Buku Log Permainan Badminton


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  • 8/10/2019 Buku Log Permainan Badminton



    To paraphrase other authors of books on the sport of badminton. "No one rea! knos

    ho first pa!ed or in#ented the $ame of badminton. "There are man! stories of the $ame bein$

    pa!ed from Asia to North Ameri%a as far ba%k as &''' !ears a$o. (hat e do kno is that the

    modern sport of badminton %omes to us #ia ")attedore and Shutte%o%k". This $ame %ame to

    *n$and in the mid +,''-s #ia India here it as %aed /oona0 and ear! on as popuar amon$

    %hidren. 1ater it be%ame a re%reation of aduts of a %asses.

    The first re%orded a%hie#ements in the sport took pa%e in +,23 and +,3' hen Henrietta

    Somerset dau$hter of the 4th Duke of )eaufort0 hit &'+4 shots in su%%ession ith to different


    There are man! other #ersions as to the ori$in of the sport as stated pre#ious! and some

    of them are #er! passabe indeed. )ut hat e do kno for sure is that the $ame ith its ne

    name tra#eed out of the )adminton House #ia arm! offi%ers ba%k to India here it e#o#ed

    further. It took on its present form as a %ompetiti#e a%ti#it! arid the sta$e as set for the future

    of the modern sport %aed badminton.

    The first badminton asso%iation as formed in *n$and in +,56 b! Coone S.S.C. Dob!.

    )! +5+2 there ere 274 badminton %ubs in *n$and aone8 Toda! there are e o#er 3'''8

    The modern sport is amon$ the most popuar in the ord. It has adherents are on e#er!

    %ontinent9 hoe#er its rea numeri%a stren$th is sti in *urope and Asia here it ori$inated. In

    +54& badminton debuted as an e:hibition sport in the ;uni%h 9O!mpi%

  • 8/10/2019 Buku Log Permainan Badminton



    )! a! of an introdu%tion there are a fe terns and fa%ts one shoud kno prior to %ontinuin$.

    The first is a $ossar! of %ommon terms used to des%ribe shots and mo#ements.C1*AR= A hi$h deep shot to the ba%k of the %ourt.S;ASH= A fast9 >steep! an$ed shot.DRO/= A so donard an$ed shot hit %ose to the net and toards the front of the %ourt.DRI?*= A fat @ui%k shot.R*ADY /OSITION= The position a pa!er takes toards the %enter of the %ourt ust prior to

    their opponent strikin$ the shutte.HITTIN< /OSITION= The position of the arms and e$s ust prior to dei#er! of the stroke and%onta%t ith the shutte.The sport in the USA has had an interestin$ histor!. )a%k in the +5&'-s and 6'-s it as pa!ed b!

    mo#ie eite9 arm! and na#! offi%ers as e as the "upper %rust" of so%iet!. ;an! a mat%h as

    arran$ed mu%h ike the "priBe fi$hts" of that era to see ho tru! .#as the best ire the ord.

    /rofessiona a%ts buit around the sport appeared. Of these the9 most famous as that of Hu$e

    or$ie. His a%t as ")adminton on I%e" and %ontinued for de%ades in the "I%e Capades" and in

    Cir%uses throu$hout the USA. He %apti#ated audien%es ith a %ombination of tri%k shots and

    on$ %horeo$raphed raies.

    The sports need four an indoor #enue hi%h had heped to make it popuar prior to (ord (ar II

    as its undoin$ durin$ the ar !ears. )adminton %oud not be pa!ed e outdoors and the ar

    effort9 used the indoor fa%iities. )asketba on the other hand %oud be pa!ed9 and as a#aiabe

    to a of the enisted men as e as offi%ers. The N)A as formed after the ar9 and badminton

  • 8/10/2019 Buku Log Permainan Badminton


    has sin%e found itsef short on fa%iities and enthusiasts in the USA. Despite the fa%t that after

    the ar thin$s ore not the same9 the USA as #er! stron$ in men-s badminton and donri$ht

    dominant in omen-s badminton durin$ the +52'-s9 the 3'-s9 and into the 7'-s.

    It seemed hoe#er that ith ea%h $eneration of pa!ers9 the USA $ot a itte further behind the

    pre#aiin$ standard in the ord. It asn-t that the #er! top pa!ers %oud not %ompete there ust

    asn-t the depth on the USA teams to in internationa mat%hes %onsistent!. To $o aon$ ith

    this as the fa%t that the best fe pa!ers had #er! itte o%a %ompetition of their same e#e.

    ;an! pa!ed other sports as e and a of these pa!ers had to pursue other areas to make a


    This is aso the %ase toda! hen man! of the ord-s top pa!ers make fortunes and US pa!ers

    stru$$e to $et b!. It is true that e#en in the USA there are tournaments ith priBe mone! the

    US Open brad E&''9''' in +55709 but in most of the tournaments themone! bare! %o#er-s the

    %ost of tra#e and in the %ase of the US Open9 most or a of the mone! $oes to

  • 8/10/2019 Buku Log Permainan Badminton



    +. /a!ers must9 a$ree upon hi%h s%orin$ s!stem is to be used far the $ame. A. $ame s%an bean! duration of points or tune.

    &. Under offi%ia rues a point %an be s%ored on! b! the ser#in$ side or pa!er. Under modifieds%orin$ a point is earned after e#er! ra! no matter ho short or ho ser#ed.6. In a non haf %ourt $ame hi%h are a offi%ia $ames09 the ser#e must be hit o#er the netdia$ona! to and from the proper side of the %ourt as in tennis.2. (hen the ser#er has an e#en s%ore su%h as &929 or 79 the ser#e is dei#ered from and to theri$ht side.3. (hen the ser#er has an odd s%ore su%h as 693 or 49 the ser#e and return are %ondu%ted on theeft side of the %ourt.

    7. )oth feet of the ser#er must take position and remain in %onta%t ith the foor unti the ser#eis %ompeted.

    4. The shutte must be stru%k beo the aist and ith the ra%ket shaft pointin$ in a donardan$e. An eas! a! to define the aist is the ebo of the ser#er hen the arms are don and atrest.,. The ser#er %an not tou%h the ines hen ser#in$ and mustbe ithin the boundaries of theser#in$ %ourt.

    5. The ser#e must be %ompeted in one %ontinuous stroke. No fakes8+'. The ser#er %ontinues to ser#e after a point is s%ored.++. The re%ei#er takes position after the ser#er. On%e that position is taken the feet of there%ei#er must sta! in %onta%t ith the foor unti the shutte is stru%k.+&. The re%ei#er must stand ithin the boundaries of the re%ei#in$%ourt and %an not tou%h theines ith thefeet.+6. The shutte ;AY hit the net and pro%eed into the %ourt andthere isno faut or et. It is -a$ood ser#e to ha#e the shutte hit the net and then $ointo the opponents %ourt.+2. It is a faut if the ra%ket or the person tou%hes or hits the net hen the shutte is in pa!.+3. The ines are in the %ourt= "1iners are $ood".+7. The o#era en$th of a %ourt is 22 feet.

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    +4. The idth of a sin$es %ourt is +4 feet.

    +,. The idth of a doubes %ourt is &' feet.+5. The net is 3 feet hi$h in the %enter and 3 feet + in%h at the poes.

    &'. The ines are supposed to be + F in%hes>ide.&+. The short ser#e ine is 7 F feet from the net.&&. The doubes ser#e ine is & F feet from9 the ba%k of the %ourt.&6. The %enter ine is in the %enter of the %ourt. +9' feet in from %enter for doubes and , -h feetin from the sin$es side ine for sin$es.&2. In doubes the team ser#in$ to start the $ame is on! aoed to ha#e. their e#en person the

    pa!er on the ri$ht side of the %ourt to start the. $ame 0 ser#e as man! points as possibe.&3. On%e the $ame is under a!9 both pa!ers on ea%h team $et to ser#e as man! times as theirteam ins a point on their ser#e.&7. On%e both pa!ers on a team ha#e ser#ed and their team has ost the ensuin$ ra!s0 the

    ser#e re#erts to the other team.&4. (hen a team has an e#en s%ore the person ho started out on the ri$ht side i aa!s be inthe ri$ht hand %ourt to start the ne:t point.&,. (hen a team has an odd s%ore the person ho started out on the eft side i no start outon the ri$ht side to be$in the point.

    &5. The s%ore determines here !ou shoud be.6'. /artners don-t ha#e to be in their %ourts if the! are not the one ser#in$ or re%ei#in$ the ser#e.The! ma! be an!here the! %hoose so on$ as the! are not bo%kin$ the #ie of the shutte fortheir opponents. That means that a non>ser#in$ partner %oud e$a! be standin$ fi$ht ne:t to theser#in$ partner on the same side of the %ourt.6+. The person ho is on the ri$ht side %ourt based on their teams s%ore i aa!s ser#e firsthen the %han$e of ser#e o%%urs. That means9 that it on-t aa!s be the person ho ser#ed firstat the start of the $ame.

    6&. The re%ei#er %annot tr! to distra%t the opponent ith m> 7#emefit-. -You %an >stand ith !ourra%ket up hi$h and as %ose to the re%ei#in$ ine as possibe9 but to takin$ or deiberatedistra%tions8

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    66. Chan$e sides9 at the hafa! mark of a mat%h. After ea%h $ame in & out of 6 $ames ith a%han$e at the mid point of the third $ame. This i depend on hat a mat%h is in !our pa!.62. /a! b! the intent of the rues. Don-t tr! to push it to the imit. The offi%ia rues %han$efrom time to time so %onsut a 1as of )adminton for the %urrent s%orin$ and interpretations.

    )asi% )adminton Tips G Cues

    no the $!m before !ou pa! %eiin$ obstru%tions9 i$htin$ $ood sides9 bad sides badmintonine %oors9 et%.(orm up e before pa!in$.(at%h the bird

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    "a%e the ift"."Hit don" or%e the opponents to hit up0 .Atta%k most! don G strai$ht .An$e don is often better than poer .Atta%k ithout errors .

    Tr! to set up !our partner mo#e as a team up and ba%k positions for atta%k Net pa!er andba%k%ourt atta%ker0 Side>side positions for defense *a%h pa!er %o#ers haf the %ourt0.

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    )adminton e:tension of the %ourt b! +>+J& feet on both sides for doubes pa!Back Alley> Area beteen the ba%k boundar! ine and the on$ ser#i%e ine for

    doubes.Backcourt> )a%k third of the %ourt9 in the area of the ba%k boundar! ines.Balk (Feint)> An! de%epti#e mo#ement that dis%on%erts an opponent before or durin$the ser#i%e.

    Baseline> )a%k boundar! ine at ea%h end of the %ourt9 parae to the net.Carry> An ie$a ta%ti%9 aso %aed a sin$ or a thro9 in hi%h the shutte is %au$htand hed on the ra%@uet and then sun$ durin$ the e:e%ution of a stroke.Center or Base Position> 1o%ation in the %enter of the %ourt to hi%h a sin$es pa!ertries to return after ea%h shot.Center Line> 1ine perpendi%uar to the net that separates the eft and ri$ht ser#i%e%ourts.

    Clear> A shot hit deep to the opponents ba%k boundar! ine. The high clearis adefensi#e shot9 hie the fatter attacking clearis used offensi#e!.Court> Area of pa!9 as defined b! the outer boundar! ines.

