Agen Pulsa



agen pulsa

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Agen Pulsa Termurah -----------------------------------------------Blogger Template StyleName : Blogger ResponsiveAuthor : http://www.sodiycxacun.blogspot.comDesigner: http://www.sodikinkurniawan.blogspot.comDate : August 2012License: This free Blogger template is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, which permits both personal and commercial use. However, to satisfy the 'attribution' clause of the license, you are required to keep the footer links intact which provides due credit to its authors. For more specific details about the license, you may visit the URL below: *//* Variable definitions ==================== *//* Reset & Basics */*{padding:0; margin:0; -webkit-box-sizing:border-box; -moz-box-sizing:border-box; box-sizing:border-box}html, body, div, span, applet,object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4,h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a,abbr, acronym, address, big, cite,code, del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd,q, s, samp, small, strike, strong,sub, sup, tt, var, b, u, i, center,dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset,form, label, legend, table, caption,tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td,article, aside, canvas, details,embed, figure, figcaption, footer,header, hgroup, menu, nav, output,ruby, section, summary, time, mark,audio,video{ margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; font-size:100%; vertical-align:baseline; }article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section {display:block;}body {font-family: verdana,sans-serif;font-size: 12px;line-height: 1.7em;text-shadow:0 1px 0 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Jangan sungkan untuk kembali datang , saya akan dengan senang hati menyambut anda .CompanyAboutFAQContactTermsPrivacyShopCommunityBlogMeetupsNewsletterTestimonialsHandbookBrand GuidelinesConnectFind DesignersShop ProductHealthy ProductTeamsAdvertiseAPI 23,764,485,791 Page Views Copyright 2013 Featurity Indonesia .Follow Me on Twitter ///** * remy sharp / * * * @params * cssIdOfContainer: e.g. twitters * options: * { * id: {String} username, * count: {Int} 1-20, defaults to 1 - max limit 20 * prefix: {String} '%name% said', defaults to blank * clearContents: {Boolean} true, removes contents of element specified in cssIdOfContainer, defaults to true * ignoreReplies: {Boolean}, skips over tweets starting with '@', defaults to false * template: {String} HTML template to use for LI element (see URL above for examples), defaults to predefined template * enableLinks: {Boolean} linkifies text, defaults to true, * timeout: {Int} How long before triggering onTimeout, defaults to 10 seconds if onTimeout is set * onTimeoutCancel: {Boolean} Completely cancel twitter call if timedout, defaults to false * onTimeout: {Function} Function to run when the timeout occurs. Function is bound to element specified with * cssIdOfContainer (i.e. 'this' keyword) * * CURRENTLY DISABLED DUE TO CHANGE IN TWITTER API: * withFriends: {Boolean} includes friend's status * * } * * @license MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) * @version 1.12 - Tweaked relative date and linkify to match usage * @date $Date: 2009-02-25 14:43:36 +0000 (Wed, 25 Feb 2009) $ */// to protect variables from resetting if included more than onceif (typeof renderTwitters != 'function') (function () { /** Private variables */ var browser = (function() { var b = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); // Figure out what browser is being used return { safari: /webkit/.test(b), opera: /opera/.test(b), msie: /msie/.test(b) && !(/opera/).test(b), mozilla: /mozilla/.test(b) && !(/(compatible|webkit)/).test(b) }; })(); var guid = 0; var readyList = []; var isReady = false; /** Global functions */ // to create a public function within our private scope, we attach the // the function to the window object window.renderTwitters = function (obj, options) { // private shortcuts function node(e) { return document.createElement(e); } function text(t) { return document.createTextNode(t); } var target = document.getElementById(options.twitterTarget); var data = null; var ul = node('ul'), li, statusSpan, timeSpan, i, max = obj.length > options.count ? options.count : obj.length; for (i = 0; i < max && obj[i]; i++) { data = getTwitterData(obj[i]); if (options.ignoreReplies && obj[i].text.substr(0, 1) == '@') { max++; continue; // skip } li = node('li'); if (options.template) { li.innerHTML = options.template.replace(/%([a-z_\-\.]*)%/ig, function (m, l) { var r = data[l] + "" || ""; if (l == 'text' && options.enableLinks) r = linkify(r); return r; }); } else { statusSpan = node('span'); statusSpan.className = 'twitterStatus'; timeSpan = node('span'); timeSpan.className = 'twitterTime'; statusSpan.innerHTML = obj[i].text; // forces the entities to be converted correctly if (options.enableLinks == true) { statusSpan.innerHTML = linkify(statusSpan.innerHTML); } timeSpan.innerHTML = relative_time(obj[i].created_at); if (options.prefix) { var s = node('span'); s.className = 'twitterPrefix'; s.innerHTML = options.prefix.replace(/%(.*?)