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‘‘AJVM’ Welcomes YouAJVM’ Welcomes You‘‘AJVM’ Welcomes YouAJVM’ Welcomes You

Akhil Jyotish Vidya Mandal 2

Congratulations !Congratulations !You Are Admitted As Our Student For ‘Jyotish Visharad’ Course.Thanks For Your Keen Interest For Learning Astrology.

Now You Can Unfold The Mysteries Of Your Life……Understand Your Life Pattern Alongwith Your Family Horoscopes,

Can Better Plan Your Life To Fulfill Your & Your Family Dreams….Life Will More Easy For You In Any Circumstances Than Others…

Now You Can Give Better Guidance To Your Family & Friends…& It Will Be Their Pleasure To Have A Company Like You For Their

Betterment……. Yes,,, Definitely , It Is……The Belief In An Good Astrologer Is Considered To Be A Belief In God &

The Belief In Oneself….. & It Should Be! Because An Astrologer Is The One Who Is Always In Touch With The

Positions Of The Celestial Bodies, The Heavenly Bodies With The Help Of ‘Panchanga’s (Almanac), & Other His Astro Routines.

So Let Us Have A Good Start….. Let Us Pray God To Bless Us For His Heavenly Knowledge Which Is Mystical To Others……

But A Sure Way To Somebody Who Approaches You For His Astrological Help !

Akhil Jyotish Vidya Mandal 3

Is The First Word; One Amazingly Expects From An Astrologer During His First Visit.

So….. What Is Luck ????

Luck Is When Opportunity Meets Preparation !Good And Bad Luck Is Different Thing ………

But When Opportunity Meets Preparation; It Is Called Luck!.... Strange But Fact….

Both The Things (Opportunity & Preparation) Are Available Something Somewhere In Your Life Also, But The Difficult Job Is To Find It…….

When? Where? Why? How? How Much?

These Are The Non Ending Questions Until One Gets A Full-fledged , Well –Versed, Versatile Astrologer.

** And…. The Job Is Supposed To Be Assigned For You! **

It May Be A Question For Yourself First; Or May Be Questioned Anonymously, Virtually, All Of Sudden Your Mind Awakens,

Yes….. Your Conscious & Sub Conscious Mind Can Also Ask You These Questions & You Have To Dig These Answers During Your Study Course………….

*** LUCK ***

Akhil Jyotish Vidya Mandal 4

*** LUCK ***So…. Luck= Opportunity + Preparation.

An Astrologers Job Is To See The Opportunity- When, Where, How, How Much………

And The ‘Preparation’ Needed To Meet That Opportunity!

An Astrologer Can Exactly Tell The Native That In What Field He Is Destined To Be & How The Native Shall Prepared To Click That Opportunity More Confidently, More Perfectly ! Then The Native Can Easily Accepts The Challenges By Knowing His Life Path & Can Face The Life Positively With All The Tools Well Planned In Advance.

Thus One Can Experience His ‘LUCK’ By Learning The ASTROLOGY, Or By Having A Complete Advise From An Professional Astrologer.

But The Matter Is That ‘Professionalism’ In Astrology Is Rarely Observed In India Due To Lack Of Its Non-Synchronized Study Syllabus As Well As Non-Standardization Of Astrology Principals On A Single Platform Which Is Overcome Here By ‘Akhil Jyotish Vidya Mandal’ With A Zest Of Experiencing People The Fruits Of Astrology.

Here In ‘Akhil Jyotish Vidya Mandal’, We Have Attempted To Cover Most Of The Astrology Subjects Which Are Unanimously Required For A Full-Fledged Astrological Interpretations, Learning Of Which You Can Surely Justify Yourself As Well As The Native Approaching You For His Astrological Advise.

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These Are The Branches Of Astrology Covered In Our Curriculum Of Study Courses Which Are Most Essential For Any Astrologer To Learn For Becoming A Complete ‘Professional Astrologer’

• 1.Vedic Astrology.• 2.K.P.Astrology.• 3.AshtakVarga Paddhati.• 4.Medical Astrology.• 5.Mundane Astrology.• 6.Horary Science.• 7.Gemmology.• 8.Numerology.• 9.Vaastu Shastra. Let Us See The Brief Introduction Of These Subjects…….

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Vedic AstrologyVedic AstrologyWhat is Vedic Astrology?Vedic Astrology Is An Analysis And Forecasting System, Based On Astronomical Data, That Allows Its Practitioners To Carefully Assess and Understand Behavior To Measure The Effects Of the Past, The Influence Of The Present and The Tendency Of Events To Unfold In The Future.

Vedic Astrology: The Ancient Knowledge of Behavior and Time,- From IndiaThe Oldest And Most Important Scriptures In All Of India, If Not The World Are Called The Vedas--A Sanskrit Word Meaning “Knowledge”.