    Drive> A fast and o shot that makes a horiBonta fi$ht o#er the net.Drop> A shot hit soft! and ith finesse to fa rapid! and %ose to the net on theopponent-s side.Fault> A #ioation of the pa!in$ rues9 either in ser#in$9 re%ei#in$9 or durin$ pa!.Feint (Balk)> An! de%epti#e mo#ement that dis%on%erts an opponent before or durin$the ser#i%e.Flick> A @ui%k rist and forearm rotation that surprises an opponent b! %han$in$ anapparent! soft shot into a faster passin$ one used primari! on the ser#e and at thenet.Forecourt> ront third of the %ourt9 beteen the net and the short ser#i%e ine.

    Hairpin Net Shot> Shot made from beo and #er! %ose to the net ith the shutterisin$9 ust %earin$ the net9 and then droppin$ sharp! don the other side. Theshutte-s fi$ht appro:imates the shape of a hairpin.

    Halfcourt Shot> A shot hit o and to mid%ourt9 used effe%ti#e! in doubes a$ainstthe up>and>ba%k formation.

    ill> fast donard shot that %annot be returned a "putaa!".Let> A e$itimate %essation of pa! to ao a ra! to be repa!ed.Long Service Line> In sin$es9 the ba%k boundar! ine. In doubes a ine &>+J& feet

    inside the ba%k boundar! ine. The ser#e ma! not $o past this ine.!atch> A series of $ames to determine a inner.!i"court> The midde third of the %ourt9 hafa! beteen the net and the ba%kboundar! ine.Net Shot> Shot hit from the fore%ourt that ust %ears the net and then fas rapid!.Push Shot> Instrument used b! the pa!er to hit the shutte%o%k. (ei$ht about5' $rams 6 oB0. 1en$th 7,' mm &4 in0. ;ade from meta ao!s steeJauminum0 orfrom %erami%9 $raphite or boron %omposites. *:%han$e of shots hie the shutte is in pa!.Serve (Service)> Stroke used to put the shutte%o%k into pa! at the start of a ra!.

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    Service Court> Area into hi%h the ser#e must be dei#ered. Different for sin$es anddoubes pa!.

    Short Service Line> The ine 7>+J& feet from the net hi%h a ser#e must rea%h to bee$a.

    Shuttlecock (Shuttle)> Offi%ia name for the obe%t that the pa!ers must hit.

    Composed of +7 $oose feathers atta%hed to a %ork base %o#ered ith eather. S!ntheti%shuttes are aso used b! some.

    S%ash> Hard>hit o#erhead shot that for%es the shutte sharp! donard. )adminton-sprimar! atta%kin$ stroke.&oo" Shot> Shot that resuts hen the base of the shutte is hit b! the frame of thera%ket. On%e ie$a9 this shot as rued a%%eptabe b! the Internationa )admintonederation in +576.

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    How to Play Badminton)adminton is an e:%itin$9 indoor or outdoor9 ra%@uetsport !ou %an pa! ith some friends or pa!

    %ompetiti#e! throu$h a %ub. Che%k out the basi%s ri$hthere9 then read further to impro#e !our skis9 te%hni@uesand strate$ies.


    +. Toss a %oin. The pa!er innin$ the toss %hooses beteen ser#in$ or re%ei#in$first.

    &. Start ser#i%e from the ri$ht side aa!s0 and ser#e to the dia$ona ser#i%e bo:.

    6. Ser#e underhand on!.

    2. Count s%ored points on! on !our ser#e.

    3. +29 the pa!er ho rea%hed +2 first de%ides hether to setthe s%ore at +3 or +4.

    /a!ers %han$e ends hen the eadin$ s%orer rea%hes ei$ht points and at the%on%usion of ea%h $ame.

    How to Grip the Racket in Badminton

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    )efore !ou be$in usin$ the proper badminton sin$s9 foo these steps to earn hoto hod !our ra%ket. Usin$ both the forehand and ba%khand $rips9 and bein$ abe tosit%h easi! from one to the other9 are some of the most #auabe skis !ou- need.

    The Forehand Grip: used to make most oerhead shots and shots on the same

    side o! "our #od" as the ra$ket%


    +. Hod the ne%k of the ra%ket in !our eft hand re#erse a instru%tions if !ou are eft>handed0. Ima$e +0

    &. Hod the ra%ket fa%e perpendi%uar to the $round. Ima$e &0

    6. "Shake hands" ith the ra%ket9 pa%in$ !our ri$ht hand in the midde of the $rip.Ima$e 60

    2. (rap !our fin$ers around the $rip9 ith !our thumb on the side of the hande

    pointin$forard toard the head of the ra%ket. Ima$e 20

    3. Ao !our forefin$er and third fin$er to spread as mu%h as fees %omfortabe onthe $rip. Ima$e 30

    7. Che%k to see that the "?" of !our thumb and forefin$er is on the top not%h of !ourei$ht> sided hande. Ima$e 70

    +. &. 6.

    2. 3. 7.


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    The $rip shoud fee %omfortabe9 not akard.

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    How to Find Your Ready Position inBadminton

    In badminton9 !ou- aa!s need to start in !our read! position and @ui%k! return toit after e#er! shot.

    Steps:+. Stand at a point that is e@uidistant from the baseine and the net.

    &. Stand hafa! beteen both sideines.

    6. Spread !our feet appro:imate! shouder>idth apart and ean si$ht! forard9

    pa%in$ !our ei$ht on the bas of !our feet.

    2. )end !our knees si$ht!.

    3. Hod !our hands si$ht! hi$her than !our aist9 ith !our ra%ket hand up andread!. You ma! hod the ra%ket aon$ the %enter ine of !our bod!9 or on the side of!our ra%ket hand9 hi%he#er fees more %omfortabe.

    7. eep !our e!es on the shutte%o%k at a times.

    4. Return @ui%k! to !our read! position after ea%h shot.

    Tips:(at%h !our opponent-s read! position to determine his eakness and apses ofattention9 su%h as hodin$ his ra%ket oer than his aist.

    You ma! need to adust !our read! position a%%ordin$ to !our persona stren$thsand eaknesses.

    (o) to &a$khand S)in* in &adminton

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    Use the ba%khand sin$ for a badminton shots on thenonra%ket side of !our bod!. /ra%ti%e hittin$ !our

    ba%khand as e as !our forehand for a baan%ed $ame.

    Steps:+. Noti%e the shutte%o%k %omin$ to !our ba%khand side !our nonra%ket side0 from

    !our read! position. Ima$e +0

    &. /i#ot on !our eft foot and step !our ri$ht foot around in front of !our bod!9 so!our ri$ht shouder is fa%in$ the net eft>handed pa!ers shoud re#erse this step0.

    6. )end !our ebo to dra !our ri$ht hand a%ross !our bod!9 amost to !our

    opposite shouder9 for !our ba%ksin$. This motion i %ause !our bod! to %oi upsi$ht!. Ima$e &0

    2. Shift !our ei$ht to !our ba%k foot.

    3. Un%oi !our bod! and shift !our ei$ht to !our forard foot. Ima$e 60

    7. Strai$hten !our ebo as !ou sin$. Ima$e 20

    4. Snap !our rist forard as !our ra%ket fa%e %onne%ts ith the shutte9 poerin$throu$h the shot. Ima$e 30

    ,. oo throu$h9 aoin$ !our rist to rea: and !our pam to fa%e upard. Ima$e70

    %i%k photos to enar$e

    +. &. 6.

    2. 3. 7.

    Tips:)a%khand shots are most often defensi#e shots9 and $enera! shoud be hit hi$hand deep.

    /ra%ti%e to make !our ba%khand as stron$ as !our forehand. Otherise9 !ouropponents i %apitaiBe on !our eak side.

    (o) to (it a &a$khand Oerhead C+ear

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    Shot in &admintonThe ba%khand o#erhead %ear is one of the most diffi%ut shots in badminton.Hoe#er9 if used proper! it %an be an e:treme! effe%ti#e eapon a$ainst deep shots

    to !our eak side.

    Steps:+. Shuffe9 or make %ross>o#er steps9 to @ui%k! position !oursef beneath and behind

    the shutte as it fas deep in !our eak side %ourt.

    &. eep !our $rip in the forehand $rip. This i ao !ou more poer for thisba%khand shot.

    6. /oint !our ra%@uet shouder toard !our tar$et and !our ra%@uet ebo toard theapproa%hin$ shutte.

    2. e: !our rist to hod the ra%@uet head o and a%ross !our %hest9 but keep !ourarm e:tended and !our ebo ust si$ht! bent.

    3. Sin$ !our ra%@uet b! snappin$ !our rist9 but not h!per>e:tendin$ it.

    7. Strike the shutte hen it is about e#en ith !our bod!9 or ust si$ht! in front of!ou9 and ust abo#e head hei$ht.

    4. Hit the shutte ith an open ra%@uet fa%e.

    ,. oo throu$h > upard and out9 not a%ross !our bod! > to dri#e the shutte ashi$h and deep as possibe.

    Tips:This shot %omes amsot entire! from !our rist9 thus it re@uires e:%eent riststren$th.

    )e sure to hit the shutte hi$h and deep enou$h to that !our opponent must hit it inthe ba%k%ourt. Otherise9 !ou- set her up for a smash.

    (o) to (it a &a$khand Sere in &adminton

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    The ba%khand ser#e is $ood9 safe ser#e9 and is used mostoften in doubes.

    Steps:+. Stand %ose to the ser#i%e ine9 ith !our ra%@uet foot forard and !our feet about

    shouder idth apart.

    &. Hod the shutte se#era in%hes beo !our aist9 pin%hin$ the feathers beteen!our thumb and forefin$er. Ima$e +0

    6. Choke !our $rip up the ra%ket a itte to make this ser#e easier.

    2. Hod the ebo of !our ra%@uet arm up at shouder e#e9 ith !our ra%@uet headdon amost a$ainst !our opposite thi$h9 behind the shutte. Ima$e &0

    3. Drop the shutte.

    7. /ush forard ith !our forearm and h!per>e:tend !our rist ust si$ht!9 strikin$the shutte beo !our aist ith an open ra%ket fa%e. Ima$e 60

    4. Hit the shutte on a o fat trae%tor!9 ust hi$h enou$h to %ear the net9 and usthard enou$h to and in !our opponent-s ser#i%e %ourt. Tr! to hit the shutte short9and to !our opponent-s ba%khand.

    ,. oo throu$h ust a fe in%hes and @ui%k! re%o#er to !our read! position.%i%k photos to enar$e

    +. &. 6.

    Tips:;ake sure the ra%@uet head is oer than !our ra%@uet hand9 for it to be a e$a ser#e.You must aso strike the shutte beo !our aist.

    (ork on a i$ht tou%h for this ser#e9 so !our opponent has to %at%h it o on her side ofthe net.

    Remember that the ser#e %an e$a! tou%h the net on its a! o#er. The oer thebetter.

    How to Hit a Block Shot in


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    (hen !our offense sudden! turns to defense9 use thebo%k to defend !our %ourt9 ithout $i#in$ up !ouroffensi#e position.

    Steps:+. Use the bo%k shot hen !ou are in the forard haf of !our %ourt.

    &. Hod !our ra%@uet up in !our read! position9 about head hi$h. Ima$e +0

    6. eep the ra%@uet fa%e open and s@uare to the net. Ima$e &0

    2. (at%h the shutte %arefu!9 as !our opponent returns a shot.

