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ST. MARY ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH 854 Woodbridge Street, St. Paul, MN 55117

www.saintmarymn.org Parish priest: Mircea Vasiu - home (651) 489-561

- office (651) 488-5669 / cell (734) 497-4544

- email: frmirceavasiu@yahoo.com

CĂSĂTORIA – Taina dăruirii şi a desăvârşirii persoanei

Omul a fost creat de la inceput barbat si

femeie. Amindoi sunt creati "dupa chipul lui

Dumnezeu" (Gen. 1, 27-28) si chemati la

asemanarea cu Dumnezeu. Cu toate ca fiecare

este o entitate aparte, atat barbatul cat si

femeia tind unul spre altul (Geneza 3, 23) in

asemenea masura, incat ajung "un singur trup"

(Geneza 3, 24). Sufland in fata omului suflarea

de viata, Dumnezeu i-a dat calitatea de

persoana. Ca persoana, omul este o fiinta

rationala si libera. El este subiect si cauza

formala a ceea ce deosebeste de orice alta

fiinta si cauza eficienta responsabila fata de

faptele sale.

Sfanta Scriptura numeste unirea conjugala a

barbatului cu femeia cu termenul de

"cunoastere". Despre Adam se spune ca "a

cunoscut pe femeia sa si ea a zamislit si a

nascut" (Gen. 4, 1). "Cain a cunoscut pe femeia

sa, care a nascut" (Gen. 19, 6). Pentru a

intelege mai bine de ce unirea dintre barbat si

femeie este o cunoastere, trebuie sa privim

spre Dumnezeu. Pentru ca oamenii sunt creati

dupa chipul lui Dumnezeu, comuniunea

persoanelor omenesti in casatorie se numeste

"cunoastere", nu in sensul de "stiinta" a

celuilalt, ci de “experimentare” a prezentei

fiintei celuilalt care ni se ofera ca dar, insa si in

daruirea noastra totala spre el.

Daruindu-se barbatului, ca el s-o cunoasca,

femeia accepta sa fie gandita, descoperita de

cel caruia i se daruieste. La fel, sotul daruindu-

se sotiei ca sa fie cunoscut, el este inteles,

priceput, descoperit si exprimat de si prin ea,

dupa cum si ea se exprima prin el. Miscarile,

gesturile trupurilor, apropierea trupeasca si

unirea in casatorie sunt numite "cunoastere"

pentru ca ele implinesc ceea ce s-a nascut deja

din intimitatea mintii, a vointei si a simtirii lor.

Iubirea, rod al celor doua autodaruiri, nu

apartine exclusiv nici unuia, nici celuilalt dintre

soti, ci deodata amandurora. Aceasta iubire -

cunoastere rodeste la randul ei intelegere,

pace, dar, mai ales viata. In ambianta creata de

iubirea ca dar, iubirea-cunoastere si iubirea ca

rod, cei doi, sotul si sotia, capata calitatea de

tata si de mama, de unde si porunca lui

Dumnezeu "Cresteti si va inmultiti, umpleti

pamantul si-l stapaniti". (Gen. 2, 6). Consecinta

cunoasterii, a iubirii si a unirii celor doi soti in

inima, in suflet si-n trup este viata cea noua,

inteleasa drept innoire a vietii celor doi, dar si

ca o noua viata luata in consideratie numerica,

adica nasterea de prunci.

Casatoria este un mod de viata, o expresie

dinamica a iubirii cu adevarat libere de orice

patima, o chemare a omului concret, barbat si

femeie, sa paseasca impreuna pe calea

desavarsirii. Pornind de la originea si

semnificatia casatoriei, putem afirma ca doua

sunt caracteristicile casatoriei: unitatea si


Unitatea casatoriei crestine se

fundamenteaza pe de o parte pe unitatea si

singularitatea legaturii de iubire statornicita

intre cei doi soti iar, pe de alta parte pe

fidelitatea care garanteaza aceasta iubire in

ambianta creata de credinta in Dumnezeu, mai

precis, pe constiinta ca prototipul legaturii

dintre sot si sotie il constituie unirea de

nemodificat stabilita intre Hristos si Biserica (Ef.

5, 22-32).