The Vedas Are Called “Apaursheya" or Beyond The Realm Of Man and Time. According To The Tenets Of Vedic Philosophy, The Vedas Were Not Authored But Documented By Seers or Ancient Wiseman Called “Rishi's", Who In A State Of Expanded Awareness, Cognized The Mechanics Of Creation. Vedic Astrology Comes From This Ancient Work (Hence The Use Of The Word Vedic).

Jyotisha or Jyotish Is The Actual Sanskrit Name For Vedic Astrology And Means The “Eye or Light Of Nature". It Describes The Ability Of An Astrologer To View The Mechanics Of People's Behavior As Well As The Projected Cycles And Outcomes Of Time And Events.

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The Fundamentals of Vedic AstrologyThe Fundamentals Of Vedic Astrology Were Believed By Ancient Philosophers To Have Been Instituted By ‘Brahma- The Creator.’ This Knowledge Was Then Passed Down To Various Rishi’s and To Man. Vedic Astrology, In Its Current Form, Is Thought To Have Been Written Several Thousand Years Ago By Maharshi Parashara, Although Following India's Concepts Of Repeating Time Cycles, The Work Could Have Even Existed Several Thousand Years More Prior To That In Oral Form. Parashara's Book- "Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra" Is The Primer On Vedic Astrology And Most Scholars View Parashara Today As The Father Of Mainstream Vedic Astrology.

Vedic AstrologyVedic Astrology

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The Purpose of Vedic AstrologyThe Purpose Of Vedic Astrology Is To Avoid Problems Before They Arise. Another Quote From India States, "If You Want To Get rid of a Snake, Get Rid Of It When It Is Really Small". In Fact, Patanjali, A Famous Indian Philosopher Who Wrote The "Yoga Sutras", Stated That It Was Important To Know How To “Avoid The Danger Which Has Not Yet Come". A Good Astrologer Uses The Tools Of Vedic Astrology To Forecast The Times To Promote Events In One's Life Or To Pull Back, Recognizing The Indications Point To Some Obvious Serious Risk. In The Traditional Indian Or Hindu Culture, There Is A High Reverence For Gurus, Or Enlightened Masters. The Trust Is So High That The Word Of The Guru and Ancient Scriptural Tradition Is Accepted With Little Doubt. This Tradition Has Predisposed Indian Followers Of Vedic Astrology Not To Inquire Much Into Psychological Matters, But To Focus More On When Things Might or Might Not Happen. Many Western Astrologers Are Disposed To Focus On Analysis Of Behavior, With Less Emphasis On Forecasting. Such Is The Choice Of The Western, Analytical World. Many Modern Vedic Astrologers, However, Recognize A Westerner's Desire To Analyze And Have In Recent Years Adjusted To Their Approach For Western Clients, To Include More Psychological Analysis, Along With Predictive Work. All Good Astrological Work Ultimately Takes Into Account The Context And Cultural Variables Of The Client or Event Being Considered.

Vedic AstrologyVedic Astrology

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Vedic Astrology Is Not Fatalistic, But Realistic

It Is Also Important To Know That Good Vedic Astrologers Are Not Fatalistic, But They Point To Useful And Actionable Indications Or Probabilities That Certain Behaviors Might Emerge or That Specific Events Could Take Place Over Time.

In Spite Of The Debate About Whether We Have Free Will or Not, It is Important To Know That The Effects Seen In An Astrological Chart Are Not Required To Happen As They Stand.

A Motivated, Sincere Person, Under The Competent Guidance Of An Experienced Vedic Astrologer, Or Other Self-improvement Mentors, Can Make Effective Changes In Their Lives.

Nature Is Basically Benevolent And Changes Can Be Made For The Better.

Vedic AstrologyVedic Astrology


Vedic Astrology is Star Based or Sidereal Western is Season Based or Tropical

It Is Important To Know That Vedic Astrological Calculations Are Different From What Most Of Us Have Seen In The Western Systems. Vedic Astrology Is Sidereal or Based In Reference To The Stars. All Its Calculations Are Constantly Adjusted For A Back Slipping Motion Of The Earth Called ‘Precession’.The Earth's Axial Spin Retards or Moves Back About One Degree or One Day Every 72 Years, In Relationship To A Fixed Star. The Astronomy Of The Sky That You Observe Each Night In Our Modern Times Is Nearly Matched To The Zodiac Constellations Used In Vedic Astrology Calculations.

