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Retail Edge Seasonals The Beer Guy New Products Programs1 5 T H I N G S A B O U T N A R R A G A N S E T T | F A L L S E L E C T I O N S | H A R V E S T , H A L L O W E E N & H A R D C I D E R





Cover Story �������������������������1

Brewer Highlight �����������������2

Kunda Beverage������������������3

Maggio’s ����������������������������4

New Products ���������������������5

Seasonal Selections �������������8

Available Year-Round Perfect for the Season ������� 19

Programs ������������������������� 20

Retail Edge ���������������������� 24

The Beer Guy ������������������� 25

Web ordering is now available to all Origlio Beverage customers.

To place your beer order online, contact your Origlio sales rep today!

Letter toTHE TRADE


Heady Times is published five times a year, courtesy of Origlio Beverage.

“WHEN THE EAGLES HIKE THE BALL, PEOPLE START to forget about summer beers,” said my friend and co-worker Ed Friedland� The Tampa Bay Buccaneers are coming to town on the 11th of August to face off against the Philadelphia Eagles in this year’s first preseason game at Lincoln Financial Field� And I think Ed is absolutely correct�

I’m a baseball guy, so I hate to think that we are approaching the end of the MLB season, but as a beer lover, I am ready to enjoy the beers of fall� And so are your customers�

Our Heady Times cover story, A Tale of Two Seasonals, presents some pretty interesting data which should

help you choose the best pumpkin and Oktoberfest beers to drive sales and maximize your profits.

The article states that lead brands account for north of 90% of all the beer sold in the pumpkin and Oktoberfest categories� And we quote Tony Magee, founder of Lagunitas – a guy who always has his finger on the pulse of beer trends, who believes that consumers are now experimenting less than they used to� Rather than trying the new-new thing, he says that beer drinkers are going back to brands they have already tried� By and large, these beers that Tony is talking about are “lead brands” that consumers feel connected to for reasons of flavor, emotion and price point�

So which lead pumpkin and Oktoberfest beers should you be carrying?

In no particular order, below are a few suggestions, although there are many others� See pages 8-18 for our seasonal offerings�

One more thing…� In my conversations with brewers from across the country, most said that while they were looking forward to brewing their fall seasonals, no one said that they were going to make more than they did in years past. Please keep that in mind when placing your orders. You might not have the opportunity to restock towards the end of the season.

As always, thanks for making Origlio your partner in the beer business� Have a successful summer!

Dominic OriglioPresident

PumpkinsDogfish Head Punkin Ale

Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin Ale

Shipyard Pumpkinhead Ale

UFO Pumpkin

Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin Ale

Samuel Adams 20 Pounds of Pumpkin

OktoberfestsSamuel Adams Octoberfest

Sierra Nevada Oktoberfest

Yuengling Oktoberfest

Sly Fox Oktoberfest

Great Lakes Oktoberfest

Paulaner Hacker-Pschorr

CoverSTORYA Tale of Two SeasonalsIt is “The Best of Times” for Pumpkin-inspired and Oktoberfest Beers

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Note to Retail – Sell the Brand, Not the Style

MARK TWAIN ONCE QUIPPED THAT THE NEWS OF HIS DEATH “HAS been greatly exaggerated”� The same can be said for consumers’ interest in pumpkin and Oktoberfest beers� There is no denying

that pumpkin beers, and other seasonals, didn’t fly off the shelves in 2015, as they have in the past, but in the interest of your “bottom line” it is still imperative to offer your customers a well-curated selection of these beers Right Now�

“Starting in August, interest in pumpkin beer and Oktoberfest seasonals builds to a fevered pitch,” says Bart Watson of the Brewers Association� “And as I look at annual data, I can tell you that consumer interest in seasonal beers peaks in October, as do sales� So it is important to sell as much of these [predominantly] high margin beers as you can before the first of November�”

Seasonal beers remain the second most popular category within craft, after IPAs� Fruit/Veggie/Spiced beers are a fast growing style, up 120% in the past year� Fall seasonal styles, which are basically available for 13 weeks out of the year, account for more than 3% of overall craft volume� (FYI: seasonals account for nearly 21% of total craft volume�)

“Last year was not as good a growth year for pumpkins, but the category is still growing,” explains Watson� “Pumpkin beer is still the undisputed heavyweight champion of the seasonal world. Brewers are excited about making them and they still get people into the stores�”

Shifting his focus from pumpkin to Oktoberfest beers, Watson went on record with a prediction that this year there will be an upswing in lager sales� Oktoberfest beers are of course lagers, which are now being rediscovered by consumers, who think they are cool again�

IRI’s Dan Wandell agrees that more sessionable beers [and other less challenging styles] are gaining traction� Oktoberfest beers are always sessionable lagers� He went on to point out that pumpkin beers and Oktoberfests sit at the intersection of two mega trends, flavored and sessionable� Says Wandell, “Craft beer is still growing at about 12% this year… flavored craft, be it fruit, veggie or spiced, continues to grow� The same is true for more sessionable craft beer� It’s attracting more customers who drink them on more and more occasions�”

Sell the Brand, Not the Style

“A key component to the success of craft beer has been consumer trial and sampling,” says Lagunitas founder Tony Magee� “Consumers are still enthusiastic about craft, but now they are experimenting less, which means they have moved towards beers they have sampled and are most connected to, based on emotion, flavor and economic considerations.”

To comment on the subject, Heady Times reached out to Brandon Danley, Regional Sales Manager for The Boston Beer Company, makers of Sam Adams, Angry Orchard Cider, Twisted Tea, Traveler Beer, Coney Island and Truly Spiked & Sparkling� Danley added that while consumer brand loyalty has recently been at an all-time low, due to so many new brand families/SKUs entering the market, he sees consumers returning to lead brands of substance like Sam Adams Octoberfest, which

commands an impressive 27% of all fall seasonal sales� Offering customers too much variety has become an Achilles Heel; all the variety is confusing them� An overwhelmed consumer may buy less, or nothing at all� To maximize profitability in this peak beer selling period (IRI defines it as August through September) you have to get lead brands out fast and early, placing them in prime real estate locations where they are most visible to your customers�

Danley recommends curating a reasonable selection of ‘long tail brands’ for consumers who are willing to walk to the back of the store in search of them, but once again he reminds us that, “Lead brand families sell volume� You maximize profitability by selling each category’s lead brands. There are about five of them per category� Then a limited selection of long tail brands should round out your lineup� These keep the more adventurous consumer satisfied�”

Danley said that pumpkin beers are the best-selling specialty style by volume, and that the top six, best-selling pumpkin beers account for 94% of all pumpkin beers sold. That’s what you call a lead brand�

So what is a long tail brand and how do you know which ones to carry? Fred Crudder of Baltimore’s Heavy Seas says his Bourbon barrel-aged pumpkin beer, The Great’er Pumpkin (ABV 10%) is a case in point� “Our consumer is less susceptible to flights of fancy than other consumers� A retailer can offer our beer with its high visual appeal and a big OOOO-factor to capture the high-end consumer, who wants to be more bold and daring in their choices.”

Fall is the season that has beer written all over it� Even though the temperature is in the 90s, your customers will be receptive to reminders that it’s time to drink flavorful fall beer as a nice change of pace from summer’s thirst quenchers� Let them know that autumn’s finest offerings await: seasonal specialties, solid standbys, innovative American craft brands and international ambassadors of these styles� Just do it before the end of October�

Mark Hellendrung, owner of Narragansett Beer

Background: rendering of the new Narragansett Brewery campus

15 Things You May Not Know About Narragansett Beer

NARRAGANSETT, NEW ENGLAND’S OLDEST BREWERY, HAS A long and storied past� Now, under the watchful eye of owner Mark Hellendrung, a Rhode Island Native and former President of

Nantucket Nectars, the brewery with a 126-year legacy is a powerhouse with a new brewery “campus” in the works!

1. The Narragansett Brewery was founded in 1890�

2. The brewery’s motto, “Made on Honor� Sold on Merit,” was coined in 1909 and greeted visitors to the original brewery�

3. Theodor Geisel (a�k�a� Dr� Seuss) created the Chief ‘Gansett image and other advertising for the brewery in 1934�

4. Narragansett was the first official beer sponsor of a professional sports team – first the Braves and eventually the Boston Red Sox, a partnership that lasted 31 years�

5. Jack Reynolds coined the phrase, “Hi, Neighbor, Have a ‘Gansett” in the 1950s� But it was made famous by legendary broadcaster Curt Gowdy during every Boston Red Sox radio broadcast�

6. At its peak in 1965, Narragansett accounted for 65 percent of all beer sold in New England�

7. That same year, Narragansett was sold to the Falstaff Brewing Corporation which ended the baseball partnership, let sales people go and changed the Lager recipe� Sadly, in 1983, the brewery closed its doors�

8. Along with other investors, Mark Hellendrung purchased Narragansett Beer in 2005 and reconnected with former Brewmaster Bill Anderson to re-create the original Narragansett Lager recipe�

9. Narragansett is now the 38th largest brewery in the United States�

10. A new Narragansett brewery “campus” is currently being built in Pawtucket, RI that will house the brewery, a tasting room, a gift shop, at least one restaurant, a bike shop and a beer educational facility�

11. Each summer, to coincide with the Discovery Channel’s hit series Shark Week, Narragansett releases their flagship Lager in “throwback cans” that were actually “crushed by Quint” in the iconic movie, Jaws�

12. Narragansett’s Mash-up Series of beers including Del’s Shandy, Autocrat Coffee Milk Stout, Have a Hefeweizen! and Allie’s Donuts are made in collaboration with some of Rhode Island’s most iconic companies�

13. The newest Mash-Up beer, Hi Neighbor Have a Hefeweizen!, was made in collaboration with Bananagrams, a tile word game that originated in Pawtucket, RI�

14. Mark Hellendrung’s favorite beer-infused meal is Beer Can Chicken made using Narragansett Lager tall boy cans�

15. The brewery’s Lovecraft Series of beers, that pays homage to horror story writer H�P� Lovecraft, was the idea of a ‘Gansett Girl who is also a librarian�

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Kunda Beverage

SINCE 1920, KUNDA BEVERAGE HAS OFFERED GREAT PRODUCTS and the highest level of customer service� Heady Times headed out to King of Prussia and sat down with current purveyor Chris Kunda,

great grandson of founder Watson Kunda, to find out what has kept this Delaware Valley beverage company going strong for almost a century�

HT: What sets Kunda Beverage apart from other beer retailers?

