1392 لاس رد هدش رشتنم یسیلگنا تلااقم تسیل§کسل مقالات...


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1392 سال در شده منتشر انگلیسی مقاالت لیست Gender and Social Disparities in Esophagus Cancer Incidence in Iran, 2003-2009: A Time Trend Province-


DISEASE: REPORT OF 220 CASESPrevalence of unwanted pregnancy in Iran:a systematic review and meta-analysis

Provincial health accounts in Kerman, Iran: an evidence of a “mixed” healthcare financing system

Comparing Mental Health of Female Athlete and Non-Athlete Students of Shahid Sadoughi University of

Medical SciencesBlood Malignancies in Mazandaran P rovince of Iran

Descriptive study of blood malignancies (Mazandaran province -Iran)

Economic efficiency of radiology wards using data envelopment analysis: Case study of Iran

Economic Evaluation of Screening for Type 2 Diabetes: Case Study of Iran

Endoscopic F indings in Patients C andidate for R ena l Transplanta tion : C ase of Iran

Patient Preferences for Hospital Quality: Case Study of Iran

Presentation of a model for assessment of medically specialized workforce

S urvey on socia l s tructure of hea lth insurance in se lected countries , providing a model for the

The Economic eva luation of screening for colorecta l cancer: C ase of Iran

The E ffic iency and Budgeting of Public Hospita ls : C ase of Iran

The Relationship between Breast Cancer And Most Common Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factors: An

Ecological StudyAvicenna’s Educational Views with Emphasis on the Education of Hygiene

Challenges of Managing Talented Students as Distinguished Future Human Capital in the Iranian Medical

UniversitiesDetermination of the Cost of Cesarean Surgery in a Public Hospital of Iran

Need assessment about managerial education in managers and chief experts of Health Vice-Chancellery

of Medical Sciences Universities in IranStudy of Patient’scomplaints Reported over 36 Months at a Large Public Educational Specialized Center

of Obstetrics and GynecologyThe Challenges facing Boards of Trustees for Managing Medical Universities in Iran A Qualitative Study

The Effect of “Countrywide Services Management Law” on the Work Motivation of the Employees of

Iranian Ministry of HealthThe projection of burden of disease in Islamic Republic of Iran to 2025.

Evidence for Policy Making: Clinical Appropriateness Study of Lumbar Spine MRI Prescriptions Using

RAND Appropriateness MethodOutcome evaluation of the opioid agonist maintenance treatment in Iran

How do Students Conceptualise Health and its Risk Factors? A Study among Iranian Schoolchildren

Effects of minoxidil gel on burn wound healing in rats

Trend in the prevalence of obesity and overweight among Iranian children and adolescents: A systematic

review and meta-analysisPollutants Source Control and Health Effects

Reliability and Performance of SEVQUAL Survey in Evaluating Quality of Medical Education Services

Comparing Mental Health of Female Athlete and Non-Athlete Students of Shahid Sadoughi University of

Medical SciencesCorrelation between Religious Beliefs and Quality of Life in Dialysis

Evaluation of Social Performance and Related Factors in Iranian Central Iron Ore company workers

impact of six weeks selected balance exercises on improving multiple sclerosis patient’s balance

Clinical Governance Implementation: A Developing Country Perspective

Comparison of the Accuracy of Digital Image -based and Patient Visit-based Diagnoses in an Iranian

Dermatology ClinicPrescribing Pattern of Antidepressant Drugs among General Practitioners and Psychiatrists: a study from

IranGaining Insight into the Prevention of Maternal Death Using Narrative Analysis: An Experience from

Kerman, IranInformal Payments in Healthcare: A Case Study of Kerman Province in Iran

Identification of Mutation of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase(G6PD) in Iran: Meta- analysis Study

Reasons for Discharge against Medical Advice: A Case Study of Emergency Departments in Iran

benefical and adverse effects of the integration of medical education and health service in IR. iran; A

Delphi exerciceStudy of education effect on nurses’ knowledge and attitudes about organ donation at the time of brain

deathPreliminary reliability and validity of Persian version of the Family Dermatology Life Quality Index (FDLQI)

Application of WHO model for evaluating Patient Safety Friendly Hospital Initiatives (PSFHI) in an Eye

hospital in Tehran, IranIslamic republic of Iran health system financing: Weak and strength points with a qualitative attitude

Factors Influencing Drug Injection History among Prisoners: A Comparison between Classification and

Regression Trees and Logistic Regression Analysis.Outcome Evaluation of Therapeutic Community Model in Iran

