AC Hydraulic Katalog


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catalogue 2012

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1. ANVENDELSE1.1 Disse salgs- og leveringsbetingelser finder anvendelse, i det omfang de ikke er fraveget ved skriftlig aftale. Købers indkøbsbetingelser finder ikke anvendelse, medmindre AC Hydraulic A/S (i det følgende kaldet AC) skriftligt har accepteret disse.

1.2 AC’s produkter er kun konstrueret og fremstillet til erhvervsmæssig benyttelse af brugeren og må ikke uden AC’s skriftlige tilladelse anvendes eller indbygges i genstande, der ikke benyttes erhvervsmæssigt.

2. TILBUD2.1 Tilbud er gældende i 30 dage fra tilbudsdato, medmindre andet er angivet.

3. PRIS3.1 Tilbud er afgivet efter tilbudsdagens pris. AC er berettiget til at ændre prisen indtil levering med den merudgift ændringerne i f.eks. råvarepriser, valutakurser, overenskomstmæssige lønninger og offentlige afgifter har medført for AC.

3.2 Alle priser er inklusive emballage, men eksklusive fragt, merværdiafgift, told eller andre offentlige afgifter.

4. LEVERING4.1 Levering sker ab fabrik AC, medmindre andet udtrykkeligt er aftalt.

4.2 Forsendelse af det købte sker på købers regning og risiko.

4.3 Levering op til 30 dage efter den i ordrebekræftelsen angivne leveringstid betragtes som rettidig levering. Såfremt levering forsinkes udover 30 dage, kan køber træde tilbage fra aftalen, medmindre det købte er meldt klar til afsendelse, inden AC har modtaget skriftlig meddelelse om købers tilbagetræden. Køber kan ikke rejse krav af nogen art mod AC i tilfælde af forsinkelse.

4.4 Køber kan ikke afvise dellevering.

5. LEVERINGSHINDRINGER5.1 Følgende omstændigheder medfører ansvarsfrihed, såfremt de forhindrer aftalens opfyldelse eller gør opfyldelsen urimeligt byrdefuld: Arbejdskonflikt og enhver anden omstændighed, som parterne ikke er herrer over, såsom brand, krig, mobilisering eller militærindkaldelse, rekvirering og beslaglæggelse, valutarestriktioner, oprør, uroligheder, mangel på transportmidler, almindelig vareknaphed, restriktioner af drivkraft, samt mangler ved eller forsinkelser af leverancer fra underleverandører, som skyldes nogen af de i dette punkt nævnte omstændigheder.

5.2 AC er i øvrigt kun ansvarlig for leveringshindringer, såfremt det godtgøres, at der er udvist fejl eller forsømmelser fra AC’s side. Ansvaret omfatter ikke driftstab, avancetab eller andet indirekte tab, og erstatningen kan maksimalt udgøre 10% af købesummen.

6. BETALING/EJENDOMSFORHOLD6.1 Betalingsbetingelserne er netto kontant, såfremt andet ikke er aftalt. Ved forsinket betaling forrentes købesummen med 1% pr. påbegyndt måned.

6.2 Det leverede forbliver AC’s ejendom, indtil betaling er erlagt fuldt ud, herunder påløbne renter og omkostninger.

6.3 Reklamationer over leverancer berettiger ikke køber til at tilbageholde betaling fra allerede foretagne leverancer, således at købers tilbageholdelse af forfaldne beløb betragtes som en misligholdelse.

7. ANSVAR FOR MANGLER7.1 Køber skal kontrollere og undersøge leverancen umiddelbart efter modtagelsen. Ved mangelfuld levering skal AC straks informeres.

7.2 AC påtager sig at afhjælpe eventuelle mangler, som skyldes fejl i materialer og/eller fremstilling ved de af AC leverede dele. Afhjælpningen sker enten i form af levering af nye dele, eller efter AC’s bestemmelse ved reparation. I begge tilfælde er arbejdsløn og andre følgeomkostninger ikke indeholdt i AC’s forpligtelser. Hvis ombytning eller reparation vil medføre uforholdsmæssige omkostninger, er AC dog berettiget til at yde forholdsmæssigt afslag i købesummen svarende til værdiforringelsen.

7.3 Ved reparation og ombytning skal køber returnere den defekte leverance. Returnering og fremsendelse på ny til køb- er sker for dennes risiko. AC afholder rimelige fragtudgifter for returnerede mangelfulde leverancer.

7.4 Udskiftede dele tilhører AC.

7.5 AC’s pligter efter nærværende paragraf omfatter kun mangler konstateret inden 24 måneder fra levering til slutbruger, dog maksimalt 30 måneder fra afsendelse fra AC. AC’s pligter bortfalder, hvis køber ikke reklamerer inden 8 dage, fra manglen var eller burde være konstateret.

7.6 Udover det ovenfor anførte kan køber ikke rejse krav af nogen art mod AC.

7.7 AC yder ikke i noget tilfælde erstatning som følge af driftstab, tidstab, avancetab eller andre indirekte tab, herunder yder AC ikke erstatning til dækning af de følgeskader og omkostninger, der måtte være ved nedtagelse og remontering af de genstande, hvori det solgte måtte være indføjet.

7.8 AC’s ansvar kan i intet tilfælde overstige et beløb svarende til fakturaværdi ekskl. moms for den reklamationsberettigede vare.

7.9 Køber må ikke fjerne den vedlagte manual fra produktet. Køber må under ingen omstændigheder ændre på eller fjerne afmærkning af kapacitetsangivelse, advarsler og serienummer på produktet.

8. PRODUKTANSVAR8.1 AC er ansvarlig for personskade i henhold til den til enhver tid gældende Produktansvarslov.

8.2 Ethvert ulovbestemt produktansvar udviklet i henhold til retspraksis om erstatning er udtrykkeligt fraskrevet af AC. 8.3 AC er ikke ansvarlig for skader på fast ejendom og løsøre tilhørende køber eller tredjemand, eller som opstår, medens leverancen er i købers besiddelse.

8.4 AC er ikke ansvarlig for skade på produkter, der er fremstillet af køber, eller på produkter, hvori købers produkter indgår, eller for skade på fast ejendom eller løsøre, som købers produkter som følge af AC’s leverance forårsager.

8.5 AC er i intet tilfælde ansvarlig for driftstab, tabt fortjeneste eller andet indirekte tab.

8.6 I den udstrækning AC måtte blive pålagt produktansvar over for tredjemand, er køber pligtig at holde AC skadesløs, i samme omfang som AC’s ansvar er begrænset som ovenfor nævnt.

8.7 Hvis tredjemand fremsætter krav om erstatning for produktskade, skal AC straks underrettes herom. AC og køber er gensidigt forpligtet til at lade sig sagsøge ved den domstol, som behandler erstatningskrav fremsat af tredjemand mod enten AC eller køber på grundlag af skade eller tab, som påstås forvoldt af leverancen.

8.8 Såfremt det godtgøres, at tingsskade skyldes grov uagtsomhed hos AC, er erstatningsansvaret for fast ejendom eller løsøre begrænset til 300.000 EURO. § 8.5. er fortsat gældende.

9. LOVVALG OG VÆRNETING9.1 Enhver tvist mellem parterne skal afgøres efter dansk ret, herunder Den danske Købelov, og med Retten i Viborg, som værneting. Viborg, april 2003


Hydraulic jacksPage 6-10

air Hydraulic jacksPage 11-16

jackiNG BEaMsPage 17-21

HEaVy duTy jackiNG BEaMsPage 22-23, 29-31

PiT jacksPage 24-31

craNEsPage 32-33

WHEEl TrOllEysPage 36-37

PrEssEsPage 38-42

BOTTlE jacksPage 46-47

TraNsMissiON jacksPage 34-35

aXlE sTaNdsPage 43-45

lifTiNG EquiPMENT fOr aircrafTs Page 48-51

aBOuT usPage 4-5

sPEcificaTiON fOrMsPage 52-53

TErMsPage 54

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aBout uS

Developmentto be constantly at the leading edge of developments the ac product developers seek to improve the current product range as well as de-velop new products to meet market demands and needs.

We have therefore been able to build a strong market position and create a high level of customer sa-tisfaction. ac has been successfully developed into a brand known for high quality and innovative solutions.

Productionour products are “MaDe IN DeNMaRK” in a modern high-tech production plant to a wide extent consisting of robots, laser cutting machines and state-of-the-art cNc machinery.

ac Hydraulic a/S employs 130 experienced and well-trained people that make it a point of honour to produce the best and most innova-tive quality products on the market.

We develop, produce and market our products in a modern 10.000 m2 plant and we invest regularly in new machines and production methods.

Historyac Hydraulic a/S is a family owned company situated in Viborg, Denmark.

the company was established in 1958 by master smith anker chri-stensen (ac). Shortly after launching his handicraft and repair shop anker christensen was inspired to design and develop high quality lorry and workshop cranes.

His original concept became the base of production and the ac crane was soon known in all of Denmark for its high quality.

Development of a wide range of lif-ting equipment soon took place and with the extended product range the company was ready to move into export.

today ac Hydraulic a/S is a medi-um-sized, financially sound company exporting more than 80% of its production. the company is managed by the 3rd generation, sole owners, Søren and claus anker christensen.

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QualityWe make it a point of honour al-ways to supply the best quality.

to ensure a constant high quality every product is being tested before shipment. this and many other points appear from our quality ma-nagement system certified according to ISo 9001:2008.

Marketsac Hydraulic a/S is market leader within most of its product areas. our range is being distributed world wide to more than 50 countries.

our distribution network consists of carefully chosen dealers and part-ners, all of them dedicated as well as highly professional.

In most workshops all over europe you can find an ac product – your guarantee for a thoroughly tested quality product you can rely on.

