Athasit B4 08 Multiple Slcerosis




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    3 1 . 1 7 3-4 2 3 . 2 5 2 6 pons 3 6 medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) pons 2 pons optic nerve brain stem alert, normal speech Fundi : normal VAR 20/40 VAL 20/40 no ptosis 100% 100%

  • 90% R 100% 100% L 90% 100% 100% spontaneous nystagmus on lateral gazes Cranial v n. vertical nystagmus present Limbs : Tone Power Coordination : Finger-nose and Heel-shin tests impaired on SJ +++ +++ BJ +++ +++ TJ +++ +++ KJ +++ +++ AJ ++ ++ P Other systems : normal () pons multiple sclerosis (MS) arterio-venous malformation (AVM) pontine infarct 5 pontine infarct MRI MRI ill-defined hyposignal T/hypersignal T2 lesion at lower pons, whole medulla more prominent on the left, cervico-medullary junction and upper cervical cord. better defined more hypersignal T2 lesion scattering in the central portion of the lesion involving the floor of 4th ventricle and posterior medulla without enhancement. demyelinating lesion pons, medulla acute brain stem MS

  • hiccup ( hiccough 1) (diaphragm) (inspiratory intercostal muscles) glottis 30 milli-seconds 15-30 PaCO2 PaCO2 amplitude ( 2) medulla nucleus tractus solitarius Plato 416 pharynx baclofen 10 mg 1987 Birkhead Friedman MS ( 3) ( 4) MS 1 carbamazepine Funakawa MS sleep apnoea ( 5) Chang MRI plaque medulla .. 1994 ( 6) MS 4 ( 7) MS medulla pulmonary oedema ( 8 13) nucleus tractus solitarius dorsal motor nucleus vagus medial reticular formation hydrostatic pressure MS .. 1970 MS ( 14) ( 15 18) 40 ( 19) !

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