【app】API spec_lastest version .xls


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List APi NoAPIURLNi gi raNote1Get token acesshttp://pcmax.jp/app/access_token.php1-22X l ban uhttp://pcmax.jp/app/first_process.php1-235Add userhttp://pcmax.jp/app/entry.php2-2,2-54Reuse loginhttp://pcmax.jp/app/reuse_login.php1-218List genre BBShttp://pcmax.jp/app/bbs_category.php5-2,5-519Post BBShttp://pcmax.jp/app/bbs_write.php5-28Get information profilehttp://pcmax.jp/app/my_profile.php8-27Add profilehttp://pcmax.jp/app/profile_change.php8-25Search BBShttp://pcmax.jp/app/bbs_list.php1-2,2-2,2-5,3-420Get history posthttp://pcmax.jp/app/bbs_history.php5-212Search profilehttp://pcmax.jp/app/profile_list.php4-1,4-210Get information other userhttp://pcmax.jp/app/profile_detail.php3-2,3-3,3-6,4-436Post album imaginehttp://pcmax.jp/app/album_reg_up.php8-237List album imaginehttp://pcmax.jp/app/album_list.php8-232Delete album imaginehttp://pcmax.jp/app/album_delete.php30Get mypagehttp://pcmax.jp/app/mymenu.php8-625Get list msg roomhttp://pcmax.jp/app/mail_list.php7-227Get msghttp://pcmax.jp/app/mail_detail.php7-2,7-428Open msghttp://pcmax.jp/app/mail_open.php7-526Get list notification t h thnghttp://pcmax.jp/app/mail_notification_list.php7-232List / footprinthttp://pcmax.jp/app/visit_list.php8-1015Add favoritehttp://pcmax.jp/app/like_add.php4-824Delete favoritehttp://pcmax.jp/app/like_delete.php6-122Hin th list favoritehttp://pcmax.jp/app/like_list.php6-1,6-223Hin th list c yu thchhttp://pcmax.jp/app/like_registered_list.php6-116Add list dislikehttp://pcmax.jp/app/dislike_add.php4-833Delete user dislikehttp://pcmax.jp/app/dislike_delete.php8-1236Hin th list dislikehttp://pcmax.jp/app/dislike_list.php29View imaginehttp://pcmax.jp/app/photo.phpThay i statushttp://pcmax.jp/app/status_chenge.phpDelete BBShttp://pcmax.jp/app/bbs_delete.phpSend msghttp://pcmax.jp/app/mail_send.php


List code3.1 codegi trNote/ gii tnhgender12Tnh thnhpref_no178910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152Ngh nghip Nam occupation123456789101112131415/161718IT192021222324252627/28293031323334Ngh nghip Noccupation123OL4567891011121314151618/1920TV212223242526/27282930/3132333435Mc ch s dngpurpose1234567891011H121314H15SM1617181920Typeblood_type12A3B4O5ABType body_type23456Type body_type23456smoke12113231456()7()8()spare_time123456789dirty_minded12345678NG9taste23()4height140140cm141141cm142142cm143143cm144144cm145145cm146146cm150150cm155155cm160160cm165165cm170170cm175175cm180180cm185185cm206206cm207207cm208208cm209209cm210210cmbbs_category1234HTELH567891015161718192021SM2223242526VIP27502850PRself_pr500residencebirthday8nick_name10age_auth01age_auth_error11401413401514401615401716taspo4019174025184011194013204021214023224024234018244020254022284/14028294029314031324032411840414240424324043444044454045464046474047IDcontents_id1234

X l chungURL-Tn APIX l chungDescriptionParameter send, receive thng thng khi nhn tinDetailnh dng POSTRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1oauth_consumer_keyoauth_consumer_keyString192oauth_nonceoauth_nonceString23oauth_signature_methodoauth_signature_methodString4oauth_timestampoauth_timestampString5oauth_tokenoauth_tokenString6oauth_versionoauth_versionString7oauth_signatureoauth_signatureString8versionApp versionStringResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messagemessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3datadataarray4useruserarray5user_iduser_idStringID hi vin6user_statusTnh trng hi vinString1provisional registration2Test 3normally4withdraw 5Ngng s dng7genderGii tnhString1Nam, 2N8ban_urlURL page dng xa ti khon bt bucStringKhng cn9ios_flgStatus flag cng khai app versionString1ang cng khai2ang thm nh3Kt thc cng khai10ad_viewFlag ON/OFF dng bo coString0Hin th 1Khng hin th11age_authString0Cha xc nhn 1 xc nhn Phng php phn on C (hoc khng c) gi tr age_auth12age_auth_errorStringM error Gi tr ca $user->getTitle(41)13secret_idIDStringFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567",#ID "name": "",# "user_status": "1",# "gender": "1",# "ban_url": "",# "ios_flg": "1"# "ad_view": "0"#ON/OFF "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", "secret_id":"lujFkPocP4RNOCxxxxxx", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 401, "message": "oauth_signature not match.", "data": { }}200Normallynh ngha error cc loi


Get acess tokenURLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/access_token.phpAPIAPI get acess tokenDescriptionGet acess tokenDetailnh dng POSTRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1x_auth_modenh dng authStringclient_auth2x_auth_usernameTn user authStringimeiDevice ID 3x_auth_passwordPassword authString4oauth_versionString1.05oauth_signatureString6oauth_nonceStringChui k t ramdom7oauth_timestampStringTime stamp8oauth_consumer_keyStringKonshmkConsumer key9oauth_signature_methodStringHMAC-SHA1ResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4oauth_tokenoauth_tokenStringKhi error c trng hp khng tr v nn khng bt buc5oauth_token_secretoauth_token_secretStringKhi error c trng hp khng tr v nn khng bt bucFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data": { "oauth_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "oauth_token_secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 401, "message": "oauth_signature not match.",}200Normallynh ngha error cc loi


X l ban u URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/first_process.phpAPIX l ban uDescriptionAdd thng tin device (uuid) v device token khi khi ng device ln u tinDetailnh dng POST

c th check setting notification Push mi ln, ri thc hin add deice token th thay i c t l s gi ra APi mi ln ( ch khng phi ch ln u tin)Ch ng k uuid ln u tin , uuid c ng k s add device tokenNu add c uuid v device token th s khng x l g m tr v lun SucessRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1uuiduuidString32uuid dng nhn bit device . Do khng th get imei trn iPhone nn hy s dng y2device_tokenDevice tokenStringDevice token dng PUSH notification3sp_typeType deviceString1iOS2AndoridResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4userUserarrayTham chiu x l common5receive_mail_unread_totalMessage S lng msg cha c Tng s msgStringFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1" } "receive_mail_unread_total":"5"}Return Value (Error){ "code": 401, "message": "oauth_signature not match.", "data": { }}Error code200Sucessnh ngha error cc loi


