by · panic attacks notices that...


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빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

1The reasoning here is presumably that on the first occasion the activity preceded the success,

and the activity must have contributed to the success, so repeating the activity is likely to

lead to a recurrence of the success. This is a classic example of the post hoc fallacy in

action. This argument ignores the possibility that the correlation is _________________.

� classification

‚ inference

ƒ experience

„ remembrance

… coincidence

2In people with panic disorder, ____________ occurs in which physical symptoms, emotions, and

thoughts interact with each other and escalate rapidly. For example, if a woman susceptible to

panic attacks notices that her heart is beating more rapidly than "normal," she may think,

"Maybe I'm having a heart attack." This thought leads to fear and anxiety and stimulates the

release of adrenaline. The release of adrenaline further accelerates her heart rate, which can

convince her that she is experiencing a heart attack.

� a vicious cycle

‚ an optical illusion

ƒ a sense of loneliness

„ an inferiority complex

… an invasion of privacy

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

3This means that the air pressure against the inside of the paper tent is lower than the air

pressure against the outside of the paper tent. Therefore, the paper tent collapses. This effect

is known as the Bernoulli Effect, named after Daniel Bernoulli, a physicist who explained this

phenomenon in 1738. In short, ____________.

� faster moving air generates an area of lower pressure

‚ action and reaction forces always act on two objects

ƒ any moving object moves against the molecules of air

„ atoms or molecules move past one another continually

… the pressure in a fluid at rest is equal in all directions

4It seems that ____________________. We are aware of, and express, what we think; or we are

aware of, and express, our emotional reactions. Almost never are the two sides of our life

brought together.

� ideas provoke feelings

‚ inspiration creates ideas

ƒ imagination precedes reality

„ we live on an either-or basis

… intellect comes ahead of emotion

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

5We often make decisions by __________ marginal benefits and marginal costs.

� reducing

‚ comparing

ƒ equating

„ excluding

… maximizing

6Opportunities seem more valuable to us when they are less ____________.

� different

‚ perfect

ƒ successful

„ available

… convenient

7The importance of ____________ is also evident in cross-cultural studies. When a Pygmy

named Kenge was taken from his dense forest home to the open plain, he saw distant

buffaloes as insects and a large boat as a floating log. Research also shows that people who

lack exposure to three-dimensional representations in artwork find it difficult to judge relative

distance from pictures.

� cultural diversity and values

‚ profound insight and wide vision

ƒ good judgment and common sense

„ perceptual learning and experience

… perception and extensive knowledge

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

8One method people use to determine what is correct is to find out ___________________. This

is called social proof, and it can affect everything we do in life - how fast we drive, what

movies we see, what clothes we buy, and what restaurants we go to.

� what is morally correct to do

‚ what others are thinking of them

ƒ what they initially think is correct

„ what other people think is correct

… what others define as comfortable

9Incredibly, it was the same engine that was involved in the Hatfield crash. The lesson is:


� Luck is no accident

‚ Accident will happen

ƒ Fate loves the fearless

„ Chance has no memory

… There is no coincidence

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

10At the time, this illusion also paved the way for Gestalt psychology - a school of thought

arising in Germany that was founded on the premise that _________________. Gestalt

psychologists believed that humans have an inborn tendency to construct meaningful

perceptions from fragments of sensory input. A classic example is the way we listen to music.

A melody has a form that is different from the individual notes that make it up. So if the

melody is transposed to another key, even if that means changing every note, listners would

still recognize the music because its from would be the same.

� much of what we perceive is just an illusion

‚ we receive and respond to sensory information

ƒ almost nothing remains the same for very long

„ sensation and perception are one and the same

… the whole is different from the sum of its parts

11The stronger the _____(A)______ stimulus, the greater the additional ____(B)____ needed for

the second stimulus to be perceived as different.

(A) (B)

� brief … intensity

‚ initial … intensity

ƒ initial … restriction

„ external … restriction

… external … practice

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

12One characteristic of effective leadership that many of us miss is ___________. The reason we

missed it for so long is that we were raised with the idea that a leader has to be a tough


� boldness

‚ discipline

ƒ strictness

„ creativity

… gentleness

13It seems that most of us understand the deep interconnection between _________. Even

children think of their potential future occupations in terms of what they will be, not about

the mount of money they will earn.

� family and happiness

‚ wealth and status

ƒ personality and hobby

„ education and health

… identity and work

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

14The key concept of the transition is the enhancement of __________. We now have several

examples to prove that amateurs can surpass professionals, when they have the right kind of

system to channel their efforts. Since the blog was introduced, I've noticed that what is

written by passionate amateurs is as good as or better than what is covered by the reporters

in the newspaper.

� stability

‚ uniformity

ƒ perfection

„ centralization

… participation

15You can expect many surprises of insight that come only when you write and rewrite, trying

to get closer to what you want to say. You encounter with unusual ideas, unexpected

thoughts, and a new world is opened each time. In short, writing is a way of


� expressing your feelings

‚ using language effectively

ƒ exploring and discovering

„ giving someone information

… communicating with each other

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

16So if you want to generalize your results from an experiment to all people, ideally you would

use a means of selection that was equivalent to putting the name of everybody in the country

into a very large hat and drawing out a sample of names. You could then say that your

sample had been randomly selected and you could claim good _____________ of your findings.

� validity

‚ originality

ƒ economics

„ subjectivity

… analysis

17It gets you to ______________, though, and that's the hardest part. Once you clean a single

room and score a small but meaningful victory, the irreversible progress begins to snowball.

