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1. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE- Untuk membentuk kalimat Kebiasaan/Habit/Rutinitas.-Dengan ciri-ciri keterangan waktu seperti today, every day, every week, this week, every month, every year dan this year.- Pola dasar dalam kalimat harus memiliki unsur Subject + Verb + Object.- Contoh:I Play Tennis Bila mau dipertajam lagi akan menjadi I play tennis in Jakarta with John today- Jenis Kalimat: Verbal : Yaitu menggunakan Full Verb- I, we, you, they (Send, see, read, study, play)- He, she, it (Sends, sees, read, studies, plays)- Contoh:1. (+) I/THEY/YOU/WE send the letter(-) I/THEY/YOU/WE do not send the letter2. (+) HE/SHE/IT plays golf(-) HE/SHE/IT does not play golf Nominal : Yaitu menggunakan Verb To Be- I am, you are, we are, they are- Untuk he, she, is, verb to be tidak perlu ditambah dengan S- Contoh:1. (+) I am happy(-) I am not happy2. (+) THEY/YOU/WE are in Bali(-) THEY/YOU/WE are not in Bali3. (+) HE/SHE is happy(-) HE/SHE is not happy4. (+) IT is a car(-) IT is not a car


Rumah sakit : HospitalMahal : ExpensivePergi : Go/goes wentHave/has - goneKe : To

Buku : BookMurah : CheapBicara : Speak/s spokeHave/has spokenDi : At

Meja : TableDekat : NearMakan : Eat/s ateHave/has eatenDengan : With

Mobil : CarJauh : FarMenulis : Write/es wroteHave/has writtenDari : Form


- Untuk membentuk kalimat dalam kegiatan di masa lampau atau sudah berlaluwalaupun baru satu menit lalu, sudah dinamakan waktu lampau.- Dengan ciri-ciri keterangan waktu seperti yesterday, last week, last month, twomonths ago, two hours ago, last year- Jenis kalimat: Verbal : Menggunakan Verb ke 2-I, you, we, they, she, he, it (send, see, read, study, play kemudian menjadi sent, saw, read, studied, played).- Contoh :1. (+) I SENT the letter yesterday(-) I did not SEND the letter yesterday2. (+) THEY READ the book last week(-) THEY did not READ the book last week3. (+) YOU SAW that film last month(-) YOU did not see that film last month4. (+) WE STUDIED English last year(-) WE did not STUDY English last year5. (+) HE/SHE PLAYED golf one year ago(-) HE/SHE did not PLAY golf one year ago Nominal : Menggunakan Verb To Be ke 2-I am, you are, they are, he is, she is, it is, kemudian menjadi I was, you were, they were, he was, she was, it was.- Contoh :1.(+)I was happy yesterday

(-)I was not happy yesterday

2.(+)THEY were in Bali last month

(-)THEY were not in Bali last month

3.(+)YOU were my friend/s last year

(-)YOU were not my friend/s last year

4.(+)HE/SHE was a teacher last year

(-)HE/SHE was not a teacher last year

5.(+)IT was 9 oclock two hours ago

(-)IT was not 9 oclock two hours ago


Rumah sakit : HospitalMahal : ExpensivePergi : Go/goes wentHave/has - gone

Buku : BookMurah : CheapBicara : Speak/s spokeHave/has spoken

Bag : TasJauh : FarKirim : Send/s sentHave/has sent

- Latihan:1. Verbal a. b. c. (HE/SHE) 2. Nominal a. b. c.

3. PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE- Untuk membentuk kalimat dalam kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung atau saat ini.-Dengan ciri-ciri keterangan waktu seperti now, right now, at this moment, at present moment.-Bentuk tenses ini hanya dalam kalimat Verbal yaitu menggunakan To be + Verb 1 + ing form (I am sending, You are seeing, We are reading, They are studying, He/She is playing).- Contoh:1. (+) I am sending the letter now(-) I am not sending the letter now2. (+) THEY are reading the book at this moment(-) THEY are not reading the book at this moment3. (+) YOU are seeing that film now(-) YOU are not seeing that film now4. (+) WE are studying English now(-) WE are not studying English now5. (+) HE/SHE is playing golf right now(-) HE/SHE is not playing golf right now


