– Load to international conference – Close...


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LFGraduate school information magazine by graduate students

Mar.2018 LFMagazine

Graduate student research introduction – Architecture and virtual reality –Close coverage! – Load to international conference –Hidden machine in the laboratory


大学院生の研究をちょっと紹介 ~建築とバーチャル・リアリティ~密着取材! ~国際会議参加までの道のり~





 本冊子の刊行にあたって �本冊子はラーニング・ファシリテーター(LF)に所属する学生メンバーが作成致しました。実際に芝浦工大の大学院に所属する学生だからこその目線で、大学院生活の楽しさや難しさ、魅力に迫ります。芝浦工大の大学院に少しでも興味のある人に、大学院への進学が身近なものと感じてもらえたら幸いです。

 LF って何? LF は大学院生(修士・博士)だけで構成される、大学院理工学研究科直属の学生団体です。この LF 制度は 2008 年度の後期から、大学院工学研究科(当時)の人材育成プログラム「Σ型統合能力人材育成事業」のひとつとしてスタートしました。発足当時から我々は、「学生が積極的に楽しく学べる環境を作ること」を目的とした、企画を LFの学生自らが発案し、実行までの工程を組み、必要なものを手配し、実行する「自給自足」の活動を続けてきました。現在、大学としては「Σ型統合能力人材育成事業」を終了していますが、大学院を修了した学生に社会が期待する能力であるとして、LF 制度は存続しています。また、本学がスーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業に採択されたことを受けて、大学の国際化へ向けた活動も強化しています。



LFLFLFマガジンLFマガジン Vol.4

01 はじめに02 一研逸品03 大学院生の研究をちょっと紹介  ~建築とバーチャル・リアリティ~05 密着取材!~国際会議参加までの道のり~07 研究留学体験記

・飯田 雄大(電気電子情報工学専攻)・伊藤 弘大(機能制御システム専攻)・今泉 良紀(電気電子情報工学専攻)・大塚 雄也(電気電子情報工学専攻)・大庭 圭祐(地域環境システム専攻)・岡島 佑大(機能制御システム専攻)・鯉沼 佳希(電気電子情報工学専攻)・小張 慶樹(電気電子情報工学専攻)・寺田 俊平(応用化学専攻)・藤井 康暢(建設工学専攻)・三坂 岳広(地域環境システム専攻)・宮本 一輝(電気電子情報工学専攻)

・Arvapalli�Sai�Srikanth・ Kriengsak Masnok・ Nadhirah�Binti�Nordin・ Nadzirah�Binti�Hosen・ Nattawat�Pinrath・ Nguyen�An�Hung・ Ploybussara�Gomasang・ Ravivudh�Khunin・ Suphanut�Kongwat・ Tanasan�Srikotr




 情報通信工学科 生体通信工学研究室より「複合現実(MR)グラス」� インタビュー回答者 堀江�亮太�准教授

●堀江先生、何をつけていらっしゃるのですか ?

 私が今装着しているこの製品は、現実世界にコンピュータグラフィックス(Computer�Graphics:CG)などの仮想世界の情報を組み込み、現実世界と仮想世界を融合させた世界を実現する複合現実(Mixed�Reality:MR)と呼ばれる技術を応用した製品です。拡張現実(Augmented�Reality:AR)技術と仮想現実(Virtual�Reality:VR)技術を組み合わせたような特徴があります。3つの技術の概要は下図で説明します。様々な機能がありますが、例えば現実世界へのホログラム投影ができます。同一空間上で複数人が同じホログラムを見ることができます。製品名はHoloLens(マイクロソフト社製)で、製品価格は 333,800 円です。

●どんな使用用途が考えられますか? 3Dデザイン作成補助、生活支援やゲームなどのエンターテインメント分野への応用など様々な応用例が考えられます。今までにはなかった機能を持った製品ですので、想像力次第で可能性は無限に広がります。

●なぜ研究に取り入れようと思ったのですか? 研究室では、生体情報と情報通信技術を組み合わせた新しいインターフェースの研究開発をしています。なかでも近年発展が目覚ましいAR技術やVR技術との組み合わせは強力で、以前より研究開発に取り組んでいました。MR技術も研究の新たな選択肢になればと思い、研究室に導入しました。