� face up to an unpleasant task

‚ pretend you're doing something

ƒ pay more attention to your family

„ realize you have a habit of being on time

… think about other ways of filling your schedule

18Ever since she discovered this fact about herself, she's become incredibly aware of

_____________ and remaining as true and authentic as she can be. Now her stomachaches

and headaches never persist for more than a couple of minutes and she sees them as


� keeping her secrets

‚ listening to her body

ƒ making new friends

„ hiding temporary pain

… changing her method of treatment

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

19The life in islands can cause some changes in the immigrant species. One tendency is for

island species to lose the ____________ mechanisms. Once on the restricted area of the

island, this ability is no longer of value to the species. In fact, it is a disadvantage, for the

organism or its seed is now more likely to be blown out to sea.

� defense

‚ dispersal

ƒ resistance

„ camouflage

… reproduction

20Participants in the "smashed into" group estimated the speed of the cars, on average, at 41

mph; the average estimate for participants in the "hit" activated different anticipations that

were used to fill in the missing details in the participants' memories of the film. It seems

that eyewitness memory can be manipulated by the _____________ we hold about the world.

� theories

‚ emotions

ƒ intuitions

„ memories

… expectations

21 The price of an autograph depends on ____________. For example, famous people like

Angelina Jolie and Matt Damon sign a lot of autographs.

� how old it is

‚ what talent one has

ƒ how rare it is

„ which job one has

… how famous one is

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

22Carol Buckley at The Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald, Tennessee reports that elephants

________________. In 1999, resident elephant Jenny became restless and could hardly control

her delight when introduced to newcomer Shirley, an Asian elephant. As the animals checked

each other out with their trunks, Shirley, too, became excited and two seemingly old friends

had what appeared to be an emotional reunion. Both trunks were checking out each other's

old wounds. It turned out that the two elephants had briefly encountered each other years


� never forget a face

‚ use their own language

ƒ have the sixth sense

„ find their mates by scent

… remember their birthplace

23The first step to fighting messes and keeping your home clean is _____________. Go through

all the places where it accumulates. Try closets, drawers, out-of-reach shelves, attics and

basements, and any other place where you're inclined to toss in stuff as you say, "I'll deal

with this later." Be diligent about separating out what you really will use someday from what

you never will. Be honest: you may say you like that sweater your aunt gave you for

Christmas in 2004, but if it still has the tag on it, you aren't ever going to wear it.

� trying not to buy new items

‚ installing built-in furniture at home

ƒ buying environment-friendly products

„ putting stuff you often use near you

… getting rid of all the stuff you never use

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

24One important aspect of musical activities is that they _______________. In a musical group,

the members are not trying to do something better than each other. Rather they are trying to

work together to create something beautiful.

� make communication fun and enjoyable

‚ focus more on cooperation than competition

ƒ help develop listening skills and social skills

„ give young people and opportunity to be creative

… are an important tool for recreation and education

25Yet salt cannot leave the sea by evaporation because the water vapor leaves it behind. So for

many years it was a mystery as to why the sea should ______________, given the rate of

runoff, and particularly if the world was supposed to be hundreds of millions of years old.

� be so deep and large

‚ create so much runoff

ƒ have so little salt in it

„ have so many volcanoes

… keep its temperature so steady

26At first this ash can be very harmful to the environment, but in the long term it will

___________. Some of the best rice-growing regions of Indonesia are in the shadow of active


� attract many tourists

‚ keep ancient remains intact

ƒ become geothermal resources

„ be converted to a fertile soil

… produce very spectacular scenery

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

27We know, from experience, that ____________________. We might offer a lollipop to get a

three-year-old to sit and listen. That lollipop would likely make no impact whatever on a

refrigerator repairman. We do not, for instance, reward our dogs with hot dogs, but with

bite-size biscuits to teach them how to sit and fetch.

� incentives work best for young children

‚ some incentives can make people resentful

ƒ incentives should be appropriate for the subject

„ cash rewards are not desirable as incentives

… incentives should be professional and financial

28There is some truth in the old adage "______________________." And if we were seeking

friends, we would not choose them among those who wear all their feelings outside, whose

tongues prate glibly of affection, who never hesitate for words when they are speaking on

some subject sacred and dear to us. We would rather select a heart than a tongue.

� Old habit dies hard

‚ Still waters run deep

ƒ Look before you reap

„ Practice makes perfect

… Don't cry over spilt milk

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

29We are generally too busy trying to squeeze more and more activities into less and less time.

Consequently, we fail to enjoy potential sources of happiness that may be all around us. To

enjoy the richness that life has to offer, ___________________.

� we need to take our time

‚ we should maximize our opportunities

ƒ we have to deal with depression wisely

„ it is necessary to explore some creative ideas

… it is important to embrace even negative emotions

30This multitracking ability is frustrating for a man, as the male brain is monotracked and can

handle only one subject at a time. When a group of women are multitracking several subjects,

men can ______________________________.

� be very bored

‚ be the leader of them

ƒ become partners with them

„ become completely confused

… be involved in their conversation

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

31We had hired a young woman named Carol who worked hard and had considerable potential,

but never seemed to find her right place. We tried her in several reporting roles, and then

one day I asked her to handle a couple of photography assignments. The work she produced

was outstanding, so we asked her to do more. Soon we all knew this was it for her: Carol

had found her right place, as staff photographer. From that moment, she flourished. This

experience taught me that a good manager is one that can _____________________________.

� recognize what someone does best

‚ make sure the company earns a profit

ƒ cast vision and continually renew an organization

„ develop good human relationships with employees

… serve as an effective ambassador for the organization

32However, although misinformation is commonly distressing and harmful, truth

______________________. It can happen that one is distressed by information generally

accepted as correct, as when learning that there is not a single "real" Santa Claus.

