Buku Statistik Perhubungan II


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Sektor Perhubungan adalah salah satu sektor yang penting dan menentukan dalam menunjang suksesnya pelaksanaan pembangunan di Indonesia. Untuk mengetahui kinerja Sektor Perhubungan dapat dilihat melalui data-data yang terdokumentasikan.

Buku Statistik Perhubungan merupakan terbitan tahunan yang mendokumentasikan kinerja Sektor Perhubungan berdasarkan hasil kompilasi dan pengolahan data operasional secara bulanan, triwulanan, dan semesteran. Buku Statistik Perhubungan Tahun 2010 memuat data 5 (lima) tahun terakhir dari 2006 sampai dengan tahun 2010. Buku Statistik Perhubungan Tahun 2010 diterbitkan dalam 2 (dua) volume yaitu:

- Buku I memuat data-data prasarana, sarana, kinerja dan produksi subsektor-subsektor transportasi darat, transportasi laut, transportasi udara, dan perkeretaapian yang bersumber dari Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Darat, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara, dan Direktorat Jenderal Perkeretaapian;

- Buku II memuat data-data penunjang dalam penyelenggaraan perhubungan yang bersumber dari Sekretariat Jenderal, Inspektorat Jenderal, Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan, serta Instansi terkait yaitu Badan SAR Nasional, dan Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika.

Selanjutnya kepada para pembaca, diharapkan dapat menyumbangkan saran, masukan dan pemikiran untuk penyempurnaan dan pengayaan substansi, sehingga buku ini benar-benar dapat bermanfaat bagi pihak-pihak yang memerlukannya guna dijadikan bahan dalam perencanaan, perumusan kebijakan dan strategi pembangunan perhubungan di masa yang akan datang dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas pelayanan kepada pengguna jasa transportasi dan masyarakat.

Jakarta, Agustus 2011





Transportation sector is one sector that is important and decisive in supporting the successful development implementation in Indonesia. The performance of Transportation sector can be seen in the data documented.

Statistical Yearbook of Transportation is an annual publication which documents the performance of Transportation Sector based on the compilation and processed monthly, quarterly and semi-annually operational data.

Statistical Yearbook of Transportation 2010 contains the last five years data up to the year 2010. It is published into two volumes, namely:

- Book I contains data of infrastructure, means, performance and production of Land Transportation, Sea Transportation, Civil Aviation and Railways Sub-Sectors;

- Book II contains supporting data in implementation of transportation sourced of Secretariat General, Inspectorate General, Education andTraining Agency, Research and Development Agency and related Agencies, namely Search and Rescue Agency, and Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency.

Furthermore, it is hoped that readers of this book could give their ideas for improvement and enrichment substance, therefore this book could be beneficial to all parties involved in planning, formulating of policy and strategic development of Transportation in the future as an effort to enhance the quality of transport services to the transport users.

Jakarta, August 2011



Statistik Perhubungan /Transportation Statistics iii



Kata Pengantar ...................................................................... i

Preface ............................................................................... ii

Daftar Isi /Contents ................................................................ iii

Daftar Tabel dan Grafik / Table and Graphics List ............................ iv

I. Pendahuluan / Introduction .................................................. xi

II. Rangkuman / Summary ....................................................... xii

III. Definisi / Definition ........................................................... xviii

IV. Penjelasan Teknis / Technical Notes ....................................... xxv

V. Penjelasan Kodefikasi Tabel dan Grafik/Codification Tables and

Graphics Notes ................................................................. xxvi

VI. Perubahan Buku II Statistik Perhubungan 2010 / Changes in Book II of

Transportation Statistics 2010 ............................................... xxvii

VII. Data Pendukung / Supporting Data

1. Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariat General ............................ 1

2. Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General ........................... 31

3. Badan SAR Nasional/National Search and Rescue Agency........... 41

4. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan/Research and Development 58

5. Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Perhubungan

/Education and Training Agency ........................................ 64

6. Badan Meteorologi, Klinatologi dan Geofisika/Meteorology,

Climite and Geophysics Agency ......................................... 80

Statistik Perhubungan /Transportation Statistics iv


Sekretariat Jenderal / Secretariat General

Perencanaan / Planning

Tabel/Table B.1.1.01 Perkembangan Tarif Jasa Angkutan Penumpang Kelas Ekonomi Kementerian Perhubungan /Trend of Economic Fare for Passengers Services Ministry Of Transportation 2006-2010……………………………………………................ 1

Sumber Daya Manusia / Human Resersources

Tabel/Table B.1.2.01 Jumlah Pegawai Negeri Sipil Per Unit Kerja Kementerian

Perhubungan/Number of Civil Servants at The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2006-2010…………………..... 3

Tabel/Table B.1.2.02 Jumlah Pegawai Negeri Sipil Per Unit Organisasi Menurut Jenis Kelamin Kementerian Perhubungan/Number of Civil Servants by Organization Unit and Gender at The Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010 ………………………...............


Tabel/Table B.1.2.03 Jumlah Pegawai Negeri Sipil Menurut Pendidikan, Golongan Kementerian Perhubungan / Number of Civil Servants by Education Level, Grade at the Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010 .…………………......................... 5

Tabel/Table B.1.2.04 Jumlah Pejabat Fungsional, menurut Jenis Jabatan Kementerian Perhubungan/Number of Functional Functionary by Type of Position at Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010 .……................………………….. 6

Keuangan / Finance

Tabel/Table B.1.3.01 Jumlah Unit Pelaksana Teknis/Satuan Kerja Bagian

anggaran 022 Kementerian Perhubungan per Organisasi / Number of Projects at Ministry of Transportation By Organization 2006-2010………………………........................ 7

Tabel/Table B.1.3.02 Jumlah Pagu Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan (DIP) Anggaran 022 Kementerian Perhubungan (Per Organisasi) / Number of Development Projects Fund 022 at Ministry of Transportation (by Organization) 2006-2010......................... 8

Tabel/Table B.1.3.03 Jumlah Realisasi Anggaran 022 Kementerian Perhubungan (per Unit Organisasi) / The Realization of Projects Fund 022 Ministry of Transportation By unit Organization 2006-2010………............................................................................ 9

Tabel/Table B.1.3.04 Jumlah Unit Pelaksana Teknis/Satuan Kerja (UPT/Satker) Bagian Anggaran 022 Kementerian Perhubungan (Per Provinsi) / Number of Technical Implementation Unit/Satker (UPT/Satker) at Ministry of Transportation by Province 2006-2010……………………………………........................... 10

Tabel/Table B.1.3.05 Jumlah Pagu Daftar Isian Proyek (DIPA) 022 Kementerian Perhubungan (per Provinsi) / Number of Development Funds at Ministry of Transportation by Province 2006 - 2010 ...................................................................................... 11

Tabel/Table B.1.3.06 Jumlah Realisasi Anggaran 022 Kementerian Perhubungan (per Provinsi) / The Realization of Development Funds at Ministry of Transportation (by Province) 2006-2010……................................................................................ 12

Statistik Perhubungan /Transportation Statistics v

Tabel/Table B.1.3.07 Jumlah Unit Akutansi Pengguna Barang (UAKPB) Kementerian Perhubungan / Number of Inventories by Ownership Of Transportation at Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010…………………....................................................

13 Tabel/Table B.1.3.08

Jumlah Nilai Barang Milik / Kekayaan Negara (BM/KN) Kementerian Perhubungan / Number Of Goverment Assets Inventory at Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010……........


Produk Hukum / Regulation

Tabel/Table B.1.4.01 Produk Hukum dan Kerjasama Luar Negeri Kementerian Perhubungan / Legal Product and International Cooperation Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010………..... 15

Produk Umum / General Product

Tabel/Table B.1.5.01 Kegiatan Menteri Perhubungan / Activity of Minister of

Transportation 2006-2010 ………………............................... 16 Tabel/Table B.1.5.02 Kegiatan Pengiriman Surat Kementerian Perhubungan /

Mails Distribution in Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010.. 17 Tabel/Table B.1.5.03 Pengurusan Tata Naskah Kementerian Perhubungan /

Mails Handling in Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010……................................................................................ 18

Tabel/Table B.1.5.04 Kunjungan Pasien ke Poliklinik Kementerian Perhubungan / Visitors of Patients in Polyclinic at Ministry of Transportations 2006-2010…................................................ 19

Data dan Informasi / Information and Data

Tabel/Table B.1.6.01 Pengembangan Sistem, Pelayanan Data dan Informasi /

Development of Information System and Services Data 2006 - 2010.....………......................................................... 20

Pelayanan Jasa Perhubungan dan Kemitraan / Transportation Services And Partnership

Tabel/Table B.1.7.01 Jumlah Unit Pelayanan Dalam Penilaian Unit Pelayanan

Publik/Prima Kementerian Perhubungan/ Public Service Assesment (Service Excelence) Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010…………………………………………………….... 21

Pusat Komunikasi Publik / Center for Public Communication

Tabel/Table B.1.8.01 Kegiatan Komunikasi Publik Kementerian Perhubungan/

Public Relation Activities in Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010….......................................................................... 22

Tabel/Table B.1.8.02 Jumlah, Jenis dan Materi Pemberitaan Sektor Perhubungan Yang dimuat oleh Media Masa Cetak / Amount, Kinds And The Material For News In The Transportation Sector Published by Printed Mass Media 2006-2010……………………...........................…………....... 23

Mahkamah Pelayaran / Marine Court Decision

Tabel/Table B.1.9.01 Jumlah Kecelakaan Kapal Berdasarkan Hasil Putusan

Mahkamah Pelayaran / Number of Ship Accident According to Marine Court Decision 2006-2010………..…..................... 24

Tabel/Table B.1.9.02 Jumlah Korban Jiwa Manusia Berdasarkan Hasil Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran /Number of of Victims According to Marine Court Decision 2006-2010.……......................……… 25

Statistik Perhubungan /Transportation Statistics vi

Tabel/Table B.1.9.03 Jumlah Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran Menurut Wilayah Kecelakaan Kapal/Number of Marine Court Decision by Area of Ship Accidents 2006-2010………..………………......

26 Tabel/Table B.1.9.04 Jumlah Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran Menurut Jenis

Sertifikat/Number of Marine Court Decision by Certificate According 2006-2010 …..…………………………………...

27 Tabel/Table B.1.9.05 Jumlah Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran Menurut Faktor

Kecelakaan Kapal / Number of Marine Court Decision of Factor Causality Of ship Accidents 2006-2010......................

28 Tabel/Table B.1.9.06 Jumlah Pengenaan Sanksi Administratif berdasar Hasil

Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran / Number of Admintrative Sanctions According to Marine Court Desicitions 2006 -2010....................................................................................... 29

KNKT / National Transportation Service Committe

Tabel/Table B.1.10.01 Kecelakaan Moda Transportasi di Indonesia yang di

Investigasi oleh Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT) / Transportation Accident at Indonesia Investigated by National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC) at Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010 …………………….....


Pengawasan / Inspection

Tabel/Table B.2.0.01 Jumlah Auditan dan Realisasi Audit dalam Program Kerja Pengawasan Tahunan (PKPT) Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan / Number of Auditee and Its Realization In The Annual Audit Program (PKPT) at Inspectorate General 2006-2010 ……………………...…......


Tabel/Table B.2.0.02 Temuan dan Tindak Lanjut Hasil Pengawasan Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan / Issues and Follow Up Final Audit by Inspectorate General 2006-2010.........................…………………….................................

32 Tabel/Table B.2.0.03 Rekapitulasi Hasil Temuan Pemeriksaan Berdasarkan

Jenis Temuan Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan / Recapitulation of Follow Up Final Audit Based on Issues at Inspectorate General Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010….............................................…. 33

Tabel/Table B.2.0.04 Rekapitulasi Hasil Temuan Pemeriksaan Berdasarkan Jenis Penyebab Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan / Recapitulation of of Follow Up Final Audit Based on Reason at Inspectorate General Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010………………..........................................................…… 34

Tabel/Table B.2.0.05 Rekapitulasi Hasil temuan Pemeriksaan per Sub Sektor Berdasarkan Jenis Temuan Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan / Recapitulation Finding by Sub-sector based on various cause Inspectorate General Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010……............................. 35

Tabel/Table B.2.0.06 Rekapitulasi Hasil Temuan Pemeriksaan Per Sub Sektor Berdasarkan Jenis Penyebab Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan / Recapitulation Finding by Sub Sector based on various cause Inspectorate General Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010.................................... 38

Pencarian dan Penyelamatan / Search and Rescue

Tabel/Table B.3.0.01 Jumlah Tenaga Binaan SAR Menurut Jenis Kegiatan /

Number of Search and Rescue Trainers by type Technique 2006-2010….......................................................................... 41

Statistik Perhubungan /Transportation Statistics vii

Tabel/Table B.3.0.02 Peralatan Pendukung Operasi SAR di Lingkungan Badan SAR Nasional / Supporting Equipments of Search and Rescue Operation In National SAR Agency 2006-2010.......

42 Tabel/Table B.3.0.03 Jumlah Musibah Penerbangan yang Ditangani BASARNAS

/ Number of Aircraft Accidents Handled by National Search and Rescue Agency 2006-2010………………….....………… 55

Tabel/Table B.3.0.04 Jumlah Musibah Pelayaran yang Ditangani BASARNAS/Number of Accidents at Sea Handled by National Search and Rescue Agency 2006-2010………..

56 Tabel/Table B.3.0.05 Jumlah Musibah Lain-lain yang Ditangani

BASARNAS/Number of the Other Accidents Handled by National Search and Rescue Agency 2006-2010...............................................................……..…...........


Penelitian / Research (Studies)

Tabel/Table B.4.0.01 Hasil Penelitian dan Pengembangan ( Studi ) Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan / Number of Studies carried out by Research and Development Agency 2006-2010.............................................................................. 58

Tabel/Table B.4.0.02 Kegiatan Seminar, Temu Karya, Ceramah Ilmiah Loka Karya Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan / Seminar and Workshop Conducted by Research and Development Agency 2006-2010................................................................. 59

Tabel/Table B.4.0.03 Tenaga Peneliti Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan / The Researchers Number of Research and Development Agency 2006-2010.......................................... 61

Tabel/Table B.4.0.04 Tenaga Fungsional Penelitian dan Perekayasa (Litkayasa) Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan / Engineering Research Functional of Research and Development Agency 2006-2010................................................................. 63

Pendidikan dan Pelatihan / Education and Trainning

Tabel/Table B.5.0.01 Realisasi Jumlah Peserta Pendidikan dan Pelatihan yang

diselenggarakan Sekretariat Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan dan Pusbang Aparatur Perhubungan / Realization of the Training Participants that Organized by Secretariat of Education and Training Agency and Transportation Officers Training and Education Center 2006-2010……….......………..........................................…… 64

Tabel/Table B.5.0.02 Realisasi Lulusan Peserta Pendidikan dan Pelatihan yang diselenggarakan Sekretariat Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan dan Pusbang Aparatur Perhubungan / Realization of the Training Graduates Number that Organized by Secretariat of Education and Training Agency and Transportation Officers Training and Education Center 2006-2010.................................................................. 65

Tabel/Table B.5.0.03 Realisasi Jumlah Peserta Pendidikan Pembentukan di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Berdasarkan Sub Sektor / Realization of Preliminary Training Participants at Education and Training Agency of The Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010………...........…… 66

Tabel/Table B.5.0.04 Realisasi Lulusan Pendidikan Pembentukan di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Berdasarkan Sub Sektor / Realization of Preliminary Training Graduates of Education and Training Agency of The Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010…………..................................... 67

Tabel/Table B.5.0.05 Realisasi Jumlah Peserta Pelatihan Teknis (Short Course) di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Berdasarkan Sub Sektor / Realization of Refresher

Statistik Perhubungan /Transportation Statistics viii

Participants of Education and Training Agency of The Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010…................................


Tabel/Table B.5.0.06 Realisasi Lulusan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Short Course di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Berdasarkan Sub Sektor / Realization of Refresher Training Graduates of Education and Training Agency of The Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010…………...................... 69

Tabel/Table B.5.0.07 Realisasi Jumlah Peserta Pendidikan / Pelatihan Penjenjangan di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan/ Realization of Upgrading Participants of Education and Training Agency of The Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010..................................................... 70

Tabel/Table B.5.0.08 Realisasi Lulusan Pendidikan / Pelatihan Penjenjangan di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan/ Realization of Upgrading Training Graduates of Education and Training Agency of The Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010..............................................................................

71 Tabel/Table B.5.0.09 Rekapitulasi Jumlah Tenaga Pengajar (Dosen/Instruktur

Tetap) Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Kementerian Perhubungan / Recapitulation of Permanent Lectures of Education And Training Agency of the Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010................................................

72 Tabel/Table B.5.0.10 Rekapitulasi Jumlah Tenaga Pengajar (Dosen / Instruktur

Tidak Tetap) Badan SDM Perhubungan Kementerian Perhubungan / Recapitulation of Non Permanent Lectures of Education And Training Agency of the Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010.................................................... 73

Tabel/Table B.5.0.11

Rekapitulasi Jumlah Widyaiswara Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Kementerian Perhubungan/ Recapitulation of Instructors Education and Training Agency of The Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010............ 74

Tabel/Table B.5.0.12

Kapasitas Kelas Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Kementerian Perhubungan / Classroom Capacities of Education and Training Agency of The Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010………………...............................


Tabel/Table B.5.0.13 Rekapitulasi Jumlah Taruna Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Kementerian Perhubungan / Recapitulation of Preliminary Training Participants of Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010………………………..............…... 76

Tabel/Table B.5.0.14

Kapasitas Laboratorium Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Kementerian Perhubungan / Laboratorium Capacities of Education and Training Agency of The Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010.................................... 77

Tabel/Table B.5.0.15

Kapasitas Asrama Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Kementerian Perhubungan / Dormitory Capacity of Education and Training Agency of The Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010………………................................................................. 78

Tabel/Table B.5.0.16

Kapasitas Aula Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Kementerian Perhubungan / Hall Capacities of Education and Training Agency of The Ministry of Transportation 2006-2010……………............................................................ 79

Meteorologi dan Geofisika / Meteorology and Geophysic

Tabel/Table B.6.0.01 Jumlah Stasiun dan Pos Pengamatan Meteorologi dan

Geofisika Menurut Kelas / Number of Station and Post Observation by Class of Meteorology and Geophysics 2006-2010……………………………....……………………….. 80

Statistik Perhubungan /Transportation Statistics ix

Tabel/Table B.6.0.02 Produksi Jasa Meteorologi dan Geofisika Berdasarkan Jumlah Pelayanan dan Penerbitan Dokumen / Buku / Buletin / Production of Meteorology and Geophysics by Number of Service and Publications 2006-2010...................

81 Tabel/Table B.6.0.03 Peristiwa Cuaca dan Geofisika Ekstrim / Extreem Weather

and Geophysics Phenomena 2006-2010…………….…….... 82 Tabel/Table B.6.0.04 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Banda Aceh (96011) / Monthly

Rainfall at Banda Aceh (96011) 2006-2010…………………. 83 Tabel/Table B.6.0.05 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Medan (96035) / Monthly Rainfall

at Medan (96035) 2006-2010…………………..….............. 83 Tabel/Table B.6.0.06 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Pekanbaru (96109) / Monthly

Rainfall at Pekanbaru (96109) 2006-2010……….................. 84 Tabel/Table B.6.0.07 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Padang (96163) / Monthly Rainfall

at Padang (96163) 2006-2010……………………................. 84 Tabel/Table B.6.0.08 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Pangkal Pinang (96237) / Monthly

Rainfall at Pangkal Pinang (96237) 2006-2010 ……............. 85 Tabel/Table B.6.0.09 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Jambi (96195) / Monthly Rainfall at

Jambi (96195) 2006-2010……………………......................... 85 Tabel/Table B.6.0.10 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Tanjung Karang (96295) / Monthly

Rainfall at Tanjung Karang (96295) 2006-2010…………...... 86 Tabel/Table B.6.0.11 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Bengkulu (96253) / Monthly

Rainfall at Bengkulu (96253) 2006-2010 …………………….

86 Tabel/Table B.6.0.12 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Palembang (96221) / Monthly

Rainfall at Palembang (96221) 2006-2010………………...... 87 Tabel/Table B.6.0.13 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Serang (96737) / Monthly Rainfall

at Serang (96737) 2006-2010……………....….…………....... 87 Tabel/Table B.6.0.14 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Bandung (96783) / Monthly

Rainfall at Bandung (96783) 2006-2010…………………....... 88 Tabel/Table B.6.0.15 Curah Hujan Bulanan di DKI Jakarta (96745) / Monthly

Rainfall at DKI Jakarta (96745) 2006-2010………………….. 88 Tabel/Table B.6.0.16 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Semarang (96839) / Monthly

Rainfall at Semarang (96839) 2006-2010……….…………… 89 Tabel/Table B.6.0.17 Curah Hujan Bulanan di DI. Yogyakarta (96853) / Monthly

Rainfall at di Yogyakarta (96853) 2006-2010……………...... 89 Tabel/Table B.6.0.18 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Surabaya (96935) / Monthly

Rainfall at Surabaya (96935) 2006-2010……………..…….... 90 Tabel/Table B.6.0.19 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Samarinda (96607) / Monthly

Rainfall at Samarinda (96607) 2006-2010…………………… 90 Tabel/Table B.6.0.20 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Palangkaraya (96955) / Monthly

Rainfall at Palangkaraya (96955) 2006-2010……………...... 91 Tabel/Table B.6.0.21 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Pontianak (96581) / Monthly

Rainfall at Pontianak (96581) 2006-2010 …………………… 91 Tabel/Table B.6.0.22 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Banjarmasin (96685) / Monthly

Rainfall at Banjarmasin (96685) 2006-2010…………………. 92 Tabel/Table B.6.0.23 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Manado (97014) / Monthly Rainfall

at Manado (97014) 2006-2010………………….…….............

92 Tabel/Table B.6.0.24 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Palu (97072) / Monthly Rainfall at

Palu (97072) 2006-2010……………………………................ 93 Tabel/Table B.6.0.25 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Kendari (9146) / Monthly Rainfall

at Kendari (97146) 2006-2010 ……………………….…......... 93 Tabel/Table B.6.0.26 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Ujung Pandang (97180) / Monthly

Rainfall at Ujung Pandang (97180) 2006-2010……………... 94 Tabel/Table B.6.0.27 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Gorontalo (97048) / Monthly

Rainfall at Gorontalo (97048) 2006-2010…………………….. 94 Tabel/Table B.6.0.28 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Ternate (97430) / Monthly Rainfall

at Ternate (97430) 2006-2010……………………………....... 95 Tabel/Table B.6.0.29 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Ambon (97724) / Monthly Rainfall

at Ambon (97724) 2006-2010………………………..….......... 95 Tabel/Table B.6.0.30 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Denpasar (97230) / Monthly

Rainfall at Denpasar (97230) 2006-2010………………..…… 96

Statistik Perhubungan /Transportation Statistics x

Tabel/Table B.6.0.31 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Ampenan (97240) / Monthly Rainfall at Ampenan (97240) 2006-2010……………………..


Tabel/Table B.6.0.32 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Kupang (97372) / Monthly Rainfall at Kupang (97372) 2006-2010……………………………….... 97

Tabel/Table B.6.0.33 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Sentani (97690) / Monthly Rainfall at Sentani (97690) 2006-2010………………….………….... 97

Statistik Perhubungan /Transporttion Statistics xi


Sektor Perhubungan merupakan bagian integral dari kegiatan produksi dan distribusi, yang peranannya penting dalam pembangunan nasional, baik sebagai penunjang maupun perangsang pertumbuhan ekonomi dan berbagai sektor pembangunan lainnya.Untuk bisa menjalankan peranan tersebut diperlukan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengendalian maupun pengawasan program-program pembangunan sektor perhubungan yang harus didukung dengan data dan informasi yang akurat dan lengkap guna mewujudkan jasa perhubungan yang lancar, aman, handal dengan tarip terjangkau oleh masyarakat.

Salah satu usaha yang dijalankan ke arah itu adalah penerbitan buku Statistik Perhubungan II, berisi data dan informasi disajikan secara global untuk lima tahun terakhir mencakup datapenunjang yang bersumber dari Sekretariat Jenderal, Inspektorat Jenderal, Badan Litbang, Badan Diklat, Badan Sarnas, Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika. Walaupun demikian, data tersebut cukup mewakili kondisi perkembangan jasa perhubungan yang mencerminkan tingkat pelayanannya kepada masyarakat, termasuk faktor keselamatan yang ditunjukkan oleh statistik kecelakaan per tahun. Namun demikian penyususnan buku ini belum sempurna, untuk itu perlu masukan, saran dari Bapak/Ibu dan Para Pembaca buku ini.


Tranportation sector is an integral part of production and distribution in the economy. Therefore, it has important roles in the national development as a supporting and stimulus for the economic growth and development of other sectors. Having such significant roles, the complete and accurate data for planning, implementation, controlling and monitoring the pace of transportation development are needed. Furthermore, data on transportation would be useful to achieve comfort and safety standard transportation services at affordable price. Hence, publication of transportation statistics is indispensable.

Data and Information described generally in, this publication. It presented data during the last five years is completed by supporting datacollected from : Secretariat General, Inspectorate General, Research And Development Agency, National Search and Rescue Agency and Meterology and Geophysical Agency. All figures presented in this publication do not cover all kinds of transportation data yet. However, the data compiled represents adequately the general condition of transportation services including number of accidents as an indicator of safety.

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics xii


1. Sekretariat Jenderal

Pertumbuhan potensi dan produksi kegiatan penunjang di Sekretariat Jenderal dari Tahun 2006 sampai dengan Tahun 2010, sebagai berikut :

a. Perencanaan

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Tarif Jasa Angkutan Penumpang Kelas Ekonomi pada Angkutan Kota yang meliputi Bus Kota mengalami peningkatan 7,97 %; Taksi per km mengalami peningkatan60%; sedangkan Angkutan Penumpang Jalan Raya untuk Regional I mengalami peningkatan 7.20 % untuk tarif batas atas, tarif batas bawah naik 7.73%, ; Regional II mengalami peningkatan 7.88% untuk tarif atas, tarif batas bawah naik 8.17%; Angkutan Penyeberangan lintas Merak – Bakauheni mengalami peningkatan 37.85 %; Angkutan Laut Nusantara mengalami peningkatan 29.62%.

b. Kepegawaian dan Organisasi

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Jumlah Pegawai Negeri Sipil, Per Unit Kerja Kementerian Perhubungan mengalami peningkatan 4.55 %; Jumlah Pegawai Negeri Sipil Per Unit Organisasi Menurut Jenis Kelamin, antara lain Laki-laki mengalami peningkatan 3.28 % dan Perempuan mengalami peningkatan 10.97 %; Jumlah Pegawai Negeri Sipil Menurut Pendidikan, Golongan, mengalami pening-katan masing-masing 4.55%. Jumlah pejabat Fungsional menurut jenis jabatan terjadi peningkatan 17.06%.

c. Keuangan

Rata-rata pertumbuhan jum-lah Proyek-proyek Depar-temen Perhubungan me-ngalami peningkatan 0.12%; Jumlah Pagu DIP Anggaran 022 Pembangunan Proyek-proyek Kementerian Perhubungan mengalami peningkatan 19.37 %; Jumlah Realisasi Anggaran022 Pembangunan Proyek-proyekKementerian Perhu-bungan Per Sub Sektor mengalami peningkatan 26.94%; Jumlah Unit Pelaksana Teknis Bagian

1. Secretariat General

The development of Secretariat General production and potential from year 2006 until 2010 as follows :

a. Planning

The growth rate of The Change of Economic Fare For Passanger Services for City Bus increased by 7,97 %; Taxi per km increased 60%, Intercity Passanger Road Transport Regional I increased by 7.20 % for ceiling tariff, floor tariff increased 7.73 %; Regional II increased by 7.88 % for for ceiling tariff’, floor tariff increased 8.17%;Ferry (Merak – Bakauheni) increased 37.85 %, Domestic Sea Services increased by 29.62 %

b. Human Resources

The growth rate of Number of Civil Servants At The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector increased by 4.55 %; Number Of Civil Servant by Unit Organization And Gender for Male increased 3.28 %, female increased by 10.97 %; number of Civil Servant base on education and grade at The Ministry of Transportation each are increased by 4.55%; Number of functional functionary according top position type increased by 17.06 %.

c. Finance

The growth rate of Number of Project at Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector increased by 0.12%; Number of Development Project Funds 022 At Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector increased by 19.37%; The Realization of Project Funds At Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector increased by 26.94%; Number of Technical Implementation Unit At Ministry of Transportation by Province

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Anggaran 022 Kementerian Perhubungan Per Provinsi mengalami peningkatan 0.12%; Jumlah Pagu DIP Anggaran 022 Kementerian Perhubungan Per Provinsi mengalami peningkatan 19.37 %; Realisasi Anggaran 022 Kementerian Perhubungan Per Provinsi mengalami peningkatan 26.94%; Jumlah Unit Akutansi Pengguna Barang (UAKPB)Kementerian Perhubungan mengalami peningkatan 0.45 %; Jumlah nilai Barang Milik/ Kekayaan Negara (BM/KN) Kementerian Perhubunganmengalami penurunan 0.15%.

d. Hukum dan Kerjasama Luar Negeri

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Pro-duk Hukum dan Kerjasama Luar Negeri yang meliputi Peraturan mengalami peningkatan 6.07 %; Kontrak-kontrak mengalami peningkatan 29.19%.

e. Umum

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Ke-giatan Menteri Perhubungan mengalami peningkatan 5.80 %; Kegiatan Pengiriman Surat terjadi peningkatan4.70 %; Pengurusan Tata Naskah Kementerian Perhubungan mengalami peningkatan 0.26 %, Kunjungan Pasien Ke Poliklinik mengalami penurunan 0.51 %;

f. Data dan Informasi

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Pengembangan Sistem Informasi yang meliputi Pembuatan Aplikasi me-ngalami penurunan 18.36 %; Pengembangan Jaringan me ngalami peningkatan 8.49% dan Pelayanan Data dan Informasi / Penerbitan Buku mengalami penurunan 4,17%.

g. Kehumasan

Rata – rata pertumbuhan kegiatan Kehumasan Kementerian Perhubunganmeningkat 20.69 %; meliputi Pameran terjadi peningkatan 37.80 %; Penerbitan buku terjadi peningkatan 178.33%; Dokumentasi Foto mengalami peningkatan 45.03%; Dokumentasi

increased by 0.12 %; Number of Development Fund At Ministry of Transportation by Province increased 19.37%.The Realization of Funds At Ministry of Transportation by Province increased by 26.94%; Number of Inventories by Ownership of Transportation At Ministry of Tranportation increased by 0.45%,Number of Goverment Assets InventoryAt Ministry of Tranportation decreased by 0.15%.

d. Law And Regulation

The growth rate of Legal Product And International Cooperation for Regulation decreased by 6.07%; Contract increased by 29.19 %.

e. General

The growth rate of Activity of Ministry of Transportation increased by 5.80 %; Mails Distribution in Ministry of Transportation increased by 4.70%; Mail Handling in Ministry of Transportation increased 0.26 %; Visitor of Patient in Polyclinic at Ministry of Transportation decreased by 0.51 %;

f. Data And Information

The growth rate of Development of Infor-mation System And Service Data, Development of Aplications decreased by 18.36 %, Development of Networks increased by 8.49%, Data Information Service decreased by 4,17 %.

g. Public Relation

The growth rate of Public Relation At Ministry Of Transportation increased by 20.69 %; include Exibition increased by 37.80 %; Book Publications increased by 178.33 %; Foto Document increased 45.03%; Video Document increased by 25.57 %; Perss Interview

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Video terjadi peningkatan 25.57 %; Wawancara Pers terjadi peningkatan88.10 %; Jumpa Pers terjadi peningkatan 108.13%; Siaran pers terjadi peningkatan 67.85 %. Jumlah, jenis dan materi pemberitaan sektor Perhubungan yang dimuat oleh media massa cetak naik 6.11%.

h. Mahkamah Pelayaran

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Jumlah Kecelakaan Kapal berdasarkan hasil Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran terjadi penurunan 13.64 %; Jumlah Korban Jiwa Manusia Menurut Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran mengalami kenaikan 98.72 %; Jumlah Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran Menurut Wilayah Kecelakaan Kapal terjadi penurunan 13.64 % dan Jumlah Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran Menurut Jenis Sertifikat terjadi penurunan 14.38 %; Jumlah Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran menurut Faktor Kecelakaan Kapal terjadi penurunan 13.64 %. Jumlah Pengenaan Sanksi Administratif berdasar Hasil Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran turun 12.16%.

i. Komite Nasional KeselamatanTransportasi

Kecelakaan Moda Transportasi di Indonesia Yang Diinvestigasi Oleh Komite Nasional Ke-selamatan transportasi (KNKT) mengalami penurunan 10.00 %.

