호스코브로셔20P 최종 2010.3.10 11:42 AM 페이지1 매일3...


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호스코브로셔20P_최종 2010.3.10 11:42 AM 페이지1 매일3 HyperLaser G3Plus 300DPI 100LPI T

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호스코브로셔20P_최종 2010.3.10 11:43 AM 페이지6 매일3 HyperLaser G3Plus 300DPI 100LPI T


Hello everyone!

Hosko has been in contact

with many hotels in Japan and

has been offer inggreat

hotelinternship program to the

ambitious Korean trainees.

Trainees will have the

opportunity to learn not only

the language but also the culture and the top service

during the internship.

Many trainees have completed the term and having a

successful life based on the experience they had in


I am here to help you if there is anything you need

during your stay.

Come on board with us!

Hosko Japan

Director of Operations

Mayuko Okoshi

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호스코브로셔20P_최종 2010.3.10 11:43 AM 페이지9 매일3 HyperLaser G3Plus 300DPI 100LPI T

Who We Are ...The Auburn University & Dixon Conference Center Training Program is part of

the dynamic vision and legacy of Horst Schulze, President & CEO, of The West Paces

Hotel Group.

The West Paces Hotel Group has partnered with Auburn University in Auburn,

Alabama on a curriculum for the University s bachelors and masters programs in

Hotel and Restaurant Management, and on the operation of the University s 247-

room Hotel and Dixon Conference Center.

Horst Schulze is a legend and a leader in the service world. His vision helped

reshape concepts of customer service throughout the hospitality and service


In 1991, Mr. Schulze was recognized as “corporate hotelier of the world” by HOTELS

Magazine. In 1995, he was awarded the Ishikawa Medal for his personal contributions

to the quality movement. In 1999, Johnson & Wales University recognized him with

an honorary Doctor of Business Administration degree in Hospitality Management.

Prior to launching The West Paces Hotel Group, Mr. Schulze served as Vice

Chairman of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company from 2001-02, after serving a

President and COO of The Ritz-Carlton Group, starting in 1988. Under his

leadership the Group was awarded the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in

both 1992 and 1999; the first and only hotel company to win even one such award.

Our CannonThe West Paces Hotel Group is inbusiness to create value andunparalleled results for our owners bycreating products which fulfillindividual customer expectations.

We deliver reliable, genuinely caringand timely service superior to ourcompetition, with respected andempowered employees who work in anenvironment of belonging and purpose.

We are supportive and contributingmembers of society, operating withuncompromising values, honor andintegrity.

Our VisionWe are the Global Leader in the servicebusiness. Our accomplishments andmeaningful contributions have apositive impact on society.

Our MissionOur brands, our independent hotels,and our other businesses are recognizedas the undisputed leaders in theirrespective markets segments.

Our ObjectivesEach Business unit will :

Keep our existing customersAdd new customersOptimize the spend of each customerMaximize efficiency in our servicedelivery

“Zeitgeist”spirit of the moment

We, the service professionals of The Hotelat Auburn University and DixonConference Center are committed to be:

ReliableDeliver products and services that aretimely, immaculate and defect-free.

LoyalHonor our guests with caring, sincere,respectful and spirited service.

WorldlyCreate sophisticated and uniqueexperiences in a warm, comfortable anddistinctive setting.

MemorableEngage and delight our guests, valuetheir personal time and contribute totheir “feeling well.”

Our Program Objective

To provide TRAINEES with aPROGRAM that provides a rotatingwork experience of 12 monthsconcentrating on the Food andBeverage Division, Rooms Division,Culinary and includes LeadershipTraining. The “Training Program” allows for anunderstanding of departmentaloperations while providing on-the-jobtraining coupled with a Leadershipexperience and training.

Upon completion of the program,Trainees will be able to successfullyrequest a transfer to a position in TheWest Paces Hotel Company in eitherthe Food and Beverage Division, theRooms Division, or Culinary.


“I always thought there could be something I

could give to the industry: a school where

students leave and can immediately be

contributing members of the business

wherever they're hired.”


HOTEL GROUPwww.westpaceshotels.com

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good evening.it's been a long time that i couldn't keepin touch with you. aplogize....how are you doing at this moment? stillbusy for the business?? of course you are..hope you are fine...it almost has been here for 2month....timeflies like an arrow...i had a lots of picture of me and purser'spictures as well.when i get a chance, i will send picturesof jewel of the seas, absolutely...

i have news to tell you.Ms Shim hyun ok, she has been transferto the freedom of the sea for somereasons.they need more pursers due to medicalabsence in freedom of the seas at thismoment..so our manager send her tofreedom.it happened just a week ago.as per Ms. Shim, jewel of the seas ismuch better to work and have a nicecoworked and manager.i'm the only korean on board so far. feelso lonely...hahaon the other hand.this is the perfectchance to improve my english and skillsas well.i had a 30 days evaluation and lookingforward to get 60days evaluation as well.i had a good result for the last month andhad a good comment from guest as well.

now we're at the sea and heading to theGrand Cayman, Goerge Town.

it's beautiful and awesome.first month was really hard and lots ofthing to learn and study, but for now ireally satisfied this cruise and settleddown here completely...all the shore excursion is free only forpurser.and i had a tour several times aswell. it was good...

FYI...we are woking approximetely 8 hours aday with 2different shift.the schedule is always depend on howwe are busy.we're woking 9hours for the debarkationand embarkation day.normally, 8hours a day...not so bad.and also to work with RCI, the mostimportant thing is fluent english skill(esp.listening,speaking and writing as well).to be promote or be a good purser,english skill and service mind is essentionfactor~!just remind them to keep studying hard~!!now i feel much better to communicatewith guest and coworkers.i keep learning from you and RCI.thank you..

i will keep in touch you as much as i can.if you have any question and need moreinfo. please let me know that i can giveyou more correct infomation for yourbusiness.hope you have a great day and alwaystake good care...again.....many thanks...

best regards.

Cindy,SonGuest service officerJewel of the seasRCCL


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