In Western Astrology, The Planetary Positions Presented In Their Zodiac Do Not Represent Today's Astronomical Positions. They Tend To Focus More On The Seasons As Markers Of Time. The Tropical Zodiac Remains Unchanged From What Was Seen In The Skies Almost 2000 Years Ago By The Ancient Greeks, Egyptians & Babylonians. The Two Systems Are About 23 Days Apart (called the “Ayanamsa") From Where They Mark The First Point Of The Sign of Aries, Which Is The Start Of The Circle Of The Zodiac. Again, This Is Due To That Slow Precessed, Backward Slipping Of The Earth. What This Means, Astrologically, That Unless You Were Born Somewhere Between The 15th and 20th Of The Month, Your Sun Sign Will Most Likely Move Back One Sign In Vedic Astrology.

Vedic AstrologyVedic Astrology

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Beyond The Birth Chart:

An Abundance Of Vedic Astrology Tools For Analysis and Forecasting:

The Astrology Of India Is Known For The Quantity And Quality Of Its Analytical And Forecasting Tools.

Most Beginners Are Amazed To Find Not Only The Basic Natal Chart Called The “Rashi", But Also A Chart System Employing 27 Signs Of The Moon, Called The “Nakshatras".

There Is An Additional Set Of Birth Charts Called The “Shodasha Vargas" Which Give The Practitioner Of Vedic Astrology 15 Extra Charts To Examine.

The Most Famous Of These Is The "Navamansha", Which Is Analyzed Carefully For Marriage Matching And To Uncover More Subtle Aspects Of A Person's Nature.

The Most Widely Recognized Vedic Forecasting Tool Is Called The "Vimshottari Dasha" System Which Can Track The Karmic Influences Promised By Planet In A Chart Out To A Span Of 120 Years, With Each Planet Ruling A Specific Period Of A Person's Life.

There Are Many Other Techniques, Too Numerous To Mention In This Small Introduction……

Vedic AstrologyVedic Astrology

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• K.P. System: An Introduction:• This is an excellent system (Paddhati) of astrological predictions conceived and created by The Great

Indian Astrology master late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti. KP System is based on finer points of Indian and Western astrology and borrows important concepts from many branches of astrology. Regarded as most accurate system of present time, KP System of astrology is easy to learn and easy to apply. Contrary to classical Hindu astrology, KP system is systematic and very well defined.

Here are some major differences to Vedic Astrology:

• KP system gives importance to the Constellations / Stars / Nakshatras divisions of the Zodiac which is obviously the most desired for precision.

• Further it divides each Constellation / Star / Nakshatra division into further 9 subdivisions called 'SUBS'. These sub divisions are not equal divisions, but are as per the Vimshottari Dasha’s Divisions System.

• K.P. System uses K.P. Ayanamshas as opposed to Lahiri Ayanamshas mostly used in Vedic System. The difference between two is about 6 minutes (Kala).

• This system uses Cusps that is house/ Bhav beginnings like Western Systems, as opposed to Vedic System which uses House Centres i.e. Bhav Madhyas.

• This system uses Placidus House system. • The planet in its Dasha gives results as per its Nakshatra-Swami (Star-Lord) rather than the planet itself.

Hence Planet is represents the SOURCE, that Planet's Star-Lord represents the EFFECTS, RESULTS and that Planet's Sub gives idea of the FINAL DIRECTION of that result.

• KP highly uses Ruling Planets methodology which says that the planets at the time of desire and fructifications are always same.

• House characteristics are given more importance than planetary characteristics. • KP system discards few of the popular classical Astrology Principles like Divisional charts and Various

Planetary Yogas.

K.P. Astrology.K.P. Astrology.

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** KP (Krishnamurti Paddhati) Main Principles Are:-

• Any Planets Gives The Result of its Star.• Lord Position and Signs Occupied By The

Star Lord.• Placement of planet itself and signs are secondary• The Results Are Good Or Bad About The Houses

Shown By The Star Lord; Depends on the Sub-Lord Of The Planet Under Consideration.

K.P. Astrology.K.P. Astrology.

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The "Ashtakvarga" is recognized as an outstanding system of prediction among the several systems advocated in the standard works on Vedic astrology.

It has been commended as the best and the most indispensable key, so that all predictions have to be made only after a consideration of the AshtakVarga.

The system appears to have originated in the very remote past. Acharya Varahmihira (circa 500 A.D.) mentions it rather casually, as if it had already become an integral part of the standard teaching on astrology in his day, not requiring a very detailed exposition.

It is quite likely, therefore, that the system originated some centuries before Varah, perhaps a couple of centuries before Christ.

Generation after generation of Astrologers will remain eternally indebted to the great seers who devised the system of "AshtakVarga" which accomplishes the complex task of handling the intricate web of matrix generated by interactive planetary positions, with admirable aesthetics and commendable ease.

This system has a certain originality parallel of which is not found in any other system, anywhere else in the world.

"AshtakVarga" system presents a scope of departure from its traditional applications to the "research" minded Vedic Astrologer.