Add user URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/entry.phpAPIAdd userDescriptionThc hin add hi vin miDetailnh dng POSTRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1genderGii tnhString12nameNicknameStringnick_name3birth_dateNgy thng nm sinhStringbirthday4pref_noKhu vcString2Tnh thnh5passwordpasswordStringlogin_pw6app_codeID gii thiu app (Ty )String7ad_idCode advertisementStringDefault l iosunk8cidCIDStringID kt qu ca affiliationunique9top_noNo page TopString1A2BResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4useruserarrayTham chiu x l chungFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1" }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 401, "message": "oauth_signature not match.", "data": { }}Error code200bnh thngnh ngha error cc loi


Reuse loginURLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/reuse_login.phpAPIReuse loginDescriptionSau khi change device s lin kt n thng tin hi vin add device s dng trc Detailnh dng POST

Trn app ( nh game) s c lin kt n data sau change device Sau khi ch nh hi vin bng PW hoc ID PCMAX s tip tc update li Update data ca hi vin RequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1login_idLogin IDStringID hi vin PC MAXuser_id2login_telS in thoiStringS in thoi ca PCMAXtel_no3login_mailMail adressStringMail adress PCMAXemail_pc hoc email_mobile4login_passReuse login passwordStringPW hi vin ca PCMAXlogin_pwResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4userUserarrayTham chiu x l chungFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1" }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 401, "message": "oauth_signature not match.", "data": { }}200Bnh thngnh ngha error cc loi


List genre BBS URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/bbs_category.phpAPIList gern BBSDescriptionAPI get list category BBSDetailnh dng POSTRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNoteResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4ididarrayserial number5category_idM category BBSString6category_nameTn category BBSString7ategory_colorMu category BBSStringTn file V d 28useruserarray9receive_mail_unread_totalMessage s lng cha c Tng s lng StringFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ "1":{ "category_id":"1", "category_name":"", "category_color":"2" } "2":{ "category_id":"9", "category_name":"", "category_color":"3" } } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1" } " receive_mail_unread_total":"5"}Return Value (Error){ "code": 401, "message": "oauth_signature not match.", "data": { }}200Bnh thngnh ngha error cc loi


Post BBS URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/bbs_write.phpAPIPost BBSDescriptionPost BBSDetailnh dng POST

Phn on flag penalty $_SESSION["user"]->getUserPenalty(1)RequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1titletitleStringTrong vng 20 k t fullsize2contentscontentsStringTrong vng 500 k t fullsize3imageimageBinary4mail_limitS lng gii hn nhn tinString5 or 10 or 20 or 0(Khng gii hn )5pref_noStringTnh thnh6bbs_categoryStringResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4userarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1" }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 302, "message": "photo sizeover.", "data": { }}200Bnh thng302Imagine error360Error thiu PT501Error flag pelnatynh ngha error cc loi


Add profile URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/profile_change.phpAPIAdd profileDescriptionUpdate profile Thay iDetailnh dng POST

Phn on flag pelnalty $_SESSION["user"]->getUserPenalty(12)

Lin quan n tui Trng hp add ngy thng nm sinh l 1983042030/30 tui, thay i l 28 tui s thay i ngy thng nm sinh thnh 19850420Tnh ra nm t s tui, ch update nm ca ngy thng nm sinh Ngy thng th update lun nm m c thng tin thc hin add RequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1genderGii tnhString12nameNicknameString3age tuiStringTnh nm ca ngy thng nm sinh t tui , ch update nm4pref_noKhu vcString2Tnh thnh5passwordpasswordString6body_typebody TypeString7heightheightString8occupationoccupationString9blood_typeBlood TypeString10purpose_idMc ch s dngStringTrng hp c nhiu s ngn cch bng du phy11residenceArea s dngString12tasteC hay khng c carString13smokesmokeString14spare_timeKhong thi gian rnh riString15dirty_mindedMc khim nhString16self_prPRStringResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4userarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1" }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 401, "message": "oauth_signature not match.", "data": { }}200501nh ngha error cc loi


Search BBS URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/bbs_list.phpAPISearch BBSDescriptionSearch BBSDetailnh dng GETTrng hp c hnh nh nh km vo BBS s cho hin th hnh nh, khng c nh s cho hin th nh profile Trng hp khng c c hai s khng hin th

Trng hp setting version x l common vo (2)/ ang thm nh (2) bng ConfCh get Data4/ Dummy dataca flag hin th app Trng hp setting version ca x l common vo (1)/ ang cng khai (1) bng Conf Flag hin th app get (2)/ Hin th app (2) v3/ app user (3)RequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1bbs_categoryBBS categoryStringCha ch nh Get tt c category hin th trn app2genderGii tnhString1Nam 2NTrng hp cha ch 3from_ageT bao nhiu tuiString4to_agen bao nhiu tuiString5pref_noKhu vcString6genderGii tnhString7body_typeNhm muStringOR8photoC ( khng c ) load nhString19rookieTm ngi miString13010no_receptionPost cha tr li mailString1011offsetHng bt u search Stringdefault:020sortType searchString12ResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4bbs_idarray5bbs_idID BBS6Imagesarray7photo_idID hnh nhStringDetail 8photo_urlurl imagineStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx9thumbnailurl thumnailStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=110bbs_categoryTn category BBSString11bbs_colorMu category BBSString112login_timeNgy login cui cngStringYYYY/MM/DD HH:ii13user_idID hi vinString14nameNicknameString15self_prT PRString16pref_noKhu vcString17view_countS lng viewString18reception_countS lng tip nhn mail1:1/20reception_count/max_reception_count19transmit_timeThi gian gi mailString20transmit_others_timeThi gian nhn mailString21bbs_timeNgy gi post BBSString22bbs_titleTittle BBSString23bbs_pref_noV tr post BBSString24useruserarray25receive_mail_unread_totalS lng msg cha c Tng s lng StringFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ "44457222":{ "bbs_id":"44457222", "Images":{ "photo_id":"334", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail:"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } "bbs_category":"", "bbs_color":"1", "login_time":"2013/11/12 18:10", "user_id":"123456", "name":"", "self_pr":"", "pref_no":"12", "view_count":"1", "reception_count":"1/20", "transmit_time":"2013/11/12 18:10", "transmit_others_time":"2013/11/12 18:10", "bbs_time":"2015/01/10 10:11", "bbs_title":"3", "bbs_pref_no":"3" } "55556666":{ "bbs_id":"55556666", "Images":{ "photo_id":"110", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail:"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } "bbs_category":"", "bbs_color":"1", "login_time":"2013/11/12 18:10", "user_id":"789101", "name":", "self_pr":"", "pref_no":"13", "view_count":"10", "reception_count":"3/0", "transmit_time":"2013/11/12 18:10", "transmit_others_time":"2013/11/12 18:10", "bbs_time":"2015/01/10 10:11", "bbs_title":"3", "bbs_pref_no":"3" } } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", } "receive_mail_unread_total":"5"}Return Value (Error){ "code": 401, "message": "oauth_signature not match.", "data": { }}200nh ngha error cc loi


