a Companiei Learnwell Oy


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  • 8/4/2019 a Companiei Learnwell Oy



    Serviciile noastre profesionale de traducere


    Traducere, interpretariat, corectur i servicii de


    Traduceri video, audio si transcriere / dublaj

    Servicii consacrate prin intermediul produselor

    noastre X-File

    Selectarea traductorului

    Administrarea proiectului de traducere

    Controlul calitii

    Servicii specializate de traducere

    LEARNWELL Oy Translations- The Language Menu

    Transmite-i mesajul! Gndete internaional!

    Data: 01/11/2007

  • 8/4/2019 a Companiei Learnwell Oy


    Learnwell Oy - The Language MenuPagina 2

    Cuvnt nainte

    LEARNWELL OY - The LanguageMenu este o companie cu sediul n Helsinki,oferind o varietate de servicii profesionale:

    cursuri de limb, traduceri i materiale pentru

    profesori. Serviciile noastre se adreseaz

    persoanelor fizice si companiilor.

    Misiunea Learnwell Oy este susinerea

    ptrunderii produselor si serviciilor clienilor

    notri pe piaa internaional oferind servicii

    de traducere i de localizare fiabile si de o

    foarte bun calitate.

    Ne concentrm mai ales pe traduceri

    spre i dinspre limbile scandinave. Serviciile

    noastre de traducere v pot ajuta s v

    traducei textele n i din peste 40 de limbi


    Calitate, preuri rezonabile i o strns

    comunicare cu clienii notri reprezint

    fundamentul serviciilor noastre profesionale.

    Vizitai www.thelanguagemenu.com pentru a

    v familiariza mai bine cu serviciile noastre.

  • 8/4/2019 a Companiei Learnwell Oy


    Learnwell Oy - The Language Menu

    Prezentarea companiei - Learnwell Oywww.thelanguagemenu.com

    Pagina 3


    Servicii i limbi strine 4Domenii de specialitate 5Costuri, reduceri i termen limit 6Mai multe despre X-STEP 7Intrarea pe piaa finlandez: X-partners 8Anexe: formulare, exemple de traducere i glosare 9Contacteaz-ne 10

  • 8/4/2019 a Companiei Learnwell Oy


    Pagina4Learnwell Oy - The Language Menu

    Prezentarea companiei - Learnwell Oywww.thelanguagemenu.com

    Ne concentrm mai ales pe traduceri n i din limbile


    Reeaua noastr extins de colaboratori nativi ne permite

    s traducem textele dumneavoastr n i din peste 40 de limbi

    strine, ntr-o gam vast de domenii de specialitate. Serviciile

    noastre includ:

    Traducere de documente: traducere, corectur,

    autorizare i legalizare notarial

    Interpretare: conferine, edine, discuii la telefon Multimedia: subtitrri, dublaj, prezentri Localizare de pagini internet i de programe:

    localizare, documentare

    V oferim un plus de valoare prin: selectarea

    traductorului, administrarea proiectului, controlul calitii,

    conversii de documente i prezentri standardizate ale

    proiectelor multilingve.



  • 8/4/2019 a Companiei Learnwell Oy


    Pagina 5Learnwell Oy - The Language Menu

    Prezentarea companiei - Learnwell Oywww.thelanguagemenu.com

    Publicitate/Media: materiale publicitare, de la bannerela postere, pn la articole i materiale video

    Art/Literatur: texte literare precum romane, poezii,piese de teatru

    Afaceri/Finane: documente legate de domeniulafacerilor (coresponden, documente de licitaie,rapoarte), i texte de natur financiar (de la procesul deexploatare al activelor, pn la aciuni i obligaiuni)

