Aubrey Nielson


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  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey Nielson


    PortfolioAubrey Nielson

  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey Nielson


    Contact175 W. 5th S. Apt. 516Rexburg, ID 83440

  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey Nielson


    Table of ContentsMontage

    FlierStationeryWeb pagePhotodesignLogosEvent AdBrochure

  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey Nielson


    MontageDescription: An inspirational traveling mon-tage by blending of two or images, and the use

    of typography.


    Course/Instructor:Visual Media by Julie Peterson

    Program(s)/ Tools: Photoshop

    Objective: Use the FOCUS design process, unifya layout with a consistent theme and dominantmessage, learn to blend two or more images to-gether gradually, using masks

    Process: I first found the images that I was go-ing to use for the project. I then cropped the

    background so that it fit into the 8.511 size. Iadjusted hue, colors and features of the back-ground so it was more what I wanted. I then add-ed the plane to the bottom right hand corner by

    using the lasso tool. I made it a bit smaller andblurred out the hard edges with a 100% opacityand then changed to 28% opacity for the rest ofthe plane. I then added a filter to the plane so it

    looked more hazy, the filter was a rain splash. Ithen added my text. I matched the color with theplane color wanting to keep it simple.

  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey Nielson


  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey Nielson


    Event AdDescription:A color ad promoting an event toprovide relief funds towards a company in the

    community by using picture scanned from printand the program Microsoft Word.


    Course/Instructor:Visual Media by Julie Peterson

    Program(s)/ Tools: Microsoft Word

    Objective: Comprehend image sizing, scan andimport an image, create a full-bleed design.

    Process: I scanned the image in the library ontoa mac computer. I was able to adjust the pixelsand get a clear image. I then uploaded this andused this as my main picture for the whole proj-ect. I used the angles of the turtle to my advan-tage, and decided to put the text where your eyesgo. I really liked the wave in the picture, so i put

    the title there. I made the font bold and a bit ital-icized, which I know is not usually recommendedbut I felt that it went along with the theme of theevent. I added a rectangle shape on the bottomof the flier, and colored it in to add a bit moredesign. I also colored the text so that it matched

    the turtles dark grey shell.

  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey Nielson


  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey Nielson


    StationeryDescription:Created stationery and a businesscard for a logo and business company.


    Course/Instructor:Visual Media by Julie Peterson

    Program(s)/ Tools: Adobe Illustrator

    Objective: Use the basic tools in Illustrator &InDesign, create a new logo, apply typography


    Process: I decided on the logo and company

    that I was going to represent. I then made thatlogo in Illustrator. I liked the triangle shape andthought it striking as well as the teal and blackcolors together. I created another triangle in-side the main triangle and used the tool to fitit inside. I really liked the main font style andthought it went with the logo I decided to keep

    the body font simple and easy to read. I then cre-ated my business card using the same logo butadding more color to the whole business card in-corporating the teal and black throughout while

    playing with shapes.

  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey Nielson


  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey Nielson


    Web pageDescription:Created a web page to showcase apersonally created logo.


    Course/Instructor:Visual Media taught by Julie Peterson

    Program(s)/ Tools: Notepad++, Photoshop,HTML

    Objective:Size and optimize an original logo, write contentto describe the process of creating your logo, de-sign a web page using HTML.

    Process:I created my web page by using Notepad ++ onmy PC. This is where is set up my html as well asmy CSS to create the layout. I connected the htmldocument and CSS together by using the link inthe html. I then attached my logo picture, using

    Photoshop into my html. I used padding to cen-ter my logo with the Namaste at the top of thepage. I also added a little padding on the bottomof Namaste. After that I changed my colors sothey matched my logo. I then changed my fontto make it look more appealing and put back upfonts just in case the first one didnt work.

  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey Nielson


  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey Nielson


    PhotodesignDescription:This photo project was to showgood photography and editing skills. Then create

    a poster layout with your photo.


    Course/Instructor:Visual Media by Julie Peterson

    Program(s)/ Tools: Photoshop

    Objective: Learn basic photography skills,choose a color scheme, take a photo to matchthose colors.

    Process: I uploaded the photo into Photoshopto edit it. I brought out the rust color more inthe railing and wood. I also brought out moreof the green in the bushes. I changed the levels,saturation, and color balance in the photo. Thecolor scheme that I chose was monochromatic inthe brink color, by using the eye dropper tool. I

    added the swatches at the bottom of the flier ina railing design to go with the train tracks. I thenadded my text at the top of the page choosing ascript type and changing the today and tomor-row with a different type. I spaced the lettering

    out more so it looked more pleasing to the eye.

  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey Nielson


  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey Nielson


    LogosDescription:Made three different logos for ayoga company called Breathe in.


    Course/Instructor:Visual Media by Julie Peterson

    Program(s)/ Tools: Adobe Illustrator

    Objective: Create three completely different,original logos to fit a company, use only the

    tools to create and draw your logos.

    Process: I kept the type black for the first one

    but moved them around so the in part was clos-er to the breathe. I also added a rectangle toadd a little simple design to it. I chose the color

    because it is a muted calm color that representsthe peacefulness of yoga. For the second one Imainly used the brush tool to create a commonpose used in yoga. I choose the green color to

    represent a more earthy tone. For the third oneI wanted a more exciting and creative logo so Ichose bright colors that went against each other

    but still meshed well. I then added a simple flow-er that connected to the line below. I connected

    it to the font so it looked like the dot for the i.

  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey Nielson


  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey Nielson


    FlierDescription: A flier to promote a GraduateLeadership Conference in black and white.


    Course/Instructor:Visual Media by Julie Peterson

    Program(s)/ Tools: InDesign

    Objective: Apply the design principles and useappropriate typography, incorporate basic InDe-sign skills to improve basic flier layout, retrieve

    image and logo from links on this page.

    Process: The process of creating this flier wasto start out with basic sketches to get some ideaof what I was looking for.I used alinment formy text, photo, title, and logo so that it lookedclean cut. I also cropped the photo more, so thatit didnt have so much white space at the top. Ispread out my text by using the process of kern-

    ing so that it was easier to read. I put the logoand website on the bottom, since it is not thatimportant but still available. I made the date,time, and place larger so that it stood out more.

  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey Nielson


  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey Nielson


    BrochureDescription:A three-old brochure for a yogastudio.


    Course/Instructor:Visual Media by Julie Peterson

    Program(s)/ Tools: Photoshop, InDesign,

    Objective: Set up and align a two-sided, foldeddocument, create an original company logo anduse it in a brochure, incorporate quality images,

    write at least 250 words of original copy.

    Process: I started with designing my outlinein InDesign. I decided to go with the basic threefold brochure. I changed the background to alight orange color that went with my logo. I thenfound four pictures that I thought were interest-ing to look at and would give you a good visualaid support of yoga, so those looking at the bro-

    chure kind of know what they are walking into.I added my text throughout the brochure, thattells about the yoga studio. On the left inner sideof the brochure I wrapped some text around aphoto. I also cut out a photos background inPhotoshop so I could just use the person in it.

    This made it look more clean cut.

  • 8/12/2019 Aubrey Nielson