●いつごろ発売されたものですか? 2016 年 3月 31日にカナダとアメリカで先行発売され、2016 年 12 月2日に日本でも購入することができるようになりました

一 研 逸 品 ~研究室の隠れた名機たち~




先生からひと言今回、紹介をした複合現実(MR)グラスをはじめ、様々な情報通信機器が近年目覚ましいスピードで開発されています。AR/ VR/MRなどの技術は、少し前までは、それぞれの技術の専門家が個々に研究開発していましたが、近年は安価な商用製品として入手し使用できます。これらの要素技術を組み合わせることで、SF映画に出てくるようなシステムを作れる時代になりました。学生の皆さんには夢やアイデアを形にする挑戦を通して、いろいろな経験を積んでほしいです。


Cafe Restaurant



Steam VR(プラットホーム)

HTC VIVE(ヘッドマウンドディスプレイ)

Auto CAD(設計支援ツール)

3ds Max(3DCGソフト)



データをSteam VR に取り込みます。

図面を元に 3Dに立ち上げます。3ds Max で


次に 3Dゲームエンジンの Stingray を使って、バーチャル・リアリティの


VIVE で見ると…


~建築とバーチャル・リアリティ~CAD や Revit で作った自分の設計をバーチャル・リアリティで体験したくありませんか?今回は昨年度に筆者と当時 3 年生の学生たちが作ったバーチャル・リアリティの出雲大社をご紹介します。

出雲大社にまつわる話 出雲大社は 1500 年以上の歴史がある神社です。現在の社殿は江戸時代に設計されましたが、本殿は必要に応じて造り変わってきました。平安時代には 48m(16丈)あったとされています。ちなみに豊洲キャンパスの 10階が約 48mですので、驚くべき高さと言えます。そのような高さが木造の柱で可能だったのでしょうか? 2000 年に発掘調査によって、直径が 1m以上の巨木を三本束ねた柱の一部が発掘されました。この柱の発見が48mの高さに社殿を持ち上げられたことを示唆しています。 今回、私たちは 48mの社殿をバーチャル・リアリティによって体験したいと思います。






Steam VR(プラットホーム)

HTC VIVE(ヘッドマウンドディスプレイ)

Auto CAD(設計支援ツール)

3ds Max(3DCGソフト)



データをSteam VR に取り込みます。

図面を元に 3Dに立ち上げます。3ds Max で


次に 3Dゲームエンジンの Stingray を使って、バーチャル・リアリティの


VIVE で見ると…


 失われた建築、近付くことができない建築、実現されていない建築…。バーチャルの空間で心行くまで時間を過ごせます。皆さんも時間と空間を越えて、建築を探求してみてはいかがでしょうか。 今回説明したバーチャル・リアリティの方法はほんの一例です。色々なソフトを使い、難しく見えますが、バーチャル・リアリティを体験する方法はたくさんあります。スマートフォンなどから簡単にバーチャル・リアリティを体験できる方法もあります。気になったらチャレンジして下さい。

いざ、バーチャル・リアリティへ !


 大学院生は、国際会議に参加することがあるらしいが……そもそも、国際会議とは何なのか?具体的に何が行われているのか?この疑問を解決するために、大学院生の K くんが国際会議で実際に発表するまでの約 10 か月間に密着した。




 2017 年 7 月にバンクーバーでInternational� Conference� on�Human-Computer� Interaction という国際会議が行われる。ここでは、世界各国の研究者や研究に従事している人が研究成果を発表し、討論・交流が行われる。同じ分野の最新情報や研究動向を知ることが可能だ。 Kくんはこの国際会議に参加するため 2016 年 10 月から準備を始めていた。Kくんが、国際会議で発表するまでに通らなければならない道は右図のとおりである。

 研究成果の発表のスタイルは主に 2つある。口頭発表形式とポスター発表形式だ。

 ■▶ �口頭発表 パワーポイントなどのスライドを利用して、大勢の聴衆の前で発表を行う。発表時間と質疑応答の時間がきっちり決められており、厳格な雰囲気の中で行われる、いわば国際会議のメインイベントだ。