Rumah sakit : HospitalMahal : ExpensivePergi : Go/goes wentHave/has - gone

Buku : BookMurah : CheapBicara : Speak/s spokeHave/has spoken

Bag : TasJauh : FarKirim : Send/s sentHave/has sent

- Latihan:1. Verbal Past Tense Mencoba:a. (Orang 3 Jamak) b. (Orang 3) c. (Orang 3 Tunggal) 2. Nominal Past Tensea. I + (Keterangan Tempat) b. We + (Kata Sifat) c. Sjanti + (Profesi) 3. Verbal Present Continuous Tense Belajar:a. (Orang 1) b. (Orang 2) c. (Orang 3)

4. SIMPLE PERFECT TENSE-Untuk membentuk kalimat dalam kegiatan yang sudah dilaksanakan/sempurna. Tenses ini lebih mengedepankan hasil dari bentuk kegiatan. Dalam Bahasa Indonesia kita kenal dengan istilah sudah atau belum.- Kalimat ini dengan ciri-ciri keterangan waktu seperti two times, since, for three days,before.- Jenis kalimat: Verbal : Menggunakan have/has + verb ke 3- I/YOU/WE/They + have + verb ke 3 (I have already + verb ke 3)- SHE/HE/IT + has + verb ke 3 (HE has not called or + yet)- Contoh:1. (+) I have sent the letter two times(-) I have not sent the letter yet2. (+) THEY have read the book four times(-) THEY have not read the book3. (+) YOU have already written that report(-) YOU have not written that report yet4. (+) WE have already seen that film(-) WE have not seen that film yet5. (+) HE has played golf since 2000 (-) HE has not played golf Nominal : Menggunakan have/has + to be ke 3- I/YOU/WE/THEY + have + to be ke 3 (I have already +to be ke 3)- SHE/HE/IT + has + to be ke 3- HE has not been a teacher or + yet- Contoh:1. (+) I have been happy there(-) I have not been happy yet2. (+) THEY have been in Bali since last month(-) THEY have not been in Bali3. (+) YOU have been a teacher for two years(-) YOU have not been a teacher yet4. (+) WE have been there before(-) WE have not been there5. (+) HE has been a student for 6 years(-) HE has not been a student yet6. (+) SHE has been mine before(-) SHE has not been mine yet


Rumah sakit : HospitalMahal : ExpensivePergi : Go/goes wentHave/has - goneKe : To

Buku : BookMurah : CheapBicara : Speak/s spokeHave/has spokenDari : From

Bag : TasJauh : FarKirim : Send/s sentHave/has sentDi : At

Rumah : HouseDekat : NearCuri : Steal/s stolenHave/has stolenDengan : With

Mobil : CarPanas : HotBeli : Buy/s boughtHave/has boughtUntuk : For

Kursi : ChairDingin : CoolAjar : Teach/es taughtHave/has taughtDan : And

Meja : TableHitam : BlackPakai : Wear/s woreHave/has wormOleh : By

Lantai : FloorPutih : WhiteMulai : Begin/s begunHave/has begunAntara : Between

- Latihan:1. Verbal Present Tense Membeli:a. (Orang 3 jamak) b. (Orang 3 tunggal) 2. Nominal Past Tense a. (It Kata benda) b. (I + Profesi) 3. Verbal + Present Continuous Tense Minum a. (Orang 1) b. (Orang 3 tunggal) 4. Verbal + Present Perfect Tense + Mengajar a. (Orang 1) b. (Orang 3 tunggal) 5. Nominal Present Perfect Tensea. (Orang 1 + Keterangan tempat)

5. PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE-Untuk menjelaskan kegiatan yang berlangsung di masa lampau dengan pola kalimatnya Subject + Was/Were + Verb ing Form.-Juga dalam bentuk yang lain menjelaskan kegiatan yang berlangsung di masa lampau dan diikuti oleh kegiatan yang lain dengan menggunakan kata penghubung When (When + Subject 1 + Subject Past + Subject 2 + Past Continuous atau Subject 1 + Past Continuous + When + Subject 2 + Subject Past.-Ada juga dalam bentuk kegiatan di masa lampau dalam waktu yang bersamaan dengan menggunakan kata penghubung While (While + Subject 1 + Past Continuous + Subject2 + Past Continuous atau Subject 1 + Past Continuous + While + Subject 2 + PastContinuous.- Jenis kalimat: Verbal : Menggunakan s + to be 2 + verb 1 ing form.- I was + Verb + ing- YOU/WE were + Verb + ing- HE/SHE/IT was + Verb + ing Nominal : Bisa juga penghubung dua kalimat dengan kata sambung while atauwhen.- WHEN + Subject 1 + Subject Past + Subject 2 + Past Continuous- WHILE + Subject 1 + Past Continuous + Subject 2 + Past Continuous- Contoh:1. (+) I was sending the letter(-) I was not sending the letter2. (+) THEY were reading that book(-) THEY were not reading that book3. (+) WHEN YOU came home I was studying English(-) WHEN YOU came home I was not studying English4. (+) I was studying English WHEN YOU came home(-) I was not studying English WHEN YOU came home5. (+) WHILE HE was playing golf HIS WIFE was reading novel(-) WHILE HE was playing golf HIS WIFE was not reading novel

- Latihan:1. Verbal Present Tense Mengajar a. (Johan) 2. Past Tense Nominala. (My mother + Profesi) b. (I + Kata sifat) 3. Verbal + Present Continuous Tense + Mencoba a. (Orang 2) b. (Orang 3 Tunggal Perempuan) 4. Verbal + Present Perfect Tense + Berfikir a. (Orang 3 Tunggal Laki-laki) 5. Verbal + Subject 1 (Johan) Subject 2 (Martha) Past Continuous Tense + When + Datang Menonton


-Untuk menjelaskan kegiatan di masa yang akan datang dengan menggunakan kata bantu Will atau Be Going To Be (am, is, are).- Dengan ciri-ciri keterangan waktu seperti Tomorrow, Next Week, Next Month, NextYear.-Pola dasar tenses ini hampir sama dengan Simple Present Tense. Misalnya I play tennis today menjadi I will play tennis tomorrow atau I am going to play tennis tomorrow. Bentuk ini bisa digunakan dalam speaking dan informal writing.- Jenis kalimat: Verbal :- I/WE/YOU/THEY + will + verb 1 (send, see, study etc.)- HE/SHE/IT + will + verb 1 (send, see, study etc.)- Verb kembali ke bentuk semula.- Contoh:1. (+) I WILL send the letter tomorrow(-) I WILL not send the letter tomorrow2. (+) THEY/WE ARE GOING TO read the book next week(-) THEY/WE ARE not GOING TO read the book next week3. (+) YOU WILL see that film tomorrow(-) YOU WILL not see that film tomorrow4. (+) HE/SHE IS GOING TO play golf tomorrow(-) HE/SHE IS not GOING TO play golf tomorrow Nominal :- I/WE/YOU/THEY/HE/SHE/IT + will + be- Contoh:1. (+) I WILL BE happy tomorrow(-) I WILL not BE happy tomorrow2. (+) THEY ARE GOING TO BE in Bali next week(-) THEY ARE not GOING TO BE in Bali next week3. (+) YOU ARE GOING TO BE my friend/s(-) YOU ARE not GOING TO BE my friend/s4. (+) WE WILL BE students next month(-) WE WILL not BE students next month5. (+) HE/SHE IS GOING TO BE a teacher(-) HE/SHE IS not GOING TO BE a teacher

- Modal Auxiliaries:1. WILL/BE GOING TO (Future Time)- John will write a letter tomorrow- John is GOING TO write a letter tomorrow.2. CAN/BE ABLE TO (Ability)- Ruly CAN speak English very well- Ruly IS BE ABLE TO speak English very well.3. MAY/BE PERMITTED TO/HAVE PERMISSION TO (Permission)- The students MAY write in the wall- The students HAVE PERMISSION TO write in the wall4. MIGHT/IT IS POSSIBLE THAT (Possibility)- Budi MIGHT go to Chicago- IT IS POSSIBLE THAT Budi will go to Chicago5. SHOULD/OUGHT TO (Obligation)- Mary SHOULD write to her parents- Mary OUGHT TO write to her parents6. MUST/HAVE/HAS TO (Necessity)- Ali MUST take an exam next week- Ali HAS TO take an exam next week