CK: Well, I’d say there are three things� One is our extensive beer knowledge� In my opinion, it’s the best in the area� Second, and this is so important, is customer service� There are three of us who run the store� We are all well-read and “well drank,” if you will� We are vested in our interest in the beer industry, which lets us offer suggestions and alternatives to customers� It’s pretty hard to sell a $300 case of beer unless you can describe what it is! The third part is the shopping experience we provide� I kept women in mind when I modeled the store� A guy will come in and buy a case of beer off a dirt floor, but a woman wants to shop in a well-lit, temperature-controlled environment where she feels safe and comfortable�

HT: What would your great-grandfather say about Kunda Beverage today?

CK: I don’t know if he ever could have envisioned what this business would become� When he ran the store, it was a warehouse, maybe 1500 sq� feet, if that� He only dealt with one brewery, distributed beer to bars within a two mile radius and only did a little bit of retail business� We are now a 100% retail business� In 2007 we sold our wholesale division� I’m also fairly certain that in the 1920s he couldn’t have imagined the craft revolution� And who knows where we will be in 20 more years! I’m very proud to be continuing something he started 96 years ago�

HT: What does customer service mean to you?

CK: I learned the importance of good service from my dad, who learned from his dad, who learned from his dad� Someone may only buy a $10 case of beer every three weeks, but you have to be just as pleasant to him as you are to the guy who spends $600 a month� Everybody contributes to the pot� Things are different today� Loyalty is gone� And loyalty is something that is so important in this business� It isn’t what it was, but it’s something that we, with both the seller and the customer, try to keep sacred�

HT: How has the craft beer movement/scene changed the way you do business?

CK: For one thing, we now carry a ridiculous selection� We really try to have everything, which is tough to do because we are dealing with a perishable product� The craft beer explosion has helped us manicure and frame out a great selection, but at the same time it has actually reined us in on some things too� It has helped us reevaluate our selection at times, and now every couple of months I’ll go through everything and say, “Alright, this one’s not working, so let’s change it up�” Of course if we get a request for that product, we will get some back in for the customer, but there are some brands that just don’t work�


Chris Kunda, owner of Kunda Beverage

HT: How do you and your staff acquire and maintain such a high level of beer expertise, and how do you keep up with rapidly changing industry trends?

CK: It’s not the easiest thing to stay on top of everything these days, but luckily I have guys working with me who know and care a lot about this business� We really hang our hats on having an extensive selection and that gets tougher by the day� But that’s a good thing! I

kind of think I sound like I’m complaining and I’m really not� It keeps things very interesting� There are new breweries popping up almost weekly at this point� We rely on things like trade publications, online resources and Beer Advocate to stay up-to-date with new brands and industry trends� We talk to reps, and do basically anything we have to do to stay on top of things� It’s definitely not easy, but it’s fun�

Kundabev.com • 349 South Henderson Road, King of Prussia, PA • 610-265-3113

Chris Kunda’s great-grandfather in 1925


I WOULD LOVE TO BE STRANDED HERE DURING A SNOW STORM,” exclaimed a patron sitting at the bar at Maggio’s on 2nd Street Pike in Southampton� “Tremendous food, a great beer selection, an internet

café with coffee & desserts and even a stunning ballroom where we could dance the night away!” Such unsolicited testimonials speak volumes about the success of this family-owned business, which opened its doors over 40 years ago� Thanks to the creativity and hard work of the Schubert family, this dining “emporium” will continue to be a thriving Bucks County hot spot for years to come�

HT: Maggio’s is a true family business. Which family members work here?

“My wife, Gina and I, in addition to our two sons and one of our daughters,” says Mike Schubert, the head of the household who opened Maggio’s at a mere 21 years of age� “Sam manages the bar and does the beer ordering, while Josh is in charge of the kitchen� My wife runs our catering business and my daughter, Becky is responsible for all of our graphic needs� It’s a family affair for sure� Our second daughter is a casting director in New York� She won an Emmy for her work on the hit show House of Cards!”

HT: Why did you choose to open a business in Southampton?

“When we opened in ’76, there was only one other restaurant in the area, and they were always packed, so it seemed like the perfect spot,” says Mike� “We moved to this location 10 years ago when my wife thought we were missing out on a big opportunity� The larger space allowed for a ballroom where we cater birthday parties, bar and bat mitzvahs, weddings, christenings and other memorable events�”

HT: People absolutely rave about the food here. What sets you apart from other restaurants?

“We are here every morning at 5AM, although we don’t open until 11AM, because everything is prepared fresh,” Mike says proudly�

Josh chimes in, “Quality is everything to us� Our produce and seafood are supplied fresh, daily and all of our food is made in house, including soups, sauces, gravies and even rolls! Our burgers are some of the finest around and we were recently nominated by USA Today for the best cheesesteak in Philly! There were only 20 nominations in Pennsylvania, so it was a huge honor�”

“Don’t forget the pizza,” says Sam� “People come from all over to try it, and my dad is the only one who’s allowed to spice it�”

“I’ve never taken a vacation day,” Mike laughs� “Who would spice the sauce?”

HT: How has your draught lineup changed over the years?

“Until seven years ago, we only offered 12 draughts,” says Sam� “I knew that wasn’t gonna cut it, so we upped it to 20 taps, which gives us a chance to offer a variety of styles and seasonals, while maintaining some permanent lines for domestics, imports and crafts that sell well, like Dogfish Head 60 Minute� No surprise, IPAs and locals sell really well here, but one of the most popular beers on draught is Franziskaner Hefe Weisse – our customers can’t get enough of it�”


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Sam, Mike and Josh Schubert of Maggio’s

HT: How do you promote your beer selection?

“The bartenders and wait staff sample all new beers we put on draught during our pre-shift meetings,” says Sam� “We also offer our guests a beer menu that is updated weekly� It includes descriptions of all available beers, as well as the draughts that are ‘on deck’� And we offer beer flights; any three beers [5 oz� pours] for $5�00� If the customer then purchases a full glass of one they’ve sampled, we take $1�00 off the price of that pint�”

HT: Your customer service is top-notch! With so many moving parts to this business, how do you keep your staff on top of it all?

Mike answers, “My wife always says, ‘you can overcome a fair meal with phenomenal service, but you can’t overcome bad service’� We have a rigorous circuit training program that we put all of our new hires through� They learn each part of the business and it has proved to be very successful�”

Maggiosrestaurant.com • 400 2nd St. Pike “Hampton Square”, Southampton, PA • 215-322-7272

NewPRODUCTSTruly Spiked & Sparkling Bottle and Can Variety PacksClean, crisp and refreshing, each flavor of Truly Spiked & Sparkling is lively and effervescent with a hint of fruit, just like sparkling water, but with 5% alcohol� And now, all three styles are available in two convenient mix packs – cans and bottles! The Truly Spiked & Sparkling variety packs include: Colima Lime, slightly tart with a crisp, but subtle sweetness; Pomegranate, crisp and refreshing with a hint of the juicy super fruit and Grapefruit & Pomelo, citrusy on the nose, followed by tart and tangy notes� Availability: Now, year-round

Angry Orchard Orchard’s EdgeAngry Orchard’s cider makers are excited to continue expanding the idea of what American cider can be. Orchard’s Edge is their innovative line of ciders developed at the orchard.

Angry Orchard Knotty PearKnotty Pear’s main ingredient is juice from American apples, and also features pear juice, which adds a new dimension to the cider, creating a pleasantly dry flavor� Cardamom imparts a slight spicy flavor with subtle notes of citrus and mint� This hard cider showcases fresh acidity, lasting tannin and a pleasantly dry finish from oak aging� ABV: 6�5% Package: 12 oz� bottles only Availability: Year-round, beginning in September

Angry Orchard The Old Fashioned

The Old Fashioned is made with a blend of American apples and is aged on oak with dried tart cherries, California-grown navel orange peel and charred bourbon barrel staves, offering citrus and cherry aromas with a bright apple flavor and slight vanilla notes� It has lasting tannins and a full, round mouth feel� ABV: 6�5% Package: 12 oz� bottles only Availability: Year-round, beginning in September

White Claw Hard SeltzerAll-natural sparkling seltzer water with 5% alcohol and a hint of honest-to-goodness fruit, White Claw Hard Seltzer is dry, hard and refreshingly drinkable. No additives. No funny business, just 110 calories of good, clean fun with a kick. Available in Natural Lime, Ruby Grapefruit and Black Cherry flavors, these hard seltzers pair perfectly with good times and even better company. Whether you’re beach-bound, out blazing trails or simply chillin’, you can count on one deliciously crisp sip after another.

