23. Comunión



26 de mayo al 01 de junio de 2011

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2011. Año Mariano. 50º aniversario de la proclamación de la Virgen del Buen Remedio como co-patrona de la Orden.

2011 Marian Year. 50th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Our Lady of Good Remedy as Co-Patrones of the Order.

2011. Anno Mariano. 50º anniversario della proclamazione della Vergine del Buon Rimedio come co-patrona dell’Ordine.

2011. Année mariale. 50ème anniversaire de la proclamation de Notre Dame du Bon Remède comme co-patronne de l'Ordre.

sumario – contents – sommario – sommaire

1. Mahasolo (Madagascar): Grave accidente en la escuela de las Trinitarias de Valence.

2. At DeMatha, Sports and Music Play Well Together.

3. Cumpleaños – Birthdays – Compleanni – Anniversaires.

Accidente grave en las instalaciones de la escuela de las Trinitarias de Valence en Madagascar

El pasado miércoles 18 de mayo en horas de la noche se producía un accidente en la escuela que las Trinitarias de Valence tienen en Mahasolo (Madagascar). Según nos han informado tanto Mons. Gustavo Bombín, obispo de Tsiroanomandidy, como la Hermana Laura Huerta, secretaria general del Instituto, ha sido una verdadera tragedia saldada con 20 muertos y varios heridos. A continuación publicamos la nota escrita por la hermana Laura:

“Queridas hermanas y hermanos: […] Las hermanas celebraban la fiesta de la escuela, como era día de mercado hubo mucha más gente de la que esperaban, según la policía había 4000 personas!!! Al terminar el espectáculo, la policía miraba a la gente que iba saliendo […], al lado de la puerta había una pila de cajas de cerveza vacías que se cayó, y cayó sobre un hombre que empezó a gritar pidiendo socorro. Eso produjo el movimiento de pánico, que hizo que tantas personas muriesen o que estén heridas pisoteadas. Aunque en la fiesta no venden bebidas alcohólicas, muchos llegan con ellas y se ingenian para pasarlas sin que los vean, así que se cree que habría personas en estado de ebriedad. La regional acudió enseguida con dos consejeras, menos mal que tiene un abogado fijo que la asesora en todas las circunstancias y acompañada por él y por la policía ha visitado todas las familias, la mayor parte no eran familias de la escuela. Lo más triste es una mamá con un bebe de 7 meses en los brazos que han muerto los dos. Aun hay amenazas para las hermanas, como organizadoras del evento; la policía sigue custodiando la casa; el alcalde y otras autoridades están a favor de ellas, pero, claro, van a tener que pagar a todas las familias que han perdido una persona o que tienen heridos!!! Momentos duros y difíciles. Muchas gracias por vuestra oración. Un fuerte abrazo. Laura


Grave incidente nella scuola delle Trinitarie di Valence in Madagascar

Lo scorso mercoledì 18 maggio, durante la notte, si è verificato un incidente nella scuola che le Trinitarie di Valence hanno a Mahasolo (Madagascar). Secondo quanto ci hanno riferito sia Mons. Gustavo Bombín, vescovo di Tsiroanomandidi, che Suor Laura Huerta, segretaria generale dell’Istituto, è stata una vera tragedia con ha sido una verdadera tragedia con 20 morti e diversi feriti. Di seguito pubblichiamo la nota scritta da Suor Laura:

“Cari fratelli e sorelle: […] Le suore celebrabano la festa della scuola, siccome era giorno di mercato c’era molta più gente del solito, secondo quanto riportato dalla polizia, c’erano circa 4000 persone!!! Alla fine dello spetacolo, la polizia sorvegliava la folla che usciva […]; accanto alla porta c’era una pila di casse di birra vuote che è caduta su un uomo, che ha iniziato a urlare chiedendo aiuto. Questa situazione ha provocato il panico tanto da far scappare le persone calpestandosi a vicenda. Anche se nella festa non si vendono alcolici, molti cercano il modo di farli entrare senza farsi vedere, quindi si ritiene che c’erano alcune persone in stato di ebrezza. La superiora regionale si è recata inmediatamente con due consigliere; per fortuna che hanno un avvocato che le segue in ogni circostanza, e accompagnate da lui e dalla polizia hanno visitato le famiglie; di cui la maggior parte non era della scuola. La storia più triste è la morte di una mamma con un bimbo di 7 mesi in braccio. Ancora ci sono minacce verso le suore, organizzatrici dell’evento; la polizia continua a sorvegliare la casa; il sindaco e altre autorità sono in loro favore, ma dovranno pagare a tutte le famiglie che hanno perso qualcuno o hanno dei feriti!!! Stiamo attraversando momenti duri e difficili, grazie per le vostre preghiere. Un forte abbraccio. Laura

