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Algorithm and Programming IWeek 1

Anggina Primanita,

slide adapted from Algoritma Pemrograman-I: Drs. Megah Mulya, M.T & Samsuryadi, M.Kom

Subject at glance

Algorithm and Programming I

15 meetings

Meetings will be carried out in both bahasa Indonesia and English

subsequent slides can be accessed at :

Subject at glance

At the end of this subject, you will be able to: distinguish various algorithm and programming

notations and programing languages choose correct usages of data types distinguish and using correct control structures distinguish correct usages between procedure and

function in an algorithm. using pointers in algorithm and program


Subject at glance

Textbooks: Algoritma dan Pemrograman dalam Bahasa

Pascal dan C (Rinaldi Munir) Pemrograman C++: Membahas Pemrograman

Berorientasi Objek Menggunakan Turbo C++ dan Borland C++ (Abdul Kadir Heriyanto)

Subject at glance

Markings system

Today’s coverage

Definitions of Programming

Definitions of Algorithm

Terms in Algorithm and Programming


Computers is used to help human solve their problem

But to get computer to solve your problem… can be a problem :/ it can’t be solve as it is

computer is a machine, therefore it only knows machine language

There should be a language that is known to both human and computer the problem is represented as a “program”

Programming: Introduction

Programming… has to based on a full comprehension over a

problem, analysis, and synthesis. It’s not a trial and error process

Programming: Paradigm




Object Oriented

Programming: Language

Procedural: Algol, Pascal, Fortran, Basic, Cobol, C

Functional: LOGO, APL, LISP

Declarative/Predictive/Logical: Prolog

Object Oriented pure OOP: Smalltalk, Eifel, Java hybrid: C++, Object Pascal

Programming: Language

From this point onwards, we’ll be using C/C++


Programming: on Learning

Learning programming language won’t be the same as learning how to program learning programming language is related to

syntaxes, instructions, and how to use compiler on a computer

learning how to program is related to problem solving strategies and how to express it into a structured notation

Programming: Logics

Is similar to computers’

Input device Output Device


ProcessorControl Unit


Input OutputProcess

Programming: How it works

Programming languages is ‘translated’ into machine languages

Editor#include <stdio.h>void main(){ printf("Hello World");}

… ah,9 mov dx,offset hello_message int 21h ….

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M O V A H , 9

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hi lvl language assembler language


you need to find a way to clearly define a problem



High level language

Assembly language


• C• C++• Java• Basic

Compiler: - Turbo C++- Borland C++ Builder

- Turbo Pascal- Turbo Basic- Visual Basic

Interpreter:- Basica- Dbase III++- Java

Algorithm: Introduction

Definitions logical steps to be taken to solve a problem domain According to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia

“Algoritma adalah urutan logis pengambilan putusan untuk pemecahan masalah”

Algorithm: Origin

First implemented on Webster Dictionary in 1957, the word ‘Algorism’ is derived from Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibnu Musa al-Khuwarizmi. The founder of this field of study

Algorithm: Usage

to command computers!

Algorithm: Example


Algorithm: Example


it takes 3 steps to switch places!

Algorithm: Important aspects

Finiteness it has to stop at one point

Definiteness it has to be well defined

Input it can have one ore more inputs before executed

Output it can have one or more outputs

Effectiveness it has to be effective

Algorithm: in writing

Can be expressed in 3 ways: natural language

daily conversational language can be ambiguous

flow chart visually descriptive things can get complicated

pseudo-code almost identical to programming language not everyone can understand..

Algorithm: Writing example

Case:To distinguish between even and odd numbers.

Algorithm: Even vs Odd

in Natural language Define a place in computer storage to keep the

number; namely x Read user’s input number If x divided by 2 and its remainder is 0, the word

‘even’ will be displayed on the screenotherwise, the word ‘odd’ will be displayed on

the screen


int X

Read X

x%2 = 0 ? display “odd”

display “even”




Algorithm: Even vs Odd

as Flowchart

Algorithm: Pseudo CodeProgram Even_Odd{To distinguish whether a number is an even or odd based on data input using keyboard. Result will be displayed on screen as “Even” / “Odd”}

Declaration x : integer

Algorithm read(x) if x mod 2 = 0 then write(‘Even’) else write(‘Odd’) endif