White Claw Natural LimeNatural Lime is a crisp, clean, spiked sparkling water with notes of natural lime juiciness for a taste that’s timelessly refreshing� ABV: 5% Package: 12 oz� slim cans only Availability: Now, year-round

White Claw Ruby Grapefruit A dry, yet refreshing hard seltzer meets tangy, but sweet grapefruit in a feat of delicious balance� Simply crisp, clean, spiked sparkling water, kissed with true ruby grapefruit� ABV: 5% Package: 12 oz� slim cans only Availability: Now, year-round

White Claw Black CherryAn unmistakable cherry aroma leads to an incredibly refreshing, dry, hard seltzer� Crisp and clean, a fresh and juicy black cherry taste shines through the clean seltzer base with just the right amount of carbonation� ABV: 5% Package: 12 oz� slim cans only Availability: Now, year-round

White Claw Hard Seltzer Variety PackGet all three flavors (Natural Lime, Black Cherry and Ruby Grapefruit) of the refreshing, spiked, sparkling water with a hint of natural fruit in one convenient mix pack! Availability: Now, year-round

5www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.90

1911 Grapefruit Hard CiderThis semi-dry, sparkling cider boasts

a refreshing burst of grapefruit and transforms the paradigm of fruit ciders� ABV: 5�5% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: Year-round, beginning in September

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Oskar Blues PriscillaPriscilla is an AmeriCAN take on the Belgian classic wit, featuring orange peel and coriander spice� Zesty citrus and light, freshly baked bread aromas mix up with spicy, fruity fermentation� Light-bodied with a subtle, savory spice accent, Priscilla has a dry, lightly tart finish� ABV: 5�2% Packages: 12 oz� cans and draught Availability: Now, year-round

NewPRODUCTSArrogant Bastard Who You Callin’ WUSSIE This hop-forward pilsner exemplifies bold, aggressive flavor… perfectly suited (and almost always expected) for Arrogant Brewing� ABV: 5�8% Packages: 16 oz� cans and draught Availability: Now, year-round

Shiner Family Reunion Variety PackThe Shiner Family Reunion variety pack now includes new brands and new graphics! Inside this year-round mix pack, you’ll find six different Shiner selections including: Bock, Ruby Redbird, Wicked Ram, Light Blonde, Kosmos Reserve and a Brewer’s Pride selection� Availability: Year-round, beginning in August

1911 Hopped IPC Hard CiderHopped IPC Hard Cider is made with New York State apples and five fruity West Coast hops,

fermented together to create aromas of nectarine, lavender and pine� This semi-dry, effervescent cider has pronounced flavors of ripe peaches, cherries and black strap molasses with hints of juniper berries� The result is a light-bodied, bittersweet treat� ABV: 6�9% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: Year-round, beginning in September

Lagunitas 12th of NeverThis beer is a blend of Old and New School hops that play bright citrus and rich tropical flavors, all on a solid stage of English puffed wheat� Light, yet full-bodied, 12th of Never is everything Lagunitas has learned about making hop-forward beer expressed in a moderate voice� Pale, cold, slightly alcoholic and bitter… it’s all they know� ABV: 5�5% Packages: 12 oz� cans and draught Availability: Year-round beginning in August

Wells Banana Bread CansIn addition to 11�2 oz� bottles and draught, Wells Banana Bread is now available in 11�2 oz� 6-pack cans! Inspired by the aroma of freshly baked banana bread, this unique brew combines all the traditional qualities and style of a Charles Wells beer

with the subtle flavor of banana� Pale ale and crystal malt are blended with traditional English hops and fair trade bananas to create the original British Banana Beer� Tempting “banoffee” aromas, tempered

by a fresh, fruity nose, lead to a finely balanced, flavorful and truly refreshing beer� ABV: 5�2% Availability: Now, year-round

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Green Flash Soul Style IPA CansPreviously available in 12 oz� bottles and draught only, Soul Style IPA will soon be available in cans as well! Soul Style is an effortless and pure manifestation of the single IPA� Citra, Simcoe and Cascade hops are layered, allowing bright, tropical waves of

flavorful citrus and sour notes to break gently on the palate� Get

stoked on a laid back single and ride a wave to soothe your soul� ABV: 6�5% Availability: Year-round, beginning in September

Sapporo Premium BlackSince 1876 when Japan’s first German-trained Brewmaster, Seibei Nakagawa combined German brewing traditions with a passion for Japanese craftsmanship, Sapporo has been brewing beer that is enjoyed the world over� Sapporo first came to America in 1964 and has grown to become the #1 selling Asian beer brand in the country� Now, Sapporo Premium Black is joining the brewery’s lineup of world class beers! The new black lager is brewed with roasted dark malts for a robust flavor that complements its

clean finish� Bold, smooth and delicious, this is the world-class dark lager that beer lovers have been waiting for� Try it with spicy food, blackened meats or fresh fruit and nuts� ABV: 5% Package: 22 oz� cans only Availability: Year-round, beginning in August

Früh Kölsh 11.2 oz. BottlesFrüh Kölsh is now available in 11�2 oz� bottles, which will replace 16�9 oz� bottles! A style distinctive to Cologne, the name Kölsch is protected by law so that only beers that meet a certain criteria can bear the name� Kölsch beers must be brewed in the metropolitan area of Cologne, be pale in color, top-fermented, hop-accented and filtered� Früh Kölsch is an extremely drinkable beer with an unsurpassed balance of malt and soft, delicate hops� Pale gold in color with a lasting head, the beer has a hoppy, dry finish from the use of Hallertau and Tettnag hops� ABV: 4�9% Availability: Now, year-round

NewPRODUCTSSaranac Cold Brew Coffee Lager Cold brew coffee is brewed cold (as opposed to being brewed hot and then iced)� As a result of this process, different flavors are leached from the coffee beans, creating a new chemical profile� Most notably, cold brewed coffee is less acidic� A lower acidity coffee + a lower acidity beer (lager) = an easy

drinking flavor profile� ABV: 5�2% Packages: 12 oz� cans and draught Availability: Year-round, beginning in September

Smirnoff Ice Electric Watermelon The newest flavor to join the Smirnoff Ice Electric lineup is Watermelon! Designed to be the perfect drink for an exciting day or night, Smirnoff Ice Electric beverages are packaged for portability in re-closable ‘grab and go’ bottles� Electric Watermelon has a juicy, smooth and light watermelon aroma and taste with hints of fresh melon flavor� Enjoy it at house parties, music festivals, concerts, the beach, tailgates

or wherever get-togethers with friends might take you� ABV: 5% Package: 16 oz� plastic bottles only Availability: Year-round, beginning in September


8 HeadyTimes v.90 www.origlio.com

Redd’s Ginger Apple Ale Redd’s Ginger Apple Ale delivers the fresh taste of ginger with hints of crisp apple, providing just the right amount of spiciness and sweetness� ABV: 5% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and 16 oz� cans (also in the Redd’s Fall Variety Pack) Availability: September

Redd’s Wicked Blood OrangeRedd’s Wicked Blood Orange brings a unique flavor profile – orange with a kick� Blood oranges taste similar to regular oranges, but slightly more bitter and less acidic� Wicked Blood Orange includes a slight hint of bitters, making it the perfect drink to transition into fall� ABV: 8% Packages: 10 and 24 oz� cans Availability: August

Redd’s Fall/Winter Pick Different PackRedd’s Fall/Winter Variety Pack includes: Apple Ale, featuring a natural apple flavor – crisp with a clean finish; Strawberry Ale, boasting a sweet strawberry aroma & taste with a hint of apple and Ginger Apple Ale, delivering the fresh taste of ginger with hints of crisp apple� Availability: September

Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin Ale Harvest Pumpkin Ale is crafted with pumpkin and fall spices including cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and allspice� It boasts a taste that starts with assertive malty notes and is quickly balanced with the right amount of harvest spices� There is also a small amount of bitterness to keep the malt sweetness from building up� It has a deep amber color with brilliant clarity� ABV: 5�7% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught (and in the Blue Moon Fall Brewmaster Sampler) Availability: August

Blue Moon Fall Brewmaster Sampler

The Fall Brewmaster Sampler features four different Blue Moon brews, perfect for the season: Harvest Pumpkin Ale, brewed with pumpkin and spices of cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and allspice; Cinnamon Horchata Ale, crafted with natural long-grain rice and a taste of cinnamon for a

subtle sweetness and a smooth, creamy finish; Belgian White, an unfiltered, Belgian-style,

medium-bodied wheat ale, gently infused with coriander & orange peel and Chai Spiced Ale, brewed with a special blend of chai spices for a bold, spiced character� Availability: August

When Demand Exceeds SupplyMany of our craft seasonal and specialty releases are available in limited or extremely limited quantities. Breweries only produce a certain amount of their specialty beers and Origlio does all they can to get as much product as possible. In addition, this publication is compiled months prior to the decision made by the brewery to allocate their products to the wholesaler. Variations in production for some of these limited release offerings will fluctuate, resulting in lower quantities than anticipated.

If you are interested in something you see in this publication and it is out of stock when you place your order, please contact your Origlio Sales Representative to discuss a similar option.

Origlio also sends out an email blast weekly to inform customers of seasonal offerings that are widely available to you, immediately.

If you are interested in receiving the weekly email blast, please send your email address to socialmedia@origlio.com.

Woodchuck Fall HarvestThe fall harvest brings farmers and communities together to

celebrate another year of fruitful labor� It is a

time of shorter days, cooler nights and great

apples� This cider has a complex and elegant character full of apple, cinnamon and nutmeg balanced out with a hint of American white oak� This cider is a true taste of the season� ABV: 5% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: August

Woodchuck Out on a Limb Ginger Lovin’Sugar and spice and everything… well, lots of spice� Like our favorite redheads, ginger adds a feisty bite to this cider� With zesty citrus undertones, the root and apple pair to Ginger Lovin’ perfection� ABV: 5�5% Package: 12 oz� bottles only Availability: August

Hacker-Pschorr Original OktoberfestJoseph Pschorr captured the spirit of the first Oktoberfest with a rich, full-bodied amber lager that has come to be imitated around the world� Hacker-Pschorr Original Oktoberfest has a nose of black currants and earth with a malt-driven flavor, expertly balanced by Hallertau hops� ABV: 5�8% Packages: 11�2 oz� bottles and draught Availability: August

Yuengling OktoberfestA true representation of the style, Yuengling Oktoberfest is a blend of Tettnang and Hallertau hops that pairs well with traditional German cuisine� Copper in color, this medium-bodied beer serves up a slightly sweet, toasted character with mild herbal bitterness� ABV: 5�4% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: August

Dinkelacker Oktobefest Märzen Amber in color, this beer has a strong, dense white head with great retention� You will detect pleasant aromas of caramel and honey with a good balance of malt and fruity notes� Oktoberfest Märzen has a rich, textured palate with an underlying sweetness, true to tradition� Extremely smooth and easy to drink, this is a great beer for celebrating� Brewed according to the German Purity Law, all connoisseurs and lovers of unusual beers will enjoy Dinkelacker Oktoberfest Märzen� ABV: 5�7% Packages: 11�2 oz� bottles and draught Availability: August

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Paulaner Oktoberfest MärzenThis authentic Oktoberfest is full-bodied with a rich malt flavor and dark toffee notes, revealed by an underlying fruitiness and masterful hop balance� It will instantly turn your four walls into an Oktoberfest tent! ABV: 5�8% Packages: 11�2 oz� bottles and draught Availability: Bottles in August, draught available year-round