7. VERB AS COMPLEMENTS- Beberapa kata kerja diikuti oleh kata kerja yang lain yang berfungsi sebagaiComplements (pelengkap) seperti umumnya kata benda yang bisa kita temui.1. Beberapa kata kerja yang berfungsi sebagai complement yang menggunakaninfinitive (to + verb). Expect, agree, desire, intend, prepare, tend, attempt, fail, learn, pretend, try, claim, forget, need, refuse, want, decide, hope, plan, strive.1. John EXPECTS to BEGIN studying low next semester2. Mary LEARNED to SWIM last week3. Cynthia has AGREED to ACT as an advisor4. Susan DECIDED not to BUY that car2. Beberapa kata kerja yang diikuti oleh Gerund (verb + ing form). Admit, delay, miss, regret, risk, appreciate, deny, postpone, report, suggest, avoid, enjoy, practice, recent, cant help, finish, quit, resist, consider, mind, recall, resume.1. We ENJOYED SEEING them again2. Tommy was CONSIDERING BUYING a new car3. Would you MIND not SMOKING here4. We REGRETTED not GOING to the party3. Beberapa kata kerja diikuti oleh Infinitive (To + Verb) atau Gerund (Verb + IngForm). Begin, like, cant stand, love, continue, prefer, dread, start, hate.1. He STARTED TO STUDYING after dinner2. He STARTED STUDYING after dinner3. John HATES TO RIDE his bicycle to school4. John HATES RIDING his bicycle to school4. Verbs + Prepositions diikuti oleh Gerund. Approve of, give up, rely on, worry about, better off, insist on, succeed in, count on, keep on, think about, depend on, put off, think of, object to, look forward to, confess to.

1. I GIVE UP SMOKING because my doctors advise2. Hendry is THINKING OF GOING to France in June3. We are not LOOKING FORWARD TO GOING back to school4. Fred CONFESSED TO STEALING the jewel5. Adjective + Prepositions diikuti oleh Gerund. Accustomed to, intent on, afraid of, interest in, capable of, successful in, fond of, tired of.1. Mitch is AFARID OF GETTING married now2. We are ACCUSTOMED TO SLEEPING late on weekend3. Alvaro is INTEND ON FINISHING school next week4. We are INTERESTED IN SEEING this film6. Nouns + Prepositions diikuti oleh Gerund. Choice of, Possibility of, excuse for, method for, (method of)1. George has no EXCUSE FOR DROPPING out of schools2. There is a POSSIBILITY OF ACQUIRING this property3. There is no REASON FOR LEAVING this year4. Connie has developed a METHOD FOR EVALUATING this problem7. Adjective yang diikuti oleh infinitive. Anxious, eager, pleased, usual, boring, easy, prepared, common, dangerous,good, ready, difficult, hard, strange, able (*).1. Tom is ANXIOUS TO SEE his family2. We are READY TO LEAVE now3. It is DIFFICULT TO PASS this test4. It is DANGEROUS TO DRIVE in this weather(*) ABLE sama dengan CAPABLE tapi beda dalam penulisan grammar. Dimana ABLE diikuti ole INFINITIVE TO, CAPABLE diikuti oleh OF + VERB + ING1. This student are not yet ABLE TO HANDLE this problem2. This student is not yet CAPABLE OF HANDLING this problem8. Beberapa VERBS bisa diikuti oleh infinitive atau gerund namun artinya jadi lain.Beberapa kata kerja dimaksud: Stop, remember, forget.1. John STOP STUDYING (John is not going to study anymore)2. John STOP TO STUDY (John stopped doing something in order to study)- Latihan: Choose the correct form of the verb in parentheses in the following sentences.1. The teacher decided (accepting to accept) this paper2. They appreciate (to have - having) this information3. His father doesnt approve of his (going to go) to Europe4. We found in very difficult (reaching to reach) a decision5. Donna is interested in (to open opening) a bar6. George has no intention of (to leave leaving) the city now7. We are eager ( to return returning) to school in the fall8. You would be better off (to buy buying) this car9. She refused (to accept accepting) the gift10. Mary regrets (to be being) the one to have to tell him Choose the correct form of the verb in parentheses in the following sentences.11. George pretended (to be being) sick yesterday12. Carlos hope ( to finish finishing) his thesis this year13. They agreed (to leave leaving) early14. Helen was anxious ( to tell telling) her family about her promotion15. We are not ready (to stop stopping) this research this time16. Hendry shouldnt risk (to drive driving) so fast17. He demands (to know knowing) what is going on18. She is looking forward (to return returning) to her country19. The is no excuse for (to leave leaving) the room in this condition20. Gerald returned to his home after (to leave leaving) the game.