Daca revelatia Vechiului Testament semnala

ca prin casatorie, cei doi devin una, afirmatie

reluata si de Noul Testament, tot aici aflam ca

unirea barbatului si a femeii in taina nuntii

constituie simbolul unitatii dintre Hristos si

Biserica. Dupa cum sensul simbolului se gaseste

in cel simbolizat, sensul unirii barbatului si

femeii prin casatorie in taina nuntii se gaseste

in unirea dintre Hristos si Biserica, situatie in

care infidelitatea, poligamia, homosexualitatea

si poliandria sunt excluse, pentru ca Biserica nu

are mai multe capete, dupa cum nici Hristos nu

are mai multe Biserici pentru care sa fi murit si


Nasterea de prunci si intrajutorarea pot fi

considerate scopuri intr-o casatorie crestina

Sensul autentic si profund al casatoriei, dupa

Noul Testament (Ef. 5, 32)., nu-l da numai

nasterea de prunci. El exista fara nasterea de

prunci, dar nu poate exista fara iubire. Iubirea

adevarata nu poate ramane fara rod, dar rodul

ei este multiplu si variat, nu poate fi limitat

doar la procreare. Unitatea in casatorie o

creeaza numai iubirea.

Refuzul nasterii de prunci pe motiv ca

unitatea creata prin iubirea dintre cei doi soti ar

fi suficienta il degradeaza si-l coboara pe om, la

nivelul unui cautator al placerii desarte, dar si

decretarea inmultirii biologice drept scopul unic

sau primordial al casatoriei, il coboara pe om la

nivelul animalului. Femeia nu a fost creata

pentru satisfacerea unor nevoi trupesti ale

primului om sau numai pentru inmultirea

neamului omenesc, ci ca sa raspunda nevoii

profunde a omului dupa comuniunea cu o fiinta

asemenea lui.

Harul primit in Taina Casatoriei intareste, pe

de o parte unitatea celor doi (pregatiti

realmente pentru ea), iar pe de alta parte,

cuplul celor casatoriti este inserat in

comunitatea Bisericii - comunitatea celor ce se

impartasesc cu Sfintele Taine spre viata de veci.

Cei doi nu-si mai apartin doar lor, ci si Bisericii,

dar acum altfel decat mai inainte.

Casatoria nu este, asadar, numai o

chestiune individuala sau de cuplu. Functiile

casatoriei nu pot fi limitate numai la preocupari

si satisfactii individuale sau limitate la universul

familiei, pentru ca darurile lui Dumnezeu

acordate madularelor Bisericii vizeaza in ultima

instanta comunitatea bisericeasca - cresterea,

intarirea si unitatea acesteia.

Prin harul primit in aceasta Sfanta Taina,

cuplul conjugal intra in relatie concreta cu

Dumnezeu si cu lumea, altfel decat ar intra

printr-o casatorie consumata doar in limitele

naturalului sau printr-o viata singulara.

Scopul primordial al casatoriei este, deci,

desavarsirea sotilor in iubirea care-i duce si la

viata in Hristos. "In acest sens - spunea

Alexandru Schmemann - este mai cuprinzator

decat familia. El este Taina iubirii divine, Taina

care stinge orice realitate si tocmai pentru

aceasta ea intereseaza intreaga Biserica si prin

Biserica lumea intreaga". Dar nu numai lumea

de aici, ci si pe cea de dincolo.


1. Pomenirea mortilor (Parastas) – Sunday, Nov. 04, 2012 – right after Divine Liturgy. Va

rugam sa aduceti POMELNIC si ceea ce puteti pentru parastas.

2. Sunday Nov. 11, 2012 – “PLACINTA” SALE (filled with cabbage, cheese and sweet

filling) and BOOK SALE (Romanian language) – organized by Ladies Auxiliary

3. I.O.C.C. Dinner – Saturday Nov. 10, 2012 at St. Mary Greek Orthodox Church – 3450 Irving

Ave. South, Minneapolis – IOCC = International Orthodox Christian Charity. Vesper at 6:00 pm

and Dinner at 7:00 pm. $40 minimum donation. RSVP to Georgia Andron at

Greekborba@hotmail.com (or 612-978-2793 for questions).

