Bahan Presentasi Bhs Inggris(2)


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1. Rumah Tradisional Korea

Istana deoksugung

Deoksugung (Istana Deoksu) adalah kompleks istana yang ditempati oleh berbagai anggota keluarga kerajaan Dinasti Joseon sampai terjadinya penjajahan Jepang. Jenis bangunan di kompleks istana Deoksu cukup beragam, mulai dari bangunan berbahan dasar kayu sampai bangunan bergaya barat.

Sebagai tambahan bangunan, di dalam area kompleks juga terdapat museum seni, kebun raya dan patung raja Sejong.

Hanok, rumah tradisional Korea, memiliki bentuk yang tidak berubah dari masa Tiga ?Kerajaan sampai akhir periode Dinasti Joseon(1392 –1910).


Deoksugung palace Deoksugung (Deoksu Palace) is a palace complex that was occupied by various members of the royal family of Joseon Dynasty to the Japanese occupation. Types of buildings in the palace complex Deoksu quite diverse, ranging from wood-based building up to western-style buildings.

In addition to the building, in the complex area also has an art museum, botanical garden and sculpture King Sejong.

Hanok, traditional Korean house, has a form that does not change from the Three? Kingdom until the end of the Joseon Dynasty (1392 -1910).?

2. Kesenian KoreaMusikPertunjukkan musik tradisional Korea mementingkan improvisasi, berjalan terus-menerus,serta sedikit jeda dalam setiap pertunjukkannya. Pansori contohnya, dapat berlangsung sampai lebih dari 8 jam dengan hanya satu penyanyi.Kontras dengan perbedaan alunan musik barat, sebagian besar pertunjukkan musik tradisonal Korea dimulai dari gerakan (alunan) yang paling lambat sampai paling cepat


Korean Art

MusicKorean traditional music performances importance of improvisation, running continuously, and a little pause in every big spectacle. Pansori for example, can last up to more than 8 hours with only one singer.The contrast with the differences in western music, the majority of Korean traditional music performances beginning of the movement (oscillation) of the slowest to fastest


Seperti halnya musik, ada perbedaan dalam bentuk tarian antara rakyat kelas atas (tarian istana) dan kelas rakyat biasa. Tarian istana yang umum contohnya jeongjaemu yang dipentaskan dalam pesta kerajaan, ilmu yang dipentaskan dalam upacara Konfusius. Jeongjaemu dibagi dalam jenis yang asli dari Korea (hyangak jeongjae) dan jenis yang dibawa dari Tiongkok (dangak jeongjae). Tarian lainnya adalah tarian Shamanisme yang dipentaskan oleh dukun dalam upacara-upacara tertentu.


DanceLike music, there are differences in the form of dance among the upper class folk (dance palace) and the class of ordinary people. Dance palace jeongjaemu common examples are staged in the royal party, the knowledge that staged the ceremony of Confucius. Jeongjaemu divided in the native species from Korea (hyangak jeongjae) and species brought from China (dangak jeongjae). Other dances are the dances are staged by the shaman Shamanism in certain ceremonies.

Kerajinan tangan

Seladon khas Dinasti Goryeo, yang berwarna giok hijau, sangat terkenal hingga saat ini.

seladon dibakar dalam tungku yang dibuat khusus. Permukaan seladon dihiasi dengan berbagai ukir-ukiran.

Lukisan Bodhidharma

Lukisan digambar dengan tinta diatas kertas pohon mulberi atau sutera.

Objek-objek yang biasa dilukis umumnya dipengaruhi alam, contohnya pemandangan, bunga dan burung.


CraftsTypical of Goryeo celadon, jade-colored green, is very famous today.  celadon burned in a furnace specially made. Surface celadon decorated with various carvings.

Painting Bodhidharma  The painting was drawn with ink on paper or silk mulberry tree. Ordinary objects are generally influenced painted nature, such as scenery, flowers and birds.

Pakaian tradisional koreaPakaian tradisional Korea disebut Hanbok (Korea Utara menyebut Choson-ot). Hanbok terbagi atas baju bagian atas (Jeogori), celana panjang untuk laki-laki (baji) dan rok wanita (Chima).Orang Korea berpakaian sesuai dengan status sosial mereka sehingga pakaian merupakan hal penting. Orang-orang dengan status tinggi serta keluarga kerajaan menikmati pakaian yang

mewah dan perhiasan-perhiasan yang umumnya tidak bisa dibeli golongan rakyat bawah yang hidup miskin.Dahulu, Hanbok diklasifikasikan untuk penggunaan sehari-hari, upacara dan peristiwa-peristiwa tertentu. Hanbok untuk upacara dipakai dalam peristiwa formal seperti ulang tahun anak pertama (doljanchi), pernikahan atau upacara kematian.

