A22 慶祝萬聖節戴面具嚇鬼 - Wen Wei Popdf.wenweipo.com/2018/11/02/a22-1102.pdf2018/11/02...


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A22 文 江 學 海 ■責任編輯:鄭樂泓 ■版面設計:邱少聰




慶祝萬聖節 戴面具嚇鬼

At this point, I hope you have already found St. Pe-tersburg as a very interesting city. Although St. Peters-burg is a city in Russia, it has a strong connection withWestern Europe. So, you can find a lot of references ofWestern Europe in this city. An example is Peterhof Pal-ace (彼得霍夫宮), which has been briefly mentioned inmy last article.

The palace is one of the finest royal residences in Rus-sia and is referred to as the "Russian Versailles" (俄羅斯的凡爾賽宮). Why does the palace have this nickname?On one hand, of course, it is because of the outstandingarchitecture and the crafting skills of the Peterhof Pal-ace, which can be compared to the best palace of West-ern Europe, Versailles. On the other hand, the palacegets the reference of Versailles because both of them arevery luxurious. The builders of these two palaces, Peterthe Great of Russia and Louis XIV ( 路 易 十 四) ofFrance, wanted to showcase their strength and wealthi-ness. Last but not least, the most obvious and importantreason is, as per Peter the Great's request, Versailles wasused as the blueprint to build the Peterhof Palace.

Among all unique buildings in the Peterhof Palace, it

is no doubt that the most eye-catching (引人注目) fea-ture is the Samson (參孫) Fountain (噴泉). This fountainsymbols (象徵) the victory of Russia over Sweden in theBattle of Poltava (波爾塔瓦會戰). This Battle was carriedby Peter the Great, but this fountain was not built byhim. The Battle of Poltava happened in 1709. And,since Russia won, the battle signified the end of Swedenbeing a European great power (歐洲列強).

In 1734, the decision of building the fountain to cele-brate this 25th anniversary of the battle was made. Inthe centre of the fountain, there is a sculpture represent-ing Samson tearing the lion's jaws, which is abstractedfrom a story from the Bible (聖經). In the Bible, it is astory representing a victory of a battle. In addition, ifyou have looked at the coat of arms of Sweden (瑞典國徽), you can find that a few lions are in the design. So,the lion whose jaws are torn in the sculpture representsSweden.

Why is the Fountain so eye-catching? Not only be-cause it is huge, but also, same as other buildings andstructure of the palace, it is nothing but grand: all sculp-tures in the fountain are shining and golden. Apparently,the successors of Peter the Great inherited Peter's charac-ter of showing off the wealthiness of Russia. It is withoutdoubt that Russians have made this palace a remarkableattraction for visitors.

當說起 10 月(October)的節日(festi-vals),除了有國慶日(National Day)、拜祭(worship)先人(ancestors)的重陽節(Chung Yeung Festival),不知大家又有否想起其他西方節日(Western festivals)呢?上期為各位介紹了一個中式(Chi-nese)節日-重陽節,現在就介紹一個西方節日,就讓我說一下萬聖節(Hallow-een)的歷史(history)和香港如何慶祝萬聖節吧。



後,就是萬聖夜(Halloween night)的開始。雖然不同的宗教(religions),以至不同人對萬聖節的由來都有不同的解說(de-scriptions),但大家都同樣地認為這個晚上是 鬼 魂 (spirits, ghosts) 、 鬼 怪 (mon-sters)最接近人類世界的時間,外出是危險的,所以人們都會穿上不同的服飾(cos-tumes)、戴上面具(masks),把自己打扮成各式各樣的鬼怪,以嚇走它們,保護自己,這也是現代人會在這個節日變裝的起源。

每當提起萬聖節,大家都會聯想到女巫(witch) 、 墳 墓 (grave) 、 蜘 蛛 (spi-der)、骷髏骨頭(skeleton)、南瓜燈(Jack O' Lantern)和死亡(death)等,聽起上來很恐怖(scary)、可怕,但其實現代的萬聖夜已成為一個為小孩、青少年,甚至成年人都帶來歡樂的晚上(a joy-

ful night)。雖 然 香 港 不 是 西 方 城 市 (Western

city),但萬聖節的各種慶祝活動(celebra-tions),卻為這個中式社會染滿了西方色彩。還記得程韻老師由中學時期開始,每年都會相約好友到香港的兩大主題公園(theme parks)參與萬聖節活動,手拖手一起進入鬼屋(haunted houses),被扮鬼的演員(actors)嚇得大叫,在園區與塗上專業化裝(professional makeup)的工作人員合照與觀看花車巡遊(parade of floats)等,每年的萬聖節都是在歡笑聲中度過。


很奇怪,每年的萬聖節活動總是由英文科老師帶領英文學會(the English Society)的學生舉辦,可能是因為這是西方節日的

緣故吧。他們會穿上黑色的斗篷(a blackcape),要求各位想拿糖的同學說一句"Treat or trick?"(不給糖就搗蛋), 有時還會加插其他小活動,例如與萬聖節有關的英文急口令(Tongue Twisters),很是有趣。雖然程老師現在已成為一位英文老師,但每當回想起讀書時代的種種片段,還是十分回味。

至於香港另一個非常聞名的地方-蘭桂坊(Lan Kwai Fong),在每年的萬聖夜都變得熱鬧起來。很多市民也會盛裝打扮,到該處玩樂,成為別人合照的對象之餘,也會邀請其他遊人一起拍個照,是「集郵」的時間。




參孫撕開獅子嘴 紀念俄國贏瑞典


.通識博客 /通識中國.百搭通識

.通識博客 /通識中國星期二 星期三 .中文星級學堂.文江學海.STEM百科啟智

星期四 .通識文憑試摘星攻略 星期五星期一 .文江學海


變紅等落葉 禿樹顯凋零紅葉形成的原因,其實並不浪漫。樹葉之所以由青轉








紅葉多詩意 真相卻哀愁管清思恒



觀察自己 認清問題 尋求答案論客座英




「問題」這個詞有相當多意思,可以指困難(difficulty) 、 質 疑 / 疑 問 (doubt) 、 疑 難(puzzle)、質疑 / 提問(question)、不解 / 困惑(confusion)、矛盾(contradiction)、衝突(conflict)、麻煩(trouble/ problem)……一般而言,當我們向老師伸出求助之手,大喊「我有問題」(I have a question),老師的回應一般是「你有什麼問題」(What's your problem?)。



不知道讀者有沒有發現,筆者在這幾期裡一直重複,「這是我的個人經驗 / 沒有一定」,乃至於在強調心態、過程、觀察自己,是因為筆者認為,香港的英文教育從來都忽略這些要素,以至於很多人一輩子都沒有感受過學習英文的樂趣。其中的樂趣之一,便是搞明白自己當下的問題是什麼,為什麼會出現,怎樣克服。


Hong Kong journalist, martial arts novelist

Louis Cha dies(標題)Louis Cha, a Hong Kong journalist and

best-selling Chinese martial arts novelist, has diedat age 94 after a long illness.

The Hong Kong newspaper founded by Cha,Ming Pao Daily News, said he passed awayTuesday at a Hong Kong hospital.

——《華盛頓郵報》(下稱「《郵報》」)Obituary: Chinese author Louis Cha changed

face of "wuxia" genre(標題)Millions of wuxia fans from home and abroad

flooded social media platforms to express theirshock and sorrow after news hit that renownedChinese martial arts novelist Louis Cha, widelyknown by his pen name Jin Yong, passed awayin Hong Kong on Tuesday at the age of 94.


中冒出了很多疑問(question):為什麼《郵報》中的「死」(die)或「逝世」(pass away),出現了三種時態?分別是標題的dies(現在式),內文第一段的has died(現在完成式),以及第二段的passed away(過去式)。為什麼《郵報》只說 martial arts,《時報》說 wuxia 和 martialarts?為什麼《郵報》叫Louis Cha,《時報》叫Louis Cha又叫Jin Yong?且注意到,《郵報》標題寫Hong Kong,《時報》標題寫Chinese,新聞網直接寫名字。











Acrostic puzzle: Time words

To find more English language activities visit www.britishcouncil.org/learnenglishSend your feedback to learnenglishprint@britishcouncil.org (Answers will be out next Firday)

Instructions: Use the clues (information that helps you to find theanswers) below to make time words. Then, use the letters in the yel-low boxes to make a question (four words), also about time, fornumber 14.

1. one hundred years make one of these2. sixty of these make one minute3. seven of these make a week4. there are sixty in one hour5. there are twelve in one year6. this comes after the night7. three months of warm weather8. this comes between the afternoon and night9. three hundred and sixty-five days make one of these10. three months of cold weather11. twenty-four of these make one day12. two days make one of these13. this comes between the morning and the evening

14. a question about time (4 words)



■Raymond Chik(chikyukfung@hotmail.com)