4. Thursday November 15, 2012 – Incepe Postul Nasterii Domnului / Beginning of the Nativity


5. Thursday November 15, 2012 St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church (SMROC) will

participate in Give to the Max Day again this year. Please make an ON-LINE


the prizes (in money) offered by www.givemn.org. You can make online donations anytime on

our web site: http://www.saintmarymn.org/Donations.aspx

6. Sunday Nov. 18, 2012 – BOOK SALE (Romanian language)– organized by Ladies

7. Thanksgiving (Pan-Orthodox) Liturgy – Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2012 – 6:00 pm at St. George

Greek Orthodox Church, 1111 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105

8. Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012 – Ladies Auxiliary meeting – 12:00 pm.

THE PASTOR SAYS: VOTE YES! Marriage = one women + one man

“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and

gave Himself for her…” (Ephesians 5:25)

“For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be

joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24)

Leviticus 20:13 “If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman,

both of them have committed an abomination.”

Please read – Romans 1: 24-28 if you are not decided what to vote!

We, Orthodox Christians, support the Minnesota Marriage Protection Amendment

that preserves Minnesota’s historic, religious and traditional definition of marriage as

the union of one man and one woman!

You can find a lot of information here http://www.minnesotaformarriage.com/


Lucia Lubeck $ 20

Doina & Cristian Neculescu $ 500 - Pledge Jan-Oct 2012

Daniel & Izabela Druk $ 100 - Pledge donation

Georgia M. Omorean $ 50 - Pledge

David & Marilyn Fibison $ 100 - Anniversary donation

Elena & Victor Glava $ 100 - Anniversary donation

Mary & Walter Golden $ 99 - Anniversary donation

Gabriela Janick $ 50 - Anniversary donation

Mary Zeimet $ 20 - Pledge for Oct.

Titan Organization $ 100 - IMO Dan Muntean

Ann Bongard $ 25 - IMO Dan Muntean

Robert Wind $ 10 - IMO Dan Muntean

Mihai & Paula Păscutoi $ 20 - IMO Dan Muntean

Donald Glende $ 20 - IMO Dan Muntean

Liliana Badea $ 25

Ann M. Marinkov $ 150 - Pledge for Oct.

Additional 2012 Romanian Festival Donations

Gabriel & Iolanda Petre $300.00

Nicoleta & Victor Agrigoroae Bolos $100.00

John and Constanţa Korolchuk $100.00

Elena & Victor Glava $100.00

Mihaela & Bogdan Baurceanu $100.00

Anghel & Diana Stoian $100.00

Georgia Omorean $75.00

Doreen & Timothy Hern $75.00

Virginia Cornea $50.00

Gina & Laurentiu Popa $50.00

Vasile Sânzianu $25.00

Cezar & Silvia Panait $25.00

Mirela Sanchez $20.00

Mioara Poenaru $ 125 - 2012 membership

Anca Zamfirescu $ 125 - 2012 membership

Elena Tudor $ 125 - 2012 membership

Speranţa Teişanu $ 125 - 2012 membership

Please bring your children for Sunday School! – 11:30 am

Synaxis Of The Holy Archangels Michael And Gabriel

And All The Bodiless Powers – Nov. 8

Because He is true,

boundless Love, God created

"all things visible and invisible"

to share in Him. The invisible -

including heaven and the

Bodiless Powers - was created

by God before the world we live

in. The heavenly hosts even

witnessed and praised the creation of the

material world, as the Lord explained to

Jacob, "When the stars were created, all

My angels sang praises to Me." (Job


In addition to praising and ministering

to God, the Bodiless Powers are the

agents of His will: they administer the

creation, protect and intercede for man,

and attempt to guide man and the nations

to Him - sometimes means correcting

man's actions, sometimes teaching or

revealing God's will to him.

The Bodiless Powers were made by

God without physical form or substance

("incorporeal"). St. John of Damascus

explains, "When it is the will of God that

angels should appear to those [men] who

are worthy, they do not appear as they

are in their essence, but, transformed,

take on such an appearance as to be

visible to physical eyes." By God's grace

and mercy, the Bodiless Powers are also

conditionally immortal, but (unlike God

Himself) are restricted by location and

time: they cannot be in heaven and on

earth at the same time, though

they travel at lightning speed.

