CA REZONATOR ȘI GENERATOR DE INFORMAȚIE™tiința.pdfOmul nu poate fi înțeles ca o persoana...


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Ce este OMUL ?

Omul nu poate fi înțeles ca o persoana detașată din societate; el este un produs al eredității, care conține concentrată istoria biologică a sa, dar este tot pe atâta și produs al societății din care face parte.

Singur omul a ajuns la conștiința actelor sale, pe care le poate dirija voluntar, în urma unei

decizii reflectate.

Grigore T. Popa. Reforma Spiritului. 2002

Omul este o parte a întregului. Valoarea sa depinde de rezolvarea individuală a trei probleme: atitudinea față de semeni, profesiunea, dragostea. Toate trei, legate între ele prin singura unitate de măsură a unui om: reacția sa emoțională în fața problemelor inexorabile ale umanității.

Sensul Vieții. Alfred Adler.2010


Evolutia istorico-socială a Omului

1km=100 000 ani; 100m=10000; 10m=1000; 1m=100 ani

100 000 ani0

0-600m – mediu strict natural

600-700m-arme,unelte din piatră, desene rupestre

800-900m- culegători, vânători, agricultura Tpl.Gobekli Tepe700-800m- artefacte estetice, urme locuire

900-950m- Cultura Hamangia, Cucuteni (5250-4500, 5200-3200 îH)950-1000- Cetatea Troia- 3000 î.H

Cetatea de la Sântana 1400 î.HMoneda tracică 500 îH Burebista, Decebal 82 î.H -106 d.HLeonardo da Vinci 1452- 1519 Mihai Viteazul 1558-1601G. Galilei, R Descartes 1564-1727Vehiculele dotate cu motoare cu ardere internă-1806ENIAC -1946

Până în prezent, marile realizări precum și multe dintre marile dezastre ale omenirii sunt, probabil, direct sau indirect, atribuite în mare măsură creierului uman. Este probabil ca viitoarele realizări și calamități să se facă în mare parte datorită activității umane care provine fie din strălucirea fie din slăbiciunea gândirii umane.

V. Ramachandran. Parradoxical Brain. Cambridge University Press 2011

Sensul Vieții. Alfred Adler.2010

…poate că niciodată mai mult ca astăzi nu a avut loc la noi, prin însăși forța împrejurărilor, un colaps catastrofal al sentimentului de comuniune socială, colaps tradus prin pusee de liberalism irațional anarhic, destructurant.

“Ne aflăm într-un tren a cărui viteză crește, gonind pe o linie presărată cu un număr necunoscut de macaze, care duc la destinații necunoscute. Pe locomotivă nu se află niciun om de știință, iar acarii s-ar putea sa fie demoni. Cea mai mare parte a societății se află în vagonul de bagaje și privește înapoi.”

Alvin Toffler. Șocul Viitorului. 1976

Our enormously productive economy demandsthat we make consumption our way of life, thatwe convert the buying and use of goods intorituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfactions,our ego satisfactions, in consumption..

Victor Lebow. Journal of Retailing, Spring 1955.

The measure of social status, of socialacceptance, of prestige, is now to be found in ourconsumptive patterns. The very meaning andsignificance of our lives today expressed inconsumptive terms.

“ Ne aflăm exact în acel moment când o eră de 400 de ani se zbate pe patul de moarte, iar o alta se străduieşte să ia naştere. O reorientare a culturii, a ştiinţei, a societăţii şi a instituţiilor, cu mult mai mare şi mai rapidă decât oricare alta prin care a trecut vreodată omenirea.”“ Din acest moment, există posibilitatea unei regenerări a individualităţii, a libertăţii, a comunităţii şi a eticii, aşa cum lumea nu a mai cunoscut înainte, şi o armonie cu natura, cu semenii şi cu inteligenţa divină, aşa cum lumea nu a mai văzut vreodată.”