2. Inspektorat Jenderal

Pertumbuhan potensi dan produksi kegiatan penunjang di Inspektorat Jenderal dari Tahun 2006 sampai dengan Tahun 2010, sebagai berikut :

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Jumlah Obyek Auditan dan Realisasi Auditan dalam Program Kerja Pengawasan Tahunan (PKPT) Untuk Jumlah Auditan mengalamipenurunan 1.82 %, Program Auditan terjadi penurunan 1.37 %, Realisasi Audit mengalami penurunan 0.63 %, Rata-rata pertumbuhan Temuan dan Tindak Lanjut, Hasil Temuan BPK terjadi peningkatan 13.31 %; Hasil Temuan BPKP mengalami

increased by 88.10 %; Perss Conference increased by 108.13 %; Perss Release increased 67.85%. Amount, Kinds and the Material for News in the Transportation Sector Published by Printed Mass Media increased 6.11%

h. Marine Court Decision

The growth rate of Number of Ship Accident According to Marine Court Decision decreased by 13.64 %; Number of Victims According to Marine Court Decision increased by 98.72 %; Number of Marine Court Decision by Area of ship Accident decreased by 13.64 %; Number of Marine Court Decision According by Certificate decreased by 14.38 %; Number of Marine Court Decision by Factor of Causality of Ship Accidents decreased by 13.64 %. Number of administrative Sanction to Marine Court Decisions decreased 12.16%

i. National Transportation ServiceCommittee

Transportation Accident at Indonesia Investigated by National Transportation Service Committee (NTSC) decreased by 10.00 %.

2. Inspectorate General

The development of Inspectorate General production and potential from year 2006until 2010 as follows :

The growth rate of Number of Obervation Object And Its Realization in The Program of Annual Obervation Job (PKPT) for Sum of Auditan decreased by 1.82 %. Program of Auditan increased by 1.37 %. Realization of Audit increased by 0.63 %. Issue and Follow up Final Audit Inspectorate by BPK, BPKP and Inspectorate General : Issues BPK increased by 13.31 %, Issues BPKP increased by 265.42 %, Issues Inspectorate General increased by 4.32 %;

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peningkatan 265.42 %; Hasil Temuan Itjen mengalami penurunan 4.32 %; Tindak Lanjut BPK mengalami peningkatan 10.49%, Tindak Lanjut BPKP mengalami penurunan 1.37 % dan Tindak Lanjut Itjen mengalami penurunan 19.35%; Sisa BPK terjadi peningkatan 35.89 %, sisa BPKP mengalami peningkatan 149.70 % dan Sisa Itjen terjadi kenaikan 51.84 %; Rekapitulasi Hasil temuan Pemeriksaan berdasarkan Jenis Temuan mengalami penurunan 1.46%; Rekapitulasi Hasil temuan Pemeriksaan berdasarkan JenisPenyebab mengalami penurunan sebesar 1.46 %; Rekapitulasi hasil Temuan Pemeriksaan Per Sub Sektor Berdasarkan Jenis Temuan mengalami penurunan 1.46%. Rekapitulasi hasil temuan Berdasarkan Jenis Penyebab mengalami penurunan0.17 %;

3. Badan Search And Rescue Nasional

Pertumbuhan potensi dan produksi kegiatan penunjang di Badan Search And Rescue Nasional dari Tahun 2006 sampai dengan Tahun 2010, sebagai berikut :

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Jumlah Tenaga Binaaan SAR Menurut Jenis Kegiatan untuk pendidikan terjadi peningkatan 32.64 %; Jumlah Musibah Penerbangan Yang Ditangani Basarnas untuk Jumlah Kejadian mengalami peningkatan 19.05 %, Jumlah korban mengalami peningkatan19.89 %; Jumlah Musibah pelayaran Yang Ditangani Basarnas untuk Jumlah Kejadian terjadi peningkatan 48.20 %, Jumlah korban mengalami peningkatan 12.73 %; Jumlah Musibah Lain-lain Yang Ditangani Basarnas untuk Jumlah Kejadian terjadi peningkatan 65.94 %, Jumlah korban mengalami peningkatan 211.56 %.

4. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan

Pertumbuhan potensi dan produksi kegiatan penunjang di Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan dari Tahun 2006sampai dengan 2010 sebagai berikut :

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Hasil Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Studi) di Badan Litbang mengalami peningkatan 17.01 %; Studi Besar mengalami peningkatan 23.01 %; Studi sedang mengalami penurunan 6.22 %; Studi Kecil mengalami peningkatan

Solution BPK decreased by 10.49 %, Solution BPKP decreased by 1.37 %, Solution Inspectorate General decreased by 19.35 %; Process BPK increased by 35.89%, Process BPKP increased by 149.70 %; Process Inspectorate General increased by 51.84 %; Recapitulation of Follow Up Final Audit Based On Issues At InspectorateGeneral Ministry of Transportation increased by 1.46 %; Recapitulation of Follow Up Final Audit Based On Reason At Inspectorate General Ministry of Transportation decreased by 1.46 %; Recapitulation Finding by Sub Sector Based On Various Finding Inspectorate General Ministry of transportation decreased by 1.46%. Recapitulation Finding by Sub Sector Based On Various Cause Inspectorate General Ministry of transportation decreased by 0.17 %.

3. Search And Rescue Agency

The development of Search And Rescue Agency production and potential from year 2006 until 2010 as follows :

The growth rate of Number Of Search And Rescue Trainer By Type Technique for course increased by 32.64 %; Number Of Aircraft Accident Handled By National Search And Rescue Agency decreased by 19.05 %, Number of Victim decreased by 19.89 %; Number Of Accident At Sea Handled By National Search And Rescue Agency increased by 48.20 %, Number of Victim increased by 12.73 %; Number Of The Other Accident Handled By National Search And Rescue Agency, Number of accident increased by 65.94 %; Number Of Victim increased by 211.56 %;

4. Research And Development Agency

The development of Research And Development Agency production and potential from year 2006 until 2010 as follows :

The growth rate of The Studies Number Of Research And development Agency increased by 17.01 %, Big Study increased by 23.01 %, Midlle Study decreased by 6.22 %, Litlle Study increased by 22.43 %; Seminar And Scientifsts Gathering,

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22.43 %; Kegiatan Seminar, Temu Karya, Ceramah Ilmiah, Loka Karya mengalami penurunan 48.27 % yang terdiri dari Seminar mengalami peningkatan 83.33 % Temu Karya tidak mengalami peningkatan/penurunan, Ceramah ilmiah terjadi penurunan 35.10 % dan Loka Karya mengalami peningkatan 936.73 %; Tenaga Peneliti laki-laki mengalami penurunan2.52 %, tenaga peneliti wanita mengalami peningkatan 17.66%, yang terdiri dari tenaga Peneliti laki-laki Bidang Manajemen transportasi Multimoda mengalami peningkatan 0.28 %, tenaga Peneliti wanitaMengalami peningkatan 17.81 %, tenaga Peneliti laki-laki Bidang Transportasi Darat mengalami penurunan 4.21 %, tenaga Peneliti Wanita Bidang Perhubungan Darat mengalami peningkatan 7.5%, Peneliti laki-laki Bidang Perhubungan Laut terjadi penurunan 5.25 %, peneliti wanita bidang Perhubungan Laut mengalami peningkatan 103.60%. Peneliti Laki-laki Bidang Perhubungan Udara mengalami penurunan1.63 %, peneliti wanita bidang Perhubungan Udara mengalami peningkatan 16.63%, Tenaga Fungsional Pelelitian dan Perekayasaan (Litkayasa)laki-laki mengalami peningkatan 9.26 %,wanita mengalami peningkatan 8.03%.

5. Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia

Pertumbuhan potensi Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia selama tahun 2006 – 2010 sebagai berikut :

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Realisasi JumlahPeserta Diklat yang diselenggarakan Sekretariat Badan Diklat dan Pusdiklat Aparatur Perhubungan mengalami peningkatan 41.83 %; Realisasi Jumlah Lulusan Diklat yang diselenggarakan Sekretariat Badan Diklat dan Pusdiklat Aparatur Perhubungan terjadi peningkatan 38.82 %; Realisasi Jumlah Peserta Diklat Pembentukan terjadi peningkatan 16.00 %; Realisasi Lulusan Diklat Pembentukan mengalami peningkatan 14.67 %;Realisasi Jumlah Peserta Diklat Short Course di Lingkungan BPSDMPerhubungan mengalami peningkatan 25.42 %; Realisiasi Lulusan Diklat Short Course di Lingkungan BPSDMPerhubungan mengalami peningkatan 25.44 %; jumlah Peserta Diklat Penjenjangan di Lingkungan BPSDM meningkat 42.43%. Realisasi lulusan Diklat

Scientific Lecture, workshop decreased by48.27 %; Seminar increased by 83.33 %, Intern Workshop not increased/decreased, Symposium decreased by 35.10 %; Workshop decreased 936.73%. MaleResearcher Number Of Research And Development Agency decreased by 2.52 %, and female researchers 17.66%. Male Researchers of Multimoda Transport Management increased by 0.28 %, female increased by 17.81%. Male Researchers Of Land Transport increased by 4.21 %; Female researchers increased 7.5%. Male Researchers Of Sea Transport decreased by 5.25 %; female researches increased 103.60 %. Male Researchers Of Air Transport decreased by 1.63%, female researches increased by 16.63 %.Male Engineering Research Functional increased by 9.26%, female increased by 8.03%.

5. Education And Training Agency

The development of Education And Training Agency production and potential from year 2006 until 2010 as follows :

The growth rate of Realitation Of The Training Participant Number that organized by Secretariate of Education And Training Agency and Transportation Officers Training and education center Secretariate of Education And Training Agency increased by 41.83 %; Realitation of Preliminary Participants of Education and Training Agency increased 16.00%. Realitation of Preliminary Training Graduates of Education and Training Agency increased 14.67 %. Realitation of Refresher Participants of Education and Training agency increased 25.42 %. Realitation of Refresher Training Graduates of Education and Training Agency increased 25.44 %. Realitation of Upgrading Participants of Education and Training Agency increased 42.43%. Realitation of Upgrading Training Graduates of Education and Training Agency

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Realisasi Penjenjangan di lingkunganBPSDM mengalami peningkatan 45.11%,Rekapitulasi Jumlah Tenaga Pengajar (Dosen Tetap) BPSDM berdasarkan sub sektor mengalami peningkatan 13.86 %; Rekapitulasi Jumlah Tenaga Pengajar (Dosen Tidak Tetap) BPSDM mengalami peningkatan 7.87 %; Rekapitulasi Jumlah Widyaiswara BPSDM meningkat 92.67 %; Kapasitas Kelas BPSDM terjadi peningkatan 18.90%; Rekapitulasi Jumlah Taruna BPSDM terjadi peningkatan 18.06%; Kapasitas Laboratorium BPSDMper satuan orang dan unit masing-masing naik 18.04 % untuk per satuan orang dan naik 18.63 % per satuan unit. Kapasitas Asrama BPSDM persatuan orang dan unit masing-masing naik 8.68% untuk persatuan orang dan naik 7.04% untuk per satuan unit. Kapasitas Aula BPSDM naik 0.98%persatuan orang dan naik 0.05% per satuan unit.

6. Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika

Pertumbuhan potensi dan produksi kegiatan penunjang di Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika Dari Tahun 2006 sampai dengan 2010 sebagai berikut :

Rata-rata pertumbuhan jumlah stasiun dan pos pengamatan Meteorologi dan Geofisika, yang terdiri dari Statisun Meteorologi tidak mengalami peningkatanatau penurunan; Stasiun klimatologi mengalami peningkatan 1.19 %, Stasiun Geofisika terjadi penurunan 2.32 % dan Pos Pengamatan Kerjasama terjadi peningkatan 6.24%; Produksi Jasa Meteorologi dan Geofisika BerdasarkanJumlah Pelayanan dan Penerbitan Dokumen / Buku / Buletin untuk jumlah pelayanan mengalami peningkatan12.13 %; Peristiwa Cuaca dan GeofisikaEkstrem untuk Suhu Udara tidak mengalami peningkatan/tidak terjadi penurunan, Kelembaban Udara tidak mengalami peningkatan/tidak terjadi penurunan, Kecepatan Angin terjadi penurunan 2.23%, Curah Hujan tertinggi dalam sehari mengalami penurunan 6.60 % dan Jumlah kejadian gempa yang dapat dirasakan mengalami peningkatan 5.92 %;Gempa terbesar (SR) mengalami peningkatan 3.50%.

increased by 45.11%. Recapitulation of Permanent Lecturers of Education andTraining Agency increased by 13.86 %.Recapitulation of Non Permanent Lecturers of Education and Training Agency increased by 7.87 %; Recapitulation of Instructors Education and Training Agency increased by 92.67%; Classrom Capacities of Ecucation and Training Agency increased by 18.90%; Preliminary Training Participants increased by 18.06%.Laboratorium Capacities of Education and Training agency increased by 18.04 % per person and increased by 18.63 % per unit.Dormitory Capacities increased by 8.68%per person and increased by 7.04 % per unit. Hall Capacities of Education and Training Agency increased by 0.98% per person and increased 0.05 % per unit.

6. Meteorology And Geophysic Agency

The development of Meteoroloy decreased,Maximum velocity of wind decreased 2.23%; Rain Fall The Biggest in a day decreased 6.60%; Earthquake increased 5.92%. And Geophysic production and potential from year 2006 until 2010 as follows :

The growth rate of Number of Station And Post Observation by Class of Meteorologyand Geophysic not increased /decreased, Climatology increased by 1.19 %, Geophysic increased by 2.32 %; Integ Post Monitoring increased by 6.24%; Production of Meteorology And Geophysic By Number Of Service And Publication, Services Number increased by 12.13%; ExtreemWeather and Geophysic Phenomena, the higest max Temperature not increased / decreased, The highest maximum humidity not increased / decreased; Maximum velocity of wind decreased 2.23%; The biggest in a day decreased 6.60%; Number of Earthquake event 5.92%; The biggest earthquake (SR) increased 3.50%.

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Untuk mencapai suatu keseragaman bahasa dan pengertian dalam membaca statistik perhubungan yang disajikan dalam buku ini, diperlukan suatu definisi baku mengenai istilah-istilah yang digunakan. Definisi ini disajikan menurut moda transportasi yang dimulai dari subsektor perhubungan darat, laut, udara dan kegiatan penunjang lainnya di lingkungan Sektor Perhubungan.


Following is the defenition of several terms that enables readers to get better understanding. The definitions presented according to transport modes; land transport sub sector, sea transport sub sector, air transport sub sector, Meteorology and Geophysics Agency, National Search And Rescue Agency, and human resources.

1. Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika 1. Meteorology and Geophysics Board

Angin TerkencangAngin terkencang yang pernah terjadi pada suatu kurun waktu tertentu

The Fastest WindThe wind with the highest velocity.

Cuaca BahariPrakiraan cuaca untuk keperluan bahari

Maritime ForecastWeather forecast to be used in maritime.

Cuaca BandaraPrakiraan cuaca untuk bandar udara

Aerodrome ForecastWeather forecast to be used by airport.

Cuaca BulananPrakiraan cuaca untuk jangka waktu 1 bulan.

Monthly Weather ForecastWeather forecast made every month for the coming month.

Cuaca HarianPrakiraan cuaca yang dibuat setiap hari dan berlaku untuk jangka waktu kurang dari 24 jam

Daily Weather ForecastWeather forecast made everyday for 24-hours periodes.

Cuaca PertanianPrakiraan cuaca untuk keperluan pertanian

Agricultur ClimateWeather report used by farmers to plan their activities

GempaGerakan yang terjadi secara tiba-tiba baik di dalam maupun di atas permukaan bumi sebagai akibat dari aktivitas tektonik maupun vulkanik

EarthquakeA sudden and often violent shaking of the ground caused by changes beneath the earth's surface.

GeofisikaIlmu yang mempelajari bumi dengan

GeophysicsThe science concerned with physyics

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menggunakan kaidah-kaidah fisika phenomena of the earth.

Hujan Maksimum SebulanJumlah curah hujan paling banyak secara kumulatif selama 1 bulan

The Most Monthly RainfallsCummulative number of rainfalls in a month that ranks highest

Hujan Maksimum SetahunJumlah curah hujan paling banyak secara kumulatif selama 1 tahun

The Most Yearly RainfallsCummulative number of rainfalls in a year that ranks highest in

Hujan TerlebatKelebatan hujan yang paling banyak dalam sehari (24 jam).

The Fastest WindThe wind with the highest velocity.

KlimatologiIlmu yang mempelajari tentang iklim.

ClimatologyThe science concerned with climate.

METARSandi dalam bentuk angka yang berisi tentang cuaca ringkas yang dipertukarkan setiap jam

METARWeather code in the form of numbers that is exchanged every hour to report weather briefly.

Polusi UdaraPrakiraan terhadap gas dan atau bahan-bahan asing di udara.

Air PollutionThe air contaminated by pollutants.

QAMSalah satu sandi Q yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi dalam penerbangan yang berisi informasi tentang cuaca meliputi: suhu, tekanan angin, kelembapan, awan, pebanglasan (visibility), fenomena-fenomena lain misalnya hujan, kabut, badai guntur dan lain-lain pada suatu saat tertentu di bandar udara

QAMOne of the Q-codes used in air Communications to inform weather conditions such as temperature, wind, humidity, cloud, visibility, rainfalls, fog and storm at certain time.

Skala RichterSuatu skala yang menunjukkan kekuatan gempa bumi (magnitudo), diperkenalkan oleh Richter (1935) di USA

Richter ScaleScale introduced by Richter (1935) to show the magnitude of an earthquake.

SPECIInformasi dalam bentuk sandi yang dibuat pada saat terjadi perubahan cuaca yang berarti.

SPECIWeather report described in codes and made when significant weather changes happened.

Stasiun kerjasamaStasiun meteorologi, klimatologi, dan atau geofisika yang diadakan

Integrated StationA station that observe climate, weather and geophysic phenomena

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atas kerja sama antara BMG dan instansi lain

built by Meteorology and Geophysics Agency in cooperation with other agency.

Suhu maksimum HarianSuhu tertinggi yang pernah terjadi dalam sehari pada suatu kurun waktu tertentu.

Maximum Daily TemperatureThe lowest temperature in a certain day.

Suhu Minimum HarianSuhu terendah yang pernah terjadi dalam sehari pada suatu kurun waktu tertentu.

Minimum Daily TemperatureThe highest temperature in a certain day.

2. Badan Search and Rescue Nasional (SARNAS)

2. National Search And Rescue (SARNAS) Board

Latihan AusindoLatihan bersama dengan negara Australia di bidang kegiatan SAR.

Ausindo TrainingJoint training between Australia and Indo-nesia in Search And Resque Techniques.

Latihan IndopuraLatihan bersama dengan negara Singapura di kegiatan SAR

Indopura TrainingJoint training between Singapore and Indonesia in Search And Resque Techniques.

Latihan MalindoLatihan bersama dengan negara Malaysia di bidang kegiatan SAR

Malindo TrainingJoint training between Malaysia and Indonesia in Search And Resque Techniques.

Latihan ManuverLatihan yang dilaksanakan untuk menangani operasi SAR dengan menggerakkan unsur-unsur SAR dan menggunakan medan yang sesungguhnya

Manuvre TrainingTraining that trains and counters the parti-cipants with the real like situations of SAR operation

Latihan PoskoLatihan yang di laksanakan untuk melatih mekanisme kerja staf dalam menangani operasi SAR yang di-simulasikan.

Posko SimulationTraining with simulation techniques for those in charge of Posko (Commanding Team).

Pendidikan InstrukturPendidikan yang ditujukan untuk mem-peroleh seseorang yang dapat menjadi pengajar/pembimbing kegiatan SAR di lapangan

Training of InstructorTintended to support instructors of SAR with the knowledge of SAR operations

Pendidikan Operator RadioPendidikan yang ditujukan untuk

Training on Radi operatorA course to train technical staff

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memperoleh seseorang yang mahir dalam komunikasi radio dengan syarat-syarat tertentu.

of SAR on radio Communication

Pendidikan SARPendidikan Koordinator Misi SARPendidikan yang ditujukan untuk mem-peroleh seseorang yang memiliki kemampuan sebagai seorang pengendali operasi SAR.

Training of SARTraining of Mission CoordinatorSARTraining intended to prepare the parti-cipants with an coordinatingSAR

Pendidikan StandardisasiPendidikan bagi setiap pegawai baru di BASARNAS dengan tujuan memberikan bekal dasar tentang hal-hal yang perlu diketahui dan yang akan dikerjakan nantinya

Basic TrainingTraining for new employees of National Agency for Searh and Rescue to provide the basic knowledge and skill on SAR.

S A RSingkatan dari Search and Rescue yang merupakan suatu usaha atau kegiatan

S A RSearch And Rescue

3. Sumber Daya Manusia 3. Human Resources

Pendidikan dan Latihan AwalPendidikan dan latihan yang ditujukan untuk menyiapkan calon pegawai/tenaga kerja yang mampu, ahli, terampil dan cakap untukmelaksanakan tugas-tugas pekerjaan di sektor Perhubungan.

Basic Job TrainingTraining for new entry employees in Commu-nication sector that provides them with talent and skill needed to perform jobs.

Pendidikan dan Latihan Luar NegeriPendidikan dan latihan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan pegawai sesuai dengan bidang tugas pekerjaannya masing-masing yang mencakup bidang administrasi, teknis fungsional dalam rangka tugas belajar untuk pasca sarjana,

Overseas TrainingShort-term course and higher education in the developed countries intended to educated middle and high level employee with advanced knowledges in specific area. The participant get Ph.D, master and non degree certificates.

LATDASLatihan dasar bagi Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang ditujukan untuk menanamkan rasa disiplin, mewujudkan rasa persatuan, kesatu-an, kekompakan dan menumbuhkan rasa tanggung jawab.

Basic Military TrainingTraining intended to train employees in discipline, integrity, responsibility and national unity.

Pasca Sarjana Post-Graduate

Statistik Perhubunngan /Transportation Statistics xxiixxii

Program pendidikan S2 di berbagai bidang spesialisasi.

Post-graduate education program in various areas.

PenataranPendidikan dan latihan guna meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan pegawai sesuai dengan bidang tugas pekerjaannya masing-masing.

Special Course forA course intended to enrich employes with knowledge and skill

Diklat PenjejanganPendidikan dan latihan yang terdiri dari beberapa tingkat sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang diperlukan dalam rangka peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk mencapai jenjang karir yang lebih tinggi.

Promotion TrainingTraining arrange in some levels according to career planning so that the participants gain sufficient knwoledge and skill before they get promotion.

Diklat PrajabatanPendidikan dan latihan bagi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil sebagai persyaratan untuk dapat diangkat menjadi Pegawai Negeri Sipil.

Required TrainingTraining for civil servant candidates that educates the state ideology and introduce the main tasks of the Communications Ministry in general as a requirement to be civil servants.

STCW 1978Standard of Training Certification and Watershipping Sea-farers 1978 yaitu penyesuaian sertifikat dan ijazah kepelautan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah Republik Indonesia yang diselenggarakan sesuai ketentuan-ketentuan Konvensi Internasional IMO

STCW 1978Standar of Training Certification and Wacthkeeping for Sea-farers issued by International Convention of IMO-STCW in 1978 as guidance for the government of Indonesia in the certification.

ATKPAkademi Teknik dan Keselamatan Penerbangan

ATKPSafety Aviation And Technique Academy

BPPBalai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan

BPPTraining Center

BPP APPDBalai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Angkutan Penyeberangan dan Perairan Daratan

BPP APPDInland Waterways And Ferries Training Center

BPPTDBalai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Transportasi Darat

BPPTDLand Transportation Training Center

Statistik Perhubunngan /Transportation Statistics xxiiixxiii

BP2IPBalai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Ilmu Pelayaran

BP2IPRating and Vocational School

BP2TLBalai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Telekomunikasi Laut

BPP2TLSea Communication Staff Training Institution

BPP3IPBalai Besar Pendidikan, Penyegaran dan Peningkatan Ilmu Pelayaran


Seafarers Education Refreshing & Upgrading Institute

BPP PenerbanganBalai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Penerbangan

BPP PenerbanganAviation And Training Center

PIPPoliteknik Ilmu Pelayaran

PIPThe Maritime Polythecnic

STIP Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran

STIPIndonesia Shipping Higher Education

STPISekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia

STPIIndonesia Flight Higher Education

STTD Sekolah Tinggi Transportation Darat

STTDLand transportation Higher Education

SKKSurat Keterangan Kecakapan

SKKLetter of explaning one skill

4. Penelitian dan Pengembangan 4. Research and Development

Ceramah Ilmiah Forum untuk meningkatkan Wawasan peneliti yang dilaksanakan oleh masing-masing Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan atau Sekretariat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan..

Scientific LectureForum to entrance researchers Knowledge organized by centrers or secretariate Research and development agency.

LokakaryaForum yang diselenggarakan dalam rangakaian Pelaksanaan Studi oleh masing-masing Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan atau Sekretariat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan

WorkshopForum for implementary the studies results organized by centrers or secretariate Research and development agency.

Statistik Perhubunngan /Transportation Statistics xxivxxiv

SeminarForum yang mengangkat isu bidang transportasi yang bersifat nasional.

SeminarForum discuss national transportation issues.

Temu KaryaForum bagi peneliti untuk mempresentasikan karyanya yang dilaksanakan oleh Sekretariat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan.

Scientists Gathering Forum for scientist to presentate their works by organized by secretariate Research and development agency.