8. QUESTIONS- Masih ingatkah saudara dengan beberapa kalimat berikut?1. He plays golf with John2. They bought the book last week3. She is sending the letter now4. They have seen the book four times5. He will send the letter tomorrow- Maka akan menjadi:1. He plays golf with John => Does he plays golf?2. They bought the book last week => Did they buy the book last week?3. She is sending the letter now => Is she sending the letter now?4. They have seen the book four times => Have they seen the book four times?5. He will send the letter tomorrow => Will he send the letter tomorrow?- Daftar pertanyaan:1. Apakah = Do/does, did, am/is/are, was/were (jawabannya ya atautidak)2. Apa = What (menanyakan object)3. Kapan = When (menanyakan waktu secara umum)4. Jam Berapa = What time (menanyakan khusus tentang jam)5. Berapa lama = How long (menanyakan berapa lama waktu secara umum)6. Berapa jam = How many hours (menanyakan khusus berapa jam)7. Berapa hari = How many days (menanyakan khusus berapa hari)8. Mana = Where is (menanyakan mana secara umum)9. Di mana = Where at (menanyakan lokasi)10. Ke mana = Where . to (menanyakan arah)11. Dari mana = Where . from (menanyakan sumber dari mana)12. Siapa = Who (menanyakan orang/subject ) => tidak pakai kata bantu(Verbal)13. Dengan Siapa = With whom (menanyakan dengan siapa/apa)14. Yang mana = Which one (menanyakan memilih secara umum)15. Buku yang mana = Which book (menanyakan memilih secara khusus)16. Bagaimana = How (menanyakan keadaan)17. Kenapa = why (menanyakan alasan)18. Question + Kata Bantu + Subject- Contoh dalam kalimat:1. He plays golf with John => Does he play golf with John? What does he play with John? atau Who PLAYS golf with John? (untuk subject tidak dipakai kata bantu) atau With whom does he play golf? (untuk subject harus pakai kata bantu, kata kerja kembali ke bentuk semula).2. She is a teacher here => Is she a teacher here? Who is a teacher here? (untuk kelompok nominal, Who subject pakai kata bantu).3. They wrote the book last week => Did they WRITE the book last week? When did they WRITE last week?4. They have seen the book four times => Have they seen the book four times? How many times HAVE they seen the book?5. Mary was in Medan last week => Was Mary in Medan last week? Where was Mary last week?- Latihan:1. Roland is in Jakarta this week ------------------------------- Apakah2. They ate fried rice at the restaurant last week------- Apa3. Santos goes to his office every day ----------------------- Kapan4. Mr. Clerk meets his wife in hotel at seven ------------ Jam berapa5. She studied English for two months -------------------- Berapa lama6. They play tennis one hour every week ----------------- Berapa jam7. Mr. Gus is in Jakarta three days-------------------------- Berapa hari8. This is his book -------------------------------------------------- Mana (umum)9. Sjanti works at the hospital ---------------------------------- Di mana10. She went to Bali yesterday----------------------------------- Ke mana11. You buy this book from that shop-------------------------- Dari mana12. Tom sees Mary every week---------------------------------- Siapa (subject)13. John studied English with his teacher -------------------- Dengan Siapa14. He likes this one ------------------------------------------------ Yang mana15. This book is very expensive ---------------------------------- Buku yang mana16. Tom goes to his campus by car ----------------------------- How17. Michel did eat because he was sick ----------------------- Why

9. ACTIVE PASSIVE-Pada Simple Present Tense (Subject Be (am/is/are) Kata Kerja ke 3) Contoh: They Write the LETTERS every day (Active)S V1 O1 O2LETTERS are written by them every day (Passive) SBe V3 O1 O2-Pada Simple Past Tense (Subject Be (was/were) Kata Kerja ke 3) Contoh : They wrote LETTERS yesterday (Active)S V2 O1 O2LETTERS were written by them yesterday (Passive) SBe V3 O1 O2-Pada Infinitive (Subject (Be Going To + Be) Kata Kerja ke 3) Contoh : They are going to write LETTERS tomorrow (Active)S Will V2 O1 O2LETTERS are going to BE written by them tomorrow (Passive) atauS Will Be V3 O1 O1LETTERS will BE written by them tomorrow (Passive) SModal Be V3 O1 O1-Pada Infinitive Modal (Subject Modal (Have/Has To) + Be Kata Kerja ke 3) Contoh : They have to write LETTERS (Active)S Modal V1 OLETTERS have to BE written by them (Passive) SModal Be V3 O