 ■▶ �ポスター発表A0サイズ程度の紙を用いて、形式や時間にとらわれずに発表や質疑応答を行う。そのため、多くの人達と好きなだけ議論をすることができる。


 国際会議に参加申し込みをしてから実際に会議で発表するまでには、約 10か月もの非常に長い期間が設けられている。そのため、発表準備に十分な時間を費やすことができる。


₁₀月 参加登録・申込

1月 要旨の提出



7月 学会発表

₁₀月 参加登録・申込要旨が受理(accept)されて初めて学会に参加できる!

学会当日までの流れ  研究成果が得られ、学会発表に行くと決めたら…









 いざ海外へQ 今回Kくんが参加する国際会議は7月9日〜14日の6日間開催される。そのため、Kくんは約 1週間をバンクーバーで過ごすことになる。その間の旅費は相当なものになるはずだが、「研究費から補助が出るためあまり心配はいらない」と Kくんは語る。それでは、実際に国際会議に参加した Kくんのある一日のスケジュールを見てみよう。 研究発表は、分野別に異なる部屋で行われる。そのため、自分が興味のある発表を聴講するためには、あらかじめ聴講スケジュールを念入りに決めておく必要がある。 また、研究発表の合間にはコーヒーブレイクが設けられている。コーヒーブレイクは、ポスター展示会場で行われており、コーヒーを飲みながら研究者同士が談笑している姿も見受けられた。 その日の研究発表がすべて終了すると、自由時間となる。この時期のバンクーバーは 22時ごろまで日が沈まないため、18時ごろからでも観光の時間を確保することができる。Kくんは、海外の文化を学ぶというひそかな目標を達成するために、研究発表の聴講スケジュールと同様に、念入りな観光スケジュールも立てていた。

 こうして無事に国際学会を終えた Kくんは、海外の文化も十分に学び帰路に就いた。帰国後、飛行機を降りる Kくんの顔はとても満足気であった。 最後に、Kくんに今回の国際会議を体験した感想を述べてもらった。


日没後の学会会場 会場周辺を散策 コーヒーブレイクの様子

 今回私は口頭発表形式で発表をしてきました。国際会議に参加したのは初めてだったため、とても緊張しました。特に英語による質疑応答がとても難しく、自身の英語能力の低さを実感しました。 私は現在修士 1年生であり、また国際会議へ参加する機会があるかもしれないので、それまでに英語を上達させておきたいと思っています。 国際会議に参加すると、世界各国の研究発表を聴講できるだけでなく、観光をすることもできるので、ぜひ皆さんも国際会議に参加することを考えてみてください! 今回私は口頭発表形式で発表をしてきました。国際会議に参加したのは初めてだったため、とても緊張しました。特に英語による質疑応答がとても難しく、自身の英語能力の低さを実感しました。 私は現在修士 1年生であり、また国際会議へ参加する機会があるかもしれないので、それまでに英語を上達させておきたいと思っています。 国際会議に参加すると、世界各国の研究発表を聴講できるだけでなく、観光をすることもできるので、ぜひ皆さんも国際会議に参加することを考えてみてください!



研究留学体験記 芝浦工業大学は教育理念として「世界に学び、世界に貢献する理工学人材の育成」を掲げ、2014年には私立理工系単科大学で唯一の「スーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業」に採択されました。現在本学全体で留学を奨励しており、みなさんも留学に関するお知らせのメールを見たことがあるかと思います。しかし留学と言っても、語学研修やグローバル PBL など様々な形式があります。その中から今回は、研究留学についてご紹介します。




 ◦留学と研究の両立  �短期留学はほとんど長期休暇期間中に限定されますが、研究留学なら研究や自分自身の都合に合わせて日程を選択できます。学部4年生で研究が忙しくても留学をすることが可能です(ただし指導教員からの許可が必要です)。