Get history post URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/bbs_history.phpAPIGet history postDescriptionGet list history post BBSDetailnh dng POSTRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNoteResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4bbs_idarray5bbs_idid BBSString6ImagesarrayHnh nh ang add BBS7photo_idid hnh nhString8photo_urlUrl hnh anhrStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx9thumbnailurl thumbnailStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=110bbs_categoryTn category BBSStringu tin l bn n, bn c cng s thch11bbs_colorMu category BBSString112bbs_timeNgy gi post BBSString13bbs_titleTittle BBSString14bbs_commentNi dung BBSString15bbs_pref_noKhu vc ( tnh thnh) thc hin post BBSString16useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ "444572":{ "bbs_id":"444572", "Images":{ "photo_id":"334", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail:"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } "bbs_category":"", "bbs_color":"1", "bbs_time":"2015/01/01 10:00", "bbs_title":"", "bbs_comment":"", } "444573":{ "bbs_id":"444573", "Images":{ "photo_id":"335", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail:"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } "bbs_category":"", "bbs_color":"1", "bbs_time":"2015/01/01 10:01", "bbs_title":"", "bbs_comment":"", } } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 401, "message": "oauth_signature not match.", "data": { }}200nh ngha error cc loi


Search profile URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/profile_list.phpAPISearch profileDescriptionSearch profileDetailnh dng GETTrng hp c nhp g vo keyword phrase s u tin search keyword ly i tng l PR chnh mnh B qua tt c item search khc

Trng hp setting version x l chung vo (2)/ ang thm nh bng Conf Ch get flag hin th app Data/ Dummy data4Trng hp setting version x l chung vo (1)/ ang cng khai bng Conf Get flag hin th app (2)/ Hin th app (2) v 3/ app user (3)RequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1from_ageT bao nhiu tuiString2to_agen bao nhiu tuiString3pref_noKhu vcString4body_typeBody typeStringChn nhiu gi tr, hoc search OR5height_fromGii hn trn ca chiu caoString6height_toGii hn di ca chiu caoString7smokeHt thucString8spare_timeKhong thi gian rnh riString9purpose_idMc ch s dngString10bbsC (khng) post BBSString11photoC khng load imagineString1Ch get post c nh12self_prCkhng ) t PRString13offsetHng bt u search Stringdefault:0Get 20 kt qu t s hng ch nh14sortType searchString1 /Trnh t update profile2/ trnh t add3/ trnh t login cui cng15phraseKeywordStringC login Search keyword Khng login Search profile thng thngResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4user_idID hi vinarray5user_idID hi vinStringTrng hp l newest post, s sort bng trnh t gim dn ca ID hi vin6ProfileImagesarrayHnh nh ang add profile7photo_idid photoString8photo_urlurl photoStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx9thumbnailurl thumbnailStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=110login_timeNgy login cui cngStringYYYY/MM/DD HH:ii11nameNicknameString12pref_noKhu vcString13age tuiString14self_prT PRString15transmit_timeKhong thi gian send mailStringNgy gi thi im mail cho i phng16transmit_others_timeKhong thi gian nhn mailStringNgy gi thi im mail t i phng n17useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ "444572":{ "user_id":"444572", "ProfileImages":{ "photo_id":"334", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail:"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } "login_time":"2015/01/01 10:00", "name":"", "self_pr":"", "pref_no":"12", "transmit_time":"2015/06/01 10:11" "transmit_others_time":"2015/06/01 10:11" } "668542727":{ "id":"668542727", "ProfileImages":{ "photo_id":"4468", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail:"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } "login_time":"2015/01/01 10:00", "name":"", "self_pr":"", "pref_no":"14", "transmit_time":"2015/06/01 10:11" "transmit_others_time":"2015/06/01 10:11" } } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 401, "message": "oauth_signature not match.", "data": { }}200nh ngha error cc loi


Get thng tin profileURLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/my_profile.phpAPIGet thng tin profileDescriptionPage xc nhn trc thay i profile L mnh Detailnh dng POST

Hi vin khng c Id gii thiuIDRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNoteResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4user_idID hi vinString5gendergenderString16namenicknameString7age tuiStringTnh ra t ngy thng nm sinh7app_codeID gii thiu appString8pref_nokhu vcString2Tnh thnh10introduction_idID gii thiuString11remainder_ticketS lng ticket s huString12ProfileImagesarray13photo_idid photoString14photo_urlurl photoStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx15UserProfileItemsarrayV pha app do hin th tt c data tip nhn nn s tin hnh control khng hin th trn server16body_typeBody TypeString17heightheightString18occupationoccupationString19blood_typeblood TypeString20purpose_idmc ch s dngStringTrng hp c nhiu mc ch s tr v bng ngn cch bng du phy21residenceArea hot ngString22tasteC khng c carString23smokeht thucString24spare_timeKhong thi gian rnh riString25dirty_mindedMc khim nhString26self_prPR t gii thiuString27seizaChm saoString28question_adultS lng setting profile mt triString29hundred_answer_countS lng tr li cu hi 100String30useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ "user_id":"100425757587", "gender":"1", "name":"", "age":"65", "app_code":"GMQVJ72K3D", "pref_no":"12", "introduction_id":"" "remainder_ticket":"6" "ProfileImages":{ "photo_id":"1", "photo_url":"http://example.com/example.jpg", } "UserProfileItems":{ "body_type":"3", "height":"170", "occupation":"2", "blood_type":"2", "purpose_id":"1,6,7", "residence":"", "taste":"2", "smoke":"2", "spare_time":"1", "dirty_minded":"5", "self_pr":"", "seiza":"", "question_adult":"1", "hundred_answer_count":"1", } } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1" }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 401, "message": "oauth_signature not match.", "data": { }}200Bnh thngnh ngha error cc loi