    Silvicultur/Hrtie: documente legate de silviculturihrtie IT/Internet/Comer electronic: manualul

    utilizatorului, brouri cu instruciuni, pagini webmultinaionale

    Legi/Patente: documente legale precum statute,contracte i patente

    Marketing: prezentri i materiale de curs Medicale: texte din domeniul medical pornind de la

    ambalajele medicamentelor pn la manuale pentruechipamente medicale i cri

    tiin: documente legate de domeniul tiinific de lalucrri pn la articole de specialitate

    tiine sociale: documente din domeniul tiinelorsociale

    Tehnic/Inginerie: de la publicaii lunare cu tiri pnla manuale tehnice i instruciuniD



  • 8/4/2019 a Companiei Learnwell Oy


    Pagina 6Learnwell Oy - The Language Menu

    Prezentarea companiei - Learnwell Oywww.thelanguagemenu.com

    Putei calcula foarte rapid preul traducerii dumneavoastrfolosind calculatorul nostru de pre online, sau putei sne trimitei textul dumneavostr via e-mail pentru un deviz la:translations@thelanguagemenu.com.

    Calculm preurile avnd la baz limba surs, precumurmeaz:

    Pentru traduceri de texte mari i proiecte de corectur oferim

    reduceri de pn la 25%. Traducerile standard sunt livrate n 3

    pn la 7 zile, depinznd de natura documentului i mrimea

    lui. Daca avei un termen limit mai presant, putem s v

    livrm traducerea mai devreme dect n timpul standard, dar

    la preuri de urgen nc competitive.






    Cuvnt surs Numrul decuvinte n textul


    0.11 0.22 EUR(depinznd de combinia

    de limbi strine)

  • 8/4/2019 a Companiei Learnwell Oy


    Pagina 7Learnwell Oy - The Language Menu

    Prezentarea companiei - Learnwell Oywww.thelanguagemenu.com

    Serviciile noastre specializate (produse X-files), includX-step.

    Cu ajutorul X-step oferim un serviciu de suportpentru clienii fideli:

    Traduceri de mici texte (e-mail, fraze, scurte

    prezentri) Corectura textelor mici Editarea de mici texte Dubla verificare a textelor mici

    Contactai-ne pentru a afla mai multe despre acestserviciu sau vizitai paginile noastre X-files.

    Avansai cu uneXtra Stepprin a v transmite mesajulicontactai-ne pentru orice ntrebri legate de limb, orict de






  • 8/4/2019 a Companiei Learnwell Oy


    Pagina 8Learnwell Oy - The Language Menu

    Prezentarea companiei - Learnwell Oywww.thelanguagemenu.com

    Dorii s prezentai serviciile companiei dumneavostr pepiaa din Finlanda?

    Dorii s beneficiai de posibilitile oferite de economiafinlandez?

    Serviciul dedicat X-parteners de la Learnwell Oy vpoate ajuta s intrai pe piaa finlandez prin:

    traducerea site-ului companiei dumneavostr i amaterialelor promoionale n limba finlandez

    identificarea partenerilor finlandezi prezentarea companiei dumneavoastr pe website-ul

    i n buletinele noastre lunare informaii despre unde putei s v promovai

    activitile i produsele; cum putei deschide o afaceren Finlanda

    servicii de interpretare atunci cnd participai la oexpoziie, ntlnire de afaceri sau negociere n Finlanda

    Contactai-ne pentru un deviz:







  • 8/4/2019 a Companiei Learnwell Oy


    Pagina 9Learnwell Oy - The Language Menu

    Prezentarea companiei - Learnwell Oywww.thelanguagemenu.com

    TEXT SURS N FINLANDEZTll yhteisell oppaalla pyritn selventmn ulkomaalaisten tyskentely Suomessakoskevia pelisntj ja ehkisemn hiriit typaikoilla. Oppaan julkaisevatXX ja YY.

    Opas on tarkoitettu koko rakennusalalle.

    Opas on laadittu rakennusalan tarpeita varten ja siin on otettu huomioonlainsdnnn ja sopimusten rakennusalalle asettamat erityisvaatimukset.Lainsdnt on seurattu vuoden 31.12.2006 asti.Kohdan 3 sislt on tarkoitettu ulkomaalaiselle tyntekijlle, 4. kappale ksitteleeasiaa tilaajan ja hankinnan nkkulmasta ja 5. kappaleessa on toimintaohjeettymaan johdolle.