 ◦研究やビジネスで使えるレベルの語学力の習得  �言語は日々使っていると案外自然と身につきます。語学研修などでも日常会話のための英語を身につけることは可能ですが、研究留学では実際に英語を使って研究を進めていくため、研究の世界で英語を使って対話をするスキルを身につけることができます。また、そうして身についたフォーマルな英語は将来ビジネスの場でも活躍するでしょう。

 ◦奨学金などの補助が潤沢  �学生として留学するメリットとしては奨学金の給付によって割安で渡航できることがよく挙げられます。研究留学では加えて研究費から費用を出していただくこともできます(研究室によります)。場合によっては、ほぼ奨学金と研究費だけで留学することも可能です。

形式 おおよその期間 特徴

短期語学研修 /工学英語研修

2週間〜 1ヶ月


グローバル PBL海外協定校の学生と共に専攻分野に応じた課題解決型ワークショップに取り組む。プログラム毎に留学先も内容も様々。

長期交換留学 半年〜 1年英語で開講される授業を受講する授業履修型と、研究留学、或いはその両方を行う 3種類の形式がある。

 これらの詳細については大学ホームページに情報がまとめられています。気になる方は以下のURL にアクセスしてください。 http://www.shibaura-it.ac.jp/global/overseas_program/index.html


電気電子情報工学専攻留学先 スウェーデン ストックホルム留学期間 6 ヶ月






A 研究室にスウェーデンからの留学生が来たことと、かねてより海外での研究を経験したいと考えていたため、巡ってきた機会に飛びつきました。

A 物価が高いため常に自炊をしていました。英語は通じるので生活には困りませんでしたが、食材の名前などはスウェーデン語で書いてあり最初は買い物でさえ大変でした。研究以外にも、日本語に興味のある現地学生たちと日本語の勉強会を毎週開き、お互いの文化の違いや日本語の複雑な文法や発音の抑揚について議論しあったりもしました。

A 家が見つからなかったことです。現在ストックホルムは慢性的な住居不足で、多くの人が住居探しに困っています。イレギュラーな時期の留学だったため、大学が留学期間の一部しか寮を用意できず、留学期間の一部では別の住居を自分で探し出しました。

A スウェーデンには毎日 10 時と 15 時はコーヒーと甘いお菓子をお供にコミュニケーションをとる Fika という文化があります。スウェーデン人はこのFika が大好きです。またその延長なのか、授業は 1 コマ 3 時間程度でその合間に必ず 2 ~ 3 回コーヒーブレイクを挟みます。

A 「トビタテ!留学 JAPAN 日本代表プログラム」を利用しました。また留学先は提携校だったため、学費は大学側から出してもらうということで、交換留学の制度も併用しました。

(「トビタテ!留学 JAPAN�日本代表プログラム」については 2016年度の LFマガジン�Vol.3 にて特集しておりますので、詳細についてはそちらを参照してください。)



u What are you doing while you are participating in the conference?

u Experience the international conference

To foreign countries Q

The international conference where Mr.K participated this time was be held for 6 days from 9th to 14th July. Therefore, Mr.K had stayed in Vancouver for nearly a week. Travel expenses for that time should have be substantial, but Mr.K said "Because we receive subsidies from research funds, we do not need to worry too much". Let's see a day schedule of Mr.K who actually par-ticipated in the international conference.

The research presentation was held in different rooms by each fi eld. There-fore, in order to attend an announcement of interest, it is necessary to decide a schedule in advance.

Also, a coffee break is established between research presentations. A cof-fee break was held at the poster exhibition hall, and it was also seen that re-searchers were talking with each other while drinking coffee.

When the research presentation on that day is completed, it will be free time. Because the sun had not sink until about 22 o'clock in Vancouver this time, you can secure sightseeing time even from around 18 o'clock.

In order to achieve the secret goal of learning foreign cultures, Mr.K had a careful sightseeing schedule like the sched-ule of attendance at the research presentation.

In this way Mr.K fi nished the international conference without fail, and learned overseas culture suffi ciently and came home. After returning home and descending the plane, the expression of Mr. K was very satisfying. Finally, we heard the impression that Mr.K had experienced the international confer-ence.