Visionour overall vision is to be one of the best and most respected hy-draulic companies in europe within our field of expertise. Nothing less.

We are constantly striving to improve on the original concepts of our values:

It is an everlasting pursuit of per-fection and maybe we will never be able to live 100% up to all of our goals…. but we try!

EXcEllENcE iNqualiTy, safETy,dEsiGN & sErVicE



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80 mm

380 mm

660 / 940



5 / 7


0 / 4



jack for passenger cars and vans

Very low minimum height of only 80 mmWide and robust frame made of high-strength steelPrecise and safe control whilst loweringManual dead man’s release for opti-mum safety when loweringBuilt-in safety overload valveNoiseless wheels incorporating a polyurethane central o ring offers maximum surface protectionergonomically designed handle en-suring positive and safe operationDK20Q is fitted with quick-lift pedal for easy reach of lifting point

High lifter with long reach, ideal for cars with low clearance

Very low minimum height of only 80 mmWide and robust frame made of high-strength steelFitted with quick-lift pedal for easy reach of lifting pointPrecise and safe control whilst loweringManual dead man’s release for optimum safety when loweringBuilt-in safety overload valveNoiseless wheels incorporating a polyurethane central o ring offers maximum surface protectionergonomically designed handle en-suring positive and safe operation


dk20 dk20q dk13Hlq

dk20 / dk20q


capacity: 2,0 tMax. height: 495 mm

capacity: 1,3 tMax. height: 735 mm

capacity 2,0 t 2,0 t 1,3 t

Min. height 80 mm 80 mm 80 mm

Max. height 495 mm 495 mm 735 mm

Frame length 660 mm 660 mm 940 mm

Handle length 950 mm 950 mm 950 mm

Frame height 160 mm 160 mm 160 mm

Width 410 mm 410 mm 480 mm

Weight 31 kg 31 kg 39 kg

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950 / 1290

220 / 265

80 /



/ 975


/ 525


/ 120



High lifting jack ideal for suVs and vans

Very low minimum height of only 80 mmWide and robust frame made of high-strength steelFitted with quick-lift pedal for easy reach of lifting pointPrecise and safe control whilst loweringManual dead man’s release for opti-mum safety when loweringBuilt-in safety overload valveNoiseless wheels incorporating a polyurethane central o ring offers maximum surface protectionergonomically designed handle en-suring positive and safe operation

High lifting jack for trucks, agricultural machinery & con-tractors’ machines

low minimum height of only 140 mmcan be fitted with pneumatic tyres for easy manoeuvring (option)Wide and robust frame made of high-strength steelFitted with quick-lift pedal for easy reach of lifting pointPrecise and safe control whilst loweringManual dead man’s release for optimum safety when loweringBuilt-in safety overload valveergonomically designed handle en-suring positive and safe operation


dk20Hlq dk50Hlq


capacity: 5,0 tMax. height: 975 mm

capacity: 2,0 tMax. height: 795 mm

capacity 2,0 t 5,0 t

Min. height 80 mm 140 mm

Max. height 795 mm 975 mm

Frame length 950 mm 1290 mm

Handle length 950 mm 1200 mm

Frame height 220 mm 265 mm

Width 500 mm 525 mm

Weight 49 kg 170 kg

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800 / 805

240 / 260


/ 150


/ 585


/ 530


/ 120


jack for trucks, agricultural machinery & contractors’ ma-chines

low minimum height of only 140 mmcan be fitted with pneumatic tyres for easy manoeuvring (option)Wide and robust frame made of high-strength steelFitted with quick-lift pedal for easy reach of lifting pointPrecise and safe control whilst loweringManual dead man’s release for opti-mum safety when loweringBuilt-in safety overload valveergonomically designed handle en-suring positive and safe operation

jack for trucks, agricultural machinery & contractors’ machines

low minimum height of only 150 mmcan be fitted with pneumatic tyres for easy manoeuvring (option)Wide and robust frame made of high-strength steelFitted with quick-lift pedal for easy reach of lifting pointPrecise and safe control whilst loweringManual dead man’s release for optimum safety when loweringBuilt-in safety overload valveergonomically designed handle en-suring positive and safe operation

dk100q / dk120q

dk40q dk60q dk100q dk120q

dk40q / dk60q


capacity: 4,0 / 6,0 tMax. height: 600 mm

capacity: 10,0 / 12,0 tMax. height: 585 mm

capacity 4,0 t 6,0 t 10,0 t 12,0 t

Min. height 140 mm 140 mm 150 mm 150 mm

Max. height 600 mm 600 mm 585 mm 585 mm

Frame length 800 mm 800 mm 805 mm 805 mm

Handle length 950 mm 1200 mm 950 mm 1200 mm

Frame height 240 mm 240 mm 260 mm 260 mm

Width 500 mm 500 mm 530 mm 530 mm

Weight 95 kg 95 kg 118 kg 118 kg

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55 410-



5 t

4 t


jack for fork lifts – also suitable for agriculture and industry

extremely low minimum height of only 55 mmWith 2 lifting heights (scissors 55-455 mm, cylinder 410-730 mm)Scissor capacity: 4 tonnes, cylinder capacity: 5 tonnesFoldable and therefore also conve-nient for service trucksWide and robust frame made of high-strength steelPrecise and safe control by lowe-ringBuilt-in safety overload valve



capacity: 4,0 / 5,0 tMax. height: 455 / 730 mm

capacity (scissor/cylinder) 4,0 / 5,0 t

Min. height (scissor/cylinder) 55 / 410 mm

Max. height (scissor/cylinder) 455 / 730 mm

Frame length 810 mm

Handle length 830 mm

Frame height 100 mm

Width 250 mm

Weight 43 kg

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fdk1 / fdk2


oPtIoN - HYDRaulIc JacKS

rubber cushionFor protection of car body


High quality pneumatic tyresFor easy transport and extra mano-euvrability – also on uneven floors


cross beam adaptorlifts the car for change of both wheels at the same timeWith telescopic arms, reach from 745 – 1150 mm


Extension fdk1extension for cars with high clea-rance (100 mm)

Fits:DK20 / DK20QDK13HlQ / DK20HlQ

Extension fdk2extension for cars with high clea-rance (125 mm)

Fits:DK40Q / DK60QDK100Q/DK120Q/DK50HlQ

capacity: 1,0 t

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Portable air hydraulic jack – ideal for service vans etc.

low minimum height of only 162 mm and low weight of only 27 kgHandy design - no loose tubes, handles or valveseasy to operate – handle can be used for carrying, lifting, lowering and manoeuvringHard chromium plated piston rod for long lifeBuilt-in safety overload valveHand-operated dead-man’s control for optimum safety whilst lifting and loweringtransport locking device / wall bracket for both van and workshop(option)With 2 extensions (50/100 mm)

capacity 25 / 10 t

Min. height 161 mm

Max. height 234 / 317 mm

Frame length 534 mm

Handle length 550 mm

Width 225 mm

Width (with wheels) 292 mm

air supply 9 - 12 bar

air consumption 350 l/min

Weight 27 kg



PoRtaBle aIR HYDRaulIc JacK

capacity: 25 / 10 tMax. height: 234 / 317 mm

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220 / 361

768 / 817161 / 230305 / 312

344 / 611


capacity 25 t 25 t

Min. height 220 mm 361 mm

Max. height 344 mm 611 mm

Frame length 768 mm 817 mm

Handle length 1355 mm 1355 mm

Width 161 mm 230 mm

Width (with wheels) 305 mm 312 mm

air supply 9 - 12 bar 9 - 12 bar

air consumption 350 l/min 350 l/min

Weight 62 kg 71 kg

25-1 25-1H

single stage air hydraulic jack for heavy plant machinery and trucks

Minimum height of 221 mmDesigned for heavy-duty, intensive commercial useHard chromium plated piston rod for long lifeBuilt-in safety overload valveHand-operated dead-man’s control for optimum safety whilst lifting and lowering25-1tH model with telescopic handle increasing the reach under the vehicle to 2123 mm ensuring safe and easy operationWith 2 extensions (50/100 mm)


capacity: 25 tMax. height: 344 mm

single stage air hydraulic jack for agricultural and con-tractors’ machinery, trailers and other high clearance applications

Minimum height of 361 mmMaximum height of 611 mm, the F250 (optional) extension offers a total extended height of 861 mmHard chromium plated piston rod for long lifeBuilt-in safety overload valveHand-operated dead-man’s control for optimum safety whilst lifting and lowering25-1HtH model with telescopic handle increasing the reach under the vehicle to 212 mm ensuring safe and easy operationWith 2 extensions (50/100 mm)


capacity: 25 tMax. height: 611 mm

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377 / 447

183 / 221

768 / 812161 / 202307 / 313

275 / 338

Versatile 2-stage air hydraulic jack for buses and trucks

Minimum height of 183 mmDesigned for heavy-duty, intensive commercial useHard chromium plated piston rod for long lifeBuilt-in safety overload valveHand-operated dead-man’s control for optimum safety whilst lifting and lowering25-2tH model with telescopic handle increasing the reach under the vehicle to 2123 mm ensuring safe and easy operationWith 2 extensions (50/100 mm)


capacity: 25 / 10 tMax. height: 275 / 377 mm

2-stage air hydraulic jack for heavy buses and trucks

Minimum height of 221 mmDesigned for heavy-duty, intensive commercial useHard chromium plated piston rod for long lifeBuilt-in safety overload valveHand-operated dead-man’s control for optimum safety whilst lifting and lowering50-2tH model with telescopic handle increasing the reach under the vehicle to 2167 mm ensuring safe and easy operationWith 2 extensions (50/100 mm)

25-2 50-2



capacity: 50 / 25 tMax. height: 338 / 447 mm

capacity 25 / 10 t 50 / 25 t

Min. height 183 mm 221 mm

Max. height 275 / 377 mm 338 / 447 mm

Frame length 768 mm 812 mm

Handle length 1355 mm 1355 mm

Width 161 mm 202 mm

Width (with wheels) 307 mm 313 mm

air supply 9 - 12 bar 9 - 12 bar

air consumption 350 l/min 350 l/min

Weight 60 kg 80 kg

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333 / 560264 / 447211 / 338151 / 221



3-stage air hydraulic jack for high clearance vehicles

Minimum height of 221 mm and high maximum height of 560 mmDesigned for heavy-duty, intensive commercial useHard chromium plated piston rod for long lifeBuilt-in safety overload valveHand-operated dead-man’s control for optimum safety by lifting and lowering50-3HtH model with telescopic handle increasing the reach under the vehicle to 2165 mm ensuring safe and easy operation

For safety reasons extensions are not included

50-3 50-3H


3-stage air hydraulic jack for low buses and other low clea-rance vehicles

Minimum height of only 151 mm combined with a high lifting capacitytelescopic cylinders ensure an excellent maximum lift together with a low closed height

Designed for heavy-duty, intensive commercial useBuilt-in safety overload valveHand-operated dead-man’s control for optimum safety whilst lifting and lowering50-3tH model with telescopic handle increasing the reach under the vehicle to 2165 mm ensuring safe and easy operationWith 2 extensions (50/100 mm)


capacity: 50 / 25 / 10 tMax. height: 211 / 264 / 333 mm

capacity: 50 / 25 / 10 tMax. height: 338 / 447 / 560 mm

capacity 50 / 25 / 10 t 50 / 25 / 10 t

Min. height 151 mm 221 mm

Max. height 211 / 264 / 333 mm 338 / 447 / 560 mm

Frame length 810 mm 810 mm

Handle length 1355 mm 1355 mm

Width 202 mm 202 mm

Width (with wheels) 308 mm 312 mm

air supply 9 - 12 bar 9 - 12 bar

air consumption 350 l/min 350 l/min

Weight 67 kg 73 kg

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382 / 724

245 / 423

824 / 982202 / 300380

65-1 65-1H


air hydraulic jack for heavy duty applications with high clearance

Minimum height of 423 mm Maximum height of 724 mm and with extensions up to 1024 mmDesigned for heavy-duty, intensive commercial useHard chromium plated piston rod for long lifeBuilt-in safety overload valveHand-operated dead-man’s control for optimum safety whilst lifting and lowering65-1HtH model with telescopic handle increasing the reach under the vehicle to 2337 mm ensuring safe and easy operationWith 2 extensions (100/200 mm)


capacity: 65 tMax. height: 724 mm

air hydraulic jack for heavy contractors’ machinery

Minimum height of 245 mm with an extremely high capacity of 65 tDesigned for heavy-duty, intensive commercial useHard chromium plated piston rod for long lifeBuilt-in safety overload valveHand-operated dead-man’s control for optimum safety whilst lifting and lowering65-1tH model with telescopic handle increasing the reach under the vehicle to 2179 mm ensuring safe and easy operationSupplied with 2 extensions (100/200 mm) and pneumatic tyres


capacity: 65 tMax. height: 382 mm

capacity 65 t 65 t

Min. height 245 mm 423 mm

Max. height 382 mm 724 mm

Frame length 824 mm 982 mm

Handle length 1355 mm 1355 mm

Width 202 mm 300 mm

Width (with wheels) 380 mm 380 mm

air supply 9 - 12 bar 9 - 12 bar

air consumption 350 l/min 350 l/min

Weight 95 kg 138 kg

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oPtIoN - aIR HYDRaulIc JacKS

ExtensionIncrease the maximum height by 250 mm

Cannot be used together with other extensions


jack saddleØ 145 mmSuitable for lifting under bolts, dif-ferential gear etc.


V-saddleFor lifting under different types of axles


Transport locking device and wall bracket for B25-2Safe storage in service vans. Pre-vents damages in cases of emer-gency stops. Neat and practical wall mounting in the workshop.


capacity: 10 t

capacity: 10 t

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780 - 1610







Hand hydraulic jacking beam for passenger cars and vans

Quick and efficient lifting due to ma-nual double acting pumplow closed height of only 180 mm makes it suitable for vehicles with a low clearanceFlexible top support beam can be extended up to 1610 mmunique height adjustable support arm system – designed to fit all cur-rent lifts and pitsRequest list/fill out spec. form p.52/53two-hand lowering operation with dead man’s release, automatic safety locking device and overload valve for optimum safetySupplied with 3 extension sets (10/40/85 mm) and rubber cushion for protection of car body

air hydraulic jacking beam for passenger cars and vans

Quick and efficient lifting due to reliable and noiseless pumplow closed height of only 180 mm makes it suitable for vehicles with a low clearanceFlexible top support beam can be extended up to 1610 mmunique height adjustable support arm system – designed to fit all current lifts and pitsRequest list/fill out spec. form p.52/53two-hand lowering operation with dead man’s release, automatic safety locking device and overload valve for optimum safetySupplied with 3 extension sets (10/40/85 mm) and rubber cushion for protection of car body

sd20PHl / sd26PHl

sd20l sd26l sd20PHl sd26PHl

sd20l / sd26l


capacity: 2,0 / 2,6 tStroke: 250 mm

capacity: 2,0 / 2,6 tStroke: 250 mm

capacity 2,0 t 2,6 t 2,0 t 2,6 t

Stroke 250 mm 250 mm 250 mm 250 mm

Min. height 180 mm 180 mm 180 mm 180 mm

telescopic arms 780 - 1610 mm 780 - 1610 mm 780 - 1610 mm 780 - 1610 mm

Width (÷ support arms) 780 - 1180 mm 780 - 1180 mm 780 - 1180 mm 780 - 1180 mm

lifting frame (height) 120 mm 120 mm 120 mm 120 mm

lifting frame (depth) 249 mm 249 mm 249 mm 249 mm

air supply 8,5 - 12 bar 8,5 - 12 bar

air consumption 350 l/min 350 l/min

Weight (÷ support arms) 105 kg 105 kg 110 kg 110 kg

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780 - 1500


automatic air hydraulic jacking beam for inspections centres and workshops with many lifting operations

Individual joysticks control of lifting arms to avoid time consuming working operationsRemote control activates lowering and retraction of lifting arms to closed positionPlacing the remote control next to the lift control panel ensures safe operation and prevents unneces-sary stepsunique height adjustable support arm system – designed to fit all cur-rent lifts and pitsRequest list/fill out spec. form p.52/53Supplied with 3 extension sets (10/40/85 mm) and rubber cushion

sd20PHl-a sd26PHl-a

sd20PHl-a / sd26PHl-a


capacity: 2,0 / 2,6 tStroke: 250 mm

capacity 2,0 t 2,6 t

Stroke 250 mm 250 mm

Min. height 200 mm 200 mm

telescopic arms 780 - 1500 mm 780 - 1500 mm

Width (without support arms) 780 - 1180 mm 780 - 1180 mm

lifting frame (height) 120 mm 120 mm

lifting frame (depth) 249 mm 249 mm

air supply 8,5 - 12 bar 8,5 - 12 bar

air consumption 350 l/min 350 l/min

Weight (without support arms) 120 kg 120 kg

| 19

780 - 1500



air hydraulic jacking beam for passenger cars, vans and trucks

Strong and robust design makes it ideal for lifting heavy vehicleslow closed height of only 230 mmFlexible top support beam can be extended up to 1500 mmunique height adjustable support arm system – designed to fit all cur-rent lifts and pitsRequest list/fill out spec. form p.52/53two-hand lowering operation with dead man’s release, automatic safety locking device and overload valve for optimum safetySupplied with 2 extension sets (50/100 mm)



capacity: 4,0 tStroke: 250 mm

capacity 4,0 t

Stroke 250 mm

Min. height 230 mm

telescopic arms 780 - 1500 mm

Width (without support arms) 780 - 1220 mm

lifting frame (height) 160 mm

lifting frame (depth) 343 mm

air supply 8,5 - 12 bar

air consumption 350 l/min

Weight (without support arms) 175 kg

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fsd2 / fsd3



Hsd / Hsd-a

oPtIoN - JacKINg BeaMS

ExtensionIncreases the lifting height by 130 mm(order 2 units)


rubber support - fsd2Block for protection of car body (40 mm)(order 2 units)Fits:all jacking beams

rubber support - fsd3Block for protection of car body (80 mm)(order 2 units)

Fits:all jacking beams

saddle with spindleIncreases the lifting height by 106-240 mm. (order 2 units)


air-line connection - HsdSet for jacking beam


air-line connection - Hsd-aSet for automatic jacking beam


capacity: 2,0 t

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fsd6 / fsd7



fW / fW1 saddle - fWSuitable for lifting over drain plugs, differential gear etc.(Ø 145 mm)(order 2 units)

V-saddle - fW1For lifting under various axles(order 2 units)


oPtIoN - JacKINg BeaMS

adjustable saddle - fsd6Increases the lifting height by 32-92 mm(order 2 units)

Extension - fsd7For FSD6 increases the lifting height by 60 mm(order 2 units)


rubber cushionRubber cushion for 10 mm standard extension(order 2 units)


rubber cushioncan be used in combination with FSD5 and FSD6For protection of car body(order 2 units)


capacity: 2,0 t

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590-890 / 850-1150

Ø 95




standard air hydraulic single ram jacking beam

Rapid and precise air hydraulic unit with high speed ram travelSimple modern design with control panel at ergonomical working heightcan be made to fit all lifts due to its adjustable frame (590 - 890 mm or 850 - 1150 mm)Frame height is adjusted and set to the customers individual specifica-tionstransversely sliding ramDead man’s release and safety overload valve for optimum safetySupplied with 1 x 100 mm extension

When ordering fill out spec. form (page 52)

fl60-1 fl120-1 fl160-1 fl200-1

fl60-1 / fl120-1fl160-1 / fl200-1

HeaVY DutY JacKINg BeaMS FoR lIFtS

capacity: 6 / 12 / 16 / 20 tStroke: 200 mm

capacity 6 t 12 t 16 t 20 t

Stroke 200 mm 200 mm 200 mm 200 mm

Min. height 305 mm 380 mm 380 mm 380 mm

Max. height 505 mm 580 mm 580 mm 580 mm

Width 590-1150 mm 590-1150 mm 590-1150 mm 590-1150 mm

Depth 665 mm 665 mm 665 mm 665 mm

air supply 8 - 12 bar 8 - 12 bar 8 - 12 bar 8 - 12 bar

air consumption 350 l/min 350 l/min 350 l/min 350 l/min

Weight 200 kg 200 kg 200 kg 200 kg

* The capacity of the jacking beam cannot exceed 0,66 x the lift capacity

| 23


590-890 / 850-1150

200-638 / 200-898200


HeaVY DutY JacKINg BeaMS FoR lIFtS

air hydraulic twin ram jacking beam

2 individually controlled rams offer safe and balanced liftingtransversely sliding ramsRapid and precise air hydraulic unit with high speed ram travelSimple modern design with control panel at ergonomical working heightcan be made to fit all lifts due to its adjustable frame (590 - 890 mm or 850 - 1150 mm)Frame height is adjusted and set to the customers individual specifica-tionsDead man’s release and safety overload valve for optimum safetySupplied with 2 x 100mm extensions

When ordering fill out spec. form (page 52)

fl60-2 / fl120-2fl160-2 / fl200-2

capacity: 6 / 12 / 16 / 20 tStroke: 200 mm

fl60-2 fl120-2 fl160-2 fl200-2

capacity 6 t 12 t 16 t 20 t

Stroke 200 mm 200 mm 200 mm 200 mm

Min. height 305 mm 305 mm 305 mm 305 mm

Max. height 505 mm 505 mm 505 mm 505 mm

Width 590-1150 mm 590-1150 mm 590-1150 mm 590-1150 mm

Depth 665 mm 665 mm 665 mm 665 mm

lifting points (distance) 200-898 mm 200-898 mm 200-898 mm 200-898 mm

air supply 8 - 12 bar 8 - 12 bar 8 - 12 bar 8 - 12 bar

air consumption 350 l/min 350 l/min 350 l/min 350 l/min

Weight 202 kg 202 kg 202 kg 202 kg

* The capacity of the jacking beam cannot exceed 0,66 x the lift capacity

24 |


590-890 / 850-1150

Ø 95



standard air hydraulic single ram pit jack

Rapid and precise air hydraulic unit with high speed ram travelSimple modern design with control panel at ergonomical working height

can be made to fit all pits due to its adjustable frame (590 - 890 mm or 850 - 1150 mm)Frame height is adjusted and set to the customers individual specifica-tionsFitted with leaf spring support bear-ings for easy glide transversing ramcomprehensive option range: cross beam, gearbox saddle, support bridge etc.

When ordering fill out spec. form (page 53)

Gd100-1 Gd150-1 Gd200-1

Gd100-1 / Gd150-1 / Gd200-1


capacity: 10 / 15 / 20 tStroke: 800 mm

capacity 10 t 15 t 20 t

Stroke 800 mm 800 mm 800 mm

Min. height 1020 mm 1020 mm 1020 mm

Max. height 1820 mm 1820 mm 1820 mm

Width 590-1150 mm 590-1150 mm 590-1150 mm

Depth 665 mm 665 mm 665 mm

air supply 8 - 12 bar 8 - 12 bar 8 - 12 bar

air consumption 350 l/min 350 l/min 350 l/min

Weight 220 kg 220 kg 220 kg

| 25


590-890 / 850-1150

200-638 / 200-898420


air hydraulic twin ram pit jack

2 individually controlled rams offer safe and balanced liftingRapid and precise air hydraulic unit with high speed ram travelSimple modern design with control panel at ergonomical working heighttransversely sliding ramscan be made to fit all pits due to its adjustable frame (590 - 890 mm or 850 - 1150 mm)Frame height is adjusted and set to the customers individual specifica-tionscomprehensive option range: cross beam, support bridge etc.Supplied with 2 x100 mm extensions

When ordering fill out spec. form (page 53)

Gd100-2 / Gd150-2 / Gd200-2


capacity: 10 / 15 / 20 tStroke: 420 mm

Gd100-2 Gd150-2 Gd200-2

capacity 10 t 15 t 20 t

Stroke 420 mm 420 mm 420 mm

Min. height 525 mm 525 mm 525 mm

Max. height 945 mm 945 mm 945 mm

Width 590-1150 mm 590-1150 mm 590-1150 mm

Depth 649 mm 649 mm 649 mm

lifting points (distance) 200-898 mm 200-898 mm 200-898 mm

air supply 8 - 12 bar 8 - 12 bar 8 - 12 bar

air consumption 350 l/min 350 l/min 350 l/min

Weight 220 kg 220 kg 220 kg

26 |







air hydraulic floor pit jack with telescopic cylinder

Flexible pit jack for use both in pits and under vehicle liftsSuitable for all traditional lifting jobsIdeal for dismounting and re-mounting of gearboxesBuilt-in manual foot pump for easy and precise adjustmentRapid and precise air hydraulic unit with high speed ram travel up and downSpring loaded wheel support pre-vents unintended movements when lifting more than 800 kgDead man’s release and safety overload valve for optimum safety


capacity: 15 / 15 tStroke: 1285 mm


capacity 15 / 15 t

Stroke 1285 mm

Min. height 921 mm

Max. height 2206 mm

Baseframe width 844 mm

Baseframe depth 1004 mm

cylinder diameter Ø 60 mm

air supply 8,5 - 12 bar

air consumption 350 l/min

Weight 220 kg

| 27








air hydraulic floor pit jack with traversing telescopic cylinder

Flexible pit jack for use in pit or under a lifttraversing cylinder ensures a wide reach under the vehicle and enables the mechanic to move freely back and forth in the pitIdeal for dis- and remounting of gearboxes due to telescopic cylinderBuilt-in manual foot pump for easy and precise adjustmentRapid and precise air hydraulic unit with high speed ram travel up and downBase frame wheels fitted with bear-ings for optimum manoeuvrabilitySpring loaded wheel support pre-vents unintended movements when lifting more than 800 kg



capacity: 15 / 15 tStroke: 1285 mm

capacity 15 / 15 t

Stroke 1285 mm

Min. height 921 mm

Max. height 2206 mm

traversing cylinder 250 mm

Basewidth / Basedepth 844 / 1074 mm

cylinder diameter Ø 60 mm

air supply 8,5 - 12 bar

air consumption 350 l/min

Weight 250 kg

28 |






air hydraulic floor pit jack run-ning in rails. slim and compact design with traversing cylinder

traversing cylinder ensures a wide reach under the vehicle and enables the mechanic to move freely back and forth in the pitBase frame wheels fitted with bear-ings for optimum manoeuvrabilityIdeal for dismounting and re-mounting of gearboxesRapid and precise air hydraulic unit with high speed ram travelBuilt-in manual foot pump for easy and precise adjustmentFoot operated leaving hands free Dead man’s release and overload valve for optimum safety

When ordering fill out spec. form (page 53)


capacity: 15 / 15 tStroke: 1285 mm


capacity 15 / 15 t

Stroke 1285 mm

Min. height 905 mm

Max. height 2190 mm

Baseframe width according to pit width

Baseframe depth 938 mm

cylinder diameter Ø 60 mm

air supply 8,5 - 12 bar

air consumption 350 l/min

Weight 285 kg

• the pit must be equipped with rails (100 x 100 x 10 mm)

according to pit width

| 29











oPtIoN – HeaVY DutY JacKINg BeaMS & PIt JacKS

support bridgeFor safe and stable support of the vehiclethe open frame offers optimum traversing cylinder mobility With leaf spring wheels for easy transport along the pitusable with various extensions and saddles: Fg100, Fg200, FW2 and uS

When ordering fill out spec. form (page 53)capacity: 20 t

Gearbox saddle10º tilt in all directions for accurate dismounting and re-mounting of gearboxeslow minimum height for wide range of applicationsFitted with 2 straps and 4 rubber cushions with magnets

Weight: 24,5 kg

Fits:gD100-1 / gD150-1 / gD200-1ggD150F / ggD150u / ggD150S

capacity: 1 tDimension: 542x385x110 mm

Telescopic support bridgeFlexible support bridge can be used in different pits because of the adjustable widthopening in the middle for optimum flexibility when manoeuvring the jackWith leaf spring wheels for easy transport along the pit

usable with various extensions and saddles: Fg100, Fg200, FW2 and uS

When ordering fill out spec. form (page 53)

integrated safety standMechanical locking of the load prevents unintended loweringadjustable in 6 positionsIncreases the minimum height of the pit jack by 65 mm

Fits:gD100-1 / gD150-1 / gD200-1

capacity: 15 t

capacity: 20 t

30 |





125-750 mm

725-1225 mm

125-750 mm

oPtIoN – HeaVY DutY JacKINg BeaMS & PIt JacKS

cross beam adaptorHand wheel on the cross beam for easy and precise adjustment of lifting saddles without moving from the pit – ideal for inspection centresusable with various extensions and saddles: Fg100, Fg200, FW2, uSIncreases min. height by 90 mm

Fits:gD100-1 / gD150-1 / gD200-1 ggD150F / ggD150u / ggD150S

diff beamallows use of both rams to lift at one point

Fits:Fl60-2 / Fl120-2Fl160-2 / Fl200-2gD100-2 / gD150-2 / gD200-2

capacity: 13 tlength: 850-1350 mm

capacity: 20 t

cross beam adaptorIdeal for supporting axle, whilst allowing work to be done on the differential gearoffers increased safety – divides the load over 2 lifting pointsusable with various extensions and saddles: Fg100, Fg200, FW2, uSIncreases min. height by 136 mmFits:Fl60-2 / Fl120-2Fl160-2 / Fl200-2gD100-2 / gD150-2 / gD200-2

capacity: 15 tlength: 902 mm

cross beam adaptorIdeal for supporting axle, whilst allowing work to be done on the differential gearoffers increased safety – divides the load over 2 lifting pointsusable with various extensions and saddles: Fg100, Fg200, FW2, uSIncreases min. height by 90 mm

Fits:gD100-1 / gD150-1 / gD200-1 ggD150F / ggD150u / ggD150S

capacity: 15 tlength: 902 mm

| 31

fW2 / us

fG100 / fG200

VB1 / VB2


100 mm

100 mm

oPtIoN – HeaVY DutY JacKINg BeaMS & PIt JacKS

V-saddle - fW2Suitable for lifting under various axles

u-saddle - usSuitable for lifting various chassis profiles

Fits:all models

Extension - fG100Increases the lifting height by 100 mm

Extension - fG200Increases the lifting height by 200 mm

Fits:Fl60-1 / Fl120-1Fl160-1 / Fl200-1Fl60-2 / Fl120-2Fl160-2 / Fl200-2gD100-1 / gD150-1 / gD200-1gD100-2 / gD150-2 / gD200-2

capacity: 10 t

capacity: 10 t

Wall bracket - VB1Robust wall bracket for storage of extensions and saddles (4 pcs.)

Wall bracket - VB2Robust wall bracket for storage of extensions and saddles (8 pcs.)

TrolleyPractical trolley – designed for mounting and dismounting of heavy duty jacking beams on liftsFitted with revolving wheels for easy manoeuvrability

Fits:Fl60-1 / Fl120-1Fl160-1 / Fl200-1Fl60-2 / Fl120-2Fl160-2 / Fl200-2

32 |

pos. 1 pos. 2 pos. 3 pos. 4 pos. 5WJN5 550 500 450 400 350WJN5euR 550 500 450 400 350WJN10 1100 1000 900 800 700WJN10euR 1100 1000 900 800 700




1520 14



1375 1080/1140955/1015955


Hydraulic workshop crane for auto workshops and service vans

Foldable within seconds for quick and easy storageWhen folded the crane takes up a minimum of space on the work-shop floorJib arm with large lifting capacity – even in 5th position* See capacity tableHard chromium plated piston rod and pump piston for long lifeBuilt-in safety overload valveFitted with 2 castors and 2 fixed wheels for easy manoeuvrability even with maximum loadlifting hook pivots 360ºHand operated dead man’s release for optimum safety whilst lowering

Hydraulic workshop crane with parallel legs for pallets

Foldable within seconds for quick and easy storageWhen folded the crane takes up a minimum of space on the work-shop floorJib arm with large lifting capacity – even in 5th position* See capacity tableHard chromium plated piston rod and pump piston for long lifeBuilt-in safety overload valveFitted with 2 castors and 2 fixed wheels for easy manoeuvrability even with maximum loadlifting hook pivots 360ºHand operated dead man’s release for optimum safety whilst lowering

WjN5Eur / WjN10Eur

WjN5 / WjN10

capacity: 0,55 / 1,10 t

capacity: 0,55 / 1,10 t

WjN5 WjN10 WjN5Eur WjN10Eur

capacity 0,55 t 1,10 t 0,55 t 1,10 t

lifting height 2020 - 2340 mm 2020 - 2340 mm 2020 - 2340 mm 2020 - 2340 mm

Jib arm 955 - 1375 mm 955 - 1375 mm 955 - 1375 mm 955 - 1375 mm

Frame height 125 mm 125 mm 125 mm 125 mm

Frame length 1420 mm 1420 mm 1420 mm 1420 mm

Height 1520 mm 1520 mm 1520 mm 1520 mm

Inner width 955 mm 985 mm 975 mm 1015 mm

Frame width 1080 mm 1110 mm 1100 mm 1140 mm

Weight 75 kg 75kg 95 kg 95 kg

| 33

pos. 1 pos. 2 pos. 3 pos. 4 pos. 5WN11 1100 1000 900 800 700WN15 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100WN20 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600WN25 2500 2300 2100 1900 1700



0/ 1












Hydraulic workshop crane for auto workshops and industry

commercial crane fitted with hard chromium plated piston rod and pump piston for longer lifeJib arm with large lifting capacity – even in 5th position* See capacity tablePump rotates 360º for excellent operation in all working conditionsBuilt-in safety overload valveWheels revolve 360º for easy mano-euvrability even with maximum loadlifting hook pivots 360ºHand operated dead man’s release for optimum safety whilst loweringInner frame width enables use with euro pallets

Hydraulic workshop crane for auto workshops and industry

commercial crane fitted with hard chromium plated piston rod and pump piston for long lifeJib arm with large lifting capacity – even in 5th position* See capacity tablePump rotates through 360º for excellent operation in all working conditionsBuilt-in safety overload valveWheels revolve 360º for easy mano-euvrability even with maximum loadlifting hook pivots 360ºHand operated dead man’s release for optimum safety whilst loweringInner frame width enables use with euro pallets

WN20 / WN25

WN11 / WN15

HeaVY DutY coMMeRcIal cRaNeS

capacity: 1,1 /1,5 t

capacity: 2,0 / 2,5 t

WN11 WN15 WN20 WN25

capacity 1,1 t 1,5 t 2,0 t 2,5 t

lifting height 2260 - 2540 mm 2260 - 2540 mm 2340 - 2630 mm 2340 - 2630 mm

Jib arm 1210 - 1630 mm 1210 - 1630 mm 1210 - 1630 mm 1210 - 1630 mm

Frame height 160 mm 160 mm 160 mm 160 mm

Frame length 1750 mm 1750 mm 1750 mm 1750 mm

Height 1690 mm 1690 mm 1850 mm 1850 mm

Inner width 820 mm 820 mm 840 mm 840 mm

Frame width 1000 mm 1000 mm 1020 mm 1020 mm

Weight 168 kg 175 kg 250 kg 255 kg

34 |

530 / 550


/ 11



/ 20







/ V

l6 /





Hydraulic transmission jack

Pedal operated pump leaving both hands free for workingPrecise adjustment for positioning of transmissionHand operated dead man’s release for optimum safety whilst loweringgalvanised support saddle and base frameBuilt-in safety overload valveSturdy swivel castors for optimum stability and manoeuvrabilityHard chromium plated piston rod and pump piston for long lifealso suitable for many other lifting operations such as mounting of springs, fuel tanks, exhaust pipes etc.

Hydraulic transmission jack with telescopic cylinder

especially for lifting heavy truck transmissionsIdeal for workshop pits due to low minimum height and long strokePedal operated pump with built-in quick lift leaving both hands free for workingPrecise adjustment for positioning of transmissionHand operated dead man’s release for optimum safety whilst loweringgalvanised support saddle and base frameBuilt-in safety overload valveSturdy swivel castors (2 lockable) for optimum stability and mano-euvrability


Vl3 / Vl6 / Vl10

capacity: 1,2 tMax. height: 1920 mm

capacity: 0,3 / 0,6 / 1,0 tMax. height: 1965 / 1965 / 2000 mm

Vl3 Vl6 Vl10 VlT12

capacity 0,3 t 0,6 t 1,0 t 1,2 t

Min. height 1130 mm 1130 mm 1170 mm 905 mm

Max. height 1965 mm 1965 mm 2000 mm 1920 mm

Width 530 mm 530 mm 550 mm 720 mm

Weight 33 kg 33 kg 40 kg 70 kg

Wheel diameter Ø 80 mm Ø 80 mm Ø 125 mm Ø 125 mm

| 35






Gearbox saddle for passenger vehicles10º tilt in all directions for precise dismounting and re-mounting of gearboxesFitted with 2 straps and 2 rubber cushions with magnetsWeight: 18,5 kg

Fits:all models

commercial heavy duty gearbox saddle for passenger vehicles and trucks10º tilt in all directions for accurate dismounting and re-mounting of gearboxeslow minimum height for wide range of applicationsFitted with 2 straps and 4 rubber cushions with magnetsWeight: 24,5 kgFits: Vl10 / Vlt12

saddle Suitable for mounting springs, fuel tanks, exhaust pipes etc.

Fits:all models

rubber cushionto be used with the S-saddle for protection of car body


capacity: 0,5 t Dimension: 352x307x118 mm

capacity: 1,0 tDimension: 542x385x110 mm

36 |


440-685 mm




989 11





WHeel tRolleYS

Hydraulic wheel trolley for vans, trucks and buses

Flexible and ergonomic wheel trol-ley for the easy removal of wheels and brake drumsadjustable lifting arms for wheel sizes Ø 270 – 1300 mmlifting arms with roller bearings for easy rotation of the wheel into correct positionPedal operated pump leaving both hands free for workingBracket for easy securing of the wheel whilst transportingHand operated dead man’s release for optimum safety whilst loweringIdeal for lifting brake drums, fuel tanks, tool boxes etc.With 2 pcs. 360º revolving wheels


capacity: 500 kg

crane arm for disc brakes, cal-lipers, etc. (Option)

Mounted with the telescopic crane arm the wheel trolley is a universal lifting toolthe crane arm offers efficiency and good ergonomics when lifting disc brakes, brake drums, callipers, etc.the crane arm easily swivels to one side to allow wheel removal operations to be carried out Fitted with 360º pivoting hook

capacity: 250 - 100 kg

capacity 0,5 t

Height 1182 mm

length 870 mm

Width 989 mm

Roller-/fork length 416 / 600 mm

Roller distance 260 - 710 mm

Min. height 95 mm

lifting height 710 mm

Wheel sizes Ø 270 - 1300 mm

Weight 100 kg


| 37


- 13



- 2





WHeel tRolleYS

Mechanical wheel trolley for tractors, agricultural and con-tractors’ machinery

ergonomically designed for the easy and efficient removal of large wheels - also deep-treaded tractor tyresSide-adjustable lifting arms for wheel diameters ranging 920-2300 mmRobust safety wheel retaining bracket for the safe manoeuvring of the trolleyPrecise and easy lifting and lo-wering by means of mechanical operationexcellent manoeuvrability due to the 4 large, heavy-duty revolving wheelslifting arms fitted with 3 roller bea-rings for ensuring the easy location of wheels



capacity: 1,5 t

capacity 1,5 t

Height 1360 mm

length 1160 mm

Width 1360 - 2380 mm

Roller length 740 mm

Roller distance 720 - 1380 mm

Roller diameter Ø 80 mm

Wheel sizes Ø 920 - 2300 mm

Weight 150 kg

38 |



- 78

0 150





Hand hydraulic junior presses for passenger car workshops and light industry

Foot-operated pneumatically con-trolled high speed and precise ram approach to work piecetraversing ramBuilt-in pressure gauge at convenient eye level Built-in safety overload valveWelded frame and press table made from high strength steel for long lifeRemovable ram end cap for mounting of various piston headsSupplied with 2 vee blocks

Hand hydraulic junior press for passenger car workshops and light industry

Foot-operated pneumatically con-trolled high speed and precise ram approach to work piecetraversing ramBuilt-in pressure gauge at convenient eye level Built-in safety overload valveWelded frame and press table made from high strength steel for long lifeRemovable ram end cap for mounting of various piston headsSupplied with 2 vee blocks


Pj16H Pj20H Pj25H

Pj16H / Pj20H

capacity: 25 tStroke: 150 mm

capacity: 16 / 20 tStroke: 150 mm

capacity 16 t 20 t 25 t

Stroke 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm

Height 1620 mm 1620 mm 1620 mm

Width 885 mm 885 mm 885 mm

Width between legs 640 mm 640 mm 640 mm

Depth between legs 130 mm 130 mm 130 mm

clearance 105 - 780 mm 105 - 780 mm 105 - 780 mm

Weight 130 kg 130 kg 135 kg

| 39


70 -

770 30



1190 / 1355•


Hand hydraulic press for truck workshops and industry

Foot-operated double-acting pneumatically controlled high speed leaving both hands free for quick and precise positioning of itemtraversing ramWith 300 mm stroke for dealing with demanding jobsBuilt-in pressure gauge at convenient eye level Wide, welded frame and press table ensuring high flexibilityRam-operated adjustment of tableBuilt-in safety overload valveRemovable ram end cap for mounting of various piston headsSupplied with 2 vee blocks

Electro-hydraulic press for truck workshops and industry

electro-hydraulic single stage pump(Press speed: 6,1 mm/sec)the pressure can be set to any required tonnage up to 40 ttraversing double-acting ramlong stroke of 300 mm Built-in pressure gauge at convenient eye level Wide, welded frame and press table Ram-operated adjustment of tableBuilt-in safety overload valveRemovable ram end cap for mounting of various piston headsthe motor is 3x400V and 50/60 Hz (can be switched for 3x230V)Supplied with 2 vee blocks


P40H P40EH1



capacity: 40 tStroke: 300 mm

capacity: 40 tStroke: 300 mm

capacity 40 t 40 t

Stroke 300 mm 300 mm

Height 1740 mm 1740 mm

Width 1190 mm 1355 mm•Width between legs 850 mm 850 mm

Depth between legs 215 mm 215 mm

clearance 70 - 770 mm 70 - 770 mm

Press speed 6,1 mm/s

Return speed 7,9 mm/s

Weight 425 kg 445 kg • with motor

40 |



- 77

0 300


1390 - 1555•


Hand hydraulic press for truck workshops and heavy industry

Foot-operated double-acting pneumatically controlled high speed leaving both hands free for quick and precise positioning of itemtraversing ramWith 300 mm stroke for dealing with demanding jobsBuilt-in pressure gauge at convenient eye level Wide, welded frame and press table ensuring high flexibilityRam-operated adjustment of tableBuilt-in safety overload valveRemovable ram end cap for mounting of various piston headsSupplied with 2 vee blocks

Electro-hydraulic press for truck workshops and heavy industry

P60eH1: Single stage pumpPress speed: 4,2 mm/secP60eH2: 2-stage pumpPress speed: 10,0 mm/secthe pressure can be set to any required tonnage up to 60 ttraversing double-acting ram with long stroke of 300 mm Built-in pressure gauge at convenient eye level Ram-operated adjustment of tableRemovable ram end cap for mounting of various piston headsthe motor is 3x400V and 50/60 Hz (can be switched for 3x230V)Supplied with 2 vee blocks

P60EH1 / P60EH2



capacity: 60 tStroke: 300 mm

capacity: 60 tStroke: 300 mm

P60H P60EH1 P60EH2

capacity 60 t 60 t 60 t

Stroke 300 mm 300 mm 300 mm

Height 1982 mm 1982 mm 1982 mm

Width 1390 mm 1555 mm• 1555 mm•Width between legs 1010 mm 1010 mm 1010 mm

Depth between legs 259 mm 259 mm 259 mm

clearance 170 - 770 mm 170 - 770 mm 170 - 770 mm

Press speed 4,2 mm/s 10,0 mm/s

Return speed 5,9 mm/s 14,5 mm/s

Weight 625 kg 630 kg 635 kg • with motor

| 41


35 -

635 30



1600 - 1765•



Hand hydraulic press for truck workshops and heavy industry

Foot-operated double-acting pneumatically controlled high speed leaving both hands free for quick and precise positioning of itemtraversing ramWith 300 mm stroke for dealing with demanding jobsBuilt-in pressure gauge at convenient eye level Wide, welded frame and press table ensuring high flexibilityRam-operated adjustment of tableBuilt-in safety overload valveRemovable ram end cap for mounting of various piston headsSupplied with 2 vee blocks

Electro-hydraulic press for truck workshops and heavy industry

electro-hydraulic 2-stage pump(Press speed: 6,2 mm/sec)traversing double-acting ram with long stroke of 300 mmthe pressure can be set to any required tonnage up to 100 tBuilt-in pressure gauge at convenient eye level Wide, welded frame and press table ensuring high flexibilityRam-operated adjustment of tableRemovable ram end cap for mounting of various piston headsthe motor is 3x400V and 50/60 Hz (can be switched for 3x230V)Supplied with 2 vee blocks


P100H P100EH2


capacity: 100 tStroke: 300 mm

capacity: 100 tStroke: 300 mm

capacity 100 t 100 t

Stroke 300 mm 300 mm

Height 2042 mm 2042 mm

Width 1600 mm 1765 mm•Width between legs 1100 mm 1100 mm

Depth between legs 325 mm 325 mm

clearance 35 - 635 mm 35 - 635 mm

Press speed 6,2 mm/sec

Return speed 8,3 mm/sec

Weight 1200 kg 1215 kg • with motor

42 |




oPtIoN – PReSSeS

Winchefficient and easy adjustment of press table


set of press toolsPress plate with 3 piston heads (Ø 12, 20, 30 mm and adaptor)


set of press toolsPress plate with set of piston heads (Ø 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 22, 25, 30 mm, adaptor and rack)

Fits:all presses

| 43



aXle StaNDS

standard axle stands

Suitable for more or less all types of vehicles i.e. passenger cars, trucks, buses, agricultural and con-tractors’ machineryadjustable in several heights (5-6 positions)Robust construction ensures maxi-mum stability and long life

WARNING :Always use axle stands to support the vehicle before working under itNo person shall remain in, on or under a load that is being jacked or is sup-ported only by a jack

standard axle stands

Suitable for more or less all types of vehicles i.e. passenger cars, trucks, buses, agricultural and con-tractors’ machineryadjustable in several heights (5-6 positions)Robust construction ensures maxi-mum stability and long life

WARNING :Always use axle stands to support the vehicle before working under itNo person shall remain in, on or under a load that is being jacked or is sup-ported only by a jack

aB5 / aB8

aB1,5 / aB3

capacity: 5,0 - 8,0 t

capacity: 1,5 - 3,0 t

capacity 1,5 t 1,5 t 3,0 t 5,0 t 8,0 t 8,0 t

Min. height (a) 260 mm 420 mm 320 mm 365 mm 360 mm 580 mm

Max. height (B) 450 mm 750 mm 430 mm 590 mm 590 mm 950 mm

Positions 5 5 5 5 5 6

Net weight 2,2 kg 3,6 kg 3,8 kg 6,4 kg 10,5 kg 15,4 kg

All dimensions are to the upper saddle edge

aB aB aB aB aB aB 1,5-260 1,5-420 3-320 5-365 8-360 8-580

44 |



aXle StaNDS

axle stands with spindle extension

user friendly axle stand – the spindle extension offers a quick and precise adjustment of the heightSuitable for more or less all types of vehiclesModel aBS5-230 is especially suita-ble for vehicles with low clearance e.g. buses, fork lift trucks and flat trailersRobust construction ensures maxi-mum stability and long life

WARNING :Always use axle stands to support the vehicle before working under itNo person shall remain in, on or under a load that is being jacked or is sup-ported only by a jack

aBs5 / aBs12

capacity: 5,0 / 12,0 t

capacity 5,0 t 12,0 t 12,0 t

Min. height (a) 230 mm 320 mm 450 mm

Max. height (B) 320 mm 485 mm 725 mm

Positions spindle spindle spindle

Net weight 5,0 kg 10,0 kg 14,0 kg

All dimensions are to the upper saddle edge

aBs aBs aBs 5-230 12-320 12-450

| 45



aXle StaNDS

axle stands for the heavy lifting jobs

Suitable for exceptionally heavy vehicles, e.g. large trucks, contrac-tor’s machinery, military vehicles etc.adjustable in several heights (3-6 positions)Robust construction ensures maxi-mum stability and long life

WARNING :Always use axle stands to support the vehicle before working under itNo person shall remain in, on or under a load that is being jacked or is sup-ported only by a jack

Extra high axle stands

especially for supporting vehicles lifted by mobile columns or in-ground liftsthe spindle extension offer a quick and precise adjustment of the heightStrong transport wheels for easy and precise manoeuvring Robust construction ensures maxi-mum stability and long life

WARNING :Always use axle stands to support the vehicle before working under itNo person shall remain in, on or under a load that is being jacked or is sup-ported only by a jack



capacity: 8,0 t

capacity: 16,0 t

capacity 16,0 t 16,0 t 16,0 t 8,0 t 8,0 t

Min. height (a) 290 mm 440 mm 675 mm 950 mm 1400 mm

Max. height (B) 455 mm 725 mm 1125 mm 1550 mm 2000 mm

Positions 3 5 7 spindle spindle

Net weight 15,0 kg 20,0 kg 30,0 kg 29,5 kg 35,0 kg

All dimensions are to the upper saddle edge

aB aB aB aBs aBs 16-290 16-440 16-675 8-950 8-1400

46 |





Bottle JacKS

Hydraulic bottle jack with single lift and extension screw

5 models with lifting capacities from 2-10 tonnesWith extension screw for optimum use of the strokeModels with bevelled base (see table) offer increased stability and safety as the jack follows the tilt of the vehicle when lifting3 part galvanised pump handle for easy storageJack can be used in horizontal position, as long as the pump piston is placed under the jackBuilt-in safety overload valve

Hydraulic bottle jack with single lift and extension screw for heavy duty lifting

5 models with lifting capacities from 12-30 tonnesWith extension screw for opti-mum use of the strokeModels with bevelled base (see table) offer increased stability and safety as the jack follows the tilt of the vehicle when lifting3 part galvanised pump handle for easy storageJack can be used in horizontal po-sition, as long as the pump piston is placed under the jackFitted with practical carrying handle for easy transportBuilt-in safety overload valve

capacity: 12 - 30 t

capacity: 2 - 10 t

TyPE 2

TyPE 1

a 2-170 2,0 t 170 mm 115 mm 92 mm 377 mm 3,5 kg a 3,5-170 3,5 t 170 mm 115 mm 92 mm 377 mm 3,8 kg a 5-212 5,0 t 212 mm 150 mm 100 mm 462 mm 4,7 kg aX8-220 8,0 t 220 mm 150 mm 110 mm 480 mm 7,0 kg •a10-220 10,0 t 220 mm 150 mm 110 mm 480 mm 7,0 kg •a12-230 12,0 t 230 mm 157 mm 110 mm 497 mm 8,1 kg •aX15-230 15,0 t 230 mm 155 mm 110 mm 495 mm 9,2 kg •aX20-240 20,0 t 240 mm 155 mm 110 mm 505 mm 11,8 kg •aH25-240 25,0 t 240 mm 157 mm 118 mm 515 mm 14,3 kg •a30-240 30,0 t 240 mm 142 mm 100 mm 482 mm 15,3 kg •• Bevelled baseall models can be used in temperatures ranging from -20º to 70º c

cap. Min. height Hydr. lift Ext. screw Max. height Weight (a) (B) (c) (D)

• Bevelled base


| 47





Bottle JacKS

Hydraulic bottle jack with double lift telescopic rams for extra long stroke5 models with lifting capacities from 3-12 tonnesModels with spindle extension of-fer optimum use of the strokeatN10-175 has horizontal pumping action and is therefore ideal for vehicles with low clearanceModels with bevelled base (see table) offer increased stability and safety as the jack follows the tilt of the vehicle when lifting3 part galvanised pump handle for easy storageBuilt-in safety overload valve

Hydraulic bottle jack with single lift ram for vehicles with high clearance

2 special models with lifting capaci-ties of 4 or 10 tonneslarge stroke makes them ideal for lifting e.g. agricultural machines3 part galvanised pump handle for easy storageaDX 10-370 with bevelled base offer increased stability and safety as the jack follows the tilt of the vehicle when liftingJack can be used in horizontal position, as long as the pump piston is placed under the jackBuilt-in safety overload valve

TyPE 4

TyPE 3

capacity: 4 t & 10 t

capacity: 3 - 12 t

atDX 3-185 3,0 t 185 mm 215 mm - 400 mm 5,0 kgat 5-215 5,0 t 215 mm 305 mm - 520 mm 7,2 kg •atg 10-200 10,0 t 200 mm 262 mm 68 mm 530 mm 10,2 kg •atPX 12-230 12,0 t 230 mm 255 mm 85 mm 570 mm 13,4 kg •atN 10-175 10,0 t 175 mm 210 mm - 385 mm 8,7 kgaDX 4-370 4,0 t 370 mm 260 mm - 630 mm 7,3 kgaDX 10-370 10,0 t 370 mm 260 mm - 630 mm 10,5 kg •

• Bevelled baseall models can be used in temperatures ranging from -20º to 70º c

cap. Min. height Hydr. lift Ext. screw Max. height Weight (a) (B) (c) (D)

• Bevelled base


48 |







airbusa300/a310a330-300a340-200 / -300 / -500 / -600 BoeingB707 / 720B727B767-200 / -300 / -400eRB777-200 / -300 / -300eRMcdonnell douglasMD11Dc10lockheedl1011

airbusa300 / a310BoeingB707 / 720B717B737-100 / -200 / -300 / -400 / -500 B737-600 thru -900B757 / -200 / -300B767-200 / 300Mcdonnell douglasDc8 Dc9

aIRcRaFt JacKS

air hydraulic aircraft jack

compact and slim design for easy operation and manoeuvrabilitytelescopic handle increases the reach under the aircraft to 2170 mm and offers easy and safe operationthe jack can be operated by either compressed-air, nitrogen from the aircraft wheels or a mobile nitrogen service cartFitted with extension screw (80 mm) for optimum use of the strokeRapid ram retraction without loadSafety features include manual lowe-ring valve, safety overload valve and dead mans releaseDesigned and manufactured ac-cording to the aircraft standards: eN1915:2001 and eN12312:2005

capacity 65 t

Min. height 269 mm

Max. height 431 mm

Frame length 810 mm

Handle length 950 - 1360 mm

Width 200 mm

Width (with wheels) 310 mm

air supply 9 - 12 bar

air consumption 350 l/min

Weight 85 kg



capacity: 65 tMax. height: 431 mm

MlG - Main landing Gear NlG - Nose landing Gear

| 49







aIRcRaFt JacKS

air hydraulic aircraft jack with extra long stroke

compact and slim design for easy operation and manoeuvrabilitytelescopic handle increases the reach under the aircraft to 2293 mm and offers easy and safe operationthe jack can be operated by either compressed-air, nitrogen from the aircraft wheels or a mobile nitrogen service cartFitted with extension screw (80 mm) for optimum use of the strokeRapid ram retraction without loadSafety features include manual lowe-ring valve, safety overload valve and dead mans releaseDesigned and manufactured ac-cording to the aircraft standards: eN1915:2001 and eN12312:2005

capacity 65 t

Min. height 314 mm

Max. height 520 mm

Frame length 933 mm

Handle length 950 - 1360 mm

Width 200 mm

Width (with wheels) 310 mm

air supply 9 - 12 bar

air consumption 350 l/min

Weight 94 kg



capacity: 65 tMax. height: 520 mm

airbusa340 / -500 / -600 BoeingB727B767-200 / -300 / -400eRB777-200 / -300 / -300eRMcdonnell douglasMD11

airbusa300 / a310a319 / a320 / a321 (Mlg-single only) a330-300a340-200 / -300BoeingB717B727B737-100 / -200 / -300 / -400 / -500B737-600 thru -900B767-400eRMcdonnell douglasMD11Dc8 Dc9Dc10lockheedl1011

MlG - Main landing Gear NlG - Nose landing Gear

50 |








aIRcRaFt JacKS

air hydraulic aircraft jack

compact and slim design for easy operation and manoeuvrabilitytelescopic handle increases the reach under the aircraft to 2125 mm and offers easy and safe operationthe jack can be operated by either compressed-air, nitrogen from the aircraft wheels or a mobile nitrogen service cartRapid ram retraction without loadSafety features include manual lowe-ring valve, safety overload valve and dead mans releaseDesigned and manufactured ac-cording to the aircraft standards: eN1915:2001 and eN12312:2005

capacity 25 / 10 t

Min. height 180 mm

Max. height 260 / 364 mm

Frame length 765 mm

Handle length 950 - 1360 mm

Width 160 mm

Width (with wheels) 310 mm

air supply 9 - 12 bar

air consumption 350 l/min

Weight 56 kg



capacity: 25 / 10 tMax. height: 260 / 364 mm

BoeingB737-100 / -200 / -300 / -400 / -500B737-600 thru -900

MlG - Main landing Gear NlG - Nose landing Gear

| 51

capacity: 500 kg


440-685 mm




989 11





capacity: 500 kg

capacity 0,5 t

Height 1182 mm

length 870 mm

Width 989 mm

Roller-/fork length 416 / 600 mm

Roller distance 260 - 710 mm

Min. height 95 mm

lifting height 710 mm

Wheel sizes Ø 270 - 1300 mm

Weight 100 kg


Hydraulic wheel trolley for removal of wheels and brake drums on aircrafts

Flexible and ergonomic wheel trol-ley for the easy removal of wheels and brake drumsHigh lifting height (717 mm) makes it ideal for lifting e.g. wheels and brake drums off a transport wagonadjustable lifting arms for wheel sizes Ø 270 – 1300 mmlifting arms with roller bearings for easy rotation of the wheel into correct positionPedal operated pump leaving both hands free for workingHand operated dead man’s release for optimum safety whilst loweringWith 2 pcs. 360º revolving wheels

crane arm for disc brakes, cal-lipers, etc. (Option)

Mounted with the telescopic crane arm the wheel trolley is a universal lifting toolthe crane arm offers efficiency and good ergonomics when lifting disc brakes, brake drums, callipers, etc.the crane arm easily swivels to one side to allow wheel removal operations to be carried out Fitted with 360º pivoting hook


aIRcRaFt WHeel tRolleY

capacity: 250 - 100 kg

52 |


PrOducT: fl - Heavy duty jacking beam 6 t 12 t 16 t 20 t sd - Jacking beam 2 t 2,6 t 4 t

date: Measured by: dealer: signature:

lift: Model: capacity: year:

ac Hydraulic a/sFanøvej 6 • DK-8800 Viborg • Tel. +45 8662 2166 • Fax +45 8662 2988

E-mail: •

rail profile


W = mm

a = mm

B = mm

D = mm

g = mm

H = mm

K = mm

t = mm

If the lift is mounted with light or other obstructing parts, please fill out c and F:

c min. = mm

F max. = mm

drawing no.:

4 drawing

PlEasE NOTE: It is the customer’s responsibility that the given measures are correct and sufficient. cf. EN1493:1998 the capacity of the jacking beam cannot exceed 0,66 x the capacity of the lift. (a 2 t jacking beam on a 3 t lift is okay - but not a 2,6 t).









BB tt











| 53


date: Measured by: dealer: signature:

PlEasE NOTE: it is the customer’s responsibility that the given measures are correct and sufficient and that the pit is built and anchored to withstand the designated loading.

ac Hydraulic a/sFanøvej 6 • DK-8800 Viborg • Tel. +45 8662 2166 • Fax +45 8662 2988

E-mail: •

4 drawing

the placing of top saddle excluding cross beam adaptor, safety stand and extentions is required:

above workshop floor mm

levelling with workshop floor

below workshop floor mm

The top of the cylinder will be positioned +/- 50 mm according to requested level

Please note, mounting of different options will increase the min. height:

cross beam adaptor t4 = 90 mm cross beam adaptor t5 = 136 mm cross beam adaptor t6 = 90 mm Safety stand S200 = 65 mm

Placing of saddle Option








conical/ cylindrical/ tilted straight

drawing no.:

PrOducT: Gd - Pit jack 10 t 15 t 20 t fl - Heavy duty jacking beam 6 t 12 t 16 t 20 t GGd - Floor pit jack 15 t sd - Jacking beam 2 t 2,6 t 4 t aB - Support bridge 20 t

rolltype / rail profile

Please measure various places along the length of the pit. Max 12 mm variation between W min og W max. throughout the pit length

W min. = mm

W max. = mm

a min. = mm

B = mm

D = mm

e = mm

H = mm

t = mm

If the pit is mounted with light or other obstructing parts, please fill out c and F:c min. = mm

F max. = mm

GGd150s - Floor pit jacko min. = mm

o max. = mm

P min. = mm

P max. = mm

21W t


a aF

o o








e D



54 |

GENEral TErMs Of salE aNd dEliVEry fOr dEliVEriEs MadE By ac Hydraulic a/s

1. aPPlIcatIoN1.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, these General Terms of Sale and Delivery shall apply to all deliveries made by AC Hydraulic A/S. The Buyer’s purchase terms shall not apply unless the terms have been accepted by AC Hydraulic A/S (hereinafter referred to as AC) in writing.

1.2 AC’s products are designed and manufactured solely for commercial use by the user and shall not be used in or incorpo-rated into any objects for non-commercial use without AC’s written approval.

2. oFFeRS2.1 Unless otherwise agreed, offers shall remain valid for 30 days from date of offer.

3. PRIceS3.1 Offers shall be made according to the prices ruling on the date of offer. Until delivery is made, AC shall be entitled to change the price according to the additional expenses which AC may incur as a result of changes in e.g. raw material prices, exchange rates, agreed wages, and taxes and dues.

3.2 All prices are exclusive of packaging, freight, VAT, customs duties and other taxes and dues.

4. DelIVeRY4.1 Unless otherwise expressly agreed, delivery shall be ex works AC.

4.2 Transport of the products purchased shall be at the Buyer’s expense and risk.

4.3 Delivery made up to 30 days after the date of delivery specified in the order confirmation shall be considered delivery on time. In the event that delivery should be delayed more than 30 days, the Buyer shall be entitled to rescind the agree-ment, unless the products purchased have been reported ready for dispatch before AC has received written notice of the Buyer’s rescission. The Buyer shall not be entitled to set up any claims against AC in the event of delay.

4.4 The Buyer shall not refuse to accept partial delivery.

5. DelIVeRY oBStacleS5.1 The following circumstances shall lead to exemption of liability in the event that they prevent performance of the areement or render performance unreasonably burdensome: Industrial dispute or any other circumstances beyond the control of the parties such as fire, war, mobilisation or military call-up, requisition and seizure, currency restriction, riots, civil commotion, lack of means of transport, general scarcity of goods, restrictions on motive power, and defective or delayed deliveries from sub-suppliers, which are attributable to one of the circumstances mentioned in this section.

5.2 AC shall otherwise only be liable for delivery obstacles if it is demonstrated that these are attributable to defects caused by or negligence on the part of AC. Liability shall not include operating loss, loss of profit or any other indirect loss, and the compensation shall not exceed 10% of the purchase sum.

6. PaYMeNt/ReteNtIoN oF tItle6.1 Unless otherwise agreed, the terms of payment shall be net cash on delivery. In the event that payment is not effected on time, interest on the purchase sum shall be charged at the rate of 1% per commenced month.

6.2 Products sold shall remain the property of AC until the entire purchase sum has been paid, including interest accrued and costs incurred.

6.3 Complaints of deliveries shall not entitle the Buyer to withhold payment for deliveries already made, which means that the Buyer’s withholding of due amounts shall be considered a breach of contract.

7. lIaBIlItY FoR DeFectS7.1 The Buyer shall check and examine the delivery immediately on receipt. AC shall be informed immediately if the delivery is defective.

7.2 AC undertakes to remedy any defects which are attributable to defective materials and/or manufacturing of the parts delivered by AC. Remedy may be effected either in the form of delivery of new parts or repair at AC’s option. Labour costs and other spillover costs shall not be included in AC’s obligations in the two cases. In the event that replacement or repair would lead to disproportionate costs, AC shall, however, be entitled to grant a proportional reduction of the purchase sum equal to the decrease in value.

7.3 At repair and replacement, the Buyer shall return the defective delivery. Return and re-forwarding to the Buyer shall be at the Buyer’s risk. AC shall pay fair carriage expenses for return of defective deliveries.

7.4 Replaced parts shall belong to AC.

7.5 AC’s duties in accordance with this section shall only apply to defects registered within 24 months of delivery to the end user, however, maximum 30 months from date of dispatch from AC. AC’s duties shall lapse in the event that the Buyer does not lodge a complaint within eight (8) days from the date when the defect was registered or ought to have been registered.

7.6 Except as stated above, the Buyer shall not be entitled to set up any claims against AC.

7.7 AC shall under no circumstances pay compensation for operating loss, loss of time, loss of profit or other indirect loss, i.e. AC shall not pay compensation for consequential damage or costs incurred in connection with dismounting and remounting of objects in which the products sold may be incorporated.

7.8 AC’s liability shall under no circumstances exceed an amount corresponding to the invoice amount, exclusive of VAT for the product complained of.

7.9 The Buyer shall not remove the enclosed manual from the product. The Buyer shall under no circumstances change or remove marking of capacity rating, warnings or the serial number of the product.

8. PRoDuct lIaBIlItY8.1 AC shall be liable for personal injury in accordance with applicable Danish law.

8.2 AC expressly disclaims any non-statutory product liability imposed on it in accordance with legal usage on compensation. 8.3 AC shall not be liable for damage to real or personal property belonging to the Buyer or third party, or damage which occurs while the delivery is in the Buyer’s possession.

8.4 AC shall not be liable for damage to products manufactured by the Buyer, or to products in which the Buyer’s products form part, or for damage to real or personal property caused by the Buyer’s products as a result of AC’s delivery.

8.5 AC shall in no event accept liability for operating loss, loss of profit or other indirect loss.

8.6 In the event that product liability is imposed on AC with respect to third party, the Buyer shall indemnify AC to the extent to which these General Terms of Sale and Delivery limit AC’s liability.

8.7 In the event that third party should claim compensation for product liability, AC shall be notified hereof immediately. AC and the Buyer shall be mutually obliged to let themselves be sued in the court which hears the claim for com pensation set up by third party against either AC or the Buyer on the basis of damage or loss allegedly caused by the delivery.

8.8 In the event that it is demonstrated that damage to property is attributable to gross negligence on the part of AC, the liability to pay damages for real or personal property shall be limited to EURO 300,000. Section 8.5 of these General Terms of Sale and Delivery shall still apply.

9. laW aND VeNue9.1 Each and every dispute, which may arise between the parties, shall be settled in accordance with Danish law, including the Danish Sale of Goods Act, and the Court in Viborg shall be the venue. Viborg, April 2003


ac Hydraulic a/sFanøvej 6 • DK-8800 Viborg • Tel. +45 8662 2166 • Fax +45 8662 2988

E-mail: •



to c


es a

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