ing except4%. decision trees.7. inputs to ot-er processes.

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    . ris: symptoms.D. potential ris: events.

    %ns9er! %

    100. "nputs into o)erall c#ange control include all o/ t#e /ollo%ingexcept4

    %. project plan.7. c-ange requests.. c-ange control system./. performance reports


    101. :cti)ityduration estimate inputs include all o/ t#e /ollo%ing


    %. resource requirements.7. (asis of estimates.. activity lists.D. constraints.

    %ns9er! 7

    102. :ll o/ t#e /ollo%ing are contract types except4%. unitprice.7. ma:eor(uy.. cost reim(ursa(le.

    /. lump sum.

    %ns9er! 7

    103. "nitiation inputs /or a proect include all o/ t#e /ollo%ing except4%. product description.B. strategic plan.. project c-arter./. selection criteria.


    104. 2esponses to ris$ t#reats include all o/ t#e /ollo%ing except4%. avoidance.7. acceptance.. mitigation./. rejection.

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    %ns9er! /

    105. -#e process o/ per/ormance reporting includes all o/ t#e

    /ollo%ing except4%. status reporting.

    7. progress reporting.. forecasting./. product analysis.

    %ns9er! /

    106. ,onstrained optimization met#ods o/ proect selection include4%. scoring models.7. (enefitcost ratios.. multio(jective programming algorit-ms./. su(jective analyses.


    107. @#ic# o/ t#e /ollo%ing statements concerning contract type is

    correct?%. a fi2ed price contract contains t-e most ris: for t-e (uyer.7. cost reim(ursa(le contracts offer sellers t-e -ig-est profit potential.C. lump sumcontracts offer sellers t-e greatest profit potential./. unit price contracts are illegal in many jurisdictions.


    108. : @or$ Area$do%n Btructure (@AB num'ering system s#ould

    allo% proect sta// to4%. identify t-e level at 9-ic- individual 67S elements are found.7. identify configuration management milestones.. estimate t-e costs of 67S elements.D. provide projectjustification.

    %ns9er! %

    109. :ll o/ t#e /ollo%ing are true quality statements except4%. ;uality improvement depends upon (etter definit ion and increased

    a9areness of t-e requirementsspecifications.7. Project quality management must address (ot- management of t-e

    project and t-e product of t-e project.. &ecognition of :ey actions required of eac- team mem(er is necessary

    to meet quality o(jectives.

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    /. omputeraided design systems can improve quality, (ut only at t-ee2pense of an increase in t-e cost of design.

    %ns9er! /

    110. :ll o/ t#e /ollo%ing are exampleso/ tools o/ten used in costestimatingexcept4

    %. parametric modeling.7. analogous estimating.. (ottomup estimating./. activity duration estimates.

    %ns9er! /

    111. :t SKT "n,*0 t#e #ourly %age /or semis$illed %or$ers is U;>*77*

    -#e annual audit s#o%s t#at /ringe 'ene/its cost

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    7. conduct a ris:(enefit analysis.. conduct a needs analysis./. increase t-e estimated cost of t-e project.

    %ns9er! 7

    ;;=* "ncluding a contingency reser)e in t#e proect 'udget is intended


    %. reduce t-e pro(a(ility of scope c-anges.7. increase t-e pro(a(ility of scope c-anges.. reduce t-e pro(a(ility of a cost overrun./. increase t-e pro(a(ility of a cost overrun.


    116. 1i)en t#e in/ormation in t#e /ollo%ing ta'le0 %#at is t#e expected

    )alue /rom t#is ris$ e)ent? Pro'a'ility 2esult*> ;70777

    *< C0=77

    *6 =0777

    *; L60=77


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    118. : precise description o/ a p#ysical item0 procedure0 or ser)ice/or

    implementation o/ an item or ser)ice is called a4%. 9or: pac:age.

    7. (aseline.C. productdescription/. 9or: (rea:do9n structure 67SQ element.


    119. : proect s#ould 'e terminated /or all o/ t#e /ollo%ing reasons

    except4%. lac: of team synergy.7. t-e project no longer meets t-e companyOs o(jectives.. t-e resources are not availa(le to complete project activities.

    /. project funding -as (een significantly reduced.