Get information other user URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/profile_detail.phpAPIGet thng tin other userDescriptionGet profile DetailDetailnh dng POSTRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1user_idId i tng userStringid member2bbs_idBBS idString nhp Get bbs tng ng no inputget bbs mi nhtThreadsResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4user_idID memberString5gendergenderString16namenicknameString7ageageString8pref_noareaString2/Prefecture9friend_registeredS lng c yu thchStringS lng c cho vo list yu thch10login_timelogin time cuiString11diary_datediary date postStringPhn on diary post c hay khng12ProfileImagesarrayProfile photo13photo_idphoto idString14photo_urlphoto urlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx15Threadsarray16bbs_idBBS idString17bbs_categorytn bbs categoryString18bbs_colormu title bbsString119bbs_titlebbs titleString20bbs_commentbbs commentString21bbs_timebbs time postStringYYYY/MM/DD HH:ii:ss22reception_countreception countString23max_reception_countmax_reception_countString24bbs_pref_nobbs_pref_String25BbsImagesarrayBbsImages26photo_idbbs photo idString27photo_urlbbs photo urlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx28thumbnailbbs thumbnail photoStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=129UserProfileItemsarrayData30body_typeTypeString31heightString32occupationString33blood_typeTypeString34purpose_idString35residenceString36tasteString37smokeString38spare_timeString39dirty_mindedString40self_prPRString41seizaString42question_adultString43carrierString0PC, 1DoCoMo, 2Softbank, 3au, 11iPhone, 12Android, 13WindowsPhone44AlbumImagesarray32145album_idarray46album_idIDString47Imagesarray48photo_ididString49photo_urlurlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx50thumbnailurlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=151album_countString1052userarrayReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ "user_id":"12345", "gender":"1", "name":"", "age":"65", "pref_no":"12", "friend_registered":"1", "login_time":"2015/06/01 10:11" "album_count":"50" "ProfileImages":{ "photo_id":"1", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail:"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } "Threads":{ "bbs_id":"1", "bbs_category":"", "bbs_color":"1", "bbs_title":"", "bbs_comment":"" "bbs_time":"2015/06/01 10:11" "Images":{ "photo_id":"3", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1" } "UserProfileItems":{ "body_type":"2", "height":"170", "occupation":"10", "blood_type":"1", "purpose_id":"2" "residence":"" "taste":"2" "smoke":"1" "spare_time":"2" "dirty_minded":"1" "self_pr":"" "seiza":"" "carrier":"1" } "AlbumImages":{ "1234":{ "album_id":"1234", "Images":{ "photo_id":"111", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } } "2345":{ "album_id":"2345", "Images":{ "photo_id":"222", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } } "3456":{ "album_id":"3456", "Images":{ "photo_id":"333", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } } } } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 301, "message": "Input Error.", "data": { }}200301303304nh ngha error cc loi


Post album imagineURLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/my_album_list.phpAPIList album hnh nhDescriptionGet list album hnh nh ca mnh Detailnh dng POST

Setting defaultview_status/ Hin th 0view_type/ Hnh nh1image_type/ Cng khai1RequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1offsetStringdefault:0Get 32 kt qu t s hng ch nhResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4album_idarray5album_idID/ ID album6Imagesarray7photo_idID/ ID hnh nhString8photo_urlurlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx9thumbnailurl/ URL thumbnailStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=123user/ UserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ "1504928":{ "album_id":"1504928", "Images":{ "photo_id":"334", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } } "1454102":{ "album_id":"1454102", "Images":{ "photo_id":"110", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } } } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 301, "message": "Input Error.", "data": { }}


List album imagine URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/my_album_list.phpAPIList album hnh nhDescriptionGet list album hnh nh ca mnh Detailnh dng POST

Setting defaultview_status/ Hin th 0view_type/ Hnh nh1image_type/ Cng khai1RequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1offsetStringdefault:0Get 32 kt qu t s hng ch nhResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4album_idarray5album_idID/ ID album6Imagesarray7photo_idID/ ID hnh nhString8photo_urlurlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx9thumbnailurl/ URL thumbnailStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=123user/ UserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ "1504928":{ "album_id":"1504928", "Images":{ "photo_id":"334", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } } "1454102":{ "album_id":"1454102", "Images":{ "photo_id":"110", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } } } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 301, "message": "Input Error.", "data": { }}200nh ngha error cc loi


Delete album imagine URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/album_delete.phpAPIDelete album imagineDescriptionDelete nh t albumDetailnh dng POSTRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1album_idID/ ID albumStringC th ch nh nhiu, ch nh vi ngn cch bng du phyResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4user/ userarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 301, "message": "Input Error.", "data": { }}200nh ngha error cc loi


Post imagine profileURLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/profile_photo_reg.phpAPIPost nh profileDescriptionAPI post ( thay i) nh dng cho profileDetailnh dng POST

Trn app, thay i profile ngha l profile_change.phpdo mn hnh setting c nn API cng c chia ra

Khi add hnh nh profile th ng thi cng post album nh /app/album_reg_up.phpStatus post... ging y ht vi post album nh

Setting default photo_no_view_status/ Hin th 0

X l error Cha nh km file Trng hp khng c file s l error Over file size Trng hp file ln hn hoc bng 8MB s l error Cha x l nh dng file Trng hp khng phi JPGGIFPNGRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1imageBinaryResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4user/ userarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 302, "message": "photo sizeover.", "data": { }}200302nh ngha error cc loi