� always brings us profit

‚ is different from benefit

ƒ is the absolute concept

„ makes us understand others

… provides a path for self-understanding

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

33This is why manufacturers ________________. Any substance or equipment can be dangerous,

or fatal, if used without appropriate caution.

� are eager to produce eco-friendly products

‚ provide a long-term warranty for their products

ƒ add strict guidelines and warnings to their products

„ continue to improve on the designs of their products

… have research teams to come up with new innovations

34Whatever such climatic imperatives may be, humankind has generally had to develop ways of

coping with them while being able to _______________. In a world where transport is easily

come by, it can be difficult to appreciate that at one time a family building a house had little

choice but to use the stone found within a few miles, or the bricks made from local clay.

� select the best site

‚ follow their tradition

ƒ cooperate with others

„ use the local materials

… manufacture synthetic products

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

35Before medical science could measure human brain waves, it was indeed possible to be

considered dead and buried alive. The practice of digging up old coffins to reuse grave plots

produced a startling discovery. One out of every 50 coffins had scratch marks on the inside,

leading people to believe that the occupants had been buried alive. How could this have

happened? One problem at that time was that pewter cups and plates contained too much

lead. If a food or beverage had a high acid content, this would cause the lead to leach out

from the pewter. Ingesting lead caused a state that _________________________.

� most believed to be curable

‚ led to an acute stomachache

ƒ doctors then had never seen

„ was often mistaken for death

… was never considered serious

36She asked people to do a number of simple tasks such as taking up counters or placing toys

in the box, but sometimes she interrupted them so that they couldn't finish some of the

tasks. At the end of the experiment, the participants were told to describe all of the tasks. As

with her observations of waiters, she found that ________________ and so were far easier to


� finished tasks left vivid marks

‚ the tasks of others seemed easier

ƒ simple tasks were handled more quickly

„ uncompleted tasks stuck in people's minds

… difficult tasks required more time to complete

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

37Evidence from two different continents indicates that __________________. In Australia,

scientists have dug up bone and eggshell fossils that indicate a massive die-off of large

animals about 46,000 years ago. This extinction occurred after humans arrived on that

continent about 52,000 years ago. These time frames suggest that people may have been

responsible for the animals' disappearance.

� these animals may have lived in Australia

‚ there may have been extreme changes of weather

ƒ humans may have hunted these animals to extinction

„ these animals may have been products of imagination

… humans may have considered these animals as sacred

38But the researchers found that _____________________. Apparently, the real difference lies in

the mindset of the referees. The umpires don't like to get booed. So even if they are not

aware of it, they call fewer fouls on home teams in crucial situations.

� biased judgment gives home teams some advantages

‚ visiting teams lose more games due to long trips

ƒ home team players perform better than average

„ the size of home fans has no effect on the referees

… all sports do not have an advantage when playing at home

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

39For some people with BDD, grooming rituals are especially problematic when

______________________. This is because it's so difficult to cart their beauty products with

them or fully enact their grooming routine in that situation. Some of them describe the

embarrassment they'd feel spending hours at a time in someone else's bathroom.

� their family don't pay attention

‚ dealing with their own children

ƒ staying at other people's homes

„ they are confident of their looks

… they are done with their work

40And since perfect beauty is not possible, it's quite reasonable for every one of us to feel

terrified that our ugliness might be noticed and used against us. This is why beautiful

actresses and models tell interviewers that they ____________________.

� are terrible at lying

‚ are insecure about their appearance

ƒ are sick and tired of ridiculous questions

„ don't want to be role models for children

… don't spend much money on their stage costumes

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

41In regions where frequent frosts occur, the destructive action of water works constant

changes in the appearance of the land; small cracks and crevices are enlarged, massive rocks

are pried up out of position, huge slabs are split off, and particles large and small are forced

from the parent rock. The greater part of the debris and rubbish brought down from the

mountain slopes by the spring rains owes its origin to the fact that


� water expands when it freezes

‚ frosts begin to fall a lot earlier

ƒ rocks are made of small mineral grains

„ water is absorbed fast by the land

… rocks are easily recognized by its texture

42They had a standard way of expressing numbers as well as a method that was not so

standard: Since they associated some of their deities with certain numbers, the symbols of

these deities with certain numbers, the symbols of these deities came to represent numbers.

Those who study Maya hieroglyphs soon realize that ____________________________.

� the Mayan number system is very similar to ours

‚ the culture of the Maya was rich in the arts

ƒ the knowledge of the Mayan number system is necessary

„ the Maya had one of the most complex writing systems

… the Mayan writing system consisted of dots and lines

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

43Mathematical progress is supposed to occur not through decades of experience and toil but all

at once, in a numinous blaze, to a ___________ man. We may consider, for example, the

career of a man who was certainly one of the world's three greatest mathematicians. Newton

gave up mathematics at fifty, and had lost his enthusiasm long before. He had recognized by

the time that he was forty that his greate creative days were over.

� young

‚ diligent

ƒ talented

„ passionate

… professional

44"_______________________________," said study team leader Govindasamy Bala of Lawrence

Livermore National Laboratory in California. Forests affect the climate in three different ways:

by absorbing carbon dioxide to help cool the planet; by evaporating water that forms clouds,

also helping to keep the planet cooler; and by absorbing sunlight with their dark leaves, which

warms the Earth.