    3. ;o#e !our ra%@uet head @ui%k! into the path of the shutte. Ima$e 60

    7. )o%k the shutte ithout sin$in$ the ra%@uet at a. If !ou are #er! %ose to thenet9 or !our opponent-s return is hi$h enou$h9 bo%k the shutte ith a %osedra%@uet fa%e to dri#e it don into !our opponent-s %ourt. Ima$e 20

    4. Re%o#er @ui%k! to !our read! position.

    %i%k photos to enar$e

    +. &. 6.


    Tips:The bo%k shot is a situationa shot > use it hie !ou are in the front %ourt to keepthe shutte on !our opponent-s side of the net9 instead of orkin$ toards it.

    The bo%k is a $ood defense a$ainst the smas

    How to Hit a Drive Serve inBadminton

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    head lower than the net in her ready position.

    Try to make the preparation look like your normal hi#h, deep or low, shortserve, until the last moment.

    6se this serve very sparin#ly in doubles.

    How to Hit a Drive Shot inBadminton

    7ne of the most common hits in badminton is thedrive shot, which drives the shuttle parallel to the#round and close to the net.

    Steps:. Take short steps to position !oursef9 and step forard ith !our non>ra%@uet foot

    as !ou are about to hit the shutte.

    $. Turn !our non>ra%@uet shouder to fa%e !our tar$et as !ou dra !our ra%@uetba%k. Ima$e +0

    ). )end !our ebo and %o%k !our rist ba%k in preparation for the shot.

    ". Dri#e off !our ba%k foot as !ou un%oi !our bod!.

    3. Sin$ !our arm forard9 strai$htenin$ !our ebo and pushin$ the ra%@uetthrou$h the shutte. Sin$ on a fat pane9 ith no upard motion.

    7. Strike the shutte hen it-s about a foot or to in front of !our bod!. Ima$e &0

    4. Snap !our rist as the ra%@uet strikes the shutte. Hit ith a #erti%a ra%@uet fa%eto dri#e the shutte forard on a fat trae%tor!9 ust o#er the top of the net. Ima$e60

    ,. oo throu$h in ine ith the fi$ht of the shutte.

    5. 1and ith !our ei$ht on !our front foot.

    +'. Re%o#er @ui%k! to !our read! position.

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    click photos to enlar#e

    . $. ).

    Tips:Hit the shutte before it oses speed.

    Aim !our shot for open %ourt spa%e9 beteen !our opponents in doubes9 and tothe opposite side of the %ourt in sin$es.

    Aa!s hit the shutte hen it is out in front of !ou9 not past !our bod!.

    How to Hit a Flick Serve inBadminton

    A diffi%ut but dead! doubes ser#e9 the fi%k ser#e ismost effe%ti#e hen dis$uised as a simpe ba%khandser#e.

    Steps:+. Stand %ose to the ser#i%e ine9 ith !our ra%@uet foot forard and !our feet about

    shouder idth apart.

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    &. Hod the shutte se#era in%hes beo !our aist9 pin%hin$ the feathers beteen

    !our thumb and forefin$er. Tr! not to hod the shutte further aa! from !ourbod!. Athou$h this oud make the fi%k easier to hit hard9 it aso tee$raphs !ourintent to !our opponent9 ruinin$ the eement of surprise. Ima$e +0

    6. Hod the ebo of !our ra%@uet arm up at shouder e#e9 ith !our ra%@uet headdon amost a$ainst !our opposite thi$h9 behind the shutte. Ima$e &0

    2. Drop the shutte.

    3. i%k !our rist and push forard ith !our forearm harder than !ou oud on anorma ba%khand ser#e9 strikin$ the shutte beo !our aist ith an open ra%ketfa%e. Ima$e 60

    7. Hit the shutte hi$h and deep into !our opponent-s ser#i%e %ourt. Tr! to hit it to

    !our opponent-s ba%khand and hi$her than his rea%h.

    4. oo throu$h to about shouder hei$ht and @ui%k! re%o#er to !our read!position.

    %i%k photos to enar$e

    +. &. 6.

    Tips:The ke! to the fi%k ser#e is to make it ook ike a re$uar ba%khand ser#e9 but thento fi%k mu%h harder than !ou oud for a ba%khand ser#e9 dri#in$ the shuttehi$her and deeper than !our opponent e:pe%ts.

    1earn to at%h !our opponent for si$ns of the fi%k ser#e.

    How to Hit a High Deep Serve inBadminton

    The most %ommon ser#e in sin$es badminton is the hi$h9 deep ser#e. The hi$her anddeeper !ou %an ser#e the shutte9 the more diffi%ut it is to return.

    Steps:+. Stand three to four feet behind the short ine9 near the %enter ine.

    &. Turn so that !our non>ra%@uet shouder points to !our tar$et and !our feet areperpendi%uar to it.

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    6. Hod the base of the shutte%o%k beteen the thumb and forefin$er of !our non>

    ra%@uet arm and e:tend that arm si$ht! oer than shouder hei$ht. Ima$e +0

    2. Hod !our ra%@uet o don at !our side9 ith !our rist %o%ked so the ra%@uet

    head is behind !our rist. Ima$e &0

    3. Drop the shutte strai$ht don.

    7. Sin$ the ra%@uet forard in an underhand forehand sin$. Ima$e 60

    4. Snap !our rist as ate as possibe9 strikin$ the shutte around aist hei$ht infront of !ou.

    ,. Hit the shutte ith an open ra%@uet fa%e so that it fies hi$h and deep into !ouropponent-s %ourt. The shutte must f! dia$ona! and and in the re%ei#er-s ser#i%e

    %ourt to be a e$a ser#e. Ima$e 20

    5. oo throu$h hi$h and a%ross !our bod!.

    +'. Re%o#er to !our read! position @ui%k!.

    %i%k photos to enar$e

    +. &. 6.


    Tips:The purpose of the hi$h9 deep ser#e in sin$es badminton is to dri#e !ouropponent into her ba%k %ourt9 takin$ her off the offense.

    How to Hit a !ow Short Serve in


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    The o9 short ser#e is the most %ommon! used ser#e indoubes. It %an aso be used in sin$es9 hen !ouropponent is not e:pe%tin$ it.

    Steps:+. Stand three to four feet behind the short ine9 near the %enter ine.

    &. Turn so that !our non>ra%@uet shouder points toard !our tar$et9 and !our feetare perpendi%uar to it.

    6. Hod the base of the shutte%o%k beteen the thumb and forefin$er of !our non>ra%@uet hand and e:tend that arm si$ht! oer than shouder hei$ht.

    2. Hod !our ra%@uet don o at !our side9 ith !our rist %o%ked so that thera%@uet head is behind !our rist.

    3. Drop the shutte strai$ht don.

    7. Sin$ the ra%@uet forard in an underhand forehand sin$.

    4. Snap !our rist as ate as possibe9 strikin$ the shutte around aist hei$ht infront of !ou.

    ,. Hit the shutte #er! i$ht! ith an open ra%@uet fa%e9 so that it fies o and shortinto !our opponent-s %ourt. The shutte must f! dia$ona! and and in there%ei#er-s ser#i%e %ourt to be a e$a ser#e.

    5. Do #er! itte foo throu$h9 to keep the ser#e short.

    +'. Re%o#er @ui%k! to !our read! position.

    Tips:The idea o9 short ser#e i bare! %ear the net and drop @ui%k! on the otherside. It shoud bare! rea%h the re%ei#er-s ser#i%e %ourt.

    Use this ser#e primari! hen pa!in$ doubes. If !our opponent is pa!in$ toodeep9 in anti%ipation of the hi$h deep ser#e9 !ou ma! use the short ser#e insin$es. Remember that the short ser#e i put !our opponent on the offense.

    (o) to (it a Smash Shot in &adminton

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    The smash is the most poerfu offensi#e shot inbadminton. ire the shutte%o%k ith a the for%e !ou%an muster9 so that it hits the foor before !our opponent%an rea%h it.

    Steps:+. ra%@uet shouder toard !our opponent and shift !our ei$ht onto!our ba%k ra%@uet0 foot.

    6. Hod both arms up. Hod !our non>ra%@uet arm out in front of !ou for baan%e9 and!our ra%@uet arm up behind !ou ith !our ebo bent 5' de$rees and !our rist%o%ked. The ra%@uet head shoud be behind !our shouders. Ima$e +0

    2. )e$in !our sin$ from !our shouder hie openin$ !our torso toard !ouropponent.

    3. Rea%h up for the shutte9 umpin$ off !our ba%k e$ and transferrin$ !our ei$ht to!our forard foot.

    7. Strike the shutte as hi$h as !ou %an rea%h it9 hie it is sti out in front !ou.

    Ima$e &0

    4. Snap !our rist9 as !ou %onta%t the shutte at east three or four feet abo#e the nete#e and in front of !our bod!.

    ,. Hit the shutte ith a %osed ra%@uet fa%e. Ima$e 60

    5. oo throu$h9 keepin$ !our arm hi$h9 hie !our rist snaps %ompete! throu$hthe shutte. Then sin$ !our arm don and throu$h the shot.

    %i%k photos to enar$e

    +. &. 6.

    Tips:(hen first earnin$ the smash shot9 on! do it from the front haf of the %ourt.

    Use the e:tension of !our arm a poerfu rist snap to $enerate the poer in thisshot.

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    How to Hit an "verhead #lear Shot

    in BadmintonThe o#erhead %ear shot is the primar! return for a deepser#e or deep %ear from !our opponent. Return theshutte%o%k hi$h and deep9 hi%h i ao !ou time toset up for !our ne:t shot.

    Steps:. ra%@uetshouder shoud point toard !our tar$et.

    ). Hod both arms up9 ith !our ra%@uet out behind !ou and !our other arm out forbaan%e. Ima$e +0

    2. )end !our ra%@uet arm at the ebo so that !our ra%@uet head is about shouder

    hei$ht behind !ou. Your ra%@uet hand shoud be near !our ear. Ima$e &0

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    3. Start !our sin$ b! e:tendin$ !our arm hie rotatin$ to fa%e !our tar$et. eep!our rist %o%ked. Ima$e 60

    7. Snap !our rist to make %onta%t ith the shutte9 in front of !our ra%ket shouder.

    4. Hit ith an open ra%ket fa%e9 so the shutte is fired hi$h and deep into !ouropponent-s %ourt.

    ,. oo throu$h9 first b! %ompete! snappin$ !our rist and then ettin$ !our arm%arr! throu$h the stroke. Ima$e 20

    5. inish ith !our ei$ht on !our front foot.

    +. &. 6.



    A#oid droppin$ the ra%@uet too far ba%k9 into the "ba%k s%rat%h" position. This istoo o9 and i make !our response too so.

    )e %arefu not to hit a deep shot that is $oin$ out of !our %ourt > this is aread! !ourpoint9 pro#ided !ou et it fa. (hen in doubt9 hoe#er9 hit it.

    How to Hit an "verhead Drop Shotin Badminton

    /rimari! utiiBed after a hi$h ser#e or a %ear shot9 the drop shot shoud ust bare!%ear the net. It is most effe%ti#e hen dis$uised as an o#erhead %ear.