Paulaner Oktoberfest WiesnBrewed only once a year in anticipation of the

big festival, Paulaner Oktoberfest Wiesn is the pinnacle of German brewing� Deep golden in color, this full-bodied seasonal is wonderfully mellow with a balanced, harmonious taste and a pleasant aroma of hops� ABV: 6% Packages: 11�2 oz� bottles, draught and 1 liter can/mug set (5) Availability: August

Shiner OktoberfestThis award-winning Oktoberfest beer is made with the highest quality 2-row barley, Munich and caramel malts, along with German-grown

Hallertau Tradition and Hersbrucker hops� It’s Shiner’s way of honoring their ancestors and the beer they loved to celebrate with� So raise your stein to tradition and enjoy this classic brew� Prosit! ABV: 5�7% Packages: 12 oz� bottles, 12 oz� cans and draught Availability: August


Ayinger Oktober Fest-MärzenThis authentic Märzen lager is the global benchmark for this inviting, hearty, beloved style� For decades, this fall seasonal has earned the highest accolades from beer writers, chefs and consumers – all for good reason: Oktober Fest-Märzen offers a rich, golden color, a lightly sweet, malty nose and flavors that are a bushel of barley malt, refined through the skill of the

brewers at Ayinger, with some help from their wonderful brewing yeast strain� Medium to big in body with some warmth in the finish, Ayinger Oktober Fest-Märzen has a soft dryness from long maturation� ABV: 5�8% Packages: 11�2 and 16�9 oz� bottles and draught Availability: August

Dogfish Head Punkin AleThe granddaddy of pumpkin beers is back! This full-bodied brown ale is brewed with real pumpkin meat, brown sugar, allspice, cinnamon and nutmeg� The OG of pumpkin beers, this fall favorite is perfect to warm up with when the leaves start to change� This year’s packaging (label, carriers, and cartons) features illustrations from Dogfish Head’s 2016 seasonal artist, Drew Millward� ABV: 7% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: August


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Samuel Adams OctoberFestSam Adams’ version of this classic style blends hearty malts for a deep, smooth flavor with notes of caramel, creating a brew that’s perfect for the season, or whatever you’re celebrating� ABV: 5�3% Packages: 12 oz� bottles, 12 and 16 oz� cans and draught Availability: August

Samuel Adams 20 Pounds of Pumpkin

Real pumpkin – about 20 pounds per barrel – and roasted malts give this beer body and sweetness, a rich, smooth character and deep amber color, while spices like clove, cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg add a subtle warmth� ABV: 5�7% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: August

Samuel Adams Fall VarietyThis year’s fall variety pack includes: Boston Lager, a flavorful and complex amber-style lager; Octoberfest, a deep, smooth brew with notes of caramel; Bonfire Blonde, a lightly sweet and doughy blonde beer with hints of smoke; Hoppy Red, a smooth and resinous amber ale; Maple Ale, a deep red ale with a smooth maple character and notes of caramel & vanilla and

Toasted Caramel Bock, a toasty, flavorful bock brewed with pale & caramel malts and a hint of blackstrap molasses� Availability: August

Jack-O TravelerJack-O Traveler is an alluring wheat beer illuminated by the tastes of fall� It strikes a perfect balance between bright refreshment and seasonal spice� Jack-O is made with real pumpkin for a deliciously dark-hued, shandy-inspired beer� ABV: 4�4% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: August

Fall Travelers Variety PackThe Fall Travelers Variety Pack includes: Traveler Grapefruit Shandy, a deceptively delicious wheat beer brewed with real grapefruit; Traveler IPA Shandy, a wheat ale brewed with citrusy hops and grapefruit; Jack-O Traveler, an alluring wheat beer made with real pumpkin & spices and new Count Traveler, a captivating citrus wheat beer bewitched by the taste of real blood oranges� Availability: August

Angry Orchard Cinnful AppleCinnful Apple is sweet with a slight heat� The juicy apple notes up front are complemented by cinnamon spice for a cider that is refreshing and smooth, yet warming� It’s the perfect complement to the colder months and holiday drinking occasions ahead� ABV: 5% Package: 12 oz� bottles only Availability: August

Angry Orchard Fall SamplerGreat for any drinking occasion, the Fall Orchard Sampler includes six different Angry Orchard styles: Crisp Apple, bright and balanced, like biting into a fresh apple; Green Apple, slightly tart with balanced sweetness; Hop’n Mad Apple, hopped cider without the bitterness; Stone Dry, balanced and dry with a slightly puckering finish; Cinnful Apple, refreshing and smooth with a cinnamon bite and new Easy Apple, less sweet, easy-to-drink and madly refreshing� Availability: Mid-August

Coney Island Fall Variety PackThe Coney Island Fall Variety Pack will thrill your taste buds! The mix includes three bottles each of: Mermaid Pilsner, a light-bodied, crisp, hopped lager with a heavy-handed addition of rye malt; 1609 Amber Ale, bold and deep with a full malt, slightly nutty character and strong citrus hop nose; Overpass IPA, a richly aromatic IPA with crisp bitterness and big, juicy, citrus & hop aromas and Freaktoberfest, a pumpkin and espresso ale� Availability: August


Narragansett Lovecraft White IPABrewed in collaboration with Revival Brewing, White IPA, the 5th release in Narragansett’s Lovecraft series, is a Belgian-style IPA made with four different types of Belgian and American malts� A crisp IPA character with a creamy Belgian yeast profile make this a delicious world-class beer that blurs style guidelines� El Dorado and Mandarina Bavarian hops impart a tangerine flavor associated with white ales� It is dry-hopped with El Dorado to enhance the mildly fruity aromatics� ABV: 6�8% Package: 16 oz� cans only Availability: Now, in limited quantities

Narragansett Have a Hefeweizen!

Part of Narragansett’s Mash-Up Series, Have a Hefeweizen! is made in collaboration with Bananagrams, the addictive tile word game that originated in Pawtucket, RI� Bananagrams were conceived by Abe Nathanson and family in Rhode Island after testing many permutations of various word games� Once perfected, Abe proclaimed, “This anagram game will drive you bananas”, and the

game was thusly named� Hefeweizens are known for their banana notes, making Bananagrams a perfect Mash-Up partner for ‘Gansett� This traditional un-filtered wheat beer was brewed with 40% wheat malt, and left unfiltered to give it a complex, yeast driven character that is true to style, and produces a mild banana flavor� El Dorado hops give it a slight orange aroma and finish� ABV: 5% Package: 16 oz� cans only Availability: Now, in limited quantities

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Sierra Nevada Fall Pack Fall is a season defined by

change, so Sierra Nevada’s fall variety pack covers whatever the weather may bring� Highlighting a range of flavors including tangy wheat, citrusy hops and robust roasted malt,

consider these beers their version of fall foliage: Pale Ale, Tumbler, Vienna Lager and

Hoppy Wheat. Availability: August

Sierra Nevada OktoberfestSierra Nevada is exploring the roots of Germany’s famous Oktoberfest beers� Each year, they partner with a different German brewer to explore a unique approach to the style� This year they’re working with Bamberg, Germany’s Mahrs Bräu on a new version of the classic style� This authentic version of the festival beer is deep golden in color with a rich malt complexity, but with a noticeable spicy hop character from the use of the nearly forgotten Record hop varietal� ABV: 6% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: August

Sierra Nevada Estate Homegrown IPAThis remarkable, 100 percent estate-grown,

organic, non-GMO wet hop IPA comes from the sun-drenched fields of California’s North Valley� It’s rich with the flavors of Sierra Nevada’s home – hops with earthy, grapefruit-like flavors and layered spicy aromas, and barley with mild sweetness and smooth, toasted flavors� ABV: 6�7% Packages: 25 oz� bottles and draught Availability: Late September

Sierra Nevada Narwhal Imperial StoutNarwhal Imperial Stout is inspired by the mysterious creature that thrives in the deepest fathoms of the frigid Arctic Ocean� Featuring incredible depth of malt flavor, rich with notes of espresso, baker’s cocoa, roasted grain and a light hint of smoke, Narwhal is a massive malt-forward monster� Aggressive but refined with a velvety smooth body and decadent finish, Narwhal will age in the bottle for years to come� ABV: 10�2% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: August

Sierra Nevada Northern Hemisphere Harvest Northern Hemisphere Harvest features hops from Yakima, WA, picked and shipped to the Sierra Nevada brewery within 24 hours to capture hop aroma and flavor when they’re most profound� Northern Hemisphere is loaded with complex earthy, green flavors and notes of rose, grapefruit and pine� ABV: 6�7% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: Late October


Heavy Seas TreasureFest Prosit! It’s time to celebrate the tradition of lager� TreasureFest is an American spin on the classic German style� Brewed with imported German malt and lavishly hopped with a blend of German hops in the kettle and dry-hopped with American hops, this is a fresh look at the old Oktober stand-by� Put on your silly pants and hats and raise your stein to TreasureFest! ABV: 6% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: August

Heavy Seas The Great’er PumpkinIn the most worthy of pumpkin patches and during the silence of the midnight hour, the Great’er Pumpkin raises up and pours a rich deep and burnished orange color� Heady aromas of bourbon, cinnamon, ginger, allspice and clove linger seductively over the thick white head of this tremendous bourbon barrel-aged pumpkin ale� It’s love at first sip as the full malt body, dominated by British crystal malt, brown sugar and pumpkin, slowly washes over your tongue� Bourbon barrel aging rounds out the flavors with notes of oak, vanilla and bourbon� This fall brew pairs well with crisp autumn weather, crunchy fallen leaves and the knowledge that the kids will be asleep soon so you can raid their Halloween candy bags� ABV: 10% Packages: 22 oz� bottles and draught Availability: Limited quantities in September

UFO Fall Explorer PackThere’s nothing like a fall beer adventure� This new autumnal UFO can mix includes: the delightfully citrusy UFO White; the seasonally spiced UFO Pumpkin; the all-natural raspberry stylings of UFO R.A.Z� and the lip-smacking goodness of UFO Hefeweizen� Happy fall exploring! Availability: August