� Tropical trees are cleared to satisfy our needs

‚ Tropical forests are destroyed by global warming

ƒ There are so many species of trees in tropical forests

„ Tropical trees are better at combating global warming

… Various animals and plants are living in tropical forests

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

45The athlete is ____________. All athletes do it: divers, runners, jumpers, javelin throwers,

lugers, swimmers, skaters, acrobats. They form a picture of their magic before performing it.

� finalizing

‚ visualizing

ƒ science-based

„ ill-advised

… complaining

46Dr. Elaine Smith has written a paper about modern sickness and disease. Of course AIDS and

SARS are part of the problems of 21st century, but CPT has been particularly so in some

countries, where ____________________. From the very beginning, we humans have used our

opposable thumbs for various things. From grasping tools to hitchhiking, the thumb defines us

and makes us human. Over the years we have found new uses for the thumb, and this high

tech age is no exception. The thumb is the preferred tool of 21st century communication.

� computer users experience wrist pain

‚ playing computer games is most popular

ƒ people spend few hours making phone calls

„ people feel lost without carrying their phone

… cell phones are the main tools for communication

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

47The idea of __________________ can be traced back to the early 19th century. Jeremy

Bentham, an English philosopher, created plans for something he called the Panopticon, a

structure designed to efficiently facilitate the control of a large population of prisoners. The

Panopticon was a ring-shaped building with a tower in the center. A small number of guards

in the tower would have the ability to watch a large number of prisoners in their cells, but

the prisoners would not be able to see the guards.

� uprooting anti-social crimes

‚ persuading the prisoners to follow the rules

ƒ freeing prisoners from violent imprisonment

„ keeping order through constant observation

… building a secure structure that helps residents

48At his company, Scudamore created a corporate culture that _________________. All employees

know that a central part of their job is to work through conflict comfortably and successfully.

This helps ensure that the best ideas and choices are not repressed, but fully come forward

for consideration.

� fosters tolerance

‚ values confrontation

ƒ encourages job ethics

„ avoids potential conflicts

… emphasizes cost efficiency

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

49Exactly what is changing as you move upward and downward in the elevator? It is not your

mass but your speed and direction that are changing. So the changes in your weight shown

on the scale are actually ____________________________.

� a result of terrestrail gravity

‚ all about how you feel about yourself

ƒ dependent on the weight of an elevator

„ a measure of changes in your acceleration

… a problem of where your weight is identified

50 By posing the question as either-or, we reinforce a false assumption that

______________________. It prevents us from exploring the interaction of two factors and

understanding their interrelationship.

� there are only two sexes in nature

‚ gender identity is fixed in early childhood

ƒ biological and cultural factors are separable

„ women enjoy equal rights with men in society

… sex is a biological category and gender a social one

51Medical researchers are discovering that ___________________. The person who both smokes

and drinks heavily may be at greater risk of becoming ill than one who "drinks like a fish"

but never smokes, or one who "smokes like a chimney" but never drinks.

� alcohol and tobacco do not mix

‚ heavy drinking can cause brain damage

ƒ bad habits don't go away by themselves

„ smoking contributes to a number of cancers

… alcohol and tobacco are the most dangerous drugs

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

52Indeed, there are countless local business employing people from the community, providing a

sustainable living, and helping to relocalize an economy that has become increasingly

globalized and environmentally destructive. The benefits of ____________________ have been

well documented and can include providing a more stable source of jobs and income, a

reduction in use of fuel for transportation, businesses more willing to adapt to stricter

environmental regulations, and a larger percentage of profits circulating within the community

instead of being concentrated in the hands of far-off investors.

� encouraging higher education

‚ making free trade agreements

ƒ developing alternative energy

„ localizing economic activity

… trying to conserve the nature

53Performers thought that if the citizens of a typical U.S. town such as Peoria, Illinois, liked

their show, it would probably be popular across the country. This "Peoria test" is still applied

to the people of the state of Illinois. Illinoisans' likes and dislikes seem to ________________.

Perhaps this is true because of Illinois' central location; it is a crossroad between east and

west, north and south. Or perhaps it is because Illinoisans come from such different

backgrounds and follow such a wide variety of lifestyles.

� lead to the birth of a new art from

‚ be influenced by its neighboring areas

ƒ mirror those of people across the country

„ result from their particular taste for art

… be unrelated to its geographical peculiarity

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

54In a supermarket, for example, the meats, dairy products, and produce have the greatest

demand are placed at the perimeters so shoppers will need to pass other products to get to

them. Management knows that many customers come in looking for these products, and the

goal is to make the customers walk past the non-sale or non-staple merchandise first. When

_____________________, it is likely that you will sell as many products as possible.

� your salesclerks are willing to do their best

‚ your window displays attract customers' attention

ƒ you create a unique environment in your store

„ you maximize customer exposure to merchandise

… customers have no difficulty finding parking spaces

55Jokes are an enormously effective means of expressing a __________. The most impressive

feature of comedy is that it's a lesson while it may only seem to entertain. Talented comics

never deliver sermons forcefully; instead, they send a message to their audience through

laughter and enjoyment. Furthermore, the apparent innocence of jokes enables comics to

safely convey messages that might be dangerous or impossible to state directly.

� criticism

‚ friendship

ƒ conscience

„ prejudice

… sympathy

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

56In general, businesses hate regulations. George Stigler, a U.S. economist, however, has added

another possible answer: Businesses want regulations because it protects them from

_____________. How does this work? Consider a state's Board of Barbers. The board insists

on certain rules and standards. For example, all barbers are required to sterilize their combs

and reject any customers who look like dogs. The board's intervention may slightly bother

some barbers, but they may persuade the board to adopt other rules that benefit them in the

end, especially by restricting entry.