    TRADUCERE Acest ghid comun ncearc s explice regulile jocului pentru angajaii strini dinFinlanda i s previn problemele la locul de munc. Ghidul este publicat de ctreXXi YY.

    Ghidul se adreseaz ntregului domeniu al construciilor.

    Ghidul a fost elaborat pentru a rspunde necesitilor din domeniul construciilor i

    n acest demers s-a avut n vedere legislaia i normele constituionale specifice dindomeniul construciilor. Data pn la care s-a studiat legislaia este 31.12.2006.

    Coninutul paragrafului 3 este destinat angajailor strini, capitolul 4 se adreseazcontractorului iar capitolul 5 prezint principiile directoare pe situl de construcie.

    Exemple de traducere

  • 8/4/2019 a Companiei Learnwell Oy



    Supporting you in the world of languages!


    QUOTE: Proiect exemplu

    To: Translation client

    Attention: None


    Hietalahdenkatu 2 B 17




    Y-tunnus: Y-tunnus 2008069-3

    Date: 12/11/2007

    Issued by: Learnwell Oy-The Language Menu

    Tehtaankatu 7, 00140 Helsinki

    + 358 (0)45 1129724

    Y-tunnus: 2008069-3

    Currency: EUR

    Description: Group: Service: Units: Volume: Quantity: Unit



    Proiect exemplu Traducere Romana =>


    cuvinte 150 150 0.11 per



    Total: 16.5


    Start: Completion:

    12/11/2007 09:00 14/11/2007 18:00

  • 8/4/2019 a Companiei Learnwell Oy




    1.1. In these general conditions the following terms shall be understood as follows:

    Principal: any natural person or corporate body that has instructed LEARNWELL OY (hereinafter called the agent) to undertake

    translation, as well as those third parties who are legally bound by a given order;

    Translation: the rendering from one language into another language of the content and/or the meaning of a text or document presented by the

    principal as well as the revision thereof and associated work;

    Extra work: the extra activity that is necessary to complete the order and/or that is commissioned by the principal within the same order.

    Less work: that part of the work commissioned that at any time the principal no longer wishes to have carried out.


    2.1 These general conditions shall apply to all offers of services from the agent and/or agreements concluded between the agent and the


    Offers of services and orders

    3.1. All quotations, offers of services, and schedules shall be without obligation and indicative, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

    3.2. The agent shall undertake to carry out the accepted order to the best of his knowledge and ability and when undertaking the translation shall

    endeavour to use known terminology. Orders shall bind the agent inasfar as they are confirmed by authorized representatives.

    3.3 The principal who has placed an order on behalf of or on account of a third party shall be jointly and severally liable for compliance with the

    obligations of this third party, and where this third party has had an authorized representative the latter must accordingly be deemed to be the


    3.4 The agent shall reserve the right to have an order wholly or partly undertaken by third parties.

    3.5 Any supplement and/or amendment to an order placed, including author's corrections, shall be deemed to be a separate order.

    3.6 Where any order undertaken requires corrections, in whatever form, the agent himself shall at all times be given the opportunity to remove

    the errors. Any claims against the agent shall lapse where the principal has not given the agent such an opportunity.

    3.7 Unless otherwise agreed, the administration of the agent shall provide binding proof of the nature and tenor of the order and the scope of the

    work undertaken.

    3.8 Any additional requirements (authorized stamp, layout) should be indicated by the principal before the start of the project.


    4.1 The principal shall at all times be authorized and/or possess the power of disposal to place an order and protect the agent against all claims

    of third parties relating to the execution of the order and the use by the agent or any third party - notwithstanding the relationship of this third

    party to the principal - of that which the agent has supplied to the principal - or any third party at the request of the principal.