UFO PumpkinImagine a pumpkin vine wound its way in a field of

barley, and a brewer harvested it all to make a beer� Add Northwestern hops and a blend of spices, and you’ve got UFO Pumpkin� The malt combination provides a smooth body and slightly sweet flavor, which balances perfectly with the earthy

notes derived from the pure pumpkin� And like all UFO beers, UFO Pumpkin is UnFiltered� ABV: 5�9% Packages: 12 oz�

bottles, 12 oz� cans and draught Availability: August

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Harpoon Flannel Friday The sun is bright but the air is crisp – it’s time to add another layer� Fall is here! Be ready for that first chill with the malt sweetness and hoppy citrus notes in this new amber ale – Harpoon’s first new fall seasonal in 27 years! This hoppy amber ale is the brewery’s tribute to the quintessential season of change� The bright hop aroma from late hop additions plays with a strong malt backbone� ABV: 5�7% Packages: 12 oz� bottles, 12 oz� cans and draught Availability: August

Harpoon OctoberfestBrewed in the spirit of celebration, Harpoon Octoberfest is a malty tribute to fall, balanced by a gentle hop bitterness� In keeping with tradition, it is a Marzen-style beer, brewed with abundant quantities of Munich, chocolate and pale malts� Those malts provide a solid, full body and create the beer’s deep

color� ABV: 5�3% Packages: 12 oz� bottles, 12 oz� cans and draught Availability: September

Harpoon Tailgater Mix PackFall is loaded with football, concerts, foliage and more football� These were the occasions Harpoon had in mind when they created the Tailgater Mix Pack, featuring: Harpoon IPA, new Flannel Friday, Octoberfest and Sweet Spot� It combines the best offerings of fall and pairs perfectly

with any tailgate! Availability: August

Mike’s Hard Pink Lemonade Lightly carbonated and packed with all the punch and sour that made Mike’s famous, Hard Pink Lemonade is a perfect blend of crisp lemonade with a light blend of citrus� As always, a portion of the profits from the sale of Pink Lemonade will be donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation� Mike’s has donated over 2 million dollars over the past six years to the charity and they will donate $250k in 2016� ABV: 5% Package: 12 oz� bottles only Availability: August


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Lagunitas Stoopid WitThis Belgian-ish, Wit-ly-esque-ish-ness brew features a dry twang of hoppy bitterness� ABV: 6% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: August

Lagunitas Wilco Tango FoxtrotRich, smooth, dangerous and chocolatey, WTF is a big ol’

hoppy Imperial brown ale� ABV: 7�8% Packages: 22 oz� bottles and draught Availability: August

Lagunitas Brown Shugga’Originally a failed attempt at a

batch of Olde Gnarlywine Ale, Brown Shugga’ is a dangerously slammable brew� Brown Shugga’��� How come you taste so good? ABV: 9�9% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: October

Lagunitas NightTimeKinda like DayTime’s big, dark, scary

sidekick, this ale is packed full of highly roasted malts, then counter-hopped by smooth operators with the dankest, juciest hops� NightTime is not for the lunchtime crowd or the faint of heart� Fear the dark� ABV: 7�9% Packages: 22 oz� bottles and draught Availability: October

Lagunitas Born Yesterday Fresh Hop Pale Ale

A newborn version of their re-born Pale, Born Yesterday is Lagunitas’ Pale Ale with added wet, Virgin, lupulin-drenched, un-kilned hops for your immaculate reception� ABV: 7�5% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: October

Dock Street The Great Pumpkin AleThe Great Pumpkin Ale is a smooth, copper-colored ale that celebrates the fall harvest season, brewed with pilsner, Vienna and Munich malts, pumpkin puree and traditional pumpkin pie spices (nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon, clove and allspice) so you can have your pie and drink it too� ABV: 5�75% Package: Draught only Availability: Limited quantities in September

Dock Street Caliente Golden AleCaliente Golden Ale is brewed with 100% Blue Agave Nectar� After the beer fully ferments, it makes its way to the bright tanks where it’s aged for a few weeks on Guajillo and Ancho chilies� Agave and chilies aside, at its core, Caliente Golden is a traditional Belgian strong ale with a subtle, toasty malt profile that quickly moves into notes of tropical fruit and spices, and finishes with a mild residual heat and tanginess from the chilies� ABV: 6�5% Package: Draught only Availability: September

Dock Street Imperial Red AleThis medium-bodied beer pours a deep blood-red color and balances strong bitterness with a sweet malt profile� Copious late stage additions of whole leaf Citra hops make for a beer so fragrant you can smell the citrus from across the room� ABV: 9% Package: Draught only Availability: Limited quantities in October

Dock Street Bean2Bean Espresso Stout Intense aromas of espresso and dark chocolate precede this rich, elegant brew� Medium-bodied with a pleasant sweetness, this stout is conditioned atop pounds and pounds of coffee beans from local coffee masters, BEAN2BEAN� ABV: 4�6% Package: Draught only Availability: Limited quantities in October


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Unibroue À Tout Le Monde (Megadeth) Ale Unibroue’s newest limited offering honors the mutual passions and friendship of Megadeth’s Dave Mustaine and Unibroue Brewmaster Jerry Vietz� It is brewed as a tribute to all the friends of hard rock music and Belgian-style ales in Quebec and throughout the world� Heavy metal has played a very influential role in the history of Quebec’s musical development and Quebec City has the reputation of being one of the metal music capitals of the world� It is a closely-knit culture characterized by very passionate and devoted fans, much like that of Unibroue’s refermented ales� So it shouldn’t be a surprise that when Dave and Jerry’s paths recently crossed, their mutual passions for both arts would spark a desire for a Megadeth beer brewed by Unibroue�

And so À Tout Le Monde Ale was born� This beer is inspired by the most popular hard rock song to feature a chorus sung entirely in French, whose video is in the Music Hall of Fame of Quebec’s most popular TV music show� The beer is a refreshing and artisanal Belgian-style dry-hopped saison� The label appropriately and prominently features a symbol that is synonymous to Megadeth, their well-known mascot Vic Rattlehead� ABV: 4�5% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: Limited quantities in August

21st Amendment Marooned on Hog IslandThis rich and chewy stout is brewed with Hog Island Sweetwater oyster shells for a silky, salty finish� ABV: 7�9% Packages: 12 oz� cans and draught Availability: Limited quantities in September

21st Amendment Fireside Chat Fireside Chat is brewed like a classic, warming, strong ale, but with a subtle blend of hand-selected spices for just the right festive flair� ABV: 7�9% Packages: 12 oz� cans and draught Availability: October

Firestone Walker OaktoberfestDust off your stein, don your lederhosen and delve into Oaktoberfest, a “Paso Marzen Bier” that blends classic Bavarian style with local Central Coast flavor� The name Oaktoberfest is a nod to Firestone Walker’s hometown of Paso Robles – Spanish for “Pass of The Oaks” – and the longtime role of oak barrels in their brewing operations� Oaktoberfest is mellow and rounded with just enough German hop

character to balance the beer’s sweeter Vienna and pilsner malt character� It all comes together to create a classic Marzen profile with subtle honey-like aromas and hints of Noble hop spice� ABV: 5% Packages: 16 oz� cans and draught Availability: Mid-August

Great Lakes OktoberfestGreat Lakes’ take on this classic German style is a celebration of maltiness, packed with rustic, autumnal flavors to put a little more oomph into your oom-pah-pah� This is an Über smooth brew with vibrant malt flavors and a festive flourish of noble hops (lederhosen not included)� ABV: 6�5% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: August

Sly Fox OktoberfestThere is no better companion for cool autumn nights and roaring bonfires than Sly Fox Brewing Company’s Oktoberfest Lager! A tasty tribute to fall, Sly Fox Oktoberfest delivers a perfectly delicious malt profile with a subtle sweetness, accentuated by a slightly hoppy finish� This distinctive seasonal is made with Vienna malts and German hops� Sly Fox’s traditional Märzen-style brew is a medium-bodied, smooth beer that always proves to be a crowd-pleaser� ABV: 5�8% Packages: 12 oz� cans (6 & 12 packs) and draught Availability: August

Coronado Punk’in DrublicTaste autumn in the land of eternal sunshine with Coronado’s Imperial pumpkin ale� Brewed with brown sugar, honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and plenty of would-be-jack-o-lanterns, this beer delivers autumn’s trademark flavors along with a hint of West Coast character, whether enjoyed in a pumpkin patch or on the beach� ABV: 8% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: Limited quantities in August

Great Lakes Nosferatu Don’t be afraid of things that go hop in the night! Rich, roasted malt flavors haunt the shadows of this Imperial red ale’s bitter teeth� Nosferatu is ruby red in color with a toasty malt body lurking beneath a stunning hop bite� ABV: 8% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: September


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The Lost Abbey Gift of the MagiBrewed as a strong, dark, bier de garde, Gift of the Magi is a massive beer fit for a king

(or a queen) that the brewery offers every year leading into the holiday season� Gift of the Magi has an initial presence of caramel sweetness with a slight hop-forward character� In addition, it is bottle conditioned with Brettanomyces, which allows it to evolve into a drier, more peppery beer as it ages� ABV: 9�5% Packages: 750 ml cork-finished bottles and draught Availability: Limited quantities in October

The Hop Freshener Series Tropical & JuicyTropical & Juicy is brewed with Eureka, Galaxy, Vic’s Secret and Citra hops, creating a bouquet of stone fruit, mango and tangerines� An initial burst of juiciness on the palate leads to a grapefruit bitterness and the slightest touch of biscuit in the finish� ABV: 8�5% Packages: 22 oz� bottles and draught Availability: Limited quantities in October

Saranac 12 Beers of Fall German Roots PackSaranac is going back to its roots with their new fall variety pack� The 12 Beers of Fall German Roots Pack includes four different beer styles, inspired by the brewery’s German heritage: Saranac Marzen Fest, a Bavarian-style festbier brewed with dark and light Munich malts; Octoberfest, a traditional German lager made with German Perle and German Saphir hops, combined with crystal and caramel malts; Black Forest, a black beer that’s not too roasty, chocolaty or heavy and Kellerbier, an unfiltered lager that contains a healthy dose of spicy, herbal hops� Availability: August

