Andreia Filipa Pintor Gi - COnnecting REpositories · Julho 2016!!!!! Eu, Andreia Filipa Pintor Gi,...


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Andreia Filipa Pintor Gi

Sofosbuvir: the hepatitis C patients’ hope

Monografia realizada no âmbito da unidade Estágio Curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, orientada pelaProfessora Doutora Paula Cristina Santos Luxo Maia e apresentada à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbra

Julho 2016

Andreia Filipa Pintor Gi

Sofosbuvir: the hepatitis C patients’ hope

Monografia realizada no âmbito da unidade Estágio Curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, orientada

pela Professora Doutora Paula Cristina Santos Luxo Maia e apresentada à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbra

Julho 2016  








Eu, Andreia Filipa Pintor Gi, estudante do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas,

com o nº 2011146796, declaro assumir toda a responsabilidade pelo conteúdo da

Monografia apresentada à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbra, no âmbito da

unidade de Estágio Curricular.

Mais declaro que este é um trabalho original e que toda e qualquer afirmação ou expressão,

por mim utilizada, está referenciada na Bibliografia desta Monografia, segundo os critérios

bibliográficos legalmente estabelecidos, salvaguardando sempre os Direitos de Autor, à

exceção das minhas opiniões pessoais.

Coimbra, 15 de julho de 2016.



Table of contents

Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................................... 5

Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................ 6

Resumo ......................................................................................................................................................... 7

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 8

The clinical problem ................................................................................................................................... 8

Sofosbuvir ..................................................................................................................................................... 9

Mechanism of action .................................................................................................................................. 9

Potential for cure ...................................................................................................................................... 10

Clinical efficacy and safety ....................................................................................................................... 10

Clinical studies in subjects with genotype 1, 4, 5 and 6 chronic hepatitis C ............................... 13

Treatment-naïve subjects – NEUTRINO .............................................................................................. 13

Clinical studies in subjects with genotype 2 and 3 chronic hepatitis C ........................................ 14

Treatment-naïve adults – FISSION ....................................................................................................... 14

Interferon intolerant, ineligible or unwilling adults – POSITRON ....................................................... 15

Previously treated adults – FUSION ...................................................................................................... 17

Treatment-naïve and previously treated adults – VALENCE .............................................................. 18

Clinical efficacy and safety in special populations .............................................................................. 20

HCV/HIV co-infected patients – PHOTON-1 ....................................................................................... 20

HCV/HIV co-infected patients – PHOTON-2 ....................................................................................... 21

Patients awaiting liver transplant........................................................................................................... 22

Liver transplant recipients ...................................................................................................................... 23

Posology and method of administration .............................................................................................. 24

Adverse events .......................................................................................................................................... 25

Drug-to-drug interactions ....................................................................................................................... 26

The portuguese example ......................................................................................................................... 26

Discussion ................................................................................................................................................... 26

Future directions....................................................................................................................................... 27

Conclusion.................................................................................................................................................. 28

References .................................................................................................................................................. 29



HCV – Hepatitis C virus

SVR – Sustained Virologic Response

SOF – Sofosbuvir

HCC – Hepatocellular carcinoma

PegIFN – Peginterferon

IFN – Interferon

DAA – Direct-acting Antiviral Agent

RBV – Ribavirin

LLOQ – Lower Limit of Quantification

HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus

HAART – Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy

ART – Anti-Retroviral Therapy

pTVR – post-Transplant Virologic Response

CPT – Child-Pugh-Turcotte

MELD – Model for End-Stage Liver Disease



Hepatitis C virus infection is a substantial health problem on a global scale. (1) It is estimated

that approximately 185 million people live with hepatitis C worldwide, with 350,000–

500,000 patients dying each year from liver disease associated with hepatitis C. (2) However,

something is about to change.

In the latest years, there has been a shift in treatment paradigm due to the discovery and

approval of agents that target specific proteins crucial for hepatitis C virus replication. (3) At

the center of this revolution is the new NS5B polymerase inhibitor, sofosbuvir (Sovaldi®) - a

novel direct-acting antiviral agent, with pan-genotypic activity and high barrier to viral

resistance. (4)

In Portugal, as in many other countries, sustainability has been the buzzword across all

stakeholders. Nevertheless, sofosbuvir has demonstrated a favorable cost-effectiveness

profile (5) and its exceptional cures rates have already helped establish the concept that

chronic hepatitis C virus infection can be cured in most, if not all, affected individuals.

This review summarizes the clinical potential of sofosbuvir and its important role in hepatitis

C antiviral therapy, discussing key results and future directions. Its aim is to highlight the

significance of a future free from hepatitis C.

Keywords: Hepatitis C virus, sofosbuvir, direct-acting antivirals, sustained virologic

response, cure.



A infecção pelo vírus da hepatite C é um problema de saúde significativo à escala global. (1)

Estima-se que vivam com hepatite C aproximadamente 185 milhões de pessoas em todo

mundo, morrendo 350,000-500,000 doentes por ano devido a doença hepática associada à

hepatite C. (2) Mas algo está prestes a mudar.

Nos últimos anos, tem havido uma alteração do paradigma do tratamento com a descoberta

e aprovação de agentes que têm como alvo proteínas específicas, cruciais para a replicação

do vírus da hepatite C. (3) No centro desta revolução, encontra-se o novo inibidor da

polimerase NS5B, o sofosbuvir (Sovaldi®) - um novo agente antiviral de acção directa, com

actividade pan-genotípica e uma elevada barreira à resistência viral. (4)

Em Portugal, como em muitos outros países, a sustentabilidade tem sido a palavra de ordem

de todos os intervenientes no processo. No entanto, o sofosbuvir tem demonstrado um

perfil favorável de custo-efectividade (5) e as suas taxas de cura excepcionais ajudaram já a

estabelecer o conceito de que a hepatite C crónica pode ser curada na maioria, se não em

todos, os indivíduos infectados.