� claims made by customers

‚ excessive debt payment burdens

ƒ the risks of dynamic competition

„ lagging behind business fashion trends

… the highly commercialized environment

57In short, ___________. To be effective, the mission statement has to come from everyone in

the organization. He or she should all take part in a meaningful way - not just the top

executives, but everyone.

� an organizational goal that is clearly defined is important

‚ success depends more on capacity than on attitude

ƒ a mission statement creates powerful leadership

„ without involvement, there is no commitment

… a vocal minority always beats a silent majority

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by hatnim

58University of Minnesota economist Joel Waldfogel, author of Scroogenomics, finds that

Americans spend about $65 billion on winter holiday presents every year and that many of

those billions are simply wasted because a lot of people don't much like what they get.

Typically the value of a gift, to the recipient, is __________________.

� higher than the giver's efforts

‚ much lower than its original cost

ƒ almost proportional to its market price

„ measured by the intention to buy the present

… recognized differently according to the situation

59But critics say that the freer trade, especially in agricultural products, has worked to

_____________________. Imports of cheap sugar from Britain undercut the prices Kenyan sugar

farmers need to survive, so they are becoming poorer and having to grow other crops. One

Kenyan official says that the liberalization of trade has been a disaster for many in Kenya.

"Globalization is a curse to many sectors, especially agriculture, in this country," he says.

� modernize the African countries

‚ keep the global wealth from spreading

ƒ simplify the traditional crops Africans grow

„ greatly decrease genetic diversities of food crops

… threaten the livelihoods of millions of African farmers

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

60The brain is especially sensitive to perceptual features such as lines, shapes, edges, spots, and

colors. At least some of this sensitivity appears to be ____________. Colin Blake and Graham

Cooper raised kittens in a room with only vertical stripes on the walls. Another set of kittens

saw only horizontal stripes. When returned to normal environments, the "horizontal" cats could

easily jump onto a chair, but when walking the floor, they bumped into their chair legs.

� fixed

‚ learned

ƒ useful

„ regular

… reduced

61Just make sure to back each one with a concrete picture. The reader will understand without

your ever having to discuss the nature of life. Always remember an old adage in writing:


� Don't tell, but show

‚ Write what you know

ƒ Keep your feelings under control

„ Avoid detailed descriptions of characters

… Leave out the part that readers tend to skip

빈칸매직 108

by hatnim

62The fickle finger of fate pops randomly from possible outcome to possible outcome, and the

probability of it appearing at any outcome is the probability associated with each outcome.

There is no momentum. This truth is often summarized as "___________________________."

� the dice have no memory

‚ nothing in life is a gamble

ƒ probability is the guide of life

„ luck is believing you're lucky

… the truth has no room to grow

63Like Randy's refusal to play the game, an apparent disinterest in competition covers the

feeling that competition is dangerous. Randy hates to lose because not winning means he has

failed, and failing means he is worthless. He can't lose because _______________.

� he never looks before he leaps

‚ he never really enters the race

ƒ he tries until he achieves something

„ he will make up for his failure anyhow

… he has analyzed his opponents thoroughly

64The law eventually gravitates to the least demanding course of action. In the economy of

action, effort is a cost, and the acquisition of skill is driven by the balance of benefits and

costs. _____________ is built deep into our nature.

� Laziness

‚ Creativity

ƒ Patience

„ Compassion

… Cooperation

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65The real entrance is down near the bottom of the nest and is well camouflaged. There the

eggs remain safe from unwanted guests. In addition to building a secret entrance, the baya

weaver birds hand their nest from a thin branch. That keeps some of the snakes away

because they can't crawl out to the nest. The baya weaver birds are very __________.

� smart

‚ greedy

ƒ lucky

„ flexible

… cruel

66Animals, including people, fight harder to ____________. In the world of territorial animals, this

principle explains the success of defenders.

� prove they are happier than others

‚ prevent losses than to achieve gains

ƒ win recognition than equal treatment

„ survive in the face of economic change

… understand what's happening around them

67The students believed that the results of the studies were obvious when they were told what

the experimenter found, but when they were given only the information that was available

before the outcome was known - it was not obvious at all. This bias is also called the

"____________________" effect.

� it doesn't make sense

‚ I knew it all along

ƒ knowledge is power

„ I wish I had their luck

… great minds think alike

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68Worse than that, we use it all the time when we're teaching, leading students to believe that

a phenomenon named is a phenomenon known, and that to know the name is to know the

phenomenon. It's what I and others have called the nominal fallacy. In biology especially, we

have labels for everything - molecules, anatomical parts, physiological functions, organisms,

hypotheses. The nominal fallacy is the error of believing that _____________________.

� science is not for only scientists

‚ all scientific phenomena have utility

ƒ the label carries explanatory information

„ mistakes cannot be avoided in science

… there is something beyond explanation

69Then, suddenly, old-fashioned frugality was out of style. What happened? The answer is that

the consumer society got born. Growing production and high employment were the aims, and

high and growing consumption was indispensable to the formula. In the late 1950s, somebody

asked President Eisenhower what citizens could do to help the situation. His short reply:


� Don't waste

‚ Buy anything

ƒ Do it yourself

„ Recycle things

… Accept reality

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70It is inaccurate, he said, to analyze psychological events in pieces, or "elements." Accordingly,

Gestalt psychologists argue that perception of stimuli goes beyond the mere piecing together

of the individual elements that we sense. Their slogan was, "_______________________."