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xxv

IV. Penjelasan Teknis IV. Technical Notes

1. Notasia. -- tidak terdapat datab. , tanda desimalc. * catatane. 0 nol

1. Notationa. --- null or not availableb. , decimal pointc. * notese. 0 zero

2. Rumus Rata-rata Pertumbuhan 2. Annual Growth Rate Formula











dengan: where:

gi = pertumbuhan tahun ke-i +1 terhadap tahun ke i gi = annual rate i +1 to year i

Yi+1 - Yig i

Yi = -------------x100%

Yi=data tahun ke-i i = 1,2,3 ……

Yi+1 - Yig i

Yi = -------------x100%

Yi=data tahun ke-i i = 1,2,3,…….

g = rata-rata pertumbuhan g = annual growth rate

n = jumlah tahun n n = number of year n

Contoh : Y2003 = 32 , Y 2002 = 30, Y 2001 = 25, n = 3

g = ((( 32 - 30)/30) X 100% + (( 30 – 25)/25) X 100% /2)

Example : Y2003 = 32 , Y 2002 = 30, Y 2001 = 25, n = 3 g = (((32 - 30)/30) X 100 % + (( 30 – 25)/25) X 100 % /2)

3. Ratio Bongkar/Muat 3. Loading/unloading Ratio

BRBM = ------


BRBM = ------

Mdengan : where :

B = jumlah barang yang dibongkar (ton) M = jumlah barang yang dimuat (ton)

B = cargo unloaded (ton)M = cargo loaded (ton)

Statistik Perhubungan /Transportation Statistics xxvi

V. Penjelasan Kodefikasi Tabel dan Grafik

Untuk mempermudah identifikasi masing-masing tabel maupun grafik, digunakan kodefikasi yang terdiri dari 5 digit.Masing-masing digit diuraikan sebagai berikut :

1. Digit Pertama merupakan pengelompokan data yakni :First digit show the data :

Kode B : Data pendukung

2. Digit Kedua merupakan unit organisasi atau moda sebagai berikut : Second digit show organization

B.1 = Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariat GeneralB.2 = Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate GeneralB.3 = Badan SAR Nasional/Search nad Rescue AgencyB.4 = Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan/Research and

Development AgencyB.5 = Badan Pendidikan dan PelatihanB.6 = Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika

3. Digit Ketiga merupakan unit kerja/sub moda masing-masing unit organisasi /moda sebagai berikut :Third digit shows unit organization/sub moda of each unit organization

4. Digit Keempat dan Kelima merupakan jumlah urut tabel yang dibuat pada masing-masing sub moda / unit kerja/sub moda masing-masing unit organisasi /moda sebagai berikut :The fourth and fifth digits show number of table of each mode.

B - - - -

B 1 - - -

B 1 1 - -

B 1 1 0 1

Supporting Data

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xxvii



1. Statistik Perhubungan 2010/Transportation Statistics 2010 Ditambah 1 Tabel /add 1 table (B.1.9.06) : Jumlah Pengenaan Sanksi Adimistratif Berdasar Hasil Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran/Number of Administrative Sanction According to Marine Court Decisions.

II. INSPEKTORAT JENDERAL/INSPECTORATE GENERAL 1. Tabel B.2.0.02 (Statistik Perhubungan(SP-2009)/Transportation Statistics 2009) :

Temuan dan Tindak Lanjut Hasil Pemeriksaan BPK, BPKP dan Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan / Issues and Follow Up Final Audit by BPK, BPKP and Inspectorate General Ministry of Transportation;

Tabel B.2.0.02 (Statistik Perhubungan(SP-2010)/Transportation Statistics 2010) Judul dirubah menjadi: Temuan dan Tindak Lanjut Hasil Pengawasan Inspektorat

Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan / Title to be: Issues and Follow Up Final Audit by Inspectorate General Ministry of Transportation.


1. Tabel B.4.0.03 (Statistik Perhubungan(SP-2010)/Transportation Statistics 2010) Tenaga Peneliti Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan / Number of Researchers at Research and Development Agency dipisah antara tenaga peneliti laki-laki dan perempuan / split between researches in both man and woman

2. Tabel B.4.0.04 (Statistik Perhubungan(SP-2010)/Transportation Statistics 2010) Tenaga Fungsional Peneliti dan Perekayasaan (Litkayasa) Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan / Number of Engineering Research Functional Of Research and Development Agency dipisah antara tenaga peneliti dan perekayasaan laki-laki dan perempuan/ split between research and engineering staff of man and woman.

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Angkutan Kota urban transport a. DKI Jakarta within DKI Jakarta 1) Bus Kota / City Bus - Bus patas / limited express bus - Penumpang Umum Rp/pnp 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 - Penumpang Pelajar Rp/pnp 2.000 2.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 - Bus biasa / regular bus - Penumpang Umum Rp/pnp 1.900 1.900 2.000 2.000 2.000 - Penumpang Pelajar Rp/pnp 1.900 1.900 1.000 1.000 1.000 - Bus Sedang - Penumpang Umum Rp/pnp 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 - Penumpang Pelajar Rp/pnp 2.000 2.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 - Bus Kecil (Mikrolet/KWK dan sejenisnya) Rp/pnp 2.000 2.000 2.500 2.500 2.500

2) Taksi/ Taxi Tarif Atas - Per km Rp/ km 2.500 2.500 3.000 3.000 3.000 - Flag Fall Rp/ km 5.000 5.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 - Waktu tunggu / Waiting time Rp/ jam 25.000 25.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 Tarif Bawah - Per km Rp/ km 2.500 2.500 2.500 2.500 2.500 - Flag Fall Rp/ km 5.000 5.000 5.000 2.500 2.500 - Waktu tunggu / Waiting time Rp/ jam 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000

b. Bus Kota di Luar DKI. Jakarta urban bus services out side Jakarta 1) Medan - Penumpang Umum/ Public Pass. Rp/pnp 2.000 2.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 - Penumpang Pelajar/ Student Pass.. Rp/pnp - - 1.800 1.800 1.800 2) Bandar Lampung - Penumpang Umum/ Public Pass. Rp/pnp 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 - Penumpang Pelajar/ Student Pass. Rp/pnp 750 750 750 750 750 3) Bandung - Penumpang Umum/ Public Pass. Rp/pnp 1.600 1.600 1.800 1.800 1.800 - Penumpang Pelajar/ Student Pass. Rp/pnp 900 900 900 900 900 4) Semarang - Penumpang Umum/ Public Pass. Rp/pnp 2.000 2.000 3.000 3.000 3000 - Penumpang Pelajar/ Student Pass. Rp/pnp 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1000 5) DI. Yogyakarta - Penumpang Umum/ Public Pass. Rp/pnp 1.500 1.500 2.400 2.400 2.400 - Penumpang Pelajar/ Student Pass. Rp/pnp 1.500 1.500 1.200 1.200 1.200 6) Surakarta - Penumpang Umum/ Public Pass. Rp/pnp 2.000 2.000 2.350 2.350 2.350 - Penumpang Pelajar/ Student Pass. Rp/pnp 1.000 1.000 1.200 1.200 1.200 7) Jember - Penumpang Umum/ Public Pass. Rp/pnp 1.700 1.700 2.100 2.100 2.100 - Penumpang Pelajar/ Student Pass. Rp/pnp 800 800 1.000 1.000 1.000 8) Surabaya - Penumpang Umum/ Public Pass. Rp/pnp 1.800 1.800 1.900 1.900 1.900 - Penumpang Pelajar/ Student Pass. Rp/pnp 900 900 900 900 900 9) Ujung Pandang - Penumpang Umum/ Public Pass. Rp/pnp 1.800 1.800 2.000 2.000 2.000 - Penumpang Pelajar/ Student Pass. Rp/pnp - - - - - 10) Batam - Penumpang Umum/ Public Pass. Rp/pnp 3.000 3.000 12.000 12.000 12.000 - Penumpang Pelajar/ Student Pass. Rp/pnp 1.000 1.000 1.500 1.500 1500

Tabel / Table B.1.1.01

Perkembangan Tarif Jasa Angkutan Penumpang Kelas EkonomiTrend of Economic Fare For Passanger Services

2006- 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 2

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

2 Angkutan Penumpang Jalan Intercity Passanger road transport Antar Kota/Intercity a. Wilayah I*/Region I* - Tarif batas atas Rp/pnp-km 130 130 143 139 139 Upper Fare - Tarif batas bawah Rp/pnp-km 80 80 88 86 86 Lower Fare

b. Wilayah II*/Region II* - Tarif batas atas Rp/pnp-km 143 143 157 154 154 Upper Fare - Tarif batas bawah Rp/pnp-km 88 88 97 95 95 Lower Fare

3 Angkutan Kereta Api Antar Kota Rp/pnp-km 57,21 57,21 57,21 54,30 54,30 Intercity rail services

4 Angkutan Penyeberangan / Ferry **)

- Lintas Merak - Bakahuheuni Rp/sup-mil 453,30 453,30 572,17 557,37 874,36 Merak - Bakauheuni

***)5 Angkutan Laut Nusantara Rp/pnp-mil 318,55 415,80 415,80 412,00 412,00

Domestic Sea Service

6 Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Domestic Scheduled Air Services Dalam Negeri / Domestic

Tarif rata-rata batas atas Rp/pnp-mil 1.027 1.027 1.027 1.027 1.027 (Average Upper fare)

Sumber/ Source : Biro Perencanaan, Setjen Kemenhub / Planning Bureau , Secretariate of General, Ministry of Transportation (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Catatan / Notes : *) Sejak tahun 2003/Since 2003

Berlaku tarif batas atas dan tarif batas bawah dengan pembagian 2 wilayah/Obtain Upper fare and Lower fare with distribution in two region

Wilayah I /Region I ( Sumatera, Jawa,Bali dan Nuasa Tenggara )

Wilayah II/Region II (Kalimantan, Sulawesidan pulau lainnya)

**) KM 46 Tahun 2006 Tanggal 26 September 2006 tentang Tarif Angkutan Penyeberangan Lintas Antar Provinsi

Decree of the Ministry Number 46 year 2006, September 26, 2006, about the Ferry's transport fare across accompany province

***) KM 22 Tahun 2007 Tanggal 12 Juni 2007 tentang Tarif Batas Atas Angkutan Laut Dalam Negeri Kelas Ekonomi

Decree of the Ministry Number 22 year 2007, June, 12, 2007, about Upper fare Domestic Sea Transportation economic class

No. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 3

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Sekretariat Jenderal Orang 969 935 972 932 1.045Secretariate General Person

2 Inspektorat Jenderal Orang 205 213 230 227 284Inspectorate General Person

3 Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Orang 739 661 610 593 713Directorate General of Land Trans. Person

4 Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Orang 17.202 18.392 17.953 17.129 18.520Directorate General of Sea Trans. Person

5 Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Orang 5.913 6.677 6.899 6.825 9.329Directorate General of Civil Aviation Person

6 Ditjen Perkeretaapian Orang 278 365 409 401 582Directorate General of Railways Person

7 Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Orang 2.452 2.398 2.633 2.464 3.170Education and Training Agency Person

8 Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Orang 249 252 247 231 292 Research and Development Agency Person

9 Badan SAR Nasional Orang 880 1.338 1.388 0 0National Search and Rescue Agency Person

Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 28.887 31.231 31.341 28.802 33.935Sumber/ Source : Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi, Setjen. Kemenhub/Personnel and Organization Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Number of Civil Servants at The Ministry of Transportationby Sub Sector

2009No. 2006 2007 2008

2006 - 2009

Tabel / Table B.1.2.01

Jumlah Pegawai Negeri Sipil, Per Unit KerjaKementerian Perhubungan













2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Sekretariat Jenderal Inspektorat Jenderal Ditjen Perhubungan Darat

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Ditjen Perkeretaapian

Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Badan SAR Nasional

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 4

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Sekretariat Jenderal 969 935 972 932 1.045Secretary Generala. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 666 641 657 622 701b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 303 294 315 310 344

2 Inspektorat Jenderal 205 213 230 227 284Inspectorate Generala. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 159 159 170 173 213b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 46 54 60 54 71

3 Ditjen Perhubungan Darat 739 661 610 593 713Directorate General of Land Trans.a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 667 521 473 463 547b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 72 140 137 130 166

4 Ditjen Perhubungan Laut 17.202 18.392 17.953 17.129 18.520Directorate General of Sea Trans.a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 14.858 15.969 15.052 14.437 15.411b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 2.344 2.423 2.901 2.692 3.109

5 Ditjen Perhubungan Udara 5.913 6.677 6.899 6.825 9.329Directorate General of AirTrans.a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 5.026 5.695 5.854 5.795 7.548b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 887 982 1.045 1.030 1.781

6 Ditjen Perkeretaapian 278 365 409 401 582Directorate General of Railwaya. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 216 283 312 312 439b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 62 82 97 89 143

7 Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan 2.452 2.398 2.633 2.464 3.170Education and Training Agencya. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 1.873 1.826 1.964 1.842 2.336b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 579 572 669 622 834

8 Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan 249 252 247 231 292 Research and Development Agencya. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 154 151 145 129 172b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 95 101 102 102 120

9 Badan SAR Nasional 880 1.338 1.388 - -National Search and Rescue Agencya. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 799 1.193 1.249 - -b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 81 145 139 - -

Jumlah / Total Orang/Person 28.887 31.231 31.341 28.802 33.935a. Laki-laki / Male Orang/Person 24.418 26.438 25.876 23.773 27.367

b. Perempuan / Female Orang/Person 4.469 4.793 5.465 5.029 6.568Sumber/ Source : Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi, Setjen. Kemenhub/Personnel and Organization Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation (diolah kembali/recompiled )


Tabel / Table B.1.2.02

Jumlah Pegawai Negeri Sipil, Per Unit Organisasi Menurut Jenis KelaminKementerian Perhubungan

Number of Civil Servantsby Unit Organization and Gender at The Ministry of Transportation

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 2010

a. Laki-laki / Maleb. Perempuan / Female





2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

a. Laki-laki / Male b. Perempuan / Female

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 5

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

I PENDIDIKAN/Educations Orang/Person 28.887 31.231 31.341 28.802 33.935

1 S.3 Orang/Person 14 16 16 18 202 S.2 Orang/Person 710 801 941 911 1.0913 Spesialis Orang/Person 85 95 125 121 954 S.1 Orang/Person 3.731 4.779 5.555 5.111 6.0645 D.4 Orang/Person 249 322 472 489 4586 D.3/SM Orang/Person 2.548 2.834 2.572 2.204 3.8147 D.2 Orang/Person 605 653 1.047 1.054 9188 D.1 Orang/Person 325 357 276 257 3239 SLTA Orang/Person 16.431 16.994 17.291 15.755 18.135

10 SLTP Orang/Person 1.915 2.507 2.484 2.359 2.46111 SD Orang/Person 2.274 1.873 562 523 556

II GOLONGAN/Grade Orang/Person 28.887 31.231 31.341 28.802 33.935

1 IV Orang/Person 708 802 787 850 9442 III Orang/Person 10.957 12.816 13.414 12.626 14.6643 II Orang/Person 15.883 15.977 15.605 14.029 17.3614 I Orang/Person 1.339 1.636 1.535 1.297 966

Sumber/ Source : Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi, Setjen. Kemenhub/Personnel and Organization Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation (diolah kembali/recompiled )

2007 2008 2009

Tabel / Table B.1.2.03

Jumlah Pegawai Negeri Sipil, Menurut Pendidikkan, GolonganKementerian Perhubungan

Number of Civil Servants by Education, GradeThe Ministry of Transportation

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 6

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Pengawas Keselamatan Pelayaran (PKP) Orang/Person 385 1.823 2.058 2.477 2.6592 Teknik Penerbangan Orang/Person 1.431 1.431 1.981 1.431 1.4003 Penguji Kendaraan Bermotor (PKB) Orang/Person 38 38 38 38 274 Perencana Orang/Person 70 94 94 49 505 Analis Kepegawaian Orang/Person 160 169 142 131 1276 Perencana Perancang Perundang-undangan Orang/Person 25 27 27 27 277 Arsiparis Orang/Person 124 149 149 149 528 Pranata Humas Orang/Person 62 66 66 66 399 Dokter Orang/Person 10 5 5 11 10

10 Dokter Gigi Orang/Person 18 17 17 11 1511 Perawat Orang/Person 10 9 9 12 1012 Perawat Gigi Orang/Person 5 4 4 5 513 Bidan Orang/Person 2 2 2 2 214 Pranata Komputer Orang/Person 8 13 13 20 2415 Statistisi Orang/Person 36 37 37 19 2016 Pedal Orang/Person 27 34 34 34 2517 Auditor Orang/Person 102 97 97 97 12418 Peneliti Orang/Person 110 95 117 95 9719 Litkayasa Orang/Person 60 66 66 66 7320 Dosen Orang/Person 325 247 290 384 41421 Widyaswara Orang/Person 5 35 35 6 3222 Radiografer Orang/Person 0 1 1 1 323 Instruktur Orang/Person 0 0 64 64 10924 Apoteker Orang/Person - - - 5 225 Perekayasa Orang/Person - - - 6 15

Jumlah / Total Orang/Person 3.013 4.459 5.346 5.206 5.361Sumber/ Source : Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi, Setjen. Kemenhub/Personnel and Organization Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation (diolah kembali/recompiled )


Penambahan pejabat fungsionasl adalah hasil verifikasi data terbaru dari masing-masing pengelolaan administrasi jabatan fungsional

untuk jabatan yang mengalami penurunan dikarenakan pejabat ybs telah pensiun


Tabel / Table B.1.2.04

Jumlah Pejabat Fungsional, Menurut Jenis JabatanKementerian Perhubungan

Number of Functional Functionary byType of PositionAt Ministry of Transportation

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 7

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

1 Sekretariat Jenderal UPT/Satker 17 18 18 18 18Secretary General

2 Inspektorat Jenderal UPT/Satker 1 1 1 1 1Inspectorate General

3 Transportasi Darat UPT/Satker 92 97 95 93 82Land Transport

4 Transportasi Perkeretaapian UPT/Satker 20 24 24 25 25Railway Transport

5 Transportasi Laut UPT/Satker 349 356 379 373 355Sea Transport

6 Transportasi Udara UPT/Satker 144 151 154 172 166Air Transport

7 Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan UPT/Satker 5 5 5 5 5Research and Development Agency

8 Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan UPT/Satker 23 24 23 24 24Education and training Agency

9 Pencarian dan Penyelamatan (SAR) UPT/Satker 25 25 25 25 -Search And Rescue

Jumlah/ Total Project 676 701 724 736 676Sumber/ Source : Biro Keuangan, Setjen Kemenhub/ Finance Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation ( diolah kembali/recompiled)Catatan /NoteTahun 2010 Badan SAR Nasional memisahkan diri dari Kementerian Perhubungan

Tabel / Table B.1.3.01

Number of Projects At Ministry of Transportation

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 20102009

Jumlah Unit Pelaksana Teknis /Satuan Kerja Bagian Anggaran 022

Kementerian Perhubungan

Per Organisasi

By Organization










2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Sekretariat Jenderal

Inspektorat Jenderal

Transportasi Darat

Transportasi Perkeretaapian

Transportasi Laut

Transportasi Udara

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan

Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan

Pencarian dan Penyelamatan (SAR)

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 8

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

1 Sekretariat Jenderal Rp. 219.537.478 278.694.666 362.136.459 354.318.176 322.940.226Secretary General

2 Inspektorat Jenderal Rp. 22.052.431 38.150.082 57.812.020 55.408.030 71.001.767Inspectorate General

3 Transportasi Darat Rp. 761.414.562 1.317.511.288 1.821.187.629 1.833.660.785 1.838.442.619Land Transport

4 Transportasi Perkeretaapian Rp. 2.897.378.963 3.046.446.812 3.816.372.149 3.916.862.387Railway Transport

5 Transportasi Laut Rp. 2.557.519.673 2.987.942.174 4.737.147.305 4.512.201.094 4.623.016.000Sea Transport

6 Transportasi Udara Rp. 2.063.803.042 2.385.593.694 3.350.383.009 3.786.964.372 4.462.999.908Air Transport

7 Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Rp. 56.111.886 75.379.417 63.002.160 64.167.349 87.828.682Research and Development Agency

8 Badan Diklat dan Pelatihan Rp. 230.689.855 817.057.968 1.209.506.939 1.449.426.304 2.572.463.318Search And Rescue

9 Badan SAR Nasional Rp. 196.686.699 263.842.732 590.247.924 694.345.948 -National Search and Rescue Agency

Jumlah/ Total Rp. 11.210.618.833 15.402.552.097 16.566.864.207 17.895.554.907 Sumber/ Source : Biro Keuangan, Setjen Kemenhub/ Finance Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation ( diolah kembali/recompiled)Catatan /NoteTahun 2010 Badan SAR Nasional memisahkan diri dari Kementerian PerhubunganTahun 2006 s.d 2009 semula hanya Pagu belanja Modal per Unit Organisasi

Tahun 2006 s.d 2010 jumlah keseluruhan Pagu Kementerian Perhubungan per Unit Organisasi

2010No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

Tabel / Table B.1.3.02

Jumlah Pagu Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran 022

Kementerian Perhubungan

(Per Organisasi)

Number of Development Projecs Fund 022

At Ministry of Transportation

(By Organization)

2006 - 2010







2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Sekretariat Jenderal

Inspektorat Jenderal

Transportasi Darat

Transportasi Perkeretaapian

Transportasi Laut

Transportasi Udara

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan

Badan Diklat dan Pelatihan

Badan SAR Nasional

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 9

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

1 Sekretariat Jenderal Rp. 174.460.656 223.553.063 259.874.181 287.361.601 287.101.615Secretary General

2 Inspektorat Jenderal Rp. 21.247.283 34.482.266 50.850.916 45.882.684 56.495.756Inspectorate General

3 Transportasi Darat Rp. 699.447.379 1.235.730.574 1.704.100.001 1.596.670.910 1.720.361.328Land Transport

4 Transportasi Perkeretaapian Rp. 1.670.689.340 2.173.923.033 2.846.891.965 2.774.727.814 3.416.966.124Railway Transport

5 Transportasi Laut Rp. 1.884.889.154 2.427.994.809 3.384.886.161 3.955.969.421Sea Transport

6 Transportasi Udara Rp. 1.479.610.321 2.959.383.207 3.429.009.726 3.943.108.220Air Transport

7 Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Rp. 53.334.928 67.985.717 58.402.803 57.876.384 81.081.639Research and Development Agency

8 Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Rp. 212.178.999 538.244.376 930.496.120 2.100.995.239Education and Training Agency

9 Badan SAR Nasional Rp. 122.521.072 191.492.807 534.943.794 548.663.847 -National Search and Rescue Agency

Jumlah/ Total Rp. 6.318.379.130 9.073.461.288 13.477.147.373 13.356.104.088 15.562.079.342Sumber/ Source : Biro Keuangan, Setjen Kemenhub/ Finance Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation ( diolah kembali/recompiled)Catatan /NoteTahun 2010 Badan SAR Nasional memisahkan diri dari Kementerian Perhubungan

Tahun 2006 s.d 2009 semula hanya Realisasi belanja Modal per Unit Organisasi

Tahun 2006 s.d 2010 jumlah keseluruhan Realisasi Kementerian Perhubungan per Unit Organisasi

2007 2008 2010

Tabel / Table B.1.3.03

Jumlah Realisasi Anggaran 022

Kementerian Perhubungan

(Per Unit Organisasi)

The Realization of Projects Fund 022

Ministry of Transportation

By Unit Oraganization


2006 - 2010

No. 2006

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 10

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

1 DI. Aceh Proyek/Project 19 21 21 21 192 Sumatera Utara Proyek/Project 34 35 36 37 353 Sumatera Barat Proyek/Project 11 10 11 11 114 R i a u Proyek/Project 22 21 21 20 205 Jambi Proyek/Project 9 10 9 9 86 Bengkulu Proyek/Project 7 7 7 8 87 Sumatera Selatan Proyek/Project 13 13 12 11 118 Lampung Proyek/Project 10 10 11 12 119 DKI. Jakarta Proyek/Project 84 89 93 91 86

10 Jawa Barat Proyek/Project 12 13 13 13 1311 Jawa Tengah Proyek/Project 23 24 25 25 2412 DI. Yogyakarta Proyek/Project 5 4 4 4 413 Jawa Timur Proyek/Project 30 32 36 36 3214 B a l i Proyek/Project 12 13 13 14 1115 Nusa Tenggara Barat Proyek/Project 14 14 15 15 1216 Nusa Tenggara Timur Proyek/Project 37 40 40 36 3117 Kalimantan Barat Proyek/Project 17 17 16 16 1218 Kalimantan Tengah Proyek/Project 18 18 18 19 1819 Kalimantan Selatan Proyek/Project 11 11 12 12 1220 Kalimantan Timur Proyek/Project 31 31 32 35 3321 Sulawesi Utara Proyek/Project 18 20 20 19 1722 SulawesiTengah Proyek/Project 22 22 21 21 2123 Sulawesi Selatan Proyek/Project 27 28 32 34 2824 Sulawesi Tenggara Proyek/Project 14 14 15 15 1325 Maluku Proyek/Project 26 30 34 34 3226 Papua Proyek/Project 47 52 51 59 5327 Maluku Utara Proyek/Project 17 18 19 20 2028 Gorontalo Proyek/Project 8 8 9 9 729 Bangka Belitung Proyek/Project 9 9 10 10 730 Banten Proyek/Project 10 10 10 10 1131 Irian Jaya Barat Proyek/Project 33 30 29 30 2632 Riau Kepulauan Proyek/Project 18 19 20 21 1833 Sulawesi Barat Proyek/Project 8 8 9 9 12

Jumlah / Total Proyek/Project 676 701 724 736 676Sumber/ Source : Biro Keuangan, Setjen Kemenhub/ Finance Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation ( diolah kembali/recompiled)

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 2010

Tabel / Table B.1.3.04

Jumlah Unit Pelaksana Teknis/Satuan Kerja (UPT/Satker) Bagian Anggaran 022

Kementerian Perhubungan

(Per Provinsi)

Number of Technical Implementation Unit / Satker (UPT/Satker)

At Ministry of Transportation by Province


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 11

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

1 DI. Aceh Rp. 55.310.602 171.137.580 146.222.486 133.031.733 256.292.1502 Sumatera Utara Rp. 143.761.100 496.311.370 743.223.911 1.080.765.914 1.359.067.2673 Sumatera Barat Rp. 276.340.069 52.699.727 123.319.815 131.675.214 155.988.8524 R i a u Rp. 195.110.514 158.539.713 293.535.315 99.593.137 138.923.9635 Kepulauan Riau Rp. 77.035.764 144.571.262 214.489.913 205.392.991 309.427.5606 Jambi Rp. 19.650.333 44.536.932 91.697.258 61.408.773 69.230.4427 Bengkulu Rp. 37.354.063 52.046.381 49.213.137 44.193.849 69.544.0758 Sumatera Selatan Rp. 281.487.147 439.754.795 220.355.747 176.979.673 204.747.0129 Lampung Rp. 86.178.459 91.508.384 254.550.241 185.501.564 261.884.551

10 DKI. Jakarta Rp. 3.421.544.400 5.460.453.846 6.468.394.452 6.111.538.94711 Jawa Barat Rp. 458.309.072 205.146.384 217.860.626 466.307.149 738.260.53212 Jawa Tengah Rp. 781.266.423 882.177.743 1.036.546.444 876.526.773 1.023.495.30913 DI. Yogyakarta Rp. 475.390.813 364.626.901 193.672.521 187.955.362 187.126.55014 Jawa Timur Rp. 755.655.063 551.627.345 817.119.916 900.063.592 B a l i Rp. 58.998.115 73.755.701 132.093.739 119.178.098 101.788.70216 Nusa Tenggara Barat Rp. 36.514.858 56.152.387 100.936.814 83.486.797 80.686.95317 Nusa Tenggara Timur Rp. 137.381.562 231.979.624 314.752.451 300.842.653 411.907.80618 Kalimantan Barat Rp. 64.019.177 86.713.027 170.878.236 172.179.357 104.151.51619 Kalimantan Tengah Rp. 70.968.949 158.286.722 291.175.074 156.727.278 252.920.60920 Kalimantan Selatan Rp. 48.063.777 67.457.152 129.017.159 112.614.914 98.160.81621 Kalimantan Timur Rp. 164.551.666 254.690.671 423.545.240 398.111.668 424.004.73322 Sulawesi Utara Rp. 134.322.806 233.145.280 449.132.991 401.686.124 380.983.21123 SulawesiTengah Rp. 62.830.564 126.786.175 207.201.648 253.477.048 266.108.11024 Sulawesi Selatan Rp. 125.699.566 438.943.146 669.009.643 696.213.934 597.070.95325 Sulawesi Tenggara Rp. 58.106.641 83.319.563 143.299.944 265.689.117 159.897.13426 Maluku Rp. 181.757.650 304.107.481 477.246.328 446.814.405 559.581.06927 Papua Rp. 363.246.754 458.435.155 630.641.057 632.363.786 675.762.32728 Maluku Utara Rp. 143.214.219 179.040.281 355.381.987 394.644.365 263.580.87629 Gorontalo Rp. 24.085.252 62.051.776 107.356.367 102.434.654 106.554.27930 Bangka Belitung Rp. 29.279.274 52.351.358 94.215.509 80.026.426 80.553.23531 Banten Rp. 52.900.163 279.395.857 456.213.383 437.029.407 653.185.99932 Irian Jaya Barat Rp. 161.763.217 241.078.400 280.711.062 336.577.380 412.908.09333 Sulawesi Barat Rp. 23.096.558 41.973.840 107.482.289 158.976.620 132.123.804