    4.2 Any invoice item charged by the agent to the principal shall be payable 14net days after the date of the invoice.The principal shall then be

    legally in default at the time that the claim is payable and the principal has not complied with his payment obligations. From that time the agent

    shall have a claim against the principal at the legal rate of interest in respect of all that which is or shall be due from the principal. The principal

    shall bear all legal and non-legal collection costs incurred from the time that the principal is in default. The collection costs shall amount to 15%

    of the amount of the invoice and in any case to an amount of fl.100 plus an amount that is equal to the turnover tax due by the agent to third

    parties in respect of collection costs.

    4.3 The principal shall not be authorized to appeal in respect of compensation, settlement, postponement or retention, nor may the principal

    deduct any discount on the payment.

    4.4 Any circumstance, however it has arisen, concerning the principal that in whatever way renders the execution of the order by the agent

    meaningless or impossible, shall be at the principal's risk. The principal shall undertake in that case immediately to make the due or agreed

    payment for the order.

    4.5 The agent shall in no way be liable for consequential loss or any damage arising from the content of the order, or in respect of damage,

    destruction or loss of the information and/or documents in whatever form entrusted by the principal to the agent, except for the invoice amount

    excluding VAT that is charged in respect of the order or - having regard to the provisions of this agreement and the order - could have been



    5.1 The prices quoted by the agent shall exclude VAT.5.2 The agent shall charge the principal for extra work. Less work in respect of a given order shall not be settled and may also not lead to any

    discount, at the discretion of the agent.

    5.3 Where the order concerns a period of over three months, then the agent shall be entitled to pass on to the principal increases in the cost

    price that are beyond his control.

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    6.1 The dispatch of a completed order shall always be made to the account and at the risk of the principal.

    6.2 Unless expressly agreed otherwise, the delivery times quoted shall not be considered binding. Where delivery is not made on time, the

    agent shall be declared in writing to be in default.

    6.3 Where nothing is agreed about the delivery time or the latter is unclear, the agent shall set the delivery date and/or delivery time.

    6.4 On delivery, the principal shall obtain the right of use for publication and reproduction in respect of the completed order unless he has failed

    to make payment within the invoice payment period.

    Performance and cancellation

    7.1 The agreement shall end at the time that the order is completed in the agreed manner.

    7.2 The agent shall reserve the right temporarily to suspend the agreement or to cancel it in cases where performance for the agent is

    impossible or disproportionately difficult as a result of circumstances beyond his control.

    7.3 Where the execution of the order has commenced, the agreement cannot be cancelled by the principal in respect of a non-attributable fault.


    8.1 The principal shall, directly after receiving the translated text(s) or the completed order, make sure that the work conforms to the agreements

    made. On the expiry of a deadline of 8 days after delivery, the principal may no longer appeal against a shortcoming of the agent. The principal

    shall be deemed to have forfeited his rights in respect of making any such appeal.


    9.1 All disputes between the parties shall be settled by the competent court of the domicile of the agent unless the agent, for reasons of his own,

    decides to fall within the jurisdiction of the competent court of the domicile of the principal.

    Law applicable

    10.1 Finnish law shall apply to the agreements concluded with the agent, the interpretation thereof and the application of these general conditions.

  • 8/4/2019 a Companiei Learnwell Oy


    L E A R N W E L L O Y T h e L a n g u a g e M e n u

    Financial and insurance glos

    T e h t a a n k a t u 7 , 0 0 1 4 0 H e l s i n k i

    + 3 5 8 ( 0 ) 4 5 1 1 2 9 7 2 4t r a n s l a t i o n s @ t h e l a n g u a g e m e n u . c o m