Saranac Citra PilsBrewed and dry-hopped with copious amounts of citrusy, fruity, American hops, this clean, crisp and hoppy take on an American pilsner is fruity with tropical notes of orange, pineapple and guava� Citra hops give this beer a refreshing and juicy character� ABV: 5�3% Packages: 12 oz� cans and draught Availability: August

Saranac Pumpkin AleMade with the perfect blend of cinnamon, allspice, cloves, ginger and lots of real pumpkin,

Saranac Pumpkin Ale is a full-bodied fall brew� Nearly 3000 pounds of real pumpkin is added directly into the mash cooker with the brewery’s specialty malts� The amount of pumpkin takes up more than 10% of the total weight of the mash, making for a delicious, real pumpkin flavor� ABV: 5�3% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: August

Allagash Hugh Malone AleAn annual Allagash tradition, Hugh Malone Ale is a blend of both Belgian and U�S� brewing methods� This limited-release brew combines the intense aromas of American hop varieties with the delicate esters

found in Belgian-style yeast� Hugh Malone is brewed with a blend of pilsner malt and raw wheat� Allagash Brewmaster Jason Perkins says, “It’s fun for us as brewers to experiment

with different hops� Each year, we run multiple test batches made with different hop combinations in search of a nice balance of citrus, fruit, pine and spice notes� While there’s a commonality between the hops used in Hugh Malone each year, there’s also a lot of variety�” This year’s version features Amarillo, Azacca, Cascade, Chinook, Idaho 7, Mosaic and Nugget hops� Thanks to the Allagash “Give Where You Live” initiative, a portion of the proceeds of Hugh Malone will be donated to organizations that help to combat food insecurity in Maine� ABV: 7�3% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: October

Sixpoint TeslaA bold lager energized by American hops, Tesla is a tribute to Nikola Tesla, an original “mad scientist”� When there’s serious creativity flowing, everyone can feel it� ABV: 7�1% Packages: 12 oz� sleek cans and draught Availability: September

Sixpoint 5Beans 5Beans is a truly “bazaar” Imperial porter brewed with romano, cocoa, coffee and vanilla beans, as well as black cardamom pods� ABV: 10% Packages: 12 oz� sleek cans and draught Availability: October


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Weyerbacher Mellow MonksThis Belgian-style ale is a refreshing golden ale with notes of apple, pear and banana� Reminiscent of Merry Monks, this brew has a more sessionable ABV� ABV: 4�5% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: September

Weyerbacher Double IPA #3The third release in Weyerbacher’s revolving Double IPA small batch series is a black IPA made with the classic “C” hops (Cascade, Centennial and Columbus) with lots of Amarillo in the dry-hop� English barley malts and midnight wheat create

a velvety smooth base on which these hops shine� ABV: 9% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: September

Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin Ale

Lots of pumpkin along with cinnamon, nutmeg and a touch of cardamom and clove give this beer a spicy, full-bodied flavor� ABV: 8% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: September

Weyerbacher Sunday Molé Stout

As the name suggests, this American Imperial stout is the foundation of everyone’s favorite, Sunday Morning Stout, with a twist (and without the barrel aging)� This brew captures everything you’d expect from a traditional molé – coffee, chocolate, heat and smokiness� Foremost is coffee, which is followed by layers of chocolate,

courtesy of the chocolate malt, cocoa powder and cocoa nibs� Finally, there is a subtle lingering heat and smokiness from a blend of ancho, pasilla, mulato and chipotle peppers, as well as cinnamon, which is gone by the time you’re ready for your next sip� ABV: 11�3% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: September

Stone 20th Anniversary Citracado IPA

Stone has never been shy about their obsession with hops, so it’s only fitting that they commemorate their 20th Anniversary by brewing a certifiably monumental, insanely

flavorful, abundantly hopped double IPA� The beer is named for the street on which their signature big-character beers are brewed� “Citracado” also teases two essential components of this beer – Citra hops, a juicy gem of a varietal used exclusively in the dry hop and avocado honey, which provides intriguing floral character� It’s one helluva delicious testament to

their 20 year commitment to the art of brewing� ABV: 9% Packages: 22 oz� bottles and draught Availability: August

Stone Enjoy By 10.31.16 Tangerine IPAAfter brewing this intense double IPA with more than 10 different hops and consistently delivering it faster than any bottled IPA on the planet, Stone decided to do something different with this Enjoy By IPA – they took it to another level, again� Puréed tangerines were added to the batch to create a devastatingly fresh IPA with a tang of tangerine� The flavors yielded by this addition to the recipe meld beautifully with the bitterness of the hops� ABV: 9�4% Packages: 12 and 22 oz� bottles and draught Availability: September

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Weyerbacher Easton Brown & DownBrewed with deep-roasted chocolate malt, Easton Brown & Down has a warm, roasty flavor, balanced out with a slightly dry finish� Previously known as Winter Ale, Weyerbacher decided to ditch the name, refresh the packaging and tweak the recipe a bit� ABV: 5�6% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: October


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Rodenbach Vintage 2014The exclusive, limited-edition Rodenbach Vintage 2014 was aged for 2 years in foeder (wooden barrel) no� 192, a 61-year old foeder chosen by Rodenbach’s Master Brewer, Rudi Ghequire� Rodenbach Vintage 2014 is characterized by an acidic, apple fruitiness combined with caramel, wild honey and oak with a touch of vanilla, cherry and licorice� The aroma consists of touches of caramel and oak, as well as green apples mixed with honey and chocolate� The slightly sour, fruity aftertaste is long and nicely balanced, just like a Grand Cru wine� ABV: 7% Packages: 750 ml bottles and draught Availability: Limited quantities in September

Straub Oktoberfest Straub Oktoberfest is brewed in the classic Oktoberfest and Marzen style, using three German malts to provide the rich, bready malt character that fills the aroma and taste� The mild hop bitterness balances the sweetness and helps to create a balanced “festbier�” ABV: 5�7% Package: 12 oz� bottles only Availability: September

Straub Legacy SamplerThis year’s Legacy Sampler contains four styles of Straub beer including: Helles, a subtly flavored lager with light malty notes, balanced by spice and floral hop bitterness; Doppelbock, a strong, dark beer with a sweet, malty flavor and notes of chocolate, roasted caramel and toffee; 1872 Lager, a full-bodied lager with a malty character followed by floral and spice aromas and a brisk, bitter finish and Dunkel, a medium-bodied brew with slightly sweet, toasted bread flavors, balanced by mild Noble hop bitterness� Availability: September

Spring House Braaaiins! Pumpkin Ale For ZombiesThis pumpkin ale is brewed with generous amounts of real pumpkin blended in the mash� The subtle fresh pumpkin flavor is enhanced by the addition of a touch of traditional autumn spices, thus creating a beer with orange-amber colors, a warm pumpkin aroma, a bold malt backbone and a crisp finish� Braaaiiins! is a balanced and delectable fall treat� ABV: 7�8% Packages: 12 oz� cans and draught Availability: Mid-August

Evil Genius Chickity China the Chinese ChickenEvil Genius’ wet-hopped IPA is brewed with fresh Citra and Mosaic hops from the Pacific Northwest� This beer is dripping with dank, juicy hop goodness, but remains balanced by a firm malt backbone that’s enhanced by a hefty addition of malted oats� This one-of-a-kind, once-a-year brew offers notes of guava, mango, honeydew melon and lemon with a full-bodied mouth feel and a long, explosive, hoppy finish� ABV: 7�2% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: September

Evil Genius Trick or TreatTrick or Treat is a full-bodied pumpkin porter brewed with chocolate and spices� This is not your typical pumpkin beer by any means� To create this beer, a rich, robust porter is brewed and spiced with cinnamon, clove and nutmeg� Then, Evil Genius ups the ante to make it unique by adding chocolate post fermentation� Trick or Treat is a deep, dark, spicy, decadent seasonal delight that is sure to warm you up as the weather starts to cool off� ABV: 7�8% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: August

Abita Peach Harvest LagerThe newest addition to the Abita Harvest series is brewed with pale malt and fresh Louisiana

peaches for a sweet, crisp taste� The juiciness and aroma of fresh peaches makes this a well-balanced selection� ABV: 4�5% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: September

Abita Octoberfest Coming back for the third year is Abita’s classic, German-style Octoberfest� This full-

bodied, malty lager has a rich copper color and is hopped and dry-hopped with German Hallertau hops, which gives this beer a spicy hop aroma that is just right for the season� ABV: 5�4% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: September


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Peak Super FreshFresh Cut’s assertive big brother, Super Fresh is a wicked, dry-hopped pilsner� Dripping with juicy, citrus hop character, this beer is a blast of deliciousness� Try it with spicy food� ABV: 7�6% Packages: 16 oz� cans and draught Availability: September

Peak Hop Harvest OktoberfestFall is hop harvest time, when hops are most ripe and pungent (stick your nose in a glass, you’ll see)� In this unique spin on a classic style, rich malt dances with remarkable, aromatic hops� ABV: 4�9% Packages: 12 oz� bottles, 12 oz� cans and draught Availability: September

Shipyard Little Horror of HopsThis rye IPA is hopped with Bravo, Apollo, Centennial and Cascade� ABV: 5�9% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: August

Shipyard Pumpkinhead

Shipyard Pumpkinhead is a crisp and refreshing wheat ale with delightful aromatics and subtle spiced flavor� ABV: 4�7% Packages: 12 oz� bottles, 12 oz� cans and draught Availability: August

Shipyard Smashed PumpkinA big-bodied beer, Shipyard Smashed Pumpkin has a light coppery-orange color and pleasing aroma of pumpkin and nutmeg� Pale, wheat and light Munich malts combine with the natural tannin in pumpkin and the delicate spiciness of Willamette and Hallertau hops to balance the sweetness of the fruit� ABV: 9% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: August

Saison Dupont Cuvée Dry Hopping: Brewer’s Gold

Every year, Dupont’s Master Brewer Olivier Dedeycker makes a special dry-hopped version of the brewery’s world famous Saison Dupont, allowing him to incorporate a different hop variety each season� Only whole hop flowers are used during the brewing process, and the resulting beer is a

refreshing saison with herbal tones and notes of spice from Dupont’s famous yeast strain� Brewer’s Gold is a complex hop with a sharp bittering quality� It also imparts a fruity, yet spicy aroma with a black current characteristic� Saison Dupont Cuvée Dry Hopping is a bold and rustic saison with a pleasing peppery bite� Try it with seafood, citrus-marinated poultry dishes or fiery curry dishes� ABV: 6�5% Package: Draught only Availability: September