Jumlah / Total Rp. 11.210.618.833 15.402.552.097 16.566.864.207 17.895.554.907Sumber/ Source : Biro Keuangan, Setjen Kemenhub/ Finance Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation ( diolah kembali/recompiled)CATATAN :

Tahun 2006 s.d 2009 semula hanya Pagu belanja Modal per PropinsiTahun 2006 s.d 2010 jumlah keseluruhan Pagu Kementerian Perhubungan per Propinsi

(By Province)

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 2010

Tabel / Table B.1.3.05

Jumlah Pagu Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran (DIPA) 022

Kementerian Perhubungan

(Per Provinsi)

Number of Development Fund

At Ministry of Transportation


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 12

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

1 DI. Aceh Rp. 43.481.509 149.506.592 129.262.375 86.491.719 218.144.1142 Sumatera Utara Rp. 121.611.843 388.536.045 723.192.490 1.002.935.158 1.313.374.8583 Sumatera Barat Rp. 122.204.943 90.405.066 115.814.620 118.796.620 146.684.9934 R i a u Rp. 111.584.430 140.266.830 216.551.161 88.606.968 127.916.0945 Kepulauan Riau Rp. 70.858.205 135.707.579 198.216.496 160.342.517 287.924.0466 Jambi Rp. 19.713.748 44.645.450 85.734.066 59.058.216 67.273.3077 Bengkulu Rp. 33.548.267 49.326.860 47.131.310 40.396.141 67.016.0878 Sumatera Selatan Rp. 208.382.650 439.655.403 199.245.078 141.872.163 187.982.0249 Lampung Rp. 83.559.824 88.099.085 251.565.604 176.307.553 256.885.913

10 DKI. Jakarta Rp. 2.233.717.949 2.971.804.910 4.317.586.669 4.219.306.481 4.601.705.15711 Jawa Barat Rp. 342.792.780 169.187.168 113.878.605 255.548.321 690.928.77012 Jawa Tengah Rp. 230.605.095 469.287.392 992.716.931 848.997.873 950.582.51713 DI. Yogyakarta Rp. 420.750.591 289.500.362 202.845.078 184.237.312 175.463.66714 Jawa Timur Rp. 455.737.884 541.104.169 727.542.314 853.880.311 1.136.784.23615 B a l i Rp. 54.942.523 68.039.900 118.423.028 99.772.083 91.759.14416 Nusa Tenggara Barat Rp. 35.198.768 51.748.187 95.877.192 74.618.648 75.582.43017 Nusa Tenggara Timur Rp. 130.084.526 222.259.703 296.896.223 284.767.938 393.045.25218 Kalimantan Barat Rp. 62.296.287 82.671.432 165.709.575 164.646.968 96.561.06819 Kalimantan Tengah Rp. 68.834.225 153.004.203 278.164.832 147.705.099 244.551.70820 Kalimantan Selatan Rp. 45.712.333 58.477.066 123.119.198 101.296.705 91.035.78921 Kalimantan Timur Rp. 155.706.025 234.016.315 385.991.449 372.671.495 383.325.91422 Sulawesi Utara Rp. 124.892.352 228.224.968 441.088.921 390.087.258 360.742.18623 SulawesiTengah Rp. 61.004.339 123.394.773 199.316.240 239.821.878 256.918.71524 Sulawesi Selatan Rp. 117.061.837 303.713.959 595.534.167 664.426.131 499.422.74025 Sulawesi Tenggara Rp. 56.118.728 77.777.019 127.486.485 258.258.483 150.781.65426 Maluku Rp. 165.589.957 289.440.250 465.718.153 422.474.749 530.942.63827 Papua Rp. 335.759.603 423.939.626 587.599.509 555.517.291 605.260.97928 Maluku Utara Rp. 140.521.038 171.972.688 351.145.639 382.644.770 251.933.62729 Gorontalo Rp. 23.834.209 60.586.366 103.729.389 94.906.963 93.339.31030 Bangka Belitung Rp. 26.138.382 48.916.654 90.423.416 76.081.192 78.519.65031 Banten Rp. 52.401.672 248.656.182 373.407.949 326.877.621 623.005.63032 Irian Jaya Barat Rp. 140.904.508 220.642.322 253.229.552 305.951.271 376.960.68833 Sulawesi Barat Rp. 22.828.101 38.946.762 103.003.657 156.800.193 129.724.440

Jumlah / Total Rp. 6.318.379.130 9.073.461.288 13.477.147.373 13.356.104.088 15.562.079.342Sumber/ Source : Biro Keuangan, Setjen Kemenhub/ Finance Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation ( diolah kembali/recompiled)CATATAN :

Tahun 2006 s.d 2009 semula hanya Realisasi belanja Modal per Propinsi

Tahun 2006 s.d 2010 jumlah keseluruhan Realisasi Kementerian Perhubungan per Propinsi

(By Province)

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 2010

Tabel / Table B.1.3.06

Jumlah Realisasi Anggaran 022

Kementerian Perhubungan

(Per Provinsi)

The Realization of Fund

Ministry of Transportation


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 13

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

1 Sekretariat Jenderal Orang 9 9 18 18 18Secretary General Person

2 Inspektorat Jenderal Orang 1 1 1 1 1Inspectorate General Person

3 Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Orang 92 92 95 85 82Directorate General of Land Transp. Person

4 Transportasi Perkeretaapian Orang 20 20 24 24 25 Railway Transport Person

5 Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Orang 348 348 387 376 355Directorate General of Sea Transp. Person

6 Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Orang 144 144 154 178 166Directorate General of Civil Aviation Person

7 Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Orang 5 6 5 5 5 Research and Development Agency Person

8 Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Orang 23 23 23 24 24Education and Training Agency Person

9 Badan SAR Nasional Orang 27 27 25 25 -National Search and Rescue Agency Person

Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 669 670 732 736 676Sumber/ Source : Biro Keuangan, Setjen Kemenhub/ Finance Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation ( diolah kembali/recompiled)

No. 2006 2007 2008 2010

Tabel / Table B.1.3.07

Jumlah Unit Akutansi Kuasa Pengguna Barang (UAKPB)

Kementerian Perhubungan

Number Of Investories by Ownership Of Transportation

At Ministry of Transportation

2006 - 2010


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 14

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

1 Sekretariat Jenderal Rp 190.445.533.413 270.969.142.416 302.260.653.166 799.325.610.556 847.371.482Secretary General

2 Inspektorat Jenderal Rp 5088806.5 10.270.904.665 12.434.571.615 11.861.334.365 14.113.316Inspectorate General

3 Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Rp 460.203.298.998 776.498.401.442 1.794.743.996.209 2.491.834.339.722 2.545.684.171Directorate General of Land Trans.

4 Transportasi Perkeretaapian Rp 4.528.107.982.476 11.160.806.627.802 13.234.730.288.161 18.305.052.812 21.649.627.223Railway Transport

5 Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Rp 2.013.476.705.427 3314329544.77 5.485.500.046.949 7.485.201.536.262 9.093.514.331Directorate General of Sea Trans.

6 Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Rp 7.868.016.811.349 8.357.651.763.989 15.512.331.067.226 20.644.220.278.592 General of Civil Aviation

7 Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Rp 8.274.829.297 12.028.484.666 12.425.472.466 13.170.452.976 15.780.673 Research and Development Agency

8 Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Rp 1.022.581.996.272 1862635117.23 1.852.705.963.504 3112895030.79 and Training Agency

9 Badan SAR Nasional Rp 0 351.123.528.829 683.343.383.617 951.686.313.512 -National Search and Rescue Agency

Jumlah/ Total Rp 20.939.348.853.809 38.890.475.442.913 32.415.604.918.797 65.620.417.380Sumber/ Source : Biro Keuangan, Setjen Kemenhub/ Finance Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation ( diolah kembali/recompiled)

No. 2006 2007 2008 2010

Tabel / Table B.1.3.08

Jumlah Nilai Barang Milik/Kekayaan Negara (BM/KN)

Kementerian Perhubungan

Number Of Goverment Assets Inventory

At Ministry of Transportation

2006 - 2010


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 15

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Peraturan/Regulation Lembar/Pieces 502 460 569 636 618

a. Undang-Undang/Acts Lembar/Pieces 0 1 1 2 0

b. Peraturan Pemerintah Lembar/Pieces 0 1 0 4 3 Government Regulation

c. Peraturan Presiden Lembar/Pieces 0 2 0 0 0 President Regulation

d. Peraturan Menteri Lembar/Pieces 71 64 59 70 86 Minister of Transportation Regulation

e. Keputusan Menteri Lembar/Pieces 430 387 506 559 525 Minister of Transportation Decree

f. Surat Keputusan Bersama/MoU Lembar/Pieces 1 5 3 1 4

2 Kesepakatan Bersama Lembar/Pieces 0 1 2 2 2 Kemenhub. dengan Perguruan Tinggi Memorandum of understanding between Ministry of Transportation and University

3 Kontrak-Kontrak/Contracts Lembar/Pieces 11 12 20 25 29

4 Pendapat Hukum Kontrak/Legal Opinion Lembar/Pieces 0 0 1 0 0

5 Penyelesaian Perkara Lembar/Pieces 0 2 6 9 3Settlement of Disputes

a. Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara Lembar/Pieces 0 1 2 2 3 State of Administration Court

b. Pengadilan Negeri Lembar/Pieces 0 1 4 7 0 Court of first Instance

6 Kerjasama Luar Negeri Lembar/Pieces 0 6 0 3 10International Cooperation

a. Memorandum of Understanding Lembar/Pieces 0 2 0 2 4 b. Perjanjian/Agreement Lembar/Pieces 0 4 0 1 3 c. Ratifikasi Perjanjian/ Lembar/Pieces 0 0 0 0 3

Ratification Agreement

Sumber/Source : Biro Hukum dan KSLN, Setjen Kemenhub/Legal Affairs and International Cooperation Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation ( diolah kembali/recompiled)

Tabel / Table B.1.4.01

Produk Hukum Dan Kerjasama Luar NegeriKementerian Perhubungan

Legal Product and International CooperationsMinistry of Transportation

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 20102009

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 16

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

1 Sidang Kabinet Terbatas Kali/Times 49 25 15 21 40Cabinet Session

2 Sambutan Kali/Times 44 41 75 81 29 Speech

3 Rapat Kerja DPR-RI Kali/Times 12 12 74 41 22Parlementry Session

4 Rapat Koordinasi : Coordination Meeting a. Bidang Perekonomian Kali/Times 20 24 13 51 54

Economic b. Bidang Kesra Kali/Times 4 8 5 26 26

People Welfare c. Bidang Polkam Kali/Times 2 6 2 9 3 Public and Defense d. Bidang Khusus Kali/Times 22 34 7 41 25

Special Meeting5 Kunjungan :

Visit a. Ke Luar Negeri Kali/Times 7 9 4 2 4

Abroad b. Ke Daerah Kali/Times 43 41 47 44 28 Regional

Jumlah/Total Kali/Times 203 200 242 316 231Sumber/ Soursce : Biro Umum, Setjen. Kemenhub/ Public Bureau, Secretariate of General, Ministry of Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

No. 2006 2007 2008 2010

Tabel/ Table B.1.5.01

Kegiatan Menteri PerhubunganActivity Minister of Transportation

2006 - 2010


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 17

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

1 P o s Buah/Unit 5.068 1.695 1.768 1.948 1.385 Mail

2 Caraka/Ordonan Buah/Unit 1.989 5.236 5.129 4.812 4.529 Courier

3 Diplomatik Bag Buah/Unit 55 1.868 1.779 1.896 1.658Diplomatic Bag

4 Intern Buah/Unit 2.974 4.639 4.337 4.337 3.974 Intern

Jumlah/Total Buah/Unit 10.086 13.438 13.013 12.993 11.546Sumber/ Soursce : Biro Umum, Setjen. Kemenhub/ Public Bureau, Secretariate of General, Ministry of Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )


Tabel/ Table B.1.5.02

Kegiatan Pengiriman Surat Kementerian PerhubunganMails Distribution in Ministry of Transportation

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 18

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

1 Surat Takah / Takah a. Biasa / General 1) Masuk / In Buah/Unit 763 286 274 313 273 2) Keluar / Out Buah/Unit 202 196 289 214 218 b. Rahasia / Convidential 1) Masuk / In Buah/Unit 98 52 73 36 16 2) Keluar / Out Buah/Unit 40 31 53 26 11 c. Khusus / Spesial 1) Masuk / In Buah/Unit 120 51 78 84 82 2) Keluar / Out Buah/Unit 72 31 66 42 50 d. Pensiun/Janda / Retiret 1) Masuk / In Buah/Unit 0 24 11 0 0 2) Keluar / Out Buah/Unit 11 31 55 40 34

2 Surat Non Takah / Non Takah a. Rahasia (Dosir RHS) 1) Masuk / In Buah/Unit 960 599 793 755 734 2) Keluar / Out Buah/Unit 89 330 67 44 53 b . Khusus / Spesial 1) Masuk / In Buah/Unit 623 375 660 664 722 2) Keluar / Out Buah/Unit 333 258 483 528 631

3 Surat Pribadi / Personal 1) Masuk / In Buah/Unit 14.850 5.195 5.365 7.315 9.514 2) Keluar / Out Buah/Unit 0 0 0 0 0

4 Dosir / Dosir 1) Masuk / In Buah/Unit 41.112 40.574 41.376 43.578 42.570 2) Keluar / Out Buah/Unit 5.128 5.383 5.412 6.157 6.530

5 Telegram / Telegram 1) Masuk / In Buah/Unit 271 78 201 214 225 2) Keluar / Out Buah/Unit 0 0 0 0 0

6 Keputusan Menteri / Directive 1) Masuk / In Buah/Unit 0 0 0 0 0 2) Keluar / Out Buah/Unit 2.667 2.857 3.819 4.660 4.992

Jumlah/Total Buah/Unit 67.339 56.351 59.075 64.670 66.655Sumber/ Soursce : Biro Umum, Setjen. Kemenhub/ Public Bureau, Secretariate of General, Ministry of Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

No. 2006 2007 2008 2010

Tabel/ Table B.1.5.03

Pengurusan Tata Naskah Kementerian PerhubunganMail Handling in Ministry of Transportation

2006 - 2010


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 19

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

1 Dokter Umum Orang 7.543 7.273 7.336 6.757 6.940 Physician Person

2 Dokter Gigi Orang 2.557 1.625 1.648 2.074 2.640Dentist Person

3 Spesialis Jantung Orang 77 98 61 37 84 Kardiologi Person

4 Spesialis Mata Orang 57 74 105 152 179Opthamologi Person

5 Laboraturium Orang 203 329 340 201 360Laboratory Person

6 Rountgen Orang 14 73 60 86 108Rountgen X-Ray Person

7 Rujukan Askes Orang 988 875 562 470 515 Insurance Health Consul Person

8 Medical Chek Up Orang 0 0 100 270 270Person

Jumlah/Total Orang 11.439 10.347 10.212 10.047 11.096Person

Sumber/ Soursce : Biro Umum, Setjen. Kemenhub/ Public Bureau, Secretariate of General, Ministry of Transportation ( diolah kembali/recompiled)


Tabel/ Table B.1.5.04

Kunjungan Pasien ke Poliklinik Kementerian PerhubunganVisitor of Patients in Polyclinic at Ministry Transportation

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 20

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Pengembangan Sistem InformasiDevelopment of Information Systema. Pembuatan Aplikasi Aplikasi 12 12 8 5 5 Development of Application (software) Application

1) Penunjang Operasional Aplikasi 8 4 7 4 4 For operational Usage Application 2) Penunjang Administrasi Aplikasi 4 8 1 1 1 For Administrator Usage Application

b. Pengembangan Jaringan Titik 536 586 614 736 799 Development of Networks Point

2 Pelayanan Data InformasiData Information ServicePenerbitan Buku / Publication Judul buku/Title 10 10 10 10 10

a. Tahunan / Annualy Judul buku/Title 4 6 6 6 6

b. Semester/Semester Judul buku/Title 0 0 0 0

c. Kuartalan/Quartly Judul buku/Title 4 2 2 2 2

d. Bulanan/Monthly Judul buku/Title 2 2 2 2 2

Sumber/ Source : Pusat Data dan Informasi, Sekretariat Jenderal, Kemenhub/Data and Information Center, Secretariate of General, Ministry of Transportation ( diolah kembali/recompiled)

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 2010

Tabel / Table B.1.6.01

Pengembangan Sistem Pelayanan Data dan InformasiKementerian Perhubungan

Development of Information System and Services DataMinistry of Transportation


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 21

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

Unit Pelayanan/Service Unit

1 Jasa Angkutan Bus Unit 13 21 - 10 16Bus Transport Service

2 Jasa Balai Pengujian Laik Jalan dan Unit 1 1 - - 1Sertifikasi Kendaraan BermotorThe office of Motorized Vehicle Exam.and Sertification Service

3 Jasa ASDP/Ferry Service Unit 10 11 - 4 9

4 Jasa Stasiun Penumpang KA Unit 19 19 - 9 17Railway Station Service for passengers

5 Jasa Angkutan Penumpang K A Unit 0 6 - - - Passanggers Train Service

6 Jasa Angkutan Penumpang Kapal Laut Unit 12 11 - 3 10Ship Service for Passengers

7 Jasa Terminal Penumpang Pelabuhan Laut Unit 19 20 - 7 19 Terminal Port Service for Passengers

8 Jasa Kepelabuhanan Unit 27 27 - 18 22Port Service

9 Jasa UTPK Unit 0 7 - 2 8Port Service for Cargo

10 Jasa Administrasi Pelabuhan Unit 25 30 - 23 23Port Administration Service

11 Jasa Terminal Penumpang di Bandara Unit 20 22 - 20 21 Airport Service for Passengers

12 Jasa Angkutan Penumpang Pesawat Terbang Unit 31 34 - 10 29Flight Service for Passengers

13 Jasa Pelayanan Pesawat Terbang di Bandara Unit 17 17 - 14 15 Ground Handling Airport Service

14 Jasa Administrasi Bandara Unit 0 5 - - 5 Airport Administration Service

15 Jasa Balai Kesehatan Penerbangan Unit 1 1 - - -Flight Crew Medical Clinic Service

Jumlah Unit 195 232 0 120 195Sumber/ Source : Pusat Kajian Strategis, Setjen. Kemenhub/Center for the Strategic Study, Secretariat General , Ministry of Transportation (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Catatan : Tahun 2008 tidak terdapat Program Kegiatan Penilaian Unit Pelayanan Publik, sehingga tidak dapat ditampilkan.

No. 2006 2007 2008 2010

Tabel / Table B.1.7.01

Jumlah Unit Pelayanan Dalam Penilaian Unit Pelayanan Publik/PrimaKementerian Perhubungan

Public Service Assesment (Service Excellence)Ministry of Transportation

2006 - 2010


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 22

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

1 Sosialisasi/Socialization Kali/Times 986 990 1.538 995 842Televisi /Television : Kali/Times 666 412 728 355 370Radio/Broadcasting Kali/Times 320 532 742 474 384Media Massa Cetak/ Kali/Times 0 46 68 166 77Printed Mass Medialangsung/Bellow the line Kali/Times 0 1 17 15 5Bilboard 6

2 Pameran/Exhibition Kali/Times 3 7 7 10 9

3 Penerbitan Buku/Publication Judul/Title 2 2 15 32 31

4 Penerbitan Video Profil Kali/TimesKementerian Perhubungan/ 1 1 0 1 0Video of the profile of Ministry ofTranspotation

5 Newsletter Kali/Times 0 0 14 20 19

6 Majalah Transmedia/Magazine Kali/Times 0 12 12 12 12

7 Dokumentasi Foto/Photo Document Kali/Times 135 105 234 420 420

8 Dokumentasi Video/Video Document Kali/Times 46 51 125 76 65

9 Wawancara Pers/Perss Interview Kali/Times 6 21 28 42 50

10 Jumpa Pers/Perss Conference Kali/Times 4 15 16 30 49

11 Siaran Pers/Perss Release Kali/Times 8 16 32 38 58

12 Berita Website/Website News Kali/Times 0 0 324 413 514

Jumlah/Total Kali/Times 1.191 1.220 2.345 2.089 2.069Sumber/ Soursce : Pusat Komunikasi Publik, Setjen. Kemenhub/ Center for Public Communication Secretariate of General, Ministry of Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )


Tabel/ Table B.1.8.01

Kegiatan Komunikasi Publik Kementerian PerhubunganPublic Communications Activities in Ministry of Transportation

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 23

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

1 Sektor/Subsektor Pemberitaan Kali/Times 10.703 7.244 7.579 7.705 11.589Sector/Subsector newsKementerian Perhubungan Kali/Times 1.423 522 481 466 1.026Ministry of TransportationTransportasi Darat Kali/Times 1.826 1.508 1.781 1.879 2.280Land TransportationTransportasi Laut Kali/Times 1.633 1.679 1.690 1.694 2.088Sea TransportationTransportasi Udara Kali/Times 3.602 2.026 2.106 2.133 3.660Land TransportationPerkeretaapian Kali/Times 2.219 1.509 1.521 1.533 2.535Railway Transportation

2 Jenis Pemberitaan/Kind of News Kali/Times 10.703 7.244 7.579 7.705 11.589Berita/News Kali/Times 8.810 5.777 6.162 6.299 10.878Artikel/Article Kali/Times 591 499 546 563 366Tajuk Rencana/Editorial Kali/Times 403 341 364 372 39Surat Pembaca/Readers Forum Kali/Times 899 627 507 471 306

3 Substansi Pemberitaan Kali/Times 10.703 7.244 7.579 7.705 11.589Substance of NewsKebijakan/Policy Kali/Times 2.022 1.381 559 1.241 3.597Pelayanan/Public Service Kali/Times 7.041 4.031 5.031 5.279 4.378Kecelakaan/Accident Kali/Times 869 986 806 360 1.340Pembangunan/Development Kali/Times 726 767 727 1.513Penyimpangan/deviation Kali/Times 771 89 416 98 504Lain-lain/Others Kali/Times 0 31 0 0 257

Jumlah/Total Kali/Times 10.703 7.244 7.579 7.705 11.589Sumber/ Soursce : Pusat Komunikasi Publik, Setjen. Kemenhub/ Center f or Public Communication Secretariate of General, Ministry of Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 2010

Tabel/ Table B.1.8.02

Jumlah, Jenis, dan Materi Pemberitaan Sektor PerhubunganYang dimuat oleh Media Massa Cetak

Amount, Kinds, and the Material for News in the Transportation SectorPublished by Printed Mass Media


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 24

U r a i a n SatuanDiscription Unit

Jenis Kecelakaan Type of Accident

1 Tenggelam Kejadian 12 9 13 11 4 Sunk Accident

2 Tubrukan Kejadian 9 4 15 9 2 Collision Accident

3 Kandas Kejadian 5 5 2 3 6 Grounded Accident

4 Terbakar Kejadian 6 9 4 5 5 Fired Accident

5 Lainnya Kejadian 6 5 1 5 2 Others Accident

Kejadian 38 32 35 33 19Accident

Sumber / Source : Mahkamah Pelayaran, Setjen Kemenhub / Marine Court, Secretary General, Ministry of Transportation ( diolah kembali/recompiled)

Jumlah/ TotalNumber of Accident

Tabel / Table B.1.9.01

Jumlah Kecelakaan Kapal Berdasarkan Hasil Putusan Mahkamah PelayaranNumber of Ship Accident According to Marine Court Decision

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 20102009










2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Tenggelam Tubrukan Kandas Terbakar Lainnya

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 25

U r a i a n SatuanDiscription Unit

Jenis Korban Type of Victim

1 Luka-luka/Injure Orang 0 1 0 15 1Person

2 Hilang/Missing Orang 146 363 16 223 0Person

3 Meninggal/Death Orang 43 136 43 59 44Person

Orang 189 500 59 297 45Person

Sumber / Source : Mahkamah Pelayaran, Setjen Kemenhub / Marine Court, Secretary General, Ministry of Transportation ( diolah kembali/recompiled)

Jumlah/ Total

No. 2006 2007 2008 2010

Tabel / Table B.1.9.02

Jumlah Korban Jiwa Manusia Berdasarkan Hasil Putusan Mahkamah PelayaranNumber of Victims According to Marine Court Decision

2006 - 2010











2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Luka-luka/Injure Hilang/Missing Meninggal/Death

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 26

U r a i a n SatuanDiscription Unit

Wilayah Kecelakaan Area of Accident

1 Indonesia Bagian Barat Lokasi 20 23 22 22 9 Western Part Indonesia Location

2 Indonesia Bagian Tengah Lokasi 6 7 13 11 8 Central Part Indonesia Location

3 Indonesia Bagian Timur Lokasi 12 2 0 0 2 Eastern Part Indonesia Location

Jumlah/ Total Lokasi 38 32 35 33 19Number of Region Location

Sumber / Source : Mahkamah Pelayaran, Setjen Kemenhub / Marine Court, Secretary General, Ministry of Transportation ( diolah kembali/recompiled)

Tabel / Table B.1.9.03

Jumlah Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran menurut Wilayah Kecelakaan Kapal Number of Marine Court Decision by Area of Ship Accident

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 20102009

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 27

U r a i a n SatuanDiscription Unit

Jenis Sertifikat Type of Certificate

1 Ahli Nautika I Lembar 3 3 6 1 0 Deck Officer First Class piece

2 Ahli Nautika II Lembar 6 5 5 3 2 Deck Officer Second Class piece

3 Ahli Nautika III Lembar 9 14 11 11 6 Deck Officer Third Class piece

4 Ahli Nautika IV Lembar 12 11 11 8 6 Deck Officer Fourth Class piece

5 Ahli Nautika V Lembar 9 6 8 12 5 Deck Officer Fifth Class piece

6 Ahli Teknik Teknika I Lembar 0 0 1 0 0 Engine Officcer Fisrt Class piece

7 Ahli Teknik Teknika II Lembar 1 0 2 0 0 Engine Officcer Second Class piece

8 Ahli Teknik Teknika III Lembar 3 1 1 0 0 Engine Officcer Third Class piece

9 Ahli Teknik Teknika IV Lembar 1 2 1 1 2 Engine Officcer Fourth Class piece

10 Ahli Teknik Teknika V Lembar 0 0 0 0 0 Engine Officcer Fifth Class piece

11 MPT Lembar 0 0 0 2 0piece

12 AMKPT Lembar 0 0 1 0 0piece

13 MPR I Lembar 0 0 0 2 1piece

14 MPR II Lembar 0 0 3 2 0piece

15 SKK Lembar 4 2 2 2 0Certificate of Competence piece

16 WNA Lembar 1 3 1 0 0Master Certicate piece

17 ANT D Lembar 0 0 0 1 0piece

Jumlah/ Total Lembar 49 47 53 45 22piece

Sumber / Source : Mahkamah Pelayaran, Setjen Kemenhub / Marine Court, Secretary General, Ministry of Transportation ( diolah kembali/recompiled)

Tabel / Table B.1.9.04

Jumlah Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran Menurut Jenis Sertifikat Number of Marine Court Decision by Certificate According

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 20102009

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 28

U r a i a n SatuanDiscription Unit

Faktor Kecelakaan Factor of Accident

1 Faktor Manusia Kejadian 20 19 22 20 13Human Error Factor Accident

2 Faktor Alam Kejadian 12 8 10 7 1Force Majeure Factor Accident

3 Faktor Lainnya Kejadian 6 5 3 6 5Others Factor Accident

Jumlah/ Total Kejadian 38 32 35 33 19Number of Factor Accident

Sumber / Source : Mahkamah Pelayaran, Setjen Kemenhub / Marine Court, Secretary General, Ministry of Transportation ( diolah kembali/recompiled)


Tabel / Table B.1.9.05

Jumlah Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran menurut Faktor Penyebab Kecelakaan Kapal Number Marine Court Decision of Factor Causality of Ship Accidents

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008







2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Faktor Manusia Faktor Alam Faktor Lainnya

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 29

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

1 Peringatan Orang 9 14 10 10 6Person

2 Sanksi Administratif <6 bulan Orang 16 17 28 23 10Administrative Sanctions Person

3 Sanksi Administratif 6 bulan Orang 2 3 8 6 3Administrative Sanctions Person

4 Sanksi Administratif < 12bulan Orang 0 4 2 1 2Administrative Sanctions Person

5 Sanksi Administratif > 12bulan Orang 3 2 2 1 0Administrative Sanctions Person

6 Sanksi Administratif Maksimum (2 tahun) Orang 0 0 0 0 0Administrative Sanctions Person

7 Bebas Orang 16 7 8 4 1Person

8 Di luar Yurisdiksi Mahpel Orang 0 2 0 0 0Person

Jumlah/Total Kejadian 46 49 58 45 22Accident

Sumber / Source : Mahkamah Pelayaran, Setjen Kemenhub / Marine Court, Secretary General, Ministry of Transportation ( diolah kembali/recompiled)

No. 2006 2007 2008 2010

Tabel/ Table B.1.9.06

Jumlah Pengenaan Sanksi Administratif berdasar Hasil Putusan Mahkamah PelayaranNumber of Administrative Sanctions According to Marine Court Decisions