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    Steps:+. Set up and ba%k>sin$ as !ou oud for an o#erhead %ear see reated eHo "Hit

    an O#erhead Cear Shot in )adminton"09 turnin$ !our non>ra%@uet shouder to fa%e!our tar$et. Hod !our ra%@uet arm hi$h ith the ra%@uet-s head behind !ou9 atabout shouder hei$ht. /osition !oursef behind and beneath the shutte.

    &. Transfer !our ei$ht ba%k to !our ra%@uet foot !our ba%k foot0.

    6. Sin$ as !ou oud for an o#erhead %ear9 openin$ !our bod! and sin$in$ fromthe shouder.

    2. Transfer !our ei$ht onto !our front foot.

    3. Snap !our rist9 but on! hafa!. Aim to strike the shutte si$ht! more forardthan !ou oud on a %ear shot.

    7. Strike the shutte soft! ith a %osed ra%@uet fa%e9 %ausin$ a e#e or donardtrae%tor! on the shutte.

    4. Aim for the sideines.

    ,. 1imit !our foo>throu$h9 usin$ amost no rist a%tion and a si$ht push motion9so that the shutte bare! %rosses the net.

    5. Return @ui%k! to !our read! position.

    Tips:Tr! to make the be$innin$ of !our shot ook as mu%h ike a %ear as possibe9 so!our opponent be$ins to mo#e to the ba%k %ourt and i be too ate hen theshutte and in the front of her %ourt. De%eption is %ru%ia to this shot.

    Tr! not to hit upard or ith an open ra%@uet fa%e9 as this i make the shutte obupard and set !ou up for an eas! ki shot.

    How to Hit an "verhead Forehandin Badminton

    Use the o#erhead forehand sin$ hen the shutte is %omin$ from a hi$h trae%tor!9su%h a deep ser#e or a %ear shot.


    +. /osition !oursef behind and beneath the shutte as it fas toard !ou from a hi$htrae%tor!.

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    &. Step ba%k ith !our ra%@uet foot and point !our non>ra%@uet shouder at !our


    6. Raise both !our arms up ust abo#e shouder hei$ht. Your non>ra%@uet arm shoud

    be out in front of !our for baan%e9 ith !our ra%@uet arm behind !ou and hodin$the ra%@uet ith a %o%ked rist.

    2. Shift most of !our ei$ht onto !our ba%k foot.

    3. Sin$ throu$h the shutte ith a strai$ht arm9 keepin$ !our rist %o%ked ba%k.

    7. Transfer !our ei$ht from !our ba%k foot to !our front foot as !ou sin$.

    4. Snap !our rist to strike the shutte.

    ,. Hit the shutte hie it is sti abo#e and in front of !ou.

    5. oo throu$h9 first ith !our rist and then ith !our arm.

    Tips:The an$e of !our ra%@uet fa%e i depend on the t!pe of shot !ou ish to hit >open fa%e for a %ear shot or drop shot9 and %osed fa%e for a smash shot.

    The amount of rist snap !ou use i depend on the o#erhead shot !ou are hittin$> more rist snap on a %ear shot or smash shot9 and ess on a dri#e shot or dropshot.

    How to Hit an $nderhand #lear Shotin Badminton

    The clear shot is similar to the lob shot in other racket sports. The shuttle flies

    hi#h and deep into your opponent8s court, #ivin# you time to #et back intoyour ready position. It8s especially useful when your opponent is forward.

    Steps:. 6se 5uick shuffle steps to #et behind the shuttle.

    $. /un#e forward with your racket foot to reach the shuttle while it is low.

    ). Hypere9tend your wrist to cock your racket back. The racket should bebehind your hand, with the head close to the #round.

    ". /ead your swin# with the butt of your racket.

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    *. !nap your wrist to #enerate power 1ust before contact. !nap 5uick andhard, as late as possible. The wrist snap is the most important part of thisstroke. !nappin# as late as possible makes it hard for your opponent tofi#ure out where your shot will #o.

    . :ontact the shuttle low with an open racket face. This launches the shuttleinto a hi#h tra1ectory, over the ran#e of your opponent8s racket.

    . ;ollow throu#h upward and across your body.

    0. Recover 5uickly to your ready position.

    Tips:6se this shot when your opponent is forward, to #et him or her out of

    position while you #et set to return.

    This one of the few badminton strokes in which your racket foot is forward.

    +ake sure your shot #oes well over the reach of your opponent8s racket,otherwise you8ll be settin# him or her up for a smash.

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    (o) to (it an Underhand Drop Shot in &admintonCat%h the shutte ate and o9 bare! hittin$ it so that it ust %ears the net > it shoud and too short for !oopponent to $et to. This is parti%uar! usefu hen !our opponent is e:pe%tin$ a deep %ear.

    Steps:+. 1un$e forard ith !our ra%@uet foot to rea%h the shutte. Rea%h it as soon as possibe9 before it fas

    o. Net hei$ht is idea.

    &. Hod !ou ra%ket arm out ith !our ra%ket e:tended and e#e ith the net.

    6. Side the ra%ket sidea!s as !ou make %onta%t to $i#e the shutte some si%e9 %ausin$ it tumbe o#er thnet. This shot is #er! hard to return.

    2. Conta%t the shutte ith #er! itte rist a%tion and no foo>throu$h.

    3. eep !our ra%ket fa%e open9 aoin$ the shutte to simp! boun%e off !our strin$s and bare! %ear thnet.

    7. Aim for the sideine furthest from !our opponent-s position.

    4. Re%o#er @ui%k! to !our read! position.

    Tips:If !ou are further from the net9 a si$ht rist snap ma! be ne%essar! to %ear the net. If !ou are #er! %

    to the net9 !ou ma! ant to ithdra si$ht! as !our ra%@uet makes %onta%t.

    Tr! this shot either forehand or ba%khand.

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    How to Hit an $nderhand Forehandin Badminton

    Use the underhand forehand for shots that are o and in front of !ou.

    Steps:+. Re%o$niBe that the shutte is %omin$ in o and in front of !ou.

    &. Drop the ra%ket head don and behind !ou9 %o%kin$ !our rist so that the ra%ket-sshaft e:tends out behind !ou.

    6. 1un$e forard ith !our ra%ket foot.

    2. Sin$ ith an amost strai$ht arm9 keepin$ !our rist %o%ked.

    3. Snap !our rist at the ast possibe moment before %onta%t ith the shutte.

    7. Strike the shutte ith an open ra%ket fa%e and an upard sin$.

    4. oo throu$h a the a! to !our opposite shouder for %ear shots9 and use #er!itte foo>throu$h for the de%epti#e drop shot.

    ,. Re%o#er to !our read! position @ui%k!.

    Tips:Use ess rist a%tion on a drop shot and more on a %ear shot. )oth shots shoudook the same unti the ast moment.

    How to %eep Score in Badminton

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    Use the fooin$ method to s%ore !our badminton $ames and mat%hes.

    Steps:+. ip a %oin before the first $ame to determine ho i ser#e first.

    &. S%ore a point on! hen !ou are ser#in$.

    6. Chan$e ser#i%e hen the re%ei#in$ side ins the ser#e.

    2. (in a $ame b! bein$ the first to s%ore +3 points.

    3. Choose to "set" the $ame9 or not to9 if the s%ore rea%hes +6 to +6 or +2 to +29 and!ou ere the first one to rea%h +6 or +2.

    7. Set a +6>+6 $ame to pa! fi#e more points. Set a +2>+2 $ame to pa! three morepoints.

    4. Choose not to "set" the $ame and the first pa!er to $et +3 points ins.

    ,. Ser#e first in the ne:t $ame if !ou on the pre#ious one.

    5. Chan$e sides beteen $ames. In the third $ame9 sit%h hen one team rea%hesei$ht points.

    +'. /a! best of to out of three $ames to determine a mat%h.

    ++. /a! the ne:t %haen$er if !ou in to of the three $ames.

    Tips:In omen-s sin$es9 $ames are often pa!ed to ++ points instead of +3. This rue isunder dispute9 so de%ide ho !ou ish to pa!9 or find out hat the o%a proto%ois before !ou be$in a omen-s sin$es $ame.

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    How to Play Dou&les in BadmintonThe most important aspe%t of pa!in$ badminton doubes is %oordination ith !our partner.

    Steps:+. De%ide in ad#an%e hat formation9 or %ombination of formations9 !ou i use > dis%uss this in terms o

    !our o#era strate$!.

    &. Choose beteen a side>b!>side formation9 an up>and>ba%k formation9 or a rotation formation.

    6. Use the side>b!>side formation hen !our team is in a defensi#e position. )oth teammates stand atmid%ourt9 fooin$ a ifted return that puts !our opponents on the atta%k.

    2. Use the up>and>ba%k formation hen !ou are on the atta%k. One teammate %o#ers the front9 tr!in$ to $the smash shot off a eak return the other %o#ers the ba%k%ourt9 to hande %ear shots.

    3. Use a rotation formation to re%o#er from diffi%ut shots that dri#e !ou out of position. *a%h time onepartner mo#es9 the other adusts on the dia$ona.

    7. Use #erba %ommuni%ation unti !ou and !our partner understand ea%h other e. After pa!in$ for ahie ith the same partner9 this shoud be%ome ess ne%essar!.

    4. Ser#e short ser#es9 uness !our opponent is e:pe%tin$ them. Deep ser#es in#ite an atta%k.

    ,. Rush the ser#e hen returnin$ ser#es. Atta%k.

    5. Crou%h o hen the shutte is behind !ou so that !our partner %an more easi! hit o#er !our head. e!our e!es forard and trust !our partner.

    Tips:/a! a$ainst !our opponents- eaknesses. If one pa!er is eaker than the other9 hit primari! to him oher.

    A $ood doubes partnership of a#era$e pa!ers shoud be abe to beat an a#era$e partnership of $oodpa!ers.

    ,arnin*s:)e #er! %arefu not to ha%k !our partner ith !o

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    How to Practice 'ti(uette inBadminton

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    As ith most sports9 in badminton there is an unritten eti@uette that shoud aa!sbe obser#ed on the %ourt.

    Steps:+. Introdu%e !oursef to !our opponent before !ou be$in a mat%h.

    &. )rin$ !our on shuttes to the %ourt and make sure the! are a in $ood %onditionbefore !ou be$in pa!in$.

    6. Cooperate ith !our opponent durin$ the arm>up9 so e#er!one has a %han%e tohit ea%h t!pe of shot before !ou be$in an a%tua mat%h.

    2. Ca a fauts on !our side of the net fair! and obe%ti#e!. Your opponent shouddo the same. Respe%t !our opponent-s %as.

    3. (hen !ou hit an ie$a shot su%h as sin$in$ the shutte9 tou%hin$ the net9 or an!other ie$a a%tion9 make sure to %a it ri$ht aa!.

    7. Return the shutte to !our opponent ith a soft underhand stroke hen she s%oreson !our side of the %ourt.

    4. A#oid takin$ to or otherise distra%tin$ !our opponent hie the shutte is inpa!.

    ,. Announ%e the s%ore before !ou ser#e. Announ%es the ser#er-s s%ore first and there%ei#er-s se%ond.

    5. ;aintain a %am temperment on the %ourt at a times9 no matter ho frustrated!ou ma! be.

    +'. Shake hands ith !our opponent at the end of the mat%h.

    Tips:/ra%ti%e $ood eti@uette e#en hen !our opponent ne$e%ts to.