Esta monografia resume o potencial clínico do sofosbuvir e o seu importante papel na

terapia antiviral para a hepatite C, discutindo os principais resultados e as direcções futuras.

O seu objectivo é destacar a importância de um futuro livre da hepatite C.

Palavras-chave: vírus da Hepatite C, sofosbuvir, antivíricos de acção directa, resposta

virológica sustentada, cura.



The Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a small-enveloped virus of the Flaviridae family and genus

Hepacivirus, (6) with a single-stranded positive RNA molecule of approximately 9.6 kb. (7)

Prior to the discovery of the viral agent, HCV was mainly transmitted via blood products.

Since then, injection drug use has arisen as the major mode of transmission in developed

countries. (2)

The diagnosis of hepatitis C consists in two standard blood tests. The first one is an antibody

test that confirms exposure to hepatitis C; while the second one is a RNA test that searches

for the genome of HCV in the blood, checking whether or not there is an active infection.


The main problem is that the majority of HCV-infected individuals are unaware of their

infection, mostly due to the absence of symptoms during the disease. (9) In fact, following

exposure to HCV, only a minority of patients clears the acute infection, whereas 80% persist

with life-long chronic viremia. (10)

The goal of treatment in all infected individuals, regardless of which of the six major

genotypes are present, remains the achievement of a sustained virologic response (SVR) in

which circulating HCV RNA is undetectable (with the use of a highly sensitive assay)

following treatment. When a SVR is achieved, there is a 99% chance that the hepatitis C

infection is cured. (8,11)

Sofosbuvir (SOF) has demonstrated impressively high SVR rates in HCV-infected patients,

(12,13) representing an enormous improvement over the prior standard of care.

Consequently, it is expected that SOF could become an effective, safe and well-tolerated

regimen with a potential for wide applicability.

The clinical problem

Chronic HCV infection is a serious, progressive, and potentially life-threatening disease.

(14,15) If left untreated, over time it can cause liver damage or failure due to the

development of cirrhosis. This liver complication can lead patients at substantial risk of

decompensated disease and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), (16) which impose a

considerable burden on affected people, healthcare systems and society. (8,17) However,

recent advances in the field of HCV infection have increased the hope for cure.


The new regimens for HCV mean a breakthrough novelty in the history of anti-HCV

treatment. Previous treatments for HCV were often long and difficult. Many lasted from 24

to 48 weeks and showed suboptimal efficacy in viral response with a range of commonly

occurring significant side effects, which impaired therapeutic compliance. (18,19)

As a 12- or 24-week all-oral therapy taken once daily, along with its favorable safety profile,

(13) SOF has dramatically simplified the HCV treatment and thus, optimized quality of life

during therapy.


SOF was developed to meet an urgent medical need for shorter, simpler, safer and more

effective HCV treatment regimens that reduced or eliminated the need for peginterferon

(PegIFN). Actually, new treatment options were particularly important for patients who had

failed prior HCV therapy, who had cirrhosis, or who were either intolerant to or had

contraindications to interferon (IFN). (15)

SOF became the first all-oral treatment for HCV genotypes 2 and 3 and it is the first and

only direct-acting antiviral agent (DAA) to be approved as part of an IFN-free regimen for

HCV treatment in pre-transplant patients with HCC within Milan criteria. HCV/HIV-1 co-

infected patients have also been shown to benefit from this revolutionary treatment. (13)

Mechanism of action

The understanding of the HCV genome and life cycle is crucial to the development of new


HCV genome encodes for a long polyprotein of 3011 amino acids which is cleaved by

cellular and viral proteases to yield three structural proteins (core, E1, and E2) and seven

non-structural proteins (NS1/p7, NS2, NS3, NS4A, NS4B, NS5A, and NS5B). (20–22) What

makes NS5B polymerase such an attractive target is its importance for viral RNA replication,

and the fact that its catalytic site is highly conserved across the different HCV genotypes.

(23) These characteristics targeted by SOF account for its pan-genotypic activity and high

barrier to resistance.

After oral administration, this competitive nucleotide inhibitor of HCV NS5B polymerase

remains largely intact in transit through the gastrointestinal system and it is efficiently taken


up by hepatocytes where it becomes phosphorylated to a pharmacologically active uridine

triphosphate form (GS-461203). (14) Then, it is incorporated as a substrate by NS5B

polymerase and causes premature HCV RNA strand termination, (13,24) blocking the virus


This mechanism of action allows treatment in patients across all HCV genotypes, with

minimal risk for the emergence of viral resistance (and its potential clinical consequences).

(15) Furthermore, since there are no human enzymes that exhibit structural similarities to

NS5B protein, this prodrug is highly specific for HCV treatment and has fewer side effects.


Potential for cure

Since the HCV genome is not integrated into the host genome, and infected hepatocytes are

cleared within several days or weeks, (26) if viral replication is suppressed, it is possible to

eradicate liver HCV infection. (27) The intention is to limit the progression of liver disease,

in order to prevent complications such as cirrhosis and cancer.

Historically, SVR was defined as HCV RNA levels below a designated threshold of

quantification 24 weeks after completion of treatment (SVR24). (28) However, more recent

data shows that viral clearance 12 weeks post-treatment correlates closely to SVR24. (29)

Therefore, an undetectable HCV RNA at 12 weeks after treatment (SVR12) is considered an

appropriate primary efficacy endpoint (30) and translates into “cure” for nearly all patients.


Clinical efficacy and safety

The approval of SOF was based on data obtained in five Phase 3 studies (NEUTRINO,

FISSION, POSITRON, FUSION and VALENCE) in a total of 1568 treated subjects. (Table 1)

Prominent features and strong points of these studies were: the enrollment of individuals

intolerant, unwilling, or ineligible to IFN who are usually not selected by conventional trials

on PegIFN plus ribavirin (RBV) and the substantial percentage of patients with liver cirrhosis.