    %ns9er! %

    120. ne common %ay to compute estimated at completion (E:, is to

    ta$e t#e proect 'udgetedatcompletion and4%. divide it (y t-e sc-edule performance inde2.7. multiply it (y t-e sc-edule performance inde2.. multiply it (y t-e cost performance./. divide it (y t-e cost performance inde2.

    %ns9er! /

    121. @#ic# o/ t#e /ollo%ing is a tool used to secure expert udgment?A. Peer revie97. /elp-i tec-nique. E2pected value tec-nique/. 6or: 7rea:do9n Structure 67SQ

    %ns9er! 7

    E2planation! 4-e O/elp-i tec-niqueO is a commonly used tool to secure e2pertjudgment 9-ile initiating a project.

    OPeer revie9O is a project selection tool, OE2pected valueO is a met-odquantitative ris: analysis, and O67SO is a projectplanning tool.

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    122. Aased on t#e in/ormation pro)ided 'elo%0 %#ic# proect %ould

    you recommend pursuing?

    Project $, 9it- 7& 7enefit ost ratioQ of of US V A==,===?Project $$$, 9it- $&& $nternal rate of returnQ of , 9it- opportunity cost of US V A==,===.

    %. Project $7. Project $$$. Eit-er project $$ or $>/. an not say from t-e data provided

    %ns9er! 7

    E2planation! Project $$$ -as an $&& of qualifies for a positive recommendation.

    123. @#at t#e proect managerto ensuret#at all %or$ in t#e proect

    is included s#ould do?%. reate a contingency plan7. reate a ris: management plan. reate a 67S/. reate a scope statement


    E2planation! % 67S is a delivera(le oriented grouping of project componentst-at organi)es and defines t-e total scope of t-e project.

    124. @#at $ind o/ a relations#ip is implied %#en completion o/ a

    successor is dependent on initiation o/ its predecessor?%. finis-tostart +SQ7. finis-tofinis- ++Q. starttostart SSQ/. starttofinis- S+Q

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    %ns9er! /

    E2planation! % starttofinis- S+Q relations-ip (et9een t9o activities impliest-at t-e completion of successor is dependent on t-e initiation of itspredecessor.

    % finis-tostart +SQ relations-ip (et9een t9o activities implies t-at t-einitiation of successor is dependent on t-e completion of predecessor.

    % finis-tofinis- ++Q relations-ip (et9een t9o activities implies t-at t-ecompletion of successor is dependent on t-e completion of predecessor.

    % starttostart SSQ relations-ip implies t-at t-e initiation of successor isdependent on t-e initiation of predecessor..

    125. @#at s#ould a proect managerdo or /ollo% to ensure clear

    'oundaries /or proect completion?%. Scope verification7. omplete a scope statement. Scope definition/. &is: management plan

    %ns9er! 7

    E2planation! 4-e project team must complete a scope statement for developinga common understanding of t-e project scope among sta:e-olders. 4-is listsproject delivera(les summary level su(products, 9-ose full and satisfactory

    delivery mar:s t-e completion of t-e project.

    Scope verification is t-e process of securing a formal acceptance of t-e projectscope (y sta:e-olders.

    Scope definition is t-e process of su(dividing t-e major project delivera(les intosmaller, more managea(le components.

    % ris: management plan involves setting up processes for identifying anddealing 9it- project ris:s.

    126. :n organization is certi/ied to a stringent en)ironmental standard

    and uses t#at as t#e $ey di//erentiator %it# its competitors* :lternati)e

    identi/ication during scope planning /or a particular proect #as t#ro%n

    up an expeditious approac# to ac#ie)e a proect need0 'ut t#is in)ol)es

    a ris$ o/ en)ironmental contamination* -#e team e)aluates t#at t#e

    li$eli#ood o/ t#e ris$ is )ery lo%* @#at s#ould t#e proect team do?%. /rop t-e alternative approac-

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    7. 6or: out a mitigation plan. Procure an insurance against t-e ris:/. Plan all precautions to avoid t-e ris:

    %ns9er! %

    E2planation! 4-e organi)ationOs reputation (eing at sta:e, t-e t-res-old forsuc- a ris: 9ould (e very lo9.