� It is not the strongest that survive and thrive

‚ The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

ƒ Cooperation and competition are not opposites

„ The hidden part is better than the obvious

… The only constant is change, continuing change

71If you fall and hurt your knee, rubbing it hard will send new impulses into the spinal cord -

and inhibit other pain signals. That's one reason it often helps to put ice on a bruise or to

scratch the skin near a mosquito bite. For chronic pain, such interventions as deep massage,

electrical stimulation, and acupuncture may provide temporary relief in the same way. It

seems paradoxical, but as the theory correctly suggests, you can ease the pain by


� causing additional pain

‚ ignoring th root cause

ƒ starting thinking of pain

„ thinking of the sad times

… moving the sore muscles

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72When it came to buying wine, they had about a dozen options. What I got wasn't very good,

but I didn't expect to be able to get something very good, and so I was satisfied with what I

got. If instead I'd been shopping in a store that offered hundreds, even thousands of options,

my expectations would have been a good deal higher. Had I ended up choosing a bottle of

wine of the same quality as the one that satisfied me in Oregon, I'd have


� asked for a discount

‚ been seriously blamed

ƒ recommended it strongly

„ been sorely disappointed

… started my own business

73Humans are not a normal part of the shark's diet, and so we do not command particular

attention. Actually, sharks are more attracted to vibrations and movement in the water near

the surface where disabled or dying fish might be located. Perhaps this accounts for the

many shark attacks on humans. ____________________________.

� Sharks are changing their diet

‚ It may be a case of mistaken identity

ƒ Maybe they were swimming too deep

„ They died of fear, not of exhaustion

… Sharks are excited by the smell of fish blood

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74The chemical fertilizer industry (along with the industry for pesticides, which are based on the

poison gases developed for war) is the result of the government's effort to _______________.

As the Indian farmer activist Vandana Shiva says in her speeches, "We're still eating the

leftovers of World War II."

� analyze the defect of chemical fertilizers

‚ decrease the amount of chemical fertilizers

ƒ restore citizens' mental deterioration by war

„ correct the corruption of the chemical industry

… convert its war equipment to serve peacetime purposes

75Fortunately, there's a solution: _____________. In studies of pain tolerance, researchers have

found that people can best manage the effects of intense physical discomfort - and exhibit

less activation in pain-responsive areas of the brain - by focusing their attention on

something else, preferably something pleasant like a picture, music, film, odor, or even just a

mental image of a familiar place.

� negation

‚ flexibility

ƒ curiosity

„ patience

… distraction

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76The commercial viability of a product on this model is that it is _____________. If you can

convince people that the products of technology can, with impunity, be gotten rid of, then you

have already convinced them that the products of technology can, with impunity, be bought

again. The truth, however, is that it can do neither. Nature is neither an infinite well nor an

infinite drain.

� negotiable

‚ reasonable

ƒ disposable

„ predictable

… measurable

77Even if the government temporarily delivers people from poverty, those who are not willing to

earn a living for themselves to escape poverty will soon be back in poverty, looking for

someone to bail them out again. Give-away programs, unless they are carefully administered,

will _________________ among the poor people.

� create a sense of ownership

‚ give an inspiration to try again

ƒ establish government dependency

„ make a sea of financial uncertainty

… provide a chance to ear their way

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78At the next stage, these numerous stimulus "pieces" are reconstructed into a neural

representation that is then compared with previously stored information, such as our

knowledge of what particular objects look, smell, or feel like. This matching of a new stimulus

with our internal storehouse of knowledge allows us to recognize the stimulus and give it

meaning. We then ________________________.

� perceive objects in the visual field

‚ consciously experience a perception

ƒ often suffer from information overload

„ gather sensory information for the brain

… look for a specific stimulus unconsciously

79_____________________________________. Experts who acknowledge the full extent of their

ignorance may expect to be replaced by more confident competitors, who are expect to be

replaced by more confident competitors, who are better able to gain the trust of clients. An

unbiased appreciation of uncertainty is a cornerstone of rationality, but it is not what people

and organizations want.

� Adversity is the first path to truth

‚ Confidence is valued over uncertainty

ƒ Sympathy is the first condition of criticism

„ Inaccuracy is the twin brother of dishonesty

… Imagination is more important than knowledge

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80You can gain motivation by thinking instead about the negative consequences for continuing to

choose to smoke. That is, you might be more ___________ when your child appeals to you to

stop because he or she doesn't want you to die.

� flexible

‚ reliable

ƒ relaxed

„ grateful

… determined

81"What does she need?" is a very different question from "What would I need if I were in her

position?" ______________ requires that we not confuse the two questions and that we be able

to answer the first one.

� Genuine empathy

‚ Physical maturity

ƒ Linguistic ability

„ Rational curiosity

… Extraordinary talent

82Neuro-linguistic programming is the practice of unpacking human behavior into communicable

sequences and then repacking them so that they can _____________. It brings subconscious

processes into conscious awareness so they can be building blocks for new behaviors.

� be forgotten easily

‚ stick to one skill

ƒ be stopped suddenly

„ be used elsewhere

… remove the old habit

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83One of his observations was that in order for the growing embryo to fit properly in the egg,

the neck is bent over the chest in such a way that the head rests on the chest just where

the developing heart is encased. As the heart begins beating, the head of the chicken is

moved up and down in a manner that precisely mimics the movement that will be used later

for pecking the ground. Thus the "innate" pecking behavior that the chicken appears to know

miraculously upon birth ______________________.

� has to do with its gender

‚ has been practiced within the egg

ƒ shows they are obviously suffering

„ helps it find its mother and mate easily

… is soon replaced by more complex ones

84It is possible to find examples where governments have ________________. In 1982, Chile's

government sponsored an effort to learn more about salmon farming and attract the best

international companies to Chilean waters; over the next twenty-five years, Chile's salmon

industry grew tenfold - with domestic firms also growing strongly - and it became the world's

largest salmon exporter except Norway.