(14) There were also clinical studies in special populations: HCV/HIV co-infected patients,

patients awaiting liver transplant and liver transplant recipients. (Table 2)

The primary endpoint to determine the HCV cure rate for all studies was SVR12, defined as

HCV RNA less than lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) at 12 weeks after the end of


treatment. Note that Plasma HCV RNA values were measured during the clinical studies

using the COBAS TaqMan HCV test (version 2.0), for use with the High Pure System, and

that the assay had a LLOQ of 25 IU/mL. (13)

Table1. Summary of sofosbuvir clinical studies.

Clinical study

(Reference) Design





of patients




history Regimena








1 (89%)

4 (9%)

5 (0,2%)

6 (1,8%)








12 weeks









2 (28%)

3 (72%)






12 weeks 67%



24 weeks










2 (51%)

3 (49%)





with prior




(44%) or




12 weeks 78%


12 weeks







blinded study

2 (37%)

3 (63%)







and 25%




12 weeks 50%


16 weeks 71%






2 (22%)

3 (78%)




naïve or



(65% prior



12 weeks




12 weeks


93 %


24 weeks


84 %

a. All clinical studies used a fixed 400 mg daily dosage of SOF given with weight-based RBV (1000 mg/day if < 75

kg or 1200 mg/day if ≥ 75 kg). The NEUTRINO study also used 180 μg of PegIFN once weekly.

Abbreviations: HCV: hepatitis C virus; SVR: sustained virologic response; SOF: sofosbuvir; PegIFN:

peginterferon; RBV: ribavirin; G2: genotype 2; G3: genotype 3.


Table 2. Summary of sofosbuvir clinical studies in special populations.











(% cirrhosis)


history Regimen










clinical study

1 (51%)

2 (22%)

3 (27%)


(< 20%)





naïve or



SOF+RBV 12 weeks

(G2/3, naïve)


SOF+RBV 24 weeks




SOF+RBV 24 weeks

(G1, naïve)









clinical study

1 (41%)

2 (9%)

3 (39%)

4 (11%)







naïve (G1-

G4) or





24 weeks

(G1, naïve)



12 weeks

(G2, naïve)



24 weeks

(G3, naïve)



24 weeks

(G4, naïve)



24 weeks





24 weeks










pilot clinical


1 (74%)

2 (13%)

3 (11%)

4 (2%)



naïve or




48 weeks or

until liver













clinical study

1 (83%)

3 (15%)

4 (2%)




naïve or




24 weeks 70%

Abbreviations: HCV: hepatitis C virus; SVR: sustained virologic response; SOF: sofosbuvir; RBV: ribavirin; G1:

genotype 1; G2: genotype 2; G3: genotype 3; G4: genotype 4.


Clinical studies in subjects with genotype 1, 4, 5 and 6 chronic

hepatitis C

Treatment-naïve subjects – NEUTRINO

The NEUTRINO study was designed to assess the treatment with SOF in combination with

PegIFN and RBV in treatment-naïve subjects with genotype 1, 4, 5 or 6 chronic hepatitis C.


Table 3. Response rates in NEUTRINO study. (13)

Response rates in NEUTRINO study


12 weeks

(n = 327)

Overall SVR12 91% (296/327)

On-treatment virologic

failure 0/327

Relapsea 9% (28/326)

Otherb 1% (3/327) a. The denominator for relapse is the number of subjects with HCV RNA <LLOQ at their last on-treatment


b. Other includes subjects who did not achieve SVR12 and did not meet virologic failure criteria (e.g. lost to


Abbreviations: SOF: sofosbuvir; PegIFN: peginterferon; RBV: ribavirin; SVR: sustained virologic response.

Table 4. Response rates for selected subgroups. (13)

Response rates (SVR12) for selected subgroups in NEUTRINO


12 weeks

(n = 327)


Genotype 1 90% (262/292)

Genotype 4, 5 or 6 97% (34/35)


Absence 93% (253/273)

Presence 80% (43/54)


Black 87% (47/54)

Non-Black 91% (249/273) a. 79% of patients were white; 17% were black and 14% were hispanic or latino.

Abbreviations: SOF: sofosbuvir; PegIFN: peginterferon; RBV: ribavirin; SVR: sustained virologic response.

This study highlighted the efficacy of SOF plus PegIFN plus RBV for genotype 1 patients,

including cirrhotic patients, who historically have had poor response rates to previous

standard-of-care therapy. (4) Additionally, in this study, 27 out of 28 patients with HCV


genotype 4, the single subject with genotype 5 and all six subjects with genotype 6 HCV

infection achieved SVR12. (Table 4)

After the beginning of treatment, all patients had rapid and substantial decreases in serum

HCV RNA levels, with no significant differences in the rate or degree of decrease by HCV

genotype, race, IL28B genotype, and presence or absence of cirrhosis.