    Mitigation plan against an environmental contamination 9ould mean reducingt-e impact, 9-ic- may not (e a plausi(le response.

    Procuring an insurance against t-e ris: 9ould only transfer t-e monetary impactof t-e ris:, and not t-e intangi(le impact li:e, t-e reputation of t-eorgani)ation.

    Planning precautions against t-e occurrence 9ould still leave an opportunity ofoccurrence.

    4-is cannot (e completely avoided.

    4-e (est option 9ould (e to drop t-e approac- t-at is, complete avoidance oft-e ris:.

    127. -#e /ollo%ing t#ree tas$s /orm t#e entire critical pat# o/ t#e

    proect net%or$* -#e t#ree estimates o/ eac# o/ t#ese tas$s are

    ta'ulated 'elo%* 3o% long %ould t#e proect ta$e to complete

    expressed %it# an accuracy o/ one standard de)iation?

    4as: 0ptimisticMostli:ely



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    of t-e tas:s listed are @I, @@.A X @H. 4-erefore, t-e lengt- of t-e critical pat- oft-e project is @I@@.A@H IA.A.

    4-e standard deviations of t-e estimates of t-e t-ree tas:s are determined asP0QH @, .W X @.HI respectively. 4-e standard deviation of t-e total pat-

    is determined as Sq. root sum of variancesQ, 9-ere variance square ofstandard deviation. 4-us, standard deviation of critical pat- Sq. rootK

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    130. @#ic# o/ t#e /ollo%ing is O- an input to proect plan execution?%. 6or: aut-ori)ation system7. Project plan. orrective action/. Preventive action

    %ns9er! %

    131. proect manager%ould /ind team de)elopment t#e most di//icult

    in %#ic# /orm o/ organization?%. 6ea: Matri2 organi)ation7. 7alanced Matri2 organi)ation. Projecti)ed organi)ation/. 4ig-t Matri2 organi)ation

    %ns9er! %

    E2planation! $n a functionalorgani)ation, t-e project team mem(ers -ave dualreporting to t9o (osses t-e project managerand t-e functional manager.

    $n a 9ea: matri2 organi)ation, t-e po9er rests 9it- t-e functional manager.

    $n a (alanced matri2 organi)ation, t-e po9er is s-ared (et9een t-e functionalmanager and t-e project manager. % projecti)ed organi)ation is grouped (yprojects and t-e project manager -as complete control on t-e project and itsteam.

    % 4ig-t matri2 organi)ation refers to colocating t-e project team and -asnot-ing to do 9it- a matri2 organi)ation.

    4-erefore, a project manager 9ould find it difficult to drive team developmentin a 9ea: matri2 organi)ation.

    132. -#e proect manager o/ a large multilocation so/t%areproect

    team #as 6> mem'ers0 out o/ %#ic# = are assigned to testing* Due to

    recent recommendations 'y an organizational quality audit team0 t#e

    proect manager is con)inced to add a quality pro/essional to lead t#e

    test team at additional cost0 to t#e proect*

    -#e proect manager is a%are o/ t#e importance o/ communication0 /or

    t#e success o/ t#e proect and ta$es t#is step o/ introducing additional

    communication c#annels0 ma$ing it more complex0 in order to assure

    quality le)els o/ t#e proect*

  • 8/12/2019 129344437 PMP Preguntas de Examen


    3o% many additional communication c#annels are introduced as a

    result o/ t#is organizational c#ange in t#e proect?

    %. @A7. @K


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    135. "/ t#e cost )ariance is positi)e and t#e sc#edule )ariance is also

    positi)e0 t#is indicates t#e4%. Project is under (udget and (e-ind sc-edule7. Project is over (udget and (e-ind sc-edule. Project is under (udget and a-ead of sc-edule

    /. Project is over (udget and a-ead of sc-edule

    %ns9er! %

    E2planation! Positive Sc-edule >ariance means t-e project is a-ead ofsc-edule? 5egative ost >ariance means t-e project is over(udget.

    136. During execution o/ a proect0 an identi/ied ris$ e)ent occurs t#at

    results in additional cost and time* -#e proect #ad pro)isions /or

    contingency and management reser)es* 3o% s#ould t#ese 'e

    accounted /or?

    %. ontingency reserves7. &esidual ris:s. Management reserves/. Secondary ris:s

    %ns9er! %

    E2planation! 4-e question is a(out correct accounting for ris: events t-at occurand updating t-e reserves.

    &eserves are meant for ma:ing provisions in cost and sc-edule, to

    accommodate for consequences of ris: events.

    &is: events are classified as un:no9n un:no9ns or :no9n un:no9ns, 9-ereun:no9n un:no9ns are ris:s t-at 9ere are not identified and accounted for,9-ile :no9n un:no9ns are ris:s t-at 9ere identified and provisions 9eremade for t-em.

    Provisions for un:no9n un:no9ns are in management reserves 9-ile t-osefor :no9n un:no9ns are accommodated in contingency reserves.Management reserves are at t-e discretion of senior management 9-ile t-econtingency reserves are at t-e project managerOs discretion.

    &esidual and secondary ris:s are remaining unmitigated ris:s and resultantris:s of mitigation, respectively. 4-ese are not reserves.

    $n t-is case, t-e ris: event is one of t-e identified ris:s and t-erefore,Ocontingency reserveO is t-e one 9-ere t-e cost and sc-edule impact 9ould (eaccommodated in.

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    137. @#ic# one o/ t#e /ollo%ing is t#e last step o/ proect closing?%. lient -as accepted t-e product7. %rc-ives are complete. lient appreciates your product/. essons learnt are documented

    %ns9er! 7

    E2planation! %rc-iving is t-e last step in t-e project closing.

    138. @#o s#ould 'e in)ol)ed in t#e creation o/ lessons learned0 at

    closure o/ a proect?%. Sta:e-olders7. Project team. Management of t-e performing organi)ation/. Project office

    %ns9er! %

    E2planation! OSta:e-oldersO include everyone 9-o are actively involved in t-eproject or 9-ose interests may (e affected as a result of t-e project e2ecutionor completion.

    4-e Oproject teamO creates t-e lessons learned on t-e project.

    4-e role of t-e Oproject officeO depends on t-e function defined for it 9it-in t-eperforming organi)ation and it could (e eit-er facilitating (est practices for all

    projects or could constitute t-e project team.

    %s lessons learned s-ould capture all variations and 9-at could -ave (een done(etter for future deployment, Osta:e-oldersO s-ould (e involved in creation oflessons learned.

    139. :n organization #as recently started outsourcing %or$ to a lo%

    cost0 #ig# )alue0 engineering center located in a di//erent country*

    @#ic# o/ t#e /ollo%ing s#ould t#e proect manager pro)ide /or t#e team

    as a proacti)e measure?

    %. % training course on t-e la9s of t-e country7. % course on linguistic differencesC. %n e2posure to t-e culturaldifferences/. % communication management plan


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    E2planation! Understanding cultural differences is t-e first step to9ards aneffective communication amongst t-e project team involving outsourced 9or:from a different country. So, 9-at is needed in t-is case is Oan e2posure to t-ecultural differencesO, 9-ic- is (eing mentioned as c-oice .

    -oice %, t-at is, Oa training course on t-e la9s of t-e countryO is a su(ject oflegal e2perts and not of t-e project team.

    -oice 7, t-at is, O a course on linguistic differencesO 9ould not serve t-epurpose of understanding and appreciating cultural differences, for (etterteaming.

    -oice /, t-at is, Oa communication management planO is a document t-atprovides data gat-ering and dissemination amongst sta:e-olders of t-e project.$t is necessary for t-e project (ut does not -elp in (ridging communication gapsacross different cultures

    ;>7* @#ile re)ie%ing t#e progress0 t#e proect manager assesses t#at

    an acti)ity #as 'een missed out /rom t#e implementation plan* :

    milestone0 sc#eduled to 'e ac#ie)ed %it#in anot#er %ee$0 %ould 'e

    missed %it# t#e current implementation plan*

    @#ic# o/ t#e /ollo%ing is t#e next 'est action /or t#e proect manager

    in t#is situation?

    %. &eport t-e error and t-e e2pected delay7. 0mit t-e status update on t-e milestone

    . &eport t-e error and t-e planned recovery actions/. %ssess alternatives to meet t-e milestone

    %ns9er! /

    141. @#ic# o/ t#e /ollo%ing it t#e logical /lo% o/ any proect?%. Planning, $nitiating, E2ecuting, ontrolling, losing7. $nitiating, Planning, ontrolling, E2ecuting, losing. Planning, $nitiating, E2ecuting, ontrolling, losing/. $nitiating, Planning, E2ecuting, ontrolling, losing

    %ns9er! /

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    142. "n %#ic# p#ase o/ a proect %ould you estimate acti)ity duration

    and resources?%. $nitiating7. E2ecuting. Planning

    /. ontrolling


    143. @#ic# o/ t#e /ollo%ing according to t#e PMAV is descri'ed as0

    Ga category or ran$ gi)en to entities #a)ing t#e same /unctionaluse 'ut

    di//erent tec#nical c#aracteristics?H%. Grade7. ;uality. +lo9 design/. 7enc-mar:

    %ns9er! %

    144. @#ic# o/ t#e /ollo%ing is anot#er name /or an "s#i$a%a diagram?

    %. ause and Effect /iagram7. 7ell urve. Pareto /iagram/. 4rend %nalysis

    %ns9er! %

    145. 2e/inements are considered updates /or t#e *%. GE&47. %/M. 67S/. ;M


    146. -#e acronym ,PP, stands/or?A. ostPlus Percentage of ontrol7. ost Plus Percentage of ontract. ost Plus Percentage of ost/. ost Plus Plus ost

    %ns9er! %

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    147. @#ic# o/ t#e /ollo%ing is not considered part o/ Maslo%Ws

    3ierarc#y o/ Oeeds?%. Social needs7. Safety. Motivation

    /. Selfactuali)ation


    148. Parento diagrams %or$ on t#e rule*%. A=A=7. H=K=. W=@=/. J=

  • 8/12/2019 129344437 PMP Preguntas de Examen


    E2planation! Projects involve doing somet-ing t-at -as not (een done (eforeand 9-ic- is, t-erefore, unique. % product or service may (e unique even if t-ecategory to 9-ic- it (elongs is large....

    % project to (ring a ne9 drug to mar:et may require t-ousands of doses of -e

    drug to support clinical trials

    152. @#ic# o/ t#e /ollo%ing is not t#e /eature o/ a proect?%. onstrained (y limited resources7. Planned, e2ecuted and controlled. reates unique product or service/. May (e ongoing and repetitive

    %ns9er! /

    E2planation! 0perations and projects differ primarily in t-at operations are

    ongoing and repetitive 9-ile projects are temporary and unique. % project cant-us (e defined in terms of its distinctive c-aracteristics a project is atemporary endeavor underta:en to create a unique product or service

    153. Kou are managing t#e release o/ a ne% drug in t#e mar$et* Kour

    role is t#at o/ a4%. +unctional Manager, (ecause you -ave good understanding functional

    :no9ledge of t-e p-armaceutical industry7. Project Manager, (ecause you are creating a unique product 9it-in

    specific time sc-edules. 0perations Manager, (ecause you -ave to do several repetitive tas:s

    /. Program Manager, (ecause you -ave to manage several su(projects toeffectively do your jo(

    %ns9er! 7

    E2planation! Projects involve doing somet-ing t-at -as not (een done (eforeand 9-ic- is, t-erefore, unique. % product or service may (e unique even if t-ecategory to 9-ic- it (elongs is large.

    % project to (ring a ne9 drug to mar:et may require t-ousands of doses of -edrug to support clinical trials.

    154. @#ic# o/ t#e /ollo%ing statement related to Btandards and

    2egulations is not correct?%. Standard is a document approved (y a recogni)ed (ody t-ere can (e

    multiple standards for one product.7. &egulations are mandatory (ut Standards are not mandatory.. Standards after 9idespread adoption may (ecome de facto regulations.

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    /. 4-e influence of standards and regulations for a project is al9ays :no9n

    %ns9er! /

    E2planation! +or many projects, standards and regulations (y 9-atever

    definitionQ are 9ell :no9n and project plans can reflect t-eir effects. $n ot-ercases, t-e influence is un:no9n or uncertain and must (e considered underProject &is: Management

    155. Kour "- company is responsi'le /or ma$ing so/t%are)irus

    programs* Kou are responsi'le /or managing 'ot# t#e indi)idual

    product releases and t#e coordination o/ multiple releases o)er time*

    Kour role is t#at o/ a4%. Program Manager7. Project Manager. +unctional Manager

    /. 0perations Manager

    %ns9er! %

    E2planation! % program is a group of projects managed in a coordinated 9ayto o(tain (enefits 9-ic- are not availa(le from managing t-em individually.Many programs also involve elements of ongoing operations.

    156. : Proect Managermust #a)e good understanding o/ t#e

    mec#anics o/ po%er and politics to 'e e//ecti)e* :s de/ined 'y P/e//er0

    po%er includes all t#e /ollo%ing except4

    %. 4-e Potential to influence (e-avior7. Potential to c-ange t-e course of events and overcome resistance. %(ility to get people to do t-ings t-at t-ey 9ould not ot-er9ise do/. %(ility to -andle po9er struggles and organi)ational games

    %ns9er! /

    E2planation! Pfeffer defines po9er as t-e potential a(ility to influence(e-avior, to c-ange t-e course of events, to overcome resistance, and to getpeople to do t-ings t-at t-ey 9ould not ot-er9ise do.[4-e negative sense, ofcourse derives from t-e fact t-at attempts to reconcile t-ese interests result inpo9er struggles and organi)ational games t-at can sometimes ta:e on at-oroug-ly unproductive life of t-eir o9n.

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    157. @#ic# o/ t#e /ollo%ing statement related to Btandards and

    2egulations is not correct?%. Standard is a document approved (y a recogni)ed (ody t-ere can (e

    multiple standards for one product.7. &egulations are mandatory (ut Standards are not mandatory.

    . Standards after 9idespread adoption may (ecome de facto regulations./. 4-e influence of standards and regulations for a project is al9ays :no9n

    %ns9er! /

    E2planation! +or many projects, standards and regulations (y 9-ateverdefinitionQ are 9ell :no9n and project plans can reflect t-eir effects. $n ot-ercases, t-e influence is un:no9n or uncertain and must (e considered underProject &is: Management.

    158. : Proect Manager must #a)e good understanding o/ t#e

    mec#anics o/ po%er and politics to 'e e//ecti)e* :s de/ined 'y P/e//er0po%er includes all t#e /ollo%ing except4

    %. 4-e Potential to influence (e-avior7. Potential to c-ange t-e course of events and overcome resistance. %(ility to get people to do t-ings t-at t-ey 9ould not ot-er9ise do/. %(ility to -andle po9er struggles and organi)ational games

    %ns9er! /

    E2planation! Pfeffer defines po9er as t-e potential a(ility to influence(e-avior, to c-ange t-e course of events, to overcome resistance, and to get

    people to do t-ings t-at t-ey 9ould not ot-er9ise do.[4-e negative sense, ofcourse derives from t-e fact t-at attempts to reconcile t-ese interests result inpo9er struggles and organi)ational games t-at can sometimes ta:e on at-oroug-ly unproductive life of t-eir o9n.

    159. P#ase end re)ie% o/ proects is also re/erred to as4%. P-ase E2its7. Nill Points. Stage Gates/. %ll t-e a(ove

    %ns9er! /

    E2planation! 4-e conclusion of a project p-ase is generally mar:ed (y a revie9of (ot- :ey delivera(les and project performance to date, to aQ determine if t-eproject s-ould continue into its ne2t p-ase and (Q detect and correct errors costeffectively. 4-ese p-aseend revie9s are after called p-ase e2its, stage gates or:ill points

  • 8/12/2019 129344437 PMP Preguntas de Examen


    160. Kou are %or$ing in t#e Proect //ice o/ your organization* @#at

    is your o' responsi'ility?%. Managing t-e different activities of a project7. %l9ays (eing responsi(le for t-e results of t-e project. Providing support functions to Project Managers in t-e form of training,

    soft9are, templates etc./. Providing Su(ject Matter E2pertise in t-e +unctional areas of t-e project