    The obe%ti#e of the $ame is to in9 but the point of pa!in$ is to ha#e fun.

    How to Practice Your Footwork inBadminton

    The importan%e of $ood footork in badminton %annot be emphasiBed enou$h > it isthe foundation of e#er! shot !ou make and underies the effe%ti#eness of !our o#era


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    Steps:. Stret%h thorou$h! before !ou pa! or pra%ti%e badminton.

    $. )e$in in an aert and read! position9 ith !our e!es on the shutte%o%k.

    ). 1ead ith !our forard foot hen mo#in$ in a dia$ona dire%tion.

    ". Take short9 @ui%k steps.

    *. Use short shuffin$ steps to rea%h the shutte%o%k.

    . The ast step !ou take before hittin$ shoud aa!s be ith !our ra%ket foot.

    . /ra%ti%e !our footork ithout a shutte%o%k.

    0. Start in the %enter position and mo#e in a fi$ure>ei$ht pattern9 utiiBin$ the entire


    2. Start so!9 to $et %omfortabe ith the short shuffin$ steps. Then speed up!our fi$ure>ei$ht pattern9 pausin$ as if to hit in ea%h %orner of the %ourt.

    4. eep !our head and e!es forard at a times. Tr! not to turn !our ba%k on theshutte.

    . Sta! i$ht on the bas of !ou feet.

    $. )end !our knees si$ht! durin$ a hittin$ motions.

    ). 1un$e forard to @ui%k! $ain a itte e:tra distan%e.

    ". /ra%ti%e ba%kpedain$ to the baseine.

    *. /ra%ti%e re%o#erin$ to !our read! position after ea%h hit.

    Tips:or a poer hittin$ and throin$ t!pe sin$s9 !our ra%ket e$ shoud be ba%k.

    Turn !our hips and e$s in the same dire%tion as !our nonhittin$ shouder hen!ou are ba%ksin$in$.

    After !ou hit the shutte%o%k9 !our ei$ht shoud be on !our front foot and !ourba%k foot shoud amost ea#e the $round.

    How to Set $p a Badminton #ourt)adminton shutte%o%ks %an Bip throu$h the air at a i$htnin$ &'' mies per hour.Here-s ho to set up a re$uation>siBe %ourt so !ou on-t $et eft in the dust.

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    +. ;easure spa%e for a doubes>pa! standard %ourt9 defined b! the Internationa)adminton ederation as a re%tan$e 22 feet on$ and &' feet ide.

    &. Narro the %ourt idth from &' feet to +4 feet for sin$es>on! pa!.

    6. ;ark the borders9 or sideines9 of the %ourt ith paint or %hak. 1ines shoud beabout + 6J2 in%hes ide.

    2. Use %ones or natura boundaries su%h as trees to mark the perimeter for a %asuasetup.

    3. Tie the ends of the net to posts positioned at the sideines. The net shoud di#idethe en$th of the %ourt e#en!.

    7. Han$ the net so its top is appro:imate! 3 feet from the pa!in$ surfa%e at the%enter of the %ourt and 3 feet + in%h abo#e the surfa%e at the sideines.

    4. ;easure and mark short ser#i%e ines for sin$es pa!. These ines shoud beparae to the net9 appro:imate! +3 +J& feet from the ba%k boundar! ines.

    ,. ;easure and mark on$ ser#i%e ines for doubes pa!. These ines are parae tothe net9 appro:imate! & +J& feet from the ba%k boundar! ines.

    5. ;easure and mark %enter ines that e:tend from both short ser#i%e ines to bothba%k boundar! ines.

    Tips:Re%reationa badminton sets are a#aiabe at sportin$ $oods stores and in%udeshutte%o%ks9 ra%kets9 posts9 net and instaation $uides for use on $rass and sandsurfa%es.

    ,arnin*s:If !ou ha#e an! %ondition that oud impair or imit !our abiit! to en$a$e in

    ph!si%a a%ti#it!9 pease %onsut a ph!si%ian before attemptin$ this a%ti#it!. Thisinformation is not intended as a substitute for professiona medi%a ad#i%e ortreatment.

  • 8/10/2019 Buku Log Permainan Badminton


    The La)s o! &adminton

    The fooin$ rues are not offi%ia9 hoe#er I ha#e tried to keep them as a%%urate aspossibe.

    The La)s o! &adminton

    -% COURT

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    -%-The %ourt sha be a re%tan$e and aid out as in the dia$ram e:%ept in the%ase pro#ided for in 1a +.3and to the measurements there shon9 defined b!ines ++J&" 2' mm0 ide.

    -%.The ines sha be easi! distin$uishabe and preferab! be %oored hite or


    -%/%-To sho the Bone in hi%h a shutte of %orre%t pa%e ands hen tested 1a 2.209 an additiona four marks ++J&" b! ++J&" 2' mm b! 2' mm0 ma! bemade inside ea%h side ine for sin$es of the ri$ht ser#i%e %ourt9 +- 5" 36' mm0to 6- 6" 55' mm0 from the ba%k boundar! ine.

    -%/%.In makin$ these marks9 their idth sha be ithin the measurement $i#en9i.e.9 the marks i be from +- 5" 36' mm0 to +- +'+J&" 34' mm0 andfrom 6- ++J&" 53' mm0 to 6- 6" 55' mm0 from the outside of the ba%k

    boundar! ine. See Optiona Shutte Testin$ ;arks dia$ram.

    -%0A ines form part of the area hi%h the! define.

    -%1(here spa%e does not permit the markin$ out of a %ourt for doubes9 a %ourtma! be marked out for sin$es on!. The ba%k boundar! ines be%ome asothe on$ ser#i%e ines9 and the posts9 or the strips or materia representin$them 1a &.&09 sha be pa%ed on the side ines.

    .% POSTS

    &.+ The posts sha be 3- +" +933 m0 in hei$ht from the surfa%e of the %ourt.The! sha be suffi%ient! firm to remain #erti%a and keep the net strainedas pro#ided in 1a 69 and sha be pa%ed on the doubes side ines.

    .%.(here it is not pra%ti%abe to ha#e posts on the side ines9 some methodmust be used to indi%ate the position of the side ines here the! passunder the net9 e.$.9 b! the use of thin posts or strips of materia ++J&" 2'mm0 ide9 fi:ed to the side ines and risin$ #erti%a! to the net %ord.

    .%/On a %ourt marked for doubes9 the posts or strips of materia representin$the posts sha be pa%ed on the side ines for doubes9 re$ardess of

    hether sin$es or doubes is bein$ pa!ed.

    /% NET

    /%-The net sha be made of fine %ord of dark %oor and e#en thi%kness ith amesh not ess than +3mm and not more than &'mm.

    /%.The net sha be &- 7" 47' mm0 in depth.

    /%/The top of the net sha be ed$ed ith a 6" 43 mm0 hite tape doubed o#era %ord or %abe runnin$ throu$h the tape. This tape must rest upon the %ord

    or %abe.

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    /%0The %ord or %abe sha be of suffi%ient siBe and ei$ht to be firm! stret%hedfush ith the top of the posts.

    /%1The top of the net from the surfa%e of the %ourt sha be 3- +93&2 m0 at the%enter of the %ourt and 3- +" +933 m0 o#er the side ines for doubes.

    /%2There sha be no $aps beteen the ends of the net and the posts. Ifne%essar!9 the fu depth of the net shoud be tied at the ends.

    0% S(UTTLE

    /rin%ipes > The shutte ma! be made from natura andJor s!ntheti% materias.(hate#er materia the shutte is made from9 the fi$ht %hara%teristi%s9$enera!9 shoud be simiar to those produ%ed b! a natura featheredshutte ith a %ork base %o#ered b! a thin a!er of eather. Ha#in$ re$ardto the /rin%ipes=


  • 8/10/2019 Buku Log Permainan Badminton


    0%0%-To test a shutte9 use a fu underhand stroke hi%h makes %onta%t ith theshutte o#er the ba%k boundar! ine. The shutte sha be hit at an upardan$e and in a dire%tion parae to the side ines.

    0%0%.A shutte of %orre%t pa%e i and not ess than +- 5" 36' mm0 and not

    more than 6->6" 55' mm0 short of the other ba%k boundar! ine.

    0%1 Modi!i$ations

    Sube%t to there bein$ no #ariation in the $enera desi$n9 pa%e and fi$ht of theshutte9 modifi%ations in the abo#e spe%ifi%ations ma! be made ith theappro#a of the Nationa Or$aniBation %on%erned=

    0%1%-In pa%es here atmospheri% %onditions due to either atitude or %imatemake the standard shutte unsuitabe or

    0%1%.In spe%ia %ir%umstan%es hi%h make it otherise ne%essar! in theinterests of the $ame.

    1% R3C4ET

    1%-The hittin$ surfa%e of the ra%ket sha be fat and %onsist of a pattern of%rossed strin$s %onne%ted to a frame and either aternate! intera%ed or

    bonded here the! %ross. The strin$in$ pattern sha be $enera! uniformand9 in parti%uar9 not ess dense in the %enter than in an! other area.

    1%.The frame of the ra%ket9 in%udin$ the hande9 sha not e:%eed &->&6J2" 7,'mm0 in o#era en$th and 5" &6' mm0 in o#era idth.

    1%/The o#era en$th of the head sha not e:%eed ++ 6J," &5' mm0.

    1%0The strun$ surfa%e sha not e:%eed ++" &,' mm0 in o#era en$th and ,3J," &&' mm0 in o#era idth.

    1%1The ra%ket=

    1%1%-Sha be free of atta%hed obe%ts and protrusions9 other than those utiiBed

    soe! and spe%ifi%a! to imit ear and tear9 or #ibration9 or to distributeei$ht9 or to se%ure the hande b! %ord to the pa!er-s hand9 and hi%h arereasonabe in siBe and pa%ement for su%h purposes and

    1%1%.Sha be free of an! de#i%e hi%h makes it possibe for a pa!er to %han$emateria! the shape of the ra%ket.


    The Internationa )adminton ederation sha rue on an! @uestion of hetheran! ra%ket9 shutte or e@uipment or an! protot!pe used in the pa!in$ of

    badminton %ompies ith the spe%ifi%ations or is otherise appro#ed ornot appro#ed for pa!. Su%h ruin$ ma! be undertaken on the federation-s

  • 8/10/2019 Buku Log Permainan Badminton


    initiati#e or upon appi%ation b! an! part! ith a bona fide interest thereinin%udin$ an! pa!er9 e@uipment manufa%turer or Nationa Or$aniBation ormember thereof.

    7% PL38ERS

    7%-"/a!er" appies to a those takin$ part in a mat%h.

    7%.The $ame sha be pa!ed9 in the %ase of doubes9 b! to pa!ers a side9 or inthe %ase of sin$es9 b! one pa!er a side.

    7%/The side ha#in$ the ri$ht to ser#e sha be %aed the ser#in$ side9 and theopposin$ side sha be %aed the re%ei#in$ side.

    9% TOSS

    9%-)efore %ommen%in$ pa!9 the opposin$ sides sha toss and the side innin$the toss sha e:er%ise the %hoi%e in either 1a ,.+.+or 1a ,.+.&.

    9%-%-To ser#e or re%ei#e first.

    9%-%.To start pa! at one end of the %ourt or the other.

    9%.The side osin$ the toss sha then e:er%ise the remainin$ %hoi%e.


