August 26, 2017 · Bigしake Asso`iation Meeting Agenda August 26, 2017 ・ Meeting calIed t rder...


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Bigしake Asso`iation Meeting Agenda

August 26, 2017

・ Meeting calIed t○ ○rder by 」eff Kapp Association P「esident.

. Pledge of Ailegiance recited by a龍endees.

● Review ofoId minutes: Motion to accept by Max Fordyce Seconded bγ Dee Bishop. Motion approved.

● lnt「odudion of new residents - No new residents

. Int「oduction ofSt「eet Reps- 1ist passed out. Roie is to be used like a representative and liaison with the

association. if you have ideas, queStions, COnCernS, uSe the street rep as first point of contact.

. Treasury repo巾Repo鴫PaSSed out and presented byしYnda BIaising. Motion to accept by 」an Bergoff. Seconded

by Ruth Orr. Motion approved. Gene「aI fund is di範rent than what is in the repo巾Which wilI be updated・ Had a

great year fo「 fire work donations through a= ofthe fund raising events. Aiso had a banner year for membership

With l13 membe「s, Which helps fund things outside ofthe fireworks. TotaI does not include this.


● Can CoIIection: Jim Bγe輔ne. No update

. 109 Sign update: MeI Nulf. No update

・ F!ags: Caroi Martin. No update.

● Memorial Day ServiceこDave Smith. No update

. Fishing Derby: Ruth Orr Ied the Derbythis yearand w紺continue goingfon”ard. W紺be on 」uly 7th

. Poker Run: 」effKapp. Made ;978.

'刷reworks: Matt Auriti. See Old Business.

. Flot制a: This is not a Bigしake Sponsored event. Nei Mann sponsors it, SO it w紺be up to herto determine whatthe

date wi= be next year,

● Corn hoIe tournament: Rex Brower. Made ;1,025

. Pancake breakfast: 」eff Kapp. Made ;1.146. Record year. Next γear W紺be held at 5554 Highpoint Drive.

● Boat removaIs置Dave Smith. Made $1,445

.しast §pIash Pa巾y - Dee Bishop. Four tickets are sti= avaiIable for the pa巾y


' しake亡nhancement- Dave Smith.

-Se= DitchしOOks like Ecoli problem has been fixed since the farmer moved the cattle. Dave has applied for a grant

for the new equipment and hasn’t heard back yet.

- Weed control/LARE grant - Clarke did another survey of the lake. Estimate to kiII the raging milfoil and cu申Ieaf is

;17,500. We仁an aPPlyforaしARE grant which wiII payfor 80%. Ourcost shouId be between ;3500 - $4000 to

SPray. This w紺not cover native weeds, SO homeowners who want those eIiminated st帥need to spray individuai

!akefront’s. This is a one yea「 application. They wi= do anothe「 survey in August next year afte「 the initiai spray.

When it was done before, We had a 3 yeargrant. Grants are nowonly being given l γear at a time. There were

some concems about the quality and effectiveness ofthe spraγ this year for homeowe「s weeds. The company

Came backto spraγ. Loon Iake hired the company we used Iast year and they had the same probIem, SO they aren’t

Sure What issue is. The「e is ;6000 in the Lake Enhancement fund. Tom Bishop made motion to applyforthe LARE

grant. Howard Helmke seconded the motion. Motion passed.. Fire hydrants -Tom Bishop Still working on getting in contact with an individuai on what can be done.

. Fi唯WOrks - We currently spend ;4500. 」eff Kapp proposed we inc「ease the expense to $5000. Cost offireworks go

up eve「y year. and our show is gradua母ge請ng shorter. This additional $500 shouid get our show back to what is

WaS Or晦inaily. CaroI Ma面n motioned to accept. Motion was seconded. Motion ca面es. Aiso need tovote on the

date. 」Llly4th is a Wednesdav nextyear. 」e怖favors the weekend afterthe 4th since many peopIe make it a long

Weekend" WⅢ 「equest 」uly 7th with a rain date on 718. Matt is Iooking for additional volunteers to heIp with set up.


' Website- CaroI Martin -We used to have a dedicated website, but it has expired. Would incIude information on

membership info. weed controi, iost and found, DN帥nks, fishing info, Pictures of events. etc. History of newsIetters.

St剛ooking at what the website name w掴be. Cost w紺be about ;5/mo or Iess. We can promote on the big lake sign

and wⅢ Iook into having it be a permanent addition. Anne Bassett Motioned, Seconded. Motion approved.

' NewsIetters - Will come out in March. Dea輔ne fo「 any idea submis§ions need to be toJe惜Kapp by March lSt.

● fund raising committee - A new committee is being proposed to come up with ideas for fund raisers, SuCh as a

Kayaking event with a $5 entrance fee. 」e鮎s Iooking for voIuntee「s.

. 1nvestment comm請ee - Doug Sawyer. Loonしake has investment accounts for lake funds. Big Lake’s funds a「en’t

earnjng any moneγ 「ight now.しOOking at investing a portion ofthe assets into an investment account to tryto earn 5

- 6%. Firms like Fideiity don’t have any trading costs. The investment is an income producing investment, Which

冊uctuates, SO there is potential to Iose money, but it doesn’t fluctuate much because it is a preferred stock. which

OPerateS mOre Iike a bond. There is some concern about investment Ioss. Doug said he is onIγ looking to invest a

POrtion ofthe money, that wouIdn’t be needed for other purpose§. We wi看l have more information at the spring

meeting to take a vote. There is aIso concem about a correction in the stock market and putting the money in safer

Vehicles like a CD to protect the p「inciple. There was a questiorl about whether a non profit is訓owed to make ‘

money. 」effwants to expiore this further. Doug to provide mo「e information at the Spring meeting to vote on.

● Pride Committee -There used to be a committee to take concerns about issues around the iake and work with home

OWnerS tO fix issues, Send Ietters to homeowners about issues. offer volunteer assistance and fiie grievances with the

County. 」e揮s Iooking to resurrect the committee.しet 」eff know ifyou are interested

. chu「ch Donation: Marie Ke=eγ mOtioned to give ;50 to the church for fac冊ty. CaroI Ma巾n seconded. Motion


. Spring馴ections: ln May there wi= be o怖cer elections.しisa No旧s Iooking fo「 a replacement for the Secretary


・ 109 and 500 Road Safety - A question was raised about getting some Share the Road signs near Goss and lO9. There

kids who waik and ride bikes there. 」e什suggested reaching out to Noble county engineer who can come out to take

a Iook. What about some flashjng speed iimit signs? Jeff w紺ca= the NobIe county sherriff’s o簡ce about more strict

enforcement, eSPeCi訓γ a「Ound schooI hou「s. There is aiso an issue with cars coming o簡of lO9 to与00S.

. Giveaways -T-Shirts/Sweatshirts Ca「oI Martin has available to buγ. Ruth Orr has the flags for sale. We also have a

SOurCe that we can buy other giveaways through, like toweIs, bags, etC.

. Volunteers - the「e are voIunteer sign-uP Sheets.

● Motion to adjoum Dee Bishop by, SeCOnded, 」eff Kapp Motion approved

Subm請ed byしiia No=. Secretary
