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Author Don Heddesheimer‘s book, The First Holocaust: Jewish Fundraising Campaigns With Holocaust Claims During and After World War One, is an important piece of the revisionist puzzle. Heddesheimer cogently documents the slew of previous attempts by Jews to disseminate deceitful and untrue atrocity propaganda before, during and after World War I. The First Holocaust features an amazing collection of press clippings and propaganda articles dating back to the late 19th century that make claims of the suffering and imminent extermination of European Jewry. Among such articles we find that Jews have, dozens of times before WWII, invoked the cabalistic ―6,000,000″ number as the amount of Jews on the verge of death and destruction during various periods of turmoil and conflict in Europe and Russia. Undoubtedly, this book exposes the deliberate fraudulence of these sinister Zionist campaigns and media blitzes — long before Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933 — designed to elicit public sympathy and financial support for Jewish political ambitions, principally the establishment of the State of Israel.

The obsessive invocation of the cabalistic fable of “6,000,000 dead or dying Jews” dating back at least four decades prior to the events of WWII directly undermines and betrays the notion that 6,000,000 Jews perished in Europe between 1939-1945, as Jews have claimed. It was a lie the first time, and it is a lie today!

The Gentile populations of the West have, for decades, been inundated and inoculated with an endless onslaught of holocaust-themed Hollywood movies, television shows, ―docudramas‖, books and memoirs; in conjunction with mandatory ―holocaust education‖ in schools across North America and Europe. The primary function of this insidious global propaganda campaign is to — quite simply — brainwash non-Jews into a state of abject fear and paralysis while we are ideologically, economically and physically enslaved by the Jewish tribe. It is also designed to delegitimize all criticism of Jews and the State of Israel and to ensnare non-Jews into adopting a pro-Jewish, pro-Zionist worldview. With their hateful holocaust lies, Zionist myth-makers are teaching masses of young school children to hate Germans, and European mankind in general. These kids, not knowing any better and unable to think for themselves, blindly believe these tall tales and never question what they‘ve been told when they become adults. The indoctrination of our little ones with Zionist ‗holocaust‘ fiction is permanently damaging the minds of young people. Force-feeding young children, as well as teenagers, distortions and outright falsehoods about World War II so that they sympathize with Jewish people and

treacherous Jewish causes — such as Zionism and Communism — is immoral, destructive, harmful and criminal. It must be stopped!

A question that you might ask is: “what is the significance of the „Six Million‟ figure and where did it originate?”

The mythical ―Six Million‖ figure has intriguing origins indeed. Jews have staunchly emphasized the 6,000,000 figure in atrocity propaganda from the years 1890 through 1945. World War II ended in 1945, and since that time the cabalistic 6,000,000 figure has now reached sacrosanct status. This was achieved through a sleazy and deceptive campaign of repetitive HoloHoax swindlespeak in the news and entertainment media, centred in Jewish Hollywood. As the Jewish-Communist mass murderer, Vladimir Lenin, once said: “a lie told often enough becomes the truth.‖ This campaign of Jewish deceit has steadily intensified over the years. When Jews sense an increase in awareness of their treachery and global crimes against humanity amongst the Gentile public (a natural reaction of which is resentment and hostility), the louder they begin to wail about their invented holocaust in the octopus of media organs they control. That‘s why they are always gauging the pulse of public opinion.

World leaders, Presidents, Prime Ministers, ceremonial Kings and Queens, Popes, Priests and Holy Men of all faiths, genuflect in grovelling reverence of the mythical ―6,000,000 Jews‖ who didn‘t perish in ―Nazi gas chambers‖, as such chambers did not exist and were impossible. Research shows that the reason for this bizarre Jewish fixation on the number 6,000,000 primarily stems from an ancient religious prophecy in the Torah. According to some sources, the prophecy envisioned that before the Jewish people could reclaim and reconquer Palestine to establish a Jewish homeland called ―Israel‖, 6,000,000 Jews would first have to perish in a fiery burnt offering (i.e. ―Holocaust‖), as a sacrifice to their bloodthirsty tribal deity, YHWH.

―You shall return minus 6,000,000″; Jewish scripture relates a prophecy that 6,000,000 Jews must vanish before they can reclaim Palestine as their ancient ancestral homeland.

―The Hebrew word for ‗ye shall return‘(TaShuVU), seems to have been spelled incorrectly. Grammatically it requires another (vav). It ought to read (TaShUVU). Why is it lacking the letter (vav) which stands for six?. [TaShuVU] without the vav is a prediction to the Jewish people of ultimate return to their national homeland. TaShuVU in numbers adds up to 708: tav=400, shin=300, vei=2, vey=6. When we write the year, we ignore the millennia. In 1948 on the secular calendar, we witnessed the miracle of Jewish return to Israel. On the Hebrew calendar it was the year 5708. That was the year predicted by the incomplete word (TaShuVu), you shall return. We did return, lacking 6 – an all important 6 million of our people who perished in the holocaust. Yet the fulfillment of the prediction of return in precisely that year implied by the gematria of TaShuVU gives us firm hope that the words of the prophets for Final Redemption will come true as well.‖

Here are two additional commentaries on the origins of the ―Six Million‖ from History & Scriptural Origins of the Six Million Number:

[Quote 1] Jewish prophecies in the Torah require that 6 million Jews must ―vanish‖ before the state of Israel can be formed. ―You shall return minus 6 million.‖ That‘s why Tom Segev, an Israeli historian, declared that the ―6 million‖ is an attempt to transform the Holocaust story into state religion. Those six million, according to prophecy, had to disappear in ―burning ovens‖, which the judicial version of the Holocaust now authenticates. As a matter of fact, Robert B. Goldmann writes: ―. . . without the Holocaust, there would be no Jewish State.‖ A simple consequence: Given six million Jews gassed at Auschwitz who ended up in the ―burning ovens‖ (the Greek word holocaust means burned offerings), therefore, the prophecies have now been ―fulfilled‖ and Israel can become a ―legitimate state‖. –Unknown

[Quote 2] Regarding the ‗six million‘ number you should know the following: In the Hebrew text of the Torah prophesies, one can read ―you shall return‖. In the text the letter ―V‖ or ―VAU‖ is absent, as Hebrew does not have any numbers; the letter V stands for the number 6. Ben Weintraub, a religious scientist, learned from rabbis that the meaning of the missing letter means the number is ‘6 million‘. The prophesy then reads: You will return, but with 6 million less. See Ben Weintraub: ―The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism‖, Cosmo Publishing, Washington 1995, page 3. The missing 6 million must be so before the Jews can return to the Promised Land. Jahweh sees this as a cleaning of the souls of the sinful people. The Jews must, on the return to the Promised Land, be clean — the cleaning shall be done in burning stokes. — A Correspondent

Is it just coincidental that the flimsy and farcical story of ―6,000,000 Jews‖ being murdered in ―gas chambers‖ and burned up in ―ovens‖ in concentration camps during WWII gave the Jews the impetus and PR ammunition they needed to make their ―gallant return‖ to the ―promised land‖ at the war‘s end —occupying and ethnically cleansing much of Palestine through terrorism and force of arms — establishing a racist/apartheid ―Jewish state‖ called ―Israel‖ in 1948? And this all just happens to fit the previously cited ancient Torah prophecy to the letter? I hardly think so!

Today, the holocaust™ tall tale has taken the form of a bizarre cult-like State-enforced and protected religious dogma of the West (i.e. Holocaustianity), as it is illegal to question, dispute or deny in over a dozen European countries, under punishment of heavy fines and imprisonment! This farfetched Zionist-trumpeted conspiracy theory is being utilized by Jewish hucksters and scam artists as a money-making enterprise — a larcenous con of near-planetary proportions which Jewish professor Norman Finkelstein dubbed ―The Holocaust Industry‖. (The Holocaust Industry: Reflection on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering. London: VERSO, 2000.) On top of that, this myth has been wielded by Jewish zealots as an ideological sledgehammer to club Gentiles over the head with any time non-Jews dare criticize or oppose the global banditry and menacing influence of the self-professed ―Chosen People‖.

Below are reproductions of many press clippings and articles featuring the cabalistic 6,000,000 number, dating back to the year 1900. Note the ceaseless references to ―6,000,000 Jews‖, the continuous begging for money and land (Palestine), and the term ―holocaust‖ used well before the events of the 1940s. It is also noteworthy that the authors of the vast majority of these propaganda articles were the richest of Wall Street‘s Jewish bankers as well as leaders of Zionist pressure groups — Schiffs and Warburgs among them.


American Zionist leader, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, let slip the Zionist agenda behind the Holocaust Hoax: to promote public sympathy for Zionism (Jewish takeover of Palestine).

“There are 6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism.” (―ZIONISTS‘ MASS MEETING: Rabbi Wise‘s Address.‖ New York Times. June 11,


The New York Times reports: “From 1890 to 1902 he caused 6,000,000 Jewish families to be expelled from Russia.”

1906- A Jewish publicist addresses an audience in Germany where he claimed that the Russian Government had a ―solution of the Jewish Question‖ and that this solution entailed the “murderous extermination” of ―6,000,000 Jews.‖ Of course, the Russians never had any such plans but the fictional story was resurrected during WWII

with the Germans being on the receiving end of these slanderous accusations this time around.

As a side note: 1906 was the year after the first Jewish-led Communist uprising in Russia had failed. This lame sob story was nothing more than a ploy to distract public attention from the fact that the Communist-led upheaval

that took place in Russia a year earlier was the handiwork of his fellow Jews who perpetrated widespread atrocities against Russian patriots (anti-Communists).


Donmeh Jews organize a coup d‘etat in the Ottoman Empire and seize power from the Sultan.


In the American Jewish Committee‘s annual report it is claimed that since 1890 Russia has had a policy to ―expel or exterminate‖ Six Million Jews. (Source: American Jewish Yearbook pg. 15)


Max Nordau, co-founder of the World Zionist Organization together with Theodore Herzl, made an astonishing pronouncement at the tenth Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland. He claimed that 6,000,000 Jews would be annihilated. This was twenty-two years before Hitler came to power and three years before World War I started.

Quoted in Ben Hecht‘s book, "Perfidy". Hecht, a Zionist Jew himself, would go on to

make the very same claim in 1943.


The bloodbath of World War I kicks off and the Jews are already whining that ―6,000,000 Jews‖ are in danger.


Jewish leader Louis Marshall proclaims: “In the world today there are about 13,000,000 Jews, of whom more than 6,000,000 are in the heart of the war zone: Jews whose lives are at stake and who today are subjected to every manner of suffering and sorrow…”

murder of 1.5 million Armenian Christians, as well as 250,000 Greek and Assyrian Christians.


Jewish lobbyists convince the British government to support the Zionist project of making Palestine the national homeland for the Jews. British official James Arthur Balfour decrees the ―Balfour Declaration.‖ The letter is addressed to Zionist big-wig Lord Rothschild.

Britain becomes a deadly pawn of Zionism.

This very same year radical Jewish Marxists take control of Russia in the Bolshevik Revolution establishing the

first Zionist state, the ―Soviet Union.‖ Czar Nicholas II, along with his wife and children, are kidnapped by Jews,then shot and bayoneted. The ―revolution‖ was led by the Jews‘ Leon Trotsky, Lazar Kaganovich, Lev Kamanev, Grigory Zinoviev, Jacob Sverdlov, Moisei Uritsky, Alexander Parvus, Karl Radek, and the philosemitic part-Jew Vladimir Lenin, who all received financing from capitalist Jewish international bankers: Jacob Schiff, Max Warburg and ultimately the Rothschild‘s. The Communist Jews and their pawns would go on a six decade long reign of terror. Some 40 million Russian and Eastern European Gentiles would perish in Gulags, death camps, mass executions and via man-made famines under Jewish Communist ruler-ship.


―Six million souls‖ need a billion dollars

The British take control of Palestine, and occupy the country militarily. Eventually the British Mandate for Palestine is administered, against the will of the Arabs living there.

This same year Jewish Communist leader Grigory Zinoviev announces plans for the annihilation of 10,000,000 Russians.

Jewish Communists plot genocide of Russians. They put out stories of Jewish persecution at this same time to hide their blood-curdling atrocities in Russia.


Shortly after the end of World War I hostilities, Zionists claim a ―Holocaust‖ of ―Six Million Jews‖ is imminent in Europe in a deceitful campaign to raise money for Jewish charities and also to distract public attention from the Jewish origins of Communism, the Bolshevik atrocities in Russia and the Armenian Genocide.

More persecution propaganda in the same year. Again ―6,000,000 Jews‖ as victims, of course.

Full article of above clipping.


A Jewish relief campaign advertisement states: “Today 6,000,000 Jews are facing the darkest days ever known in the history of the race.”


Russian patriots gain ground on the Jewish Bolshevik usurpers of their nation. In a vain attempt to hide their heavy involvement in the brutal Bolshevist atrocities being committed in Russia, Jews reel out the ―six million‖ myth once again.