    %-The opposin$ sides sha pa! the best of three $ames uness otherisearran$ed. It is permissibe to pa! one $ame of &+ points b! priorarran$ement.

    %.On! the ser#in$ side %an add points to its s%ore.

    %/In doubes and ;en-s sin$es a $ame is on b! the first side to s%ore +3points &+ points in a mat%h %onsistin$ of a sin$e $ame to &+ points09e:%ept as pro#ided in 1a 5.7.

    %0In omen-s sin$es a $ame is on b! the first side to s%ore ++ points9 e:%eptas pro#ided b! 1a 5.7.

    %1%-If the s%ore be%omes +2 a +' a in (omen-s sin$es0&' in a &+ point$ame0 the side hi%h first s%ored +2 +'0 &'0 sha ha#e the %hoi%e of"settin$" or "not settin$" the $ame 1a 5.70. If set the s%ore %ontinues to

    be %aed in order9 and is not reset to "o#e>a".

    %1%.This %hoi%e %an on! be made hen the s%ore is first rea%hed and must bemade before the ne:t ser#i%e is dei#ered.

    %2If the $ame has been "set"9 the side first s%orin$ 6 additiona points ins the$ame. If set the $ame thus ends at=

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    %2%-+4 points for a "set" +3 point $ame

    %2%.+6 points for a "set" ++ point $ame

    %2%/&6 points for a "set" &+ point $ame

    If the $ame has not been "set"9 the side s%orin$ the ne:t point ins the $ame.

    %7The side innin$ a $ame ser#es first in the ne:t $ame.

    -;% C(3NGE OF ENDS

    -;%-/a!ers sha %han$e ends=

    -;%-%-At the end of the first $ame

    -;%-%./rior to the be$innin$ of the third $ame if an!0 and

    -;%-%/In the third $ame9 or in a one $ame mat%h9 hen the eadin$ s%orerea%hes=

    7 in a $ame of ++ points

    , in a $ame of +3 points

    ++ in a $ame of &+ points

    -;%.(hen the pa!ers omit to %han$e ends as indi%ated b! 1a +'.+9 the! shado so immediate! the mistake is dis%o#ered and the e:istin$ s%ore shastand.

    --% SER5ICE

    --%-In a %orre%t ser#i%e=

    --%-%-Neither side sha %ause undue dea! to the dei#er! of the ser#e.

    --%-%.The ser#er and re%ei#er sha stand ithin dia$ona! opposite ser#i%e%ourts ithout tou%hin$ the boundar! ines of these ser#i%e %ourts some

    part of both feet of the ser#er and re%ei#er must remain in %onta%t ith thesurfa%e of the %ourt in a stationar! position unti the ser#i%e is dei#ered1a ++.20

    --%-%/The ser#er-s ra%ket sha initia! hit the base of the shutte hie thehoe of the shutte is beo the ser#er-s aist

    --%-%0The shaft of the ser#er-s ra%ket at the instant of hittin$ the shutte sha bepointin$ in a donard dire%tion to su%h an e:tent that the hoe of the

    head of the ra%ket is dis%ernibe beo the hoe of the ser#er-s handhodin$ the ra%ket

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    --%-%1The mo#ement of the ser#er-s ra%ket must %ontinue forards after thestart of the ser#i%e 1a ++.&0 unti the ser#i%e is dei#ered and

    --%-%2The fi$ht of the shutte sha be upards from the ser#er-s ra%ket to passo#er the net9 so that9 if not inter%epted9 it fas in the re%ei#er-s ser#i%e


    --%.On%e the pa!ers ha#e taken their positions9 the first forard mo#ement ofthe ser#er-s ra%ket is the start of the ser#i%e.

    --%/The ser#er sha not ser#e before the re%ei#er is read!9 but the re%ei#er shabe %onsidered to ha#e been read! if a return of ser#i%e is attempted.

    --%0The ser#i%e is dei#ered hen9 on%e started 1a ++.&09 the shutte is hit b!the ser#er-s ra%ket or the shutte ands on the foor.

    --%1In doubes9 the partners ma! take up an! positions hi%h do not unsi$ht theopposin$ ser#er or re%ei#er.

    -.% SINGLES

    -.%-The pa!ers sha ser#e from9 and re%ei#e in9 their respe%ti#e ri$ht ser#i%e%ourts hen the ser#er has not s%ored or has s%ored an e#en number of

    points in that $ame.

    -.%.The pa!ers sha ser#e from9 and re%ei#e in9 their respe%ti#e eft ser#i%e

    %ourts hen the ser#er has s%ored an odd number of points in that $ame.

    -.%/If a $ame is set9 the tota points s%ored b! the ser#er in that $ame sha beused to app! 1as +&.+and +&.&.

    -.%0The shutte is hit aternate! b! the ser#er and the re%ei#er unti a "faut" ismade or the shutte %eases to be in pa!.

    -.%1%-If the re%ei#er makes a "faut" or the shutte %eases to be in pa! be%auseit tou%hes the surfa%e of the %ourt inside the re%ei#er-s %ourt9 the ser#ers%ores a point. The ser#er then ser#es a$ain from the aternate ser#i%e


    -.%1%.If the ser#er makes a "faut" or the shutte %eases to be in pa! be%ause ittou%hes the surfa%e of the %ourt inside the ser#er-s %ourt9 the ser#er osesthe ri$ht to %ontinue ser#in$9 and the re%ei#er then be%omes the ser#er9ith no point s%ored b! either pa!er.

    -/% DOU&LES

    -/%-At the start of a $ame9 and ea%h time a side $ains the ri$ht to ser#e9 theser#i%e sha be dei#ered from the ri$ht ser#i%e %ourt.

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    -/%.On! the re%ei#er sha return the ser#i%e= shoud the shutte tou%h or be hitb! the re%ei#er-s partner9 the ser#in$ side s%ores a point.

    -/%/%-After the ser#i%e is returned9 the shutte is hit b! either pa!er of theser#in$ side and then b! either pa!er of the re%ei#in$ side9 and so on9

    unti the shutte %eases to be in pa!.

    -/%/%.After the ser#i%e is returned9 a pa!er ma! hit the shutte from an!position on that pa!er-s side on the net.

    -/%0%-If the re%ei#in$ side makes a "faut" or the shutte %eases to be in pa!be%ause it tou%hes the surfa%e of the %ourt inside the re%ei#in$ side-s %ourt9the ser#in$ side s%ores a point9 and the ser#er ser#es a$ain.

    -/%0%.If the ser#in$ side makes a "faut" or the shutte %eases to be in pa!be%ause it tou%hes the surfa%e of the %ourt inside the ser#in$ side-s %ourt9

    the ser#er oses the ri$ht to %ontinue ser#in$9 ith no point s%ored b!either side.

    -/%1%-The pa!er ho ser#es at the start of an! $ame sha ser#e from9 orre%ei#e in9 the ri$ht ser#i%e %ourt hen that pa!er-s side has not s%ored orhas s%ored an e#en number of points in that $ame9 and the eft ser#i%e%ourt otherise.

    -/%1%.The pa!er ho re%ei#es at the start of an! $ame sha re%ei#e in9 or ser#efrom9 the ri$ht ser#i%e %ourt hen that pa!er-s side has not s%ored or has

    s%ored an e#en number of points in that $ame9 and the eft ser#i%e %ourtotherise.

    -/%1%/The re#erse pattern appies to partners.

    -/%1%0If a $ame is set9 the tota points s%ored b! a side in that $ame sha beused to app! 1as +6.3.+to +6.3.6.

    -/%2Ser#i%e in an! turn of ser#in$ sha be dei#ered from aternate ser#i%e%ourts9 e:%ept as pro#ided in 1as+2and +7.

    -/%7The ri$ht to ser#e passes %onse%uti#e! from the initia ser#er in an! $ameto the initia re%ei#er in that $ame9 and then %onse%uti#e! from that pa!erto that pa!er-s partner and then to one of the opponents and then theopponent-s partner9 and so on.

    -/%9No pa!er sha ser#e out of turn9 re%ei#e out of turn9 or re%ei#e to%onse%uti#e ser#i%es in the same $ame9 e:%ept as pro#ided in 1as +2and+7.

    -/%*ither pa!er of the innin$ side ma! ser#e first in the ne:t $ame andeither pa!er of the osin$ side ma! re%ei#e.


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  • 8/10/2019 Buku Log Permainan Badminton


    the local badminton authority may, subject to the right of veto of its

    National Organization, mae by!la"s dealing "ith cases in "hich a

    shuttle touches on obstruction.#

    -1%1If9 hen in pa!9 the initia point of %onta%t ith the shutte is not on the

    striker-s side of the net. The striker ma!9 hoe#er9 foo the shutte o#erthe net ith the ra%ket in the %ourse of a stroke0.

    -1%2If9 hen the shutte is in pa!9 a pa!er=

    -1%2%-Tou%hes the net or its supports ith ra%ket9 person or dress

    -1%2%.In#ades an opponent-s %ourt O?*R TH* N*T ith ra%ket or persone:%ept as permitted in1a +3.3

    -1%2%/In#ades an opponent-s %ourt UND*R TH* N*T ith ra%ket or person

    su%h that an opponent is obstru%ted or distra%ted or

    -1%2%0Obstru%ts an opponent9 i.e. pre#ents an opponent from makin$ a e$astroke here the shutte is fooed o#er the net

    -1%7If9 in pa!9 a pa!er deiberate! distra%ts an opponent b! an! a%tion su%h asshoutin$ or makin$ $estures

    -1%9If9 in pa!9 the shutte=

    -1%9%-)e %au$ht and hed on the ra%ket and sun$ durin$ the e:e%ution of astroke

    -1%9%.)e hit ti%e in su%%ession b! the same pa!er ith to strokes A doubehit b! one pa!er ith one stroke is not a faut.0 or

    -1%9%/)e hit b! a pa!er and the pa!er-s partner su%%essi#e! or

    -1%9%0Tou%hes a pa!er-s ra%ket and %ontinues toard the ba%k of that pa!er-s%ourt.

    -1%If a pa!er is $uit! of fa$rant9 repeated or persistent offenses under 1a+,.

    -2% LETS

    "1et" is %aed b! the Umpire9 or b! a pa!er if there is no Umpire0 to hat pa!.

    -2%-A "et" ma! be $i#en for an! unforeseen or a%%identa o%%urren%e.

    -2%.If a shutte9 after passin$ o#er the net9 is %au$ht in or on the net9 It is a "et"e:%ept durin$ ser#i%e.

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    -2%/If durin$ ser#i%e9 the re%ei#er and ser#er are both fauted at the same time9it sha be a "et".

    -2%0If the ser#er ser#es before the re%ei#er is read! it sha be a "et".

    -2%1If durin$ pa!9 the shutte disinte$rates and the base %ompete! separatesfrom the rest of the shutte9 it sha be a "et".

    -2%2If a 1ine Kud$e is unsi$hted and the Umpire is unabe to make a de%ision9 itsha be a "et".

    -2%7(hen a "et" o%%urs9 the pa! sin%e the ast ser#i%e sha not %ount9 and thepa!er ho ser#ed sha ser#e a$ain9 e:%ept hen 1a +2is appi%abe.