2006 - 2010


Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

1 Jumlah Kecelakaan Jalan Raya Kejadian 8 8 6 9 3 Number of Roadway Accident Accident

2 Jumlah Kecelakaan Kereta Api Kejadian 14 14 8 8 10 Number of Railway Accident Accident

3 Jumlah Kecelakaan Kapal Laut Kejadian 13 7 5 4 5 Number of Ship Accident Accident

4 Jumlah Kecelakaan pesawat udara Kejadian 21 21 21 21 18 Number of Aircraft Accident Accident

Jumlah/Total Kejadian 56 50 40 42 36Accident

Sumber/ Soursce : KNKT, Setjen. Kemenhub/ Public Bureau, Secretariate of General, Ministry of Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

Tabel/ Table B.1.10.01

Kecelakaan Moda Transportasi Di Indonesia Yang Diinvestigasi Oleh Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT)

Transportation Accident at Indonesia InvestigatedBy National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC)

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 30

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 31


1a. Jumlah Auditan Auditan/Auditee 474 562 492 547 543b. Program Audit Auditan/Auditee 617 448 461 488 496c. Realisasi Audit Auditan/Auditee 559 465 456 478 501d. Prosentase % 90,60% 103,79% 98,92% 97,95% 101,01%

2a. Jumlah Auditan Auditan/Auditee 0 0 0 0 0b. Program Audit Auditan/Auditee 0 0 0 0 0c. Realisasi Audit Auditan/Auditee 0 0 0 0 0d. Prosentase % 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00%

3a. Jumlah Auditan Auditan/Auditee 126 139 240 189 133b. Program Audit Auditan/Auditee 133 136 191 175 133c. Realisasi Audit Auditan/Auditee 128 138 183 169 131d. Prosentase % 96,24% 101,47% 95,81% 96,57% 98,50%

a. Jumlah Auditan Auditan/Auditee 600 701 732 736 676b. Program Audit 750 584 652 663 629c. Realisasi Audit 687 603 639 647 632d. Prosentase % 91,60% 103,25% 98,01% 97,59% 100,48%

Sumber/Source : Inspektorat Jenderal, Desember 2010/Inspectorate General, December 2010

Jumlah Auditan dan Realisasi Audit dalam Program Kerja Pengawasan Tahunan (PKPT)Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan

Number of Auditee and Its Realization In The Annual Audit Program (PKPT) at Inspectorate General

2006 -2010

Tabel / Table B.2.0.01


Unit Pelaksana Teknis

Terpadu Bawasda


Satuan Kerja

2006 2007 2009

Jumlah /Total









2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Tahun

Jumlah Auditan Program Audit Realisasi Audit

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 32


1a. BPK Buah/Unit 212 147 231 98 339 b. BPKP Buah/Unit 10 14 3 9 35 c. Itjen Buah/Unit 4.135 4.032 3.978 3.635 3.179

2a. BPK Buah/Unit 212 143 181 60 247

Prosentase % 100,00% 97,28% 78,35% 61,22% 72,86%b. BPKP Buah/Unit 9 12 2 2 2

Prosentase % 90,00% 85,71% 66,67% 22,22% 5,71%c. Itjen Buah/Unit 3.936 3.621 3.040 815 634

Prosentase % 95,19% 89,81% 76,42% 22,42% 19,94%

3a. BPK Buah/Unit - 4 50 38 92

Prosentase % 0,00% 2,72% 21,65% 38,78% 27,14%b. BPKP Buah/Unit 1 2 1 7 7

Prosentase % 10,00% 14,29% 33,33% 77,78% 20,00%c. Itjen Buah/Unit 199 402 938 2.819 2.545

Prosentase % 4,81% 9,97% 23,58% 77,55% 80,06%

Sumber/Source : Inspektorat Jenderal, April 2011/Inspectorate General, April 2011

Tabel / Table B.2.0.02

Temuan dan Tindak Lanjut Hasil PengawasanInspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan

Issues and Follow Up Final Audit by Inspectorate General

2006 - 2010

2007 20102008

Tindak Lanjut/Solution



2009UraianDescription 2006











2005 2006 2007 2008 2009Tahun

Temuan/Issues Tindak Lanjut/Solution Sisa/Process

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 33

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

1. 0100 Kasus/ Issue 66 37 75 74 75% 1,60% 0,92% 1,89% 2,04% 2,36%

2 0200 Kasus/ Issue 125 119 141 113 85% 3,02% 2,96% 3,54% 3,11% 2,67%

3 0300 Kasus/ Issue 1001 1034 1047 1.055 806% 24,21% 25,70% 26,32% 29,02% 25,35%

4 0400 Kasus/ Issue 312 236 220 142 149% 7,55% 5,87% 5,53% 3,91% 4,69%

5 0500 Kasus/ Issue 514 400 379 336 332% 12,43% 9,94% 9,53% 9,24% 10,44%

6 0600 Kasus/ Issue 195 421 315 285 293% 4,72% 10,46% 7,92% 7,84% 9,22%

7 0700 Kasus/ Issue 679 799 726 629 490% 16,42% 19,86% 18,25% 17,30% 15,41%

8 0800 Kasus/ Issue 544 389 456 352 268% 13,16% 9,67% 11,46% 9,68% 8,43%

9 0900 Kasus/ Issue 107 323 257 306 274% 2,59% 8,03% 6,46% 8,42% 8,62%

10 1000 Kasus/ Issue 592 265 362 343 407% 14,32% 6,59% 9,10% 9,44% 12,80%

Jumlah/Total 4.135 4.023 3.978 3.635 3.179 Sumber/Source : Inspektorat Jenderal, April 2010/Inspectorate General, April 2010Keterangan/Note :0100 : Kasus yang merugikan negara/cases that inflict loss on state finance0200 : Kewajiban penyetoran kepada negara/liabilities to the state's treasury0300 : Pelanggaran terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku/abuse of the rules and law0400 : Pelanggaran terhadap rosedur dan tata kerja yang telah ditetapkan berlaku khusu bagi organisasi yang bersangkutan/ Abuse of the procedure and order which particularly applied to an organization0500 : Penyimpangan dari ketentuan pelaksanaan anggaran/deviation of the rules of budget performance0600 : Hambatan terhadap kelancaran proyek/barriers to the project performance0700 : Hambatan terhadap kelancaran tugas pokok/barriers to performance of main tasks0800 : Kelemahan administrasi/weakness of administration 0900 : Ketidaklancaran pelayanan kepada masyarakat/weakness on public service1000 : Temuan pemeriksa lainnya/other finding of inspection

Tabel / Table B.2.0.03

Rekapitulasi Hasil Temuan Pemeriksaan Berdasarkan Jenis TemuanInspektoral Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan

2006 - 2010

Recapitulation of Follow Up Final Audit Based on Issues at Inspectorate General

2009 2010No. 2006 2007 2008

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 34

1. 10100 Kasus/Issue 423 441 407 324 260% 10,23% 10,96% 10,23% 8,91% 8,18%

2. 10200 Kasus/Issue 428 422 498 348 296% 10,35% 10,49% 12,52% 9,57% 9,31%

3. 10300 Kasus/Issue 690 749 697 719 633% 16,69% 18,62% 17,52% 19,78% 19,91%

4. 10400 Kasus/Issue 758 608 539 530 496% 18,33% 15,11% 13,55% 14,58% 15,60%

5. 10500 Kasus/Issue 295 357 378 296 272% 7,13% 8,87% 9,50% 8,14% 8,56%

6. 10600 Kasus/Issue 605 459 429 441 241% 14,63% 11,41% 10,78% 12,13% 7,58%

7. 10700 Kasus/Issue 361 483 503 443 494% 8,73% 12,01% 12,64% 12,19% 15,54%

8. 10800 Kasus/Issue 19 32 44 23 32% 0,46% 0,80% 1,11% 0,63% 1,01%

9. 20100 Kasus/Issue 206 198 225 233 212% 4,98% 4,92% 5,66% 6,41% 6,67%

10 20200 Kasus/Issue 271 199 200 198 184% 6,55% 4,95% 5,03% 5,45% 5,79%

11. 20300 Kasus/Issue 79 75 58 80 59% 1,91% 1,86% 1,46% 2,20% 1,86%

4.135 4.023 3.978 3.635 3.179Sumber/Source : Inspektorat Jenderal, April 2011/Inspectorate General, April 2011Keterangan/Note :10100 : Kelemahan dalam organisasi/Weakness in organization 10200 : kelemahan dalam kebijakan/Weakness in policy/wisdow10300 : Kelemahan dalam perencanaan/Weakness in the plan10400 : Kelemahan dalam prosedur/Weakness in procedure10500 : Kelemahan dalam pencatatan dan pelaporan/ Weaknees in record-keeping and reporting10600 : Kelemahan dalam pembinaan personil/Weakness in personel construction 10700 : Kelemahan dalam Pengawasan Internal/Weakness in internal control(intern review )20100 : Penyebab Ekstern Hambatan Kelancaran Proyek/Cause of fundamental extern barrier project20200 : Penyebab extern kelancaran tugas pokok/Cause of fundamental extern duty fluency20300 : Penyebab ketidaklancaran pelayanan aparatur pemerintah/BUMN/BUMD kepada masyarakat/ cause of not of service of government employee/BUMN/BUMD to public

Recapitulation of Follow Up Final Audit Based on Reason At Inspectorate General Ministry of transportation

2008Uraian/ Description Satuan/ unit

2006 - 2010

Tabel / Table B.2.0.04



No. 20092006 2007

Rekapitulasi Hasil Temuan Pemeriksaan Berdasarkan Jenis PenyebabInspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 35

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

0100Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kasus/Issue 23 12 10 12 14Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kasus/Issue 18 7 25 26 38Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kasus/Issue 17 11 29 17 19Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kasus/Issue 2 3 4 7 4BPSDM Kasus/Issue 4 1 5 3 0Litbang Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sarnas Kasus/Issue 2 1 2 8 0BMG Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sekretariat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 2 0 1 0Inspektorat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 66 37 75 74 75

0200Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kasus/Issue 6 5 5 4 9Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kasus/Issue 77 85 95 67 49Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kasus/Issue 33 23 33 38 24Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kasus/Issue 0 0 3 1 1BPSDM Kasus/Issue 3 4 5 3 2Litbang Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sarnas Kasus/Issue 5 2 0 0 0BMG Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sekretariat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 1 0 0 0 0Inspektorat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 125 119 141 113 85

0300Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kasus/Issue 80 92 74 90 74Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kasus/Issue 589 498 535 529 454Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kasus/Issue 222 292 298 311 221Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kasus/Issue 43 34 12 33 21BPSDM Kasus/Issue 27 53 51 42 27Litbang Kasus/Issue 0 12 0 2 2Sarnas Kasus/Issue 33 37 44 40 0BMG Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sekretariat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 7 15 33 8 7Inspektorat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 1 0 0 0

Sub Total 1001 1.034 1.047 1055 806

0400Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kasus/Issue 36 31 29 18 21Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kasus/Issue 193 133 119 62 82Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kasus/Issue 51 49 46 38 34Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kasus/Issue 9 4 12 4 2BPSDM Kasus/Issue 7 7 6 9 5Litbang Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 1Sarnas Kasus/Issue 12 6 6 6 0BMG Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sekretariat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 4 4 2 5 4Inspektorat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 2 0 0 0

Sub Total 312 236 220 142 149

Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian PerhubunganRecapitulation Finding by sub sector based on various cause

Inspectorate General Ministry of Transportation

2006 - 2010

Tabel / Table B.2.0.05


Rekapitulasi Hasil Temuan Pemeriksaan Per Sub Sektor Berdasarkan Jenis Temuan

2006 2007 20092008

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 36

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit 20102006 2007 20092008

0500Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kasus/Issue 115 61 68 64 41Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kasus/Issue 156 185 146 142 158Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kasus/Issue 170 97 91 91 97Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kasus/Issue 25 14 31 14 17BPSDM Kasus/Issue 17 24 15 9 16Litbang Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 1Sarnas Kasus/Issue 30 18 19 14 0BMG Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sekretariat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 1 0 9 2 2Inspektorat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 1 0 0 0

Sub Total 514 400 379 336 332

0600Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kasus/Issue 58 74 62 65 51Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kasus/Issue 64 199 130 124 150Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kasus/Issue 51 93 89 66 65Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kasus/Issue 14 14 14 9 10BPSDM Kasus/Issue 3 14 9 7 7Litbang Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 1 1Sarnas Kasus/Issue 3 27 7 11 0BMG Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sekretariat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 2 0 4 2 9Inspektorat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 195 421 315 285 293

0700Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kasus/Issue 64 69 75 62 44Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kasus/Issue 421 426 381 366 290Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kasus/Issue 109 204 159 134 119Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kasus/Issue 20 5 34 23 7BPSDM Kasus/Issue 29 34 28 18 23Litbang Kasus/Issue 0 6 0 3 2Sarnas Kasus/Issue 27 42 38 16 0BMG Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sekretariat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 9 5 11 7 5Inspektorat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 8 0 0 0

Sub Total 679 799 726 629 490

0800Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kasus/Issue 65 42 52 41 20Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kasus/Issue 297 219 252 192 157Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kasus/Issue 119 80 94 76 58Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kasus/Issue 13 5 14 6 5BPSDM Kasus/Issue 25 20 18 15 18Litbang Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 1 5Sarnas Kasus/Issue 22 15 12 17 0BMG Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sekretariat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 3 8 14 4 5Inspektorat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 544 389 456 352 268

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 37

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit 20102006 2007 20092008

0900Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kasus/Issue 6 27 47 45 33Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kasus/Issue 76 197 126 168 155Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kasus/Issue 15 47 48 66 59Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kasus/Issue 7 6 6 10 12BPSDM Kasus/Issue 1 24 18 5 13Litbang Kasus/Issue 0 4 0 0 0Sarnas Kasus/Issue 2 14 6 10 0BMG Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sekretariat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 4 6 2 2Inspektorat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 107 323 257 306 274

1000Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kasus/Issue 82 26 32 34 50Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kasus/Issue 302 115 171 163 212Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kasus/Issue 144 81 75 88 93Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kasus/Issue 14 13 29 13 16BPSDM Kasus/Issue 31 13 15 18 24Litbang Kasus/Issue 0 2 0 13 9Sarnas Kasus/Issue 13 6 10 9 0BMG Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sekretariat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 6 8 30 5 3Inspektorat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 1 0 0 0

Sub Total 592 265 362 343 4074.135 4.023 3.978 3.635 3.179

Sumber/Source : Inspektorat Jenderal, Maret 2011 /Inspectorate General, Maret 2011Jumlah

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 38

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

10100Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kasus/Issue 42 20 44 32 36Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kasus/Issue 243 236 211 169 142Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kasus/Issue 83 125 98 86 61Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kasus/Issue 18 8 17 12 7BPSDM Kasus/Issue 15 28 18 12 10Litbang Kasus/Issue 0 1 0 1 0Sarnas Kasus/Issue 18 19 3 8 0BMG Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sekretariat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 4 3 16 4 4Inspektorat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 1 0 0 0

Sub Total 423 441 407 324 260

10200Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kasus/Issue 33 27 32 28 28Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kasus/Issue 241 229 284 209 189Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kasus/Issue 106 114 120 67 64Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kasus/Issue 9 12 8 14 0BPSDM Kasus/Issue 14 14 15 11 12Litbang Kasus/Issue 0 1 0 0 0Sarnas Kasus/Issue 18 14 21 16 0BMG Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sekretariat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 7 11 18 3 3Inspektorat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 428 422 498 348 296

10300Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kasus/Issue 88 98 110 86 80Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kasus/Issue 357 377 310 335 349Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kasus/Issue 159 157 179 190 152Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kasus/Issue 34 30 20 36 18BPSDM Kasus/Issue 24 25 35 34 24Litbang Kasus/Issue 0 17 0 7 6Sarnas Kasus/Issue 24 32 22 22 0BMG Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sekretariat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 4 12 21 9 4Inspektorat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 1 0 0 0

Sub Total 690 749 697 719 633

10400Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kasus/Issue 96 77 48 37 37Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kasus/Issue 387 301 274 270 286Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kasus/Issue 190 136 123 154 136Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kasus/Issue 26 12 24 16 9BPSDM Kasus/Issue 31 50 30 23 18Litbang Kasus/Issue 0 3 0 0 2Sarnas Kasus/Issue 22 24 29 25 0BMG Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sekretariat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 6 4 11 5 8Inspektorat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 1 0 0 0

Sub Total 758 608 539 530 496

Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian PerhubunganRecapitulation Finding by sub sector based on various Cause

Inspectorate General Ministry of Transportation

2006 - 2010

Tabel / Table B.2.0.06

Rekapitulasi Hasil Temuan PemeriksaanPer Sub Sektor Berdasarkan Jenis Penyebab

20102008 20092006 2007

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 39

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

20102008 20092006 2007

10500Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kasus/Issue 40 36 41 31 36Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kasus/Issue 169 172 189 145 138Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kasus/Issue 54 88 86 84 66Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kasus/Issue 8 6 12 6 8BPSDM Kasus/Issue 8 28 23 9 18Litbang Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 1 3Sarnas Kasus/Issue 12 17 20 18 0BMG Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sekretariat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 4 3 7 2 3Inspektorat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 7 0 0 0

Sub Total 295 357 378 296 272

10600Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kasus/Issue 87 55 43 54 33Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kasus/Issue 329 245 226 252 126Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kasus/Issue 118 100 89 77 51Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kasus/Issue 9 6 21 9 9BPSDM Kasus/Issue 30 20 16 14 13Litbang Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 4 5Sarnas Kasus/Issue 30 23 18 22 0BMG Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sekretariat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 2 8 16 9 4Inspektorat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 2 0 0 0

Sub Total 605 459 429 441 241

10700Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kasus/Issue 80 72 74 82 52Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kasus/Issue 139 238 232 183 264Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kasus/Issue 90 125 138 149 137Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kasus/Issue 26 12 24 13 19BPSDM Kasus/Issue 10 12 16 8 15Litbang Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 1 2Sarnas Kasus/Issue 16 18 10 5 0BMG Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sekretariat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 5 9 2 5Inspektorat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 1 0 0 0

Sub Total 361 483 503 443 494

10800Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kasus/Issue 3 3 10 3 17Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kasus/Issue 15 13 13 8 9Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kasus/Issue 0 9 14 7 4Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kasus/Issue 0 4 2 1 0BPSDM Kasus/Issue 0 1 0 1 2Litbang Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sarnas Kasus/Issue 1 2 3 3 0BMG Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sekretariat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 0 2 0 0Inspektorat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 19 32 44 23 32

20100Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kasus/Issue 46 44 38 41 21Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kasus/Issue 83 71 93 108 102Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kasus/Issue 52 60 58 56 59Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kasus/Issue 10 6 15 12 15Diklat Kasus/Issue 10 9 10 7 12BPSDM Kasus/Issue 0 1 0 4 0Sarnas Kasus/Issue 3 7 8 4 0BMG Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sekretariat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 2 0 3 1 3Inspektorat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 206 198 225 233 212

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 40

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

20102008 20092006 2007

20200Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kasus/Issue 14 7 11 16 11Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kasus/Issue 176 121 112 120 101Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kasus/Issue 63 51 40 46 51Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kasus/Issue 6 2 16 1 6BPSDM Kasus/Issue 4 7 6 5 12Litbang Kasus/Issue 0 1 0 2 3Sarnas Kasus/Issue 5 10 10 7 0BMG Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sekretariat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 3 0 5 1 0Inspektorat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 271 199 200 198 184

20300Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kasus/Issue 6 0 3 25 6Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kasus/Issue 54 61 36 40 39Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kasus/Issue 16 12 17 9 8Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kasus/Issue 1 0 0 0 4BPSDM Kasus/Issue 1 0 1 5 2Litbang Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sarnas Kasus/Issue 0 2 0 1 0BMG Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0Sekretariat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 1 0 1 0 0Inspektorat Jenderal Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 79 75 58 80 594.135 4.023 3.978 3.635 3.179

Sumber/Source : Inspektorat Jenderal, Desember 2011/Inspectorate General, December 2011Jumlah

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 41

U r a i a n Satuan/Description Unit

1 Pendidikan / Course Orang / person 197 236 572 319 542

Standarisasi / Basic Orang / person 0 0 0 0 0 Operator Radio/ Radio Operator Orang / person 31 65 57 25 24 Pengawas RCC / RCC Controller Orang / person 0 0 0 0 3 Instruktur SAR / SAR Instructor Orang / person 28 29 19 20 25 Koordinator Misi SAR/ SMC Orang / person 27 44 23 24 0 Perencanaan SAR / SAR Planning Orang / person 0 22 52 25 20 Tim Penolong / Rescue Team Orang / person 103 61 421 200 470 Operator LUT / LUT Operator Orang / person 8 15 0 25 0 Training GMDSS / GMDSS Training Orang / person 0 0 0 0 0

2 Latihan / Exercise

Nasional / National 75 550 600 225 170- Pos Komando/Command Post Exercise Orang / person 75 100 0 225 70- Basah / Manuvre Orang / person 0 450 600 0 100

Internasional / International 250 350 375 390 375- Malindo

- Pos Komando/Command Post Exercise Orang / person 100 0 0 0 25- Basah / Manuvre Orang / person 0 125 125 125 100

- Indopura- Pos Komando / Command Post Exercise Orang / person 75 0 0 20 25- Basah / Manuvre Orang / person 0 125 125 125 100

- Ausindo- Pos Komando / Command Post Exercise Orang / person 75 100 0 20 25- Basah / Manuvre Orang / person 0 0 125 100 100

Jumlah / Total 522 1136 1547 934 1087Sumber / Source : Badan SAR Nasional, Kementerian Perhubungan / National Search and Rescue Ministry of Transportation(diolah kembali / recompiled)

Jumlah Tenaga Binaan SAR Menurut Jenis Kegiatan

Tabel / Table B.3.0.01

Number Of Search And Rescue Trainers By Type Technique

2006 - 2010

2010No 2006 2007 2008 2009

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 42

U r a i a n Satuan/Description Unit

1 Kantor Pusat Basarnas/ Head Office of Sar Agency

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land RescueEquipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 2 3 6 5- Rescue Truck unit 0 0 1 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 2

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 0 0 0 0 0- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 0 6 0 0 0- Rubber Boat unit 6 5 5 5 6

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 7 7 5 6 4

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 1 1 1 1 2*- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set 17 17 17 0 0

- Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 1 1- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 1 1- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 21 38

2 Kantor SAR Jakarta/SAR Office Jakartaa. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue

Equipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 2 5 5 5- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 2 2 2- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 1 1- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 1 1 1 1- Rubber Boat unit 3 7 9 9 7

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 19 41 44 44 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit - - - 3 3- Transportable Communication unit - - - 3 3- Mobile Communication unit - - - 8 12

Tabel / Table B.3.0.02

Peralatan Pendukung Operasi SAR Di Lingkungan Badan SAR NasionalSupporting Equipments Of Search And Rescue Operation In National SAR Agency

2006 - 2010

No 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 43

U r a i a n Satuan/Description Unit

3 Kantor SAR Medan/SAR Office Medana. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue

Equipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 2 5 4 5- Rescue Truck unit 0 0 1 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 0 0 1 2 1- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 1 2 2 2- Rubber Boat unit 3 6 8 8 5

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 14 25 25 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 4 4- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 4 4- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 7 31

4 Kantor SAR Padang/SAR Office Padanga. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue

Equipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 1 3 3 4- Rescue Truck unit 0 0 1 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 0 0 0 0 1- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 0 0 1 1 1- Rubber Boat unit 3 4 6 6 6

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 17 9 9 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 3 3- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 3 3- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 4 65

No 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 44

U r a i a n Satuan/Description Unit

5 Kantor SAR Pekanbaru /SAR Office Pekanbarua. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue

Equipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 1 3 3 3- Rescue Truck unit 0 0 1 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 0 1 1 1 2- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 1 1 1 1- Rubber Boat unit 3 4 6 6 6

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 18 11 24 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 3 3- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 3 3- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 5 26

6 Kantor SAR Tanjung Pinang/SAR Office Tjg. Pinanga. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue

Equipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 1 3 3 3- Rescue Truck unit 0 0 1 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 1 1- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 1 1 1 1- Rubber Boat unit 3 3 5 5 7

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 2 1 1 1 1

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 23 18 20 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 3 3- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 3 3- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 6 25

2010No 2006 2007 2008 2009

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 45

U r a i a n Satuan/Description Unit

7 Kantor SAR Palembang /SAR Office Palembanga. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue

Equipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 1 3 3 3- Rescue Truck unit 0 0 1 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 1 2- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 1 2 2 4- Rubber Boat unit 3 3 5 4 6

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 22 20 20 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 3 3- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 3 3- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 5 23

8 Kantor SAR Pontianak/SAR Office Pontianaka. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue

Equipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 1 3 3 3- Rescue Truck unit 0 0 1 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 1 2- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 0 0 1 1 1- Rubber Boat unit 3 6 8 7 6

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 24 9 9 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 3 3- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 3 3- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 5 12

No 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 46

U r a i a n Satuan/Description Unit

9 Kantor SAR Surabaya /SAR Office Surabaya

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land RescueEquipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 1 4 4 4- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 2 2 2- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 0 0 1 1 1- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 1 1 0 1- Rubber Boat unit 6 10 12 11 6

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 1 2 2 2 1

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 16 15 15 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 3 3- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 3 3- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 7 12

10 Kantor SAR Denpasar / SAR Office Denpasar

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land RescueEquipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 2 5 4 6- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 2 2 2- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1- Ambulance unit 1 1 1 1 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 1 1- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 1 2 2 2- Rubber Boat unit 3 7 9 8 5

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 15 16 16 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 3 3- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 3 3- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 7 15

2010No 2006 2007 2008 2009

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 47

U r a i a n Satuan/Description Unit

11 Kantor SAR Banjarmasin / SAR Office Banjarmasin

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land RescueEquipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 1 3 3 3- Rescue Truck unit 0 0 1 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 2 1- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 1 1 1 3- Rubber Boat unit 3 5 7 6 6

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 18 26 26 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 3 3- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 3 3- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 6 26

12 Kantor SAR Balikpapan /SAR Office Balikpapan

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land RescueEquipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 1 3 4 4- Rescue Truck unit 0 0 1 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 0 0 1 0 2- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 1 1 1 2- Rubber Boat unit 3 3 5 5 6

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 25 13 13 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 3 3- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 3 3- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 5 28

No 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 48

U r a i a n Satuan/Description Unit

13 Kantor SAR Makassar / SAR Office Makassar

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land RescueEquipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 1 5 5 7- Rescue Truck unit 1 0 1 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 2 2 2- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 0 0 1 1 2- Rubber Boat unit 3 4 6 5 7

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 1 1 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 17 20 20 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 4 4- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 4 4- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 8 11

14 Kantor SAR Manado / SAR Office Manado

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land RescueEquipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 1 3 3 3- Rescue Truck unit 0 0 1 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 2 2- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 1 2 2 4- Rubber Boat unit 3 4 6 5 6

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 10 10 12 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 3 3- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 3 3- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 6 11

2010No 2006 2007 2008 2009

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 49

U r a i a n Satuan/Description Unit

15 Kantor SAR Ambon/SAR Office Ambona. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue

Equipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 1 3 2 2- Rescue Truck unit 0 1 2 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 0 0 1 1 2- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 1 2 2 2- Rubber Boat unit 2 3 5 4 6

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 1 1 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 9 7 7 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 3 3- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 3 3- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 4 9

16 Kantor SAR Kupang/ SAR Office Kupang

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land RescueEquipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 1 3 3 3- Rescue Truck unit 0 0 1 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1- Ambulance unit 1 1 1 1 0

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 0 0 0 1 1- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 1 2 2 2- Rubber Boat unit 5 3 5 3 6

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 8 5 12 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 3 3- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 3 3- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 5 12

No 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 50

U r a i a n Satuan/Description Unit

17 Kantor SAR Biak/SAR Office Biaka. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue

Equipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 1 3 3 3- Rescue Truck unit 0 0 1 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 2 2 1- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 0 1 1 1- Rubber Boat unit 3 4 6 5 6

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 14 25 25 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit - - - 3 3- Transportable Communication unit - - - 3 3- Mobile Communication unit - - - 6 12

18 Kantor SAR Jayapura/SAR Office Jayapura

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land RescueEquipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 1 3 2 3- Rescue Truck unit 0 0 1 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 0 0 0 0 1- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 1 1 1 1- Rubber Boat unit 3 3 5 4 6

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- SAR OIMS / Com Sat unit 1 1 1 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 24 16 17 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 3 3- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 3 3- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 3 4

2010No 2006 2007 2008 2009

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 51

U r a i a n Satuan/Description Unit

19 Kantor SAR Sorong/SAR Office Soronga. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue

Equipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 1 3 3 3- Rescue Truck unit 0 0 1 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 1 1- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 0 1 1 1- Rubber Boat unit 3 3 5 4 6

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 23 0 20 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 3 3- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 3 3- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 5 26

20 Kantor SAR Merauke/SAR Office Merauke

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land RescueEquipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 0 1 2 2- Rescue Truck unit 0 0 1 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1- Alltrain Mobile / Supacat unit 1 1 1 1 0

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 0 1 1 1 1- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 0 1 1 2- Rubber Boat unit 6 3 5 3 6

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 16 16 16 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 2 2- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 2 2- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 4 12