Zionist leader, Nahum Sokolow, boasts about Organized Jewry‘s globalist ambitions when, at a Zionist conference in Carlsbad, California, he proclaimed: “The League of

Nations is a Jewish idea, and Jerusalem someday will become the capital of the world’s peace.”


Six Million again. Jews demand that Gentiles hand over their food to the poor, innocent Jews while they murder millions, and ship millions more off to Gulag slave camps in Communist Jew-controlled Russia.


Jews commit a deliberate genocide. To put down nationalist resistance to a Communist takeover, Soviet

Dictator Josef Stalin orders the Jewish-dominated Soviet Secret Police (NKVD) to orchestrate a man-made famine in the Ukraine. Stalin‘s Jewish deputies and secret police chiefs (Kaganovich, Beria, Yagoda, etc) ruthlessly implement the murderous starvation policy. Between six and seven million Ukrainian men, women and children, are annihilated in this genuine Holocaust. It is now known as the ―Holodomor.‖

Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany in 1933. Jews immediately seek his complete destruction.

Hitler comes to power in Germany. Antithetical to Jewish banking interests which thrives off of usury (the lending of money at interest making debt-slaves out of countries), Hitler immediately begins printing his own state-controlled, labor-backed currency and thus breaking the death-grip of the monolithic Jewish banking establishment of Europe, led by the Rothschild‘s and the Warburg‘s. Hitler also removed Jews from all positions in government, media, education and banks, which they had been dominating up until that point.

Because of this World Jewry declares war on Germany in 1933. Jews around the world launched a global economic boycott of German goods in an effort to economically strangle Germany to death and topple Hitler‘s new government.

Jews don‘t like it when Gentiles revolt against their tyranny and control. Their motto is: be our slave or be dead.

This act of treachery leads to widespread dislike of Jews in Germany and foments tension between Jews and German Gentiles. For this act, and for the Jews‘ well-known support for Communism and substantial involvement in the bloody Bolshevik Revolution, the Nazis declare Jews ―enemies of the state‖ eventually interning them in concentration camps and labor camps during the Second World War. Almost the same thing happened to Japanese-Americans after Pearl Harbor. Although, unlike the Jews, Japanese people never waged an economic war on America, they were interned in American concentration camps simply for their



As early as 1936, Zionists who originally coined the phrase Final Solution of The Jewish Question, somehow knew exactly 6,000,000 Jews had ―neither hope nor future.―

Appearing before the Peel Commission, World Zionist Organization chairman, and first Israeli president, Chaim Weizmann, declares that ―6,000,000 Jews are destined to be imprisoned,‖ (in Europe) ―where they are unwanted.‖

Jews continue to agitate for Palestine. The New York Times reported that Zionist groups were desperately lobbying American Christian leaders, Christian organizations, and the British government, demanding

assistance in the creation of a ―Jewish nation in Palestine‖ to save the Jews from ―the European Holocaust.‖ These strikingly prophetic statements were made years before the creation of ghettos or concentration camps and over three years before the German invasion of Poland.

Jewish leaders meet to discuss their schemes, swindles and sinister conspiracies. ―Six Million Hebrews‖ is mentioned in the

article title.


Jew propagandists amp up the ―Six Million‖ b.s. as World War II draws closer.

This article references ―five or six million Jews uprooted by dictatorships‖ and calls for them to be settled in the ―Holy Land‖ (Palestine).

View full spread


Poland, under British influence, refuses to concede to Hitler any of his relatively modest territorial demands.

Hitler sought to recover the territory stripped away from Germany and given to Poland at the end of WWI; specifically the formerly German city of Danzig. Hitler also demanded an autobahn in the Danzig corridor connecting the German mainland to East Prussia. Poland categorically refused all of Hitler‘s somewhat reasonable demands.

Hitler wanted back the German city of Danzig and an autobahn through the Danzig corridor connecting the German mainland to East Prussia. Poland, under British/Jewish direction, refused to acquiesce to Hitler‘s modest demands.

In September Poland is invaded from the west by Germany and from the east by the Soviet Union. Britain and France immediately declare war on Germany, supposedly because of Hitler‘s invasion of Poland. However, Britain and France did not declare war on the

Soviet Union who also had invaded Poland and then attacked Finland a few months later.

The reason the Allies only found fault with Germany for invading Poland, and not the Soviets, was because the USSR was under Jewish rule, and had been since 1917. The purpose of WWII all along was not to free Poland but to destroy Germany, who had broken loose from the grip of the Jews. The Allies, who originally claimed to be concerned for Poland‘s sovereignty, dumped Poland, along with the rest of Eastern Europe, off to the Soviet-Communist butchers at the end of the war! This Allied betrayal proves that the Allies never cared about Poland at all. Poland was nothing more than a pawn used by the Allied warmongers to sucker the Third Reich into a war.

The Allies, who waged war on Germany in 1939 using as a justification the excuse that Germany breached Polish sovereignty by invading, DUMPED Poland off to Stalin and the Communist

butchers who had murdered 22,000 Poles in the Katyn Forest in 1940!

Meanwhile Jews were whining about ―Six Million‖ helpless victims in February, seven months before the war even started.

Over half a year before the war began Jews were already squawking about ―6,000,000 helpless victims of persecution.

Chaim Weizmann turns up again and proclaims: “The fate of six million people was in the balance”

A Jewish newspaper, The Jewish Criterion, predicts that “the coming world war would be the annihilation of six million Jews in East and Central Europe.”


Jewish leader Nahum Goldmann predicts ―Six Million‖ Jewish victims before Nazi concentration camps have even fully completed construction.


An American Jew named Theodore Newman Kaufman devises a plan for the extermination of all Germans through forced sterilization. He publishes his evil aspiration to annihilate the German people in a book

called ―Germany Must Perish!‖ This Jewish ―Final Solution‖ to Germans is praised by Jewish-owned publications in America.


British Jew, Victor Gollancz, predicts 6,000,000 Jewish deaths.


A Zionist organization, The American Jewish Committee, claims the Nazis had set in motion a plan to kill 6,000,000 Jews.

Zionist propaganda build up nearing the end of the war.

Ben Hecht, a Hollywood screenwriter and Zionist Jew, floats out the ―Six Million‖ lie in Reader‘s Digest Magazine. He would later go on to support the Zionist terrorist group Irgun in Palestine “by writing propaganda and fund-raising.“

During the Nazi offensive on the eastern front, German soldiers discover the mass graves of some of the 22,000 Polish military officers and intelligentsia who were murdered and then buried in mass graves in the Katyn Forest by the Soviets in 1940. The insidious Allies knew their ―gallant Soviet ally‖ was a mass murderer but kept quiet about it. When it could no longer be kept hidden from the public they then tried to blame the atrocity on the Germans!


In September of 1944, eight months before the end of WWII, U.S. Communist (Jewish) Union leaders

prematurely proclaim that nearly Six Million Jews have been killed, long before that could have been known or calculated.

In late 1944, half a year before the official end of the war, at least three newspapers printed stories informing

us of the mythical deaths of ―six million Jews.‖ All of these propaganda articles were based on the lies of Ilya Ehrenburg, a Jewish propagandist in the USSR.

The New York Times reports that Jewish groups were

urging the governments of Britain and America to launch gas attacks against the Nazis.


In January, still many months prior to the end of the war,

before any official body count for any group could have reasonably been calculated or ascertained, Zionists proclaim exactly ―Six Million Jews‖ had died. (more premature ‘6,000,000 Jews have died‘ pronouncements)

Ilya Ehrenburg, a notorious Jewish Propagandist in the USSR who agitated for genocide against Germans and incited the mass rape of German women by the Red Army, prematurely proclaimed that ―the world now knows that Germany has killed Six Million Jews‖ before anyone could have known that was the number.

Jewish Communist devil, Ilya Ehrenburg, prematurely announces 6,000,000 Jews killed, thus exposing himself as a fraud and the holocaust as a premeditated hoax.

Ehrenburg, along with another Communist Jew propagandist Vasily Grossman, are considered by many revisionists to be the brains behind the Holocaust Hoax. Together they penned ―The Black Book,‖ a work of pure fiction inundated with unconscionable anti-German hate propaganda horror stories that are physically impossible, and have since been thoroughly discredited.

Communist Jew demons, Ilya Ehrenburg and Vassily Grossman.

At a March 1945 Congressional Hearing, Joseph Thon, representing The National Organization of Polish Jews in America, stated to the committee:

―The German people murdered, in cold blood, in excess of 6,000,000 European Jews … I accuse the whole German people that in the years 1939 to 1945 they slaughtered upward of 15,000,000 men, among which there were 6,000,000 Jews.‖

Zionist liar, Joseph Thon, let slip the ―6,000,000 Jews have died‖ hoax a bit too early. These Jews just can‘t help themselves can they?

More newspaper clippings from 1945 telling us exactly 6,000,000 Jews had been killed, before any official body count could have been accurately ascertained.

In May of 1945 the New York Times reported that ―more than 6,000,000 people‖ had been ―liberated‖ from Nazi concentration camps.

The New York Times reports 6,000,000 had been liberated, not killed. OOPS!


A year after the war Jews are already spouting the ―six million‖ myth as fact.

Meanwhile, as the Jews whine about a phony Holocaust in Europe, Zionist terrorist groups wreak havoc in Palestine slaughtering Arab men, women and children, at will, like the massacre at Deir Yassin.

Inhuman Jewish terror agents of the Irgun ruthlessly slaughtered Arab women and babies, then mutilated their corpses in the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin.

In 1946, Jewish Terror agents from the cutthroat Irgun terrorist network in Palestine, led by the mass murderer Menachem Begin (who would later become the Prime Minister of Israel), blow up the King David Hotel, disguised as Arabs. 91 people are killed, 28 of the victims were British officials. The British were the real target of the bombing as the hotel was the headquarters for the British military command.

Begin the beast; terrorist leader of the Irgun; mastermind of the King David Hotel bombing in 1946 and other atrocities; Prime Minister of Israel. A complete animal.


Over the course of two years Zionist Jews obliterate 419 Arab villages and build Jewish settlements in their place. This process of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their own homeland by Jews continues to this very day.

The Zionist colonization and ethnic cleansing of Palestine — a crime against humanity that goes unpunished and is, in fact, supported by many Western governments.


The Encyclopedia Britannica prints its 1963 edition, within which it states that 2,000,000 people, mostly Jews, were exterminated by the Nazis in Mauthausen, a concentration camp in Austria. This absurd figure has been officially revised quite a lot. Now it is claimed that only 95,000 people died in Mauthausen, of which only 14,000 were Jews. An exaggeration of 1,905,000. This camp is no longer considered by official sources who support the holocaust legend as an ―extermination

camp,‖ nor is it still claimed that any camps on German soil were either.


The influential Zionist leader Nahum Goldmann, co-founder and long-time head of the World Jewish Congress, publishes a book about Jews, The Jewish Paradox. In the book Goldmann candidly admits on pages 122 and 123 that years before the end of the second World War two influential co-conspiring Jews conceived the idea of a post-war Nuremberg show-tribunal and ―German reparations‖ to be paid out to the Jews. Goldmann describes how he, and his fellow conniving Zionists at the World Jewish Congress, intended the reparations swindle to finance Jewish settlement in Palestine after the war.

Goldmann admits the swindle.


The Allied Nuremberg Trial indictment charged the Nazis with murdering 4,000,000 people at Auschwitz. This figure was printed on the plaques displayed to tourists visiting Auschwitz, and the figure was repeated as ―fact‖ by governments, historians, journalists, politicians, and all authority figures, for 45 years. In 1990 it was all exposed as a big lie when the Auschwitz State Museum officially revised the death toll from 4,000,000 down to

1.1 million, of which 960,000 are claimed to be Jews. (source)

Auschwitz death toll reduced to a million, yet sacred ―Six Million‖ figure remains unchanged and is still repeated by Jews.

The original plaques were removed and replaced with new ones sporting the ―new‖ fake figure of 1.5 million. That‘s at least 2.5 million people erased from the official death toll overnight. They can‘t even make up their mind about what the new figure should be. This should tell you right away that they are just making it up as they go along.

The Nuremberg Trial indictment charged the Nazis with killing 1,500,000 people at Majdanek, a camp in Poland. This ridiculous figure was conjured by Saul Hayes, a Canadian journalist in the pay of a Canadian Zionist organization, the Canadian Jewish Congress. It is now claimed that only 79,000 people died in this camp, officially. An exaggeration of 1,421,000!

Despite substantial reductions in the official death toll‘s of Mauthausen, Auschwitz and Majdanek, the mythical and obviously false ―Six Million‖ figure is never revised and continues to be peddled by Zionist Jews everywhere. That‘s because it has religious significance to Jews and fulfills their delusional ancient Torah prophecies. The Holocaust™ is nothing more than a religion to inoculate the ―Goyim‖.

Also in 1990, another Holocaust myth was vanquished; that being the preposterous lie that the Nazis used the skin of Jews to make ―lampshades‖ and their fat to make ―human soap.‖ Jewish groups in Israel have confessed that this widespread rumor was a myth.

Despite this admission, there are still Jews today going around claiming that this actually occurred.

Two Zionist Holocaust promoters, Deborah Lipstadt and Professor Peter Novick, both have stated in their booksthat Simon Wiesenthal, the infamous ―Nazi hunter‖ and pathological liar, outright invented the ―five million non-Jewish deaths‖ that supposedly happened in the Holocaust as a marketing ploy to garner interest of Non-Jews in the Holocaust religion, also known as ―Holocaustianity.‖

The revisionists estimate that the combined death toll in all German concentration camps was somewhere between 300,000 to 500,000. Of that amount about half the victims were Jews. Unlike the comical and discredited ―6,000,000″, this figure is based on solid documentation, including the reports released by the International Red Cross who inspected the camps, the Auschwitz death registries released to the Soviet archives in 1990 (which recorded only 69,000 deaths in Auschwitz), and other evidence. The main cause of death was the typhus epidemic and starvation.

After decades of careful forensic investigation, scientific analysis, and intense study, scholarly revisionists have allocated the ―gas chambers,‖ ―steam chambers,‖ ―electrocution conveyor belts,‖ ―suffocation rooms,‖ ―pedal-driven-brain-bashing-devices,‖ ―Jew bone powder used for construction,‖ and other absurdities to the realm of science fiction.

A report from the International Red Cross Tracing Service that tallied a total of just under 300,000 German concentration camp victims. Main cause of death: Typhus


In 1991, a leading Jewish Freemason let slip the agenda behind the Holocaust religion. Ian J. Kagedan, an official for the Canadian branch of Bnai B’rith (a secretive organization founded in New York City in 1843 by Jewish Freemasons), told us: “Memory of the Holocaust is central to the new world order. …Achieving our quest of a “new world order” depends on our learning the Holocaust’s lessons.”

Jewish Freemason admits Holocaust story a vehicle for Jewish World Domination.

Fund Raising Fliers-

Compendium of Jewish fund raising campaigns; 6,000,000 galore. Click to enlarge.

New York Times “6,000,000″ References (1869-1945)-

34 appearances of the Kabbalistic 6,000,000 figure of Jews in the New York Times from 1869 – 1945 (months before the end of WWII).

Five early Jewish “holocausts” in the New York Times-

Five early Jew holohoaxes.

More pre-WWII 6,000,000 References-

More early hoaxocausts-

This 1897 ―Science of Religion‖ American magazine, claims nearly six million Jews were killed in the Bar Kokhba revolt 132-136AD. What a laugh!

1899: New York Times speaks of a ―mighty holocaust of Jews‖.

140 Occurrences Of The Word Holocaust

& The Number 6,000,000 Before The

Nuremberg Trials Began

New York Times, May 1, 1920, p. 8

Sorted by date:


Originally Posted by Stephen S. Wise, New York Times, June 11, 1900

There are 6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism.

Click images for full size

Russia has since 1890 adopted a

deliberate plan to expel or exterminate

six million of its people - From The

Russian Jewish Yearbook 1911


Originally Posted by Encyclopaedia Britannica, 10th Edition, 1902, page 482

While there are in Russia and Rumania six millions of Jews who are being systematically degraded...


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), September 18th, 1903, page 6

[...] six million downtrodden brethren.

TaShuVu You Shall Return


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), February 19th, 1904, page 2

[...] where five or six million people existed under persecution.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), October 7th, 1904

[...] the final and definite deliverance of the six millions of Russian, Roumanian and Galician Jews [...] transporting five or six million people over the sea.


Originally Posted by New York Times, January 29th, 1905

He declared that a free and a happy Russia, with its 6,000,000 Jews, would possibly mean the end of Zionism, since the abolition of the autocracy would practically eliminate the causes that brought Zionism into existence.


Originally Posted by New York Times, November 1st, 1905

From 1800 to 1902 he caused 6,000,000 Jewish families to be expelled from Russia [...]


Originally Posted by New York Times, March 25th, 1906

[...] the condition and future of Russia's 6,000,000 Jews were made on March 12 in Berlin to the annual meeting of the Central Jewish Relief League of Germany by Dr. Paul Nathan [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), October 18th, 1907, page


[...] for six million people cannot emigrate.

HOLOCAUST Handbooks Series, Vol. 6

Don Heddesheimer - The First Holocaust

Jewish Fund Raising Campaigns with

Holocaust Claims During and After

World War One - The First

Holocaust features an amazing collection

of press clippings and propaganda articles

dating back to the late 19th century that

make claims of the suffering and imminent

extermination of European Jewry. Among

such articles we find that Jews have,

dozens of times before WWII, invoked the

cabalistic “6,000,000″ number as the

number of Jews on the verge of death and

destruction during various periods of

turmoil and conflict in Europe and Russia.

Undoubtedly, this book exposes the

deliberate fraudulence of these sinister

Zionist campaigns and media blitzes —

long before Hitler became Chancellor of

Germany in 1933 — designed to elicit

public sympathy and financial support for

Jewish political ambitions, such as Zionism

and Communism.


Originally Posted by Deseret Evening News, March 17th, 1908

[...] poverty, starvation and disease are the afflictions which now beset the six million Jews in that country and Roumania.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), August 7th, 1908

[...] when six million Russian Jews are crying [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), February 4th, 1910



Originally Posted by The Zionist Congress, 1911

[...] complete annihilation for six million people [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), August 18th, 1911, page 14

Very soon a fervid Russian patriotism will reign in every Ghetto, and the melting-up of the race begin. But this absorption of the five or six million Jews [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), August 25th, 1911

[...] six million Jews are still groaning under the most terrible yoke.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), September 1st, 1911

[...] the downfall lf six million creatures [...] for no war has ever destroyed six million human lives.

The obsessive invocation of the cabalistic

fable of“6,000,000 dead or dying

Jews” dating back at least four decades

prior to the events of WWII directly

undermines and betrays the notion that

6,000,000 Jews perished in Europe between

1939-1945, as Jews have claimed. It was a

lie the first time, and it is a lie today.

Chicago Tribune, 1921


Originally Posted by New York Times, October 31st, 1911

The 6,000,000 Jews of Russia are singled out for systematic oppression and for persecution due to process of law.


Originally Posted by American Jewish Year Book 5672 (23 Sep 1911 - 11 Sep 1912), page 308:

Russia has since 1890 adopted a deliberate plan to expel or exterminate six millions of its people for no other reason than that they refuse to become members of the Greek Church, but prefer to remain Jews.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), January 5th, 1912

[...] more than six million Jews reside in small towns and villages there is no Sabbath question.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), July 10th, 1914, page 9

[...] where six million Jews are suffering [...]


Originally Posted by New York Times, December 2nd, 1914, page 12

APPEAL FOR AID FOR JEWS. [...] the plight of more than 6,000,000 Jews [...] upon the Jewish people, more than nine millions of whom live in the countries at war

and over six million of these in the actual war zone in Poland, Galicia and the whole of Russian frontier.

New York Times, November 12, 1919, p.


New York Times, May 3, 1920, p. 11


Originally Posted by New York Times, January 14th, 1915, page 3

In the world today there are about 13,000,000 Jews, of whom more than 6,000,000 are in the heart of the war zone; Jews whose lives are at stake and who today are subjected to every manner of suffering and sorrow [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), March 19th, 1915

How the casting of six million people into the deepest abyss of servitude and outlawry is to relieve tension we cannot understand.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), June 25th, 1915

The annihilation of the six million Jews now congregated in the Russian domains goes on in a well defined and systematic manner.


Originally Posted by New York Tribune, October 14th, 1915

What the Turks are doing to Armenians is child's play compared to what Russia is doing to six million Jews, her own subjects.


Originally Posted by The Mercury, December 4th, 1915

[...] six millions of Russian and Polish Jews are to-day the most pitiable victims of that race hatred and that race fanaticism which have been the creed of Germany [...]


New York Times, February 17, 1945

New Gas Chamber lies after the war:

The Jewish Press, February 21, 1991

Originally Posted by The Jews in the Eastern War Zone, The American Jewish Committee, 1916

[...] where six million human beings guilty only of adherence to the Jewish faith are compelled to live out their lives in squalor and misery, in constant terror of massacre [...] estimated at six million or more [...] of these six million people [...] a kind of prison with six million inmates [...] The persons most affected, the six million Jews of Russia [...] The Jews are loyal and brave, and it is most inadvisable to pursue a policy which might convert six million subjects into enemies. [...] the six million Jews of Russia still continued [...] nearly three of the six million [...]


Originally Posted by The Tacoma Times, February 28th, 1916

[...] there were 6,000,000 Jews in Europe absolutely without food or resources.


Originally Posted by New York Times, February 28th, 1916

Nearly six million Jews are ruined in the greatest moral and material misery; millions of them are refugees, dependent upon the good will of their brethren.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), March 3rd, 1916

"Nearly six million Jews are ruined."


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), March 31st, 1916, page 6

Position of the Jews in Russia. The Jews in Russia, numbering about six million, are denied full political and civil rights and are economically oppressed.


Response, Vol. 12, No. 1, Spring 1991


- p 7, Rabbi Wise's Address

Originally Posted by El Paso Herald., April 22nd, 1916, page 5

Six Million Jews Are Deprived Of Papers By Russian Censorship. [...] Six million Jews have been robbed of their newspapers.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), August 4th, 1916

[...] six million Jews [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh) - Volume 50 Issue 2, September 5th, 1918

[..] Russia, where the bulk of the Jewish people to the number of well over six million still dwell, is a land of blood and midnight darkness.


Originally Posted by New York Times, October 18th, 1918

Six million Souls Will Need Help to Resume Normal Life When War Is Ended. [...] Committee of American Jews Lays Plans for the Greatest Humanitarian Task in History. [...] 6,000,000 Jews Need Help.


Originally Posted by The Watchman and Southron, April 5th, 1919

Six million Jews in Poland, Lithuania, Galicia, Palestine, Turkey and Siberia are dying of starvation. [...] These six million despairing souls are totally dependent on American generosity for the bare necessities of life.


Originally Posted by El Paso Herald., April 7th, 1919

[...] to save from starvation six million Jews who are the helpless victims of the German Terror.


Originally Posted by New York Times, September 8th, 1919, page 6

127,000 Jews Have Been Killed and 6,000,000 Are in Peril. [...] 6,000,000 souls in Ukrainia and in Poland have received notice through action and by word that they are going to be completely exterminated - this fact stands before the whole world as the paramount issue of the present day.


Originally Posted by San Francisco Chronicle, October 19th, 1919, page 18

6,000,000 JEWS IN BREAD LINE, STRAUS WRITES. More Than Third of Entire Race in World Reduced to Despair in Europe. [...] Six million Jews, out of the 16, 000,000 in the world [...]


Originally Posted by Cape Vincent Eagle, October 23rd, 1919

[...] there are six million people in other lands without food, shelter or raiment is disturbing. [...] When read, as I have read all my life, of the persecution and slaughter of the Jews I am not proud of my own race or of my religion.


Originally Posted by The American Hebrew, October 31st, 1919, page 582

The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop! From across the sea six million men and women call to us for help [...] Within them reside the illimitable possibilities for the advancement of the human race as naturally would reside in six million human beings. [...] In this catastrophe, when six million human beings are being whirled

toward the grave by a cruel and relentless fate, only the most idealistic promptings of human nature should sway the heart and move the hand. Six million men and women are dying from lack of the necessaries of life [...] bigoted lust for Jewish blood. In this threatened holocaust of human life [...] in the name of the humanity of Moses to six million famished men and women. Six million men and women are dying [...] six million Jewish men and women are starring across the seas [...]


Originally Posted by The Evening Tribune Providence, October 31st, 1919, page 11

In the midst of our campaign for the relief of the six million Jews of Eastern Europe [...]


Originally Posted by Felix M. Warburg, New York Times, November 12th, 1919

The Jews were the worst sufferers in the war. The successive blows of contending armies have all but broken the back of European Jewry and have reduced to tragically unbelievable poverty, starvation and disease about 6,000,000 souls, or half the Jewish population of the earth.


Originally Posted by The Toledo News-Bee, December 27th, 1919

Six Million Human Beings Are Suffering the Tortures of Disease, Hunger and Death [...] American Jewish Relief Committee


Originally Posted by Tulsa Daily World, April 11th, 1920, section B, page 14

Today 6,000,000 Jews Are Facing the Darkest Days Ever Known in the Long History of the Race


Originally Posted by New York Times, May 1st, 1920, page 8

Just Another Drive, but the Lives of 6,000,000 Human Beings Wait Upon the Answer.


Originally Posted by New York Times, May 2nd, 1920, page 1

[...] six million human beings, without food, shelter, clothing or medical treatment.


Originally Posted by New York Times, May 3rd, 1920, page 11

Your help is needed to save the lives of six million people in Eastern and Central Europe.


Originally Posted by New York Times, May 5th, 1920, page 9

[...] to save six million men and women in Eastern Europe from extermination by hunger and disease.


Originally Posted by New York Times, May 5th, 1920, page 19

Six million starving, fever-stricken sufferers in war-torn Europe appeal to us.


Originally Posted by New York Times, May 7th, 1920

[...] Jewish war sufferers in Central and Eastern Europe where six millions face horrifying conditions of famine, disease and death.


Originally Posted by The Ogden Standard-Examiner, August 20th, 1920

[...] there are six million Jews in eastern and central Europe whom the war has left dependent upon America.


Originally Posted by New York Tribune, August 29th, 1920

"Six million Jews were made homeless by five years of foreign and domestic wars.


Originally Posted by New York Times, July 20, 1921, page 2

BEGS AMERICA SAVE 6,000,000 IN RUSSIA. Russia's 6,000,000 Jews are facing extermination by massacre.


Originally Posted by New York Times, April 21st, 1926

"In Heaven's Name, Arouse the Jews of America!" New York's Quota: $6,000,000 United Jewish Campaign of New York


Originally Posted by The Montreal Gazette, December 28th, 1931, page 25

MILLION JEWS FACE STARVATION. [...] FEARS CRISIS AT HAND. [...] six million Jews in Eastern Europe face starvation, and even worse, during the coming winter.


Originally Posted by Symphony of Six Million, film, April 29th, 1932

Directed by Gregory La Cava, written by Fannie Hurst (story), J. Walter Ruben, Bernard Schubert (screenplay), starring Ricardo Cortez.


Originally Posted by New York Times, March 29, 1933

It is now active in relief and reconstructive work in Eastern Europe where 6,000,000 Jews are involved.


Originally Posted by New York Times, June 1st, 1933, page 6

Dr. Margoshes said he had received a letter from the poet at Zurich a few days ago, statig that she had "run away from the holocaust" [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Western Bulletin, September 21st, 1933

At this period of human persecution and of human destruction, when life, especially Jewish life has ceased to be of any value in the cruel land of bloody Germany, when the lives of hundreds of thousands are tortured and hang in the balance - during this holocaust [...]


Originally Posted by New York Times, September 8th, 1935, page 26

The preliminary session of the first world conference of the Federation of Polish Jews being attended by sixty delegates from eighteen countries representing 6,000,000 Jews [...]


Originally Posted by Chaim Weizmann: Reden und Aufsatze 1901-1936. jud. Bucherverlag Erwin Lowe, Berlin 1937

Declared the 6 million number to be symbolic of the Jewish destiny.


Originally Posted by Chaim Weizmann, 1936

It is no exaggeration to say that six million Jews are sentenced to be imprisoned in this part of the world, where

they are unwanted, and for whom the countries are divided into those, where they are unwanted, and those, where they are not admitted.

Originally Posted by Israeli Government Year Book of 1953

Dr. [Chaim] Weizmann spoke to Peel Commission sent out by Britain in 1936 of six million Jews in European countries who had neither hope nor future save in the land of Israel.


Originally Posted by New York Times, May 31st, 1936, page 14

AMERICANS APPEAL FOR JEWISH REFUGE. The petition, in expressing the opinion of enlightened Christian leadership in the United States, favoring a larger Jewish immigration into Palestine, stressed the intolerable sufferings of the millions of Jews in "the European holocaust." [...] to save these unfortunate millions from total annihilation [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Western Bulletin, June 12nd, 1936, page 3

Great Britain has it within her power to throw open the gates of Palestine and let in the victimized and persecuted Jews escaping from the European holocaust.


Originally Posted by The Montreal Gazette, August 8th, 1936, page 5

Delegates of 32 Nations Represent six million Hebrews.


Originally Posted by Chaim Weizmann, The (London) Times, November 26th, 1936

While in Western Europe many individual Jews had happy homes, in Eastern Europe there were 6, 000,000 unwanted unfortunates who were condemned to be penned up in places where they could not live. [...] the presence of these 6,000,000 peoples without a future whose condition was a threat to Europe.


Originally Posted by Chaim Weizmann, The Jewish Western Bulletin, December 11th, 1936, page 3

[...] where six million Jews are in a position which is neither life nor death.


Originally Posted by Jewish Western Bulletin, December 31st, 1937

The number six million is often used to describe the Jewish population of Central

and Eastern Europe.


Originally Posted by New York Times, January 9th, 1938, page 12

PERSECUTED JEWS SEEN ON INCREASE. 6,000,000 VICTIMS NOTED. [...] Five to six million in all are today the victims of governmental anti-Semitism [...]


Originally Posted by New York Times, February 23rd, 1938, page 23

A depressing picture of 6,000,000 Jews in Central Europe deprived of protection or economic opportunities, slowly dying of starvation, all hope gone [...] Now anti-Semitism has spread to thirteen European nations, and threatens the very existence of millions of Jews.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), April 1st, 1938, page 15

I shall not comment upon the first except to remind you that six million Jews in Europe are struggling between life and death.


Originally Posted by New York Times, May 2nd, 1938

The rising tide of anti-Semitism in Europe today, which has deprived more than 6,000,000 Jews and non-Aryans of a birthright [...]


Originally Posted by Turtle Mountain Star, Rolla, North Dakota, October 6th, 1938

Five or six million Jews, uprooted by dictatorship and tossed about by economic storms, may have to depend upon the development of the Holy Land, under British mandate, as a solution to their difficulties. But they face the hostility of the Arabs living there, whose economic and religious interests conflict with theirs. [...] ...protects the settlers from the raiding Arabs. [...] The Arabs Are Coming! [...] The dreaded Mohammedan raiders have been sighted by a neighbor settler...


Originally Posted by The Times, November 22nd, 1938

Mass emigration of Jews to Palestine for two years and the formation of a Jewish national assembly was advocated by Sir John Haslam, M.P., in a message which he sent to a public meeting at the Kingsway Hall last night held by the New Zionist Organization. The message stated that the problem now involved some 6,000,000 Jews.


Originally Posted by New York Times, January 15th, 1939, page 27

Rabbi Silver wanted assistance to Jewish emigration safeguarded so that European

governments would realize that "it is impossible to evacuate 6,000,000 Jews."


Originally Posted by The Canadian Jewish Chronicle, January 27th, 1939

Only six million Jews remain at the moment safe. But they will have to carry the burden.


Originally Posted by Chaim Weizmann, The Palestine Post, February 14th, 1939

The fate of six million people was in balance [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, February 17th, 1939, page 20

The fate of six million people is in the balance. [...] They supported their stand with a declaration that Jews never needed unrestricted immigration to Palestine as much as at present, with 6,000,000Jewish refugees seeking a haven.


Originally Posted by The Evening Independent, February 22nd, 1939, page 1

6,000,000 Helpless. [...] there are six million Jews in Europe today fighting desperately against intolerance and despair. For them the support of the united appeal is crucial.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Western Bulletin, March 3rd, 1939



Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, April 7th, 1939, page 4

Not in Hitler's Hands, In Yours... The Fate Of Six Million European Jews


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, April 7th, 1939, page 33

[...] six million Jewish people who are in dire need today.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, April 14th, 1939, page 4

Recent events in Central Europe have brought to 6,000,000 the total number of Jews in Central and Eastern European countries affected by anti-Semitic activities [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, April 14th, 1939, page 6

[...] whether our 6,000,000 fellow countrymen will live or die [...] "More than a million refugees, starving, tortured, fear-dazed, have been dragged from their homes, separated from their families, expelled from their countries. Five million more, await with horror the moment this misery will strike them [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, April 21st, 1939, page 15

[...] the distress and suffering of 6,000,000 Jews in Europe. [...] HAVE YOU DONE YOUR DUTY? THE UNITED JEWISH FUND NEEDS YOUR HELP FOR THE HELPLESS 6,000,000 IN EUROPE


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, April 28th, 1939, page 3

[...] 6,000,000 fellow Jews who are in distress today.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, May 5th, 1939, page 9

PLIGHT OF 6,000,000 [...] The 6,000,000 European Jews [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, May 12th, 1939, page 7

The year of 1939 is the year of the most critical struggle of 6,000,000 European Jews.


Originally Posted by Contemporary Jewish Record, Volume 2 July/August 1939 (Published by the American Jewish Committee)

[...] the coming ward would be the annihilation of the six million Jews in East and Central Europe.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, October 13th, 1939, page 2

[...] the coming ward would be the annihilation of the six million Jews in East and Central Europe.


Originally Posted by The Southern Israelite, November 28th, 1939

[...] the coming ward would be the annihilation of the six million Jews in East and Central Europe.


Originally Posted by The Southern Israelite, May 3rd, 1940

"Almost six million Jews find themselves on the brink of starvation and extermination. Their only hope is the help which the Jews of America can extend to them. The success of the United Jewish Appeal will determine their fate.


Originally Posted by New York Times, June 25th, 1940, page 4

Six million Jews in Europe are doomed to destruction, if the victory of Nazis should be final. [...] The chances for mass emigration and resettlement of European Jewry seem to be remote, and European Jews face the danger of physical annihilation. Even the 4,000,000 Jews under Soviet rule, although free from racial discrimination, are not safe in the event of a final Nazi victory.


Originally Posted by The Palestine Post, July 1st, 1940, page 6

Nor must we despair that six million Jews will forever lose trace of their historic heritage.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, November 15th, 1940

J.N.F. to Raise $6,000,000 for Palestine During Coming Year. [...] the Jewish National Fund of America voted to raise $6,000,000 for the holy land's war needs during the coming year.


Originally Posted by New York Times, October 2nd, 1941

[...] as to avoid the likelihood of another holocaust.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, November 28th, 1941

6,000,000 Jews in Europe Look to America for Aid, Says Warburg. Fully six million Jews in Europe [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Spectator, Volume 7, 1942, page 53

Now, too, the unspeakable tragedy of almost six million Jews under nazi domination is not considered sufficiently important to be discussed.


Originally Posted by The Palestine Post, November 1st, 1942

The Chief Rabbi, who spoke on behalf of Empire Jewry and Jews of the United Nations, as well as of all six million Jews in Europe, said that the deliberate extinction of the whole house of Israel was being carried out by Hitler's sadists and

quislings on a scale beyond compare even in the annals of Israel.


Originally Posted by New York Times, December 13th, 1942, page 21

Rabbi Israel Goldstein in Temple B'nai Jeshurun, Eighty-eighth Street, near Broadway, declared: "Authenticated reports point to 2,000,000 Jews who have already been slain by all manner of satanic barbarism, and plans for the total extermination of all Jews upon whom the Nazis can lay their hands. The slaughter of a third of the Jewish population in Hitler's domain and the threatened slaughter of all is a holocaust without parallel.


Originally Posted by The Courier-Mail (Brisbane), December 19th, 1942

GERMAN HORROR CRIMES; ALLIES PROMISE JUSTICE. Statements issued simultaneously in London, Washington and Moscow, told at German barbarity and of proof of the Nazi determination to exterminate Jews. [...] Hitler's decision to exterminate the Jews [...] It is estimated that there are between five and six million Jews in Occupied Europe [...] Nazi Slaughter House. [...] Hitler's oft-repeated intention to exterminate the Jewish people in Europe.


Originally Posted by Barrier Miner (Australia), December 23rd, 1942

Mr. Silverman suggested that Australia and Canada could each absorb 6,000,000 Jews. [...] MOST ARE DOOMED [...] The Jewish Congress declares that 2,000,000 Jews have been exterminated so far.


Originally Posted by The Massacre of a People: What the Democracies Can Do, 1943

The following article is an excerpt from "Let My People Go," a pamphlet written on Christmas Day, 1942, in London. [...] Of the six million Jews or so who were living at the outbreak of the war in what is at present Nazi-occupied Europe, a high proportion -between one and two million- have been deliberately murdered by the Nazis and their satellites. [...] Unless something effective is done, within a very few months these six million Jews will all be dead [...]


Originally Posted by American Zionist Emergency Council (from 1970 known as the American Zionist Movement) - "Palestine" - Volumes 1-5 (1943)

Jewish civilian casualties will be close to six million [...]


Originally Posted by Debates: House of Commons, official report, volume 5, Canada, 1943

I should like to read a bit from a pamphlet entitled "Let My People Go," written by

Victor Gollancz: Of the 6,000,000 Jews or so who were living at the outbreak of the war in what is at present nazi-occupied Europe, a high proportion -say between one and two million- have been deliberately murdered by the nazis and their satellites. [...] within a very few months these six million Jews will all be dead [...]


Originally Posted by Contemporary Jewish Record, Volume 6 1943 (Published by the American Jewish Committee)

Suddenly, during the summer of 1942, world public opinion was shocked out of its lethargy by the realization that the Nazis had decreed the complete extinction of six million Jews and that a third of the victims had already perished.


Originally Posted by The Canberra Times, January 25th, 1943

[...] Jews are being subjected as part of Hitler's plan to exterminate six million Jews in occupied Europe.


Originally Posted by The (London) Times, January 25th, 1943

They note further that the extermination already carried out is part of the Carrying into effect of Hitler's oft-repeated intention to exterminate the Jewish people in Europe, which means in effect the extermination of some 6,000,000 persons in the territories over which Hitler's rule has been extended.


Originally Posted by Ben Hecht, Reader's Digest, February 1943, page 108

Of these 6,000,000 Jews almost a third have already been massacred by Germans, Rumanians and Hungarians, and the most conservative of the scorekeepers estimate that before the war ends at least another third will have been done to death.


Originally Posted by New York Times, March 2nd, 1943

[...] appalling is the fact that those who proclaim the Four Freedoms have so far done very little to secure even the freedom to live for 6,000,000 of their Jewish fellow men by readiness to rescue those who might still escape Nazi torture and butchery.


Originally Posted by The Advertiser (Adelaide, Australia), May 15th, 1943

[...] the possibility of the complete wiping out of six million Jews if something is not immediately done to secure a harbor of refuge.


Originally Posted by Toledo Blade, August 27th, 1943

3,000,000 Jews Left In Europe - 5,300,000 Reported To Have Perished. Europe's

Jewish population has been reduced from 8,300,000 to 3,000,000 during the 10 years the Nazis have been in power, says the Institute of Jewish Affairs.


Originally Posted by The Palestine Post, January 23rd, 1944

Only a handful of Polish Jews survived the extermination. They were now either with the partisans in the forests or living as Crypto-Jews. The death toll was six million, they declared.


Originally Posted by Rabbi Michael Dov Ber Weissmandl, May 15th, 1944

And you - our brothers in Palestine, in all the countries of freedom, and you, ministers of all the kingdom - how do you keep silent in the face of this great murder? Silent while thousand on thousands, reaching now to six million Jews, were murdered. And silent now while tens of thousands are still being murdered and waiting to be murdered? Their destroyed hearts cry to you for help as they bewail your cruelty. Brutal you are and murderers too you are, because of the cold-bloodedness of the silence in which you watch.


Originally Posted by Rabbi Michael Dov Ber Weissmandel, May 31st, 1944

[...] heads of government and radio must announce what was done to our people in the slaughter house of Belzec, Malkinia (Treblinka), Sobibor, and Auschwitz. Till now six times a million Jews from Europe and Russia have been destroyed.


Originally Posted by United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America Convention Proceedings, September 25th-29th, 1944

WHEREAS: History records no parallel to the bestial cruelties inflicted on the Jewish people of Europe by the Nazis and their satellites, whose coldly calculated program of extermination of all European Jews very nearly succeeded, almost six million Jews having been murdered in cold blood [...]


Originally Posted by Chicago Bar Record, October 1944

There were then at least eight million virtually homeless Jews in Europe who acquired rights under this treaty. Happily, perhaps, for the Arabs, that number has been cut down by six million.


Originally Posted by Proceedings of the Annual Convention, Vols. 62-66. Illinois State Federation of Labor, October 2nd, 1944

WHEREAS, Six million Jews were murdered by the Nazi henchmen during the time the Nazis kept Europe under their bloody heel [...]


Originally Posted by Youngstown Vindicator (Ohio), November 27th, 1944

A five-volume "black book" containing a documentary record of the German massacre of approximately 6,000,000 European Jews is being prepared by the state publishing house.


Originally Posted by The Pittsburgh Press, November 28th, 1944, page 5

Six Million Jews Listed Slaughtered. A five-volume "black book" containing a documentary record of the German massacre of approximately six million European Jews was being prepared today by the State publishing house. [...] The work was under the general editorship of Ilya Ehrenburg and the editorial board included Poet-Playwright Konstantin Simonov, Writer Vsevold [Vsevolod] Ivanov and Poetess Vera Imber.


Originally Posted by The Leader, November 28th, 1944

Russian "Black Book" lists German crimes. The first volume of a five-volume Russian "black book" recording the documentary form of the German massacre of approximately 6,000,000 European Jews has been completed by the Soviet state publishing house [...] The five-volume work is under the general editorship of Ilya Ehrenburg, noted Soviet writer and war correspondent, with an editorial board that includes poet-playwright Kanstantin [Konstantin] Simonov, writer Vsevold [Vsevolod] Ivanov and poetess Vera Imber. Editors of the work -which will be published in both Russian and English in press runs of hundreds of thousands of copies- estimate from data now available that the Germans killed between 5,000,000 and 6,000,000 Jews in Russia, Poland and western Europe. They believe an additional 500,000 now are being murdered in Hungary.


Originally Posted by The Palestine Post, November 28th, 1944

SIX MILLIONS MURDERED. The Soviet State Publishing House is preparing the publication of another "Black Book," a documentary record of the German massacre of approximately six millionEuropean Jews. [...] According to the Soviet editors, the Germans killed between five and six million Russian, Polish and Western European Jews, and an additional half million are being murdered in Hungary now.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, December 1st, 1944

[...] 5,500,000 Jews have been killed in Germany and German-occupied territories since the outbreak of the war. [...] Yes, the Germans murdered close to six million Jews [...]


Originally Posted by Nahum Goldmann, Jewish Western Bulletin, December 8th,


[...] apart from Jewish losses in combat service, 5,500,000 Jews have been killed in Germany and German-occupied tesritories [territories] since the outbreak of the awr [war]. These figures exceed the number anticipated even by the most pessimistic. [...] Yes, the Germans murdered close to six million Jews [...]


Originally Posted by Ilya Ehrenburg, Soviet War News, December 22nd, 1944

In the regions they seized, Germans killed all Jews, from the old folks to infants in arms. Ask any German prisoners why his fellow countrymen annihilated six million innocent people [...]


Originally Posted by New York Times, January 8th, 1945

6,000,000 JEWS DEAD. The Jewish population in Europe has been reduced from 9,500,000 in 1939 to 3,500,000. Of the 6,000,000 European Jews who have died, 5,000,000 had lived in the countries under Hitler's occupation.


Originally Posted by New York Times, February 11th, 1945, page 10

1,200,000 Jews survived of the 6,000,000 who had been under German rule during the war, and that most of them were eager to come to Palestine.


Originally Posted by New York Times, February 17th, 1945

Dr. Joseph Schwartz, European director of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, estimated today that 500,000 of Europe's 6,000,000 Jews had escaped destruction by emigration and that only 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 of Europe's 6,000,000 Jews were now left on the Continent.


Originally Posted by Joseph Thon, president of the National Organization of Polish Jews in America, March 22nd, 1945

I accuse the whole German people that in the years 1939 to 1945 they slaughtered upward of 15,000,000 men, among which there were 6,000,000 Jews. [...] The German people murdered, in cold blood, in excess of 6,000,000 European Jews, among them over 3,000,000 Polish Jews.


Originally Posted by Ilya Ehrenburg, The Advertiser, March 27th, 1945

[...] the Germans tortured the last handful of Jews. The Germans killed six million Jews -all the Jews of Poland, Hungary, the Ukraine, Lithuania, Byelo-Russia, West Europe and of course Germany.


Originally Posted by Army News (Darwin, Australia), April 11th, 1945

NAZIS HAVE MURDERED SIX MILLION JEWS. Of a population of 16 million Jews in the world before the war, more than six million had been murdered by the Nazis.


Originally Posted by New York Times, May 2nd, 1945

[...] estimated that only 1,000,000 of 6,000,000 Jews in Europe in 1939 were still alive.


Originally Posted by The Pittsburgh Press, May 13th, 1945

Nazis Destroy six million Jews. [...] Of the eight million Jews living in Germany and German occupied countries before the war, 6,200,000 have died from either execution, cruel treatment or starvation, according to latest figures compiled by Jewish welfare organisations here.


Originally Posted by New York Times, May 20th, 1945, page 7

[...] seemingly endless streams of former "slaves" from all parts of Europe and by the huge cantonments of liberated victims of Nazism. More than six million of them have been liberated [...]


Originally Posted by The Times (London), August 14th, 1945

[...] some 6,000,000 men, women, and children - were put to death by the Nazis and their satellites.


Originally Posted by The Canberra Times, September 6th, 1945

SIX MILLION JEWS KILLED BY GERMANS. Throughout the war the Germans killed 6,000,000Jews, the number left in Europe being approximately 1,600,000 [...] most surviving Jews desired to emigrate to Palestine. The agency plans to send six groups of six men each to help Jews in German camps. [...] It is planned to erect a monument on the summit of Mount Scopus to commemorate the Jews who died. It will bear the names of all the 6,000,000, including soldiers, partisans and ghetto fighters. All the Jewish cultural documents and religious objects left in Central and Eastern Europe are to be collected in Palestine.


Originally Posted by The Chester Times, October 10th, 1945

It was our very unhappy conviction all along that the responsibility for extinction of six million Jews in Europe was not Hitler's alone. The entire Christian world shares that


Source: The raw version: 6,000,000 -

The War of the Worlds story from H. G. Wells of 1898

And this was no disciplined march; it was a stampede--a stampede gigantic and terrible--without order and without a goal, six million people unarmed and unprovisioned, driving headlong. It was the beginning of the rout of civilisation, of the massacre of mankind.

The Holocaust has become the greatest instrument of sympathy which any

nation has ever been able to use to gain support for wars, expansion and

foreign-aid: This has made Israel the world's sixth strongest military power.

The gravest threat to all this wealth and influence is the growing doubt over the

question of whether or not a real holocaust of 6 million Jews actually took


Numbers of Victims Don't Add Up

The World Almanac for 1947 states that back in 1939 the world Jewish population was

15,688,259. The Almanac's figures were supplied by the American Jewish Committee.

Next the Jewish-owned New York Times of February 22, 1948 stated the world Jewish

population for that year amounted "to 15,600,000 to 18,700,000 in addition to the

600,000 to 700,000 living in Palestine." How could the Jewish population increase so

rapidly over the war years if they had lost 6,000,000 people.

Following the rise of Hitler there were no more than 4 million Jews at most living in areas

occupied by the Third Reich at the height of its power. Yet on June 30, 1965, the West

German government announced that some 3,375,000 Jewish holocaust "survivors" had

applied for reparations money. The International Red Cross had already reported in 1946

that of registered Jewish camp inmates no more than 300,000 could have died, and

their audit to December 31, 1984 records a total 282,077 registered deaths of all

internees in all German Concentration Camps from all causes.

It is interesting to note that in the Jews' real "bible", The Talmud, it is claimed that

800,000 Jews were slaughtered by the Romans in Hadrian's era. Yet there is no historical

evidence to support this claim either. The Jewish-owned New York Times, in 1945 carried

an article by the well known Jewish writer C.L. Sulzberger. It openly stated that Soviet

Russia had supplied the figure of 4 million Jews having been put to death "in the gas

chambers of Auschwitz." Thus it was the Judaeo-Communists and the Jews who initially

originated these figures which today are accepted as "gospel truth". It is claimed that

from 1934 to 1945 some 50,000 people died in the huge Bergen-Belsen camp. This count

is considered exaggerated, still Time Magazine reports that of this figure 20,000 died of

typhus during the single month of March, 1945! If nearly half died of this plague in just

one month at the end of the war there is no way Bergen-Belsen could have been an "extermination camp".

Himmler - "Reduce Deaths at all Costs"

Heinrich Himmler, chief of the Concentration Camps issued orders on December 28,

1942, that "The death rate in the concentration camps must be reduced at all costs"

(Reitlinger, "The Final Solution"). The camps had been hit with a deadly typhus epidemic

that spread by fleas and body lice. Stomach pain, high fever, emaciation and death can

quickly follow. All of the camps were factories and the loss of workers was hurting war

production. Inspector of the camps, Richard Glucks responded to Himmler's order on

January 20, 1943, "Every means will be used to lower the death rates" (Nuremberg

Tribunal Document No. 1523).

On April 10, 1943, Oswald Pohl, head of the Economic Administration Office of the camps

issued a letter stating that persons with tuberculosis were being sent to the camps

resulting in the "shockingly high mortality figures" (Nuremberg Documents). Later, on

September 30, 1943, Pohl was able to show that the camp death rate had been reduced

from 8.5% in July, 1942 to 2.8% in June 1943.

The German SS arrested Buchenwald Commandant, Karl Koch in 1943 for mistreating

and even executing some prisoners. After an investigation Koch was found guilty by SS

Judge Konrad Morgen and shot. Does this sound like a policy of "extermination?"

After the War, with suspicion rapidly rising about the holocaust claim, a committee of

Jewish leaders from New York and Paris met with communist leaders in Warsaw. There

they established the "Committee for the Investigation of War Crimes and War Criminals".

It was after this meeting that the announcement was made that all gas chambers were located in Poland.

The Problems of Mass Gassing

In 1945 it was announced that gas death chambers existed in all concentration camps in

Poland, Germany, Austria and Alsace. Some 15 years later, in 1960, this was revised to

the new claim that gas chambers existed only in camps located in Soviet held Poland.

Simon Weisenthal of the Los Angeles Holocaust Center states in the paper, "Books and

Bookmen", April 1975, page 5, "No gassing took place in any camp on German soil." The

pressure had been growing since The Vatican, Red Cross, English Intelligence and

German Intelligence chiefs Canaris and Oster (who collaborated with the British) either

did not know or did not believe in rumors of gassings.

This brings up the following questions:

1). Germans are meticulous record keepers but there is not one order for the

construction of any gas chamber, no blueprint, no photo of any gas chamber or

gassed victims.

2). There have been thousands of investigations of alleged Nazi war criminals,

hundreds of trials, yet not one person was ever accused of being involved with

actual gassings! No reliable witness on either side has ever come forward who

saw a single person gassed—AND THERE ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN OVER


3). Photos of bodies at Dachau and Belsen camps are of prisoners who died of

typhus and malnutrition. Many Germans also died from typhus.

4). The Vatican and Red Cross interviewed thousands of freed camp inmates at

the end of the War about alleged gas chambers. The response was always the

same, "The detainees themselves have not spoken of them" (Red Cross document

No. 9925, June 1946).

Forced Confessions of Gassings

Rudolf Hoess was the commandant of Auschwitz from 1940 to 1943. When captured by

the Soviets they extracted a confession to mass gassings using Zyclon-B gas. Such

"confessions" are about as reliable as any forced by Stalin from victims tortured before

taking the stand to confess during the Moscow show trials of 1936. The communists

wrote the "Confession' and Hoess signed it. Later he was hanged. An assistant

commandant refused to sign—he died in his cell. Hoess' statement read, "half an hour

after having released the gas, they opened the door and started the ventilation

machines. They began immediately to extract the bodies while eating and smoking."

Was Hoess trying to get a message across that there was no gassing? Zyklon-B is not

"ventable". The manufacturers state Zyklon-B adheres to surface clothing and skin. They

say that only after a 24 hour period, wearing a gas mask with the strongest filter, could

any bodies be removed without killing such workers.

If we believe the Hoess confession that the workers ran into the gas chamber "eating and smoking"—without gas masks—only minutes after the gassing—ALL WOULD HAVE DIED!

Gas Stories not Possible

The Jew Mosche Pearlmann in his book, "The Capture and Trial of Adolph

Eichmann" states on pages 375 and 385 that Zyclon-B crystals were introduced from the

ceilings of the gas chambers and "became immediately gaseous." The American

Cyanamid Co. of Linden N.J. states: "We know of no chemical process whereby HCN (Zyklon-B) may be made to become instantly gaseous upon exposure to air."

Claims of William Shirer

Shirer claims the gas was released from overhead through fake shower outlets, (page

970) and quickly killed its victims. The truth is that Zyklon-B gas is lighter than air and

would rise to the ceiling so that anyone throwing themselves to the floor would be saved.

Shirer also quotes the Soviet written confession signed by Hoess as stating (page 968),

"We knew when the people were dead because their screaming stopped." If anyone were

actually killed with a cyanide type gas they would die instantly thus there would be no

screaming at all. The truth is that Zyklon-B was used to delouse inmates' clothing of lice and fleas which carry typhus.

The Problem of the Crematoriums

At the Auschwitz I camp there were only 6 crematory ovens. At the hospital in Auschwitz

II there are 46 single cremators. In the Lubin camp there were only 6. THAT'S ALL! In

these three camps 3 to 4 million Jews were supposed to have been exterminated and

their bodies cremated. Furthermore, these cremation ovens were very small with only 18'

doors and required from 4 to 6 hours to burn each body using a large amount of coal.

Cremation was used in the camps for those who passed away in order to prevent

epidemics. No large supplies of coal were ever stored at the camps for cremations. A

VERY INTERESTING NOTE appears only in the German edition of William L. Shirer's

book, "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich." It seems the Didler-Werke Company, which

built the crematory ovens, sued Shirer who previously wrote that millions of people were

gassed and then burned in this company's ovens. In an out-of-court settlement of the

suit Shirer agreed to add the following footnote on page 972 of the German edition: "The

Didler-Werke have raised objection to the name of their firm appearing in the chapter

concerning the extermination camps. Dr. S. Trastel, a professor of engineering in a

statement of August 1961 established that the measurements are those which are

standard for a crematory oven of not very modern design intended for small cemeteries

and would be unsuitable for mass burning." WHY IS THIS DELETED FROM THE ENGLISH


On the question of cremating 6,000,000 people—this would leave 15,000 tons of ashes!

Such gigantic piles of ashes created over the short 2 1/2 year period the holocaust

supposedly took place would have been very difficult to dispose of. No one has ever

come forward to report seeing such huge piles of tons of ashes. It was not until 1960

that the Soviets opened the Auschwitz camp to tourists and independent investigators.

No gas chamber could be found. The official answer was that it was "taken to another camp for gassings and then later went into oblivion!"

What Experts say about the Holocaust

Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes, eminent historian, author of 40 books, many of which are

standard college texts, noted in Rampart Journal, 1967. "It has been demonstrated that

there had been no systematic extermination in those camps." Thies Christopherden, a

German soldier and author wrote: "I was at Auschwitz! There was no gas chamber

there." Paul Rassiner, historian and anti-Nazi activist, who served a prison sentence in

Buchenwald and the Dora camps stated in 1962. "The claim that a holocaust took place is

an historic lie—the most tragic and most macabre imposture of all time." Prof. Robert

Faurisson, a specialist in Document Analysis at the University of Lyon. France, stated on

April 25, 1979. "The holocaust lie, which is largely of Zionist origin, has made an

enormous political and financial fraud possible, whose principal beneficiary is the state of Israel."

Why the Holocaust Campaign

Hardly a week goes by when there are not stories in the press, on TV-News or movies

about the alleged holocaust. What is the long range design for this constant attempt to

fill Germans and indeed all Christians with a feeling of guilt over a holocaust which never


Bernard Postal wrote in the Jewish Week, July 14, 1979, "Not until after the holocaust,

did anti-Semitism become taboo. There was a time when anti-Semitic speeches were an

open factor in national campaigns. The holocaust put a taboo on overt anti-Semitism

among upper-level statesmen and publicists."

S.E.D. Brown of South Africa, a noted journalist writes, "The holocaust instills a guilt

complex in those said to be guilty and spreads the demoralization, degeneration, and

eventually the destruction of the natural racial elite among a people. This transfers

effective political control to the lowest elements who will cowtow to the Jews."

Zionist spokesmen often boast of: "The shattering effect of the holocaust on the Christian

conscience resulting in a feeling of collective indebtedness to the Jews."

Massive unending U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel in made possible because anyone who dares

to oppose these outrageous giveaways is condemned as being "anti-Semitic" and

"insensitive" to holocaust victims. The Jews hold an unnatural violent hatred for the

German people. Jews seek to turn all other peoples of the world against the Germans

and keep that nation divided for all time to come. That is why no peace treaty has been signed as yet with Germany and why they lived under Allied military occupation laws.

A Question of Fund-raising

The Wall Street Journal quotes a Jewish professional fund-raising consultant firm of

Milton Goldin Co., as saying the main theme of Jewish fund-raising is the holocaust and

has been for 38 years. When they don't use the holocaust the money collection sharply

drops off. Thus the more the Press, TV and Hollywood promote the holocaust the more

money the United Jewish Appeal and other Zionist funds can extract from gullible people.

Holocaust Silences Opposition

Jewish leaders have discovered that by repeating holocaust stories over and over again

they can instil a guilt complex within all Gentiles. This effectively silences most critics of Zionist political goals.

What about Real Holocausts?

Why doesn't the Jew-controlled press, TV and film industry give massive media attention to real victims and to proven holocausts of Gentiles in recent history?

The Soviet-Bolshevik Holocaust of Christians:

Russian Kulak Farmers (1928-1930)—15 million exterminated. Ukrainian Farmers (1930-

1933)—7 Million exterminated. Russian Political Prisoners (1919-1949)—12 million

exterminated. Total peoples murdered by Lenin and Stalin—34 million. But there were

more: several hundred thousand Russians—a staggering number—took up arms against

the Soviet Union in the years following the German invasion in June 1941. They were

betrayed by the Allies at Yalta and murdered by the Judaeo-Communist Soviet. When

Western archives were at last available to historians, two remarkable books quickly

appeared: The Last Secret, 1974, by Nicholas Bethel, and Victims of Yalta, 1977, by

Nikolai Tolstoy, both shocking in their detailed accounts of what had happened.

Cambodian extermination 1975—2.5 million. Armenian extermination by the Turks, 1915—1.5 million.

Scanned images of the text of the cover story published in the September 1989 issue

of Saturday Night describes Eisenhower's barbarism.

Behind the scenes the same group, always working under a different name and in a

different occupation has managed every one of these real genocides as well as recent

and on-going holocausts in Palestine, Iraq and elsewhere. Photo illustrates Other

Losses by James Bacque, & The Avengers by Michael Bar-Zohar, (1967). Hawthorn

Books, inc, New York.

Bacque tells the truth about how Eisenhower murdered thousands of German prisoners of

war AFTER the surrender. Many of those starving soldiers and piles of dead bodies you

have seen in atrocity photos were NOT Jews, they were Germans.

Don't argue with me, read the book. General George Patton wrote in 1945 that

Eisenhower was using "practically Gestapo methods" in torturing and killing German


In August 1944 Dwight D. Eisenhower (who in the early 1960s ordered the assassination

of Patrice Lamumba) and Henry C. Morgenthau came up with the Morgenthau Plan to

inflict collective punishment upon the German people following the end of the Second

World War. This was, basically, a plan to starve millions of Germans, mostly citizens, to

death. Although the plan was officially cancelled, it was in fact implemented. Between

1945 and 1953 it is estimated between 9 to 15 million ethnic Germans were killed,

mainly civilians.

(Read An Eye for an Eye: The Untold Story of Jewish Revenge Against Germans in

1945 by John Sack, and statistical and documentary evidence presented in, Did Six

Million Really Die? by Richard Verrall).

Pages From The Auschwitz Death Registry Volumes

Long-Hidden Death Certificates Discredit Extermination Claims

Mark Weber

Over the years, Holocaust historians and standard Holocaust studies have

consistently maintained that Jewish prisoners who arrived at Auschwitz between the

spring of 1942 and the fall of 1944, and who were not able to work, were immediately

put to death. Consistent with the alleged German program to exterminate Europe's

Jews, only able-bodied Jews who could be "worked to death" were temporarily

spared from the gas chambers. Holocaust historians also agree that no records were

kept of the deaths of the Jews who were summarily killed in the camp's gas

chambers because they were too old, too young or otherwise unable to work. [1]

However, Auschwitz camp death records -- which were hidden away for more than

40 years in the Soviet Union -- cast grave doubt on these widely accepted claims.

Inmate deaths at Auschwitz were carefully recorded by the camp authorities on

certificates that were bound in dozens of death registry volumes. Each "death

book" (Sterbebuch) contains hundreds of death certificates. Each certificate

meticulously records numerous revealing details, including the deceased person's full

name, profession and religion, date and place of birth, pre-Auschwitz residence,

parents' names, time of death, and cause of death as determined by a camp


These death registry volumes are designated as "secondary

books" (Zweitbücher), suggesting the existence of a still-inaccessible set of "primary


The death registry volumes fell into Soviet hands in January 1945 when Red Army

forces captured Auschwitz. They remained inaccessible in Soviet archives until 1989,

when officials in Moscow announced that they held 46 of the volumes, recording the

deaths of 69,000 Auschwitz inmates.

These 46 volumes partially cover the years 1941, 1942 and 1943. There are just two

or three volumes for the year 1941, and none at all for the years 1944 or 1945. [2] It

is not clear why so many volumes are still missing. According to informed

International Red Cross officials, the most likely explanation is that they were

misplaced by the Soviets, and might therefore turn up later. (There is no indication

that Auschwitz camp authorities made any effort to destroy any of the volumes.) [3]

"No one seems to know yet what become of the numerous missing volumes," the

journal Red Cross, Red Crescent has reported. "Are they still gathering dust in one of

the numerous archives throughout the [former] USSR? Anything is possible, but this

last hypothesis seems most likely. The mere thought that there are more than 3,250

archival centers in the USSR is enough make anyone's head spin." [4]

Russian officials have permitted an agency of the International Committee of the Red

Cross (ICRC) -- the International Tracing Service in Arolsen, Germany -- to make

copies of the 69,000 death certificates. Microfilm copies of the documents have

reportedly also been given to the American Red Cross, and the original volumes

have been turned over to the Auschwitz State Museum in Poland.

Although archive officials have not permitted independent researchers to freely

examine and evaluate the death registry volumes, the IHR recently obtained copies

of 127 of the death certificates from German journalist and researcher Wolfgang

Kempkens, who obtained copies of more than 800 of them from sources in Poland

and Russia.

Published here -- to our knowledge for the first time anywhere -- are facsimile

reproductions of 30 of these certificates. (Because of the Journal's page size, the

documents reproduced here are reduced to 55 percent of original size.)

In selecting which certificates to reproduce here, preference has been given to those

recording the deaths of Jewish prisoners who were indisputably too old to have been

able to work.

Consistent with the Sterbebuch records, other German wartime documents show that

a very high percentage of the Jewish inmates at Auschwitz were not able to work,

and were nevertheless not killed. [5]

For example, an internal German telex message dated September 4, 1943, from the

chief of the Labor Allocation department of the SS Economic and Administrative Main

Office (WVHA), reported that of 25,000 Jewish inmates in Auschwitz, only 3,581 were

able to work. All of the remaining Jewish inmates -- some 21,500, or about 86

percent -- were unable to work. [6]

This is also confirmed in a secret report dated April 5, 1944, on "security measures in

Auschwitz" by Oswald Pohl, head of the WVHA agency responsible for the

concentration camp system, to SS chief Heinrich Himmler. Pohl reported that there

was a total of 67,000 inmates in the Auschwitz camp complex, of whom 18,000 were

hospitalized or disabled. In the Auschwitz II camp (Birkenau), supposedly the main

extermination center, there were 36,000 inmates, mostly female, of whom

"approximately 15,000 are unable to work." [7]

The evidence shows that Auschwitz-Birkenau was, in fact, established primarily as a

camp for Jews who were not able to work, including the sick and elderly, as well as

for others temporarily awaiting assignment to other camps. [8]

Along with the two documents above, the long-hidden certificates reproduced on the

following pages discredit a central pillar of the Holocaust extermination story. As

revealing as these documents are, though, there is little doubt that a careful

examination of all of the many thousands of documents in the Auschwitz death books

-- as well as other, still-inaccessible wartime records -- would bring us much closer to

finding definitive answers to the central questions of Germany's wartime Jewish

policy. It is high time for archival officials in Poland, Germany, Russia and Israel to

open all their records to independent scholars.

The cover of an Auschwitz death registry volume (Sterbebuch) containing 1,500 certificates

from July and August 1943.

This Auschwitz camp death certificate reports that prisoner Josef Buck, a Jewish teacher

from Kattowitz, was 65 years old when he died on August 1, 1941. "Weakness of old age" is

given as the cause of death.

Josek [sic] Nisenkorn, a Jewish laborer, was 71 years old when he died in Auschwitz on

August 11, 1941. "Weakness of old age" is given as the cause of death by camp physician

Dr. Siegfried Schwela, who himself later died of typhus.

Chaim Richter, a Jewish salesman, was 81 years old when he died in Auschwitz on March 1,

1942, of "weakness of old age."

Samuel Mandel, a Jewish tailor, was 74 years old when he died in Auschwitz on March 26,

1942. Physician Dr. Entress reported the cause of death as "influenza with heart failure."

Ernestine Hochfelder, a Jewish inmate who had been deported to the camp from Slovakia,

was 70 years old when she died in Auschwitz on June 4, 1942. "Physical weakness and old

age" is cited as the cause of death.

Josef Hoffmann, a Jewish butcher, was 89 years old when he died of "old age" on June 22,


Abraham Stieber, a Jewish salesman from Slovakia, was 79 years old when he died on July

2, 1942, of "old age."

David Reichman, a Jewish farmer, was 70 years old when he died on July 22, 1942, of "old


Tibor Pollak, a Jewish secondary school student from Slovakia, was 14 years old when he

died on July 26, 1942. Camp physician Dr. Meyer recorded "heart and circulatory failure" as

the cause of death.

Albert Janos, a Jewish cook born in Russia, was deported to Auschwitz from Bordeaux,

France. He was 48 years old when he died on August 10, 1942. Camp physician Dr. Entress

recorded the cause of death as sepsis with inflammation of tissues.

Gerszon Wajsbort [sic], a Jewish merchant deported to Auschwitz from Paris, was 40 years

old when he died on August 10, 1942. Camp physician Dr. Meyer recorded the cause of

death as accumulation of fluid in the lungs and heart failure.

Armin Horn, a Jewish salesman deported to the camp from Slovakia, died on August 19,

1942, at the age of 70. Camp physician Dr. Thilo recorded the cause of death as

"accumulation of fluid in the intestine and weakness of old age."

Tadeusz Jaworski, a Catholic Pole from Krakow, had just turned 19 years old when he

succumbed to typhus on August 22, 1942.

Abraham Trijtel, a Jewish student from the Netherlands, was 14 years old when he died on

September 4, 1942, of "acute inflammation of the stomach intestine."

Jettchen Fuld, a Jewish inmate, was 67 when she died on October 10, 1942. Old age and

physical weakness is given as the cause of death.

Salomon Serlui, a Jewish laborer from the Netherlands, was 67 when he died in Auschwitz

on October 16, 1942. Camp physician Dr. Kremer reported a stomach ulcer as the cause of


Renö Hirschfeld, a Jewish tailor born in Berlin in 1878, was 64 when he died on November 2,

1942. Camp physician Dr. Kitt reported "weakness of old age" as the cause of death.

Freide [sic] Littmann, a Jewish inmate from Leipzig, Germany, was 70 when she died of "old

age"on January 11, 1943.

Wolf Eisenhöndler, a Jewish student from Berlin, was 14 when he died on January 13, 1943.

"Sepsis with pneumonia" is reported as the cause of death.

Josephine Kohn, a Jewish inmate born in Hungary who had been living in Leipzig, was 69

years old when she died on February 10, 1943. Auschwitz camp physician Dr. Kitt reported

"weakness of old age" as the cause of death.

Emil Kaufmann, a Jewish attorney deported from Germany, was 78 years old when he died

of "old age" on February 15, 1943. "Weakness of old age" is given as the cause of death.

Julius Sonnenberg, a salesman from Germany, was 65 when he died on February 27, 1943,

of "angina pectoris." His religion is cited as "non-believing, formerly Jewish."

Abraham Blok, a Jewish butcher from the Netherlands, was 70 years old when he died of

"old age" on March 6, 1943.

Franz Waitz, a Catholic laborer, was 67 years old when he succumbed to typhus on June 21,

1943. His death was certified by Dr. Josef Mengele, the Auschwitz camp physician who was

sensationally stigmatized after the war as the "angel of death."

Josef Daniel, a Catholic laborer from rural Moravia, was 18 years old when he ed his life on

June 21, 1943, by "suicide by high-voltage electrical current."

Max Lichtenstaedt, a Jewish salesman from Berlin, was 73 years old when he died in

Auschwitz on July 21, 1943. "Uraemia" is given as the cause of death.

Peter Diessenberg, a baby, was just one year old when he died in Auschwitz on December

27, 1943.

Johanna Seiner, a Jewish inmate who had been deported to Auschwitz from the

Theresienstadt ghetto-camp in Bohemia, was 72 years old when she died of "old age" on

December 27, 1943.

Zeli Gieclik, a Jewish tailor, was 34 when he died on December 12, 1943. Camp physician

Dr. Fischer reported "sudden heart failure" as the cause of death. This is the last certificate in

death registry volume 25, which is the final volume for the year 1943.

The Auschwitz Death Registers -- A Summary

The discovery of the "death books" in a Soviet archive lends yet more credence to the revisionist

position that there were no mass gassings at Auschwitz. As you will see in the table below, not all the

death books were found, and so some of the data must be extrapolated. For reasons of time, I have

not shown the methods of extrapolating the missing data, but neither the extrapolated data nor the

method used in the extrapolation is needed to illustrate the revisionist viewpoint.

Consider the years 1942 and 1943, for which we have nearly complete records in the death books.

We know that during these years, there were typhus epidemics that ravaged the camps. Although

the Nazi high command ordered that all steps be taken to end the epidemics and save prisoner lives,

this same high command also planned to expand the size of the Auschwitz camp greatly (in itself an

argument against the extermination thesis). Using as their basis the number of deaths in 1942 and

1943, Nazi planners set out to build sufficient crematory capacity to handle the "normal" number of

deaths through typhus at the camp. In these plans, we see that the number of crematories planned

for Auschwitz was actually lower than the number planned for "ordinary" camps (that is, camps not

now claimed to have been extermination centres) such as Dachau and Buchenwald, in terms of the

ratio of corpses per crematory.

Thus, the crematories that were built would have had no excess capacity to handle the hundreds of

thousands (let alone millions) of victims claimed to have been killed in mass exterminations. As it has

been pointed out, if there were in fact homicidal gas chambers for mass murder, they would have to

have had as an accomplice enough crematory capacity to dispose of the corpses. Without the

crematory capacity, there could have been no mass gassing program.

As shown in the table below, the bottom line is that there are 67,227 recorded deaths in the partial

set of Auschwitz death registers found (or at least made available) so far. To these are added an

additional 63,069 extrapolated deaths, for a total death toll at Auschwitz/Birkenau of 130,296. Of

course, toward the end of the war when conditions were chaotic, there could easily have been

additional unrecorded deaths, but almost certainly the total death toll at Auschwitz/Birkenau is less

than 150,000.

Summary of the Auschwitz Death Books

Start End Known deaths Extrapolated deaths Total deaths No. of days Deaths per day Totals

5/1/40 12/31/40 2000 2000 245 8

Total for 1940 2,000

1/1/41 8/3/41 4000 4000 215 19

8/4/41 9/10/41 1498 1498 38 39

Summary of the Auschwitz Death Books

Start End Known deaths Extrapolated deaths Total deaths No. of days Deaths per day Totals

9/11/41 10/20/41 1500 1500 40 38

10/21/41 11/22/41 1490 1490 33 45

11/23/41 12/31/41 1500 1500 39 38

Total for 1941 9,988

1/1/42 1/2/42 69 69 2 35

1/3/42 2/23/42 1500 1500 52 29

2/24/42 3/21/42 1496 1496 26 58

3/22/42 4/7/42 1490 1490 17 88

4/8/42 4/30/42 1429 1429 23 62

5/1/42 5/15/42 1500 1500 15 100

5/16/42 5/29/42 1473 1473 14 105

5/30/42 6/13/42 1500 1500 15 100

6/14/42 6/25/42 1500 1500 12 125

6/26/42 7/6/42 1499 1499 11 136

7/7/42 7/15/42 1498 1498 9 166

7/16/42 7/27/42 1460 1460 12 122

Summary of the Auschwitz Death Books

Start End Known deaths Extrapolated deaths Total deaths No. of days Deaths per day Totals

7/28/42 8/5/42 1498 1498 9 166

8/6/42 8/16/42 1472 1472 11 134

8/17/42 8/21/42 1489 1489 5 298

8/22/42 8/27/42 1498 1498 6 250

8/28/42 9/1/42 1492 1492 5 298

9/2/42 9/6/42 1498 1498 5 300

9/7/42 9/10/42 1498 1498 4 375

9/11/42 9/15/42 1492 1492 5 298

9/16/42 9/21/42 1404 1404 6 234

9/22/42 9/27/42 1488 1488 6 248

9/28/42 10/1/42 1442 1442 4 361

10/2/42 10/11/42 1438 1438 10 144

10/12/42 10/21/42 1482 1482 10 148

10/22/42 11/2/42 1484 1484 12 124

11/3/42 11/12/42 1490 1490 10 149

11/13 /42 12/4/42 3000 3000 22 136

Summary of the Auschwitz Death Books

Start End Known deaths Extrapolated deaths Total deaths No. of days Deaths per day Totals

12/5/42 12/14/42 1230 1230 10 123

12/15/42 12/31/42 1500 1500 17 88

Total for 1942 44,309

1/1/43 1/15/43 1492 1492 15 99

1/16/43 1/28/43 1484 1484 13 114

1/29/43 2/7/43 1486 1486 10 149

2/8/43 2/15/43 1500 1500 8 188

2/16/43 2/22/43 1442 1442 7 206

2/23/43 3/1/43 1442 1442 7 206

3/2/43 3/6/43 1488 1488 5 298

3/7/43 3/12/43 1498 1498 6 250

3/13/43 3/17/43 1492 1492 5 298

3/18/43 3/23/43 1460 1460 6 243

3/24/43 4/1/43 1428 1428 9 159

4/2/43 4/13/43 1500 1500 12 125

4/14/43 5/13/43 1480 1480 30 49

Summary of the Auschwitz Death Books

Start End Known deaths Extrapolated deaths Total deaths No. of days Deaths per day Totals

5/14/43 6/16/43 3000 3000 34 88

6/17/43 7/1/43 1465 1465 15 98

7/2/43 7/28/43 1480 1480 27 55

7/29/43 8/29/43 1494 1494 32 47

8/30/43 10/12/43 3000 3000 44 68

10/13/43 11/11/43 1490 1490 30 50

11/12/43 12/10/43 1414 1414 29 49

12/11/43 12/28/43 1500 1500 18 83

12/29/43 12/30/43 1494 1494 2 747

12/31/43 12/31/43 970 970 1 970

Total for 1943 36,499

1/1/44 12/31 /44 36000 36000 366 98

Total for 1944 36,000

1/1/45 1/18/45 1500 1500 18 83

Total for 1945 1,500

Totals 1941-1945 67,227 63,069 130,296 130,296

Excerpts from "The Black Book" - Electrocution Chamber and Electric Crematorium at Belzec, rivers of blood, Jew bone powder used for construction, etc.

About "The Black Book" :

The Black Book was a result of the collaborative effort by the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAC)

and members of the American Jewish community to document the anti-Jewish crimes of the Holocaust

and the participation of Jews in the fighting and the resistance movement against the Nazis during

World War II.


Prominent Jewish Soviet writers and journalists Ilya Ehrenburg and Vasily Grossman served as war

reporters for the Red Army. Grossman's documentary reports of the opening of the Treblinka and

Majdanek extermination camps were some of the first eyewitness accounts — as early as 1943 — of

what later became known as the Shoah. His article The Treblinka Hell (Треблинский ад, 1944) was

disseminated at the Nuremberg Trials as a document for the prosecution.

Manuscripts and publications

In 1944–1945, based on their own experiences and on other documents they collected, Ehrenburg

and Grossman produced two volumes under the title Murder of the People in Yiddish and handed the

manuscript to the JAC. Copies were sent to the United States, Israel (then the British mandate of

Palestine) and Romania in 1946, and excerpts were published in the United States in English under

the title Black Book that same year. In Romania, a part of the manuscript was also published in 1946.

It was also printed in Israel. A handwritten manuscript of the book is held at Yad Vashem.



World Jewish Congress, New York

Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, Moscow

Vaad Leumi (Jewish National Council of Palestine, Jerusalem)

American Committee of Jewish Writers, Artists and Scientists, New York.

Inside cover blurb: ―The entire manuscript of THE BLACK BOOK was submitted to the juridical

authorities of the United Nations War Crimes Commission meeting at Nuremberg, Germany, as

evidence of the crimes committed by the Nazis against the Jewish people.‖

PAGE 270, BREENDONCK CAMP, BELGIUM: “One man, after having his back burned, was sent

outside to work with 600 pounds of wood tied to his bare back… One cell… contained nothing

but an air pump with a vent outside. In the wall was a hole through which the Germans forced

gas. If the victim was strong enough he could pump in fresh air and keep himself alive for a

while. The weak died quickly.”

PAGE 280, FRANCE: ―They were poisoned in the camps. In trucks which were meant to hold twenty

people, the Germans placed a hundred. Quicklime was placed on the floor about ten inches deep.

The doors were sealed hermetically. These people had to pass their water – that would start the

lime cooking. Gas and fumes came up and choked them to death. Bodies were thrown into

special crematories on the border between Germany and Poland [sic] and burned there.‖ [Note: this

apparently refers to the concentration camp at Gun [?], in Southern France, near the Spanish border,

but it is not very clear. Did they really kill them on the Spanish border and then transport them all the

way to the Polish border just to burn the bodies?]

Page 281, NATZWEILER: "Cremation of one corpse required fifteen minutes."

PAGE 313, BELZEC: “The Belzec camp is built underground. It is an electric crematorium.

There are two halls in the underground buildings. People were taken out of the railway cars

into the first hall. Then they were led naked to the second hall. Here the floor resembled an

enormous plate. When the crowd of men stood on it, the floor sank deep into a pool of water.

The moment the men sank up to their necks, a powerful electric current of millions of volts was

passed through, killing them all at once. The floor rose again, and a second electric current

was passed through the bodies, burning them until nothing was left of the victims save a few


PAGE 339, TATARSK, RUSSIA: ―A river of blood flowed from their home…‖

PAGE 356, THE UKRAINE: ―Children up to the age of fifteen were not shot, but were thrown into

ditches and buried alive. For several days the earth trembled above the infants. Their blood

seeped up to the surface.‖

PAGE 364, SOMEPLACE IN RUSSIA: ―On the tenth day we were driven to the Lykyanovka ravine.

We stood there – panic-stricken. From beneath the freshly strewn earth streamed rivers of blood, the

blood of 56,000 murdered Jews. It cried out to us from beneath the earth. My hair turned gray that


PAGE 375, SOBIBOR: “Gas was filtered into the „bathhouse‟ through a hose. The Germans

watched the process of asphyxiation through a tiny window. At a signal the supply of gas cut

off, the floor of the „bathhouse‟ opened, and the bodies dropped below. The prisoners working

underground had to load the bodies and cart them away.”

PAGE 378, POLAND: ―The Nazis organized special workers‘ brigades to make powder out of human

bones; the powder was taken to the village of Zawada, on the Warta River near Kolo, where it was

used in building walls.‖

PAGE 408, TREBLINKA: “The second Treblinka camp method, and the most widespread one,

consisted of pumping all the air out from the chambers with large special pumps. By this

method death ensued from approximately the same causes as from poisoning with carbon

monoxide: man was deprived of oxygen. And, finally, the third method, less widespread, was

killing by steam, based also on deprivation of oxygen: the steam drove air out of the chamber.”

The Kabbalistic-Occult origins and purpose of the Holocaust™ dogma, and the "sacred" 6 million


The following is a scholarly article that one might say is 'advanced studies' for someone interested in

Holohoax revisionism. Neophytes and those of 'intermediate' knowledge are well aware of the major

arguments and facts that debunk the 'official' account -- such as the human soap and lamp shade lies,

the official Auschwitz Museum revising down the number killed at Auschwitz by 2.5 million, the fact

that world almanacs show the worldwide Jewish population increased from 1935-1945, the Red

Cross records documenting that only ~270,000 internees died in all of the German camps, the

impossibility of the alleged 'homicidal gas chambers' and the cremation of 6 million, the many false

accounts and hoaxes by supposed 'holocaust survivors', etc.

This essay goes deeper, exploring the much less well-known occult-religious origin and purpose of a

fabricated 'holocaust' of '6,000,000' Jews Testament Israelites). Below are some of the more

enlightening excerpts.


HOLOCAUST DOGMA" By Dr. Harrell Rhome


Ben Weintraub’s 1995 book, Holocaust Dogma Of Judaism, fully explores and explains the Kabbalistic

gematria and occultism involved in the number. 6,000,000 is the number of perfect souls times ten,

and ten is number of the Sephiroth, the divine emanations of G_d as seen in the Kabala.

Thus, it is numerologically predetermined, and through various dark conjuring rites, supernaturally

imbued with power. As a result, it can never, ever be changed. This is critical, central to the hex.

6,000,000 is the number. There are never more deaths; there is never less. 6,000,000 is the number.

It must be ritually repeated and publicly acknowledged.


As you will see, vav/six symbolizes cosmic completion. Thereby, it is an integral part of the

miraculous and mystical Holy Name of G_d, a key element in Semitic sorcery and ceremonial magic.


As we already see, 6,000,000 never refer to actual deaths. It is a purely symbolic, esoteric, mystical

number, symbolizing the perfect result, a perfect creation, a magical Great Work in progress. Perhaps

this is a part of tikkun olam, the Kabbalistic-Talmudic “repairing” or “perfecting” of the world, done

of course by the self-chosen ones.


The Semitic sorcerers, the tzaddiks and cohanim, of the centuries old ritual murder cult, lurking

beneath the outer trappings of Judaism, recognized that in addition to copious amounts of goy

blood, a little actual Jewish blood in the mix (“chosen ones” chosen for sacrifice) is particularly useful

for certain magical workings....In addition to the magic H word and the mythical number, as you read

the 1919 piece [i.e., the article in The American Hebrew titled "The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!"],

look for ritual murder symbols and themes like: blood, bleeding, slaughter, sacrifice, cutting, knives,

torture, deaths of babies, etc.


Actually, the 6,000,000 appeared even earlier in the 1910 Encyclopaedia Britannica (V.25, 482b).

"While there remain in Russia and Rumania over six millions of Jews who are being systematically

degraded….". As we know, this number has ritualistic significance, so must be publicly repeated and

acknowledged as much as possible.


While again we mustn’t stray too far, inquiring minds into the occult origins of particular ideas might

study the ancient Hebrew/Semitic genuine holocaust human sacrifice god, Moloch, in whose fiery

Jerusalem temple the allegedly wise Solomon allowed little babies to burn alive in ovens. Read the

Jewish Old Testament; it’s all there. Does this give rise to a modern-day psychological neurosis, a

compulsive obsession with alleged WWII mass burnings in ovens? Do Moloch, Ba’al and similar

Semitic idols of evil, powerful ethnic atavistic images, fuel the fires and fantasies of irrational

holohoax fundamentalist exterminationists? Is this gory ancient archetype lurking in their psyche?

Iranian President Ahmadinejad was completely correct when he said: “They have fabricated a legend

under the name of Massacre of the Jews, and they hold it higher than God himself, religion itself and

the prophets themselves.” The international Zionists, in collusion with powerful Western

governments, fabricated a legend, and it is held higher than God.


The symbolic 6,000,000 and the special term, holocaust, were carefully created, crafted and

fabricated by those who follow undeniably Talmudic-Kabbalistic doctrines and dogma. 6,000,000

have nothing at all to do with actual deaths, yet Holocaustianity has become a government

sponsored publicly supported and enforced religion...


The primary purpose of the 6,000,000 holo-myths is deceptive, evil and occult. It is an on-going

magical working of the Dark Forces. The Elders of Zion cast Protocols-like spells to deceive the goyim,

causing them to ostentatiously and obligingly revere the Chosen Ones – and support them with

money. This clever holo/hoax/hex works ever so well on the common people, especially the self-

deceived so-called Judeo-Christians, thus we cannot deny its magic powers.

Adolf Hitler — Agent of Freemasonry and Zionism

Chapter 1

On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of the German Reich. When he assumed power

he was surrounded by four paramount advisers and their financial sponsors. Behind him was Henry

Ford; beside him Hjalmar Schacht and Rabbi Leo Baeck, and ahead of him, Franz von Papen. An

interesting picture appears when one takes a closer look at these four advisers.

1. Henry Ford (July 30, 1863 – April 7, 1947) was a Freemason of the Scottish Rite, 33rd degree. In

1919 Ford published a book called "The International Jew". In Germany, "Der International Jude" was

soon printed many, many times. In official history books Henry Ford is always presented as an anti-

Semite. He was actually the contrary, namely a Zionist agent with orders to bring anti-Semitism to

Germany and middle Europe and by the exiling of Jews he was to help create the state of Israel.

Edwin Black writes in "Nazi Nexus" on page 4: "..., Ford showed friendship to Jewish people – both

the Jewish Eastern European immigrant factory workers who he treated with equality and his Jewish

friends such as his next door neighbour, Rabbi Leo M. Franklin, who received a free custom-built

automobile each year as a birthday present." 1.} According to Wikipedia, Rabbi Franklin was a

member of the “Anti-Defamation League”, which in turn is merely an underground organization of

the B’nai B’rith Lodge and further of the High Degree Freemasonry.

A crucial reference from "" regarding these underground secrets where it is

written: "What most people did not realize was that the Ford Motor Company was a subsidiary of the

Rockefeller owned Standard Oil Company." 2.} In the book "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by

Eustace Mullins, I learned that the Rockefeller family was linked closely to the J.P. Morgan and

Rothschild families, particularly with regard to the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank in

1913. Thus the proof became complete.

2. Hjalmar Schacht (Horace Greely) January 22. 1877 – June 3, 1970) was a Freemason of the Scottish

Rite. He was connected to the English Scottish Rite Freemason Montagu Norman, and consequently

to the Bank of England and the financial world of the City of London. As Eustace Mullins wrote in

"Secrets of the Federal Reserve", the Bank of England is under the control of the Rothschild family.

3. Rabbi Leo Baeck (May 23, 1873 – November 2, 1956) was a Freemason of the Scottish Rite, 33rd

degree and a promoter of the Zionists’ plans. Gerd Schmalbrock wrote: "Dr. Leo Baeck was a

Freemason of the 33rd degree, leader of the German conference of Rabbis and Großpraeses of the

German district of the Jewish order Bnai Brith. In order to expose the deeper wisdom of the National

Socialists, he was assigned, by Hitler, to be President of the Reich’s Deputation of the German Jews."


4. Franz von Papen (29 October 1879 – 2 May 1969) was a Knight of the Holy Grave, one of the

highest orders of the Vatican. He was assigned to lead the promotion of Hitler in such a way that

during the distribution of the powers no disadvantage could occur for the Vatican.

Hitler himself was not only a member of the Thule Order but also a member of a magic 99-Order.

Details of the working methods of this order can be found in Franz Bardon’s book "Frabato the

Magician". After closer examination of this constellation it can be stated that Hitler was an agent of

Zion, of the Vatican and of the Bank of England (City of London).