Ashtak VargaAshtak Varga

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The Ashtakvarga system of Astrology is unique. It gives at a glance the complete picture of a person's health, wealth, finances, spiritual development, profession and the strength and weakness of the horoscope. A mere look at the Ashtakvarga Table shows the height a person can rise to in his profession and gives an exact picture of the dasha scheme.

      The results of dreaded Saade Sati can be predicted with great accuracy. It shows the circumstances under which period of Saade Sati instead of producing sorrow and disappointment can be a source of strength if the rasis concerned contain requisite number of bindus as calculated according to Ashtakvarga.       The system can also be used in forecasting exact Muhurta under which a person should be married or which direction would one get success or from where to seek a bride. The time to fight an election, give interviews, take medicine, perform auspicious ceremonies or launch a satellite can be accurately forecast under this system. This can also be used for matching horoscope or to find which type of persons will help you in life. This prescribed procedure is simple and the results are highly accurate.Astrology is a divine science and for accurate predictions grace of gurus and gods is necessary.

Ashtakvarga is a unique system to assess the strength of Bhava’s and planets and provides guidance for giving accurate predictions. For example, a well-placed Sun in the horoscope will take a person to dizzy heights. The person with such a Sun will be a born leader and success would come to him easily. It is not possible to achieve high status and success in life without a strong Sun. Similarly a strong Moon will make a person a great humanitarian with interest in public welfare and a great peace of mind. With afflicted and weak Moon a person does not have a proper thinking capacity and is prone to dull and morose (gloomy) life.       It is only Ashtakvarga that will tell us about the strength and weakness of planets and ultimately the periods of happiness prosperity or turmoil and dejections.       Great contribution of Ashtakvarga is that it gives at a glance the picture of strength and weakness of the horoscope and provides best guidance for remedial measures.

Ashtak VargaAshtak Varga

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You will probably laugh at the term ‘Medical Astrology’. Unfortunately the world is still behind when it comes to deeper issues relating to human life. All of the Western medical science is based upon trying to cure the symptoms or suppressing the symptoms. Just a few years back the Western researchers have started looking into the root causes of diseases but still they have a long way to go. As year By Year Passes, we find that there is no cure for deadly diseases like TB, Cancer, AIDS, Brain Diseases, and numerous other diseases found in today's modern world. Everyday more and more people are sacrificed in the name of treatment by deadly antibiotic drugs and harmful therapies. Some doctors are bit more honest and aware about human life. These few doctors will refer their patients to alternative therapies like Medical Astrology for diseases they know have no cure in the Western system of medicine. Even now an Astrologer is not considered learned unless and until he is familiar with "Medical Astrology". It is a widely practiced science. Medical Astrology is a branch of Astrology. It deals with the medical aspect of astrology, that is- A Horoscope is drawn by the Medical Astrologer, based on time, place, date, of the birth of the concerned person & then appropriate advice is given to cure the disease the person is suffering from. You will be surprised to know that many MD's keep a close touch with learned Astrologers and often consult them regarding their Patients because they know and understand within their hearts that Karma plays a very important role in the state of ones health. Karma is nothing but different projections created by the unconscious mind based on one's thought patterns & can be negative/positive based upon the state of consciousness one is at. These projections are carried along in the next life & one is born to parents whose karmic records complement the soul taking the physical body through that parents. These Karmic records can only be erased by the grace of a Guru [a spiritually high person] or a person who has reached a very high state of consciousness or by prayers and mind control. On the other hand if one does not know how to have mind control or does not have good karma to find such a Guru, one can take the help of ‘Vedic Medical Astrology’ to control and eradicate one's physical problems.

Medical Astrology.Medical Astrology.

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Medical Astrology.Medical Astrology.Medical astrology (traditionally known as Iatromathematics) is an ancient

Medical Astrology system that Associates Various parts of the Body, Diseases And Drugs as under the influence of the sun, moon and planets, along with the twelve astrological signs.

Each of the astrological signs (along with the sun, moon, and planets) is associated with different parts of the human body.

Lets look at Medical Astrology from a logical perspective: If you look at the statistics for major health problems suffered by the mankind, you can observe that Men suffer mostly from a set of diseases and on the other hand women suffer from a different set of diseases & then there are common diseases suffered by both men & women. Diseases which are: Asthma, Skin diseases, Allergies, Headaches, Vision problems, Respiratory problems, Hearing problems, Stomach disorders, sexual problems, Obesity etc Are Common To Both.

Diseases common among Men are: Heart Problems (Most common among Men), Brain Diseases, Liver Problems and problems relating to sexual organs and at times Brain Cancer or Tumor.

Diseases common among Women are: Cancer is common among women, especially Breast Cancer, thyroid malfunction, & problems related to reproductive system. We Can go straight to common cures found within Medical Astrology for various diseases.

