Adf Vor 2005


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  • 7/23/2019 Adf Vor 2005


    RMIT Aerospace Engineering

    Automatic Direction Finding


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    guide for references

  • 7/23/2019 Adf Vor 2005


    RMIT Aerospace Engineerin

    Automatic Direction Finding (ADF)

    Indicates direction of the selected ground

    transmitter from the aircraft

    Medium Frequenc !"# $ !% k'D* $ on Directional *eacon (+round


    ADF recei,er on the aircraft

  • 7/23/2019 Adf Vor 2005


    RMIT Aerospace Engineerin

    Components of ADF

  • 7/23/2019 Adf Vor 2005


    RMIT Aerospace Engineerin

    ADF Components

    Source:-A,ionics./ Module 0#1 Radio a,igation 2stems/ ational Training Materiels for the Aerospace Industr/

    Australian ational Training Authorit/ !""%/ Fig3 !34/ 5age !6!!

  • 7/23/2019 Adf Vor 2005


    RMIT Aerospace Engineerin

    Source:-A,ionics./ Module 0#1 Radio a,igation 2stems/ ational Training Materiels for the Aerospace Industr/

    Australian ational Training Authorit/ !""%/ Fig3 !3!7/ 5age !60!

  • 7/23/2019 Adf Vor 2005


    RMIT Aerospace Engineerin

    8oop and 2ense Antenna

    Source:-A,ionics./ Module 0#1 Radio a,igation 2stems/ ational Training Materiels for the Aerospace Industr/

    Australian ational Training Authorit/ !""%/ Fig3 !3!0/ 5age !6%

  • 7/23/2019 Adf Vor 2005


    RMIT Aerospace Engineerin

    2stems error in ADF

  • 7/23/2019 Adf Vor 2005


    RMIT Aerospace Engineerin

    VOR Very High Frequency Omni-

    directional Radio range

    Comprising of a ground

    beacon and an airborne


    !utomatically andcontinuously pro"ides

    the operator #ith the

    magnetic bearing of the

    aircraft from the beacon

    VOR ground station

    transmits on a specific

    frequency bet#een

    $%&%% and $$'() *H+,)% H+ channels.

    Short range na"igation


  • 7/23/2019 Adf Vor 2005


    RMIT Aerospace Engineerin

    VOR purposes:

    $Orientation and position fi/ing0

    $1racing to or from a VOR ground station0

    $holding 2for delaying or manoeu"ringaction30 and

    $instrument approaches to land

  • 7/23/2019 Adf Vor 2005


    RMIT Aerospace Engineerin

    9:R Transmitter ;apoints

    Source:-A,ionics./ Module 0#1 Radio a,igation 2stems/ ational Training Materiels for the Aerospace Industr/

    Australian ational Training Authorit/ !""%/ Fig3 03!/ 5age 067

  • 7/23/2019 Adf Vor 2005


    RMIT Aerospace Engineerin

    9:R 6 Radials

    9:R ground transmitter radiates signals in

    all directions

    74# different tracks a

  • 7/23/2019 Adf Vor 2005


    RMIT Aerospace Engineerin

    Ho# VOR #ors5

    $1he VOR ground station transmits t#o VHF

    radio signals:

    $1he reference phase6 #hich is omni-directional

    - 7eamed emission that changes phase as it

    rotates cloc#ise lie beam of a light house

  • 7/23/2019 Adf Vor 2005


    RMIT Aerospace Engineerin

    1he aerial of the VOR aircraft recei"er

    pics up the signals6 #hose phase

    difference 2bet#een the #a"e peas3 ismeasured6 this difference depending on

    the bearing of the aeroplane from the

    ground station

  • 7/23/2019 Adf Vor 2005


    RMIT Aerospace Engineerin

    8ight House analogy

    $9magining a light house emits an

    omnidirectional flash of light e"ery time the

    beam is pointing due north 9f the speed of

    rotation is no#n6 and if a distant obser"er

    could record the time inter"al bet#een

    seeing omni-directional flash and seeing the

    beam6 bearing of the light house can becalculated

  • 7/23/2019 Adf Vor 2005


    RMIT Aerospace Engineerin

    9:R 2ignals

    1he demodulated output of the recei"er


    $$%% H+ !udio signal$a Variable phase ;% H+ signal

    $a Reference ;% H+ signal in the form of

    frequency modulation on a ((

  • 7/23/2019 Adf Vor 2005


    RMIT Aerospace Engineerin

    Source:-A,ionics./ Module 0#1 Radio a,igation 2stems/ ational Training Materiels for the Aerospace Industr/

    Australian ational Training Authorit/ !""%/ Fig3 03%/ 5age 06!#

  • 7/23/2019 Adf Vor 2005


    RMIT Aerospace Engineerin

    Source:-A,ionics./ Module 0#1 Radio a,igation 2stems/ ational Training Materiels for the Aerospace Industr/

    Australian ational Training Authorit/ !""%/ Fig3 03!&/ 5age 06!>

  • 7/23/2019 Adf Vor 2005


    RMIT Aerospace Engineerin

    VOR 9ndicators

    1he output of VOR recei"er:$ !udio to headsets,$%% H+.

    $ 7earing information

    $ =e"iation from selected radial$ 1O>FRO* signal$ Flag or #arning signal

    *anual VOR requires the pilot to select a

    particular radial on #hich he #ants to positionhis aircraft 1he actual radial on #hich theaircraft is flying is compared #ith the desiredradial

  • 7/23/2019 Adf Vor 2005


    RMIT Aerospace Engineerin


    The Air 5ilot?s Manual $ Radio a,igation

    and Instrument Fling@ 9ol &/ Tre,or Thom

    -A,ionics./ Module 0#1 Radio a,igation

    2stems/ ational Training Materiels for theAerospace Industr/ Australian ational

    Training Authorit/ !""%/ Fig3 !34/ 5age !6!!