� prevented wasting of the welfare money

‚ made successful attempts to steer the economy

ƒ adopted an environmentally responsible approach

„ been able to balance their budgets with various strategies

… introduced laws to improve working conditions for workers

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85Driving a car, however, is one of those common but dangerous processes where human

beings habitually think lightly of the chance of something bad happening. Accordingly, some

are disinclined to obtain car insurance (perhaps not surprising, when the considerable majority

of people rate themselves as better-than-average drivers). When a state government requires

its citizens to buy car insurance, it does so because it figures rightly that


� car insurance companies do not play their roles

‚ the number of car accidents decreases gradually

ƒ it is possible to estimate exact car accident rates

„ many drivers are literally asleep behind the wheel

… people are underestimating the odds of an accident

86According to moral relativism, there is only goodness or badness within a ________________

context. That means there can never be an act that is good or bad in all situations.

� specified

‚ general

ƒ historical

„ meaningful

… theoretical

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87If a doctor is dressed like a rock singer with a leather jacket and ripped jeans, he or she will

damage his or her authority and trust as a doctor. What you wear speaks volumes about you.

Remember wearing appropriate clothing adds to your __________________.

� credibility

‚ creativity

ƒ adaptability

„ self-esteem

… self-satisfaction

88This ____________ is carried to an extreme in honeybee communities. The queen honeybee

alone lays the eggs. The male honeybees have no other duty than to fertilize the queen

honeybee. All other duties are performed by the female worker honeybees. Some of them

build the combs, others guard the hive, and still others collect honey.

� division of labor

‚ imitation of value

ƒ system of barter

„ pattern of resistance

… principle of competition

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89Even though both hands are in the same bucket, the hand that has been in the cold water

feels as if it is now in hot water, while the one that has been in the hot water feels as if it

is now in cold water. The point is that the same thing - in this instance, room-temperature

water - can be made to seem very different depending on ___________________.

� the strength scale used for analysis

‚ the type or category of behavior

ƒ the subject's imaginative thinking

„ the way of using the same test results

… the nature of the event that precedes it

90Specifically, crude and impractical ideas can be refined by modifying them in ways that retain

their advantages and eliminate their disadvantages. Or useful concepts can be drawn from

impractical ideas and combined with other, more promising ideas. If you're a person who

always criticizes imperfect ideas, then you should learn a lesson from gold producers. They

say that _________________________________.

� approximately 2,500 tons of gold are mined each year

‚ only 25 grams of gold is extracted from 13 tons of rock

ƒ the cost of getting gold out of the ground tends to go down

„ gold is distributed more widely in the world than silver

… gold exploration techniques are becoming more advanced

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91Interestingly, according to an experiment, people who have international experience

___________________. In a test, participants were asked to complete a creativity test called the

RAT (Remote Associates Task). They were shown three words and asked to come up with a

word that is associated with all of them. For example, for "manners," "round," and "tennis,"

they'd need to come up with "table": table manners, round table, and table tennis. The

participants who recalled an experience of traveling abroad just before doing the RAT

answered more questions correctly.

� make irrational decisions based on rational decisions

‚ are better problem solvers with more creativity

ƒ draw different conclusions from the same information

„ remember their choices as better than they actually were

… report uninterrupted tasks better than completed ones

92The advantage is that sketchbook travelers _______________. They are forced to look with

different eyes. Let's take the famous lone cypress tree overlooking Pebble Beach near Carmel,

California, as an example.

� develop fantastic drawing skills

‚ deeply see the places they visit

ƒ travel faster than camera carriers

„ understand the theory of evolution

… have more pictures of the scenery

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93Marienthal's citizens not only lost their work, but they lost their ____________. Clearly, they

had no free time because they had no constrained time. The researchers summed up the

problem this way: "The trouble with unemployment is that you never get a day off."

� interest in history

‚ ability to enjoy leisure

ƒ willingness to help others

„ means to get justice done

… opportunities to learn more skills

94What's interesting about animals being afraid is that _________________. A fearful prey animal

like a deer ought to just get out of there whenever it sees something strange and different

that it doesn't understand. But that's not what happens. The more fearful the animal, the

more likely he is to investigate.

� fear seems to be related with intelligence

‚ prior experience helps avoid danger later in life

ƒ their fear is directly connected to their survival

„ fear is the strongest drive to make them migrate

… the most fearful animals are also the most curious

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95_____________ seems particularly helpful in preventing negative emotions from escalating over

time and interfering with future successes and general happiness in life. This was illustrated

in a study by Dr. Pennebaker and his colleagues of fifty men who were suddenly downsized

out of jobs. The researchers had twenty-five men write down their "deepest thoughts and

feelings about being laid off", for thirty minutes each day for a week. The other twenty-five

(control group) were not asked to write down anything.

� Self-defense

‚ Self-denial

ƒ Self-disclosure

„ Self-image

… Self-confidence

96Marcel Proust continued to correct proofs for Remembrance of Things Past on his deathbed.

Henry James rewrote some of his novels long after they were published, and Oscar Wilde

once proclaimed that he spent all morning adding a comma and all afternoon deleting it.

These stories illustrate that writing is ____________.

� a skill, not a talent

‚ a talent, not a skill

ƒ a skill, not a practice

„ a product, not a process

… a process, not a product

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97An unrealistically poor self-concept can arise from ___________________. Perhaps you are in

an environment where you receive an excessive number of downer messages, many of which

are undeserved, and a minimum of upper messages. We've known many housewives, for

example, who have returned to college after many years spent in homemaking, where they

received virtually no recognition for their intellectual strengths.

