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Ungkapan yang di gunakan untuk meminta maaf kepada orang lain.

“ execuse me…”( maaf..) untuk menginterupsi seseorang untuk meminta sesuatu.

Untuk lebih sopan menggunakan “ I beg your pardon….!( saya mohon maaf )

Example Dialogues

Person 1: Excuse me, do you know what time it is?

Person 2: Yes, it's two o'clock.

Person 1: I beg your pardon. Would you minding helping me a moment?

Person 2: Certainly. What can I do to help?

* Contoh di atas seseorang meminta bantuan tetapi dalam sebuah / di tengah percakapan.

Jika kamu akan meminta maaf karena sebuah kesalahan atau kesalahpahaman maka gunakan

phrase di bawah ini :

1. I'm very sorry for / that ... (maafkan saya atas…)

2. Apologize if I ... ( saya minta maaf jika saya…)

3. I apologize for (+ ing form of verb) ( saya minta maaf untuk..di ikuti kata krja bentuk –


4. Please accept my apologies for ….( mohon terima permintaan maaf saya)

Merespon orang yang meminta maaf:

1. That’s OK.

2.That’s quite all right.

3. Don’t worry about it.

Example Dialogues 1

Person 1: I'm very sorry for stepping on your foot!

Person 2: Don't worry about it. It's very crowded on this train.

Person 1: I apologize for my mistakes on this quiz.

Person 2: That's why you take quizzes - to learn!

Example Dialogues 2

Andri : Good morning, Sir.

Mr. Luki : Good morning, Andri.

Andri : I’m sorry for my being late, Sir.

Mr. Luki : Why did you come late today?

Andri : I got up late this morning.

Mr. Luki : OK. That’s all right for this time. But, starting tomorrow, you mustn’t be late.

Andri : I won’t, Sir.