All the Bodiless Powers share

the common name of 'angel' -

which means "messenger" in

Greek - by virtue of their service:

they "stand before the face of the

Creator and serve Him." The Lord

reveals His divine will to the Bodiless

Powers closest to Him, and they in turn

inform the others - a Hierarchy in service

to Him! This simple name also describes

quite well how man most often

encounters the Bodiless Powers: as the

heralds or messengers of God.

The six-winged SERAPHIM

(Flaming, Fiery) (Is 6:12) stand closest of

all to the Most Holy Trinity. The many-

eyed CHERUBIM (outpouring of

wisdom, enlightenment) (Gen 3:24) stand

before the Lord after the Seraphim. The

THRONES (Col 1:16) stand after the

Cherubim. They are ministers of God's

justice, giving to tribunals, kings, etc. the

capacity for righteous judgment.

The Middle Angelic Hierarchy

consists of three Ranks: DOMINIONS

(Col 1:16); POWERS (1 Pet 3:22) fulfill

the will of God without hesitation and

AUTHORITIES (1 Pet 3:22, Col 1:16)

have authority over the devil. They

protect people from demonic

temptations, and prevent demons from

harming people as they would wish.

They also uphold ascetics and guard

them, helping people in the struggle with

evil thoughts.

The Lowest Hierarchy includes the

three Ranks: PRINIPALITIES (Col

1:16) have command over the lower

angels, instructing them in the fulfilling

of God's commands; ARCHANGELS (1

Thess. 4:16) are messengers of great and

wondrous tidings. They reveal

prophecies and the mysteries of the faith.

They enlighten people to know and

understand the will of God, they spread

faith in God among the people,

illuminating their minds with the light of

the Holy Gospel and ANGELS (1 Pet

3:22) are in the lowest rank of the

heavenly hierarchy, and closest to

people. They reveal the lesser mysteries

of God and His intentions, guiding

people to virtuous and holy life. They

support those who remain steadfast, and

they raise up the fallen. They never

abandon us and they are always prepared

to help us, if we desire it.

As creatures who come before the

face of God, angels are powerful

intercessors, meaning they speak on

man's behalf to Him. While instructing

His disciples about caring for His

followers - the sheep of His flock - the

Lord Jesus Christ said, "See that you do

not despise one of these little ones; for I

tell you, their angels in heaven always

behold the face of My Father in heaven."

(Matthew 18:10)

All the Ranks of the Heavenly Powers

are called angels, although each has its

own name and position by virtue of their

service. The Lord reveals His will to the

highest ranks of the angels, and they in

turn inform the others.


On 10/21/2012 were donated by Doina Neculescu for good health and

blessings from God;

On 10/26/2012 au fost donate de Mihaela Baurceanu pentru odihna celor

adormiti. Dumnezeu să-i odihneasca în pace!

On 10/28/2012 were donated by Ardeleanu Family with the occasion of 20th

birthday of Katherine. La multi ani!

On 11/04/2012 were donated by Georgia M. Omorean & Ann Marinkov IMO their

brother Nicholas Rada Marinkov;

On 11/11/2012 au fost donate de Liuba & Feodor Didenco pentru sănătate si

bincuvântare de la Dumnezeu.

On behalf of our parish and myself, I would like to thank to our chairman Constanta

Korolchuck, to all hard working volunteers for helping us at our

99th Anniversary Dinner.

Thank you to all who helped us, prepared food – Constanta and John Korolchuk,

Dorina Vincze Turcean, Psa. Eugenia Cerghizan, Psa. Anca Vasiu, Irinel Ardeleanu, Edith

Stone, Ramona Tudosie; set up tables crew – Psa. Anca Vasiu & Irinel Ardeleanu, and

cleanup crews, people who served food – Georgeta Poliac, Andrea Grigore, Georgia

Omorean, Lucia Arseni, Doina Neculescu, Valeriu Bortnov, Alex Felea, Nicholas & Mike &

Anthony Manciu, dishes cleaners: Liuba Didenco, Nicole Anthony.

Thank you for delicious pastries donated by: Dorina Vincze Turcean, Irinel

Ardeleanu, Liuba Didenco, Maria Felea, Constanta Korolchuk, Doina Neculescu, Georgia

Omorean, Paula Pascutoi, Edith Stone, Mariana & Ramona Tudosie.