No 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 52

U r a i a n Satuan/Description Unit

21 Kantor SAR Timika/SAR Office Timikaa. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue

Equipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 1 2 2 2- Rescue Truck unit 0 0 1 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 0 0 0 0 1- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 0 0 1 1 1- Rubber Boat unit 3 4 4 4 6

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 4 6 6 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 2 2- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 2 2- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 3 15

22 Kantor SAR N.A.D/SAR Office N. A. D .a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue

Equipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 2 3 3 4- Rescue Truck unit 0 0 1 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1- Ambulance unit 0 0 0 0 2

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 0 0 0 1 1- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 0 3 0 0 3- Rubber Boat unit 1 13 15 15 5

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 3 16 32 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 3 3- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 3 3- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 5 31

2010No 2006 2007 2008 2009

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 53

U r a i a n Satuan/Description Unit

23 Kantor SAR Semarang/SAR Office Semarang

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land RescueEquipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 1 3 3 3- Rescue Truck unit 0 0 1 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 0 0 2 2 2- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 0 1 2 2 2- Rubber Boat unit 3 4 6 5 7

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 6 10 13 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 3 3- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 3 3- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 6 14

24 Kantor SAR Kendari/SAR Office Kendaria. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue

Equipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 1 3 3 4- Rescue Truck unit 0 0 1 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 1 1- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 1 2 1 3- Rubber Boat unit 2 4 6 5 6

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 5 10 10 0 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit - - - 3 3- Transportable Communication unit - - - 3 3- Mobile Communication unit - - - 5 20

No 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 54

U r a i a n Satuan/Description Unit

25 Kantor SAR Mataram/SAR Office Mataram

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land RescueEquipments.- Rescue Car unit 1 1 3 3 3- Rescue Truck unit 0 0 1 1 1- Truck Personil unit 0 0 0 0 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea RescueEquipments- Rescue Boat unit 0 0 0 0 1- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 0 1 1 1 1- Rubber Boat unit 3 4 6 6 6

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main RescueEquipments- Helycopter unit 0 0 0 0 0

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR Communication Equipments- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 0 0 0 0 0- Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set 6 27 27 27 0

Radio - Base Marine transpotable unit 0 0 0 3 3- Transportable Communication unit 0 0 0 3 3- Mobile Communication unit 0 0 0 4 8

Sumber / Source : Badan SAR Nasional, Kementerian Perhubungan / National Search and Rescue Ministry of Transportation(diolah kembali / recompiled)

2010No 2006 2007 2008 2009

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 55

U r a i a n Satuan/Description Unit

Jumlah Kejadian / Number of Accident kali / case 18 12 14 7 17

- Dilaporkan / Reported kali / case 18 12 14 7 17

- Jumlah Korban / Number of Victim Orang / person 906 551 364 168 515

- Selamat / Safe Orang / person 867 384 337 50 504

- Luka ringan / Minor Injured Orang / person 7 75 2 0 0

- Luka berat / Seriously Injured Orang / person 12 0 1 0 0

- Meninggal / Death Orang / person 18 24 24 118 6

- Hilang / Lost Orang / person 2 104 0 0 5

Sumber / Source : Badan SAR Nasional, Kementerian Perhubungan / National Search and Rescue Ministry of Transportation(diolah kembali / recompiled)

2009 2010

Tabel / Table B.3.0.03

Jumlah Musibah Penerbangan Yang Ditangani BasarnasNumber Of Aircraft Accidents Handled By National Search And Rescue Agency

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008











2006 2007 2008 2009 2010






2 0 012 0 1 0 018 24 24




0 0 5

- Selamat / Safe - Luka ringan / Minor Injured - Luka berat / Seriously Injured- Meninggal / Death - Hilang / Lost

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 56

U r a i a n Satuan/Description Unit

Jumlah Kejadian / Number of Accident kali / case 128 173 230 90 257

- Dilaporkan / Reported kali / case 128 173 230 90 257

- Jumlah Korban / Number of Victim Orang / person 2.386 3.692 2.939 1.920 2.904

- Selamat / Safe Orang / person 1.925 2.812 2.560 1.374 2.514

- Luka ringan / Minor Injured Orang / person 15 9 37 0 0

- Luka berat / Seriously Injured Orang / person 7 4 18 0 0

- Meninggal / Death Orang / person 135 268 120 204 183

- Hilang / Lost Orang / person 304 584 204 342 207

Sumber / Source : Badan SAR Nasional, Kementerian Perhubungan / National Search and Rescue Ministry of Transportation(diolah kembali / recompiled)

2010No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

Tabel / Table B. 3.0.04

Jumlah Musibah Pelayaran Yang Ditangani BasarnasNumber Of Accidents At Sea Handled By National Search And Rescue Agency

2006 - 2010








2006 2007 2008 2009 2010





15 9 37 0 07 4 18 0 0135 268 120 204 183304584

204 342 207

- Selamat / Safe - Luka ringan / Minor Injured - Luka berat / Seriously Injured

- Meninggal / Death - Hilang / Lost

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 57

U r a i a n Satuan/Description Unit

Jumlah Kejadian / Number of Accident kali / case 155 131 261 178 555

- Dilaporkan / Reported kali / case 155 131 261 178 555

- Jumlah Korban / Number of Victim Orang / person 2.385 1.180 812 4.462 25.811

- Selamat / Safe Orang / person 684 106 320 3.311 23.422

- Luka ringan / Minor Injured Orang / person 529 318 144 0 0

- Luka berat / Seriously Injured Orang / person 221 240 38 0 0

- Meninggal / Death Orang / person 694 436 270 1.024 1.785

- Hilang / Lost Orang / person 257 80 40 127 604

Sumber / Source : Badan SAR Nasional, Kementerian Perhubungan / National Search and Rescue Ministry of Transportation(diolah kembali / recompiled)

2009 2010

Tabel / Table B.3.0.05

Jumlah Musibah Lain-lain Yang Ditangani BasarnasNumber Of The Other Accidents Handled By National Search And Rescue Agency

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008







2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

684 106 320



529 318 144 0 0221 240 38 0 0694 436 270 1.024 1.785257 80 40 127 604

- Selamat / Safe - Luka ringan / Minor Injured - Luka berat / Seriously Injured - Meninggal / Death - Hilang / Lost

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 2010 58

NO Uraian Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Description Unit

A Studi Besar/Big Studies*1 Studi Bidang Sektoral Studi 12 35 18 16 28

Sectoral Study study2 Studi Bidang Manajemen Transportasi Multim Studi 5 6 6 5 5

Multimodal Transport Management Study study3 Studi Bidang Transportasi Darat Studi 5 7 6 6 8

Land Transport Study study4 Studi Bidang Transportasi Laut Studi 5 7 7 8 8

Sea Transport Study study5 Studi Bidang Transportasi Udara Studi 5 7 7 6 6

Air Transport Study study

Studi 32 62 44 41 55B Studi Sedang/Midle Studies**1 Studi Bidang Sektoral Studi 3 5 5 5 2

Sectoral Study study2 Studi Bidang Manajemen Tranportasi Multimo Studi 3 3 4 2 2

Multimodal Transport Management Study study3 Studi Bidang Transportasi Darat Studi 4 4 4 4 2

Land Transport Study study4 Studi Bidang Transportasi Laut Studi 5 7 5 4 4

Sea Transport Study study5 Studi Bidang Transportasi Udara Studi 3 3 3 2 3

Air Transport Study studyStudi 18 22 21 17 13

C Studi Kecil/Small Studies***1 Studi Bidang Sektoral Studi 20 26 28 72 58

Sectoral Study study2 Studi Bidang Manajemen Transportasi Multim Studi 13 19 15 15 20

Multimodal Transport Management Study study3 Studi Bidang Transportasi Darat Studi 5 6 10 17 20

Land Transport Study study4 Studi Bidang Transportasi Laut Studi 10 8 12 18 17

Sea Transport Study study5 Studi Bidang Transportasi Udara Studi 21 22 24 25 28

Air Transport Study study

Studi/Study 69 81 89 147 143Studi/Study 119 165 154 205 211

Sumber / Source : Badan Litbang Perhubungan/Research and Development Agency (d iolah kembali/recompiled)

Ket : * studi dilaksanakan oleh lebih dari 30 orang** studi dilaksanakan oleh 10 - 30 orang*** studi dilaksanakan oleh kurang dari 10 orang

Tabel / Table B.4.0.01

Jumlah Total / Grand Total

Sub Jumlah / Sub Total

Sub Jumlah / Sub Total

Sub Jumlah / Sub Total

Hasil Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Studi)Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan

Number of Studies carried out by the Research and Development Agency

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 2010 59

NO Uraian Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Description Unit

A Seminar1 Seminar Bidang Sektoral Kali 1 2 2 0 0

Sectoral seminar Times2 Seminar Bidang Manajemen

Transportasi Multimoda Kali 0 1 0 0 0Multimodal Transport Management Seminar


3 Seminar Bidang Transportasi Darat Kali 0 0 0 0 0Land Transport Seminar Times

4 Seminar Bidang Transportasi Laut Kali 0 0 0 0 0Sea Transport Seminar Times

5 Seminar Bidang Transportasi Udara Kali 0 0 0 0 0Air Transport Seminar Times

Kali 1 3 2 0 0B Temu karya/Intern Workshop1 Temu Karya Bidang Sektoral Kali 2 2 2 2 2

Sectoral Workshop Times

Kali 2 2 2 2 2C Ceramah Ilmiah/Symposium1 Ceramah Ilmiah Bidang Lintas

Kali 1 2 3 0 1

Sectoral Symposium Times2 Ceramah Ilmiah Bidang Manajemen

Transportasi Multimoda Kali2 3 2 0 0

Multimodal Transport Management Symposium


3 Ceramah Ilimiah Bidang Transportasi Darat Kali

3 5 2 1 0

Land Transport Symposium Times4 Ceramah Ilimiah Bidang Transportasi

Laut Kali5 5 1 1 0

Sea Transport Symposium Times5 Ceramah Ilmiah Bidang Transportasi

Udara Kali2 2 2 0 0

Air Transport Symposium Times

Kali 13 17 10 2 1

Tabel / Table B.4.0.02

Kegiatan Seminar, Temu Karya, Ceramah Ilmiah, Loka KaryaBadan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan

Seminar and Workshop Conducted by Research and Development Agency

2006 - 2010

Sub Jumlah / Sub Total

Sub Jumlah / Sub Total

Sub Jumlah / Sub Total

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 2010 60

NO Uraian Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Description Unit

D Loka Karya/Workshop1 Loka Karya Bidang Sektoral Kali 0 0 5 5 5

Sectoral Workshop Times2 Loka Karya Bidang Manajemen

Tranportasi Multimoda Kali0 0 6 6 7

Multimodal Transport Management Workshop


3 Loka Karya Bidang Transportasi Darat Kali 0 1 6 5 6Land Transport Workshop Times

4 Loka Karya Bidang Transportasi Laut Kali 0 0 6 4 6Sea Transport Workshop Times

5 Loka Karya Bidang Transportasi Kali 0 0 6 5 7Air Transport Workshop Times

Kali/Times 0 1 29 25 31Kali/Times 16 23 43 29 43

Sumber / Source : Badan Litbang Perhubungan/Research and Development Agency ( diolah kembali/recompiled)

Jumlah Total / Grand Total Sub Jumlah / Sub Total

Statistik perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 2010 61

NO Uraian SatuanDescription Unit


MANAJEMEN TRANSPORTASI MULTIMODAResearchers Multimodal Transport Management

1 Peneliti Pertama Orang 6 2 5 1 3 5 3 5 4 6First Researcher Person

2 Peneliti Muda Orang 1 4 1 4 4 3 3 6 2 6Junior Researcher Person

3 Peneliti Madya Orang 2 3 3 0 3 0 2 0 2 1Middle Researcher Person

4 Peneliti Utama Orang 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0Master Researcher Person

5 Profesor Riset Orang 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Professor of Researcher Person

Sub Jumlah / SubTotal Orang/Person 9 9 9 5 10 8 9 11 9 13

NO Uraian SatuanDescription Unit



Land Transport Researchers

1 Peneliti Pertama Orang 7 8 4 4 5 6 3 6 7 6First Researcher Person

2 Peneliti Muda Orang 9 6 8 5 4 8 4 8 5 7Junior Researcher Person

3 Peneliti Madya Orang 3 1 5 1 7 1 7 1 5 4Middle Researcher Person

4 Peneliti Utama Orang 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0Master Researcher Person

5 Profesor Riset Orang 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0Professor of Researcher Person

Sub Jumlah / SubTotal Orang/Person 21 15 19 10 18 15 16 15 20 17

2008 2010

Tabel / Table B.4.0.03

The Researchers Number Of Research and development Agency

2006 - 2010

Tenaga Peneliti Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan


2008 20092006 2007

2006 2009


Statistik perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 2010 62

NO Uraian SatuanDescription Unit



1 Peneliti Pertama Orang 5 2 1 2 3 7 3 6 3 3First Researcher Person

2 Peneliti Muda Orang 6 2 4 0 1 5 1 5 1 5Junior Researcher Person

3 Peneliti Madya Orang 9 0 9 0 11 0 11 0 11 0Middle Researcher Person

4 Peneliti Utama Orang 2 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 2 0Master Researcher Person

5 Profesor Riset Orang 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0Professor of Researcher Person

Orang/Person 22 4 16 2 17 12 17 11 17 8

NO Uraian SatuanDescription Unit



1 Peneliti Pertama Orang 6 7 3 5 4 8 5 8 2 7First Researcher Person

2 Peneliti Muda Orang 8 4 8 3 8 5 7 6 7 6Junior Researcher Person

3 Peneliti Madya Orang 6 0 6 1 8 3 9 4 9 4Middle Researcher Person

4 Peneliti Utama Orang 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0Master Researcher Person

5 Profesor Riset Orang 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Professor of Researcher Person

Orang/Person 21 11 18 9 21 16 22 18 19 17Orang/Person 73 39 62 26 66 51 64 55 65 55

Sumber / Source : Badan Litbang Perhubungan/Research and Development Agency ( diolah kembali/recompiled)


Jumlah Total / Grand Total

Sub Jumlah / SubTotal

Sub Jumlah / SubTotal

2006 2007

2007 2010

2009 2010

2008 20092006

Statistik perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 2010 63

NO Uraian SatuanDescription Unit


D Fungsional Peneliti & Perekayasa (Litkayasa)

1 Litkayasa Penyelia Orang 1 0 2 4 1 1 2 3 5 2Supervisory Engineering Research Person

2 Litkayasa Pelaksana Lanjutan Orang 5 4 6 4 9 6 7 2 9 5Second Engineering Research Person

3 Litkayasa Pelaksana Orang 17 10 25 16 20 12 20 12 11 8First Engineering Research Person

4 Litkayasa Pelaksana Pemula Orang 11 12 6 3 0 0 19 13 16 15Beginner Engineering Research Person

Orang/Person 34 26 39 27 30 19 48 30 41 30Sumber / Source : Badan Litbang Perhubungan /Research and Development Agency

2009 2010

Sub Jumlah / SubTotal

Tabel B.

Tenaga Fungsional Penelitian dan Perekayasa (Litkayasa)

2006 2007 2008

2006 - 2010

Engineering Research Functional Of Research and Development Agency

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 64

U r a i a nNo Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1 Rintisan Pendidikan Gelar *) Orang 43 87 96 119 111person

2 Pelatihan Prajabatan **) Orang 1.140 800 1.218 1.200 2.570Structural Training person

3 Pelatihan Penjenjangan **) Orang 130 120 255 430 205Ladder Training person

4 Pelatihan Penataran/Short Course **) Orang 368 885 2.503 2.602 2.922Refresher Training person

5 Pelatihan Luar Negeri *) Orang 45 6 20 217 136International Training person

Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 1.726 1.898 4.092 4.568 5.944Sumber Data : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/Education and Training Agency Ministry of TransportationCatatan :Pelatihan Prajabatan adalah untuk golongan II dan IIIPelatihan Penjenjangan adalah Pelatihan yang meliputi diklat PIM IV, III, dan IIPelatihan Teknis (Short Course ) meliputi Pelatihan Teknis Aparatur, Pelatihan Fungsional & Pelatihan Keterampilan

Rintisan Pendidikan Gelar adalah Program Pendidikan Pasca Sarjana (sebelumnya menggunakan nama diklat awal) diselenggarakan Setdiklat dgn UPTN :UI, ITB, UGMPelatihan Luar Negeri adalah Diklat yang diselenggarakan di Luar Negeri dengan bekerjasama dgn pihak Luar Negeri*) = Diselenggarakan oleh Sekretariat Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan**) = Mulai Tahun 2006 telah diselenggarakan oleh Pusbang Aparatur Perhubungan

-- = Tidak ada kegiatan, = Tanda Desimal* = Data Sementara0 = Nol

Keterangan Data :

Tabel/ Table B.5.0.01

Realization of the Training Participants Number that Organized by Secretariat of Education And Training AgencyAnd Transportation Officers Training and Education Center

2006 - 2010

Realisasi Jumlah Peserta Pendidikan dan Pelatihan yang diselenggarakan Sekretariat Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan dan Pusbang Aparatur Perhubungan

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 65

U r a i a nNo Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1 Rintisan Pendidikan Gelar *) Orang 43 31 43 111 81person

2 Pelatihan Prajabatan **) Orang 1.140 800 1.218 1.200 2.570Structural Training person

3 Pelatihan Penjenjangan **) Orang 130 120 255 430 205Ladder Training person

4 Pelatihan Penataran/Short Course **) Orang 368 885 1.875 2.480 2.922Refresher Training person

5 Pelatihan Luar Negeri *) Orang 45 6 20 217 136International Training person

Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 1.726 1.842 3.411 4.438 5.914Sumber Data : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/Education and Training Agency Ministry of TransportationCatatan :Pelatihan Prajabatan adalah untuk golongan II dan IIIPelatihan Penjenjangan adalah Pelatihan yang meliputi diklat PIM IV, III, dan IIPelatihan Teknis (Short Course ) meliputi Pelatihan Teknis Aparatur, Pelatihan Fungsional & Pelatihan Keterampilan

Rintisan Pendidikan Gelar adalah Program Pendidikan Pasca Sarjana (sebelumnya menggunakan nama diklat awal) diselenggarakan Setdiklat dgn UPTN :UI, ITB, UGMPelatihan Luar Negeri adalah Diklat yang diselenggarakan di Luar Negeri dengan bekerjasama dgn pihak Luar Negeri*) = Diselenggarakan oleh Sekretariat Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan**) = Mulai Tahun 2006 telah diselenggarakan oleh Pusbang Aparatur Perhubungan

-- = Tidak ada kegiatan, = Tanda Desimal* = Data Sementara0 = Nol

Keterangan Data :

And Transportation Officers Training and Education Center

2006 - 2010

Realisasi Lulusan Peserta Pendidikan dan Pelatihan yang diselenggarakan Sekretariat Badan Pengembangan SDM

Realization of the Training Graduates Number that Organized by Secretariat of Education And Training Agency

Tabel/ Table B.5.0.02

Perhubungan dan Pusbang Aparatur Perhubungan

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 66

U r a i a nNo Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat OrangLand Transportation Sub Sector personSekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 445 617 512 508 612Land Transportation Higher Education personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Tegal Orang 165 219 258 263 276Land Transportation Training center - Tegal personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Orang 71 66 85 117 141Land Transportation Training - Palembang personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 27 61 111 129 142Land Transportation Training - Bali personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 708 963 966 1.017 1.171

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut OrangMaritime Transportation Sub Sector personSekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 1.317 1.117 1.130 1.273 1.580Indonesia shipping Higher Education personPIP Semarang Orang 766 1.594 1.542 1.131 1.432The Maritime Polythecnic - Semarang personPIP Makassar Orang 620 648 780 1.003 1.247The Maritime Polythecnic - Makassar personBP2IP Surabaya Orang 299 340 313 371 867Rating and Vocational School - Surabaya personBP2IP Barombong Orang 324 374 415 448 439Rating and Vocational School - Barombong personBP2IP Mauk Tangerang Orang 291 468 235 310 445Rating and Vocational School - Tangerang personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 3.617 4.541 4.415 4.536 6.010

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Udara OrangAir Transportation Sub Sector personSekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 777 943 825 537 1.122Indonesia Flight Higher Education personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 118 179 206 275 462Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Surabaya personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 85 174 284 209 184Safety Aviation and Technique Academy - Medan personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 0 60 95 20 190Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Makassar person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 980 1.356 1.410 1.041 1.958Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 5.305 6.860 6.791 6.594 9.139

Sumber Data : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/Education and Training Agency Ministry of Transportation

-- = Tidak ada kegiatan* = Data Sementara0 = Nol

Tabel/ Table B.5.0.03

Berdasarkan Sub Sektor

Keterangan Data :

Realisasi Jumlah Peserta Pendidikan Pembentukan di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan

Realization of Preliminary Training Participants of Education andTraining Agency of The Ministry of Transportation

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 67

U r a i a nNo Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1 Sub Sektor Perhubungan DaratLand Transportation Sub SectorSekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 117 105 104 143 163Land Transportation Higher Education personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Tegal Orang 33 49 83 87 88Land Transportation Training - Tegal personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Orang 21 31 21 21 31Land Transportation Training - Palembang personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 0 0 27 34 50Land Transportation Training - Bali personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 171 185 235 285 332

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut OrangMaritime Transportation Sub Sector personSekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 182 405 303 221 245The Maritime Higher Education personPIP Semarang Orang 226 230 229 332 311The Maritime Polythecnic - Semarang personPIP Makassar Orang 148 149 134 135 148The Maritime Polythecnic - Makassar personBP2IP Surabaya Orang 43 46 108 65 263Rating and Vocational School - Surabaya personBP2IP Barombong Orang 58 69 77 108 113Rating and Vocational School - Barombong personBP2IP Mauk Tangerang Orang 19 66 176 37 146Rating and Vocational School - Tangerang personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 676 965 1.027 898 1.226

3 Sektor Perhubungan Udara OrangAir Transportation Sector personSekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 276 203 267 499 275Indonesia Flight Higher Education personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 30 29 87 87 0Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Surabaya personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 0 53 181 42 57Safety Aviation and Technique Academy - Medan personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 0 22 59 19 56Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Makassar person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 306 307 594 647 388Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 1.153 1.457 1.856 1.830 1.946

Sumber Data : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/Education and Training Agency Ministry of Transportation

-- = Tidak ada kegiatan, = Tanda Desimal* = Data Sementara0 = Nol

Realization of Preliminary Training Graduates of Education andTraining Agency of Ministry of Transportation

Keterangan Data :

Tabel/ Table B.5.0.04Realisasi Lulusan Pendidikan Pembentukan di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan

Berdasarkan Sub Sektor

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 68

U r a i a nNo Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1 Sub Sektor Perhubungan DaratLand Transportation Sub SectorPusdiklat Perhubungan Darat Orang 226 72 335 335 711Land Transportation Education personSekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 85 136 152 158 277Land Transportation Higher Education personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Tegal Orang 166 166 246 561 507Land Transportation Training - Tegal personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat Palembang Orang 162 162 152 198 229Land Transportation Training - Palembang personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 93 216 386 312 336Land Transportation Training - Bali personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 732 752 1.271 1.564 2.060

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan LautMaritime Transportation Sub SectorPusdiklat Perhubungan Laut Orang 240 186 279 144 120Maritime Education & Training Center personSekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 11.837 16.360 13.130 30.133 33.763The Maritime Higher Education personBP3IP Jakarta Orang 4.263 3.418 3.216 6.225 7.816Seafarers Education Refreshing & Upgradding Institute personPIP Semarang Orang 13.738 13.705 15.793 15.109 19.992The Maritime Polythecnic - Semarang personPIP Makassar Orang 4.117 6.380 9.920 14.532 13.714The Maritime Polythecnic - Makassar personBP2IP Surabaya Orang 4.744 6.246 12.593 16.055 22.669The Maritime Polythecnic - Surabaya personBP2IP Barombong Orang 5.139 4.770 6.267 8.190 10.577Rating and Vocational School - Barombong personBPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta Orang 380 330 450 570 705Sea Communication Staff Training Institution personBP2IP Mauk Tangerang Orang 1.913 1.168 1.784 2.921 3.948Rating and Vocational School - Mauk personBP2IP Sorong Orang - - 0 505 1.726Rating and Vocational School - Sorong personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 46.371 52.563 63.432 94.384 115.030

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan UdaraAir Transportation Sub SectorPusdiklat Perhubungan Udara Orang 937 1.848 964 1.129 780Air Transportation Education & Training Center personSekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 160 331 535 398 328Indonesia Flight Higher Education personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 257 387 171 120 72Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Surabaya personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 33 78 149 56 57Safety Aviation and Technique Academy - Medan personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 26 15 79 85 41Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Makassar personBalai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang Orang 258 156 188 158 170Aviation and Training Center - Palembang personBalai Diklat Penerbangan Jaya Pura Orang 79 99 114 115 175Aviation and Training Center - Jayapura person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 1.750 2.914 2.200 2.061 1.623Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 48.853 56.229 66.903 98.009 118.713

Sumber Data : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/Education and Training Agency Ministry of Transportation

Pelatihan Teknis (Short Course ) meliputi Pelatihan Teknis Aparatur, Pelatihan Fungsional & Pelatihan Keterampilan

-- = Tidak ada kegiatan, = Tanda Desimal* = Data Sementara0 = Nol

Realisasi Jumlah Peserta Pelatihan Teknis (Short Course ) di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan

Realization of Refresher Participants of Education And Training Agency of The Ministry of Transportation

2006 - 2010

Keterangan Data :

Berdasarkan Sub Sektor

Tabel/ Table B.5.0.05

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 69

U r a i a nNo Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1 Sub Sektor Perhubungan DaratLand Transportation Sub SectorPusdiklat Perhubungan Darat Orang 226 72 335 335 711Land Transportation Education personSekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 85 136 152 158 277Land Transportation Higher Education personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Tegal Orang 165 166 246 560 507Land Transportation Training - Tegal personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Orang 162 162 152 198 229Land Transportation Training - Palembang personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 93 216 386 312 336Land Transportation Training - Bali personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 731 752 1.271 1.563 2.060

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan LautMaritime Transportation Sub SectorPusdiklat Perhubungan Laut Orang 240 238 279 144 120Maritime Education & Training Center personSekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 11.837 16.360 13.130 30.133 33.763The Maritime Higher Education personBP3IP Jakarta Orang 4.263 3.418 3.216 6.225 7.816Seafarers Education Refreshing & Upgradding Institute personPIP Semarang Orang 13.738 13.705 15.793 15.109 19.992The Maritime Polythecnic - Semarang personPIP Makassar Orang 4.117 6.380 9.920 14.532 13.714The Maritime Polythecnic - Makassar personBP2IP Surabaya Orang 4.744 6.246 12.593 16.055 22.669The Maritime Polythecnic - Surabaya personBP2IP Barombong Orang 5.139 4.770 6.267 8.190 10.577Rating and Vocational School - Barombong personBPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta Orang 380 330 450 570 705Sea Communication Staff Training Institution personBP2IP Mauk Tangerang Orang 1.913 1.168 1.784 2.707 3.948Rating and Vocational School - Mauk personBP2IP Sorong Orang - - 0 505 1.726Rating and Vocational School - Sorong personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 46.371 52.615 63.432 94.170 115.030

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan UdaraAir Transportation Sub SectorPusdiklat Perhubungan Udara Orang 937 1.848 937 1.128 779Air Transportation Education & Training Center personSekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 148 264 344 397 328Indonesia Flight Higher Education personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 257 387 171 120 72Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Surabaya personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 33 78 145 56 57Safety Aviation and Technique Academy - Medan personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 26 15 79 85 41Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Makassar personBalai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang Orang 258 156 188 158 170Aviation and Training Center - Palembang personBalai Diklat Penerbangan Jaya Pura Orang 79 99 114 115 175Aviation and Training Center - Jayapura person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 1.738 2.847 1.978 2.059 1.622Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 48.840 56.214 66.681 97.792 118.712

Sumber Data : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/Education and Training Agency Ministry of Transportation

Pelatihan Teknis (Short Course ) meliputi Pelatihan Teknis Aparatur, Pelatihan Fungsional & Pelatihan Keterampilan

-- = Tidak ada kegiatan, = Tanda Desimal* = Data Sementara0 = Nol

2006 - 2010

Keterangan Data :

Tabel/ Table B.5.0.06

Realisasi Lulusan Pelatihan Teknis (Short Course ) di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan

Realization of Refresher Training Graduates of Education And Training Agency of The Ministry of TransportationBerdasarkan Sub Sektor

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 70

U r a i a nNo Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1 Sub Sektor Perhubungan DaratLand Transportation Sub SectorSekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 59 50 44 42 56Land Transportation Higher Education personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 59 50 44 42 56

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan LautMaritime Transportation Sub SectorSekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 0 258 206 580 589The Maritime Higher Education personBP3IP Jakarta Orang 2.311 3.578 3.335 3.702 6.382Seafarers Education Refreshing & Upgradding Institute personPIP Semarang Orang 722 1.124 1.766 1.812 1.207The Maritime Polythecnic - Semarang personPIP Makassar Orang 167 183 220 364 345The Maritime Polythecnic - Makassar personBP2IP Surabaya Orang 0 0 487 481 1.176The Maritime Polythecnic - Surabaya personBP2IP Barombong Orang 482 902 956 1.968 4.221Rating and Vocational School - Barombong personBP2IP Mauk Tangerang Orang 0 0 99 385 366Rating and Vocational School - Mauk personBP2IP Sorong Orang - - 0 120 200Rating and Vocational School - Sorong personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 3.682 6.045 7.069 9.412 14.486