-Pada Continuous Tense (Subject Be/Being Kata Kerja ke 3) Contoh: They are writing LETTERS now (Active)S V (Cont) O1 O2LETTERS are BEing written by them now (Passive) SBe V3 O1 O2- Pada Perfect Tense (Subject Have/Has + BEEN Kata Kerja ke 3Contoh: They are written LETTERS since yesterday (Active) SV3 O1 O2LETTERS have BEEN written by them since yesterday (Passive) SKata Bantu V3 O1 O2- Latihan:Change the following active sentences into their corresponding passive sentence.1. Someone explains the lessons every day.2. We need action now.3. The government spends billions of dollars every year.4. People lose many things every day.5. They completed the building before I left.6. The Romans built Rome a long time ago.7. They are going to bring the books tomorrow.8. She has closed the windows.9. We must stop inflation.10. John will send the letter tomorrow.11. The doctor is going to perform the operation.12. They have done the homework.

10.PRONOUNS- Pronouns terdiri dari lima bentuk:1. Subject Pronouns Berfungsi sebagai subjek. Posisinya sebelum verb atau verb to be (I, We, You,They, He, She, It).- Contoh:1. I will see that computer tomorrow2. WE have lived here for ten years3. SHE and I have studied that book4. WE STUDENTS are going to have a party-WE dapat diikuti langsung oleh noun. Seperti pada contoh di atas siapa yang dimaksud dengan WE sebenarnya.2. Complement Pronouns Berfungsi sebagai pelengkap (complement) atau sesudah preposisi perobahan(I-Me, We-Us, You-You, They-Them, He-Him, She-Her, It-It).- Contoh:1. They called US on the telephone2. The teacher gave HIM a bad grave3. Policeman was looking for HIM4. To US, it seems like a good bargain3. Possessive Adjective Bentuk ini tidak sama dengan Possessive Pronoun. Hal ini lebih kepada bentuk pengembangan dari bentuk. Bentuk ini lebih kepada pemilikan. Ciri-cirinya diikuti oleh kata benda (I-My, We-Our, You-Your, They-Their, He-His, She-Her, It-Its).- Contoh:1. John is eating HIS DINNER2. MY FOOD is cold3. The cat has injured ITS FOOT4. She forgot HER HOMEWORK this morning4. Possessive Pronouns Bentuk ini dalam bentuk pronoun sebagai pengganti benda di mana benda sebelumnya sudah dimengerti atau diketahui (I-Mine, We-Ours, You-Yours, They-Theirs, He-His, She-Hers, It-Its).- Contoh:1. This is MY BOOK This is MINE2. YOUR TEACHER is the same as HIS TEACHER YOURS is the same asHIS3. OUR BOOKS are heavy OURS are heavy5. Reflexive Pronouns Bentuk pronoun ini mengikuti kata kerja. Hal ini menunjukkan dimana subjek melakukan dan menerima kegiatan (I-Myself, We-Ourselves, You- Yourself/Yourselves, They-Themselves, He-Himself, She-Herself, It-Itself). Note : Self Selves (for plural).- Contoh:1. I washed MYSELF2. He sent the letters to HIMSELF3. She served HERSELF in the cafetaria4. They were talking among THEMSELVES-Dapat juga dalam kalimat penekanan (MYSELF believe that the proposal is good).- Latihan:Pilihlah kata yang benar dalam kurung.1. I go to campus with (HE/HIM) every day2. I see (SHE/HER/HERSELF) at the union every Friday3. She speaks to (WE/US/OURSELVES) every morning4. Isnt (SHE/HER) a nice person5. (HE/HIM) is going to go to New York on vacation6. (SHE/HER) and John gave the money to the boy7. (YOURS/YOUR) record is scratched and (MY/MINE) is too8. I hurt (MY/MINE/THE) leg9. (WE/US) girls are going camping over the weekend10. Tom bought (HIMSELF/HERSELF) a new car11. Mr. Larry cut (HISSELF/HIMSELF) shaving12. We like (OUR/OURS) new car very much13. The dog bit (SHE/HER) on the leg14. Tomas (HE/HIMSELF) went to the meeting yesterday15. Mary and (I/ME) would rather go to the movies16. Monday is a holiday for (WE/OUR) teacher