Thank you to our entertainers DUNAREA & director John Omorean.

Thank you all of you and if somebody was not mentioned here we apologize.

May God bless all our hard workers and supporters for their unselfish service

to the Church. WE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE YOU among us again next year.

Dinner donations

Ioana & Anthony Infiesto $ 40 Gheorghe & Otilia Bobeica $ 100 Laurenţiu & Eugenia Popa $ 20 Maria Nicu $ 20 Collis $ 20 Cornelia Stănescu $ 30 Ronald Bongard $ 50 Ann Bongard $ 100 Virginia Cornea $ 25 Ann Marinkov $ 99 Tudor & Maria Felea $ 50 Liuba & Fiodor Didenco $ 40 Luiza & Adrian Cernea $ 40 Viorel & Carmen Herea $ 50 Nicoleta & Victor Agrigoroae Bolos $ 70 John Cicha $ 20 Paula & Mike Pacutoi $ 50 Albert Imbrone $ 30 Veronica Ivans $ 20 Dan Tau $ 36 John & Gerogia Omorean $ 99 Daniel Vanderberg $ 125 Iulian & Adelina Ciuta $ 100 Geogeta Poliac $ 50

Fr. Mircea & Psa. Anca Vasiu $ 50 Mihaly & Dorina Vincze Turcean $ 50 Doina Neculescu $ 20 David & Jenifer Eckart $ 20 Jerald & Lillian Larson $ 100 Constanţa & John Korolchuk $ 100 Vasile Lozneanu $ 20 Leana & Luke Harabor $ 20 Patrick Ledray $ 125 Ioan Homorodean $ 25 Edith Stone $ 40 Dorin & Elisabeta Vasin $ 99 Eugen Popa $ 10 Lucia L. $ 40 Bogdan Filipescu $ 20 Elena Tudor $ 25 Speranţa Teişanu $ 20 Angela Ulici $ 50 Alina Ciubotaru $ 50 Cleopatra & Eugen Cabuz $ 200 Irinel & Ovidiu Ardeleanu $ 99 Silvia Antonescu $ 30 Adrian & Cora Pîrvu $ 50 Don & Elaine Graf $ 50

Please, send your parish dues, today! May God see your love and reward you abundantly!

2012 membership is $125 ($55 are going to our Episcopate and $5 to

department of Missions)


If you don’t see you name here and you paid your membership, please contact us. If

you didn’t pay your membership yet, please make an effort and pay it. Your

contribution is very important for our Church.

Daca ati platit membria pe 2012 si nu va vedeti numele, va rugam sa ne contactati.

Va rugam nu uitati si nu amanati sa platiti membria la Biserica pe 2012. Avem nevoie

de ajutorul dumneavoastra al tuturor.

1. Funari George

2. Jerghiuta Loredana

3. Jerghiuta Mircea

4. Meier Daniela

5. Badea Liliana

6. Cornea Octavian

7. Bortnov Valeriu

8. Olga Khabulia

9. Bortnova Prascovia

10. Bortnov Alexandru

11. Despina Stefan

12. Pascutoi Mike

13. Pascutoi Paula

14. Korolchuk Constanta

15. Infiesto Anthony

16. Infiesto Ioana

17. Vincze-Turceanu Dorina

18. Glava Elena

19. Glava Victor

20. Stone Edith

21. Bongard Ann

22. Ivans Veronica

23. Mocanu Marian

24. Bortnov Andrei

25. Psa Cerghizan Eugenia

26. Luca Dan

27. Ciuta Iulian

28. Ciuta Adelina

29. Tudosie Andreea

30. Zamfirescu Anca

31. Florescu Leonard

32. Herea Carmen

33. Antonescu Silvia

34. Agrigoroae Boloş Victor

35. Agrigoroae Boloş Nicoleta

36. Neculescu Doina

37. Neculescu Cristian

38. Grigore Nicolae

39. Hoolihan Daniela

40. Psa. Vasiu Anca

41. Simian Serban

42. Simian Elena

43. Felea Tudor

44. Maria Felea

45. Cernea Aurel

46. Alexa Stefan

47. Tudosie Marian

48. Poenaru Mioara

49. Tudor Elena

50. Teişanu Speranţa