Schedule during international conference participation

Meeting place after sunset

At the top of Grouse Mountain

Walk around the venueState of coffee break

This time I made a presentation in oral presentation style. It was my fi rst participation in an international conference, so I was so nervous. Especially questioning and an-swering in English was very diffi cult, I realized my low English skill.

I am currently a fi rst graduate in the Master and may have the opportunity to partici-pate in the international conference again, so I'd like to improve my English skill by that time.

If you participate in an international conference, you can not only attend research presentations from around the world but also sightseeing, so please consider partici-pating in international conferences by all means!


Graduate students may participate in international conferences, but ... in the fi rst place, what is an inter-national conference? What exactly is done? In order to solve this question, we had covered one of the graduate student Mr.K until he presented at the international conference for about 10 months.

Exclusive report! —Load to international conference—

u What kind of method the fl ow to the day of the conference?

u What style are there in the presentation?

An international conference called “International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction” will be hold at Vancouver in July 2017.

At this conference, researchers from around the world will publish re-search on research and discuss about it results. Therefore, it is possible to know the latest information and re-search trends in the same fi eld.

Mr.K started to prepare from Octo-ber 2016 to participate in the interna-tional conference. The right fi gure shows what Mr.K must had done be-fore presenting at the international conference.

There is a very long time of about 10 months from application to participation in the international conference to ac-tual presentation at the meeting. Therefore, it can spend enough time to prepare for presentation.

There are two main styles of research results presentation.

“Oral presentation” and “Poster presentation”.

Oral Presentation

Presenters using slides such as PowerPoint, make

presentations in front of a large audience. The time of

presentation, question and answer are decided exact-

ly, it is done in a strict atmosphere. So to speak, it is

the main event of the international conference.

Poster presentation

Presenters using paper of A0 size or so to present,

question and answer regardless of format and time.

This time, Mr.K had participated in international conference

in oral presentation style.

Oral presentation

Poster presentation


* This is an example. Details depends on each conference.

October Registration

January Submission of abstract

Submission of papers

Preparation of presentation materials

July Presentation at conference

Flow until the conference dayOnce you have obtained research results and decided to go to the conference presentation…

You can grow because there are manyopportunities to write sentences in English.

Practice many times and prepare for presentation

If the abstract is accepted, you can participate the conference

u What are you doing while you are participating in the conference?

u Experience the international conference

To foreign countries Q

The international conference where Mr.K participated this time was be held for 6 days from 9th to 14th July. Therefore, Mr.K had stayed in Vancouver for nearly a week. Travel expenses for that time should have be substantial, but Mr.K said "Because we receive subsidies from research funds, we do not need to worry too much". Let's see a day schedule of Mr.K who actually par-ticipated in the international conference.

The research presentation was held in different rooms by each fi eld. There-fore, in order to attend an announcement of interest, it is necessary to decide a schedule in advance.

Also, a coffee break is established between research presentations. A cof-fee break was held at the poster exhibition hall, and it was also seen that re-searchers were talking with each other while drinking coffee.

When the research presentation on that day is completed, it will be free time. Because the sun had not sink until about 22 o'clock in Vancouver this time, you can secure sightseeing time even from around 18 o'clock.

In order to achieve the secret goal of learning foreign cultures, Mr.K had a careful sightseeing schedule like the sched-ule of attendance at the research presentation.

In this way Mr.K fi nished the international conference without fail, and learned overseas culture suffi ciently and came home. After returning home and descending the plane, the expression of Mr. K was very satisfying. Finally, we heard the impression that Mr.K had experienced the international confer-ence.

Schedule during international conference participation

Meeting place after sunset

At the top of Grouse Mountain

Walk around the venueState of coffee break

This time I made a presentation in oral presentation style. It was my fi rst participation in an international conference, so I was so nervous. Especially questioning and an-swering in English was very diffi cult, I realized my low English skill.

I am currently a fi rst graduate in the Master and may have the opportunity to partici-pate in the international conference again, so I'd like to improve my English skill by that time.

If you participate in an international conference, you can not only attend research presentations from around the world but also sightseeing, so please consider partici-pating in international conferences by all means!