D. W. Hock, citat în Sfârşitul banilor şi viitorul civilizaţiei.

Th. H. Greco Jr., Curtea Veche. 2011



The question ‘what is consciousness’ is the most challenging issue of the human brain yet to be resolved. It is true that efforts seeking the answers to questions about consciousness have mainly been considered in the field of philosophy until the 1990s

Messages from the Brain Connectivity Regarding Neural Correlates of Consciousness. Jin S H, Chung C K. Exp Neurobiol. 2012 ;21(3):113-122.

În martie 2020 PubMed prezintă 49 059 articole publicate având cuvântul

cheie ”consciousness. = 49059

The functions of the human brain are the last major challenge to science. Despite having made rapid strides in understanding the cosmos, subatomic particles, molecular biology, and genetics, we still know very little about the organ that made these discoveries possible. How does the activity of 100 billion nerve cells -mere wisps of protoplasm that constitute the brain-give rise to the broad spectrum of abilities that we call consciousness, mind, and human nature?Encyclopedia of the Human Brain. A P. 2001

Consciousness implies awareness: subjective, phenomenal experience of internal and external worlds.Consciouness also implies a sense of self, feelings, choice, control of voluntary behavior, memory, thought, language, and(e.g.when we close our eyes, or meditate)internally-generated images and geometric patterns.

Stuart Hameroff, Roger Penrose. Consciousness in the universe.A review of the‘Orch

OR’ theory. Physics of Life Reviews 2013

But what consciousness atually is remains unknown. Our views of reality, of the universe, of ourselves depend on consciousness. Consciousness defines our existence.

Conştiinţa –formă de existenţă a informaţiei fenomenologice cuprinsă în profunzimile lumii materiale: informateria şi lumatia care există şi fiinţează una prin alta, dincolo de nivelul cuatic, generând şi susţinând universul în toate dimensiunile sale fundamentale: materie, spaţiu,

timp, mişcare.

M. Drăgănescu. Medias Res. EA 2004

A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving.

A.Einstein. Ideas and Opinions. Crown Publishers, 1954.

•“How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for:

other people”

A.Einstein. Ideas and Opinions. Crown Publishers, 1954.

Proverbe 27:17 După cum fierul ascute fierul, tot astfel şi omul însuşi îl face mai ager pe semenul său.

It is not enough to teach man a specialty. Through it he may become a kind of useful machine but not a harmoniously developed personality. It is essential that the student acquire an understanding of and a lively feeling for values... Otherwise he-with his specialized knowledge-more closely resembles a well-trained dog than a harmoniously developed person.

A.Einstein. Ideas and Opinions. Crown Publishers, 1954.


For some of us, curiosity about some things may be short-lived and quickly satisfied. For others, it may become a sustaining passion on which whole lives and careers are spent. In any case, a lifelong sense of curiosity is one of the greatest gifts that schools can give their students.

Ken Robertson and Lou Aronica. Creative Schools. Viking Penguin. 2015

The resulting changes have often been minor, but sometimes they have been titanic, as in the quantum-relativistic revolution of the early decades of the 20th century.

From its inception, science has continually evolved because of a fundamental reason: the accumulation of empirical evidence that couldn'taccommodated by entrenched views.

Mario Beauregard et al. Manifesto for a Post-Materialist Science.

EXPLORE. 2014, Vol. 10, No. 5

Scientists should not be afraid to investigate spirituality and spiritual experiences since they represent a central aspect of human existence.

”...materialist theories fail to elucidate how brain could generate the mind, and they are unable to account for the empirical evidence alluded to in this manifesto”

Mario Beauregard et al.

Post-materialist science does not reject the empirical observations and great value of scientific achievements realized up until now.

It seeks to expand the human capacity to better understand the wonders of nature and,in the process,rediscover the importance of mind and spirit as being part of the core fabric of the universe

It fundamentally alters the vision we have ofour selves, giving us back our dignityand power, as humans and as scientists.

Mario Beauregard et al.


La început

era Cuvântul Biblia. Evanghelia dupa Ioan, Cap.1


It fromBit

J. A.d Wheeler

Informația este ceea ce dă structură în materie…


“Nu există materie ca atare. Tot ceea cenumim materie îşi are originea şi existădoar în virtutea unei forţe care face săvibreze particulele unui atom şi caremenţine integritatea acestui minusculsistem solar al atomului… Suntem obligaţisă presupunem că în spatele acestei forţeexistă o minte conştientă şi inteligentă.Această minte este matricea întregiimaterii.”