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan UdaraAir Transportation Sub SectorSekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 0 203 203 100 229Indonesia Flight Higher Education person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 0 203 203 100 229Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 3.741 6.298 7.316 9.554 14.771

Sumber Data : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/Education and Training Agency Ministry of Transportation

-- = Tidak ada kegiatan, = Tanda Desimal* = Data Sementara0 = Nol

Tabel/ Table B.5.0.07

Keterangan Data :

Realisasi Jumlah Peserta Pendidikan/Pelatihan Penjenjangan di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM PerhubunganRealization of Upgrading Participants of Education And Training Agency of The Ministry of Transportation

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 71

U r a i a nNo Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1 Sub Sektor Perhubungan DaratLand Transportation Sub SectorSekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 37 22 28 16 28Land Transportation Higher Education personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 37 22 28 16 28

1 Sub Sektor Perhubungan LautMaritime Transportation Sub SectorSekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 0 258 206 580 583The Maritime Higher Education personBP3IP Jakarta Orang 2.311 3.578 3.335 3.525 6.374Seafarers Education Refreshing & Upgradding Institute personPIP Semarang Orang 503 601 1.149 962 843The Maritime Polythecnic - Semarang personPIP Makassar Orang 97 167 183 220 364The Maritime Polythecnic - Makassar personBP2IP Surabaya Orang 0 0 487 481 1.176The Maritime Polythecnic - Surabaya personBP2IP Barombong Orang 473 901 956 1.965 4.222Rating and Vocational School - Barombong personBP2IP Mauk Tangerang Orang 0 0 98 183 219Rating and Vocational School - Mauk personBP2IP Sorong Orang - - 0 120 181Rating and Vocational School - Sorong personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 3.384 5.505 6.414 8.036 13.962

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan UdaraAir Transportation Sub SectorSekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 0 203 203 100 219Indonesia Flight Higher Education person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 0 203 203 100 219Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 3.421 5.730 6.645 8.152 14.209

Sumber Data : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/Education and Training Agency Ministry of Transportation

-- = Tidak ada kegiatan, = Tanda Desimal* = Data Sementara0 = Nol

Keterangan Data :

Tabel/ Table B.5.0.08

2006 - 2010

Realisasi Lulusan Pendidikan/Pelatihan Penjenjangan di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM PerhubunganRealization of Upgading Training Graduates of Education And Training Agency of The Ministry of Transportation

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 72

U r a i a nNo Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1 Sub Sektor Perhubungan DaratLand Transportation Sub Sector Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 37 29 29 32 49Land Transportation Higher Education personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Tegal Orang 0 3 3 7 4Land Transportation Training - Tegal personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Orang 14 12 14 14 20Land Transportation Training - Palembang personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 0 0 0 9 5Land Transportation Training - Bali personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 51 44 46 62 78

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan LautMaritime Transportation Sub SectorSekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 120 132 127 155 110The Maritime Higher Education personBP3IP Jakarta Orang 119 124 124 125 187Seafarers Education Refreshing & Upgradding Institute personPIP Semarang Orang 43 42 59 65 66The Maritime Polythecnic - Semarang personPIP Makassar Orang 5 56 56 57 67The Maritime Polythecnic - Makassar personBP2IP Surabaya Orang 0 52 29 49 55The Maritime Polythecnic - Surabaya personBP2IP Barombong Orang 41 41 45 51 53Rating and Vocational School - Barombong personBPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta Orang 0 0 0 0 0Sea Communication Staff Training Institution personBP2IP Mauk Tangerang Orang 53 61 61 67 79Rating and Vocational School - Mauk personBP2IP Sorong Orang 0 0 0 11 27Rating and Vocational School - Sorong personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 381 508 501 580 644

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan UdaraAir Transportation Sub SectorPusdiklat Perhubungan Udara Orang 44 40 32 61 122Air Transportation Education & Training Center personSekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 148 148 159 161 207Indonesia Flight Higher Education personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 25 24 29 28 31Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Surabaya personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 25 24 21 24 31Safety Aviation and Technique Academy - Medan personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 4 6 8 10 10Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Makassar personBalai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang Orang 0 0 6 6 6Aviation and Training Center - Palembang personBalai Diklat Penerbangan Jaya Pura Orang 18 14 18 16 30Aviation and Training Center - Jayapura person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 264 256 273 306 437Jumlah/ Total 696 808 820 948 1.159

Sumber Data : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/Education and Training Agency Ministry of TransportationCatatan :Dosen : Pendidikan Tinggi (STIP, STPI, STTD, ATKP, PIP)Instruktur/Widyaiswara : BPPTD Tegal, BPPTD Palembang, BPPTD Bali, BP3IP, BPPTL, BP2IP Surabaya, BP2IP Sorong, BPPPNB Palembang, BPPPNB Jayapura

-- = Tidak ada kegiatan, = Tanda Desimal* = Data Sementara0 = Nol

2006 - 2010

Rekapitulasi Jumlah Tenaga Pengajar (Dosen/Instruktur Tetap) Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Recapitulation of Permanent Lecturers of Education And Training Agency of the Ministry of Transportation

Keterangan Data :

Tabel/ Table B.5.0.09

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 73

U r a i a nNo Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1 Sub Sektor Perhubungan DaratLand Transportation Sub Sector Pusdiklat Perhubungan Darat Orang 14 14 9 9 9Land Transportation Education personSekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 14 14 9 9 31Land Transportation Higher Education personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Tegal Orang 12 23 23 24 42Land Transportation Training - Tegal personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Orang 1 7 10 10 4Land Transportation Training - Palembang personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 10 20 30 10 29Land Transportation Training - Bali personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 51 78 81 62 115

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan LautMaritime Transportation Sub SectorSekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 52 51 42 43 89The Maritime Higher Education personBP3IP Jakarta Orang 0 0 0 0 0Seafarers Education Refreshing & Upgradding Institute personPIP Semarang Orang 47 48 48 31 64The Maritime Polythecnic - Semarang personPIP Makassar Orang 46 46 66 80 75The Maritime Polythecnic - Makassar personBP2IP Surabaya Orang 51 60 19 25 25The Maritime Polythecnic - Surabaya personBP2IP Barombong Orang 21 21 24 27 27Rating and Vocational School - Barombong personBPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta Orang 126 93 106 110 110Sea Communication Staff Training Institution personBP2IP Mauk Tangerang Orang 19 27 19 27 28Rating and Vocational School - Mauk personBP2IP Sorong Orang 0 0 0 8 12Rating and Vocational School - Sorong personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 362 346 324 351 430

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan UdaraAir Transportation Sub SectorPusdiklat Perhubungan Udara Orang 0 0 0 0 0Air Transportation Education & Training Center personSekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 175 236 221 248 282Indonesia Flight Higher Education personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 5 6 6 5 4Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Surabaya personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 44 46 42 44 46Safety Aviation and Technique Academy - Medan personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 15 18 22 9 41Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Makassar personBalai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang Orang 82 83 60 60 60Aviation and Training Center - Palembang personBalai Diklat Penerbangan Jaya Pura Orang 44 71 48 58 50Aviation and Training Center - Jayapura person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 365 460 399 424 483Jumlah/ Total 778 884 804 837 1.028

Sumber Data : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/Education and Training Agency Ministry of TransportationCatatan :Dosen : Pendidikan Tinggi (STIP, STPI, STTD, ATKP, PIP)Instruktur/Widyaiswara : BPPTD Tegal, BPPTD Palembang, BPPTD Bali, BP3IP, BPPTL, BP2IP Surabaya, BP2IP Sorong, BPPPNB Palembang, BPPPNB Jayapura

-- = Tidak ada kegiatan, = Tanda Desimal* = Data Sementara0 = Nol

Tabel/ Table B.5.0.10

2006 - 2010

Keterangan Data :

Rekapitulasi Jumlah Tenaga Pengajar (Dosen/Instruktur Tidak Tetap) Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Recapitulation of Non Permanent Lecturers of Education And Training Agency of the Ministry of Transportation

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 74

U r a i a nNo Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1 Pusdiklat Aparatur Perhubungan Orang 3 3 4 7 14Transportation Officers Training and Education Center personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 3 3 4 7 14

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan DaratLand Transportation Sub Sector Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 0 0 0 0 3Land Transportation Training - Bali personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 0 0 0 0 3

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan LautMaritime Transportation Sub SectorPusdiklat Perhubungan Laut Orang 0 0 4 0 0Maritime Education & Training Center personPIP Semarang Orang 0 0 0 0 1The Maritime Polythecnic - Semarang personBPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta Orang 0 0 3 2 2Sea Communication Staff Training Institution personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 0 0 7 2 3

Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 3 3 11 9 20Sumber Data : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/Education and Training Agency Ministry of TransportationCatatan :Dosen : Pendidikan Tinggi (STIP, STPI, STTD, ATKP, PIP)Instruktur/Widyaiswara : BPPTD Tegal, BPPTD Palembang, BPPTD Bali, BP3IP, BPPTL, BP2IP Surabaya, BP2IP Sorong, BPPPNB Palembang, BPPPNB Jayapura

-- = Tidak ada kegiatan, = Tanda Desimal* = Data Sementara0 = Nol

Tabel/ Table B.5.0.11

2006 - 2010

Rekapitulasi Jumlah Widyaiswara Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Recapitulation of Instructors Education and Training Agency of the Ministry of Transportation

Keterangan Data :

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 75

U r a i a nNo Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1 Pusdiklat Aparatur Perhubungan Orang 355 355 355 430 490Transportation Officers Training and Education Center personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 355 355 355 430 490

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan DaratLand Transportation Sub SectorSekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 520 520 640 640 640Land Transportation Higher Education personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Tegal Orang 230 320 320 440 440Land Transportation Training - Tegal personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Orang 120 120 120 150 275Land Transportation Training - Palembang personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 120 144 144 175 200Land Transportation Training - Bali personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 990 1.104 1.224 1.405 1.555

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan LautMaritime Transportation Sub SectorSekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 900 2.100 2.100 2.220 2.400The Maritime Higher Education personBP3IP Jakarta Orang 900 900 900 1.050 1.050Seafarers Education Refreshing & Upgradding Institute personPIP Semarang Orang 945 945 945 945 1.020The Maritime Polythecnic - Semarang personPIP Makassar Orang 1.020 1.020 1.020 1.020 1.020The Maritime Polythecnic - Makassar personBP2IP Surabaya Orang 660 580 750 2.280 2.220The Maritime Polythecnic - Surabaya personBP2IP Barombong Orang 780 780 780 780 840Rating and Vocational School - Barombong personBPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta Orang 30 90 570 510 150Sea Communication Staff Training Institution personBP2IP Mauk Tangerang Orang 420 420 420 570 990Rating and Vocational School - Mauk personBP2IP Sorong Orang -- -- -- 270 270Rating and Vocational School - Sorong personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 5.655 6.835 7.485 9.645 9.960

4 Sub Sektor Perhubungan UdaraAir Transportation Sub SectorPusdiklat Perhubungan Udara Orang 120 120 120 120 120Air Transportation Education & Training Center personSekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 510 630 780 780 2.250Indonesia Flight Higher Education personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 295 440 440 300 1.800Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Surabaya personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 200 100 160 150 150Safety Aviation and Technique Academy - Medan personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 100 120 140 140 168Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Makassar personBalai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang Orang 100 100 100 155 155Aviation and Training Center - Palembang personBalai Diklat Penerbangan Jaya Pura Orang 100 100 100 100 100Aviation and Training Center - Jayapura person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 1.425 1.610 1.840 1.745 4.743Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 8.425 9.904 10.904 13.225 16.748

Sumber Data : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/Education and Training Agency Ministry of TransportationKeterangan Data : -- = Tidak ada kegiatan

, = Tanda Desimal* = Data Sementara0 = Nol

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table B.5.0.12

Classroom Capacities of Education and Training Agency of The Ministry of TransportationKapasitas Kelas Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 76

U r a i a nNo Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1 Sub Sektor Perhubungan DaratLand Transportation Sub SectorSekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 504 617 639 647 668Land Transportation Higher Education personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Tegal Orang 165 219 258 263 276Land Transportation Training - Tegal personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Orang 71 66 85 117 141Land Transportation Training - Palembang personBalai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 27 61 111 129 142Land Transportation Training - Bali personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 767 963 1.093 1.156 1.227

2 Diklat Perhubungan Laut Maritime Transportation education & trainingSekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 1.317 1.117 1.130 1.273 1.580The Maritime Higher Education personPIP Semarang Orang 766 1.594 1.542 1131 1432The Maritime Polythecnic - Semarang personPIP Makassar Orang 620 648 780 1.003 1.338The Maritime Polythecnic - Makassar personBP2IP Surabaya Orang 299 340 313 371 867The Maritime Polythecnic - Surabaya personBP2IP Barombong Orang 324 374 415 448 439Rating and Vocational School - Barombong personBP2IP Mauk Tangerang Orang 291 468 235 310 756Rating and Vocational School - Mauk personSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 3.617 4.541 4.415 4.536 6.412

3 Diklat Perhubungan UdaraAir Transportation education & trainingSekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 777 1.146 1.028 637 1.351Indonesia Flight Higher Education personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 118 179 206 275 462Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Surabaya personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 85 174 284 209 184Safety Aviation and Technique Academy - Medan personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 0 60 95 20 190Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Makassar person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 980 1.559 1.613 1.141 2.187Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 5.364 7.063 7.121 6.833 9.826

Sumber Data : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/Education and Training Agency Ministry of TransportationKeterangan Data : -- = Tidak ada kegiatan

, = Tanda Desimal* = Data Sementara0 = Nol

Rekapitulasi Jumlah Taruna Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan

Tabel/ Table B.5.0.13

Recapitulation of Preliminary Training Participants of Ministry of Transportation

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 77

U r a i a nNo Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1 Pusdiklat Aparatur Perhubungan Orang 80 80 80 90 90Transportation Officers Training and Education Center person

Unit 4 4Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 80 80 80 90 90

Unit 0 0 0 4 4

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan DaratLand Transportation Sub SectorSekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 82 82 102 102 60Land Transportation Higher Education person

Unit 3 3 3 3 2Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Tegal Orang 95 130 130 250 270Land Transportation Training - Tegal person

Unit 9Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Orang 150 150 150 150 150Land Transportation Training - Palembang person

Unit 5 5 5 5 5Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 0 30 30 30 125Land Transportation Training - Bali person

UnitSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 327 392 412 532 605

Unit 8 8 8 8 16

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan LautMaritime Transportation Sub SectorSekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 655 655 655 700 700The Maritime Higher Education person

Unit 25 25 25 27 27BP3IP Jakarta Orang 160 160 160 160 690Seafarers Education Refreshing & Upgradding Institute person

Unit 5 5 5 8 23PIP Semarang Orang 465 465 465 465 645The Maritime Polythecnic - Semarang person

Unit 25 25 27 31 35PIP Makassar Orang 426 456 456 486 546The Maritime Polythecnic - Makassar person

Unit 20 21 21 22 26BP2IP Surabaya Orang 180 240 315 315 509The Maritime Polythecnic - Surabaya person

Unit 12 16 21 21 32BP2IP Barombong Orang 624 624 624 624 684Rating and Vocational School - Barombong person

Unit 27 27 27 27 31BP2IP Mauk Tangerang Orang 390 390 390 420 450Rating and Vocational School - Mauk person

Unit 13 13 13 14 15BPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta Orang 0 0 0 0 30Sea Communication Staff Training Institution person

Unit 0 0 0 0 1BP2IP Sorong Orang 0 0 0 200 200Rating and Vocational School - Sorong person

Unit 0 0 0 10 10Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 2.900 2.990 3.065 3.370 4.454

Unit 127 132 139 160 2004 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Udara

Air Transportation Sub SectorPusdiklat Perhubungan Udara Orang 0 0 40 40 50Air Transportation Education & Training Center person

Unit 0 0 2 2 3Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 860 1.010 1.220 1.220 1.260Indonesia Flight Higher Education person

Unit 30 35 40 40 41Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 260 260 260 260 1.760Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Surabaya person

Unit 4 4 4 4 59Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 160 160 160 220 340Safety Aviation and Technique Academy - Medan person

Unit 8 8 8 11 13Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 110 120 230 230 260Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Makassar person

Unit 5 5 6 6 13Balai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang Orang 60 60 60 60 100Aviation and Training Center - Palembang person

Unit 3 3 3 3 5Balai Diklat Penerbangan Jaya Pura Orang 80 80 80 100 120Aviation and Training Center - Jayapura person

Unit 4 4 4 5 6

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 1.530 1.690 2.050 2.130 3.890Unit 54 59 67 71 140

Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 4.837 5.152 5.607 6.122 9.039Unit 189 199 214 243 360

Sumber Data : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/Education and Training Agency Ministry of TransportationKeterangan Data : -- = Tidak ada kegiatan

, = Tanda Desimal* = Data Sementara0 = Nol

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table B.5.0.14Kapasitas Laboratorium Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan

Laboratorium Capacities of Education and Training Agency of The Ministry of Transportation

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 78

U r a i a nNo Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1 Pusdiklat Aparatur Perhubungan Orang 136 272 272 272 285Transportation Officers Training and Education Center person

Unit 2 2 2 2 2

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 136 272 272 272 285Unit 2 2 2 2 2

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan DaratLand Transportation Sub SectorSekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 243 242 340 320 454Land Transportation Higher Education person

Unit 8 8 5 4 6Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Tegal Orang 416 564 534 546 348Land Transportation Training - Tegal person

Unit 8 8 8 6Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Orang 148 166 166 166 222Land Transportation Training - Palembang person

Unit 6 6 6 7Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 182 182 182 206 240Land Transportation Training - Bali person

Unit 5Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 989 1.154 1.222 1.238 1.264

Unit 8 22 19 18 243 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut

Maritime Transportation Sub SectorPusdiklat Perhubungan Laut Orang 0 0 0 0 0Maritime Education & Training Center person

Unit 0 0 0 0 0Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 1.006 1.006 1.006 1.006 1.006The Maritime Higher Education person

Unit 9 9 9 9 9BP3IP Jakarta Orang 0 0 0 0 0Seafarers Education Refreshing & Upgradding Institute person

Unit 0 0 0 0 0PIP Semarang Orang 748 748 802 802 852The Maritime Polythecnic - Semarang person

Unit 5 5 6 6 6PIP Makassar Orang 518 518 518 518 518The Maritime Polythecnic - Makassar person

Unit 4 4 4 4 4BP2IP Surabaya Orang 477 477 477 477 1.146The Maritime Polythecnic - Surabaya person

Unit 9 9 11 11 5BP2IP Barombong Orang 814 814 814 814 814Rating and Vocational School - Barombong person

Unit 6 6 6 6 6BPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta Orang 160 160 170 170 256Sea Communication Staff Training Institution person

Unit 3 3 4 4 4BP2IP Mauk Tangerang Orang 312 312 312 312 312Rating and Vocational School - Mauk person

UnitSub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 4.035 4.035 4.099 4.099 4.904

Unit 36 36 40 40 34

4 Sub Sektor Perhubungan UdaraAir Transportation Sub SectorPusdiklat Perhubungan Udara Orang 90 90 90 90 90Air Transportation Education & Training Center person

Unit 4 4 4 4 4Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 796 796 796 1074 1530Indonesia Flight Higher Education person

Unit 2 2 2 5 7Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 238 238 238 238 564Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Surabaya person

Unit 4 4 4 4 6Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 135 135 135 135 232Safety Aviation and Technique Academy - Medan person

Unit 6 6 6 6 7Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 100 125 150 150 194Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Makassar person

Unit 5 5 5 5 6Balai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang Orang 80 80 80 80 80Aviation and Training Center - Palembang person

Unit 4 4 4 4 4Balai Diklat Penerbangan Jaya Pura Orang 120 120 120 120 120Aviation and Training Center - Jayapura person

Unit 5 5 5 5 5Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 1.559 1.584 1.609 1.887 2.810

Unit 30 30 30 33 39Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 6.719 7.045 7.202 7.496 9.263

Unit 76 90 91 93 99Sumber Data : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/Education and Training Agency Ministry of TransportationKeterangan Data : -- = Tidak ada kegiatan

, = Tanda Desimal* = Data Sementara0 = Nol

Tabel/ Table B.5.0.15Kapasitas Asrama Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan

Dormitory Capacities of Education and Training Agency of The Ministry of Transportation2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 79

U r a i a nNo Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1 Pusdiklat Aparatur Perhubungan Orang 1.162 1.162 1.162 1.162 1.162Transportation Officers Training and Education Center person

Unit 2 2 2 2 2Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 1.162 1.162 1.162 1.162 1.162

Unit 2 2 2 2 2

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan DaratLand Transportation Sub SectorSekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 180 180 180 180 180Land Transportation Higher Education person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Tegal Orang 400 400 400 300 300Land Transportation Training - Tegal person

Unit 2 2 2 1 1Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Orang 300 300 300 300 300Land Transportation Training - Palembang person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 100 100 100 100 100Land Transportation Training - Bali person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 980 980 980 880 880

Unit 5 5 5 4 4

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan LautMaritime Transportation Sub SectorSekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000The Maritime Higher Education person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1BP3IP Jakarta Orang 300 300 300 300 300Seafarers Education Refreshing & Upgradding Institute person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1PIP Semarang Orang 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000The Maritime Polythecnic - Semarang person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1PIP Makassar Orang 700 700 700 700 700The Maritime Polythecnic - Makassar person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1BP2IP Surabaya Orang 320 320 320 320 320The Maritime Polythecnic - Surabaya person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1BP2IP Barombong Orang 500 500 500 500 500Rating and Vocational School - Barombong person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1BPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta Orang 100 100 100 100 100Sea Communication Staff Training Institution person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1BP2IP Mauk Tangerang Orang 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000Rating and Vocational School - Mauk person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1BP2IP Sorong Orang 0 0 0 0 0Rating and Vocational School - Sorong person

Unit 0 0 0 0 0Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 4.920 4.920 4.920 4.920 4.920

Unit 8 8 8 8 8

4 Sub Sektor Perhubungan UdaraAir Transportation Sub SectorPusdiklat Perhubungan Udara Orang 100 100 100 100 100Air Transportation Education & Training Center person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000Indonesia Flight Higher Education person

Unit 2 2 2 2 2Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 200 200 200 200 500Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Surabaya person

Unit 1 1 1 1 2Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 200 200 200 200 200Safety Aviation and Technique Academy - Medan person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 100 100 100 100 240Safety Aviation and Technique Academy-Makassar person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1Balai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang Orang 150 150 150 150 150Aviation and Training Center - Palembang person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1Balai Diklat Penerbangan Jaya Pura Orang 0 0 0 0 0Aviation and Training Center - Jayapura person

Unit 0 0 0 0 0Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 1.750 1.750 1.750 1.750 2.190

Unit 7 7 7 7 8Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 8.812 8.812 8.812 8.712 9.152

Unit 22 22 22 21 22Sumber Data : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/Education and Training Agency Ministry of TransportationKeterangan Data : -- = Tidak ada kegiatan

, = Tanda Desimal* = Data Sementara0 = Nol

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table B.5.0.16

Hall Capacities of Education and Training Agency of The Ministry of TransportationKapasitas Aula Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 80

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

1 Meteorologi Stasiun 120 120 120 120 120 Meteorology Station

Klas I / Clas I Stasiun 8 8 8 8 8Station

Klas II / Clas II Stasiun 14 20 20 20 20Station

Klas III / Clas III Stasiun 87 81 81 81 81Station

KlasIV / Clas IV Stasiun 11 11 11 11 11Station

2 Klimatologi 21 22 22 22 22 Climatology

Klas I / Clas I Stasiun 5 5 5 5 5Station

Klas II / Clas II Stasiun 8 9 9 9 9Station

Klas III / Clas III Stasiun 4 4 4 4 4Station

KlasIV / Clas IV Stasiun 4 4 4 4 4Station

Pengamatan Kualitas Udara / Air Quality Pos 39 40 43 43 44 Observations GAW (Global Atmosphere Watch) Post 1 1 1 1 1

3 Geofisika Stasiun 33 31 31 31 30 Geophysics Station

Klas I / Clas I Stasiun 6 9 9 9 11Station

Klas II / Clas II Stasiun 7 4 4 4 3Station

Klas III / Clas III Stasiun 18 17 17 17 17Station

KlasIV / Clas IV Stasiun 2 1 1 1 1Station

Sensor gempa telemetri Sensor 27 113 135 135 287Sensor

4 Pos Pengamatan Ker jasama/ Integ Post Pos 4.950 5.036 6.207 6.207 6.207 Monitoring Post - Aktif / active 3.181 2.554 2.554 2.554 3.854

Pos Hujan / Rain Post Pos 4.582 4.749 6.016 6.016 6.016 - Aktif / active Post 3.011 2.386 2.981 2.981 3.681

Pos Penguapan/Evaporation Post Pos 27 20 26 26 30 - Aktif / active Post 6 10 17 17 17

Pos Iklim / Climate Post Pos 40 15 29 29 29 - Aktif / active Post 15 10 20 20 20

Pos Pertanian Khusus/Special Agreecul- Pos 127 123 136 136 136 ture Post Post - Aktif / active 110 89 90 90 92

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics Agency

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.01

2006 - 2010

Jumlah Stasiun Dan Pos Pengamatan Meteorologi Dan GeofisikaMenurut Kelas

Number of Station and Post Observation By ClassOf Meteorology and Geophysic

No. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 81

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Jumlah Pelayanan/Number of Service Pelayanan 418.565 434.474 434.474 434.474 628.865 a. Penerbangan/Flight Service Service QAM Pelayanan 148.174 160.204 160.204 160.204 164.540

Service Metar Pelayanan 90.796 72.983 72.983 72.983 275.008

Service Speci Pelayanan 11.355 16.909 16.909 16.909 902

Service Route Forecast Pelayanan 9.863 8.987 8.987 8.987 8.721

Service Flight Forecast Pelayanan 126.212 144.681 144.681 144.681 151.738

Service Terminal Forecast Pelayanan 32.165 30.710 30.710 30.710 27.956


b. Informasi Meteorologi Kelautan/ Pelayanan 1.287 1.247 2.262 2.240 2.817 Marine Meteorology Service Service

Informasi Cuaca Pelayaran/ Pelayanan 429 782 782 782 3.650 Shiping Weather Information Service Informasi Cuaca Pelabuhan/ Pelayanan 429 782 782 782 3.650 harbour Weather Information Service Informasi Cuaca Khusus/ Pelayanan 429 465 54 386 386 Special Weather Information Service

c. Pertanian / Agricultur Informasi Tingkat Ketersediaan air/ Pelayanan 700 700 700 700 700 Water Supply Rate Information Service Evaluasi dan Prakiraan Hujan Bulanan/ Pelayanan 750 750 750 750 750 Monthly Rain Evaluation and Forecast Service Prakiraan Musim Hujan dan Kemarau Pelayanan 750 750 750 750 750 Wet and dry Season Forecast Service

d. Umum / Public Prakiraan Cuaca/ Iklim/ Weather / Climate Forecast - Harian / Daily Pelayanan 6.205 6.205 6.300 385.488 385.488

Service - Bulanan / Monthly Pelayanan 300 12.000 12.000 12.000 12.000

Service - Musiman / Season Pelayanan 120 24.000 24.000 24.000 24.000

Service - informasi Kualitas Udara Pelayanan 521 462 480 404 373


e. Geofisika / Geophysic - Informasi Almanak Pelayanan 330 350 350 350 357 Almanac Information Service - Informasi Garis Ketinggian Hilal Pelayanan 330 350 350 350 357 Hilal Height Information Service - Informasi tanda waktu Pelayanan 365 365 365 365 365 Time Indication Information Service - Informasi Magnet Bumi di Indonesia Pelayanan 0 2 1 5 0 Earth Magnet Information in Indonesia Service - Informasi Kegempaan Pelayanan 936 2.017 4.634 4.332 287 Earthquake Information Service - Informasi Data Petir Pelayanan 10 2 7 7 11 Thunderstorm Data Information Service - Informasi Data Hisab dan Rukyat Pelayanan 300 300 350 350 369 Hisab and Rukyat Data Information Service

2008 2009No. 2006 2007

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.02

Produksi Jasa Meteorologi dan Geofisika Berdasarkan Jumlah Pelayanan Dan Penerbitan Dokumen/Buku/Buletin

By Number of Service and PublicationsProduction of Meteorology and Geophysics

2006 - 2010


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 82

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

2 Penerbitan Dokumen/buku/buletin 311 433 332 224 213 Document published

- Laporan Meteorologi dan Geofisika Frekuensi 12 12 12 12 12 Meteorological and Geophysical Report Frequency - Prakiraan Musim Frekuensi 2 2 2 2 2 Seasonal forecast Frequency - Buletin Meteorolgi da Geofisika Frekuensi 3 3 4 4 4 Meteorological and Geophysical Bulletin Frequency - Almanak BMG Frekuensi 1 1 1 1 1 Almanac of MGA of Indonesia Frequency - Garis Ketinggian Hilal Frekuensi 1 1 1 1 1 Line of Hilal Height Frequency - Peta Magnit Bumi (Epoch) *) Frekuensi 1 0 0 0 0 Earth Magnet Map Frequency - Informasi Gempa Ekstrem Frekuensi 291 414 312 204 192 Extreme Earthquake Information Frequency - Jaringan Titik Dasar Gaya Berat BMG Frekuensi 0 0 0 0 0 Gravitational Baseline Network of MGA Ind Frequency

