Analiză comparativă din perspectiva securităţii umane


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Analiză comparativă din perspectiva securităţii umane

Sursa: Sky News

Sursa: ABC News

Sursa: ABC News

Data Haiti Chile

Data si ora producerii

12.01.201016:53 ora locală21:53 UTC

27.02.201003:34 local time06:34 UTC

Magnitudinea 7.0 M 8.8 M

Durata 4 min. 90 sec.

Epicentrul Léogâne Maule Region

Replici > 52, 4.5 M > 130, 6.2 M

Indicator Haiti Chile

Persoane afectate ~ 3 milioane ~ 2 milioane

• persoane decedate confirmate 230,000 342

• persoane rănite ~ 300,000 ~

• persoane rămase fără locuinţă ~ 1 milion ~

Localităţi afectate Port-au-Prince, Jacmel

Santiago, Talcahuano, Arauco, Lota, Chiguayante, Cañete, Talca, Concepcion, San Antonio

Clădiri avariate - ~ 500,000

Clădiri rezidenţiale distruse sau grav avariate

250,000 ~

Clădiri comerciale distruse sau grav avariate

30,000 ~

Infrastructura Grav avariată Avariată

Indicator Haiti Chile

• experienţa personală anterioară • transferul şi capitalizarea cunoştinţelor • informare preventivă • instruire, antrenare

"It's quite likely that every person there has felt a major earthquake in their lifetime, whereas the last one to hit Port-au-Prince was 250 years ago. So who remembers?“

- Eric Calais, geophysicist, Purdue University

"Chile has a responsible government," he said, waving his hand in disgust. "Our government is incompetent.“

- Fanfan Bozot, a 32-year-old reggae singerIndicator Haiti Chile

• reglementări, planuri de acţiune • expertiză • organizarea, dotarea forţelor de intervenţie • instruirea, antrenarea forţelor de intervenţie

"Earthquakes don't kill – they don't create damage – if there's nothing to damage."

- Eric Calais, geophysicist, Purdue University

Indicator Haiti Chile

• reglemetări, autorizare, avizare • calitatea materialelor de construcţii • clasificarea şi marcarea imobilelor • inspecţii

"The fact that the president of Chile was out giving minute-to-minute reports a few hours after the quake in the middle of the night gives you an indication of their disaster response."

- Cameron Sinclair, executive director of Architecture for HumanityIndicator Haiti Chile

• disponibilitate • eficienţă • dotare • continuitate

"There is no doubt that we are facing a major humanitarian emergency and that a major relief effort will be required.“

- Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary-General

Participanţi/Contribuţii Haiti Chile

• ONU • Crucea Roşie • UE • State, ONGs

"The Chilean example will encourage donors to make the case that this is an opportunity to do things differently in Haiti — and do them right for a change," - Michael Shifter, vice president at the Inter-American Dialogue in Washington,

D.C.Acţiuni Haiti Chile

• asigurarea funcţionării instituţiilor statului • asigurarea nevoilor de bază • îndepărtarea urmărilor, asigurarea condiţiilor sanitare • refacerea infrastructurii • refacerea economică

Bill Clinton - UN special envoy to Haiti

George W. Bush – coordinator of efforts to raise funds for Haiti's recovery

"We need to reduce the vulnerability of communities to natural hazards, through strengthened flood management systems, early warning and evacuation systems, sound building codes, environmental management of risk prone areas, education programmes and community-based risk management programs."

- John Holmes, UN Under-Secretary-General cetăţenii

autorităţile statului (locale, centrale)

societatea civilă


comunitatea internaţională

“Science may never come up with a better communication system than a coffee break.”

- Earl Wilson