Get my page URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/mymenu.phpAPIGet my pageDescriptionGet item dng cho mypageDetailnh dng POST

age_pointTr v s lng point cp khi chng thc tui ch dnh cho nam gii (Setting point s dng Gi tr s 122 )N gii s ch nh l 0 setting defaultRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNoteResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4nameNicknameString5friend_registeredS lng c yu thchStringS lng c trong list favorite6pref_noKhu vcString7pointPointStringPoint s hu8mileagemileageStringMileage s hu9age_pointS lng point cp khi chng thc tuiStringQun l Setting point s dng Others S point get ID ngi ln Ch nam gii 10receive_mail_unread_totalMessage s lng cha c S lng tnh tng String11android_campaign_flgFlag campaign gii quyt AndoridString12pay_count_sum/ S ln np tinString13user/ userarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ "name":"", "friend_registered":"3", "pref_no":33", "point":"3000", "mileage":"0" "age_point":"50" "android_campaign_flg":"0" "pay_count_sum":"1" } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", } " receive_mail_unread_total":"5"}Return Value (Error){ "code": 401, "message": "oauth_signature not match.", "data": { }}200nh ngha error cc loi


Get list msg room URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/mail_list.phpAPIGet list room msgDescriptionGet list BOX nhn gi mailDetailnh dng POST

Ging vi list history gi nhn mail ca PCMAXmail_recive_send_list.php

Trnh t sp xp l trnh t gim dn ca last_receive_mail_timeRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNoteResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4user_idIDarrayID hi vin ca i tng trao i5user_idIDString6ProfileImagesarraynh profile ca i tng trao i, nu khng c tr v rng7photo_ididString8photo_urlurlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxx&photo_id=xxx9thumbnailurlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxx&photo_id=xxx&thumbnail=110nameStringnick_name11last_receive_mail_timeNgy gi ca msg nhn cui cngStringmail_time ca mail nhn sau cng12last_transmit_mail_timeNgy gi ca msg gi cui cngStringmail_time ca mail gi cui cng13last_receive_mail_statusFlag c - cha c ca msg nhn tin cui cngStringreceipt_status ca mail nhn cui cng 0/ cha c 1/ c14userUserarray15receive_mail_unread_totalS lng cha c MessageS lng tng StringFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ "12345":{ "id": "12345", "ProfileImages":{ "photo_id":"334", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail:"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } "name": "", "last_receive_mail_time": "2013-01-27 18:43", "last_transmit_mail_time": "2013-01-27 19:00", "last_receive_mail_status": "0", } "56789":{ "id": "56789", "ProfileImages":{ "photo_id":"999", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail:"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } "name": "", "last_receive_mail_time": "2013-01-26 10:30", "last_transmit_mail_time": "2013-01-26 12:00", "last_receive_mail_status": "1", } } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", } "last_receive_mail_status": "2",}Return Value (Error){ "code": 401, "message": "oauth_signature not match.", "data": { }}200nh ngha error cc loi


Get msgURLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/mail_detail.phpAPIGet msgDescriptionGet Detail ca BOX gi nhn mail Trao i mail thc t Detailnh dng POST

Ging vi Detail history gi nhn mail ca PCMAX mail_recive_send_detail.phpTrnh t sp xp l gim dn ca mail_id +RequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1user_idIDStringID hi vin ca i tng trao i2offsetStringdefault:0, Get 8 kt qu t s hng ch nhResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4nameTn i phngStringnick_name5genderGii tnh i phngString6ProfileImagesHnh nh profile i phng, nu khng c s tr v rng7photo_idid photoString8photo_urlurlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxx&photo_id=xxx9thumbnailurlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxx&photo_id=xxx&thumbnail=110MyProfileImagesHnh nh profile ca mnh, trng hp khng c tr v rng11photo_ididString12photo_urlurlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxx&photo_id=xxx13thumbnailurlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxx&photo_id=xxx&thumbnail=114mail_id15mail_idMessage idString16transmit_idIDStringID hi vin ca ngi send mail17receipt_idIDStringID hi vin ca ngi nhn mail18MailImagesHnh nh nh km trong mail, nu khng c s tr v rng19photo_ididString20photo_urlurlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxx&photo_id=xxx21thumbnailurlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxx&photo_id=xxx&thumbnail=122messageMessage String23is_readFlag cString/ cha c 0/ c 124mail_timeNgy gi mailStringYYYY/MM/DD HH:ii25userUserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ "name":"" "gender": "1", "ProfileImages":{ "photo_id": "2" "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail:"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } "MyProfileImages":{ "photo_id": "1" "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail:"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } "2"{ "mail_id": "2", "transmit_id":"123456789" "receipt_id":"987654321" "MailImages":{ "photo_id": "101012" "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail:"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } "message": "", "is_read": 0, "mail_time": "2013-01-28 13:00", }, "1"{ "mail_id": "1", "transmit_id":"987654321" "receipt_id":"123456789" "MailImages":{ "photo_id": "51542" "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail:"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } "message": "", "is_read": 1, "mail_time": "2013-01-27 23:00" , }, } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 301, "message": "Input Error.", "data": { }}200301nh ngha error cc loi


Open msg URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/mail_open.phpAPIOpen MessageDescriptionKhi view mail, s chuyn t trng thi status cha c thnh cDetailnh dng POST

Status mail ch nh thay i thnh cRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1mail_idMessage idStringResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4userarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 301, "message": "Input Error.", "data": { }}200301nh ngha error cc loi


Get list notification h thngURLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/mail_notification_list.phpAPIGet list Notification h thngDescriptionGet list mail trong guide mailDetailnh dng POST

Ging vi list mail guide ca PCMAXmail_notification_list.php

Trnh t sp xp theo trnh t gim dn ca notification_idRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNoteResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4notification_id5notification_idMessage id6notification_titletitle7notification_timeReceive Date12useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ "12":{ "notification_id": "12", "notification_title": "2", "notification_time": "2012-12-14 15:09", } }, "9":{ "notification_id": "9", "notification_title": "1", "notification_time": "2012-12-13 12:18", }, } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 401, "message": "oauth_signature not match.", "data": { }}200nh ngha error cc loi


List footprintsURLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/visit_list.phpAPIList footprintDescriptionGet list footprintDetailnh dng POST

ng dng vi list footprint ca PCMAXprofile_visit.Trnh t sp xp theo th t gim dn ca visit_timeS lng get: ti a 50RequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1offsetoffsetStringdefault:0Get 30 t s dng c ch nhResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4user_iduseridarrayuserid ca ngi thm footprintuser_iduseridString5namenicknameStringnick_nameca ngi thm footprint6gendergenderString7visit_timevisit timeStringNgy thng nm cui cng c thm footprint8ProfileImagesarray9photo_idimage idString10photo_urlimagine urlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxx&photo_id=xxx11thumbnailthumbnail urlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxx&photo_id=xxx&thumbnail=112useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ "34": { "name": "", "gender": 2, "visit_time": "2014-01-21 16:59", "ProfileImages":{ "photo_id":"334", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail:"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } }, "2142626": { "name": ", "gender": 2, "visit_time": "2014-01-20 20:35", "ProfileImages":{ "photo_id":"111", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail:"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } }, }, "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 401, "message": "oauth_signature not match.", "data": { }}200nh ngha error cc loi


Add favoriteURLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/like_add.phpAPIAdd favoriteDescriptionAdd list favoriteDetailnh dng POST

Gii hn add Ti a 500 ngi Khi add nu s lng ngi t n 500 ngi th hin th error s 301ng nhp li i vi user ng k thnh cngerror 302-RequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1user_iduser idStringID hi vin ca ngi mun add vo list favoriteResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1" "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 302, "message": "user is registered", "data": { }}200301302nh ngha error cc loi


Delete favoriteURLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/like_delete.phpAPIDelete favoriteDescriptionDelete hi vin ang add vo list favoriteDetailnh dng POSTRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1user_iduser idStringID hi vin ca ngi mun delete t list favoriteResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1" "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 301, "message": "Input Error.", "data": { }}200301nh ngha error cc loi


Hin th list favoriteURLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/like_list.phpAPIHin th list favoriteDescriptionGet list favoriteDetailnh dng POST

Trnh t sp xp l trnh t gim dn ca regist_timeGii hn get Ti a 500 kt quRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1offsetoffsetStringdefault:030ResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4user_idarray5user_iduser idString6ProfileImagesarray7photo_idphoto idString8photo_urlphoto urlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxx&photo_id=xxx9thumbnailthumbnailurlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxx&photo_id=xxx&thumbnail=111namenicknameString12gendergenderString13friend_registeredS lng c favoriteStringS lng trong list favorite14useruserarray15receive_mail_unread_totalS lng cha c Message S lng tng StringFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ "1234":{ "user_id":"1234", "ProfileImages":{ "photo_id":"334", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail:"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } "name":"", "gender": 2, "friend_registered":"2" } "5678":{ "user_id":"5678", "ProfileImages":{ "photo_id":"734", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail:"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } "name":"", "gender": 2, "friend_registered":"2" } } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1" "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", } "receive_mail_unread_total":"5"}Return Value (Error){ "code": 401, "message": "oauth_signature not match.", "data": { }}200nh ngha error cc loi


Hin th list c yu thch URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/like_registered_list.phpAPIHin th list c yu thchDescriptionGet list c yu thchDetailnh dng POST

Trnh t sp xp l trnh t gim dn ca regist_timeGii hn get Ti a 100 kt quRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1offsetoffsetStringdefault:0, Get 30 kt qu t s hng ch nhResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4user_idarray5user_iduser idString6ProfileImagesarray7photo_idphoto idString8photo_urlphoto urlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxx&photo_id=xxx9thumbnailthumbnail urlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxx&photo_id=xxx&thumbnail=110namenicknameString11gendergenderString12friend_registeredS lng c favoriteStringS lng c trong list favorite13useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ "1234":{ "id":"1234", "ProfileImages":{ "photo_id":"334", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail:"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } "name":"", "gender": 2, "friend_registered":"2" } "5678":{ "id":"5678", "ProfileImages":{ "photo_id":"734", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail:"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } "name":"", "gender": 2, "friend_registered":"2" } } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1" "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 401, "message": "oauth_signature not match.", "data": { }}200nh ngha error cc loi


Add list dislike URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/dislike_add.phpAPIAdd list dislikeDescriptionAdd list t chiDetailnh dng POST

Gii hn add Ti a l 500 ngi Khi add nu s ngi t n 500 ngi th hin th error 301 Add li uer add ri Hin th error 302RequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1user_iduser idStringID hi vin ngi mun add vo list dislike ( t chi)ResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1" "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 302, "message": "user is registered", "data": { }}200301302nh ngha error cc loi


Delete user dislike URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/dislike_delete.phpAPIDelete user dislike (t chi)DescriptionDelete user ng k t list refuseDetailnh dng POSTRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1user_iduseridStringID hi vin ngi mun xa t list dislikeResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1" "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 301, "message": "Input Error.", "data": { }}200301nh ngha error cc loi


Hin th list dislike URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/dislike_list.phpAPIHin th list dislikeDescriptionGet list dislikeDetailnh dng POST

Trnh t sp xp theo th t gim dn ca regist_timeRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1offsetoffsetStringdefault:0, Get 30 kt qu t s hng ch nhResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4user_idarray5user_iduser idString6ProfileImagesarray7photo_idphoto idString8photo_urlphoto urlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxx&photo_id=xxx9thumbnailthumbnail urlStringhttp://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxx&photo_id=xxx&thumbnail=111namenicknameString12gendergenderString13friend_registeredS lng c favoriteStringS lng c trong list favorite14last_bbs_timelast bbs timeString15useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ "1234":{ "user_id":"1234", "ProfileImages":{ "photo_id":"334", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail:"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } "name":"", "gender": 2, "friend_registered":"2" "last_bbs_time":"2014-01-21 16:59" } "5678":{ "user_id":"5678", "ProfileImages":{ "photo_id":"734", "photo_url":"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx", "thumbnail:"http://pcmax.jp/mobile/photo.php?user_id=xxxxxx&photo_id=xx&thumbnail=1", } "name":"", "gender": 2, "friend_registered":"2" "last_bbs_time":"2014-01-21 16:59" } } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1" "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 401, "message": "oauth_signature not match.", "data": { }}200nh ngha error cc loi


View imageURLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/photo.phpAPIView imageDescriptionAPI ca PT c tiu th khi view photoDetailnh dng POST

Dng PT ca id content c ch nhTRng hp khng PT s tr v errorNu khng nhp vo mc Bt buc s b error

inh ngha content idmail1profile2bbs3album photo4

Setting use point View mail photo12profile view photo22BBS view photo34View album photo83RequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1contents_idContent idStringResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 360, "message": "point_insufficiency.", "data": { }}200301(Bt buc )360PTnh ngha error cc loi


Thay i statusURLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/status_change.phpAPIThay i statusDescriptionAPI thay i status ca memberDetailnh dng POST