    -7% S(UTTLE NOT IN PL38

    A shutte is not in pa! hen=

    -7%-It strikes the net and remains atta%hed there or suspended on top

    -7%.It strikes the net or post and starts to fa toards the surfa%e of the %ourt onthe striker-s side of the net

    -7%/It hits the surfa%e of the %ourt or

    -7%0A "faut" or "et" has o%%urred.


    -9%-/a! sha be %ontinuous from the first ser#i%e unti the mat%h is %on%uded9e:%ept as aoed in 1as+,.&and +,.6.

    -9%.An inter#a not e:%eedin$ 5' se%onds is aoed beteen the first andse%ond $ames and an inter#a not e:%eedin$ 3 minutes is aoed beteenthe se%ond and third $ames of a mat%hes in a of the fooin$situations=

    -9%.%-In internationa %ompetiti#e e#ents

    -9%.%.In I) san%tioned e#ents and

    -9%.%/In a other mat%hes uness the Nationa Or$aniBation has pre#ious!pubished a de%ision not to ao su%h an inter#a0.

    -9%/(hen ne%essitated b! %ir%umstan%es not ithin the %ontro of the pa!ers9the Umpire ma! suspend pa! for su%h a period as the Umpire ma!%onsider ne%essar!. If pa! be suspended9 the e:istin$ s%ore sha stand and

    pa! be resumed from that point.

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    -9%0Under no %ir%umstan%es sha pa! be suspended to enabe a pa!er tore%o#er his stren$th or ind9 or to re%ei#e instru%tion or ad#i%e.

    -9%1%-*:%ept durin$ the inter#as pro#ided in 1as+,.&and +,.69 no pa!ersha be permitted to re%ei#e ad#i%e durin$ a mat%h.

    -9%1%.*:%ept at the %on%usion of a mat%h9 no pa!er sha ea#e the %ourtithout the Umpire-s %onsent.

    -9%2The Umpire sha be the soe ud$e of an! suspension of pa!.

    -9%7A pa!er sha not=

    -9%7%-Deiberate! %ause suspension of pa!

    -9%7%.Deiberate! interfere ith the speed of the shutte

    -9%7%/)eha#e in an offensi#e manner or

    -9%7%0)e $uit! of mis%ondu%t not otherise %o#ered b! the 1as of)adminton

    -9%9The Umpire sha administer an! brea%h of 1a +,.29 +,.39 or +,.4b!=

    -9%9%-Issuin$ a arnin$ to the offendin$ side

    -9%9%.autin$ the offendin$ side9 if pre#ious! arned or

    -9%9%/In %ases of fa$rant offense or persistin$ offenses9 fautin$ the offendin$side and reportin$ the offendin$ side immediate! to the Referee9 hosha ha#e the poer to dis@uaif!.

    -9%(here a referee has not been appointed9 the responsibe offi%ia sha ha#ethe poer to dis@uaif!.


    -%-The Referee is in o#era %har$e of the tournament or e#ent of hi%h amat%h forms part.

    -%.The Umpire9 here appointed9 is in %har$e of the mat%h9 the %ourt and itsimmediate surrounds. The Umpire sha report to the Referee. In theabsen%e of a Referee9 the Umpire sha report instead to the responsibeoffi%ia.

    -%/The Ser#i%e Kud$e sha %a ser#i%e fauts made b! the ser#er shoud the!o%%ur 1a ++0.

    -%0A 1ine Kud$e sha indi%ate hether a shutte is "in" or "out".

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  • 8/10/2019 Buku Log Permainan Badminton


    &, mm ..... +>+J, in 4&' mm ..... &- 2>+J&"2' mm ..... +>+J& in 47' mm ..... &- 7"3, mm ..... &>+J2 in 53' mm ..... 6- +>+J&"72 mm ..... &>+J& in 55' mm ..... 6- 6"7, mm ..... & 3J, in +.3&2 m .... 3-

    4' mm ..... &>6J2 in +.33 m ..... 3-+"43 mm ..... 6 in +.5, m ..... 7- 7"&&' mm .... ,>3J, in &.36 m ..... ,- 6>6J2"&6' mm .... 5 in 6.,, m ..... +&- 5"&,' mm .... ++ in 2.72 m ..... +3- 6"&5' mm .... ++>6J, in 3.+, m ..... +4-6,' mm .... +- 6" 7.+ m ...... &'-2&' mm .... +- 2>+J&" +6.2 m ..... 22-25' mm .... +- 4>+J&"

    3ppendi= . ' (andi$ap Mat$hesIn handi%ap mat%hes9 the fooin$ #ariations in the as app!=

    -%"Settin$" is not permitted i.e. 1as 5.3and 5.7do not app!.0

    .%1a +'.+.6i be amended to read= "In the third $ame9 and in a one $amemat%h9 hen one side has s%ored haf the tota number of points re@uiredto in the $ame the ne:t hi$her number bein$ taken in %ase offra%tions0."

    3ppendi= / ' Games other than -- or -1 points

    It is permissibe to pa! one $ame of &+ points b! prior arran$ement. In this %asethe fooin$ #ariations in 1as 5.69 5.3.+9 5.3.69 and 5.7app!= Repa%e"+6"9"+2"9 and "+3" b! "+5"9 "&'"9 and "&+" respe%ti#e!. To a +'.+.6sha be added " > ++ in a $ame of &+ points"

    %t present various groups are experimenting "ith alternate scoring systems.

    &he most common system is that of ' to )', in "hich a match consists of

    the best of games to ) points. No setting is allo"ed.

    3ppendi= 0 ' 5o$a#u+ar"

    This appendi: ists the standard #o%abuar! that shoud be used b! Umpires to%ontro a mat%h.

    -% 3nnoun$ements and Introdu$tions%

    -%-%"1adies and

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    -%-%-The semi>fina9 or fina9 of ;en-s Sin$es9 et%. or

    -%-%.The first sin$es of the Thomas Cup Uber Cup0 tie beteen ....%ountr!0and ...%ountr!0.

    -%.On m! ri$ht ...Name and Countr!0. On m! eft ...Name and Countr!0.

    -%/To ser#e ... To re%ei#e.

    .% Start o! Mat$h and Ca++in* the S$ore

    .%-"1o#e A /a!."

    .%."Ser#i%e O#er."

    .%/"Se%ond Ser#i%e."


    .%-;"a9 pa!""+6>a9 pa!"9 et%.0

    .%--"One $ame a."

    .%-."Court... a fi#e minute inter#a has been %aimed."

    .%-/%-"Court...to minutes remainin$."

    .%-/%."Court...one minute remainin$."

    /% Genera+ Communi$ations

    /%-"Are !ou read!L"

    /%."Come here pease."

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    /%/"Is the shutte oka!L"

    /%0"Test the shutte." On! for obbe9 not speed.0

    /%1"Chan$e the shutte."

    /%2"Do NOT %han$e the shutte."

    /%7"/a! a et."

    /%9"Chan$e ends9 pease."

    /%"You ser#ed out of turn."

    /%-;"You re%ei#ed out of turn."

    /%--"You must not interfere ith the speed of the shutte."

    /%-."The shutte tou%hed !ou."

    /%-/"You tou%hed the net."

    /%-0"You are standin$ in the ron$ %ourt."

    /%-1"You in#aded !our opponent-s %ourt."

    /%-2"You obstru%ted !our opponent."

    /%-7"aut > re%ei#er."

    /%-9"Ser#i%e faut %aed."

    /%-"/a! must be %ontinuous."

    /%.;"/a! is suspended."

    /%.-....name of pa!er0 "(arnin$ for mis%ondu%t."

    /%......name of pa!er0 "aut for mis%ondu%t."



    /%.1"1ine Kud$e > si$na pease."

    /%.2"Ser#i%e Kud$e > si$na pease."

    /%.7"irst ser#er."

  • 8/10/2019 Buku Log Permainan Badminton


    /%.9"(ipe the %ourt."

    0% End O! Mat$h

    0%-";at%h on b!.." In team e#ent9 use name of %ountr!.0

    1% S$orin*

    ' >>> 1o#e +' >>> Ten+ >>> One ++ >>> *e#en& >>> To +& >>> Te#e6 >>> Three +6 >>> Thirteen2 >>> our +2 >>> ourteen3 >>> i#e +3 >>> ifteen7 >>> Si: +7 >>> Si:teen4 >>> Se#en +4 >>> Se#enteen

    , >>> *i$ht +, >>> *i$hteen5 >>> Nine

    3ppendi= 1 ' &adminton For Disa#+ed Peop+e

    The fooin$ amended 1as of )adminton are appi%abe to the #arious%ate$ories of disabed peope as foos=

    >a? 3M&UL3NTno %han$e in the 1as0> /ersons re@uirin$ no me%hani%aaid to perambuation.

    >#? SEMI'3M&UL3NT> /ersons %apabe of ere%t perambuation but on!ith me%hani%a aid su%h as=



    support frame

    e$ bra%es0

    artifi%ia e$s0

    >$? NON'3M&UL3NT> /ersons hose disabiities di%tate that the! adopt asedentar! posture usin$ su%h support as=




    The fooin$ dia$rams and tabes sho the %han$es to the 1as.

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    A3>+ > ;odified Court for Disabed /a!ers.%dditional lines added *.+-m (ft# from short service lines.

    The fooin$ %han$es in the 1as of )adminton are aoed for semi>ambuant and non>ambuant pa!ers as noted=

    --%-%.The ordin$ of this 1a to be e:tended so as to re@uire e#er! part of theser#er-s and re%ei#er-s "me%hani%a aid" or "support" that is in %onta%t iththe surfa%e of the %ourt aso to be ithin the appropriate ser#i%e %ourt andin a stationar! position unti the ser#i%e is dei#ered. The ord"dia$ona!" to be deeted.

    --%-%/S*;I>A;)U1ANT= No %han$e. NON>A;)U1ANT= As some medi%a%onditions hi%h render a pa!er "non>ambuant" ma! aso positi#e!

    pre%ude %ompian%e9 this 1a to be deeted in entiret!.

    --%-%0S*;I>A;)U1ANT= No %han$e. NON>A;)U1ANT= As some medi%a%onditions hi%h render a pa!er "non>ambuant" ma! aso positi#e!

    pre%ude %ompian%e9 this 1a to be deeted in entiret!.

    -.% Sin*+es P+a"Shaded area Dia$ram A3>&0 indi%ates e:tent of %ourt. %s only

    ON/ service court exists at each end, references to 'left' and 'right' and'alternate service court' do not apply.0

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    A3>&= Court for Sin$es /a! Shadedareas indi%ate area of pa!.0

    -/% Dou#+es P+a"Shaded area Dia$ram A3>60 indi%ates e:tent of %ourt. /a!ersmust ser#e from and re%ei#e ithin the same ser#i%e %ourts9 as adopted atthe be$innin$ of a $ame9 throu$hout that $ame. (hen the ser#i%e is notreturned or a "faut" is made b! the re%ei#in$ side9 the ser#in$ side thereb!s%ores a point= The ser#i%e passes to the other pa!er of the ser#in$ sideand is dei#ered from the other ser#i%e %ourt and %ontinues to aternatethus as on$ as the ser#in$ side %ontinues to s%ore.

  • 8/10/2019 Buku Log Permainan Badminton


    A3>6= Court for Doubes /a! Shadedareas indi%ate area of pa!.0

    -1%0%1The ordin$ of this a to be e:tended so as to make it a "faut" if thepa!er or his "me%hani%a aid" or "support" tou%hes the shutte.