� a person's poor intelligence

‚ the wrong feedback of others

ƒ a person's career field of interest

„ a person's past experience of failure

… the parents' failure to keep their words

98Shy people are so aware of their actions and defects that they believe others are focused on

them and little else. The reality of social life is quite different and most of us would be

relieved to know that few in the crowd care what we do or think.


� Most people seem to avoid their deepest truths

‚ The spotlight does not shine as brightly as we think

ƒ Our internal feelings can easily be displayed to others

„ Shy people are likely to feel ashamed or embarrassed

… Self-consciousness seems to enhance awareness of self

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99The point is that, in learning, a plateau ____________________. The instructor should prepare

the student for this situation to avoid discouragement. If the student is aware of this learning

plateau, frustration may be minimized.

� could be expected after a rapid improvement

‚ shows how effective the teaching methods are

ƒ is the crucial period in which personality forms

„ would increase the possibility of the student not giving up

… could be an indicator for a student's potential development

100They are very aware of the internal pressures against changing our minds and take full

advantage. When a charity phone caller asks "How are you feeling tonight?" nine times out of

ten we give a positive response. Then when the caller asks us to give a donation to the

unfortunate victims of some disaster or disease, we can't very well suddenly turn mean and

grumpy and refuse others who are in a bad situation. To _____________, we feel compelled to

offer a donation.

� show off

‚ feel selfless

ƒ be consistent

„ reduce stress

… avoid regrets

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101You might consider the person who helped a friend on an exam dishonest because he was

cheating, or helpful because he supported his friend. Similarly, someone who claimed that he

was successful on every new project could be perceived as arrogant or self-confident. These

examples illustrate that the same stimulus input may result in ____________________.

� responses which rarely meet the situation

‚ emotional stress, confusion, and discomfort

ƒ more information than you actually wanted

„ different interpretations of a given situation

… the negative social consequences that exist

102He now consults with these organizations in a great effort to __________________. According

to him, employees using "standing desks" - desks designed so that individuals can slowly walk

on a treadmill while working at a chest-high work surface - are not only healthier, but also

make better decisions, remember more, and show higher productivity.

� solve their inner conflict

‚ reduce their operating expenses

ƒ follow the rules of crisis management

„ reintroduce movement into daily routine

… maintain cooperative relationships among members

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103The researchers suggested that the dreams did the same work that practicing the game did,

neurologically speaking. In both cases repeating the skill established pathways in the brain for

playing Tetris well. If these scientists are correct, sleeping may be a way for the brain to get

better at what it does when it is awake. Dreaming may be ____________________.

� a practice for real life

‚ a means of foretelling the future

ƒ a setting of returning to the past

„ a theater showing your true feelings

… a way of recovering from mental shock

104All of our behavior can be traced to biological events about which we have no conscious

knowledge: this has always suggested that __________________. For instance, the physiologist

Benjamin Libet demonstrated that activity in the brain's motor regions can be detected some

350 milliseconds before a person feels that he has decided to move. Another lab recently

used fMRI data to show that some "conscious" decisions can be predicted up to 10 seconds

before they enter awareness.

� we are not selfish

‚ actions breed actions

ƒ free will is an illusion

„ we tend to be indecisive

… knowledge knows no limit

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105He had previously been happy with his income, but hearing of his friends' yachts and vacation

homes, he suddenly felt very poor. So he took another route with his career - the route of

Wall street. By the time he arrived at his twentieth class reunion, he was making 10 times

what most of his peers were making in medicine. He had given up his dream for a Wall

Street salary, for a chance to stop feeling "poor". Because of this deplorable trend, it is no

wonder that family practice physicians _____________________.

� are in short supply

‚ make mistakes in treatment

ƒ fulfill their responsibilities

„ lack formal business training

… remain optimistic about their future

106For example, two of my friends adopted a child from China. They went to China with 12 other

couples. When they reached the orphanage, the director took each of the couples separately

into a room and presented them with a daughter. When the couples met again the following

morning, they all commented on the director's wisdom: Somehow she knew exactly which little

girl to give to each couple. The matches were perfect. My friends felt the same way, but they

also realized that the matches had been random. What made each match seem perfect was

not the Chinese woman's talent, but nature's ability to __________________.

� make us sensitive to what is happening around us

‚ make us instantly attached to what we already have

ƒ create structure in response to environmental stimuli

„ provide goods and services essential for our well-being

… make us imitate the actions of other humans close to us

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107Any event that has a negative outcome but allows for a different and easily imagined outcome

is vulnerable to counterfactual thinking, an imagined scenario that ______________. As another

example, imagine that you took a new route home from school one day because you were

tired of the same old route. As you drive this unfamiliar route, you are involved in an

accident. It is likely that you will think, "If only I had stuck to my usual route, none of this

would have occurred!"

� evokes certain kinds of reactions

‚ helps us understand the world as it is

ƒ can lead to unwanted positive effects

„ runs opposite to what really happened

… is based on real characters and situations

108Tiger Woods once said, "I do not seek perfection, because it is unattainable. All I strive for is

professional excellence." Human resource research has shown that only 25% of hiring

decisions work well; an equal percentage prove to be total failures. In deal-making the same

percentages apply. Business comes, but so often business goes. As a wise man once said,

"Anyone can cope with prosperity. ________________, on the other hand, impresses people -

for life."

� Holding on to perfection

‚ Listening to the inner-self

ƒ Handling adversity with grace

„ Sharing prosperity with others

… Following in one's idol's footstep

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