Thot khi thnh vinSau khi ri khi s dng ng k li APIDo thay i status id ch nh status user mun thay i

Thay i status id1Cho Gia nhp liang thot khiTi gia nhp2Cho thot khiang s dngthot khi

nu khng nhp vo item Bt buc s tr v error 301RequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1status_idThay i status idString1Cho php ti gia nhp2cho php thoat khiResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 301, "message": "Input Error.", "data": { }}200301(Bt buc )nh ngha error cc loi


Delete BBS URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/bbs_delete.phpAPIDelete BBSDescriptionAPI Delete bbs m mnh postDetailnh dng POST


Nu khng nhp vo item Bt buc s b error 301RequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1bbs_idtitleStringtrong 20 textResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1" }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 301, "message": "Input Error.", "data": { }}200301(Bt buc )nh ngha error cc loi


Send mail URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/mail_send.phpAPISend mailDescriptionAPI send mailDetailnh dng POST

mail_category l ni s dng point ( dng number)mail_title l ni gi (dng number)

Quyt nh Penalty flag$_SESSION["user"]->getUserPenalty(9)

Bt buc 301RequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1user_idId memberStringid member ca i tng send2mail_categorymail categorySend placeString1B mail2profile51bbs3mail_titletitleString1Reply t BOX mail2Reply t profile3Reply t bbs4mail_commentNi dung(body)StringGii hn trong 300 k t5bbs_idbbs idStringKhi mail_category=51Bt buc nhpngoi ra cha nhp6imageimageBinaryResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "name": "", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", "secret_id":"lujFkPocP4RNOCxxxxxx", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 301, "message": "Input Error.", "data": { }}200301(Bt buc )302304360PT501nh ngha error cc loi


Delete mail URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/mail_delete.phpAPIDelete mailDescriptionAPI delete box mailDetailnh dng POSTDelete v tr box mail (mi member)Khng xa tng mail m xa 1 ln ton b giao dch vi i tcThc t khng phi l xa m khng cho hin th ln trn mn hnh(Thay i status)

Nu khng nhp vo item Bt buc s tr v error 301history mail v id member ch nh nu khng c cng b tr v error 301RequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1user_idid memberStringId member ca i tng xaResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "name": "", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", "secret_id":"lujFkPocP4RNOCxxxxxx", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 301, "message": "Input Error.", "data": { }}200301(Bt buc )nh ngha error cc loi


List mc ch s dngURLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/purpose.phpAPIList mc ch s dngDescriptionAPI get list mc ch s dngDetailnh dng POST

khc nhau v ni dung mc ch s dng kim tra v cng khaiRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNoteResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4ididarraySerial number5purpose_idpurpose idString6purpose_namepurpose nameString12useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ "1":{ "purpose_id":"1", "purpose_id_name":"", } "2":{ "purpose_id":"9", "purpose_id_name":"", } } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "name": "", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", "secret_id":"lujFkPocP4RNOCxxxxxx", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 401, "message": "oauth_signature not match.", "data": { }}200nh ngha error cc loi


Get list mua pointURLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/purchase_list.phpAPIGet list mua pointDescriptionGet thng tin point vo page chuyn mua pointDetailnh dng POST

Thng tin point mua th Get t Conf ty vo nam hay n m ni get thay iNu khng nhp vo item Bt buc s b tr v error 301RequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNoteResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Sucess2messageMessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4point_sumim s hu hin tiString5android_campaign_flgAndorid campaign flgString6pay_count_sums ln nhp tinString7pointarray8idarraySerial number9point_idid sn phmString10moneygiStringkhon tin thanh ton11pointpointStrings point nhn ng vi s tin thanh ton12product_idproduct idStringproduct id sn phm ng k vo Apple13useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ "point_sum": 7880, "point": { "1": { "point_id": "1", "money": "1000", "point": "100", "product_id":"pcmax_Price1" }, "2": { "point_id": "2", "money": "2000" "point": "200" "product_id":"pcmax_Price2" }, "3": { "point_id": "3", "money": "3000", "point": "300", "product_id":"pcmax_Price3" }, "4": { "point_id": "4", "money": "4000", "point": "400", "product_id":"pcmax_Price4" }, } }, }, "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1" }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 301, "message": "Input Error.", "data": { }}200301(Bt buc )nh ngha error cc loi


Setting push notification URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/push_notice.phpAPISetting Push NotificationDescriptionAPI setting push notificationDetailnh dng POST

PushID0 Khng notification 1 C notification Trng hp blank s khng thay i setting notification , thc hin tr v gi tr setting hin ti

X l error Khi API x l ln u, i vi trng hp cha login device token (push_id) s tr v error 301RequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1push_idPushIDString0Thay i thnh khng notification 1Thay i thnh notificationResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codestatus codeInteger200:Thnh cng2messageMsgStringTrng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung , chui k t trng s hin th pop up trong app3dataDataarray4push_noticePush notificationString0Khng notification , 1Notification5userUserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ "push_notice": 0, } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", "secret_id":"lujFkPocP4RNOCxxxxxx", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 301, "message": "Input Error.", "data": { }}Error codeCodeMeaning200Chy bnh thng301Input error (Trng hp cha setting device token )nh ngha type error


Comsumtion PTURLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/detail_read.phpAPIGet point khi view detailDescriptionDetail profile, Api dng get point khi view detail BBSDetailnh dng POST

Tiu th PT ca ID Content ch nh Trng hp thiu PT s hu s tr v error Nu khng c input item bt buc nhp s tr v error

nh ngha ID Content1View profile 2View BBS Khc vi bn web, khng cn view reply 0

Setting point s dng View profile 21View BBS 33RequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1contents_idContent IDString1View profile 2View BBS2sp_typeDevice typeString1iOS2AndoridResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200: Sucess2messageMsgStringHin th pop up trn app trong trng hp khng c ni dung,trng hp c nidung, chui k t trng3dataDataarray4userUserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", "secret_id":"lujFkPocP4RNOCxxxxxx", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 360, "message": "point_insufficiency.", "data": { }}Error codeCodeMeaning200Bnh thng301Input error (Trng hp khng nhp item bt buc nhp )360Eror thiu PTKhcnh ngha error cc loi


Thanh ton trong app (Android)URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/purchase_android.phpAPIThanh ton app AndroidDescriptionAPI cp point sau khi thanh ton xongDetailnh dng POST