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The system of medical astrology has been used to codify the associations of the signs of the zodiac with the parts of the body as follows:

Aries - head, face, brain, eyes Taurus - throat, neck, thyroid gland, vocal tract Gemini - arms, lungs, shoulders, hands, nervous system, brain Cancer - chest, breasts, stomach, alimentary canal Leo - heart, chest, spine, spinal column, upper back Virgo - digestive system, intestines, spleen, nervous system Libra - kidneys, skin, lumbar region, buttocks Scorpio - reproductive system, sexual organs, bowels, excretory system Sagittarius - hips, thighs, liver, sciatic nerve Capricorn - knees, joints, skeletal system Aquarius - ankles, calves, circulatory system Pisces - feet, toes, lymphatic system, adipose tissue

These Twelve Zodiac Signs covers the body from head (Aries) to toe (Pisces) because Aries is the first sign of the zodiac while Pisces is the last.

Like This All The Planets From Sun, Moon,………. Are Also Having Controls On Various Organs Which We Will Have To Study In Details In ‘Medical Astrology’ Subject Here In Our AJVM’s Curriculum.

Medical Astrology.Medical Astrology.

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Mundane Astrology.Mundane Astrology.Mundane astrology is the application of astrology to world affairs and world events, taking its name from the Latin word Mundus, meaning "the World". Mundane astrology is a branch of Judicial astrology and is widely believed by astrological historians to be the most ancient branch of astrology. In the Middle Ages mundane astrology was more commonly known as the study of Revolutions - meaning the study of the revolutions of the planets in their apparent orbits around the Earth, as they were then believed to do.Political astrology is a branch of mundane astrology dealing with politics, the government, and the politicians/laws governing a particular nation, state or city. A wider definition of mundane astrology focuses also on natural & man-made disasters.For example, the modern state of India is widely considered to have come into being at midnight on August 15, 1947. This time gives rise to a national horoscope for this country, which can be analyzed in terms of the natal potential and the impacts of transiting planets in the horoscope at any given time. The other approach is the ancient practice of finding correlations that exist between geological phenomena (such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.) & astronomical phenomena (the movement of celestial bodies in the Solar System). This approach is based on the horoscope of the astronomical placements at any given time, without reference to a national horoscope.

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Mundane Astrology.Mundane Astrology.Mundane astrology had Two purposes: one was to look back and explain history, looking for patterns and a sense of some greater purpose in apparently chaotic events such as the rise and fall of empires or religions.

The other was to predict the future. Some philosophers believed that the world could be saved from disaster if future troubles could be predicted & subsequently averted.

Although it was originally developed in ancient Babylon there have been three subsequent major periods of developments. In 120 AD the Greek astrologer Claudius Ptolemy set down the fundamentals of Mundane Astrology in his famous treatise on Astrology, the Tetrabiblos.

In the ninth and tenth centuries the astrologers of the Islamic world added many more techniques, particularly the use of the cycles of Jupiter and Saturn to identify the rise and fall of states and religions.

The twentieth century saw a major proliferation of techniques mainly based on the use of planetary cycles rather than, as had always been the case the interpretation of planetary positions in horoscopes or natal charts.

An approach to studying longer-term history through Astrology is through the use of "precession of the equinoxes" indicators, Providing a source for the idea of Astrological Ages.

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Planets and Areas of life Considered In Mundane Astrology’s Study :-

Many astrologers have been interested in the area of mundane or political astrology, who proposed that specific areas of life and politics can be correlated to each of the planets. In general, the following associations of areas of society with each of the planets are generally accepted by most astrologers:

• Sun : Supreme authority in the State (the President/Prime Minister/Chancellor). Eclipses often signify the death or displacement of the head of state. National character and identity, major events- overall.

• Moon : The population, the popular mood; national security needs, basic necessities, women's issues, agriculture.

• Mercury : Tradings, News media and the Press, literature, All schools leading up to higher education; the post office and means of communication; political speeches, opinion polls, Transportation, Trades

• Venus : Sufferers, Disease, Arrogance, Defeat in war, Death, Anger, Jealousy • Mars : The armed forces & Police; violent crime, war, Industrial concerns; when associated with

Uranus may cause explosions, terrorism; with Neptune, treachery. Divisive elements in society. • Jupiter : Temples and churches, religion, judges, law and court system, higher education, prosperity,

publishing, banking, insurance; the 'upper classes'; philanthropic institutions (especially in association with Neptune).

• Saturn : Property, The system of government, institutions and bureaucracy, economy, conservatism, infrastructure, law, control

• Uranus (Harshal) : Administration, revolutions, progressive or radical movements, countercultures; power in its physical sense - electrical and nuclear, new technology, innovation.

