Brochure UVC Inbouw...VIDASHIELD UV24 vult e˜ectief het gat dat wordt gecreëerd wanneer terminale...


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Er is steeds meer bewijs dat tot 20% van de infecties, zoals virussen, griep en MRSA, wordt overgedragen via de lucht.UVC ontsmettingslampen, zuiverings- en lampsystemen zorgenvoor een veilige, betrouwbare en duurzame oplossing.


De Tienden 22, 5674 TB Nuenen info@hoevenaars.nl040 - 280 06 80


Fill The Gap With Continuous Cleaning

Infectiebeheersing:OppervlaktereinigingHand hygiëneBehandelingPPEUVC luchtzuivering

Geaccepteerde protocollen om oppervlakteverontreiniging aan te pakken zijn gebaseerd op periodieke reiniging en hoewel ziekenhuizen zeer zorgvuldig zijn in hun desinfectie-procedures, beïnvloedt de tijd tussen en de kwaliteit van de reiniging het risico.

VIDASHIELD UV24 vult e�ectief het gat dat wordt gecreëerd wanneer terminale reini-ging geen optie is. Bescherm patiënten en personeel tegen het onzichtbare gevaar van verontreinigde lucht veroorzaakt door periodieke reiniging.

American Journal of Infection Control - 2017

E�ectiveness of a shielded ultraviolet C air disinfection system in an inpatient pharmacy of a tertiary care children’s hospital

A mean colony forming units per meters cubed count from the entire pharmacy revealed an overall significant decrease in both fungal and bacterial viable air particles by 78% and 62%, respectively.-There was a statistically significant decrease in mean air fungal colony forming

Don Guimera MSN, RN, CIC, CCRP, FAPIC a, Jean Trzil PharmD a, Joy Joyner RN, CIC a, Nicholas D. Hysmith MD, FAAP a,b,

* a Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, Memphis, TN * b Department of Pediatrics, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN

Canadian Journal of Infection Control – 2017

Surface and air: What impact does UV-C at the room level have on airborne and surface bacteria?

In our study, Hospital B had a very large percentage increase (+288%) in surface bacteria post-insta-llation although the actual numbers weren’t extreme (25, 97). We attribute this to the fact that the study room had been terminally cleaned before pre-installation samples were taken. The pre-installa-tion samples were taken in a cleaned, unoccupied and closed room. The post-installation samples were taken in the room after a patient on isolation had occupied the room and had not been termi-nally cleaned at the time post-installation samples were taken. This result demonstrates the impor-tance and e�cacy of surface cleaning as part of the entire infection control process.

All facilities had significant reductions in airborne bacteria with 24/7 operation of the shielded UV-C ceiling unit.

*This p value due to small sample sizeMost facilities had significant reductions in surface bacteria after implementing UV-C at the room level.

TABLE 1: Mean airborne bacteria correction hole factor CFUs pre- and post-installation

TABLE 2: Mean surface bacteria correction hole factor CFUs pre- and post-installation

Study location Mean CFUs pre-installation

Mean CFUs post-installation

Change Student’s t-test, one-tailed p value

Hospital A ICU 167 37 -79% 0.0305Hosp. A OR Breakroom 472 92 -81% 0.0264Hospital B patient room 599 55 -91% 0.0002Hospital C 6 bed psych unit 439 88 -80% 0.0234

Study location Mean CFUs pre-installation

Mean CFUs post-installation

Change Student’s t-test, one-tailed p value

Hospital A ICU 45 19 -57% 0.0049Hosp. A OR Breakroom 120 62 -48% 0.2922*Hospital B patient room 25 97 +288% 0.0104Hospital C 6 bed psych unit 115 36 -69% 0.0288


Report on the Performance of the VidaShield™ SystemBy Dr. Wladyslaw J. Kowalski

The analysis presented herein indicates that the VidaShield will produce high removal rates of all nosocomial pathogens including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Analysis also shows that the risk of infection in areas where the unit is installed will be considerably reduced, based on predicted reduction in airborne concentrations of microbes.

American Journal of Infection Control - 2017

Cleaning the air with ultraviolet germicidal irradiation lessened contact infections in a long-term acute care hospital

Tina Ethington MSN, RN, CEN, NE-BC a, Sherry Newsome BSN, RN, MBA/MNA a, Jerri Waugh BSN, RN, MBA/MHA a, Linda D. Lee DrPH, MBA b,* a Kindred Hospital, Louisville, KY * b American Green Technology, South Bend, IN

Fig 1. CFUs pre- and postultraviolet germicidal irradiation installation in patient rooms. CFU , colony forming units.

T. Ethington et al. / American Journal of Infection Control �� (2017) �� -��

De Tienden 22, 5674 TB Nuenen 040 - 280 06 80

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