11.Comparison- Equal Comparison merupakan sebuah tingkat perbandingan dengan kataAdjectives/adverb dengan rumusnya secara umum:

-Kadang kala kita menemui SO pengganti AS sebelum kata sifat/Adverb (Subject + Verb + THE SAME AS + Noun). Lawannya adalah (Subject + Verb + DIFFERENT FROM + Noun/Pronoun).- Contoh:1. He is not as TALL as his father2. He is not SO TALL as his fatherCatatan:Dalam bahasa Inggris yang benar, penggunaan kata PRONOUN selalu diletakkan sesudah AS.3. Peter is as TALL as I4. You are as OLD as she5. My book is as INTERESTING as yours (Adjective)6. Their house is as BIG as that one (Adjective)7. His job is as DIFFICULT as mine (Adjective)8. His car runs as FAST as race car (Adverb)9. John sings as WELL as his sister (Adverb)10. Tom sings very well, but Paul doesnt atau Tom is very good singer, but Paulisnt maka Paul doesnt sings as Well as Paul.- Contoh lain dalam kalimat:1. My pencil and your pencil are the same There is no difference My pencil is the same as Yours2. Johns coat is large and brown Pauls coat is small and grey Johns coat isdifferent from Pauls-Penggunaan kata LIKE ALMOST THE SAME (Johns coat is similar to Pauls Johns coat is like Pauls).- Perobahan kata ADJECTIVES-NOUN (Heavy-Weight, Wide-Width, Deep-Depth,Long-Length, Big-Size, Thick-Thickness, High-Height, Hard-Hardness, Old-Age, Expensive-Price, Fast-Speed, Far-Distance). Contoh:1. My house is HIGH as his (Adjectives)2. My house is the same HEIGHT as his (Noun)3. This lake is as DEEP as the other one (Adjectives)4. This lake is the same DEPTH as the other one (Noun)5. This campus is as BIG as your campus (Adjectives)6. This campus is the same SIZE as your campus (Noun)7. Tom bought FIVE BOOKS and Leo did too (Quantity)8. Tom bought as MANY BOOKS as Leo/Tom bought as many as Leo9. John had TWO CUPS OF COFFEE, and Larry did too (Quantity)10. John had as MUCH COFFEE as Larry/John had as much as Larry-Unequal Comparison merupakan sebuah tingkat perbandingan, yang tidak sama sampai pada tingkat yang PALING BESAR atau tingkat yang PALING SEDIKIT/KECIL. Ada beberapa catatan yang perlu diperhatikan:1. Tambahkan ER pada KATA SIFAT yang menggunakan SATU SUKU KATA (Sifat): (Thick-Thicker, Soon-Sooner, Quiet-Quieter, Slow-Slower).2. Pada SATU SUKU KATA (Sifat) yang diawali dengan HURUF HIDUP/VOVEL harus digandakan, kecuali X, Y dan Z: (Big-Bigger, Red-Redder, Hot-Hotter).3. Menggunakan kata MORE pada KATA SIFAT yang menggunakan lebih dari SATU SUKU KATA: (MORE Beautiful, MORE important, MORE believable, MORE understand).4. Menggunakan kata MORE pada KATA SIFAT yang berakhiran -ED, -FUL, -ING, -ISH,-OUS: (MORE useful, MORE boring, MORE interesting, MORE cautious).5. Bila kata sifat berakhiran CONSONANT Y, ganti huruf Y menjadi I, setelah itu ditambahkan dengan ER: (Happy-Happier, Dry-Drier).6. ADVERB SUFFIX-LY: (Carefully-More Carefully, Clearly-More Clearly).7. Good/Well-Better, Bad/Badly-Worse, Far-Farther/Further).- Rumus Unequal Comparison:

Catatan:-Penambahan kata ER maupun MORE maksudnya adalah sama. Jadi tidak perlu lagi: (MORE Prettier, MORE Faster, MORE Better).- Beberapa ADVERB seperti FASTER, QUICKER, SOONER, LATER selalu menggunakanPRONOUN sesudahnya.TallClear Fast Hard Nice Busy Easy Happy Lazy Good Well Bad Badly Far Many MuchTallerClearer Faster Harder Nicer Busier Easier Happier Lazier Better Better Worse Worse Farther More MoreThe TallestThe Clearest The Fastest The Hardest The Nicest The Busiest The Easiest The Happiest The Laziest The BestThe Best The Worst The Worst The Farthest The Most The Most

AdjectiveCareful Beautiful Expensive Interesting Important Necessary


Carefully Clearly Easily Quickly RapidlyMore Careful More Beautiful More Expensive More Interesting More Important More Necessary

More Carefully More Clearly More Easily More Quickly More RapidlyThe Most Careful The Most Beautiful The Most Expensive The Most Interesting The Most Important The Most Necessary

The Most Carefully The Most Clearly The Most EasilyThe Most QuicklyThe Rapidly

Contoh:1. John and Paul are more careful than George2. But George is less careful that John & Paul3. So George is the least careful (Adjective)4. Mary has more books than Alice5. But Helen has more book than Mary and Alice6. So Helen has the most books (Noun)7. Less and Least merupakan lawan dari8. More and Most

12.Relative Clauses- Untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat. Lima macam bentuk Relative Clause:1. THAT---------------- Untuk THING/PEOPLE (barang/orang) Harus diingat fungsi Relative Clause untuk menyingkat dua kalimat yang terpisah. Jadi masing-masing Clause harus memiliki VERB.1. We bought THE STEREO. THE STEREO had been advertised at a reduce price We bought THE STEREO THAT had been advertised at a reduce price2. I saw A BOOK. THE BOOK cost one hundred dollars I saw THE BOOK THATcost one hundred dollars3. Tom is going to buy THE CAMPUS. We have been thinking of buying THE CAMPUS Tom is going to buy THE CAMPUS THAT we have been thinking of buyingIncorrect:This THE BOOK THAT I bought IT at the bookstoreCorrect:This THE BOOK THAT I bought at the bookstore2. WHICH ------------- Untuk THING (barang) Penggunaan Relative Pronoun WHICH sebagai pengganti BENDA.1. MY CAR uses too much gasoline. MY CAR is very largeMY CAR (MY CAR is very large) uses too much gasolineBendaMY CAR WHICH is very large uses too much gasoline3. WHO---------------- Untuk PEOPLE (orang)4. WHOM ------------- Untuk PEOPLE (orang) Object Penggunaan Relative Pronoun WHO sebagai pengganti SUBJECT, sementaraWHO sebagai COMPLEMENT Object.1. THE MEN are angry. THE MEN are in this roomThe men (THE MEN are in this room) are angrySubjectTHE MEN WHO are in this room are angry2. THE MEN are angry. I dont like THE MEN THE MEN (I dont like THE MEN) are angryObjectTHE MEN WHOM I dont like are angry3. THE MEN are angry. The women is talking TO THE MEN THE MEN (the woman is talking TO THE MEN) are angryObject ComplementTHE MEN TO WHOM the woman is talking are angry

5. WHOSE------------- Biasanya untuk PEOPLE (orang) Penggunaan Relative Pronoun WHOSE yang menunjukkan arti memiliki.1. John found A CAT. THE CATS LEG was brokenJohn found A CAT (THE CATS LEG) was broken of the companyPossessiveJohn found A CAT WHOSE leg was broken2. JAMES (JAMESS FATHER is President of the company) has receive a promotionJames WHOSE father is President of the company) has receive a promotion

Corrections:a. Penggunaan Verb pada jenis kalimat Nominal dari Present Perfect Tenseb. Contoh kalimat Verbal + dan pada Past Continuous Tensec. Tulisan Auxiliries pada Future Tensed. Penggunaan kata Campus pada Pronoun (Latihan)e. Penggunaan kata Weeken pada Pronoun (Latihan)f. Penggunaan kata Hisself pada Pronoun (Latihan)g. Penggunaan kata to pada Relative Clauses (Which)h. Penggunaan kata adverticed pada Relative Clauses (That)i. Penggunaan kata bouhgt pada Relative Clauses (That)