• Neptune : The arts, glamour, hope, idealism, covert actions, socialism; hospitals, charitable institutions; the navy. Under affiction associated with muddle, fraud, crime, scandal; brewing and alcohol, drugs; chemicals, footwear.

• Pluto : Financial or political power, factions, big business, nuclear energy, mines; criminal detection, but under affliction the criminal underworld, death, catastrophes, dictators.

Mundane Astrology.Mundane Astrology.

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Horary Science Astrology.Horary Science Astrology.Horary astrology has been practiced for centuries in India known as Prashna Shastra (Sanskrit prashna = question).

It is a branch of Vedic astrology which is still widely used across the Indian subcontinent. The more advanced form is the Astamangalam Prashna and Deva Prasna methods of Kerala. The state of Kerala, in India, is famous even today for its traditional use of horary astrology. Horary astrology has its own strict system. The position of & aspects to the moon are of Prime Importance. The person asking the question, or Querent, is represented by the ruler of the sign the first house cusp falls on in the horoscope. Planetary aspects to the house cusps are considered more important than in other branches of astrology (although it is the planetary rulers of the houses in question that take precedent in analysis). Other key elements used in horary astrology include the lunar nodes, the planetary Positions and the Arabic parts i.e. Sahams.Typically, a horary chart is read by first assigning the thing asked about, the quest, to a particular house in the chart. For instance, asking "Where is my lost dog?" would be represented by the sixth house, as it is the house that governs small animals (traditionally, smaller than a goat). The house cusp of the sixth house will be in a particular sign, for example Libra. Libra is ruled by Venus, so Venus is considered the Significator of the lost dog. Venus's state in the horoscope (its dignity, aspects, etc.) will give clues to the animal's location.

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• Horary astrology is an ancient branch of horoscopic astrology by which an astrologer attempts to answer a question by constructing a horoscope for the exact time at which the question was received and understood by the astrologer.

• There is disagreement amongst horary astrologers as to whether to use the location of the person who asks the question - the querent - or the location of the astrologer. Normally they are in the same place, but in modern times many astrologers work online and by telephone. These days the querent could be in Australia and send an email with the question to an astrologer in Europe. The horoscope would in this case be radically different. Many European practitioners take the location of the querent, but there are strong voices in traditional English schools who advocate using the location of the astrologer.

• The answer to the horary question might be a simple yes or no, but is generally more complex with insights into, for example, the motives of the questioner, the motives of others involved in the matter, and the options available to him.

• Horary astrology is an ancient branch of astrology that answers questions by using the time of birth of a question, rather than the birth of a person. A horary reading using traditional astrology provides a very precise, focused and accurate answer to a wide variety of questions.

Horary Science Astrology.Horary Science Astrology.

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Gemology.Gemology.Gemology or gemmology is the science dealing with natural and artificial gems

and gemstones. It is considered a geoscience and a branch of mineralogy. Some jewelers are academically trained gemologists and are qualified to identify and evaluate gems.

• Gemstones are basically categorized based on of their crystal structure, specific gravity, refractive index, and other optical properties, such as pleochroism. The physical property of "hardness" is defined by the non-linear Mohs scale of mineral hardness.

• Gemologists study these factors while valuing or appraising cut and polished gemstones. Gemological microscopic study of the internal structure is used to determine whether a gem is synthetic or natural by revealing natural fluid inclusions, and included partially melted exogenous crystals to demonstrate evidence of heat treatment to enhance color.

• The spectroscopic analysis of cut gemstones also allows a gemologist to understand the atomic structure and identify its origin as it is a major factor in valuing a gemstone.

• When the gemstones are in a rough state, the gemologist studies the external structure; the host rock and mineral association; and natural and polished colour. Initially, the stone is identified by its colour, refractive index, optical character, specific gravity, and examination of internal characteristics under magnification.

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Astro-Gemology (Vedic Gemology)Astro-Gemology (Vedic Gemology)Astro-Gemology is the synergy of two sciences - Astrology & Gemology. The basic theory of Astro-Gemology is that the nine planets are linked to the nine gems and that the stone of the planet governing fortune can generate fortune.Natural gems built by the tectonic pressure within the earth have the ability to heal diseases.Similarly if you wear the gem of a Functional Benefic you can increase the transmission of Cosmic colors radiated by the planets which is absorbed by our etheric body thus satiating Color hunger and eliminating disease. Cosmic Colors are absorbed by the Chakras ( dynamos of Cosmic Energy ) in our ethereal body.The Chakras are related to our glandular system in the physical body. ( Deficiency of colours is defined as disease).