Cape May Mop WaterCMBC’s chief “Mopman” mandated a beer brewed with cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, allspice and a ton of whole-bean vanilla� Combining all of these spices with the flavors of German malts creates a brown ale perfect for those early fall evenings� In Mopman’s words: “Don’t overthink it; just drink it!” ABV: 7�3% Packages: 12 oz� bottles and draught Availability: End of August

Cape May City to ShoreMade annually for the Bike MS: City to Shore charity ride, this fall hop-bomb is eagerly awaited each year� Brewed with a blend of hops that hits all the right notes and tickles your taste buds just right, then dry-hopped with

over a pound per barrel of more sexy hops, this Double IPA brings a wave of citrus, grapefruit and other exotic fruits� Not as dry as their usual hop-bombs, they leave a touch more of the body behind to bring out the juicier hop profile� After finishing the 100-mile charity bike ride of City to Shore’s namesake, you’re pretty beat up, so reaching for this DIPA just feels right� ABV: 7�8% Package: Draught only Availability: September

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Verdi SparkletiniVerdi Sparkletini, available in Raspberry, Peach and Strawberry flavors, is an elegant, all-natural malt beverage made in Italy by the renowned Bosca Family� Sparkletini is a delightfully sparkling Spumante with a light, refreshing taste that’s perfect whenever you feel like enjoying a fun, sophisticated drink� Serve chilled to enjoy its balanced, clean taste� Sparkletini also has a re-sealable cork that preserves all the sparkle until you’re ready for another glass of “The Sparkling Italian Fun!”

Pinkus Family of Beers September is not only Organic Harvest Month, it’s also the 200th anniversary of the Pinkus Brewery in Münster, Germany. This family-owned brewery opened in 1816, with a commitment to produce organic beers in the 1980s. It’s the first all-organic brewery of the modern era. Make these USDA Certified Organic beers part of your Organic Harvest Month celebrations.

Pinkus Organic Münster Alt Pale golden in color with an excellent, herbaceous aroma, this beer has a delicate, fruity/acidic palate and long, dry finish� ABV: 5�1%

Pinkus Organic Hefe-WeizenVery light in body and color, this is a crisp, dry, spritzy and refreshing unfiltered beer� It has a clean ale-yeast aroma and flavor without the characteristic yeasty spiciness of a Bavarian wheat beer� ABV: 5�1%

Pinkus Organic Ur-Pils Pale gold in color with a light to medium body, Ur-Pils is dry and well-balanced� ABV: 5�2% Packages: 16�9 oz� bottles and draught

Magners CidersFall is a great time to enjoy the crisp apple flavor of a hard cider and Magners is a perfect choice� Last year marked 80 years for the Irish hard cider brand and there is a good reason – crisp, clean and powerfully flavored, Magners Original Cider is made with 17 carefully selected varieties of fresh apples grown in the beautiful orchards of Ireland� It is fermented and then matured for up to two years� Sure, there are faster ways to make cider, but then it wouldn’t be Magners� And because we all love variety, Magners Pear is made with 100% premium quality pears, which are filtered to get rid of any impurities before being slowly fermented� ABV: 4�5% Packages: (Original) 12 oz� bottles, 16�9 oz� cans and draught (Pear) 12 oz� bottles and draught


Weyerbacher Double SimcoeDouble Simcoe IPA is a full-flavored ale with hints of pine and citrus up front, a good malt backbone in the middle and a clean finish� While there is still a limited amount available, Weyerbacher has made the decision to retire this beer from production� However, like all good farewell tours, this tasty brew may pop up now and again in the future� Get it now before it’s gone! ABV: 9% Package: 12 oz� bottles only



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Coors Light NHL®

NHL fans are the most avid beer consumers of any sports-fan base� Coors Light is the official beer of the NHL and 12 alliance teams� Coors Light also has the rights to the Wednesday Night Rivalry games televised on NBC Sports®�

The Coors Light NHL program will feature NHL and alliance team-branded POS tools and on-premise support including “Call It Coasters”� Prior to the puck drop, consumers can write predicted game outcomes on the coasters they receive when they buy a bucket of Coors Light for a chance to win free beer or other premium awards if they correctly predict the outcome� A feature clock will also be available to accounts to show drink specials, countdowns to games and hooks for alliance lug-ons�

Coors Banquet Heritage CansInspired by the rich, 140-year history of Coors Banquet, four new heritage can designs will be available from October through December to share the history and unique story of Coors Banquet� Since the inception of the Banquet Heritage program in 2011, it has delivered year-over-year growth and continues to drive distribution and velocity at retail� With one can design in each pack, the collectible nature encourages multiple purchases� The program will feature out-of-home, digital and social support along with retail tools�

Keystone Light HuntingIn the fall of 2015, Keystone Light Hunting was so successful, it won the MillerCoors Retail Program of the Trimester award� During this period, Keystone Light experienced a volume trend improvement of 2�2%�

In 2016, Keystone Light is bringing the hunting program back� Additional cans will be designed to feature antlers that can be stacked on the “White Stone” can� Keystone Light packaging will feature a complete primary packaging replacement of the traditional blue equity cans to hunting-themed cans�

The program will be brought to life at retail through an impactful lineup of hunting-themed display enhancers and POS tools� The program will also include social media and PR support�

Celebrate Halloween with Coors Light2016 marks the 25th anniversary of Coors Light’s partnership with St� Jude Children’s Research Hospital� Coors Light has worked with St� Jude to raise more than $83 million to help find a cure for childhood cancer� This Halloween season, Coors Light consumers can help others climb their mountains by supporting St� Jude� Participating on and off-premise accounts can feature Halloween-themed donation tear pads and awareness-building table tents� The tear pads can also be posted on walls of retail outlets to build awareness�

The Coors Light Halloween program will also feature Halloween-themed 22 oz�, color-changing stadium cups and a Coors Light-branded feature clock that can be used to count down to costume contests, Halloween or to show happy-hour drink specials�

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Casa Modelo: The Nation’s Fastest Growing Beer Opens Doors to Its New ‘House’In September, Modelo will bring its entire portfolio – Especial, Negra and Chelada –

all under one roof: Casa Modelo� Together as one brand family, Casa Modelo will establish Modelo as an iconic Mexican brewer of distinctive styles and flavors of high-quality beer�

• Especial – a full-flavored pilsner-style lager with a clean, crisp finish.

• Negra – a medium-bodied lager with slow-roasted caramel malts brewed for a rich smooth taste.

• Chelada – a michelada-style beer made with the authentic, refreshing flavors of tomato, salt and lime.

This campaign includes 360-degree marketing support with redesigned

primary and secondary packaging, new tap handles, unprecedented media spend, new advertising, PR and brand new POS�

The new, unified packaging is inspired by Modelo’s heritage, tradition and high-quality standards� Modelo Especial, the nation’s fastest growing beer and #2 import in the country, will see small changes to its primary packaging, but a bigger change to its secondary packaging for better shelf-pop at retail� Modelo Negra (previously labeled Negra Modelo) will debut a fully redesigned package scheme to better align with Especial packaging and tie the two brands together in one family� When displayed together, Especial and Negra see a 22% total sales lift at retail� The new, unified packaging will continue to drive those sales together�

Modelo Especial Chelada, the fastest growing ready-to-drink Chelada, will also see a refreshed package design to further tie it to the Modelo family of brands�

Engaging and eye-catching POS materials and all-new Spanish and English radio, TV and digital advertising focusing on the brands’ “fighting spirit,” will create consumer demand throughout the year�

Redd’s Halloween During the Halloween season (September through October), the added pressure to throw an epic party will lead consumers to carefully think about providing the right mix of drinks� High ABV FMBs have been growing faster than any other segment in convenience stores and faster than almost every segment in general�

Redd’s will secure floor space with thematic display pieces such as a case stacker, tree display and foam-apple pole topper, which create theater around the holiday and increase basket ring�

Redd’s Wicked Halloween Redd’s Wicked consumers want to set the tone at parties to start the night with a killer good time� Redd’s Wicked is the perfect brand for the Halloween season because it is a high-ABV flavored malt beverage that amplifies good times without sacrificing refreshment� The program will feature a full 360°-support campaign� Halloween-themed and equity-driven tools will hold floor space throughout the program�


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Game Day Greatness with Dos EquisIf you haven’t heard, you’re a little late to the tailgate� Dos Equis, the Official Beer Sponsor of the College Football Playoff, wants their fans to achieve game day greatness by giving them a chance to win a VIP experience at the College Football Playoff National Championship, along with other weekly prizes� Fans can enter the sweepstakes and enhance every game day experience this season with Dos Equis�

Smirnoff Ice #ShowUsYourGameFaceThis football season, Smirnoff Ice is rewarding shoppers who show their Game Face and share how they are “game day ready” with Smirnoff Ice products� By snapping a photo and uploading it to Facebook or Instagram using #gamedayreadycontest, shoppers will be entered for a chance to win Stub Hub gift cards that can be used for the game of their choice! SNAP� SHARE� WIN�

Make a Stir with Smirnoff IceWomen are some of the biggest football fans and bring something different to game day that brings everyone together� This fall, ladies will have a chance to express their passion and team allegiance by using Smirnoff Ice to bring their game to game day� Smirnoff Ice will challenge

consumers to grab their favorite ingredients and create football-inspired Smirnoff Ice drinks that reflect their team spirit through color, flavor and of course drink décor� Once created, fans will be directed to share their drink ideas via Twitter, Instagram or Facebook for a chance to win Stub Hub gift cards for football tickets (awarded weekly)� CREATE� SHARE� WIN�

The Fall Flavors of Strongbow The leaves are changing, and so are the flavors� Experience fall flavors this season with the award-winning cider brand Strongbow and their new flavor, Cherry Blossom� Made from apples and other natural ingredients, it’s a sensuous blend of cherry blossom and red fruit aromas with a subtle sweetness and ripe apple finish� Plus, with four delicious flavor options to choose from, Strongbow invites consumers to take their quiz at Strongbow�com to find out which flavor fits each fan�

Heineken MLS SoccerThe beer enjoyed in 192 countries and the world’s most popular sport have come together in a multi-year partnership that was meant to be� In 2015, Heineken became the Official Beer of Major League Soccer, setting goals waiting to be scored� In 2016, fans had a chance to win a prize every minute of every match with the “Never Miss a Minute” program� With digital media spends, TVC support and Rivalry Week prize overlays, Heineken and MLS will be a strong force for years to come�

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Dogfish Head Analog-A-Go-GoDogfish Head is proud to present Analog-A-Go-Go, a celebration of beer, music, spirits and art� Now in its sixth year, the event will move north from the brewery to Bellevue State Park outside Wilmington, DE on September 17th� Analog-A-Go-Go will feature live music, a

cask beer festival, a distillery garden, a marketplace featuring artisans & a record swap and a fleet of food trucks from around the mid-Atlantic� The music lineup includes an eclectic mix of bands like Built To Spill, Talib Kweli and Preservation Hall Jazz Band, while the Best Firkin Friends Cask Beer Festival will feature breweries from the mid-Atlantic and beyond� Tickets are on sale now at analogagogo�com�

Where There’s Smoke There’s ShinerIs there anything better than meat and beer? Of course not� And no serving of BBQ is complete without an ice-cold Shiner beer� To celebrate this Texas tradition, Shiner has partnered with Texas Original Pits again this year to offer consumers a chance to win their very own Shiner-branded smoker! Handmade in Houston, these top quality, firebox-equipped smokers are some of the best in the business – guaranteed to last a lifetime and perfect for both grilling and smoking� The 2016 Shiner Smoker Sweepstakes will run from August through October and five lucky grand prize winners will be announced on November 1st� Enter to win at shiner�com� Chow down and drink up with Shiner!


Take a Trip with Traveler Traveler Beer Co� is giving away $5,000 to a lucky fan to put towards a travel fund, as well as a chance to work with Atlas Obscura, a guide to the world’s most curious places� Fans will enter to win at travelerbeer�com/takeatrip throughout September and October�

#GameDayLagerFootball season is in full swing the moment the first icy-cold Yuengling Traditional Lager hits your hand� Yuengling wants fans to show them how they tailgate and cheer on the home team with their #GameDayLager this fall� From August 1st through January 10th Yuengling fans can take a pic and post it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using #GameDayLager or upload it to Yuengling�com/Football to enter to win! The grand prize winner will receive a Yuengling Tailgate package that includes a grill, a cooler, a corn hole set and more!

It’s Punkin Season!As the leaves change and the weather gets cooler, shoppers trade their summer beers for something darker, richer and pumpkin-ier� “It’s Punkin Season” is an easy-to-execute display program that allows you to capitalize on consumer’s demand for fall beers� This program puts Punkin Ale (and its exciting new packaging) front and center with simple, yet eye-catching signage that will drive significant lift in seasonal display sales�

In the last issue we discussed the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR� This topic basically revolves around societal, economic and financial variables and how they impact stakeholders� Whether you are a private or public company, your customers expect you

to act in a certain way with regard to your stakeholders� Thanks to cell phones and social media, we have a transparent society today� Everything that companies do and say is public and immediate�

A big part of CSR revolves around food safety� As consumers, we all assume that the companies that make the products we use and consume are doing everything within their power to ensure that they are safe� How consumers view your company is critical to your long term success� If they are happy, they will support you� If they are not, they will let you and the world know how they feel� Think of how much technology and social media have influenced how we make decisions every day as consumers� A great example of this is Chipotle� The brand went from a “best in class” example of marketing to Millennials, to a brand that waited too long to address food safety concerns for their customers�

Whether you are an on or off-premise retailer, you need to “see” how your customers view your business� It all starts with the products that you sell� Do you know how the products are produced? Do the type of ingredients

matter to your customers? Is natural, organic or locally sourced important to them? If so, how are you relaying this information to your customers? Do you know what types of chemicals are used in the production and sanitation process?

A great way to address food safety is to “walk” your store or bar from the front to the back, like your customers do� We all know that a dirty bathroom is not a good sign for customers or for food safety� What about the ice machine? When is the last time you cleaned it? How about your food prep/storage area, coolers, walk-in, counter tops, bar area and tables? You need to check all of the areas that consumers see and don’t see� There are a variety of food safety solutions that address these areas�

Make sure you understand how the products you sell are produced, stored and shipped from a food safety perspective� If you take a stakeholder view of your business, it will positively impact your bottom line�


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The Importance of Food SafetyBy George Latella

George Latella teaches Food Marketing at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. Food Marketing, the largest major at Saint Joe’s, recently celebrated its 50th anniversary. Latella is also a partner in Beacon Marketing Group which provides marketing planning, research and e-commerce/direct marketing communications for food and beverage companies. He can be reached at glatella@sju.edu or 610-660-2254.

DeliveringSERVICE Find out more about Origlio’s Delivery Service Representatives

Keith MaynardHow long have you been with Origlio Beverage? 11 Great Months!

What areas do you service? Willow Grove primarily, Center City occasionally�

How do you provide the best service to customers? I like to personalize my interactions with every customer so I can better understand their needs� In the end, relationships build trust and loyalty�

What do you like to do when you’re not working? I play the ukulele, I’m a portrait photographer, I make my own wine and I volunteer for a local animal therapy program�

There are many styles of beer that are perfect for the fall, however, when most people think about the beers of this season, only the

most traditional come to mind; either Oktoberfests or any beer brewed with pumpkin� Both make perfect sense and are indeed top-selling craft beers, but there are many other options as well� In this article, I’d like to suggest a few worthy contenders�

The first category is HARVEST BEERS, aptly named because hops are picked this time of year� These beers, typically IPAs and pale ales, are made from hops that go straight from the field into kettles, unlike other beers which use hops that have been processed and dried. Because hops are incredibly perishable, using wet hops preserves all of the precious oils and resins for a unique drinking experience�

By far the standout brewery in this category is Sierra Nevada in Chico, California� Not only do they have two complete series of beers dedicated to wet hops, one of these beers is brewed with ingredients grown and harvested from their very own “estate�” Estate Ale showcases the rich flavors of California’s North Valley� The hops have an earthy, grapefruit-like flavor and spicy aroma, and the barley imparts mild sweetness and toasted flavors� All of these crops grow right alongside the brewery, making this beer truly unique�

Another of Sierra’s wet-hopped beers is Northern Hemisphere Harvest, the ale that is credited with inspiring the wet hop craze in America� This beer features hops from Yakima, WA, picked and shipped to the Sierra Nevada brewery within 24 hours to capture hop aroma and flavor

when they’re most profound� This year, Northern Hemisphere is being released in 12 ounce 6-pack bottles for the very first time�

Other notable fresh hop beers available this fall are, Lagunitas Born Yesterday Fresh Hop Pale Ale, Peak Organic Hop Harvest Oktoberfest and Evil Genius Chickity China the Chinese Chicken.

There are also fall releases that serve as perfect transitional beers from light summer offerings to the heavier beers associated with winter� Dock Street Bean2Bean Espresso Stout or Harpoon’s new hoppy amber ale, Flannel Friday are both perfect for afternoons when there’s nothing to do but sit by the window and watch the leaves fall� Another must-mention transitional beer is Great Lakes Nosferatu, a hoppy, but well-balanced red ale “with a bite”�

That brings us to yet another way to enjoy beer in the fall, which is choosing beers with a HALLOWEEN THEME. Spring House Brewing Company offers a full line of beers with branding that draws inspiration from vintage horror and sci-fi, making them perfect for Halloween parties� You may find yourself offering customers Big Gruesome or The Astounding She-Monster� And keep an eye out for the beer they release each fall called Braaaiins! Pumpkin Ale for Zombies. Along those same lines, Evil Genius’ fall seasonal, Trick or Treat is a chocolate pumpkin porter that combines rich chocolate flavor with fall spices� It certainly pairs well with endless hours of watching horror films and answering the door to eager trick-or-treaters�

Autumn is also associated with hayrides and haunted houses, where the beverage served typically comes from freshly picked apples� That brings us to another “perfect for fall” category, HARD CIDER.

Seasonal standouts in this group include Angry Orchard Cinnful Apple, which features juicy apple notes, complemented by cinnamon spice and Woodchuck Fall Harvest, a complex cider with an elegant character full of apple, cinnamon and nutmeg, balanced by a hint of American white oak� How about an apple ale? Redd’s Ginger Apple Ale delivers the fresh taste of ginger with hints of crisp apple, providing just the right amount of spiciness and sweetness�

So… whether your customers are hosting fall parties or just trying to find the perfect beers for the season, there’s clearly a lot to offer� And if memory fails you, just remember the three “H’s” … HARVEST, HALLOWEEN, and HARD CIDER. One of those options is sure to fill the bill!

The BeerGUYFall Beer… It’s Not Just About Pumpkins and OktoberfestsBy Steve Hawk

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…whether your

customers are

hosting fall

parties or just

trying to find

the perfect beers

for the season,

just remember

the three “H’s”




3000 Meeting House RoadPhiladelphia, PA 19154


Paulaner Teams Up With UntappdPaulaner has partnered with Untappd and is offering the Original and Authentic Oktoberfest Badge from mid-August through mid-October� When consumers check in their first Paulaner bier (any style) on their Untappd app, they’ll unlock Paulaner’s Oktoberfest Badge� When they check in with their 3rd beer during the promotion, they’ll be entered to win daily prizes including LED signs, 5-liter steins and other great Paulaner swag!

Win an Authentic Paulaner MugThis fall, from mid-August through mid-November, Paulaner is giving consumers the opportunity to drink their Oktoberfest bier out of an iconic 1L mug – the only mug used in the tents of the Original Oktoberfest in Munich! All they need to do is purchase a case of Paulaner Oktoberfest Märzen or Wiesn and send in the offer form on the case card with $5�99 for S&H and they’ll receive a 1L mug of their own� Lederhosen sold separately�
