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NIVEL 2º ESO TEMPORALIZACIÓN Segundo y tercer trimestre. CONTENIDOS Repaso de las cualidades del sonido (altura, duración e intensidad)

El timbre: los instrumentos y las voces.

RECURSOS Personales: profesor/alumno Espaciales: aulas con ordenador, conexión a internet, proyector Materiales: Ficha de audición, libro digital con actividades de repaso: Edelim Temporales: +/- 6 sesiones distribuidas en los tres trimestres.

OBJETIVOS Repasar las cualidades del sonido en inglés Interpretar una adaptación de una partitura en inglés. Aprender los instrumentos de la orquesta

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACION Aprender el vocabulario específico de las cualidades del sonido. Interpretar vocal e instrumentalmente la obra “Joy to the world”

CLIL Vocabulario en ingles The superlatives The more……, the more Related to Preguntas en inglés What, How, When…. Comunicarse en inglés Aprender cómo se pregunta en inglés Correcta pronunciación de los instrumentos.


1. ACTIVIDAD: (1 sesión)

Repartidas por el aula estarán las definiciones de las 4 cualidades y distintos elementos

relacionados con cada una de las cualidades del sonido. Ellos tendrán que buscar las tarjetas

y relacionar cada definición con su cualidad del sonido. Tendrán que leer cada definición,

copiarla en su cuaderno y relacionarla con los elementos musicales adecuados. Elaborarán

un esquema en su cuaderno con todo lo encontrado en el aula.




It is the quality of the sound that informs us on how high and low the sound is. It depends on the frequency.



M easure

2/4, 3/4



It’s known as tone color. It tell us which voice or instrument is playing, even when they have the same pitch and loudness.

Refers to how long and short a sound is. It’s related to measures, beat, rhythm.

Refers how strong or soft a sound is and to the volume.It’s related to dynamics.

FF, mf, p, pp, Cresc, dimin.


2. ACTIVIDAD (2 sesiones)

Preparar instrumentalmente la canción “Joy to the world”. Una vez que la obra salga

correctamente tocando se les facilita el texto de la canción eliminando distintas palabras

para que ellos añadan las palabras para que ellos añadan las que faltan escuchando varias

veces la canción. Una vez completado pondremos la canción con subtítulos para que

puedan corregir su propia actividad y cantaremos todos juntos.

Por último, se canta dicha canción y se interpreta tocando en el aula de música. Dividiremos

la clase en grupos para que unos toquen y otros canten.

Joy to the___________! The Lord is come Let earth receive her King! Let every heart prepare Him _________

And ______________ and nature sing And heaven and nature sing And____________, and ____________ and nature sing

Joy to the____________! the Savior reigns Let men their _____________employ While fields and floods Rocks, __________and plains Repeat the sounding joy Repeat the sounding joy Repeat, repeat the sounding joy

No more let sins and sorrows grow Nor thorns infest the ground He comes to make His blessings flow Far as the curse is found Far as the curse is found Far as, far as the curse is found

He rules the ___________with truth and grace And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness And wonders of His_________ And wonders of His____________ And wonders and wonders of His ____________

3. ACTIVIDAD ( 2 sesiones)

En el aula de informática van a trabajar con las actividades elaboradas por la profesora en

Edelim para que repasen los contenidos trabajados en clase pero ahora en inglés. Primeramente

leeremos los contenidos en inglés, resolveremos las dudas de vocabulario que puedan existir y

después ellos irán realizando los ejercicios propuestos.



4. ACTIVIDAD (2sesiones)

Una vez trabajados los instrumentos en clase, se les pedirá que hagan una breve descripción del mismo según el material del que está elaborado, la manera de producir el sonido y la familia a la que pertenece.

Cada alumno va a ser un instrumento de cuerda frotada, pulsada o percutida, de viento madera o de viento mental. Previamente se habrán repartido dichos instrumentos entre las parejas de alumnos que se hayan formado en la clase, de manera que no se repitan instrumentos. Pediremos colaboración al departamento de inglés para que les corrijan la descripción y en clase van a tener que ir averiguando qué instrumento es cada pareja de compañeros.

Example of definition.

Violin: is a string instrument. The violinist produces sound by drawing a bow across one or more strings or by plucking the strings with either hand. I’m the smallest, highest-pitched member of my family.

Entre todos elaboraremos una batería de preguntas que escribirán en su cuaderno para después hacérselas a sus compañeros

Which material are you made off?

Are you an aerophone?

Are you a woodwind instrument or a string instrument?

If you are a string instrument, do you need something to play it?

If you are a string instrument, are you small or big?

If you are a string instrument, how do you produce the sound?

How do you produce the sound?

Do you need a string o you use the air to produce the sound?

. Trabajaremos primeramente el vocabulario específico. En la pizarra haremos un “brainstorm” del vocabulario que ellos conocen o intuyen puede ser igual que en castellano, puesto que muchos de los instrumentos se escriben igual en ambos idiomas puesto que el nombre procede del italiano, tendremos que trabajar la pronunciación.

Vocabulario: aerophone, brasswind, mouthpiece, French horn, reed and double-reed, blow, bassons,

Cordophones, bowing, double bass, plucking, and struck, to draw.


Brasswinds - Made of metal, particularly brass, these instruments create sound through the vibration of a player's lips on the mouthpiece. Examples: trombone,trumpet, French horn and tuba.

Woodwinds - Originally made of wood but now other materials have also been used. On reed instruments like the saxophone and the clarinet, a thin material is placed on the mouthpiece so that when the player blows into it the air is forced to go to a reed and sets it to vibrate. In double-reed instruments such as bassoons and oboes. In woodwinds such as flutes, the player blows air into the edge of a mouthpiece thus creating sound.


Chordophones also have subcategories depending on how the strings are played. Examples of chordophones played by bowing are violin, viola, chello, double bass. Examples of chordophones that are played by plucking are guitar and harp. The piano is one example of chordophones that is struck.


Pitch tells us if a sound is high or low. It depends on the wave frequency; the vibration

speed. It is measured in units called hertz (Hz) which show the number of vibrations per second.

The more number of vibrations a sound has, the higher the sound is.

To represent the pitch we use the staff, the clef, and the notes. The staff is written as five horizontal

parallel lines. The clef is the symbol at the beginning of the staff. It indicates the name of the notes.

The treble clef indicates that in the second line is the note called G (sol). From that reference, we

can deduct the names of the rest of the notes on the staff.

Duration is the characteristic of sound that tells us the differences between a short sound and a long

sound. It depends on the wave persistence. The meter, the measures, the beat, the rhythm is

related with this quality. The length of time that a note is played is called its note duration , which is

determined by the type of note, a whole note, a half note, a quarter note, etc. Time signatures

define the amount and type of notes that each measure contains.

• Measures: when you divide the staff with vertical black bars called bar lines you are

dividing the staff into measures.

• Each time signature can be classified into a certain meter.

• The terms duple, triple , and quadruple refer to the number of beats in a measure.

Intensity: With this characteristic we can distinguish between a loud sound and a soft sound. It

depends on the wave amplitude. We usually know this quality as the volumen of the sound. It is

mesured in units called decibels (dB). We represent this quality in a score with dynamics.

Ff ____ Fortísimo_______ very loud

F_____ forte__________ loud

Mf______ mezzoforte____ half as loud as forte.

P______ piano__________ soft

PP_______ pianissimo_______ very soft

Also included in dynamics are the crescendo (gradually increasing intensity), decrescendo

(gradually decreasing intensity) and the sforzando (sudden loudness).

TIMBRE is called as colour in music. The character or quality of a musical sound or voice as

distinct from its pitch and intensity. Timbre allows you to identify individual instruments or voices.