Opium as a Risk Factor for Upper Gastrointestinal Cancers: A Population-based Case-Control Study in Iran

Study of acute flaccid paralysis surveillance system in Kerman (Iran) for one decade 

Pattern and Trend of Substance Abuse in Eastern Rural Iran: A Household Survey in a Rural Community

Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of Employee: a Case Study

Prerequisites of Preparedness against Earthquake in Hospital System: A Survey from Iran

Association of Health and Food Expenditures Inequality With Health Outcomes: A Case Study on Iranian

Rural HouseholdsChange Theory for Accounting System Reform in Health Sector: A Case Study of Kerman University of

Medical Sciences in IranRelationship between Career Motivation and Perceived Spiritual Leadership in Health Professional

Educators: A Correlational Study in IranGold medal for Finnish health in all policies book

Outcome evaluation of the opioid agonist maintenance treatment in Iran

1392 سال در شده منتشر فارسی مقاالت لیست88همه گيري شناسي حوادث در سالمندان استان كرمان طي سال هاي -1385

بررسي خصوصيات شخصيتي و علمي الگوهاي مثبتو منفي در بين مدرسين دانشگاه علوم پزشکيروش هاي مورد استفاده براي ارزیابي سيستم هاي اطالعات سالمت در ایران

بررسي تغيير شاخص هاي عملکردي پس از پياده سازي سيستم اطالعات در بيمارستان سيناارزیابي عوامل مؤثر در ميزان آمادگي براي مقابله با خطر زلزله در بيمارستا نهاي آموزشي دانشگاه علوم پزشکي تهران

همبستگي بين رفتار شهروندي سازماني و ابعاد آن با مشاركتشغلي در كاركنان دو بيمارستان خصوصي و دولتي شهر تهرانبررسي فراواني پزشکي دفاعي در بين پزشکان عمومي شهركرمان

بررسي تاثير كمي گسترش سرمایه انساني بر رشد اقتصادي و رفاه خانوارهاي شهري

با رهيافت تحليل مسير ساختاري: تاثير كمي گسترش آموزش بر رشد اقتصادي و رفاه خانوارهاي شهري و روستایي در ایرانمطالعه موردي در شهر شيراز: اثربخشي غربالگري دیابت نوع دو - تحليل هزینه

1389بر آورد تابع تقاضاي دارو در ایران از طریق بودجه خانوار در طي سالهاي - 1370رضایت شغلي پرستاران و اطالعات دموگرافيک

یک مطالعه كيفي: چالش هاي برنامه آموزشي در مقطع كارشناسي رشته مدیریت خدمات بهداشتي درماني 138بررسي اختالالت روانشناختي دانشآموزان تيزهوش، عادي و بي سرپرست مقطع متوسطه شهر كرمان در سال

1390بررسي فراواني مخاطرات شغلي و عوامل موثر بر آن در پرستاران بيمارستان هاي غير آموزشي سيرجان و بافت در سال نپزشکي كرمام علوه نشگاردي دامطالعه مو: ستایياده روبرنامه پزشک خانود یابي عملکرارز

بررسي دیدگاه كادر درماني و آموزشي بيمارستان افضلي پور كرمان نسبت به سيستم پشتيبان تصميم گيري باليني طراحي شده به منظور كاهش احتمال بروز آمبولي ریه و ترومبوز وریدي عمقي پژوهش كيفي جهت طراحي مداخله مبتني بر بازایابي اجتماعي: ماموگرافي از دیدگاه زنان روستایي بجنورد

تعيين شاخص هاي ارزیابي نقشه تحول نظام سالمتعوامل موثر بر رضایت شغلي كاركنان براساس نظریه هرزبرگ در بيمارستان هاي آموزشي شهرستان قزوین

یک مطالعه كيفي: بازخواني تجربيات مدیران عرصه بهداشت و درمان از چالش هاي موجود در امدادرساني در زلزله بمران به بيماي معنوي قبت هاائه مرري در اراشته پرستان رنشجویاداسي صالحيت ربر

مطالعه موردي یک بيمارستان صحرایي: سنجش كيفيت خدمات بهداشتي درماني با استفاده از مدل سروكوالسطح سواد بهداشتي زنان باردار مراجعه كننده به مراكز بهداشتي درماني

89-87ارزیابي عملکرد بيمارستان هاي استان كرمان با استفاده از نمودار پابون السو طي دوره چالش ها و راهکارها: مرور نظامند بررسي اجراي حسابداري تعهدي در بخش دولتي و نظام سالمتتحليل نابرابري توزیع خدمات بهداشتي و درماني در شهرستانهاي استان یزد