The seven primary colors of the spectrum and the two secondary colors correspond to the nine revolving heavens. (VIBGYOR & infra-red and ultra-violet ).The nine colours are understood to be the cosmic matrix and the very essence of the nine planets and it is through these colours that the planets radiate their energy and influence. When the visible colored lights are measured infra-red exhibits the longest wave length and ultra-violet the shortest. The wavelength of colored light emanating from the planets are found to match those radiating from each planet's corresponding gemstone(s).

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By using the amazing power for Vedic Gemology, you can overcome  the barriers to success. Wearing Yellow  Sapphire  increases  Jupiterian significations like Fortune, Wealth  and  Goodwill.  Using Coral, can  increase Fortitude,  one of the Maritan qualities. Administrative ability, another Martian  quality will be enhanced by wearing Coral. Wearing Diamond can enhance the Venusian significations.  By  using the  correct  Gemstone,  your  fortune  will  be enhanced considerably.  Our Planetary Gem Advisors can recommend Gemstones for you which has the occult power to take you to prosperity!

• A Gemstone / birth stone is a collective term for all ornamental stones that possess attributes like beauty, rarity, durability. Astral gems, apart from these material properties, increase the psychic powers of an individual by their curative powers.  Astral gems also have the power to ward off the ill-effects of planets and worn in the form of birth stone..

• The gem stone / birth stone should be set in the right metal and with the right weight.  It should be worn on the correct finger of the working hand. Each gem, with its constant source of specific rays, gives rise to constructive vibrations that have therapeutic powers. Hence wearing your appropriate birth stone will always give you luck and prosperity.

• GEMS are precious stones which are loaded with specific energies. Gems may take in different colored rays and filter them all, but finally they keep a specific ray only. For example, Ruby is a gem in Dark Red color. This gem will filter all other colors except Red, which is accumulated into it. When we wear Ruby, we get the Red colored rays being absorbed into our body, and hence the effect of these rays will produce certain results. It has been experimentally proved that the Red color increases Will-power, Anger, Dynamism, Blood flow, and the Soul is strengthened. So it is better if the people with a lack of confidence and with feelings of inferiority wear this gem.

• The gems are connected to Planets in Astrology. Of course Astrology advocates that everything in this world is connected to Planets finally. What is the relation between gems and Planets? Each planet has a type of energy which is fully absorbed in a particular gem on the earth. Thus Sun’s energy is absorbed in Ruby, Moon’s energy is available in Pearl, Mars’s is in Coral, Jupiter’s is in Yellow Sapphire, Saturn’s energy is seen is Blue Sapphire, Mercury’s is in Emerald, Venus’s is in Diamond, Rahu’s is in Hessonite and Ketu’s is in Cat’s eye.

• When there are any deficiencies in the energy levels of a Planet in a human being, the related problems concerned to that Planet will result. So it is wise to fill these deficient energies, by wearing gems. This is the route to achieve health, happiness and prosperity in life.

Astro-Gemology (Vedic Gemology)Astro-Gemology (Vedic Gemology)

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• Numerology is the study of numbers, and the occult manner in which they reflect certain aptitudes and character tendencies, as an integral part of the cosmic plan.

• You need the birth date of an individual and the complete name as inputs to unlock all of the secrets that the numbers hold.

• There are nine numbers used in constructing numerology charts. These numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

• Each alphabetical letter has been assigned a numeric value that provides a related cosmic vibration.

• Thus larger numbers that occur from adding the numbers in the complete birth date or from the values assigned to each name, are reduced by adding the digits together until the sum achieved is one of the core numbers. 

• The sum of the numbers in your birth date and the sum of value derived from the letters in the name provide an interrelation of vibrations. These numbers show a great deal about character, purpose in life, what motivates, and where talents may lie. These numbers had made Numerology which specializes in names (baby names, domain names, individual names, business names, etc..)

• Millions Are using The Numerology For Baby Names- to name the Just born Child and to name the Websites, Business, etc. Even You Can Enjoy This Numerology Science to have the right name which leads to success in all aspects of life.Your psychic number mostly defines your character and is most dominant until the age of about 35. Your destiny number shows what is your destiny, which also strongly defines how people see you. It becomes more apparent after the age of 35.


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At A Glance:-Numerology is the study of numbers, and the occult manner in which they

reflect certain aptitudes and character tendencies, as an integral part of the cosmic plan.

Each letter has a numeric value that provides a related cosmic vibration. The sum of the numbers in your birth date and the sum of value derived from the letters in the name provide an interrelation of vibrations.

These numbers show a great deal about character, purpose in life, what motivates, and where talents may lie.

Experts in numerology use the numbers to determine the best time for major moves and activities in life.

Numerology is used to decide when to invest, when to marry, when to travel, when to change jobs, or relocate.

I'm not claiming that Only Numerology is going to make an expert of you so that all these questions can be answered, but we can at least get you on the way.