Although, after the end of treatment, 9% had virus relapse, deep-sequencing analysis of

samples collected at post-treatment visits showed no viral resistance to SOF. (Table 3)

The regimen was generally well tolerated and thus, treatment discontinuation due to adverse

events was uncommon (only 2%). In fact, fatigue (59%), insomnia (41%) and headache (36%)

were the most common side effects. (31)

Clinical studies in subjects with genotype 2 and 3 chronic hepatitis C

Treatment-naïve adults – FISSION

The FISSION study was designed to compare 12 weeks of treatment with SOF and RBV to

24 weeks of treatment with PegIFN and RBV in treatment-naïve subjects with genotype 2 or

3 chronic hepatitis C. (31)

Table 5. Response rates in FISSION study. (13)

Response rates in FISSION study


12 weeks

(n = 256)a


24 weeks

(n = 243)

Overall SVR12 67% (171/256) 67% (162/243)

Genotype 2 95% (69/73) 78% (52/67)

Genotype 3 56% (102/183) 63% (110/176)

On-treatment virologic

failure < 1% (1/256) 7% (18/243)

Relapseb 30% (76/252) 21% (46/217)

Otherc 3% (8/256) 7% (17/243) a. The efficacy analysis includes three subjects with recombinant genotype 2/1 HCV infection.

b. The denominator for relapse is the number of subjects with HCV RNA <LLOQ at their last on-treatment


c. Other includes subjects who did not achieve SVR12 and did not meet virologic failure criteria (e.g. lost to


Abbreviations: SOF: sofosbuvir; PegIFN: peginterferon; RBV: ribavirin; SVR: sustained virologic response.


Table 6. Response rates for subjects with cirrhosis at baseline by HCV genotype. (13)

SVR12 rates by cirrhosis and genotype in study FISSION

Genotype 2 Genotype 3


12 weeks

(n = 73)a


24 weeks

(n = 67)


12 weeks

(n = 183)


24 weeks

(n = 176)


Absence 97% (59/61) 81% (44/54) 61% (89/145) 71% (99/139)

Presence 83% (10/12) 62% (8/13) 34% (13/38) 30% (11/37) a. The efficacy analysis includes three subjects with recombinant genotype 2/1 HCV infection.

Abbreviations: SOF: sofosbuvir; PegIFN: peginterferon; RBV: ribavirin; SVR: sustained virologic response.

Notably, this study met the predefined non-inferiority criterion and showed that overall, a

12-week regimen of SOF plus weight-based RBV was as effective as the standard of care (24

weeks of PegIFN plus fixed-dose RBV). (Table 5)

Additionally, the incidence of adverse events was lower among patients receiving SOF and

RBV than among those receiving PegIFN and RBV. Moreover, among patients receiving 12

weeks of SOF and RBV, 1% discontinued the study due to adverse events, compared with

11% among patients receiving 24 weeks of PegIFN and RBV. (31)

Although these results proved the efficacy of an IFN-free regimen for HCV genotype 2

infection, lower SVR rates were seen in HCV genotype 3 cirrhotics. In fact, in patients

treated with SOF and RBV, the SVR12 rates were notably higher in patients with HCV

genotype 2 versus those with HCV genotype 3. (Table 6) Thus, this study clearly established

that 12 weeks of therapy with SOF plus RBV for HCV genotype 3 infection may not be


Interferon intolerant, ineligible or unwilling adults – POSITRON

The POSITRON study was designed to evaluate 12 weeks of treatment with SOF plus RBV

(n = 207) compared to placebo (n = 71) in patients with genotype 2 and 3 chronic hepatitis

C in whom IFN was not an option. In other words, this clinical trial studied the use of SOF

and RBV in patients with HCV genotype 2 or 3 who were ineligible for IFN-based therapy,

had prior intolerance to IFN or who preferred not to be treated with IFN-based regimens.



Table 7. Response rates in POSITRON study. (13)

Response rates in POSITRON study


12 weeks

(n = 207)


12 weeks

(n = 71)

Overall SVR12 78% (161/207) 0/71

Genotype 2 93% (101/109) 0/34

Genotype 3 61% (60/98) 0/37


virologic failure 0/207 97% (69/71)

Relapsea 20% (42/205) 0/0

Otherb 2% (4/207) 3% (2/71) a. The denominator for relapse is the number of subjects with HCV RNA <LLOQ at their last on-treatment


b. Other includes subjects who did not achieve SVR12 and did not meet virologic failure criteria (e.g. lost to


Abbreviations: SOF: sofosbuvir; RBV: ribavirin; SVR: sustained virologic response.

Table 8. Response rates by genotype for cirrhosis and interferon category. (13)

SVR12 rates for selected subgroups by genotype in POSITRON


12 weeks

Genotype 2

(n = 109)

Genotype 3

(n = 98)


Absence 92% (85/92) 68% (57/84)

Presence 94% (16/17) 21% (3/14)

Interferon category

Ineligible 88% (36/41) 70% (33/47)

Intolerant 100% (9/9) 50% (4/8)

Unwilling 95% (56/59) 53% (23/43) Abbreviations: SOF: sofosbuvir; RBV: ribavirin; SVR: sustained virologic response.

SOF and RBV treatment produced a rapid decline in circulating HCV RNA levels and its

efficacy was higher among patients with HCV genotype 2 infection and those without

cirrhosis. (Table 8)

No patient receiving SOF and RBV had virologic breakthrough during treatment. Among the

42 patients who relapsed after the end of treatment, deep sequencing analysis of samples

collected at time of relapse showed no resistance-associated variants. (Table 7)

Treatment discontinuation due to adverse events was rare, with 2% of patients who

received SOF and RBV discontinuing treatment, compared with 4% who received placebo.

(32) Thus, POSITRON results showed SOF’s optimal tolerability and low side effects.


Previously treated adults – FUSION

The FUSION study was designed to evaluate 12 or 16 weeks of treatment with SOF and

RBV in subjects who did not achieve SVR with prior IFN-based treatment (relapsers and

non-responders). (32)

Table 9. Response rates in FUSION study. (13)

Response rates in FUSION study


12 weeks

(n = 103)a


16 weeks

(n = 98)a

Overall SVR12 50% (51/103) 71% (70/98)

Genotype 2 82% (32/39) 89% (31/35)

Genotype 3 30% (19/64) 62% (39/63)


virologic failure 0/103 0/98

Relapseb 48% (49/103) 29% (28/98)

Otherc 3% (3/103) 0/98

a. The efficacy analysis includes six subjects with recombinant genotype 2/1 HCV infection.

b. The denominator for relapse is the number of subjects with HCV RNA <LLOQ at their last on-treatment


c. Other includes subjects who did not achieve SVR12 and did not meet virologic failure criteria (e.g. lost to


Abbreviations: SOF: sofosbuvir; RBV: ribavirin; SVR: sustained virologic response.