Graduate students may participate in international conferences, but ... in the fi rst place, what is an inter-national conference? What exactly is done? In order to solve this question, we had covered one of the graduate student Mr.K until he presented at the international conference for about 10 months.

Exclusive report! —Load to international conference—

u What kind of method the fl ow to the day of the conference?

u What style are there in the presentation?

An international conference called “International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction” will be hold at Vancouver in July 2017.

At this conference, researchers from around the world will publish re-search on research and discuss about it results. Therefore, it is possible to know the latest information and re-search trends in the same fi eld.

Mr.K started to prepare from Octo-ber 2016 to participate in the interna-tional conference. The right fi gure shows what Mr.K must had done be-fore presenting at the international conference.

There is a very long time of about 10 months from application to participation in the international conference to ac-tual presentation at the meeting. Therefore, it can spend enough time to prepare for presentation.

There are two main styles of research results presentation.

“Oral presentation” and “Poster presentation”.

Oral Presentation

Presenters using slides such as PowerPoint, make

presentations in front of a large audience. The time of

presentation, question and answer are decided exact-

ly, it is done in a strict atmosphere. So to speak, it is

the main event of the international conference.

Poster presentation

Presenters using paper of A0 size or so to present,

question and answer regardless of format and time.

This time, Mr.K had participated in international conference

in oral presentation style.

Oral presentation

Poster presentation


* This is an example. Details depends on each conference.

October Registration

January Submission of abstract

Submission of papers

Preparation of presentation materials

July Presentation at conference

Flow until the conference dayOnce you have obtained research results and decided to go to the conference presentation…

You can grow because there are manyopportunities to write sentences in English.

Preparation of presentation materials

Practice many times and prepare for presentation


Once you have obtained research results and decided to go to

If the abstract is accepted, you can participate the conference

Read the drawing

Steam VR (platform)

HTC VIVE (Head mounted display)

Auto CAD (Design support tool)

3ds Max (3DCG software)

Stingray(3D game engine)

First, make the drawing using CAD.

Import datainto

Steam VR.Second, convert 2D to 3D.

Set the material with 3ds Max.

Third, prepare the virtual reality environment with Stingray. The main work is over.

Watching VIVE …


You can enjoy the sight of unreal buildings to

your heart’s content. Would you like to go beyond

time and space, explore architecture? It looked de-

ceptively diffi cult, but there are many ways to build

virtual reality. You can experience virtual reality us-

ing your smartphones. Please challenge it if you

have any interests.

Let's build the virtual reality!


Read the drawing

Steam VR (platform)

HTC VIVE (Head mounted display)

Auto CAD (Design support tool)

3ds Max (3DCG software)

Stingray(3D game engine)

First, make the drawing using CAD.

Import datainto

Steam VR.Second, convert 2D to 3D.

Set the material with 3ds Max.

Third, prepare the virtual reality environment with Stingray. The main work is over.

Watching VIVE …


– Architecture and virtual reality –Do you want to experience your own designs by using CAD or Revit with virtual reality?

We used this technique to build Izumo Taisha. This time we will introduce to make full use of

the most advanced virtual reality.

A story about Izumo Taisha. Izumo Taisha has a history of over 1500 years old. The last reconstruction was done in the Edo period (1744). The main shrine has been rebuilt different heights in successive periods. It was approximately 48 meters (16 jo) high during the Heian period (794-1185) which equal to 10 th fl oor of Toyosu campus. That was amazing height which all of parts were constructed by wooden pillars. In 2000, Some parts of pillar were excavated from the precincts. A giant pillar was bundled three logs of more than 1 meter in diameter together. The thick size of the pillar suggests that they could have supported a structure of 48 meters in height.

Izumo Taisha

Izumo Taisha and Toyosu Campus


Graduate student research introduction

Read the drawing

Steam VR (platform)

HTC VIVE (Head mounted display)

Auto CAD (Design support tool)

3ds Max (3DCG software)

Stingray(3D game engine)

First, make the drawing using CAD.

Import datainto

Steam VR.Second, convert 2D to 3D.

Set the material with 3ds Max.

Third, prepare the virtual reality environment with Stingray. The main work is over.