Max Planck

To-day there is a wide measure of agreement, which on the physical side of science approaches almost to unanimity:

the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine.

that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality;

Roger W. Sperry. Changing Priorities. Ann. Rev. Neurosci. 1981.4:1-16.

The swing in psychology and neuroscience away from materialism, reductionism, and mechanistic determinism toward a new, monist, mentalist paradigm restores to the scientific image of human nature the dignity, freedom, responsibi-lity, and other humanistic attributes of which it has long been deprived in the materialist-behaviorist approach.

Current concepts of the mind-brain relation involve a direct break with the long-established materialist and behaviorist doctrine that has dominated neuroscience for many decades.

In other words, the activation of neurons is the sole determinant of human consciousness.

“Bottom-up” is the perspective of Newtonian science - there is nothing governing conscious awareness beyond the physical, and whateverinspires, drives, repels, or prompts an individual can be found, explained, and quantified within that person’s physical body.

Marjorie Hines Woollacott. INFINITE AWARENESSThe Awakening of a Scientific MindForeword by Pim van Lommel. ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD. 2015

•“Top-down” is the perspective of mystics (a category that does include some quantum physicists)—there can be input into conscious

•awareness from a source beyond the body.

This input could be from the mind itself or from another person’s mind, or it could happen at a time when the body is not functioning.

Marjorie Hines Woollacott

•For Marjorie, these changes in the brain supported the idea that consciousness cannot be only a product of brain function but that,

on the contrary, consciousness (or mind) must also have an existence apart from the body and that conscious awareness also comes from a

source beyond the brain (the top-down perspective).

Marjorie Hines Woollacott

Top-down information refers to cognitive influences and higher-order mental functions such as attention, imagery, expectations, and learned visual associations. Because bottom-upprocessing cannot resolve all of the perplexing information we receive from our senses, the brain must engage top-down processing to resolve the remaining ambiguities

Eric R. Kandel. Reductionism in art and brain science. Columbia University Press. 2016

”Întreaga viaţă evoluează prin supraveţuirea diferenţială a entităţilor replicante”-replicatori. Oriunde există viaţă trebuie să existe replicatori (meme)

“Memele se propagă în bazinul de meme sărind din creier în creier prin intermediul unui proces care, în sens larg poate fi numit imitaţie”

Ele concurează … pentru resurse limitate: timp de creier sau lărgime de creier … mai ales pentru atenţie.

Sperry had taken conscious experience to be a nonreductive (it can’t be broken down into its parts), dynamic (it changes in response to neural activity), and emergent (it is more than the sum of the processes that produce it) property of brain activity, and said that it could not exist apart from the brain.

M. S. Ganzzanica The consciousnes instinct.Unraveling the mystery of how

the brain makes the mind. 2018

•My hope is that we will ultimately be able to understand perceptronium as yet another state of matter. Just as there are many types of liquids, there are many types of consciousness.

M. Tegmark. Solid. Liquid. Consciousness. New Scientist 29. 2014.

Prof. Phys. MIT. Author: Our Mathematical Univers

…we have to

recognize that we are spiritual beings with souls existing in a spiritual world as well as material beings with bodies and brains existing in a material world.


”We are thecitizens of thecomingNEUROWORLD, and ours are thebrains that are likely to bechanged.

Homo sapiens appears to be evolving into a new kind of species not seen before in organic evolution. This is HOMO HOLISTICUS, systems man, the first species in the earth’s history with a global reach, entailing global selective forces charting its evolutionary change.

Global change and human change: a prescription

for adaptive evolution from ecological network theory.B.C. Patten, International Journal of Ecodynamics. 2006

Consilience is science in the path-clearing traditions of Newton, Einstein, and Richard Feynman

The most beautiful and deepest experience a man can have is the sense of the mysterious. It is the underlying principle of religion as well as of all serious endeavour in art and science. He who never had this experience seems to me, if not dead, then at least blind


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Leon Zăgrean

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