Table 10. Response rates by genotype for cirrhosis and response to prior HCV treatment.


Abbreviations: SVR: sustained virologic response; SOF: sofosbuvir; RBV: ribavirin; HCV: hepatitis C virus.

This study demonstrated that patients with HCV genotype 2 infection can be treated

effectively with 12 weeks of treatment with SOF and RBV; while patients with genotype 3

infection, particularly those who have cirrhosis and who have not had a response to prior

treatment, appear to benefit from a longer duration of therapy. (Table 10)

SVR12 rates for selected subgroups by genotype in study FUSION

Genotype 2 Genotype 3


12 weeks

(n = 39)


16 weeks

(n = 35)


12 weeks

(n = 64)


16 weeks

(n = 63)


Absence 90% (26/29) 92% (24/26) 37% (14/38) 63% (25/40)

Presence 60% (6/10) 78% (7/9) 19% (5/26) 61% (14/23)

Response to

prior HCV


Relapser 86% (25/29) 89% (24/27) 31% (15/49) 65% (30/46)

Non-responder 70% (7/10) 88% (7/8) 27% (4/15) 53% (9/17)


No patient receiving SOF and RBV experienced on-treatment viral breakthrough or non-

response. Among the 77 patients who relapsed after the end of treatment, deep sequencing

analysis of samples collected at time of relapse revealed no resistance-associated variants.

(Table 9)

The overall safety profile was identical between patients receiving 16 weeks of therapy and

those receiving 12 weeks of therapy. Fatigue, headache, nausea, and insomnia were the most

commonly reported adverse events in both study arms. A patient in the 12-week arm

discontinued treatment due to an adverse event; on the contrary, no patients discontinued

treatment owing to an adverse event in the 16-week group. (32)

Treatment-naïve and previously treated adults – VALENCE

The VALENCE study was designed to evaluate SOF in combination with weight-based RBV

for the treatment of HCV genotype 2 or 3 infection in treatment-naïve subjects or subjects

who did not achieve SVR with prior IFN-based treatment, including subjects with

compensated cirrhosis. The study was designed as a direct comparison of SOF and RBV

versus placebo for 12 weeks. However, when results from the FUSION study suggested that

extended treatment could benefit HCV genotype 3 patients, the VALENCE protocol was

redefined as a descriptive study to characterize SVR rates in patients with HCV genotype 2

infection who were treated for 12 weeks (n = 73) and HCV genotype 3 in patients with

treated for 24 weeks (n = 250), with no hypothesis testing. Note that, at the time of the

amendment, 11 HCV genotype 3 infected individuals had already completed treatment with

SOF and RBV for 12 weeks. (33) (Table 11)

Table 11. Response rates in VALENCE study. (13)

Response rates in VALENCE study

Genotype 2


12 weeks

(n = 73)

Genotype 3


12 weeks

(n = 11)

Genotype 3


24 weeks

(n = 250)

Overall SVR12 93% (68/73) 27% (3/11) 84% (210/250)


virologic failure 0% (0/73) 0% (0/11) 0.4% (1/250)

Relapsea 7% (5/73) 55% (6/11) 14% (34/249)

Otherb 0% (0/73) 18% (2/11) 2% (5/250) a. The denominator for relapse is the number of subjects with HCV RNA <LLOQ at their last on-treatment


b. Other includes subjects who did not achieve SVR12 and did not meet virologic failure criteria (e.g. lost to


Abbreviations: SVR: sustained virologic response; SOF: sofosbuvir; RBV: ribavirin.


Table 12. Response rates by genotype for cirrhosis and exposure to prior HCV treatment.


SVR12 rates for selected subgroups by genotype in study VALENCE

Genotype 2


12 weeks

(n = 73)

Genotype 3


24 weeks

(n = 250)

Treatment-naïve 97% (31/32) 93% (98/105)

Non-cirrhotic 97% (29/30) 93% (86/92)

Cirrhotic 100% (2/2) 92% (12/13)


experienced 90% (37/41) 77% (112/145)

Non-cirrhotic 91% (30/33) 85% (85/100)

Cirrhotic 88% (7/8) 60% (27/45) Abbreviations: SVR: sustained virologic response; SOF: sofosbuvir; RBV: ribavirin.

Previous trials left on the table the low SVR12 rate in patients infected with HCV genotype 3

treated with SOF and RBV for 12 - 16 weeks. This important issue was addressed in the

VALENCE trial, which showed that, in HCV genotype 3 patients, the prolongation of therapy

with SOF plus RBV up to 24 weeks increases the SVR12 rates to 93% and 77% in treatment-

naive and treatment experienced individuals, respectively. (Table 12)

In fact, treatment with SOF and RBV resulted in a rapid decrease in HCV RNA levels. By

week 4, 99% of patients receiving SOF and RBV had an HCV RNA level <LLOQ. No patients

receiving placebo achieved an HCV RNA level <LLOQ at any time point in the study (and

so, placebo recipients are not included in the tables).

In HCV genotype 3 infected patients who experienced virologic failure, the SOF treatment–

emergent variants V321A and L159F were detected in two and six patients, respectively.

Still, during in vitro testing, neither mutation was found to confer phenotypic resistance to


Premature discontinuation of treatment owing to adverse events was uncommon across all

study groups. However, diarrhea and irritability were seen more frequently in patients in the

24-week treatment group than in the 12-week treatment group. (33)


Clinical efficacy and safety in special populations

HCV/HIV co-infected patients – PHOTON-1

Patients with HCV/HIV co-infection are at risk for accelerated liver disease progression, and

thus, it is imperative to treat the HCV infection. Since successful HCV eradication in this

subgroup is associated with lower mortality, (38) this study was designed to examine the

efficacy, safety and tolerability of 12 or 24 weeks of treatment with SOF and RBV in subjects

with genotype 1, 2 or 3 chronic hepatitis C co-infected with HIV-1.