Watching VIVE …


You can enjoy the sight of unreal buildings to

your heart’s content. Would you like to go beyond

time and space, explore architecture? It looked de-

ceptively diffi cult, but there are many ways to build

virtual reality. You can experience virtual reality us-

ing your smartphones. Please challenge it if you

have any interests.

Let's build the virtual reality!


Read the drawing

Steam VR (platform)

HTC VIVE (Head mounted display)

Auto CAD (Design support tool)

3ds Max (3DCG software)

Stingray(3D game engine)

First, make the drawing using CAD.

Import datainto

Steam VR.Second, convert 2D to 3D.

Set the material with 3ds Max.

Third, prepare the virtual reality environment with Stingray. The main work is over.

Watching VIVE …


– Architecture and virtual reality –Do you want to experience your own designs by using CAD or Revit with virtual reality?

We used this technique to build Izumo Taisha. This time we will introduce to make full use of

the most advanced virtual reality.

A story about Izumo Taisha. Izumo Taisha has a history of over 1500 years old. The last reconstruction was done in the Edo period (1744). The main shrine has been rebuilt different heights in successive periods. It was approximately 48 meters (16 jo) high during the Heian period (794-1185) which equal to 10 th fl oor of Toyosu campus. That was amazing height which all of parts were constructed by wooden pillars. In 2000, Some parts of pillar were excavated from the precincts. A giant pillar was bundled three logs of more than 1 meter in diameter together. The thick size of the pillar suggests that they could have supported a structure of 48 meters in height.

Izumo Taisha

Izumo Taisha and Toyosu Campus


Graduate student research introduction

u Mixed Reality HeadsetFrom Laboratory for Bionic Communication Engineering in Department of Information Communications Engineering Associate Professor Ryota Horie

� Would you tell me about this product information?

This product is HoloLens (Microsoft Corporation, 333,800 yen) which implemented Mixed Reality (MR) technology. It has a feature that combined with Augmented Reality (AR) tech-nology and Virtual Reality (VR) technology. The explanation of the three technologies are described in following fi gures. More specifi cally, this technology incorporates with virtual world information such as Computer Graphics (CG) into the real world and achieves a world that combines the real world and a virtual world. There are various functions, such as, you can project holograms to the real world, and multiple people can see the same hologram in the same space.

� How do you use it?

Various applications such as 3D design creation, life support and application to entertainment fi elds such as games can be considered. Since this product that have not existed so far, the possibilities extend infi nitely depending on imagination.

� Why did you decide to combine them into your researches?

We are researching and developing a new interface which combines biological information and information communication technology. In particular, we thought that combination with AR technology and VR technology which has been remark-able in recent years is useful. So we have been working on research and develop-ment from that time. I thought which MR technology would be a new option for re-search and introduced it to the laboratory.

� When did it release?

Prior to March 31, 2016 in Canada and the USA, it was released in the market, and it became possible to purchase in Japan on December 2, 2016.


VRTechnology which gives a feeling as though it were in a space that does not actually exist.

ARTechnology which adds a layer of digital contents to the real world and adds information to the world seen from people.

MRTechnology which the virtual world and the real world in-teract with each other. In the above fi gure, a holograms tiger is on the real sofa.

Would you like to give a comment? A variety of information communication devices including the mixed reality (MR) glasses introduced this time are developed at a remarkable speed in recent years. Technologies such as AR / VR / MR, etc. had been researched and developed individually by each technology expert until a while ago, but in recent years, they can be obtained and used as inexpensive commercial products. By combining these elemental technologies, it became an era when it was possible to create a system that appears in SF movies. I would like students to have various experiences through challenging to shape dreams and ideas. Associate Professor

Ryota Horie



u On publication of this magazine

This magazine was created by students belonging to Learning Facilitator (LF). We covered the

pleasure, diffi culty and attractiveness in graduate school life with the student’s perspective. We would

be pleased if you read this magazine and be interested in going to graduate school of Shibaura Insti-

tute of Technology.

u What is LF?