At DeMatha, Sports and Music Play Well Together.Taken from: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/10/sports/10dematha.html?_r=1&emc=eta1&pagewanted=all

HYATTSVILLE, Md. — The new gym at DeMatha Catholic High is named for a Hall of Fame basketball coach and his wife, and its foyer is lined with championship banners for all the sports the school offers and usually dominates. On a recent afternoon, football players ran sprints under the gaze of coaches from Stanford, Virginia, West Virginia and Duke. About 75 steps away is a two-story brick building. It houses the one DeMatha program that might top them all. And buried beneath it is some of the evidence. The DeMatha music program, founded by John Mitchell in 1970 in large part to provide a pep band for Morgan Wootten’s renowned basketball team, has won so many awards that the school has run out of room for them. In the 1990s, when construction of what is now the McCarthy Music Center began, Mitchell saw opportunity. “There was a big hole in the ground, and we thought, ‘Hmmm,’ ” Mitchell said, with humor as dry as a bassoon’s B flat. “So there are a lot of trophies buried under this building. It’s happening again. We have an attic full of trophies here. We don’t have the space to build a trophy case. It’s a great problem to have, but it is a problem.” Eighteen trophies and plaques, from an April music festival in Atlanta, smothered a table outside his office. He scooted a large box holding more into the faculty restroom. Mitchell, 65, is retiring this year — he will conduct a DeMatha concert for the last time on Thursday — and part of his legacy will be stashes of substantial spoils, to be unearthed by future band directors or archaeologists. “If we could just melt these things down and get something for them, or if they’d just give us money instead of trophies, it’d be great,” Mitchell said. DeMatha, with an enrollment of 950 boys in suburban Washington, has built a national reputation largely on athletics. Sports publications take turns bestowing top rankings on DeMatha’s dominating programs. The basketball team under Wootten and, since 2002, under Mike Jones, has produced about 150 college scholarship players and more than a dozen N.B.A. players.

Bill McGregor, the football coach, recently resigned after 29 years, 17 conference championships and an estimated 350 players who went to college on scholarships. Less attention is showered on the music program, with its unusual link to athletics and its unusual respect in the halls of DeMatha. Joey Peacock, a 6-foot-3 junior who plays forward on the basketball team and first-chair alto saxophone in the wind ensemble, said: “Everybody will come up to me: ‘Oh, you made the DeMatha basketball varsity team — that’s very impressive. I know that your basketball team is basically the best thing you have.’ “I’ll say: ‘I don’t really think it is the best thing we have. I think the best thing we have is our music program.’ ” What makes DeMatha most unusual is that students like Peacock are not unusual at all. While high schools everywhere are notorious for their persistent and stereotypical social strata, with athletes often perched near the top and band members near the bottom, DeMatha has largely avoided “those separate empires within the school,” as Daniel McMahon, the principal, said. It is cool to play sports. It is just as cool to be in the band. It is coolest to do both. Mitchell started with 19 students in 1970. Now he oversees 400 students, 15 ensembles (but no marching band) and 4 other full-time faculty members. (James Roper, whom Mitchell hired in 1982, will rise to director of bands.) Mitchell estimated that 70 percent of the band members play at least one sport at DeMatha. Several DeMatha students told stories of middle school friends who stopped playing music because it was not the popular thing to do at their high school. “They’re totally done with it,” said the senior Shane Denman, who plays lacrosse and bassoon with equal finesse. “I’m the only one in my grade to continue on, that I know of.” Students acknowledged that it helped that DeMatha was an all-boys school. “Girls have enormous social power,” McMahon said. Parents said they were pleasantly surprised by the band’s wide acceptance, particularly at a school so associated with athletics. Bruce K. Hudson had decades-old memories of playing tuba — not at DeMatha — and being egged by the football team. He also remembers visiting DeMatha with his son more than a decade ago, and making small talk with a football player. “He said, ‘Oh, we have the best band,’ ” recalled Hudson, whose son, Rob, is now principal timpanist for the Chattanooga Symphony and Opera. “I was taken aback. That was wonderful.” Mylek Graham quit music as a freshman but resumed when he transferred to DeMatha for his junior year. As a senior this year, he played lacrosse and saxophone. “It was competitive; it was exciting,” said his father, Scottie Graham, a former N.F.L.running back. “There are some kids that are straight-up music beasts.” In 1970, DeMatha was already known for its basketball program. Five years earlier, Wootten’s team ended a 71-game winning streak by New York’s Power Memorial, led by Lew Alcindor. DeMatha teams later featured stars like Adrian Dantley, Kenny Carr, Dereck Whittenburg, Sidney Lowe, Danny Ferry and the current Chicago Bulls guard Keith Bogans. Mitchell grew up in Muscle Shoals, Ala. His voice still carries a Southern tune. In 1970, he was playing trombone and euphonium in the United States Army Band in Washington. He was enrolled at the University of Maryland in nearby College Park, on his way to bachelor’s and master’s degrees in music. DeMatha’s