    3++ Other La)s:To remain un%han$ed for a %assifi%ations. This in%udes1a 2 ith the pa%e of the shutte bein$ measured a$ainst the en$th of astandard %ourt b! an abe>bodied or ambuant pa!er. A shutte passin$ thistest is suitabe for pa! b! a.0

    Re$ommendations To Court O!!i$ia+s

    -% Introdu$tion

    -%-The Re%ommendations to Court Offi%ias are issued b! the I) in its desireto standardiBe the %ontro of the $ame in a %ountries and in a%%ordan%eith its Rues.

    -%.The purpose of these Re%ommendations is to ad#ise Umpires ho to %ontroa mat%h firm! and ith fairness9 ithout bein$ offi%ious9 hie ensurin$

    that the 1as of the $ame are obser#ed. These Re%ommendations aso

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    /%.%-*nsure that the toss is fair! %arried out9 and that the innin$ side and theosin$ side e:er%ise their %hoi%e %orre%t! 1a ,0

    /%.%.Note9 in the %ase of doubes9 the names of the pa!ers startin$ in the ri$htser#i%e %ourt. Simiar notes must be made at the start of ea%h $ame.0 This

    enabes a %he%k to be made at an! time to see if the pa!ers are in the%orre%t ser#i%e %ourt. If durin$ the $ame a pa!er %ommits a ser#i%e %ourterror unnoti%ed9 so that the pa!ers ha#e to sta! ron$9 %han$e the notea%%ordin$! and

    /%.%/In a tournament0 announ%e the mat%h b! %ain$ "1adies and fina or fina0 of the ;en-s sin$es or et%.0 beteen ... and..." "On m! ri$ht M and n m! eft Y" pointin$ to ri$ht and eft as this issaid0. "M to ser#e Y to re%ei#e"... or In a team e#ent0 "This is the firstsin$es or9 et%.0 of the e.$.0 Thomas Cup tie beteen A and ) %ountr!names0." " On m! ri$ht9 A9 represented b! M and on m! eft9 )9

    represented b! Y" pointin$ to ri$ht and eft as this is said0. "A to ser#eo#e a pa!". Refer thereafter on! to teams9 i.e. A and )9 rather than

    pa!ers9 M and Y.0

    In doubes9 identif! ser#er and re%ei#er b! announ%in$ "On m! ri$ht9 A9represented b! ( and M and on m! eft9 )9 represented b! Y and . A toser#e M to Y o#e a pa!."

    /%/Durin$ the mat%h the Umpire sha re%ord and %a the s%ore.

    /%/%-Aa!s %a the ser#er-s s%ore first.

    /%/%.In sin$es9 hen the pa!er oses his ser#i%e9 %a "Ser#i%e O#er" fooedb! the s%ore in fa#or of the ne ser#er.

    /%/%/In doubes9 at the be$innin$ of the $ame %a the s%ore on!9 and %ontinueto do so as on$ as the first pa!er ser#es. (hen the ri$ht to ser#e is ost9%a "Ser#i%e O#er9" fooed b! the s%ore in fa#or of the ne ser#er.(hen the first ser#er oses his ri$ht to ser#e9 %a the s%ore fooed b!"Se%ond ser#er." Continue this as on$ as the se%ond pa!er ser#es. (hena side oses the ri$ht to ser#e %a "Ser#i%e O#er" fooed b! the s%ore in

    fa#or of the ne ser#er.

    /%/%0(hen a side rea%hes +29 or in the %ase of omen-s sin$es +'9 %a on thefirst o%%asion on! in ea%h $ame "a and "se%ond ser#er" ifappropriate0 or9 if the anser is ne$ati#e9 %a "

  • 8/10/2019 Buku Log Permainan Badminton


    /%/%2At the end of e#er! $ame9 "$ame" must aa!s be %aed immediate! the%on%usi#e ra! has ended9 re$ardess of appause. (here appropriate9 this%onstitutes the start of an! inter#a aoed under 1a +,.&.After ea%h$ame9 %a "minute inter#a has been%aimed."

    After three minutes ha#e eapsed9 %a= "Court ...P if appropriate09 to minutes

    remainin$." Repeat the %a.

    After four minutes ha#e eapsed9 %a= "Court ....P if appropriate09 one minuteremainin$." Repeat the %a.

    To start the third $ame9 %a= "ina $ame o#e a pa!."

    /%/%In the third $ame9 or in a one $ame mat%h9 %a the s%ore fooed b!"Chan$e *nds" hen the eadin$ s%ore rea%hes 7 or ,9 as appropriate 1a+'.+.60.

    On%e the pa!ers ha#e %han$ed ends9 the s%ore shoud be repeated9 fooed b!"/a!."

    /%/%-;At the end of the mat%h immediate! take the %ompeted s%orepad to theReferee.

    /%0If a ser#i%e ud$e is appointed9 the umpire sha espe%ia! at%h there%ei#er.

    /%1The Umpire shoud aa!s ook to the 1ine Kud$es0 hen the shutte ands

    %ose to a ine9 and aa!s hen the shutte ands out9 hoe#er far. Theine ud$e is entire! responsibe for the de%ision.

    /%2Durin$ the mat%h9 the Umpire sha=

    /%2%-If possibe9 keep aare of the status of an! s%orin$ de#i%e and

    /%2%.(hen the shutte fas outside a ine for hi%h the Umpire is responsibe9in the absen%e of a 1ine Kud$e9 or if the 1ine Kud$e is unsi$hted9 %a="Out" before %ain$ the s%ore.

    /%7Durin$ the mat%h the Umpire sha use the standard #o%abuar! in Appendi:2of the 1as of )adminton.

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    /%9Durin$ the mat%h the fooin$ situations shoud be at%hed for and deatith as detaied.

    /%9%-A pa!er sidin$ under the net or throin$ a ra%ket into the opponent-s%ourt shoud be fauted under 1a +3.7.&.

    /%9%.A pa!er shoutin$ to a partner ho is about to hit the shutte shoud notne%essari! be re$arded as distra%tin$ his opponent. Cain$ "no shot"9"faut"9 et%. shoud be %onsidered a distra%tion.

    /%9%/Coa%hin$ durin$ a mat%h from off %ourt shoud be pre#ented. If this%annot be %ontroed b! the umpire the Referee shoud be informedimmediate!.

    /%9%0/a!ers $oin$ off %ourt to ipe their hands9 et%. If pa! is not to be hedup9 this is a%%eptabe9 but if one side is read! to pa!9 the offendin$ side

    ma! ha#e to be reminded that ea#in$ the %ourt needs to Umpire-spermission 1a +,.3.&09 and9 if ne%essar! 1a +,.,shoud be appied.

    /%9%1Chan$in$ the shutte durin$ the mat%h shoud not be unfair. If both sidesa$ree to the %han$e9 there shoud be no obe%tion b! the Umpire. If on!one side ishes to %han$e the shutte9 the Umpire shoud make thede%ision9 testin$ the shutte if ne%essar!.

    /%*nsure that the pa!ers do not ea#e the %ourt ithout the Umpire-spermission.

    /%-;Inur! or si%kness durin$ a mat%h must be handed %arefu! and fe:ib!.The Umpire must determine the se#erit! of the probem as @ui%k! as

    possibe. Norma!9 the on! peope that shoud be aoed on %ourt are ado%tor or paramedi%a9 and the Referee.

    The opposin$ side must not be put at a disad#anta$e and 1as ++.+.+and +,.2shoud be appied appropriate!.

    /%--If pa! has to be suspended9 %a "/a! is suspended" and re%ord the s%ore9ser#er9 re%ei#er9 %orre%t ser#i%e %ourt and ends.

    (hen pa! resumes %a "Are !ou read!L"9 %a the s%ore and9 if appropriate"first ser#er"0 and "pa!".

    /%-.A shutte hose speed has been interfered ith shoud be dis%arded.


    /%-/%-Re%ord and report to the Referee an! in%idents of mis%ondu%t and thea%tion taken.

    /%-/%.If 1a +,.,is to be appied9 %a "%ome here pease" to the offendin$pa!er9 and %a "...name of pa!er09 arnin$ for mis%ondu%t9" or "...name

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    of pa!er09 faut for mis%ondu%t9" at the same time raisin$ the ri$ht handabo#e !our head. See dia$ram0

    1a 6.+6.&

    0% Genera+ 3di$e on Umpirin*This se%tion $i#es $enera ad#i%e hi%h

    shoud be fooed.

    0%-no and understand the 1as of )adminton

    0%.Ca prompt! and ith authorit!9 but9 if a mistake is made9 admit it9apoo$iBe and %orre%t it.

    0%/A announ%ements and %ain$ of the s%ore must be done distin%t! andoud! enou$h to be heard %ear! b! pa!ers and spe%tators.

    0%0(hen a doubt arises in !our mind as to hether an infrin$ement of the 1ashas o%%urred or not9 "faut" shoud not be %aed and the $ame aoed topro%eed.

    0%1Ne#er ask spe%tators nor be infuen%ed b! their remarks.

    0%2;oti#ate !our other %ourt offi%ias9 e.$. b! dis%reet! a%knoed$in$ thede%isions of 1ine Kud$es and estabishin$ a orkin$ reationship iththem.

    1% Instru$tions to Seri$e @ud*es

    1%-The ser#i%e ud$e sha sit on a o %hair b! the post9 preferab! opposite theUmpire.

    1%.The Ser#i%e Kud$e is responsibe for ud$in$ that the ser#er dei#ers a%orre%t ser#e 1a ++.+0. If not %a "faut" oud! and use the appro#edhand si$na to indi%ate the t!pe of infrin$ement.

    1%/The appro#ed hand si$nas for ea%h 1a are=

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    La) --%-%/The initia point of %onta%t ith the shutte noton the base of the shutte.

    La) --%-%/An! part of the shutte at the instant of bein$stru%k hi$her than the ser#er-s aist.

    La) --%-%0At the instant of the shutte bein$ hit9 the shaft ofthe ra%ket not pointin$ in a donard dire%tion to su%h an e:tent that thehoe of the head of the ra%ket is dis%ernab! beo the hoe of theser#er-s hand hodin$ the ra%ket.

    La) --%-%.Some part of both feet not in the ser#i%e %ourtand in a stationar! position unti the ser#i%e is dei#ered.

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    denotes si$htine positionin$ of offi%ias for Doubes. An idea distan%efrom the ines is about 7 feet & m0.

    Si*na+s !or Line @ud*es

    2%.A ine ud$e is entire! responsibe for the ines0 assi$ned.

    If the shutte ands out9 no matter ho far9 %a "Out"prompt! in a %ear #oi%e9 oud enou$h to be heard b! the pa!ers and thespe%tators and9 at the same time9 si$na b! e:tendin$ both armshoriBonta! so that the Umpire %an see %ear!.

    If the shutte fas "In"9 sa! nothin$9 but point to theine ith !our ri$ht hand.

    2%/If unsi$hted9 inform the Umpire immediate! b! hodin$ !our hands to%o#er !our e!es.

    2%0Do not %a or si$na unti the shutte has tou%hed the foor.

    2%1Cas shoud aa!s be made immediate!9 ith no anti%ipation of Umpirin$

    de%isions9 e.$.9 that the shutte hit a pa!er.

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    Optiona+ Shutt+e Testin* Marks