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Vastu Shastra is a traditional Hindu system of design based on directional alignments. It is primarily applied in Hindu architecture, especially for Hindu temples, although it covers other applications, including poetry, dance, sculpture, etc. The foundation of Vaastu is traditionally ascribed to the mythical sage ‘Mayan’.

• The Sanskrit word vastu means "any really existing or abiding substance or essence, thing, object, article", and also "goods, wealth, property". The Vaastu takes the meaning of "the site or foundation of a house, site, ground, building or dwelling-place, habitation, homestead, house".

• The underlying root is ‘vaas’ i.e. "to dwell, live, stay, abide".• The term Shastra may loosely be translated as "science, doctrine,

teaching".• A Famous Quote- ‘Vaastu- Tathaastu’ Is Experienced If We Follows

The Vaastu Principles To Construct The Vaastu-i.e.. Any Residential, Commercial Building, Bunglow, Row Houses, Farm Houses, Any Temporary Or Permanent Structure Deserves Vaastu Principles In Its Construction To Give Its Lifetime Blessings For Your Constant Progress.

Vaastu Shastra.Vaastu Shastra.

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According to vastu Shastra, the world comprises five basic elements known as the ‘Pancha Maha Bhoota’. Out of the eight planets, ours has life Only Because of the presence and balance of these five elements. The five elements are as follows.

• EARTH (Bhumi) - Earth, the third planet in order from the sun, is a big magnet with North and South poles as centers of attractions. Its magnetic field and gravitational force has considerable effects on everything on the Earth, On living and non-living Bodies.

• WATER (Jala) - This is represented by rain, river, sea and is in the form of liquid, solid (ice) and gas (steam, cloud). It forms part of every plant and animal. Our blood is nothing but water with haemoglobin and oxygen.

• AIR (Vayu) - As a life supporting element, air is a very powerful life source. Human physical comfort values are directly and sensitively dependent on correct humidity, air flow, temperature of air, air pressure, air composition and its content.

• FIRE (Agni) - Represents light and heat which account for day, night, the seasons, energy, enthusiasm, passion and vigour.

• SPACE (Akasha) - The akasha provides shelter to all the above elements. It is also considered the primary conductor of all energy sources within the universal context - physical energies such as sound and light, social energies such as psychological and emotional, and cognitive energies such as intellect and intuition.

Vaastu Shastra.Vaastu Shastra.

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There is an invisible and constant relation between all these ‘Five Elements’.

Thus, the person can improve their conditions by properly designing their buildings by understanding the effectiveness of these five natural forces.

Vaastu Shastra combines all the Five elements of nature and balances them with the person and the material.

It takes advantage of the benefits bestowed by the five elements of nature to create a congenial living and working environment thereby facilitating spiritual well-being and paving the way for enhanced health, wealth, prosperity and happiness.

Vaastu Shastra.Vaastu Shastra.

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In Addition To Vaastu Shastra, Following Branches Are Taken Into Considerations For Full fledged Vaastu Consultations, These Are :-

1) Astrology Related To Vaastu,2) Numerology Related To Vaastu,3) Geomancy,4) Feng Shui,5) Chronography.

Thus Vaastu Shastra  is an ancient science which helps one to get the natural benefits freely offered by the five basic elements of the universe in which we all live.

These basic elements are Akash (SKY), Prithvi (EARTH), Paani (WATER), Agni (FIRE), and Vayu (WIND).

Vastu Shastra can be applied by keeping in harmony with these basic five elements of nature.

It is an edifice science that was developed by our learned people thousands of years ago.

Its application today is purely architectural and its principles are based on becoming one with nature. Like astrology and it is a vast & complicated science.

Vaastu Shastra Combinations.Vaastu Shastra Combinations.

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Thus Learning All These Subjects Alongwith ‘Vedic Astrology’ Is An Experience For An Happy Life To Oneself & His Full Family & Friends.

And Is Essential For A Complete Professional Astrologer To Serve The Needful & To Guide The Nation For Its Full-fledged Development, & Assurance Of Astrology Sciences,

For This We (AJVM) Are Also Having ‘A Professional Astrologers Charter’ Which Very First Is The Recognition Of A Fully Educated Well Versed Astrologer Which Is Our Commitment To The Society That Our Professional Astrologers Can Give A Complete Astrological Advice With A Technical Astrological Support & Background From Our Charters Expertise Astrologers Panels.

So Let Us Step Towards The Education Of Astrology At ‘ Akhil Jyotish Vidya Mandal’ For Becoming A Complete & Confident Astrologer.

This World Is Waiting For You To Know Their Fate & Understand Their Destiny With A Assuarance Provided By Our Sages & Their Discoveries & Inventions………

Come ! Lets Join Them, & Be A Confident Astrologer !!!!


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