Business plan Members: Chloe, Sarah, Gillian Mandy


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Business plan

Members: Chloe,




1.Description of proposed business

Ownership: partnership Name: 泳苑小思嘉 Our business form: a integrated major

bookstore Company slogan: read it, love it, enjoy it !

泳苑小思嘉 , 购书在这家!

• Company profile: we are committed to provide our readers a better place to enjoy their reading time. Reading accompanies with a sense of comfort, leisure, and delight.

• Distinctions from other bookstores: creative, innovative, comfortable, graceful, more superior in the variety of books, services, and decorations.

• Target customers: those who are going for high quality of life with comparatively large purchasing power, who always commuting in the centre of business and have little time to relax , the typical prospective customers are white collars.

• Competitors:• 1. on-line bookstores• 2.local chain bookstores•

2.Assessment of the business environment

Economic environment Industry environment Global environment

2.1.Economic environment:

• In general, in the next few years, the economic environment in China is unstable.

• From the positive points, in the next year, the world economic environment will keep stable. And the increase rate of the world economy will slow down, at about 4%2008

• The development in China is really beneficial for the new-born industries to develop after many years’ preparations. The development in the mid-west areas in China has been increasing rapidly. More and more buildings and capital industries have been under constructions.

• The quality of people’s life has enhanced a lot and therefore they pay more attention to their leisure life. It offers more job opportunities and stimulates more investments in China. So our enterprise has a bright future.

2.2Industry environment

• There are not so many leisure bookstores in China. We search the Internet and find that they are only run in some big cities including Beijing, Shanghai. Although not many leisure bookstores are in China, they have their own styles and are run very successfully.

2.2 Industry environment• 光合作用书房:• 全年空气中都飘动着音乐,书籍的挑选偏重热门却也绝不流

俗。二楼隔着走廊还有一家安静的酒吧和悦读时光咖啡馆。一次性购物满 380 元或一年内小票累计满 500 元可办理会员卡,享受购书 9 折的优惠;二层的悦读时光咖啡馆有小台灯、沙发、留言册和无线网络。

• 读易洞 : • 以人文类的图书为主,走到门口,你就能看到近期读书会的

公告,定期的读书活动增加了这里的成熟文化气息。这里也会经常举办文化学术类活动。主要销售文学、艺术、人文、哲学类的图书。鼓励所有客人借阅图书,不需要会员卡即可借阅,押金为书的价格。限制时间为两周归还,不限制书的数目,收取所借图书价格的三分之一为借阅费用。可借阅图书包括文学艺术小说等,杂志和港版类图书不借阅。周一休,周二至周日 14:00 到 22:30 可前来。目前读易洞提供咖啡、茶、果汁,一次性消费 300 元即可成为会员,或累计消费 1000 元,茶水即可打 9 折优惠。会员储值卡从 1000 元开始储值,消费茶水即可打 8.5 折优惠。  

2.2 Industry environment

• Similarities: play music; offer a peaceful and relaxing environment; sell coffee and tea; have discounts; sell and lend books; have loyalty cards; have online service

• Distinctions: open the bookshop from Monday to Sunday; sell all kinds of books; make coffee and food by ourselves

Industry environment

• In conclusion, nowadays leisure bookstores almost locate in north of China, and they aim at special people. Some of them have coffee shops, tea houses, even canteens, and some of them hold some activities and have discounts to attract consumers.

• Since all people need to read different kinds of books, so our leisure bookstore can cover a large part of the market. What’s more, according to the research, we find that few leisure bookstores in south of China, so we nearly have no competitors in south of China and we have a large potential market there.

2.3 Global environment

• In foreign countries, there are many leisure bookstores, and they don’t just focus on the local market, but also target on the market in other countries. What’s more, some leisure bookstores are run like supermarkets, and some leisure bookstores are run efficiently and have scale management.

• In Britain• In Bookmark, there are just 30 employees worki

ng in this large place like a supermarket, but they manage them very well.

• In America• Barnes & Noble have 600 branches in America

and 200 branches around the world.

2.3 Global environment

After analyzing the economic environment, industry environment and global environment, we think that we can learn something from our competitors, but we also have our strength to compete in the market. What’s more, in nowadays society, it’s very safe to invest in industry of this kind.

3.Target market

Aim at: white-collar workers primarily nearby high-income peopleReasons: high salary to consume; so stressful; need to relax; good for leisure Locations: Hong Kong & Macao NO.1 & NO.2 in payroll

(appendix 1)


4. Product characteristics

创新、高级、舒适、• 休闲、独特、人性化• Innovative, high-class, comfortable, s

pecial, humanity, relaxing

5.Pricing Various kinds of books: sold according to the original price CDs: popular CDs at home and abroadFresh Ground Coffee: 20yuan on averageCakes :15yuan on averageWestern-style pastry: 18yuan on averageIce-creams: 10yuan on average little tea house: a house you can enjoy making tea by yourself or communicating with others

Some kinds of coffee:

1.Espresso 2.Americano 3.Cappuccino 4.Café latte

5.Café mocha 6.Macchiatto

五羊产品系列 : 三色冰淇淋 ................................................2.5 元 /支

红豆栗子雪糕 ..............................................1.5 元 / 支冷杯 : 香草味冰淇淋 .....................................2 元 / 支红豆牛奶冰淇淋 .............................................2 元 / 支家庭装 (820G)................................................25 元 / 盒和路雪——梦龙口味冰淇淋(香草、卡布奇诺两种口味),零售价 4.5 元 和路雪——可爱多朗姆酒 & 葡萄干口味冰淇淋,零售价 5 元 和路雪——绿野仙踪红豆绿茶口味甜味冰,零售价 4 元 和路雪——可爱多甜筒冰淇淋(香草、巧克力、草莓多种口味),零售

价 3.5 元和路雪——奶昔雪糕(香草、巧克力两种口味),零售价 3.5 元雀巢——花心筒巧克力,零售价 4.5 元 雀巢——八次方香草芝麻冰淇淋,零售价 4.5 元 雀巢——摩爵芭菲杯,零售价 5 元雀巢——奇趣杯香草味雪糕,(内有多拉A梦系列玩偶),零售价 7元雀巢—— 0.5L经典香草、巧克力、牛奶、蓝莓、香芋冰淇淋,零售价 9


Ad Features:

• 1.face our target consumers

• 2.use the celebrity effects

• 3.interesting,charming,attractive

Ways of favor:

• 1. In the first three days, the first 100 customers can acquire books valuing 50yuan freely per day.

• 2. Customers who buy our books in total of 500yuan can be our VIP. And after you are a VIP, you can buy all our products with a 8.8 discount.

• 3. If you buy our books 100yuan for one time, you will get 9yuan returned.

4. We will hold some competitions every year in order to make our bookshop well-known to more people, like tennis and bowling competitions.

5. If you buy 5 cups of coffee, you can get an ice-cream for free. (and so on)

6. What’s more, if you can not afford the books which are more than several hundred yuan, don’t worry, you just have to pay for 50% of the price at one time and hand in your available certificates and then you can take the book away. You can pay for the rest of the price three or four times.

• 7. You can borrow books here, if you pay for 300yuan per month and therefore become the member of our bookshop.

Enjoy the coffee:

Enjoy the coffee:

Enjoy the coffee:

Enjoy the coffee:


Summary Considering all the positive factors in our

country, it is possible for us to develop such kind of new industry in China.

Our company uses the form of integrated major bookstore to develop our business. Our high-class products and services make us unique, which surely will help us to gain a firm foothold in the market.

We are convinced that we will succeed in the near future.