Genotype 2 and 3 subjects were either treatment-naïve or experienced, whereas genotype 1

subjects were naïve to prior treatment. A 24-week treatment course was given to all

patients with HCV genotype 1 and to treatment-experienced patients with HCV genotype 2

or 3; while treatment-naive patients with HCV genotype 2 or 3 received a 12-week

treatment course. Patients in the trial were required to be either on stable antiretroviral

therapy with an undetectable HIV RNA level and CD4+ cell count greater than 200

cells/mm3, or if not on antiretroviral therapy, they must have CD4+ cell count greater than

500 cells/mm3. (34)

Table 13. Response rates by genotype and exposure to prior HCV treatment. (13)

Response rates in study PHOTON-1

Genotype 2/3


SOF+RBV 12 weeks

(n = 68)

Genotype 2/3



SOF+RBV 24 weeks

(n = 28)

Genotype 1


SOF+RBV 24 weeks

(n = 114)

Overall SVR12 75% (51/68) 93% (26/28) 76% (87/114)


virologic failure 1% (1/68) 0/28 1% (1/114)

Relapsea 18% (12/67) 7% (2/28) 22% (25/113)

Otherb 6% (4/68) 0/28 1% (1/114) a. The denominator for relapse is the number of subjects with HCV RNA <LLOQ at their last on-treatment


b. Other includes subjects who did not achieve SVR12 and did not meet virologic failure criteria (e.g., lost to


Abbreviations: SVR: sustained virologic response; SOF: sofosbuvir; RBV: ribavirin.


Table 14. Response rates by genotype for cirrhosis. (13)

SVR12 rates for selected subgroups by genotype in study PHOTON-1

HCV genotype 2 HCV genotype 3


12 weeks



(n = 26)


24 weeks



(n = 15)


12 weeks



(n = 42)


24 weeks



(n = 13)

Overall SVR12 88% (23/26) 93% (14/15) 67% (28/42) 92% (12/13)

No cirrhosis 88% (22/25) 92% (12/13) 67% (24/36) 100% (8/8)

Cirrhosis 100% (1/1) 100% (2/2) 67% (4/6) 80% (4/5) Abbreviations: SVR: sustained virologic response; HCV: hepatitis C virus; SOF: sofosbuvir; RBV: ribavirin.

This study demonstrated the first evidence that HIV coinfection may not produce an

unfavorable treatment effect with the use of IFN-free treatment. (Table 13) The fact that

SOF metabolism is independent of cytochrome P450 explains why it has less drug-drug

interaction with the contemporary Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy (HAART)

regimens. It is important to note that 95% of patients in the PHOTON-1 trial were on

antiretroviral regimens during the trial, and HIV treatment was not adversely affected by

treatment with SOF and RBV. (29) Current guidelines recommend the use of SOF-

containing regimens in this patient population. (13)

In addition, no significant changes in HIV RNA levels were observed in patients not receiving

HIV therapy at baseline. Two of the patients, taking Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) with

suppressed HIV viremia at study entry, experienced HIV viral breakthrough. One of the

patients had an increase in HIV RNA level due to documented non-adherence to ART; the

other patient showed resuppressed HIV RNA level without altering the ART regimen. A

decrease in absolute lymphocyte and CD4+ T cell numbers was observed in patients during

the study; however, the CD4+ T cell percentage did not change throughout study treatment,

and absolute CD4+ T cell counts returned to baseline by post-treatment week 12. (34)

Thus, this study showed that patients coinfected with HIV can achieve high SVR rates with

the all-oral regimen of SOF and RBV. It also demonstrated the clear benefit of extending

treatment with SOF plus RBV from 12 to 24 weeks in patients with genotype 3 HCV

infection. (Table 14)

HCV/HIV co-infected patients – PHOTON-2

Although IFN-based regimens are still an option for HIV-infected patients coinfected with

HCV, their significant toxic effects and drug interactions with antiretroviral therapy limit


their use. (39) Therefore, the PHOTON-2 study was designed to assess the efficacy and

safety of an IFN-free, all-oral regimen of SOF plus RBV in this patient population.

Patients in this trial were either not on antirretroviral therapy with a CD4+ cell count

greater than 500 cells/mm3 or were on stable antiretroviral therapy with an undetectable

HIV RNA level and CD4+ cell count greater than 200 cells/mm3. Among those enrolled, 81%

of the patients were HCV treatment naïve, the mean CD4+ cell count was 588 cells/mm3 and

97% were on antiretroviral therapy (tenofovir-emtricitabine plus one of the following:

efavirenz, atazanavir plus ritonavir, darunavir plus ritonavir, rilpivirine, or raltegravir). Note

that a 24-week treatment course was given to all patients, except treatment-naïve patients

with HCV genotype 2, who received a 12-week regimen. (35)

Table 15. Response rates in PHOTON-2 study.

Response rates in PHOTON-2 study

Treatment-naïve Treatment-


HCV genotype 1-4 HCV genotype 2/3




24 weeks

(n = 112)




12 weeks

(n = 19)




24 weeks

(n = 57)




24 weeks

(n = 31)




24 weeks

(n = 6)




24 weeks

(n = 49)














(42/49) Abbreviations: SVR: sustained virologic response; HCV: hepatitis C virus; SOF: sofosbuvir; RBV: ribavirin.

This study demonstrated that patients, treatment-naïve or treatment-experienced,

coinfected with HIV can achieve high SVR rates with the all-oral regimen of SOF and RBV.