    w w w . t h e l a n g u a g e m e n u . c o m

    Source language: ENGLISH. Translations

    Financial and insurance gloss

  • 8/4/2019 a Companiei Learnwell Oy


    Financialandinsurance glossary


    1 asset omaisuus tillgng

    2 assetandliabilityitems varatjavelat tillgngarochskulder

    3 auction huutokauppa auktion

    4 besomeone'sguarantor(to) toimiatakaajana stllaborgen

    5 bond joukkovelkakirja obligation

    6 commercialoperation kyttkaupallisessaliikenteess kommersielldrift

    7 compensation vahingonkorvaukset skadestnd

    8 consolidate(to) vakauttaa sammanstlla

    9 conversion muunto omrkning

    10 counterpart vastapuoli motbud

    11 deficit alijm underkurs

    12 deficit alijm underskott

    13 deposit vakuustalletus initialskerhet

    14 devaluation devalvaatio devalvering

    15 discount alennus rabatt

    16 excess ylijm verskott

    17 financialguarantee rahoitusvakuus finansiellskerhet

    18 financingcharges rahoituskulut finansieringskostnader

    19 fiscalcredit veroluotto skattekredit

    20 healthinsuranceceiling sairausvakuutuksen ylraja brytpunkt

    21 injunction kieltokanne frelggande

    22October2007 LEARNWELL OY 2007 www.thelanguagemenu.co

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    22 insolvency maksukyvyttmyys insolvens

    23 insuranceagent vakuutusasiamies frskringsagent

    24 insuranceclaim vakuutussaatava frskringsfordran

    25 insurancegroup vakuutusyritysryhm frskringsgrupp

    26 insuranceprogram vakuutusjrjestelm frskringsordning

    27 insurance vakuutus frskring

    28 insuredperson vakuutettu frskradperson

    29 issuing liikkeeseenlasku emission

    30 issuinginstitution liikkeeseenlaskija utfrdandeinstitut

    31 lending antolainaus utlning

    32 lendingvalue kiinteistnvakuusarvo substansvrde

    33 liabilityinsurance vastuuvakuutus ansvarsfrskring

    34 lifeofaloan lainankestoaika ettlnslptid

    35 liquidity maksuvalmius likviditet

    36 loancontract lainasopimus lneavtal

    37 maturity juoksuaika lptid

    38 mortgage hypoteekkilaina pantrtt

    39 netting nettoutus nettning

    40 obligatoryinsurance pakollinenvakuutus obligatoriskfrskring

    41 penalty seuraamus skattetillgg

    42 premiumdueandunpaid erntynytjamaksamatonvakuutusmaksu tillbetalningfrfallenochobetaldpremie

    43 prevent(to) est frhindrar

    44 profitandlossaccount tuloslaskelma resultatrkning

    45 recovery elpyminen tervinning

    22October2007 LEARNWELL OY 2007 www.thelanguagemenu.co

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    46 reimbursement korvaus terbetalning

    47 resale jlleenmyynti terfrsljning

    48 resaleprice jlleenmyyntihinta terfrsljningspris

    49 retroactiveeffect taannehtivavaikutus retroaktivtillmpning

    50 roundingdifference pyristmisero avrundningsskillnad

    51 securities arvopaperit vrdepapper

    52 settlingagent korvausasiamies skadereglerare

    53 simplifiedinvoice yksinkertaistettu lasku frenkladfaktura

    54 solvency vakavaraisuus solvens

    55 solvencymargin solvenssimarginaali solvensmarginal

    56 suminsured vakuutusmr frskringsbelopp

    57 surplus ylijm verskott

    58 unit yksikk enhet

    59 volatility volatiliteetti volatilitet

    60 wholelifeassurance elinikinenvakuutus livstidsfrskring

    22October2007 LEARNWELL OY 2007 www.thelanguagemenu.co

  • 8/4/2019 a Companiei Learnwell Oy


    Manager general:Veronica Gilhooly veronica.gilhooly@thelanguagemenu.com +358 (0) 50 531 1453

    Learnwell Oy

    The Language Menu

    Tehtaankatu 7

    00140 Helsinki


    Informaii generale : office@thelanguagemenu.com

    Telefon: +358 45 130 1114


    LEARNWELL Oy - The Language Menu


    Bianca Biro translations@thelanguagemenu.com +358 (0) 45 112 9724

    Transmite-i mesajul! Gndete internaional!Learnwell Oy, Helsinki