LF is student organization directly under the graduate school of SIT. It is consisted of master course

students and doctoral course students. Since the late period of fi scal 2008, this LF program began as

one of the human resource development programs "Σ-type integration ability human resource devel-

opment project" of the Graduate School. We have continued our "self-suffi ciency" activities to invent

and implement a plan aimed at "Making an environment for students to learn actively and happily".

SIT has already fi nished the "Σ-type integration ability human resources development project". How-

ever the LF program is continuing in order to acquire abilities of graduated school students. Recently,

our university was adopted as "Top global university project". We are strengthening our efforts to in-

ternationalize universities now.



LFMagazine LFMagazineVol.4

01 Introduction

02 Hidden machine in the laboratory

03 Graduate student research introduction

—Architecture and virtual reality—

05 Exclusive report!

—Load to international conference—

u Mixed Reality HeadsetFrom Laboratory for Bionic Communication Engineering in Department of Information Communications Engineering Associate Professor Ryota Horie

� Would you tell me about this product information?

This product is HoloLens (Microsoft Corporation, 333,800 yen) which implemented Mixed Reality (MR) technology. It has a feature that combined with Augmented Reality (AR) tech-nology and Virtual Reality (VR) technology. The explanation of the three technologies are described in following fi gures. More specifi cally, this technology incorporates with virtual world information such as Computer Graphics (CG) into the real world and achieves a world that combines the real world and a virtual world. There are various functions, such as, you can project holograms to the real world, and multiple people can see the same hologram in the same space.

� How do you use it?

Various applications such as 3D design creation, life support and application to entertainment fi elds such as games can be considered. Since this product that have not existed so far, the possibilities extend infi nitely depending on imagination.

� Why did you decide to combine them into your researches?

We are researching and developing a new interface which combines biological information and information communication technology. In particular, we thought that combination with AR technology and VR technology which has been remark-able in recent years is useful. So we have been working on research and develop-ment from that time. I thought which MR technology would be a new option for re-search and introduced it to the laboratory.

� When did it release?

Prior to March 31, 2016 in Canada and the USA, it was released in the market, and it became possible to purchase in Japan on December 2, 2016.


VRTechnology which gives a feeling as though it were in a space that does not actually exist.

ARTechnology which adds a layer of digital contents to the real world and adds information to the world seen from people.

MRTechnology which the virtual world and the real world in-teract with each other. In the above fi gure, a holograms tiger is on the real sofa.

Would you like to give a comment? A variety of information communication devices including the mixed reality (MR) glasses introduced this time are developed at a remarkable speed in recent years. Technologies such as AR / VR / MR, etc. had been researched and developed individually by each technology expert until a while ago, but in recent years, they can be obtained and used as inexpensive commercial products. By combining these elemental technologies, it became an era when it was possible to create a system that appears in SF movies. I would like students to have various experiences through challenging to shape dreams and ideas. Associate Professor

Ryota Horie



u On publication of this magazine

This magazine was created by students belonging to Learning Facilitator (LF). We covered the

pleasure, diffi culty and attractiveness in graduate school life with the student’s perspective. We would

be pleased if you read this magazine and be interested in going to graduate school of Shibaura Insti-

tute of Technology.

u What is LF?

LF is student organization directly under the graduate school of SIT. It is consisted of master course

students and doctoral course students. Since the late period of fi scal 2008, this LF program began as

one of the human resource development programs "Σ-type integration ability human resource devel-

opment project" of the Graduate School. We have continued our "self-suffi ciency" activities to invent

and implement a plan aimed at "Making an environment for students to learn actively and happily".

SIT has already fi nished the "Σ-type integration ability human resources development project". How-

ever the LF program is continuing in order to acquire abilities of graduated school students. Recently,

our university was adopted as "Top global university project". We are strengthening our efforts to in-

ternationalize universities now.



LFLFLFMagazine LFMagazineVol.4

01 Introduction

02 Hidden machine in the laboratory

03 Graduate student research introduction

—Architecture and virtual reality—

05 Exclusive report!

—Load to international conference—

LFGraduate school information magazine by graduate students

Mar.2018 LFMagazine

Graduate student research introduction – Architecture and virtual reality –Close coverage! – Load to international conference –Hidden machine in the laboratory