Even subjects with genotype 3 chronic hepatitis C co-infected with HIV can benefit from this

treatment option. (Table 15)

Note that only six (2%) patients discontinued treatment because of adverse events and

although four (1%) patients, receiving antiretroviral treatment had a transient HIV viral

breakthrough, none required changes in antiretroviral regimen. (35)

Patients awaiting liver transplant

Recurrence of HCV following liver transplantation is the most common cause of graft loss

and patient mortality in HCV-infected liver transplant recipients. (40) Antiviral treatment

before transplantation can prevent HCV recurrence afterward, but IFN-based regimens are


poorly tolerated and frequently associated with life-threatening infections and

decompensation. (41) So, this study was designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of SOF

and RBV administered pre-transplant to prevent post-transplant HCV recurrence. The

primary endpoint of the study was post-transplant virologic response, defined as non-

quantifiable HCV RNA 12 weeks post-transplant (pTVR). Eligibility was restricted to patients

with HCV RNA ≥104 IU/mL, Child-Pugh-Turcotte (CPT) score ≤ 7 and Model for End-Stage

Liver Disease (MELD) score ≤ 17. Patients were excluded if they had decompensated liver


HCV infected subjects, regardless of genotype, with HCC meeting the MILAN criteria

received 400 mg of SOF and 1000-1200 mg of RBV daily for a maximum of 24 weeks,

subsequently amended to 48 weeks, or until the time of liver transplantation (whichever

occurred first).

Of the 92 patients screened, 63 were enrolled in the study; but only 61 received at least one

dose of SOF and RBV. Of these 61 patients, 46 underwent a transplantation and 15

discontinued the study before transplantation (due to viral relapse, progressive disease, non-

response, viral-breakthrough, death or removal from the transplant list). Of the 46 patients

who underwent transplantation, 43 had HCV-RNA level less than the LLOQ at the time of

transplantation. Of these 43 patients, 30 (70%) achieved pTVR, meaning HCV-RNA level

was undetectable at post-transplant week 12. Of the 13 patients, who did not achieve pTVR,

10 had confirmed HCV recurrence and three died immediately after transplant. The rate of

discontinuation due to adverse events was low, and most observed events were those

frequently associated with RBV therapy - fatigue, anemia, headache, and nausea. (36)

Taking into account that this antiviral therapy before liver transplantation prevented the

HCV recurrence afterward in 70% of patients, this study demonstrated that SOF and RBV

administered pre-transplant can reduce the rate of post-transplant HCV recurrence.

Liver transplant recipients

An ideal therapy for post-transplantation HCV infection would have high efficacy, good

tolerability, lack of interaction with commonly administered immunosuppressive agents, and

absence of potentiating allograft rejection. (42) This study was designed to evaluate the

safety and efficacy of 24 weeks of treatment with SOF and RBV in liver transplant recipients

with chronic hepatitis C. The primary efficacy endpoint was SVR12, defined as HCV RNA

below the LLOQ (25 IU/mL) 12 weeks after stopping treatment.


Eligible patients had HCV RNA ≥104 IU/mL at screening and documented evidence of

chronic HCV infection pre-transplantation (any genotype included). Note that liver

transplantation was required to have taken place from 6 to 150 months before screening and

elegibility was also restricted to patients with CPT score ≤ 7 and MELD score ≤ 17. Patients

were excluded if they had decompensated liver disease.

The starting dose of RBV was 400 mg given in a divided daily dose. If subjects maintained

haemoglobin levels ≥12 g/dL, RBV dose was increased at weeks 2, 4, and up to every 4

weeks until the appropriate weight-based dose was reached (1000 mg daily in subjects <75

kg; 1200 mg daily in subjects ≥75 kg). The median RBV dose was 600 mg - 800 mg daily at

weeks 4-24.

In this study, 40 patients were enrolled, 35 of whom had previously failed IFN-based

treatment. Of the 40 subjects, 28 (70%) achieved SVR12: 22/33 (73%) with HCV genotype 1

infection, 6/6 (100%) with HCV genotype 3 infection, and 0/1 (0%) with HCV genotype 4

infection. Furthermore, all subjects who achieved SVR12 achieved SVR24 and SVR48. (37)

Additionally, there were no graft losses, organ rejection or deaths. No drug–drug

interactions were noted between SOF and the immunosuppressants. Headache, fatigue,

arthralgias and diarrhea were the most common side effects seen in more than 20% of

subjects. (29)

Thus, this study encouraged the use of SOF plus RBV in the post-liver transplantation


Posology and method of administration

This prescription medicine should be initiated and monitored by a physician experienced in

the management of patients with chronic hepatitis C.

The recommended dose is one 400 mg tablet, taken orally, once daily. Monotherapy is not

recommended and so, SOF should be taken as part of a combination therapy. (Table 16)


Table 16. Recommended current indications of SOF in clinical practice. (13)

Patient populationa Treatment Duration

Patients with genotype 1,

4, 5 or 6 chronic

hepatitis C

SOF + RBV + PegIFN 12 weeksb,c


Only for patients ineligible or intolerant to PegIFN

24 weeks

Patients with genotype 2

chronic hepatitis C SOF + RBV 12 weeksc

Patients with genotype 3

chronic hepatitis C SOF + RBV + PegIFN 12 weeksc

SOF + RBV 24 weeks

Patients with chronic

hepatitis C awaiting liver


SOF + RBV Until liver transplantation

a. Includes patients co-infected with HIV.

b. For previously treated patients with HCV genotype 1 infection, there is no data regarding the combination of

SOF, RBV and PegIFN.

c. Consideration should be given to potentially extending the duration of therapy beyond 12 weeks and up to

24 weeks; especially for those subgroups who have one or more factors historically associated with lower

response rates to interferon-based therapies (e.g. advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis, high baseline viral concentrations,

black race, IL28B non CC genotype, prior null response to PegIFN and RBV therapy).