Cp point Trong list mua point point_id ang c setting Conf, thc hin cp s point ng vi item_id gi requestRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1item_idid sn phmStringS dng point_id get t list mua point S dng phn on nn mua sn phm no, cp bao nhiu point2signeddataINAPP_PURCHASE_DATAString3signatureINAPP_DATA_SIGNATUREStringResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codestatus codeInteger200: Thnh cng2messageMsgStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung, chui k t trng3datadataarray4pointPointStringS lng point hin ti Sau khi cp point 5userUserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 0, "message": "", "data":{ "point":"500" }, "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "name": "", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", "secret_id":"lujFkPocP4RNOCxxxxxx", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 301, "message": "Input Error.", "data": { }}Error codeCodeMeaning0Bnh thng301Input error21000The App Store could not read the JSON object you provided.21002The data in the receipt-data property was malformed.21003The receipt could not be authenticated.21004The shared secret you provided does not match the shared secret on file for your account.21005The receipt server is not currently available.21006This receipt is valid but the subscription has expired. When this status code is returned to your server, the receipt data is also decoded and returned as part of the response.21007This receipt is a sandbox receipt, but it was sent to the production service for verification.21008This receipt is a production receipt, but it was sent to the sandbox service for verification.Khcnh ngha error cc loi


Thanh ton trong appURLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/purchase.phpAPIThanh ton trong appDescriptionXc nhn receipt sau khi thanh ton xong, API cp pointDetailnh dng POST

Cp point trong list mua point (point_idang setting ti Conf, cp s lng point ng vi item_id gi request Tham chiu API get list mua point RequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1item_idid sn phmStringS dng point_id get t list mua point S dng phn on nn mua sn phm no, cp bao nhiu point2receiptreceiptStringResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codestatus codeInteger200:Success2messageMsgStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung, chui k t trng3datadataarray4pointpointStringS lng point hin ti Sau khi cp point 5useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 0, "message": "", "data":{ "point":"500" }, "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "name": "", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", "secret_id":"lujFkPocP4RNOCxxxxxx", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 301, "message": "Input Error.", "data": { }}Error codeCodeMeaning0Bnh thng301Input error21000The App Store could not read the JSON object you provided.21002The data in the receipt-data property was malformed.21003The receipt could not be authenticated.21004The shared secret you provided does not match the shared secret on file for your account.21005The receipt server is not currently available.21006This receipt is valid but the subscription has expired. When this status code is returned to your server, the receipt data is also decoded and returned as part of the response.21007This receipt is a sandbox receipt, but it was sent to the production service for verification.21008This receipt is a production receipt, but it was sent to the sandbox service for verification.Khcnh ngha error cc loi


Delete imagine profile URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/profile_photo_delete.phpAPIDelete imagine profileDescriptionAPI delete imagine dng cho profileDetailnh dng POST

L api dng delete imagine add profileRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNoteResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200: Thnh cng2messagemessageStringCho hin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung, chui k t trng3datadataarray4useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", "secret_id":"lujFkPocP4RNOCxxxxxx", }}200nh ngha error cc loi


Flag hin th appURLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/app_status.phpAPIFlag hin th appDescriptionAPI get flag hin th appDetailnh dng POSTRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1versionAPP versionStringResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Success2messagemessageStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3messagemessagearray4ios_flgStatus flag cng khai app versionString1ang cng khai2ang thm nh, 3Kt thc cng khai5top_noNo top pageString1Screen A2Screen B6useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ "ios_flg":"1" } "user":{ }}Error codeCodeMeaning200Bnh thng301In put errorKhcnh ngha error cc loi


Setting notification ringURLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/member_notify.phpAPISetting tng notification thng boDescriptionAPI setting nhn tng notification ca PUSH notificationDetailnh dng POST

notice_id79Push notification Thc hin reset setting mi ln, Default l 0, Notification c number truyn vo ngn cch bng du phy s b reject nhn tin ( 1

X l error Ti notice_id v set_velue, trng hp cha nhp item bt buc nhp s tr v error 301RequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1notice_idID notifiactionarray79Trng hp c nhiu push th phn bit bng du phyResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200: Success2messageMsgStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3dataDataarray4userUserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", "secret_id":"lujFkPocP4RNOCxxxxxx", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 301, "message": "Input Error.", "data": { }}Error codeCodeMeaning200Bnh thng301Error nhpKhcnh ngha error cc loi


Cp ticket URLhttp://pcmax.jp/app/ticket_add.phpAPIAPI cp ticketDescriptionCp ticket khi khi ng app 1 ngy 1 ln Detailnh dng POST

Cp ticket khi khi ng app (Login bonus)Hi vin c history np tin s c cp 1 ngy 1 ln l 5 ticket Hi vin khng c history np tin s cp mt ngy mt ln 2 ticket Ch cp ticket trong trng hp login ln u trong ngy hm Thi gian reset get login bonus ( cp ticket) l 6 gi sng hng ngy Khi cp ticket , server s quyt nh c phi y l ln u tin khi ng app trong ngy hm nay koRequestSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1sp_typeType deviceString1iOS2AndoridResponseSTTPhysical nameLogical nameTypeBt bucNote1codeStatus codeInteger200:Success2messageMsgStringHin th pop up trong app trng hp khng c ni dung, trng hp c ni dung nhng chui k t trng3datadataarray4add_ticketS ticket cpIntegerTr v s t ticket cp5remainder_ticketS ticket cn liIntegerS ticket cn li m mnh c sau khi cp6settlement_timeNgy gi np tinStringFlag c (khng) np tin7settlement_ticket_addS ticket cp sau khi np tinString8useruserarrayFormatReturn Value (normal){ "code": 200, "message": "", "data":{ "add_ticket":"5" "remainder_ticket":"10" "settlement_time":"" "settlement_ticket_add":"5" } "user":{ "user_id": "1234567", "user_status": "1", "gender": "1", "ban_url": "", "ios_flg": "1", "age_auth":"0", "age_auth_error":"35", "secret_id":"lujFkPocP4RNOCxxxxxx", }}Return Value (Error){ "code": 302, "message": "Ticket receipt finished.", "data": { }}Error codeCodeMeaning200Bnh thng301Input error (Trng hp khng nhp trong item bt buc nhp )302Error tip nhnnh ngha error cc loi