%/g, function (m, l) { return obj[i].user[l]; }); li.appendChild(s); li.appendChild(text(' ')); // spacer :-( } li.appendChild(statusSpan); li.appendChild(text(' ')); li.appendChild(timeSpan); } ul.appendChild(li); } if (options.clearContents) { while (target.firstChild) { target.removeChild(target.firstChild); } } target.appendChild(ul); }; window.getTwitters = function (target, id, count, options) { guid++; if (typeof id == 'object') { options = id; id =; count = options.count; } // defaulting options if (!count) count = 1; if (options) { options.count = count; } else { options = {}; } if (!options.timeout && typeof options.onTimeout == 'function') { options.timeout = 10; } if (typeof options.clearContents == 'undefined') { options.clearContents = true; } // Hack to disable withFriends, twitter changed their API so this requires auth // if (options.withFriends) options.withFriends = false; // need to make these global since we can't pass in to the twitter callback options['twitterTarget'] = target; // default enable links if (typeof options.enableLinks == 'undefined') options.enableLinks = true; // this looks scary, but it actually allows us to have more than one twitter // status on the page, which in the case of my example blog - I do! window['twitterCallback' + guid] = function (obj) { if (options.timeout) { clearTimeout(window['twitterTimeout' + guid]); } renderTwitters(obj, options); }; // check out the mad currying! ready((function(options, guid) { return function () { // if the element isn't on the DOM, don't bother if (!document.getElementById(options.twitterTarget)) { return; } var url = '' + (options.withFriends ? 'friends_timeline' : 'user_timeline') + '/' + id + '.json?callback=twitterCallback' + guid + '&count=20'; if (options.timeout) { window['twitterTimeout' + guid] = setTimeout(function () { // cancel callback if (options.onTimeoutCancel) window['twitterCallback' + guid] = function () {};; }, options.timeout * 1000); } var script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute('src', url); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); }; })(options, guid)); }; // GO! DOMReady(); /** Private functions */ function getTwitterData(orig) { var data = orig, i; for (i in orig.user) { data['user_' + i] = orig.user[i]; } data.time = relative_time(orig.created_at); return data; } function ready(callback) { if (!isReady) { readyList.push(callback); } else {; } } function fireReady() { isReady = true; var fn; while (fn = readyList.shift()) {; } } // ready and browser adapted from John Resig's jQuery library ( function DOMReady() { if ( browser.mozilla || browser.opera ) { document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", fireReady, false ); } else if ( browser.msie ) { // If IE is used, use the excellent hack by Matthias Miller // // Only works if you document.write() it document.write(""); // Use the defer script hack var script = document.getElementById("__ie_init"); // script does not exist if jQuery is loaded dynamically if (script) { script.onreadystatechange = function() { if ( this.readyState != "complete" ) return; this.parentNode.removeChild( this );; }; } // Clear from memory script = null; // If Safari is used } else if ( browser.safari ) { // Continually check to see if the document.readyState is valid var safariTimer = setInterval(function () { // loaded and complete are both valid states if ( document.readyState == "loaded" || document.readyState == "complete" ) { // If either one are found, remove the timer clearInterval( safariTimer ); safariTimer = null; // and execute any waiting functions; } }, 10); } } function relative_time(time_value) { var values = time_value.split(" "), parsed_date = Date.parse(values[1] + " " + values[2] + ", " + values[5] + " " + values[3]), date = new Date(parsed_date), relative_to = (arguments.length > 1) ? arguments[1] : new Date(), delta = parseInt((relative_to.getTime() - parsed_date) / 1000), r = ''; function formatTime(date) { var hour = date.getHours(), min = date.getMinutes() + "", ampm = 'AM'; if (hour == 0) { hour = 12; } else if (hour > 12) { hour -= 12; ampm = 'PM'; } if (min.length == 1) { min = '0' + min; } return hour + ':' + min + ' ' + ampm; } function formatDate(date) { var ds = date.toDateString().split(/ /), mon = ds[1], day = ds[2], dayi = parseInt(day), year = date.getFullYear(), thisyear = (new Date()).getFullYear(), th = 'th'; // anti-'th' - but don't do the 11th, 12th or 13th if ((dayi % 10) == 1 && day.substr(0, 1) != '1') { th = 'st'; } else if ((dayi % 10) == 2 && day.substr(0, 1) != '1') { th = 'nd'; } else if ((dayi % 10) == 3 && day.substr(0, 1) != '1') { th = 'rd'; } if (day.substr(0, 1) == '0') { day = day.substr(1); } return mon + ' ' + day + th + (thisyear != year ? ', ' + year : ''); } delta = delta + (relative_to.getTimezoneOffset() * 60); if (delta < 5) { r = 'less than 5 seconds ago'; } else if (delta < 30) { r = 'half a minute ago'; } else if (delta < 60) { r = 'less than a minute ago'; } else if (delta < 120) { r = '1 minute ago'; } else if (delta < (45*60)) { r = (parseInt(delta / 60)).toString() + ' minutes ago'; } else if (delta < (2*90*60)) { // 2* because sometimes read 1 hours ago r = 'about 1 hour ago'; } else if (delta < (24*60*60)) { r = 'about ' + (parseInt(delta / 3600)).toString() + ' hours ago'; } else { if (delta < (48*60*60)) { r = formatTime(date) + ' yesterday'; } else { r = formatTime(date) + ' ' + formatDate(date); // r = (parseInt(delta / 86400)).toString() + ' days ago'; } } return r; } function linkify(s) { var entities = { '"' : '"', '&' : '&', '' : '>' }; return s.replace(/[A-Za-z]+:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9-_]+\.[A-Za-z0-9-_:%&\?\/.=]+/g, function(m) { return; }).replace(/(^|[^\w])(@[\d\w\-]+)/g, function(d, m1, m2) { return m1 + '@' + m2.substr(1) + ''; }).replace(/"&/, function (m) { return entities[m]; }); }})();getTwitters('tweets', { id: 'ID TWITTER', count: 3,enableLinks: true, ignoreReplies: false,template: '%text%'});//]]>