Bahasan Kelainan Refraksi Ncit


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  • 7/31/2019 Bahasan Kelainan Refraksi Ncit


    Bahasan kelainan refraksi

  • 7/31/2019 Bahasan Kelainan Refraksi Ncit



    Will introduce some terminology before we

    continue the next slide

    Emmetropia: The ratio of the axial length of

    the eye to the refractive power of the cornea

    and lens is balanced. Parallel light rays that

    enter the eye therefore meet at a focal point

    on the retina and not anterior or posterior toit, as is the case in ametropia

  • 7/31/2019 Bahasan Kelainan Refraksi Ncit



    Ametropia: The most common disorders are

    nearsightedness, farsightedness, and


  • 7/31/2019 Bahasan Kelainan Refraksi Ncit



    Cornea, COA, Pupil, Lens, length of the eye,Humor Vitreus, Retina

    The maximum total refractive power of an

    emmetropic eye is 63 diopters with an axiallength of the globe measuring 23.5mm. Thecornea accounts for 43 diopters and the lens for1020 diopters, depending on accommodation,

    accommodate for a near or far sight

  • 7/31/2019 Bahasan Kelainan Refraksi Ncit



    Parallel light rays that enter the eye thereforemeet at a focal point on the retina.

    Cahaya memasuki mata melalui kornea danmelalui serangkaian cairan-cairan transparan danstruktur, yang secara kolektif disebut mediadioptrik. Cairan-cairan dan struktur itumerupakan kornea, humor akueous, lensa, danhumor vitreous. Secara normal, cahaya dari

    sebuah objek difokuskan secara tajam ke retinaoleh kornea dan lensa dengan cara membiaskancahaya tersebut.

  • 7/31/2019 Bahasan Kelainan Refraksi Ncit



    There is a mismatch between the axial length of

    the eye and the refractive power of the lens and

    cornea. The ametropia is either axial, which is

    common, or refractive, which is less frequentlyencountered.

    The most common disorders are nearsightedness,

    farsightedness, and astigmatism. . It is called Ametrophia that can be myopia,

    hypermetropia, presbiopia atau astigmatism.

  • 7/31/2019 Bahasan Kelainan Refraksi Ncit



    The visual acuity always less from 6/6

    Axial miopya: so the distance of cornea to

    retina is longer than average.

    Curvature myopia: refractive element (humor

    aquous, lens)

  • 7/31/2019 Bahasan Kelainan Refraksi Ncit



    Correction: so the patient has a maximal visus

    without accommodate.

    Fungsi lensa disini hanya mengubah arah

    perjalanan cahaya agar berkas yang tanpa

    kacamata akan jatuh didepan retina dapat

    dibiaskan dan jatuh tepat diretina

  • 7/31/2019 Bahasan Kelainan Refraksi Ncit



    In farsighted patients, the virtual far point of

    the eye lies posterior to the retina.

    Axial hyperopia is usually congenital and is

    characterized by a shallow anterior chamber

    with a thick sclera and well developed ciliary

    muscle->predisposed to acute angle closure


  • 7/31/2019 Bahasan Kelainan Refraksi Ncit



    Symptoms: accomodative astenopia

    If the patient use syclopegic, use the strongest

    plus lens (S + Bb) to have a maximal visual

    acuity. degre of total hypermetropia

  • 7/31/2019 Bahasan Kelainan Refraksi Ncit



    Berdasarkan faktor penyebabnya, astigmatisme jugadibedakan menjadi 2 jenis, yaitu:

    Astigmatisme kornea

    Astigmatisme ini disebabkan oleh kelengkungan permukaan

    kornea yang tidak spherical(seperti lengkung bola), jadibisa dikatakan peyang.

    The curvature of cornea not spheric correction with hardsoft lens

    Astigmatisme internal

    Astigmatisme ini disebabkan oleh adanya ketidaksamaandaya bias pada semua meredian di internal bolamata, baikpada lensa mata maupun pada badan kaca (vitreus humor).