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes :*) Informasi dan penerbitan dokumen di buat setiap 5 (lima) tahun / Information and document published every 5 (five) years0 = tidak ada publikasi / penerbitan

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Suhu Udara/Temperature - Suhu Udara maksimum/ o Cel 39,0 39,8 39,0 39,0 39,0 The highest max temperature - Suhu Udara Minimum o Cel 9,0 12,5 12,5 12,5 14,1 The Lowest Min Temperature

2 Kelembaban Udara/Humidity - Kelembaban Udara maksimum/ % 100 100 100 100 100 The highest max humidity - Kelembaban Udara minimum/ % 15 28 28 28 28 The highest min humidity

3 Angin/Wind Knot 48 40 44 44 43 Angin terbesar/ Maximum velocity of wind

4 Curah Hujan/ Rain fall - Tertinggi dalam sehari/ mm 396 320 316 318 297 The biggest in a day - Terbesar dalam sebulan/ mm 1.354 1.017 1.329 809 909 The biggest in a month - Terbesar dalam setahun/ mm 4.575 5.132 5628 3591,5 4976 The biggest in a year

5 Gempa/Ear thquake - Jumlah kejadian gempa yang dapat Kejadian 291 414 312 204 287 dirasakan Number of earthquake event - Gempa terbesar SR 6,8 8,4 7,7 7,9 7,6 The biggest earthquake (SR) (S R : Skala Richter/Richter scala)

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.03

Per istiwa Cuaca dan Geofisika Ekstrem

No. 2006 2007 2008 2009


Extreem Weather And Geophysic Phenomena

2006 - 2010


No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 83

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 157,30 145,00 160,30 224,30 149,002 Februari / February mm 109,10 0,00 16,20 146,20 113,003 Maret / March mm 133,10 185,00 154,90 113,30 105,004 April / April mm 84,50 135,00 149,90 205,00 220,005 Mei / May mm 72,20 70,00 117,30 175,10 59,006 Juni / June mm 94,40 90,90 36,30 22,00 191,007 Juli / July mm 42,10 76,50 42,80 26,30 89,008 Agustus / August mm 28,10 15,80 60,30 117,50 74,009 September / September mm 166,00 74,00 48,10 126,00 76,00

10 Oktober / October mm 85,10 113,00 74,70 43,10 117,0011 November / November mm 179,00 151,50 566,80 270,20 461,0012 Desember / December mm 123,70 219,00 156,10 255,00 622,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 104,00 162,40 108,40 181,90 166,002 Februari / February mm 132,00 8,60 30,40 94,90 30,003 Maret / March mm 122,00 40,00 129,70 341,80 143,004 April / April mm 223,00 244,30 241,20 225,80 65,005 Mei / May mm 300,00 371,80 180,90 423,20 129,006 Juni / June mm 252,00 85,30 66,60 78,30 156,007 Juli / July mm 110,00 254,70 277,70 167,60 220,008 Agustus / August mm 148,00 146,30 195,20 272,20 381,009 September / September mm 387,00 247,80 260,80 259,50 89,00

10 Oktober / October mm 272,00 304,40 362,30 369,30 161,0011 November / November mm 147,00 282,90 372,00 107,30 246,0012 Desember / December mm 347,00 248,00 250,00 46,20 159,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.05

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Medan (96035)Monthly Rainfall At Medan

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

2006 - 2010

2010No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

Monthly Rainfall At Banda Aceh

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.04


Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Banda Aceh (96011)

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 84

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 207,00 243,10 185,00 122,00 375,002 Februari / February mm 98,00 265,80 120,30 165,00 205,003 Maret / March mm 124,00 218,60 437,60 426,90 533,004 April / April mm 204,00 397,80 251,90 279,20 380,005 Mei / May mm 309,00 316,00 99,00 239,40 373,006 Juni / June mm 163,00 132,30 225,30 118,50 272,007 Juli / July mm 63,00 157,80 214,10 70,20 728,008 Agustus / August mm 152,00 196,70 129,30 214,70 192,009 September / September mm 171,00 279,60 304,40 301,10 467,00

10 Oktober / October mm 107,00 481,20 297,70 326,70 158,0011 November / November mm 101,00 333,30 318,30 300,50 141,0012 Desember / December mm 475,00 132,50 125,90 602,70 210,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 149,00 571,00 76,20 256,50 265,002 Februari / February mm 159,00 298,50 184,10 253,20 427,003 Maret / March mm 264,00 288,00 543,20 238,30 815,004 April / April mm 199,00 93,60 197,40 175,90 234,005 Mei / May mm 52,00 96,50 182,90 126,40 281,006 Juni / June mm 219,40 283,00 485,20 118,40 346,007 Juli / July mm 129,00 281,00 389,10 435,50 372,008 Agustus / August mm 142,00 77,70 223,10 221,10 309,009 September / September mm 86,31 222,70 248,50 333,10 539,00

10 Oktober / October mm 10,00 263,50 244,10 208,10 602,0011 November / November mm 170,00 105,30 306,40 503,30 580,0012 Desember / December mm 265,00 366,30 549,80 368,70 206,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

2008 2009

No. 2010


Tabel/ Table B.6.0.07

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Padang (96163)Monthly Rainfall At Padang

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.06

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Pekan Baru (96109)Monthly Rainfall At Pekan Baru

2006 - 2010

2006 2007 2008 2009

No. 2006 2007

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 85

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 320,00 453,30 390,40 259,80 281,002 Februari / February mm 285,00 162,70 136,10 187,10 289,003 Maret / March mm 180,00 182,50 198,20 509,30 472,004 April / April mm 308,00 200,40 276,60 300,90 313,005 Mei / May mm 172,00 199,90 96,00 54,30 137,006 Juni / June mm 116,00 227,60 118,00 191,20 184,007 Juli / July mm 47,20 262,00 77,40 29,30 141,008 Agustus / August mm 19,00 67,00 116,00 41,20 431,009 September / September mm 36,00 141,10 115,50 23,10 204,00

10 Oktober / October mm 21,00 206,00 106,00 157,30 287,0011 November / November mm 34,00 200,40 246,50 197,10 365,0012 Desember / December mm 344,00 309,00 195,10 325,20 342,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 163,00 184,20 152,90 119,20 121,002 Februari / February mm 262,00 83,60 104,10 295,50 180,003 Maret / March mm 223,00 172,80 311,40 180,20 504,004 April / April mm 246,00 354,30 230,20 145,70 190,005 Mei / May mm 308,00 298,50 113,90 154,40 173,006 Juni / June mm 117,40 109,50 27,30 132,20 162,007 Juli / July mm 74,00 210,20 47,20 65,10 312,008 Agustus / August mm 127,00 190,50 319,10 151,10 308,009 September / September mm 117,00 89,60 67,50 121,00 86,00

10 Oktober / October mm 151,00 202,00 225,20 172,10 103,0011 November / November mm 133,00 96,50 205,20 347,50 121,0012 Desember / December mm 169,00 257,80 216,10 252,40 30,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

No. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.08

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Pangkal Pinang (96237)Monthly Rainfall At Pangkal Pinang

2006 - 2010

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Jambi (96195)

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.09

Monthly Rainfall At Jambi

2010No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 86

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 267,00 356,30 155,60 326,50 333,002 Februari / February mm 194,00 59,00 155,50 328,10 308,003 Maret / March mm 158,00 157,60 199,50 73,30 361,004 April / April mm 174,00 304,50 170,70 144,40 72,005 Mei / May mm 55,00 115,00 38,40 94,20 128,006 Juni / June mm 91,00 114,00 34,70 248,80 331,007 Juli / July mm 54,00 42,40 26,10 15,50 193,008 Agustus / August mm 0,40 20,00 139,50 91,80 121,009 September / September mm 0,00 18,00 27,10 21,00 180,00

10 Oktober / October mm 4,00 35,00 148,50 84,40 124,0011 November / November mm 15,00 127,90 182,30 108,30 225,0012 Desember / December mm 263,00 493,00 313,10 229,10 274,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 613,00 550,90 172,90 395,00 233,002 Februari / February mm 385,00 576,00 173,20 244,40 434,003 Maret / March mm 255,00 415,20 424,90 375,30 325,004 April / April mm 249,00 147,80 343,90 494,80 272,005 Mei / May mm 78,00 229,00 66,30 149,00 174,006 Juni / June mm 446,50 91,00 81,20 232,90 174,007 Juli / July mm 91,00 184,00 47,50 157,30 374,008 Agustus / August mm 0,40 36,30 145,50 237,90 256,009 September / September mm 20,10 69,00 183,40 406,30 337,00

10 Oktober / October mm 9,00 178,80 244,50 344,40 536,0011 November / November mm 122,00 92,40 666,80 416,20 318,0012 Desember / December mm 306,00 225,20 638,50 638,50 335,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

Tabel/Table B.6.0.11

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Bengkulu (96253)Monthly Rainfall At Bengkulu

2006 - 2010

20102007 2008 2009No.

Tabel/Table B.6.0.10

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Tanjung Karang (96295)Monthly Rainfall At Tanjung Karang

2006 - 2010

2010No. 2006 2007 2008 2009


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 87

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 221,00 439,50 218,50 259,80 225,002 Februari / February mm 324,00 179,70 189,00 187,10 284,003 Maret / March mm 461,00 128,40 330,30 509,30 501,004 April / April mm 405,00 529,00 327,30 300,90 334,005 Mei / May mm 214,50 165,40 46,40 54,30 332,006 Juni / June mm 122,00 129,70 7,30 191,20 213,007 Juli / July mm 70,00 69,30 111,90 29,30 185,008 Agustus / August mm 59,00 2,90 119,20 41,20 124,009 September / September mm 3,70 76,50 120,70 23,10 432,00

10 Oktober / October mm 23,00 193,40 172,80 157,30 333,0011 November / November mm 159,00 179,00 680,00 197,10 599,0012 Desember / December mm 141,00 305,80 198,30 325,20 233,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 224,00 197,90 83,00 273,60 322,002 Februari / February mm 234,00 236,10 329,00 307,10 195,003 Maret / March mm 345,00 224,10 84,70 129,00 166,004 April / April mm 85,00 118,80 89,40 86,80 72,005 Mei / May mm 152,00 175,00 31,90 102,30 113,006 Juni / June mm 31,00 44,20 50,20 32,00 167,007 Juli / July mm 10,00 45,40 25,30 3,80 208,008 Agustus / August mm 8,00 2,00 51,00 1,60 123,009 September / September mm 0,00 8,20 64,10 15,40 328,00

10 Oktober / October mm 6,00 118,30 71,20 16,20 186,0011 November / November mm 10,00 65,80 239,80 262,20 148,0012 Desember / December mm 145,00 251,00 63,30 43,60 109,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

2008 2009 2010No. 2006 2007

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Serang (96737)Monthly Rainfall At Serang

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.12

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Palembang (96221)Monthly Rainfall At Palembang

2006 - 2010

2010No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.13

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 88

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 299,90 126,90 192,80 190,60 353,002 Februari / February mm 282,30 403,50 103,60 202,80 557,003 Maret / March mm 53,40 184,90 242,30 375,10 531,004 April / April mm 232,60 606,20 94,80 156,20 93,005 Mei / May mm 89,50 87,20 166,20 134,30 345,006 Juni / June mm 32,20 168,10 66,10 103,10 132,007 Juli / July mm 45,00 7,40 4,00 26,20 221,008 Agustus / August mm 0,00 0,00 58,80 0,60 106,009 September / September mm 0,30 45,00 90,50 26,20 424,00

10 Oktober / October mm 57,10 99,30 136,60 234,70 292,0011 November / November mm 10,90 254,00 269,40 295,00 401,0012 Desember / December mm 499,80 310,30 330,00 260,40 238,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 405,00 145,80 129,30 528,90 377,002 Februari / February mm 273,00 620,70 785,10 223,60 223,003 Maret / March mm 304,00 177,30 220,40 157,60 243,004 April / April mm 367,00 167,90 211,60 29,80 27,005 Mei / May mm 87,00 127,00 29,60 225,30 88,006 Juni / June mm 31,00 166,30 51,10 42,00 134,007 Juli / July mm 27,00 34,30 10,00 10,20 250,008 Agustus / August mm 10,00 67,00 8,00 2,00 151,009 September / September mm 0,00 59,00 121,50 88,00 256,00

10 Oktober / October mm 0,00 75,80 83,50 51,30 381,0011 November / November mm 33,00 85,00 117,70 246,50 143,0012 Desember / December mm 112,00 230,00 154,90 193,10 124,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

2006 - 2010


2010No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.15

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di DKI Jakar ta (96745)Monthly Rainfall At DKI Jakarta

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.14

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Bandung (96783)Monthly Rainfall At Bandung

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 89

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 69,00 163,70 423,20 215,20 453,002 Februari / February mm 369,00 219,70 725,20 493,50 340,003 Maret / March mm 197,00 231,50 217,30 82,60 296,004 April / April mm 190,00 138,30 86,90 275,60 210,005 Mei / May mm 232,00 30,00 56,60 349,10 274,006 Juni / June mm 27,00 30,70 42,10 104,10 267,007 Juli / July mm 6,00 16,40 3,00 40,00 60,008 Agustus / August mm 14,00 35,00 66,70 25,10 210,009 September / September mm 0,00 0,00 68,00 57,20 274,00

10 Oktober / October mm 39,00 124,20 239,40 15,00 255,0011 November / November mm 227,00 215,00 265,30 158,60 219,0012 Desember / December mm 266,00 365,00 199,00 250,90 404,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 0,00 23,90 167,70 252,70 208,002 Februari / February mm 0,00 255,40 240,60 198,20 174,003 Maret / March mm 0,00 196,20 271,80 180,40 259,004 April / April mm 0,00 286,10 263,10 184,00 151,005 Mei / May mm 152,00 39,20 107,00 115,90 208,006 Juni / June mm 0,20 25,10 9,00 40,40 81,007 Juli / July mm 9,00 3,00 0,00 0,10 87,008 Agustus / August mm 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 107,009 September / September mm 0,00 0,00 2,00 0,10 578,00

10 Oktober / October mm 1,00 36,00 138,70 75,80 322,0011 November / November mm 13,20 156,00 286,30 95,70 342,0012 Desember / December mm 331,00 669,00 232,40 178,00 374,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

2006 2007 2008 2009



Tabel/ Table B.6.0.17

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di DI. Yogyakar ta (96853)Monthly Rainfall At DI.Yogyakarta

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.16

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Semarang (96839)Monthly Rainfall At Semarang

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 2009


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 90

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 378,00 123,00 237,80 427,20 582,002 Februari / February mm 886,00 493,80 210,60 570,60 448,003 Maret / March mm 288,00 258,70 151,30 121,50 314,004 April / April mm 263,00 192,90 137,20 164,10 406,005 Mei / May mm 229,00 37,70 22,30 264,00 374,006 Juni / June mm 0,00 30,20 4,20 69,60 90,007 Juli / July mm 0,00 39,00 0,00 0,60 136,008 Agustus / August mm 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 16,009 September / September mm 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 129,00

10 Oktober / October mm 0,00 201,00 94,10 0,00 269,0011 November / November mm 31,00 62,00 212,90 26,80 141,0012 Desember / December mm 148,00 194,20 376,30 173,90 215,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 213,00 289,80 145,10 167,60 177,002 Februari / February mm 181,00 222,00 153,10 247,50 157,003 Maret / March mm 201,00 254,00 329,20 305,60 151,004 April / April mm 242,00 375,80 197,50 263,40 222,005 Mei / May mm 304,00 116,70 114,20 202,30 210,006 Juni / June mm 151,00 207,00 208,40 39,00 340,007 Juli / July mm 16,00 296,50 274,50 159,50 258,008 Agustus / August mm 93,00 130,20 150,20 120,10 164,009 September / September mm 135,00 188,00 133,20 48,00 231,00

10 Oktober / October mm 57,00 155,10 250,20 309,60 236,0011 November / November mm 191,00 83,00 516,70 132,70 207,0012 Desember / December mm 79,00 125,20 335,20 236,40 224,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.18

Monthly Rainfall At Surabaya

2006 - 2010

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Surabaya (96935)



Tabel/ Table B.6.0.19

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Samar inda (96607)Monthly Rainfall At Samarinda

2006 - 2010

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 91

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 267,00 397,10 465,80 309,90 313,002 Februari / February mm 367,00 220,50 140,60 150,60 353,003 Maret / March mm 291,00 503,00 422,00 169,10 368,004 April / April mm 302,00 439,50 178,50 202,50 405,005 Mei / May mm 216,00 316,20 76,40 188,50 346,006 Juni / June mm 200,10 287,30 193,00 54,90 291,007 Juli / July mm 71,00 121,60 74,50 66,70 319,008 Agustus / August mm 7,20 162,60 225,80 26,00 303,009 September / September mm 21,10 94,30 101,50 20,20 429,00

10 Oktober / October mm 13,00 328,00 396,50 115,30 729,0011 November / November mm 134,00 254,70 458,80 189,40 329,0012 Desember / December mm 357,00 364,70 283,80 574,00 322,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 185,00 362,60 114,50 234,10 234,002 Februari / February mm 309,00 84,20 79,30 122,40 274,003 Maret / March mm 138,00 210,30 213,10 246,30 286,004 April / April mm 245,00 306,60 298,30 371,90 210,005 Mei / May mm 214,00 469,70 203,00 181,20 321,006 Juni / June mm 220,50 412,00 143,80 136,10 381,007 Juli / July mm 35,00 309,70 319,70 126,10 320,008 Agustus / August mm 23,00 117,00 274,50 283,00 174,009 September / September mm 205,00 715,00 204,90 190,00 424,00

10 Oktober / October mm 130,00 560,00 571,80 363,60 242,0011 November / November mm 281,00 247,40 241,30 648,20 448,0012 Desember / December mm 400,00 367,20 389,30 316,10 203,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010No.

No. 2006

Monthly Rainfall At Pontianak

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.20

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Palangkaraya (96955)Monthly Rainfall At Palangkaraya

2006 - 2010

2007 2008 2009

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.21

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Pontianak (96581)


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 92

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 485,00 333,80 249,10 336,60 399,002 Februari / February mm 415,00 503,70 232,70 218,00 145,003 Maret / March mm 328,00 456,80 386,20 175,70 399,004 April / April mm 192,00 474,90 264,30 125,20 475,005 Mei / May mm 82,00 147,90 88,10 104,70 137,006 Juni / June mm 204,10 198,90 201,50 82,50 240,007 Juli / July mm 18,00 193,40 244,40 50,90 186,008 Agustus / August mm 58,00 88,30 70,90 11,10 320,009 September / September mm 39,00 20,00 87,40 1,50 330,00

10 Oktober / October mm 0,30 120,10 182,70 52,60 260,0011 November / November mm 122,00 331,00 438,30 237,00 289,0012 Desember / December mm 313,00 398,00 348,60 229,50 286,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 357,00 281,80 492,90 607,40 447,002 Februari / February mm 833,00 401,90 268,80 254,90 173,003 Maret / March mm 249,00 387,00 310,50 350,70 63,004 April / April mm 177,00 193,80 499,70 355,80 307,005 Mei / May mm 162,00 239,00 109,00 200,80 410,006 Juni / June mm 355,00 401,60 203,20 152,60 253,007 Juli / July mm 41,00 99,60 421,90 117,70 255,008 Agustus / August mm 37,00 372,40 163,70 120,80 260,009 September / September mm 49,00 73,20 267,70 30,40 313,00

10 Oktober / October mm 18,00 210,20 207,00 117,60 232,0011 November / November mm 144,00 283,50 584,10 482,30 338,0012 Desember / December mm 363,00 271,40 248,80 323,80 493,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.22

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Banjarmasin (96685)Monthly Rainfall At Banjarmasin

2006 - 2010



Tabel/ Table B.6.0.23

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Menado (97014)Monthly Rainfall At Menado

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 93

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 36,00 110,80 34,20 12,40 58,002 Februari / February mm 24,00 101,10 16,00 34,50 32,003 Maret / March mm 109,00 49,00 137,30 94,10 13,004 April / April mm 146,00 52,30 59,60 161,10 81,005 Mei / May mm 92,20 82,50 27,30 26,00 82,006 Juni / June mm 63,50 105,50 54,30 40,30 123,007 Juli / July mm 6,40 133,90 190,50 50,90 113,008 Agustus / August mm 14,10 106,50 204,50 16,60 96,009 September / September mm 94,00 52,40 65,30 11,20 114,00

10 Oktober / October mm 6,00 25,60 106,50 12,20 66,0011 November / November mm 53,00 77,70 49,60 56,50 43,0012 Desember / December mm 23,00 61,10 19,10 56,70 37,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 192,00 165,00 234,70 132,10 188,002 Februari / February mm 174,00 147,10 214,90 135,60 263,003 Maret / March mm 273,00 317,00 29,60 223,20 253,004 April / April mm 162,00 353,00 115,60 128,90 210,005 Mei / May mm 207,00 373,00 307,40 119,20 229,006 Juni / June mm 80,00 324,00 398,20 143,20 345,007 Juli / July mm 28,00 66,00 174,20 227,30 396,008 Agustus / August mm 28,00 186,00 251,70 3,30 284,009 September / September mm 40,00 105,00 59,20 20,10 124,00

10 Oktober / October mm 0,00 47,00 76,90 92,10 225,0011 November / November mm 34,00 66,00 227,40 60,00 112,0012 Desember / December mm 0,00 156,00 141,00 393,40 148,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain




Tabel/ Table B.6.0.25

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Kendar i (97146)Monthly Rainfall At Kendari

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.24

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Palu (97072)Monthly Rainfall At Palu

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

No. 2006 2007 2008

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 94

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 625,00 625,60 487,00 808,60 909,002 Februari / February mm 516,00 572,60 804,00 742,40 438,003 Maret / March mm 375,00 191,80 283,80 138,40 225,004 April / April mm 233,00 137,40 101,40 158,30 181,005 Mei / May mm 170,60 107,60 14,80 177,20 218,006 Juni / June mm 151,20 124,20 78,40 25,00 224,007 Juli / July mm 2,00 9,00 33,20 32,40 184,008 Agustus / August mm 0,60 18,40 4,80 1,00 106,009 September / September mm 0,40 25,80 1,40 81,10 323,00

10 Oktober / October mm 0,00 93,00 83,10 35,20 139,0011 November / November mm 84,00 174,20 370,60 154,30 324,0012 Desember / December mm 503,00 664,20 497,00 331,70 505,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 104,00 230,20 180,90 147,10 100,002 Februari / February mm 129,00 73,90 96,80 144,30 45,003 Maret / March mm 49,00 76,40 348,90 171,23 38,004 April / April mm 173,00 129,00 211,10 141,40 153,005 Mei / May mm 54,00 145,00 145,20 230,80 378,006 Juni / June mm 267,00 181,50 82,20 92,80 263,007 Juli / July mm 0,20 77,30 229,50 52,70 172,008 Agustus / August mm 3,20 38,00 107,30 10,10 277,009 September / September mm 55,40 129,30 84,40 0,00 302,00

10 Oktober / October mm 3,00 46,30 193,30 63,90 250,0011 November / November mm 146,00 84,30 240,90 135,10 84,0012 Desember / December mm 121,00 372,80 243,20 60,20 151,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.26

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Ujung Pandang (97180)Monthly Rainfall At Ujung Pandang

2006 - 2010


Tabel/ Table B.6.0.27

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Gorontalo (97048)Monthly Rainfall At Gorontalo

2006 - 2010

2010No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 95

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 141,00 254,20 175,80 232,70 227,002 Februari / February mm 250,00 186,00 182,20 245,60 89,003 Maret / March mm 225,00 260,20 209,10 277,30 77,004 April / April mm 154,00 146,50 278,90 199,60 333,005 Mei / May mm 106,00 259,00 233,30 273,00 382,006 Juni / June mm 396,00 169,10 201,70 214,10 127,007 Juli / July mm 19,00 174,00 79,50 69,60 212,008 Agustus / August mm 20,00 15,70 167,40 103,10 227,009 September / September mm 155,00 142,50 199,70 4,80 167,00

10 Oktober / October mm 14,00 106,30 255,20 21,30 271,0011 November / November mm 86,00 460,50 193,80 310,30 137,0012 Desember / December mm 124,00 179,00 351,50 158,60 419,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 182,00 125,00 254,80 168,70 165,002 Februari / February mm 239,00 97,20 212,20 107,60 31,003 Maret / March mm 102,00 78,60 74,20 102,30 107,004 April / April mm 175,00 303,60 206,60 95,00 112,005 Mei / May mm 393,00 245,80 628,60 364,40 353,006 Juni / June mm 1.354,00 1.015,60 699,20 234,00 834,007 Juli / July mm 298,00 188,60 829,00 336,30 737,008 Agustus / August mm 85,00 370,80 1.329,20 81,90 850,009 September / September mm 152,00 374,60 783,70 133,40 212,00

10 Oktober / October mm 161,00 233,80 247,40 181,20 108,0011 November / November mm 0,18 122,20 118,40 78,20 146,0012 Desember / December mm 121,00 151,80 244,40 110,30 274,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

Monthly Rainfall At Ternate

2006 - 2010

2006 - 2010

2010No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Ambon (97724)Monthly Rainfall At Ambon

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.29

2010No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.28

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Ternate (97430)

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 96

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 367,00 209,20 326,10 377,30 260,002 Februari / February mm 284,00 164,50 454,30 209,80 192,003 Maret / March mm 397,00 357,60 270,40 143,40 66,004 April / April mm 243,00 310,00 94,80 129,00 327,005 Mei / May mm 56,00 18,60 65,10 54,50 87,006 Juni / June mm 19,00 32,00 25,10 0,70 139,007 Juli / July mm 2,00 2,80 8,40 12,00 115,008 Agustus / August mm 8,00 39,80 0,80 0,10 114,009 September / September mm 0,00 0,50 49,10 107,70 298,00

10 Oktober / October mm 6,00 78,00 121,30 95,70 251,0011 November / November mm 4,00 48,00 90,20 28,40 168,0012 Desember / December mm 97,00 612,90 281,20 302,10 508,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 240,00 99,50 198,40 125,90 246,002 Februari / February mm 224,00 149,50 236,60 275,20 116,003 Maret / March mm 300,00 93,90 71,90 101,00 78,004 April / April mm 129,00 262,60 60,30 101,20 103,005 Mei / May mm 138,30 74,00 143,20 37,30 291,006 Juni / June mm 3,00 91,80 59,60 0,00 117,007 Juli / July mm 3,00 4,40 0,30 17,00 344,008 Agustus / August mm 1,00 0,00 37,30 0,00 96,009 September / September mm 0,10 1,00 45,60 17,00 489,00

10 Oktober / October mm 30,00 34,40 89,00 1,80 289,0011 November / November mm 122,00 331,60 363,60 150,30 247,0012 Desember / December mm 348,00 247,60 90,10 220,60 233,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

No. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.31

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Ampenan (97240)Monthly Rainfall At Ampenan

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.30

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Denpasar (97230)Monthly Rainfall At Denpasar

2006 - 2010


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 97

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 437,00 202,00 202,20 584,50 598,002 Februari / February mm 133,50 205,00 732,10 446,80 199,003 Maret / March mm 237,00 385,20 133,70 104,90 133,004 April / April mm 54,00 39,00 71,70 2,50 131,005 Mei / May mm 43,00 0,00 0,10 39,50 124,006 Juni / June mm 1,00 11,90 8,50 0,00 10,007 Juli / July mm 0,00 2,00 0,00 2,00 2,008 Agustus / August mm 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,10 2,009 September / September mm 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 28,00

10 Oktober / October mm 3,00 3,00 0,10 0,00 109,0011 November / November mm 16,00 57,00 53,50 72,00 31,0012 Desember / December mm 216,00 207,00 481,80 521,40 362,00

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics AgencyKeterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / Not to be rain

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Januari / January mm 220,00 366,00 255,80 168,00 168,002 Februari / February mm 130,40 331,60 212,40 381,20 381,203 Maret / March mm 551,50 328,80 62,10 474,80 474,804 April / April mm 217,20 144,00 269,20 271,50 271,505 Mei / May mm 70,10 212,40 124,20 91,20 91,206 Juni / June mm 66,90 32,80 228,40 95,80 95,807 Juli / July mm 250,70 109,90 43,70 125,60 125,608 Agustus / August mm 198,20 148,40 25,00 113,70 113,709 September / September mm 330,60 60,20 198,90 242,20 242,20

10 Oktober / October mm 128,70 83,00 156,20 117,80 117,8011 November / November mm 182,40 164,00 79,40 94,20 94,2012 Desember / December mm 86,80 160,90 111,10 266,90 266,90

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorogy, Climate and Geophysics Agency*) = Data sementara / temporary

No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

2006 - 2010



Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Sentani (97690 )Monthly Rainfall At Sentani

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.33

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table B.6.0.32

Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Kupang (97372)Monthly Rainfall At Kupang