TerjemahanKorean traditional clothingKorean traditional clothing called hanbok (North Korea called Choson-ot). Hanbok dress is divided into upper (Jeogori), long pants for men (wedge) and women's skirts (Chima).Korean People dress according to their social status so that clothes are important. People with high status and royal family enjoys the luxurious clothes and jewels which generally can not be purchased under the class of people who live in poverty.Previously, Hanbok are classified for everyday use, ceremonies and certain events. Hanbok for ceremonial use in formal events such as the first child's birthday (doljanchi), wedding or funeral ceremonies.

Bangunan bersejarah di korea1. Kuil Jongmyo

Kuil Jongmyo yang terletak di jantung kota Seoul dijadikan UNESCO sebagai Situs Warisan Dunia pada tahun 1995. Kuil ini dibangun untuk menyimpan tablet-tablet memorial anggota mendiang penguasa (Dinasti Joseon) yang didasarkan pada tradisi Konfusianisme. Setiap tahun pada bulan Mei diadakan upacara Jongmyo (Jongmyo Daeje) yang menampilkan upacara persembahan dan tarian. Terjemahannya

Jongmyo Shrine located in the heart of Seoul made by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1995. The temple was built to keep the memorial tablets of the late ruler (Joseon Dynasty) which was based on Confucian tradition. Every year in May held a ceremony Jongmyo (Jongmyo Daeje) that displays offering ceremony and dance.

makanan khas korea selatan

Kuliner Korea sebagian besar dibentuk dari hasil fermentasi yang sudah berkembang sejak lama. Contohnya adalah kimchi dan doenjang. Makanan fermentasi sangat berguna dalam menyediakan protein dan vitamin ketika musim dingin.

Terjemahannyasouth korea special food

Korean Cuisine largely formed from the fermentation that has developed since long. An example is the kimchi and doenjang. Food fermentation is very useful in providing protein and vitamins during the winter.

MAKANAN KHAS LAINNYAThis bibimbap recipe looks long but is really many recipes folded into one. The tasty toppings are arranged on the rice like the spokes of a colorful bicycle wheel, topped with a sunny-side up egg and a dollop of spicy red pepper paste (gochujang).


Bibimbap resep ini terlihat panjang namun benar-benar banyak resep dilipat menjadi satu. Topping lezat diatur pada padi seperti jari-jari roda sepeda berwarna-warni, diatapi dengan sisi-cerah telur dan sesendok pasta pedas cabai merah (Gochujang).

KimbapGimbap or kimbap is a popular Korean dish [1] made from steamed white rice (bap) and various other ingredients, rolled in gim (sheets of dried laver seaweed) and served in bite-size slices.

Gimbap atau kimbap adalah masakan Korea yang populer [1] yang terbuat dari nasi putih (bap) dan berbagai bahan lainnya, digulung dalam Gim (bejana lembar rumput laut kering) dan disajikan dalam irisan gigitan-ukuran.

Taekwondo (태권도; 跆拳道; Korean pronunciation: [t h ɛ kw ʌ ndo] )[a] is a Korean martial art and the national sport of South Korea. In Korean, tae (태, 跆) means "to strike or break with foot"; kwon (권, 拳) means "to strike or break with fist"; and do (도, 道) means "way," "method," or "art." Thus, taekwondo may be loosely translated as "the art of the foot and fist" or "the art of kicking and punching."

As many other arts, it combines combat techniques, self-defense, sport, exercise, and in some cases meditation and philosophy. In 1989, Taekwondo was claimed as the world's most popular martial art in terms of number of practitioners.[1] Gyeorugi (pronounced [ ɡ j ʌɾ u ɡ i] ), a type of sparring, has been an Olympic event since 2000.

There are two branches of taekwondo development:

"Traditional taekwondo" typically refers to the martial art as it was established in the 1950s and 1960s in the South Korean military;[2] in particular, the names and symbolism of the traditional patterns often refer to elements of Korean history.

"Sport taekwondo" has evolved in the decades since then and has a somewhat different focus, especially in terms of its emphasis on speed and competition (as in Olympic sparring). Sport taekwondo is in turn subdivided into two main styles; One derives from Kukkiwon, the source of the sparring system sihap gyeorugi which is now an event at the summer Olympic Games and which is governed by the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF). The other comes from the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF).[3]

Although there are doctrinal and technical differences between the two main styles and among the various organizations, the art in general emphasizes kicks thrown from a mobile stance, employing the leg's greater reach and power (compared to the arm). Taekwondo training generally includes a system of blocks, kicks, punches, and open-handed strikes and may also include various take-downs or sweeps, throws, and joint locks. Some taekwondo instructors also incorporate the use of pressure points, known as jiapsul, as well as grabbing self-defense techniques borrowed from other martial arts, such as hapkido (another Korean martial art) and judo (a Japanese martial art).