principal, John Moylan, called the university’s music department searching for someone to start a band program. “One of the first missions was to start a pep band,” Mitchell said. His first band made its debut at a basketball game, playing the national anthem and performing at halftime. “We had a stage at that time, and we opened the curtains on the stage and we played some very simple tunes for the audience, which sort of looked at us and didn’t know what was going on very much,” Mitchell said. “But that was the start of what we have now.” By the end of the decade, the basketball team and the band, often sharing players, dominated competition. Mitchell began taking ensembles to several adjudicated festivals in 1975. The wind ensemble — think of it as a 42-member varsity team — never received less than a superior rating. The organization now known as the National Catholic Band Association named DeMatha the outstanding high school band in the country 18 times in 20 years, until the band association gently asked the school to stop applying for the honor about a decade ago, Mitchell said. The building the band occupies underwent a $1.2 million renovation a couple of years ago, making DeMatha’s facilities as nice as those anywhere: three rehearsal rooms, including one for the many percussion instruments that clang, boom or chime; a choir room; eight booths for individual practice or lessons; a large closet of roll-out cabinets for sheet music; and a two-story closet for hundreds of tuxedos of all sizes, on a conveyer system like those found at dry cleaners. The program has a huge booster program — two events this year raised $120,000, Mitchell said — but some of the band’s biggest fans are the coaches. Wootten said his son Brendan not only started at guard for one of his championship teams, but also played clarinet and trumpet for Mitchell’s top ensemble. McMahon, the principal, said that if there were a hall of fame for band directors, Mitchell would be in it. Tom Ponton, DeMatha’s director of development, called Mitchell “the Morgan Wootten of band directors.” Mitchell sat nearby. “I will never feel successful,” he deadpanned, “until I hear somebody say, ‘Morgan Wootten is the John Mitchell of basketball coaches.’ ”

Cumpleaños y Efemérides 26 de mayo al 1 de junio de 2011

26 P. Joshy Abraham Mappilaparambil, del Vicariato de la India, nacido en Poomala en 1969

Fra. Jean Désiré Rakotoarson, de la Provincia de Madagascar, nacido en Ambatomiady (Antanifotsy) en 1981

27 P. Juan Pujana, de la Provincia de España Norte, nacido en Ochandiano (Vizcaya) en 1946

28 Fra. Onjaniaina Nicolas Randrianasolo, de la Provincia de Madagascar, nacido en Antananarivo en 1987

29 Fra. Jean Lucien Erico Radaoromanana, de la Provincia de Madagascar, nacido en Anosimanjaka – Antananarivo en 1983

30 P. Pascual Villegas, de la Provincia de España Sur, nacido en El Toboso (Toledo) en 1940

P. Ettore Spina, de la Provincia de Madagascar, nacido en Valsinni (Matera) en 1939

31 Fra. Servais Ladyslas Miyoukouti Madiki, de la Provincia de Italia Sur, nacido en Brazzaville (Congo) en 1976

1 Fra. Joachim Vincent Rafenosoa, de la Provincia de Madagascar, nacido en Alatsinainy Bakaro en 1980

Fray Hinel Zandry Rabonary, de la Provincia de Madagascar, nacido en Antananarivo en 1978

A todos y a cada uno en particular llegue la cordial felicitación de la Orden,

junto con la seguridad de un especial recuerdo ante el Altar del Señor.

¡Feliz Cumpleaños! Happy Birthday! Bon Anniversaire!

Sto Lat! Tanti Auguri!

Arahaba Tratry Ny Fety!