1940 - 2877


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8/12/2019 1940 - 2877

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OCTOBER IO , 1940 30 5

H E R E and

THEREIndo China Service Resumed

HE British Overseas Airways willresume their service over Indo-

China, but instead of calling at Hanoi astop will be made at Tourane.

o War Department Factories

HE U.S. War Department hasannounced that it does not manu-

facture aircraft and that its presentplans do not contemplate that it shallerect plants for such purpose. It pro-poses to look to the aircraft industry to

supply the aircraft which it needs. econd Class Air Travel

UNITED AIR LINES intend to set upsecond-class travel on their route

between Los Angeles and San Francisco,subject to C.A.B . appro val. Onschedules operated with the very satis-factory but now somewhat outmodedBoeing 247 airliners the company willcharge 25 per cent, less fare. On otherservices run with Douglas DC3S and thenew Boeing 307 Stratoliners the usualfare will be charged.

Aircraft Factory for India

M R. F. TYMMS, Director of CivilAviation in India, is at present in

the United States purchasing machinetools and equipment for an aircraft fac-tory to be established in India . Thsfactory will be privately owned but willreceive Government orders. An Americanengineer, Mr. William Pawley, has re-turned to the United States after study-ing the manufacture of aircraft by Indianoperatives and also surveying suitablefactory sites at the request of the BritishGovernm ent. Bangalore, Mysore, hasbeen chosen because cheap electricity isavailable.

FLEDGLINGS : The first contingent of Jim Crows to take th e 14-day R.A .F. course

of instruction in roof watc hing. In London th e roof w atche rs hav e quite defeatedthe nuisance raider who floats around in thick cloud pretending to be a lot of him.

Birds at AirportsTJ/ESTERN FLYING publishes thisrv American solution to the problem

of birds making their homes in largenumbers round about airports : —

At one plagued field a vigilante com-mittee was formed to raid hangar nestsand nearby gull rookeries, breaking allthe eggs. The birds simply laid moreeggs. The next year- the vigilantesbecame statesmen—and visited the nestsand rookeries with a saucepan and port-able stove . They hard-boiled the eggsand left the birds sitting.

i r e Tours

AER L INGU S (Irish Air Lines) hav ejust completed a very successful

season of Sunday flights over Eire.Although civil flying in Eire is restrictedto the regular service to Britain, specialpermission was granted by the Depart-ment of Industry and Commerce for theseSunday tours, which were of severalhours duration and took passengers overma ny famous Irish be auty spo1,s. A.landing was made at the Shannon Air-port for lunch and to inspect the develop-

BUDDING CRAFTSMEN : This is not a scene at an airciaft factory but trainee s atwork learning aircraft construction at a northern Ministry of Labour training centre.

men t of th at site. A Douglas D.C.3 wasused for the tours and the machine wasinvariably booked out early in the week.

First Canadian BomberT H E first Canadian-built Hampden-*- bom ber wa s rece ntly successfully

test-flown near Toronto. This should bethe forerunner of a long line of aircraftwhich will be used against Fascism inthe months to come..

A 4\ Million IncreaseACCORDING to figures issued re-

•**• cently by the Department of Com-merce in Washington, D C , the value ofUnited States aircraft shipped to GreatBritain during August was £4 250,000higher than the corresponding figurefor July. Higher mind you. Even ifthe Ju ly figure had been very low(which it w as n t), an increase of 4^million represents quite a few aero-planes.

Engine Overhaul at Ma scot/COMPLETE overhaul of the Bristolv ^ Pegasus engines of the Empire flyingboats has been proceeding for some time

at the engine workshop of Qantas Em-pire Airways at Mascot Aerodrome, Syd-ney. With the other end of the servicebeing at Durban instead of in England,it is indeed fortunate that sufficient fore-thought was shown to establish a com-plete maintena nce base at Sydney. Theengine overhaul shop could not be placedat the Rose Bay Base owing to questionsof noise and space, and to have it a con-siderable distance away at Mascot wasthe only solution.

The Smith Group Spitfire HE group of companies associated

with Smith s Aircraft Instrum ents

have in one mo nth subscribed m orethan enough for the purchase of oneSpitfire, the actual amount being^6,563. This am ount came entirely frompersonal contributions of the workersand executives, and nothing was addedby any of the companies as such. Thisis indeed a very praiseworthy piece ofwork, and contrasts strongly with theattitude of some financial people whoinformed the Government that 2J percent, was an insufficient rate of interestfor money to be lent for the conductof the war against Fascism.