Abbreviations: SOF: sofosbuvir; RBV: ribavirin; PegIFN: peginterferon.

Adverse events

Treatment discontinuations owing to adverse events have been uncommon in the SOF-based

IFN-free treatment regimens. (43)

The fact that SOF does not interact with liver cell enzymes including polymerases accounts

for its negligible spectrum of systemic effects, a fact that supports its safety profile. (44)

Actually, patients exposed to SOF-based regimens reported only unspecific side effects,

which generally reflected untoward reactions of the concomitant use of PegIFN and RBV.

The most common adverse drug reactions occurring in subjects receiving SOF and RBV are

fatigue and headache. When this new DAA is used in combination with RBV and PegIFN, the

most common adverse events further include nausea and insomnia. (8)

Note that the safety profile of SOF and RBV in HCV/HIV co-infected subjects, in HCV

infected subjects prior to liver transplantation and in liver transplant recipients with chronic

hepatitis C was similar to that observed in subjects treated with SOF and RBV in Phase 3

clinical studies. (13)


Drug-to-drug interactions

SOF is not metabolized by cytochrome P450 enzymes and thus, the major concern with

drug-to-drug interactions exists with medications that affect P-glycoprotein and breast

cancer resistance protein. (13) Consequently, the use of SOF with potent inducers of P-

glycoprotein such as rifampicin or St John’s Wort would likely decrease plasma levels of the

parent drug and thus, its use is not recommended. (24) Furthermore, coadministration of

SOF with anticonvulsants such as phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbital, and

oxcarbazepine; antimycobacterials such as rifabutin and rifapentine; and antiretrovirals such

as tipranavir/ritonavir are also not recommended for similar reasons. (10)

The portuguese example

This year, the National Competent Authority INFARMED assured that all portuguese

patients who needed the treatment would receive the drug. Remarkably, Portugal became

one of the first countries to sign an agreement with the laboratory and SOF is now 100%

state subsidized. Although there is some controversy due to its high costs, SOF’s clinical

impact has been immediate. Since it was made available, it has already cured 3005 chronic

HCV infected-patients in Portugal, according to the National Competent Authority

INFARMED on the 1st of July, 2016. So far, 7840 patients are currently undergoing

treatment and only 122 patients who reached the end of the treatment were not cured. (45)

Thus, we can say that, irrespective the price, SOF is an unbelievable accomplishment in the

HCV treatment that has brought hope to many patients in need. In Portugal, its high cures

rates (exceeding 96%) represent an impressive advance in the care of HCV-infected patients,

acting as a wake-up call for all health stakeholders.


Although the post-marketing phase always requires a careful evaluation of data from the

“everyday” clinical practice experience, clinical trials have showed that SOF has several

advantages over existing treatments for chronic HCV. In the first place, it can be taken with

or without food, with most other medications, and requires no dose adjustments in most

circumstances commonly encountered in clinical practice. (15) Furthermore, an overview of

outcomes by therapeutic regimen and treatment duration demonstrates the high SVR12

rates (exceeding 90%) for patients infected with HCV genotypes 1, 4, 5, and 6 patients

treated with SOF plus PegIFN and RBV as well as a favourable efficacy and safety profile for


HCV genotype 2 population. (46) SOF is also the first oral IFN-free regimen for patients

coinfected with HCV and HIV, as well as the backbone of the first regimen available for

patients awaiting liver transplantation. Certain patients with chronic hepatitis C, who have

liver cancer and are awaiting a liver transplant, can take SOF plus RBV (for up to 48 weeks

or until the time of liver transplantation) to prevent reinfection with hepatitis C after

transplant. (36)

The length of treatment depends on the genotype of HCV causing the infection. For most

patients, treatment will last for 12 weeks. For those with genotype 3, treatment will last for

24 weeks. Note that this HCV genotype has become the most difficult to treat, with higher

associated risks of hepatic steatosis and HCC. (47)

Treatment decision should always be based on an assessment of the potential benefits and

risks for the individual patient. Still, it was the benefit-risk balance of SOF-based regimens

that lead to its rapid approval and incorporation in the recommendations of the international

societies on treatment of HCV infection. (44,48)

Future directions

Given its superior efficacy, safety and tolerability across multiple patient cohorts, and

minimal drug-to-drug interaction profile, SOF-based regimens signal a new era in the HCV

treatment. Actually, the concept of a single daily dosage, associated with pan-genotypic

activity and effectiveness across stages of liver disease, represents a tremendous advance in

these patients’ health-related quality of life.

However, clinicians need more detailed, accurate and timely information in order to choose

the right regimen for individual patients. In addition, future studies will be needed to help

them understand how to best treat special populations such as those with cirrhosis

(whether compensated, decompensated or post-transplant), renal disease and previous

kidney transplant or even those patients who need immunosuppression for other reasons.

Also, improved treatment options for HCV genotype 3 are desirable.



Chronic hepatitis C has brought many challenges that were quickly overcome after the

availability of SOF. The results of this short-duration therapy have shown that it is possible

to minimize the spread of HCV and the morbidity and mortality associated with this


Despite the financial controversy around its high costs, which has served as a major barrier

for more widespread use, many stakeholders recognize now its long-term cost-benefits and

the advantages of a future free from hepatitis C are manifest.

It is true that patients undergoing treatment need systematic monitoring before, during and

after therapy, but this new DAA has offered them hope and re-awakening. It is the beginning

of a new life that starts with SOF’s ideal properties along with its excellent SVR rates. This

new NS5B polymerase inhibitor can even shape the future of the patients with the most

unfavourable baseline characteristics and that is why it is certainly the sharp end of the spear

against hepatitis C.



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